HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-03-21-CPC-ATM-rpt-updates Town of Lexington Community Preservation Committee TO THE Report to 2016 Annual Town Meeting Article 8: Community Preservation Committee, Community Preservation Act Projects Submitted by: Marilyn Fenollosa, Chair Richard Wolk, Vice Chair Richard Canale Norman Cohen David Horton Jeanne Krieger Leo McSweeney Robert Pressman Sandra Shaw Elizabeth Lane, Administrative Assistant Approved March 31, 2016 Community Preservation Committee Annual Town Meeting 2016 Updates: s attention since the date of publication of the Community Preservation Committee Report to 2016 Annual Town Meeting. The recommended funding for Article 8(o), Grain Mill Alley Design Implementation, was reduced due to the revised scope of the proposed project. Due to the reduced amount being requested under Article 8(o) several tables and descriptions have been updated to reflect the adjusted amounts. The following pages of the CPC Report to 2016 Annual Town Meeting (approved March 17, 2016) have been replaced and are included in their entirety in this publication: Page 1- Summary of Recommended CPA Projects under Article 8 for Annual Town Meeting. Page 27- Article 8(o), Grain Mill Alley Design Implementation- Project Summary. Page 51- FY17 CPA Project Costs and Summary. Page 52- Summary of net balance available after 2016 Annual Town Meeting. 1 Community Preservation Committee Annual Town Meeting 2016 Summary of Recommended Community Preservation Act Projects under Article 8 for Annual Town Meeting FY 2017 The Community Preservation Committee (CPC) is recommending 15 projects to the 2016 Annual Town Meeting for funding under Article 8. Four projects fall within the area of Historic Preservation, two under Open Space, seven under Recreation and two under Community Housing. Described on pages 9 through 27 2016 Annual Town Meeting, each project was reviewed and evaluated by the CPC in light of its statutory eligibility and importance to the Town; all 15 received Town Counsel approval. All FY17 applications were discussed in public CPC meetings and were presented at the Town Meeting Members Association Information Session on March 16, 2016. The total cost of the 15 projects which the CPC is recommending to Annual Town Meeting is $1,297,368. The CPC is also recommending approval of Debt Service and Administrative Expenses to be paid from the Community Preservation Fund (CPF). There are four commitments for debt service, which include payments for the Wright Farm Acquisition, Community Center Acquisition, Cary Memorial Building Upgrades and Community Center Renovations. The approved Administrative Budget remains constant at $150,000. These Debt Service and Administrative costs total $3,439,721 and are detailed on pages 28 through 30 Report to 2016 Annual Town Meeting. 2 ARTICLE 8 (o) Project: Grain Mill Alley Design Implementation CPA Category: Open Space Amount Requested: $127,838 Amount Recommended: $127,838 CPC Vote: (7-0) Project Description: The improvement of Grain Mill Alley, an historic pathway located between 1761 and 1775 Massachusetts Avenue, is a public space project that has been embraced by the Center Committee for over 10 years. The 2013 and 2015 Annual Town Meetings approved CPA funds for the schematic design phase of the project. The initial FY17 CPA request was for further design and construction funds for the space, including the connecting alleyway which is owned by the abutting property owners. The request was subsequently revised to exclude funding for the Mass. Ave. and alleyway portions of the project due to the rejection of a proposed legal agreement by the abutting property owners and pending Center Streetscape improvements. The revised proposal, Phase I of the larger project, focuses solely on development of the space adjacent to the Minuteman Bikeway. An alternative transportation node is envisioned for this Town-owned space. The plans call for the installation of bike racks, fixed seating, a bike repair station, information kiosk, plantings and a raised pedestrian crossing to improve safety. The Town maintains an easement for use of the connecting alleyway so although undeveloped, the public can continue to access the pathway connecting the alternative transportation node to Mass. Ave. Project Goals and Objectives: Develop an alternative transportation node to provide quality pedestrian and bicycle conditions; Enhance bicycle accommodations for those utilizing the Minuteman Bikeway; Improve safety for Center users by slowing traffic and improving the ground surface; and Create a sense of place and community through the addition of new seating and trees. Project Benefit: The bikeway-to-alley connection is used year-round by over 300,000 users. It is a critical passage that connects people from the parking lot and bikeway to the retail corridor, channeling much-needed foot traffic to local businesses. This project will ensure an enjoyable Center experience resulting in increased business activity for Center merchants and serve as a catalyst for reinvestment in Lexington Center. Funding Request: The total project cost is $132,838. The CPC recommends $127,838 in FY17. A $5,000 balance from the FY16 design allocation will be used to supplement the FY17 funds. 3 FY17 CPA PROJECT COSTS AND SUMMARY ANNUAL TOWN MEETING- ARTICLE 8VOTEAMOUNT HISTORIC RESOURCES Art. 8(a)Munroe Tavern Archaeological DigI.P Art. 8(b)Munroe Center for the Arts Window Study9-0$30,000 Lexington Arts & Crafts Society Parsons Gallery Lighting Art. 8(c)Renovation 8-0$24,280 Art. 8(d)Visitors Center RenovationI.P Subtotal$54,280 COMMUNITY HOUSING Art. 8(e)Keeler Farm Community Housing Acquisition9-0$185,000 Art. 8(f)Greeley Village Rear Door and Porch Preservation 9-0$263,250 Subtotal$448,250 OPEN SPACE Art. 8(g)Wright Farm Barn Needs Assessment and Feasibility Study8-0-1$35,000 Art. 8(o)Grain Mill Alley Design Implementation 7-0$127,838 Subtotal$162,838 RECREATION Art. 8(h)Antony Park Construction Funds 5-4$60,000 Art. 8(i)Minuteman Bikeway Wayfinding Signs Implementation9-0$120,000 Art. 8(j)Town Pool Renovation Design and Engineering Costs9-0$166,000 Art. 8(k)Park Improvements- Hard Court Resurfacing9-0$61,000 Art. 8(l)Granite Forest Pocket Park Construction at Lincoln Park8-1$30,000 Art. 8(m) Park Improvements- Athletic Fields9-0$120,000 Art. 8(n)Park and Playground Improvements9-0$75,000 Subtotal$632,000 Total ATM Projects Art. 8 (a-o)$1,297,368 Art. 8(p)CPA Debt Service7-0$3,289,721 Art. 8(q)Administrative Budget9-0$150,000 Subtotal$3,439,721 TOTAL FY17 COSTS FOR ARTICLE 8 (a-q) $4,737,089 4 SUMMARY FINANCING SOURCES AVAILABLE CASH BALANCES $2,243,333 ESTIMATED FY17 REVENUE $5,386,000 TOTAL AVAILABLE FOR FY17 $7,629,333 FY17 COSTS (Annual Town Meeting) PROJECT COSTS TO BE TAKEN FROM CPF CASH $1,297,368 ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES AND DEBT SERVICE $3,439,721 TOTAL $4,737,089 NET BALANCE (AVAILABLE FOR FY18) $2,892,244 5