HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-03-21-HFAC-min Hanscom Field Advisory Commission Minutes – 21 March 2023 Prepared by Massport Staff Video of HFAC Meeting on the Lincoln, MA Live Streams Page: https://lincolntv.viebit.com/index.php?folder=Hanscom+Field+Advisory  Call to Order: HFAC Chairman Christopher Eliot called the meeting to order at 7:02pm  Announcements:  Chairman Eliot recording HFAC Meeting; welcomed all to 21 Mar meeting pursuant to MA Open Meeting Law  Chairman Eliot read a few lines from United Nations Report on Climate Change about fossil fuel use  Chairman Eliot noted the Massport Board Meeting will take place on 13 April at 9:00am  Minutes: The February 2023 Meeting Minutes were reviewed for approval  The February 2023 Meeting Minutes were approved unanimously with the following amendment: o Amend Tanya Gailus comments to reflect her thoughts that “the project itself is not worth supporting”  Cargo or Scheduled Commercial Passenger Services  Amber Goodspeed stated Massport has not been approached by heavy cargo or commercial scheduled passenger service  Monthly Noise Reports:  HFAC voted unanimously to postpone presenting the February Noise Report until the April HFAC meeting  Capital Programs and Third Party Development Reports: Amber Goodspeed presented the Capital Programs and Third Party Development reports and noted that:  Signature Flight Support pushed the opening of their new building to June of 2023  Secretary of Energy & Environmental Affairs (EEA) issued Expanded Environmental Notification Form (EENF) certificate for the North Airfield Project on 24 Feb, which defines scope of Environmental Impact Report (EIR) o Project team will work on Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR); expected to take at least six months  Runway 05/23 Phase 1 rehabilitation project anticipated to begin 01 June; will be a full runway closure for 37 days o Massport project team is in attendance to give presentation on the project and answer questions  Agenda Items: Topics discussed on published agenda:  Amber Goodspeed introduced the Runway 05/23 rehabilitation project team of Dan Dragani and Alex Normandin o Two phases of construction: 2023 construction on the southern portion of runway 05/23 and the northern section will be rehabilitated in 2024 o Phase I starts in June; repaving Runway 05/23 and replace runway edge lighting with energy efficient LED lights o Runway closed for 37 days with intermittent closures after for 30 day period for final markings and grooving o Over nine acres of excess pavement on each side of the runway will be removed and returned to grassland o Gate 9 on Virginia Road is primary access point for construction; 100 hauling trips per day for 20 days o Margaret Coppe asked for clarification on haul route; 50 trips in and 50 trips out from Route 128 to Route 2A o Arthur Daltas asked why work being done; rehabilitation is regular maintenance done about every 20 years o Emily Mitchell had question on location of reclaimed pavement; approximately 20 feet of pavement on each side of Runway 05/23 will be removed and replaced with grass o Elizabeth Coules raised concerns about noise and safety of trucks on Virginia Road o Mike Rosenberg queried about length of Runway 05/23 being repaved in 2023; Phase I will be 3,050 feet o Amber Goodspeed clarified that pavement will be removed, not added, on sides of runway for Patricia O’Hagan o Patty Dahlgren suggested truck counters be utilized for the project o Anne Calhoun had traffic concerns with overlap of rotary construction by the Air Force on Hanscom Drive o Amber Goodspeed clarified that the project team will work with public safety officials if there are concerns o Tom Hirsch questioned effectiveness of new LED lighting to be seen when flying parallel to runway; Dan Dragani clarified lights are approved by FAA to ensure compliant with their current standards o Amber Goodspeed clarified truck route for Runway 05/23 rehabilitation project in the summer of 2023 will not be the same used for any future construction on the North Airfield for Ron Green o Jennifer Boles expressed concerns about construction dust  Amber Goodspeed presented the State of Hanscom; full report available on the Massport website o 2022 aircraft activity showed a 1.9% decrease compared to 2021, briefly reviewed Hanscom Field financial summary, 2023 objectives, safety and security measures, facility maintenance and construction, environmental measures, community outreach and proposed capital projects through FY2027 o Teri Ackerman asked about nighttime flights and fees; fees based on CPI o Emily Mitchell queried about financial amortization; ARFF facility and Runway 11/29 project o Arthur Daltas questioned how Hanscom deficit is covered; Massport funds all three airports o Margaret Coppe wanted a more clear explanation on 8 new box hangars and demolition of 36 t-hangars o Amber Goodspeed explained how the ESPR details environmental status and is considered an update to the Hanscom Field Master Plan for Alex Chatfield and Ron Green  Reformation of the Hanscom Field Advisory Commission (HFAC); moved up from normal April date o HFAC voted to re-elect Christopher Eliot as the Chairman, unanimously with one abstention  Chairman Eliot requested discussion on the North Airfield Project o Emily Mitchell wanted to reiterate that the Secretary of EEA submitted her report back to the developer indicating items needed in DEIR; will take them at least six months to issue DEIR o Commissioner Eliot would like to build list of topics to discuss at HFAC over upcoming months o Barbara Katzenberg and Thomas Hirsch suggested April piece to be on ferry flights o Commissioner Eliot and Thomas Hirsch will draft discussion items for April HFAC o Amber Goodspeed reiterated that the North Airfield project does not propose to increase capacity of Taxiway Romeo at this time o Mark Wimmer explained during land swap agreement, difference in value between Massport and Runway Realty Ventures (RRV) parcels will go towards construction of Vehicle Service Road (VSR) and not taxiway upgrades  Citizen Comments: Citizens commented on and/or asked about the following topics  No additional comments  Other Business: The date for the next HFAC meeting will be at 7:00 p.m. on 18 April 2023 via Zoom  Massachusetts House of Representatives passed legislation that will extend the option for town and regional governments to hold meetings remotely or in a hybrid format until 2025; MA State Senate yet to approve  Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 9:11 p.m. Attendees: Christopher Eliot, Margaret Coppe, Barbara Katzenberg, Mark Giddings, Thomas Hirsch, Emily Mitchell, Dan Dragani, Amber Goodspeed, Aex Normandin, Michael Vatalaro, Mark Wimmer, Terri Ackerman, Senator Mike Barrett, Alan Basmajian, Richard Baughman, Karen Beckley, Carrie Benis, Jennifer Boles, Todd Burger, Anne Calhoun, Richard Canale, Carol Lovell Carmody, Alex Chatfield, Elizabeth Coules, Patty Dahlgren, Arthur Daltas, Tom Flannery, Susan Frommer, Mark Gailus, Tonya Gailus, Ira Goldman, Ron Green, Kelly M. Greenhill, Kate Kavanagh, Carol Kelly, Janet Miller, Pamela Nelson, Patricia O’Hagan, Gail O’Keefe, Ellen Peckham, Candyce Plante, Neil Rasmussen, Gayle Reynolds, Kathryn Rifkin, Mike Rosenberg, Melissa Saafield, Bija Satterlee, Dan Schrager, Lynne Smith, Ralph Smith, Anne Sobol, Joseph Stein, Kathleen Sullivan, Julie McCay Turner, David Williams and Kati Winchell. In addition, there were several unidentified attendees.