HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-03-08-CEC-min Minutes of the Lexington Capital Expenditures Committee (CEC) Meeting March 8, 2016 Location and Time: Town Office Building, Reed Room (111); 8:00 .. AM Members Present: Jill Hai, Chair; David Kanter, Vice-Chair & Clerk; Elizabeth Barnett; Rod Cole; Wendy Manz Members Absent: None Others Present: Jon Himmel, Chair, Permanent Building Committee; Sara Arnold, Recording Secretary Documents Presented: Notice of Public Meeting for CEC Meeting, Agenda, March 8, 2016 Draft #4 Capital Expenditures Committee Report to 2016 Annual Town Meeting (ATM) & 2016 Special Town Meeting (STM) 2016-3, to be released March 21, 2016 Draft Planning Department description for the CEC Report to the 2016 ATM & STM 2016-3, prepared by Ms. Manz Town's 5-Year Capital Plan (FY2017–FY2021) (including FY2017 Deferrals) with Comparable-Year Data from Last-Year's CEC 5-Year Capital Plan (FY2016-FY2020) Call to Order: Ms. Hai called the meeting to order at 7:32 .. AM CEC Report to the STM 2016-3 and 2016 ATM: Using the current draft of the report, there was a review of the text and this Committee’s votes on the Articles for which this Committee is taking a position. It was noted that the Planning material prepared and distributed by Ms. Manz would be incorporated into the report. Suggested changes/additions to the report’s text were identified. Additional comments regarding the STM 2016-3 were made as follows Article 2: Appropriate For Middle Schools—Additions and Remodeling: Because some of the requested funding will be contingent on a debt-exclusion referendum, there will be a contingency element in the Motion. Norman Cohen, Selectman, is preparing the wording for the Article; Pat Goddard, Public Facilities Director, is preparing the dollar amounts that will be used. Additional comments and/or changes in votes regarding the ATM Articles were made, as follows: Article 8: Appropriate the FY2017 Community Preservation Committee Operating Budget and Community Preservation Act (CPA) Projects (Multiple Categories): (o) Grain Mill Alley Design Implementation (Open Space):It was reported that neither the Police Chief nor the Fire Chief has safety concerns related to this project; John Livsey, Town Engineer, does not have concerns related to the coordination of this project with future projects that are expected to abut the Grain Mill Alley project’s two nodes. It was noted that the cost for the Massachusetts Avenue node, which does not incorporate a safety-related element, was only about $77,000 and the Streetscape project that could eventually abut this area would not be implemented for several more years, at the earliest. Ms. Barnett continued to oppose the project because of safety concerns related to traffic flow and potential conflicts related to future abutting projects. Page 1 of 3 Minutes of the Lexington Capital Expenditures Committee (CEC) Meeting March 8, 2016 A Motion was made and seconded to support funding for both nodes of the project.Vote: 4–1 Article 10: Appropriate for Municipal Capital Projects and Equipment: (a) Center Streetscape Improvements and Easements—Phase 1: Mr. Himmel discussed his concerns about the project as it is currently envisioned by those presenting the Article. The project design is only at 25%, and in his opinion, the project is not ready to go forward in a thoughtful, coordinated manner. He supports curb-to-curb reconstruction of the street because it should not be allowed to degrade further, patching of sidewalks, and some curb replacement, but the balance does not have to be done at this time. He noted that if concrete is to be used for replacing any part of the center sidewalks, it should all be done as one project to ensure the coloring matches. He added that in the 1960s a vision for the Center was created, it is working, and it is still viable; it does not need to be redone at this time. Committee members expressed interest in focusing on the curb-to-curb needs, observing that it would be consistent with this Committee’s 2015 position (i.e., address safety and infrastructure needs), although Ms. Manz added that she would like to find a way to support the funding. It was noted that the project includes two elements that are expected to be voted separately at the ATM: Signalization at Woburn Street; A Motion was made and seconded to support funding for signalization at the Woburn Street intersection. Vote: 4–1 (Ms. Barnett in opposition) The balance of the project, excluding redesign of the Woburn Street intersection, if the signalization portion fails. A Motion was made and seconded to oppose funding for the balance of the project as it is currently envisioned. Vote: 5–0 It was agreed that this Committee’s Five-Year Plan for the Streetscape project needs updating, as do all the other sections of that Plan. A meeting for March 10, 2016 at 7:00 .. was added to this Committee’s meeting schedule PM with the primary purpose to be to reach agreement on this Committee’s Five-Year Plan for FY2017–FY2021. (p) Parking Meter Replacement: It was noted that new information on the cost of the parking meters has been provided. The original Capital Improvement Program request was for $400,000 and the current request is for $230,622. Mr. Kanter reported that at the Appropriation Committee meeting on March 3, 2016, it was questioned whether this project should be supported before there is a report on the pilot program that was implemented a year ago. There was agreement by this Committee that was a problem. A Motion was made and seconded to oppose funding for the second phase of the project until results are available for the first-phase pilot program. Vote: 5–0 Article 14: Appropriate for School Zone Traffic Calming (Citizen Article): It was noted that this Article may be indefinitely postponed (IP). Page 2 of 3 Minutes of the Lexington Capital Expenditures Committee (CEC) Meeting March 8, 2016 Article 15: Appropriate for Public Facilities Capital Projects: (k) Munroe School Roof:Mr. Kanter reported that the Town’s license agreement with the Munroe Center for the Arts is to be amended to include full reimbursement to the Town. This Committee does not expect the Town to issue the debt until after the amended license agreement is in effect and would like to see the new agreement. A Motion was made and seconded to support funding for the project with that reimbursement condition. Vote: 5–0 Article 16: Appropriate For Advice And Analysis—Getting To Net Zero:The request is for $40,000. A Motion was made and seconded to oppose funding for the project. Vote: 5–0 Article 19: Appropriate Bonds and Notes Premiums: A Motion was made and seconded to support IP of this Article. Vote: 5–0 Article 20: Rescind Prior Borrowing Authorizations:There was support for this Article, although specifics are not yet known. A Motion was made and seconded to approve the Committee’s Report to 2016 Annual Town Meeting (ATM) & 2016 Special Town Meeting (STM) 2016-3 based on the Draft #4 as adjusted to accommodate the discussion and votes at this meeting, and with the Chair and Vice-Chair having the authority to make non-substantive changes. Vote: 5–0 Ms. Barnett departed at 9:16 .. AM There was a brief discussion about Ms. Hai working on the Executive Summary and all the members considering the product provided by Mr. Kanter on the Five-Year Capital Plan in th preparation for the March 10 meeting. Adjourn: A Motion was made and seconded at 9:18 .. to adjourn.Vote: 4–0 AM These Minutes were approved by the CEC at its meeting on March 30, 2016. Page 3 of 3