HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-04-14-BOS-Packet-releasedSELEC T MEN'S MEETING Wednes d ay, Ap ril 13, 2016 Selec tmen Meeting Room 6:00 PM AGENDA PUBLIC COMMENTS Pub lic c o mments are allo wed fo r up to 10 minutes at the b eginning of eac h meeting. Eac h s p eaker is limited to 3 minutes for comment. Memb ers of the Board will neither c o mment no r respond , o ther than to as k q ues tions of clarific ation. Speakers are encouraged to notify the Selec tmen's Offic e at 781-698-4580 if they wis h to s peak during pub lic comment to assist the Chairman in managing meeting times. SELECTMAN CONCERNS AND LIAISON REPORTS TOWN MANAGER REPORT ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION 1.Approve P arklet on Massac hus etts Avenue (5 min.)6:00 PM 2.Firs t S teps fo r Gun Resolution Res pons e P lanning (5 min.)6:05 PM 3.Review Draft of Bro o khaven Memo randum of Agreement (30 min.)6:10 PM - Joint Meeting with the Planning B oard 4.Artic le Pres entatio ns/Disc ussion/Pos itio ns (15 min.)6:40 PM 1. Article 25 - Amend FY 2016 Op erating, Enterp ris e and CPA Bud gets 2. Article 2 - To urism Committee R ep o rt 3. Dis c ussion of Artic les befo re To wn Meeting as needed. CONSENT AGENDA 1.Us e o f the Battle Green - Promotion C eremo ny 6:55 PM 2.Proc lamation - Minuteman Cane 6:55 PM 3.Proc lamation for Citizen 6:55 PM 4.Approve One-Day Liq uor Lic ens e - Berman's Pac kage Store 6:55 PM 5.Approve One-Day Liq uor Lic ens e - Natio nal Heritage Museum (5 min.)6:55 PM EXECUTIVE SESSION 1.Exemp tion 6: Co nsider Purchas e, Exc hange, Leas e or Value of R eal P ro p erty (Belmo nt Co untry Club and 20 Pelham R o ad ) (15 min.) 7:00 PM ADJOURN 1.Approximate Ad jo urn Time 7:15 PM The next meeting of the Board o f Selec tmen is s ched uled fo r Mond ay, April 25, 2016, at 6:00 p .m. in the Selec tmen Meeting Ro o m, Town Offic e Build ing, 1625 Massac hus etts Avenue. Hearing Assistance Devices Available on Request All agenda time and the order of items are approximate and subject to change. AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approve Parklet on Massachusetts Avenue (5 min.) PRESENTER: Melisa Tintoc alis , Econo mic Development Direc to r ITEM NUMBER: I.1 SUMMARY: For the past three years , the To wn has ins talled a p arklet in two p arking s pac es on Massac hus etts Avenue, near the Rid e Studio Cafe. It has b een extensively us ed by the p ublic . Staff is rec ommend ing that this p arklet b e installed again in 2016. SUGGESTED MOTION: Mo ve to autho rize the installation of the Mas s ac hus etts Avenue parklet from May 15 to Oc tober 30, in two p arking s p aces in the vic inity o f the Ride Stud io C afe. FOLLOW-UP: EDO and DPW will c o o rd inate the installatio n o f the p arklet. DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 4/13/2016 6:00 PM AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: First Steps for Gun Resolution Response Planning (5 min.) PRESENTER: Jo e Pato ITEM NUMBER: I.2 SUMMARY: The Artic le 34 R es o lutio n p as s ed by To wn Meeting calls o n the Board o f Selec tmen to initiate at to wn-wid e conversatio n on gun vio lenc e. The Bo ard will d is c us s initial s teps to ad d res s this reques t. The Chairman reques ts that a sec o nd member o f the Bo ard join him in prep aring an initial p lan fo r responding to this reques t. T his p lan could c o nsist of 3 phas es : 1) Information Gathering 2) Proc es s Develo p ment 3) Community C o nvers ations The firs t p has e is to id entify the go als of the p ro ject - inc luding having an inc lus ive proc es s that proc eed s without p redetermined o utcomes. To wn Meeting memb ers exp res s ed their c o nc ern o ver a wid e range o f is s ues related to gun vio lenc e and this p hase will identify a cand id ate s et o f issues to c ons id er, ho w to engage facilitators, how to identify and attrac t key stakeholders fro m a b ro ad range of c ommunities to participate, ho w to keep a c o nvers atio n mo ving to a c o nstruc tive o utcome reflecting the b road range of concerns and p ers p ectives pres ent in Lexington. Upon some initial p ro gress, the Bo ard will hear fro m the workgroup and evaluate how to c o ntinue. The Bo ard has rec eived some input fro m the P ublic Co nvers ations Pro ject o n ap p ro aches taken on to p ics like this in some other c ommunities : http ://www.p ublic conversatio ns.o rg/ SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 4/13/2016 6:05 PM AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Review Draft of Brookhaven Memorandum of Agreement (30 min.) PRESENTER: Carl F. Valente; Carol Kowals ki; Mic helle Cic c o lo and S uzie Barry ITEM NUMBER: I.5 SUMMARY: Continue d is c us s ion: Review and rec eive Selec tmen's input o n Bro o khaven's res p o ns e to the key p ro visio ns o f Memo randum o f Agreement related to the propos ed Bro o khaven rezoning. Brookhaven's p ro p o s al is: 1. Tax status - that the PILOT arrangement remain in effec t; 2. Contrib utio n fo r affordable hous ing. Either: $50,000 c o ntrib utio n p er year for fo ur years ; o r $25,000 c o ntrib utio n p er year for 10 years . Bo th proposal are c ontingent o n final ap p roval (no appeal b y ab utters) o f the C o ns ervation Co mmis s io n Order o f Co nditio ns . SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW-UP: Nego tiating team will continue to d raft Agreement. DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 4/13/2016 6:10 PM ATTACHMENTS: Des crip tion Typ e AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Article Presentations/Discussion/Positions (15 min.) PRESENTER: Jo e Pato ITEM NUMBER: I.4 SUMMARY: Mr. Addelson will p res ent info rmation on Artic le 25. Ms . McKenna may p res ent the Touris m Report if they are ready. SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 4/13/2016 6:40 PM AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Use of the Battle Green - Promotion Ceremony PRESENTER: Jo e Pato ITEM NUMBER: C.1 SUMMARY: Mike Sullivan has req uested permission to do a p ro mo tion c eremo ny on the Battle Green. He will cond uc t the ceremony o n S aturd ay, May 7, at 1:00 p.m. See attached details . SUGGESTED MOTION: Mo tion to app ro ve the c o nsent agend a. FOLLOW-UP: Selec tmen's O ffic e DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 4/13/2016 6:55 PM ATTACHMENTS: Des crip tion Typ e AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Proclamation - Minuteman Cane PRESENTER: Jo e Pato ITEM NUMBER: C.2 SUMMARY: Attac hed is the proc lamation to be s igned fo r the winner o f the 2016 Minuteman C ane Award. SUGGESTED MOTION: Mo tion to app ro ve and s ign the p ro clamation for the 2016 Minuteman Cane Award . FOLLOW-UP: Selec tmen's O ffic e DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 4/13/2016 6:55 PM ATTACHMENTS: Des crip tion Typ e AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Proclamation for Citizen PRESENTER: Jo e Pato ITEM NUMBER: C.3 SUMMARY: This is a s urp ris e proc lamation for a c itizen o f Lexingto n. SUGGESTED MOTION: Mo tion to app ro ve the c o nsent agend a. FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 4/13/2016 6:55 PM ATTACHMENTS: Des crip tion Typ e AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approve One-Day Liquor License - Berman's Package Store PRESENTER: Jo e Pato ITEM NUMBER: C.4 SUMMARY: Berman's Pac kage Sto re has reques ted a one-day liquo r lic ense fo r their parking lot as p art o f Revolutionary Revelry in Eas t Lexington. T hey plan to purc has e the wine and b eer from a who les aler and keep it separate fro m ins id e. T he res id ents will go ins id e and have their ID checked , they will then rec eive a wris t b and to d is tinguis h who c an and c anno t d rink outside. A portio n o f the p arking lot will be ro p ed off fo r the event. There will b e o ther vendors in the roped o ff p arking area who will get a o ne-d ay fo o d permit. SUGGESTED MOTION: Mo tion to app ro ve the c o nsent agend a. FOLLOW-UP: Selec tmen's O ffic e DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 4/13/2016 6:55 PM ATTACHMENTS: Des crip tion Typ e AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approve One-Day Liquor License - National Heritage Museum (5 min.) PRESENTER: Jo e Pato ITEM NUMBER: C.5 SUMMARY: Vinod Kapoo r has reques ted a one-d ay liq uo r lic ens e to s erve b eer and wine at a fund rais er for a Mus ic Journey for Hris hikes h Muskherjee o n May 7, 2016, fro m 6:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. at the National Heritage Museum loc ated at 33 Marrett Ro ad . SUGGESTED MOTION: Mo tion to app ro ve the c o nsent agend a. FOLLOW-UP: Selec tmen's O ffic e DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 4/13/2016 6:55 PM ATTACHMENTS: Des crip tion Typ e AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Exemption 6: Consider Purchase, Exchange, Lease or Value of Real Property (Belmont Country Club and 20 Pelham Road) (15 min.) PRESENTER: Carl Valente; Jo e P ato ITEM NUMBER: E.1 SUMMARY: Sugges ted motio n fo r Exec utive Session: Move th a t the B oard g o into Executive S ession under Exemption 6 to con sid er th e purchase, exch a n g e, lease or valu e of rea l p roperty (Belmont C ountry Clu b and 2 0 Pelham Road) and to reconvene in Op en Session on ly to adjourn . Further, that a s Chairman, I d eclare that an open meetin g ma y have a detrimen tal effect on the n eg otiating p osition of th e Tow n . 1. Up d a te on Belmont Country Clu b pa rcel a n d discussions with Montessori S ch ool. 2. Up d a te on 20 P elham Road p a rcel SUGGESTED MOTION: NA FOLLOW-UP: Town Manager's Office DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 4/13/2016 7:00 PM ATTACHMENTS: Des crip tion Typ e