HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-05-24-HPB-min Meeting Minutes for May 24, 2023 Attendees: Harriet Cohen (clerk), Jeri Foutter (chair), Charles Hornig (Planning Board), Paul Linton, Wendy Manz, Sarah Morrison (LexHAB), Bob Pressman, Melanie Thompson, Betsey Weiss (vice-chair), John Zhao (COA representative) Absent: Cindy Arens (Sustainable Lexington liaison), Joe Pato (Select Board Liaison) Guests: Nanette Byrnes, Margaret Heitz, Ingrid Klimoff The Housing Partnership Board (HPB) meeting was chaired by Jeri Foutter and minutes were taken by Harriet Cohen. 1. Call to Order: Housing Partnership Board Meeting Ms. Foutter called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. The roll was called. 2. Discussion of Land Acquisition Policy and Next Steps Ms. Weiss discussed the history and current status of the policy development. Mr. Pressman reported as follows: Mr. Sandeen during a Select Board Meeting and Mr. Pressman during a Planning Board meeting questioned content of a draft of the Town’s next Open Space and Recreation Plan. regarding the land acquisition goal. There was mention of acquiring land for open space, environmental reasons, recreation, historic preservation and agriculture, but no mention of acquisition for affordable housing. Mr. Pressman suggested that, in view of Town priorities and the potential role for newly acquired land, the Plan should also make brief mention of acquisition for affordable housing. Mr. Hornig: The version circulated before the meeting was not the latest one. The policy will be reviewed at the next meeting. 3. Minutes March 16 and April 25 Ms. Weiss moved acceptance of the March 16 and April 25 minutes. Ms. Cohen seconded the motion. In favor: Ms. Cohen, Ms. Foutter, Mr. Hornig, Mr. Linton, Ms. Manz, Mr. Pressman, Ms. Thompson, Ms. Weiss, Mr. Zhao Against: none Abstaining: none 4. Housing Foundation future and recruitment of officers for President and Clerk Ms. Foutter provided background regarding the LHF. Ms. Foutter is resigning as president; Mary Haskell has resigned as secretary. The offices of president and secretary need to be filled. Ms. Cohen is the treasurer and will remain treasurer if the other offices are filled. Ms. Foutter suggested that the HPB members consider whether they would want to serve as officers of the LHF or whether the LHF should be dissolved. If the LHF is dissolved, the remaining balance of approximately $8,500 must be distributed to a 501(c)(3) organization. 5. Chair Transition Ms. Foutter reminded the HPB of her intention not to seek reappointment to the HPB when her appointment period ends at the end of September. At the last meeting, Ms. Manz indicated her interest in assuming the position of chair. The HPB unanimously voted her as the Chair elect. This election was held well in advance of the open position so that there is enough time to make the transition a smooth one. 6. Board Member / Liaisons Updates Community Preservation Commission: Mr. Pressman attended the most recent meeting of the Permanent Building Committee. The Town had allocated $6.7M for work on the Monroe Center. The architect anticipated that the work would require over $8M. The architect was not used to working on public projects with a fixed budget. The Permanent Building Committee is waiting for a design that fits within the allocated amount. Planning Board: Per Mr. Hornig, the workplan for the near future is to get regulations squared away for Articles 33 and 34. The Planning Board may or may not be looking at housing issues for zoning next year, given other work on the workplan. For now, the Planning Board is focusing on the regulations. LexHAB: Ms. Morrison reported that there are 2 new board members: Russ Tanner, who has a background in affordable housing, and Eric Brown, an architect with multi-family development experience. LexHAB signed a P&S (Purchase and Sale) agreement for their 80th property at 93 Woburn Street at a price of $625K. LexHAB received $400K of CPA funds towards a new property, some of which may be spent on the 93 Woburn Street property. LexHAB has also requested funding for the full amount of the purchase through ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act. LexHAB has launched the LexHAB legacy campaign, asking community members to sell below market or donate properties to LexHAB. They have gotten a good response. The mailing was sent to all community members over 60. LexHAB is waiting on the AHT to get up and running as a source of funds. Ms. Morrison has already reached out to the AHT members. Please keep an ear to the ground for any opportunities for below market sales to LexHAB. LexHAB is collaborating with LexART on a juried art exhibit in November, with a theme of home. This will be a fundraiser. Ms. Morrison asked for participation for either facilitation or participation on a housing roundtable. The goal is to have a variety of voices as part of that discussion. The housing director, Pearlene Varjabedian, is organizing information as to how obtain affordable housing, particularly for persons with disabilities and Metco students. In response to Mr. Pressman’s question, Ms. Morrison said that rehab of the house on Kimball Road will cost approximately $150K. LexHAB is working with MassSave to do a retrofit of all housing, including the house on Kimball Road, with heat and energy saving updates. LexHAB is also working with Minuteman Tech to see if they can provide any assistance with this project. Mr. Pressman also asked for the number of Town employees in LexHAB’s unregulated units through the Town Benefit Program. There are a number of town employees in the units. Approximately 4 came in through the employee benefits program. LexHAB has had one meeting with Town about a MOA on the deeds of all the LexHAB units in preparation for the transition to a 501(3)(c) status, assuming the state legislature approves the transition. A significant amount of preparation work is required for the transition. Lexington Housing Authority (LHA): There was no update from the LHA. Council on Aging (COA): Mr. Zhao: The COA and Human Services are working on a report to the Select Board (SB) regarding the senior parking program, with a delivery target of June. In Oct. 2021, Human Services recommended to the SB a senior parking program. The SB approved the program, starting the 2-year pilot. To date, 1,893 stickers have been issued. The program has been executed smoothly. Per the Chief of Police, there have been no issues related to the senior parking program. The Town is now almost 2 years into the program, so the COA is conducting a survey to provide feedback. COA expects to recommend to the SB that they make the program permanent. The parking program is an age friendly initiative, increasing parking availability for seniors. In the winter, it is difficult to feed the meters. The mobile phone payment system is also challenging for some seniors. Some seniors are on limited budgets and the free parking is too far to be viable for some of these seniors. Sustainable Lexington Committee (SLC): There was no update from the SLC. 7. New Business Ms. Foutter: Mr. Pato asked if the HPB will investigate real estate transfer fees. This will be discussed further at the next meeting. Ms. Foutter asked for volunteers at this meeting and asked for HPB members to consider volunteering at the next meeting. Ms. Heitz, Ms. Thompson, and Mr. Linton volunteered at this meeting to form a working group. 8. Next Meeting Date The next meeting date is June 29 at 7:00 pm. The meeting will be on Zoom. 9. Adjournment Ms. Weiss moved adjournment. Ms. Cohen seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. In favor: Ms. Cohen, Ms. Foutter, Mr. Hornig, Mr. Linton, Ms. Manz, Mr. Pressman, Ms. Thompson, Ms. Weiss, Mr. Zhao Against: none Abstaining: none The meeting adjourned at 8:08 pm.