Monday, April 11, 2022
Conducted by Remote Participation
Meeting Minutes
Kathleen Lenihan, Chairperson
Sara Cuthbertson, Clerk
Eileen Jay, Vice -Chair
Larry Freeman
Deepika Sawhney (joined later in the meeting)
Sara Mei
Dr. Julie Hackett, Superintendent
The minutes were taken by Julie Kaye, School Committee Meeting Recording Secretary.
The School Committee convened remotely via Zoom. Members of the public can view and
participate in the meeting webinar from their computer or tablet by clicking on the link
provided with the meeting agenda. Please note that this meeting is being recorded, and that
attendees are participating by video conference. This evening's meeting is being broadcast live
and also taped by LexMedia for future on -demand viewing. All supporting materials that have
been provided to members of this body are available on the Town's website unless otherwise
• Ms. Cuthbertson thanked Lexington Children's Place for the Joy In Learning Celebration
that was a few weeks ago.
• Mr. Freeman had no announcements or reports.
• Ms. Jay had no announcements or reports.
• Sara Mei said that in LHS Senate this week they talked about Community Conversations.
This is organized by the counseling department and provides a safe space for students to
engage in dialog about the impact of ongoing and current events. This will be occurring
once every six-day cycle; specifics will be sent out via email and the app Daily. Senate
also discussed the proposed district calendar.
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• Ms. Lenihan announced that the Human Rights Committee is looking for people to share
their stories and experiences on the effects of COVID-19 on people with disabilities. You
can do this by going to www.lexingtonma.gov/human-rights-committee then under
"News and Announcements" on the right side of the screen, click "Effects of COVID-19
Pandemic On Persons with Disabilities, Opportunities to Share Your Stories" Her other
announcement is from the Massachusetts State House. Bill H1709 (Act to end child
marriage in Massachusetts) is currently in the Joint Juditiary Committee. The deadline
for this Bill to be reported is this Friday, April 15, 2022. Ms. Lenihan is happy to answer
anyones questions about this topic.
No speakers.
The full Superintendent's Report is linked here. Due to the time constraints, Dr. Hackett will not
be giving a report to the School Committee.
There are no articles that the School Committee needs to discuss. Ms. Lenihan reminded the
School Committee that they are unanimously in favor of Article 25, Appropriate for Worthern
Road Recreation and Education Land Use Concept Plan, no one has changed their stance on this.
Dr. Hackett suggested skipping Unfinished Business and to go to New Business, item B.
An Overview of the Procurement and DecisionjMaking Process and Reguest for Approval of
the K-5 After School ro ra Agree ent
David Coelho, Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Operations, joined the meeting for this
Mr. Coelho explained that all contracts over $50,000 go through a "sealed bid" process.
Massachusetts General Law Chapter 30B lists requirements for bids, such as advertising. The
RFP describes the process in detail. Four vendors ended up submitting technical and price
proposals, the price proposals were opened last. Bids of this size go to a Review Committee, this
year the committee consisted of a building administrator, an Elementary School principal, Mr.
Coelho (Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Operations), and four parent volunteers.
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Each member scored the proposals with a rubric and then the four vendors gave presentations.
All of this information was gathered and tallied up by Deb Harvey in the Finance Dept.
Kidsborough ended up being the most advantageous on a number of parameters. Mr. Coelho
then explained that for the pricing proposal part of the process, the vendors have a minimum
rent amount they need to submit for in order to still be considered. Two of the vendors
submitted the minimum amount, one vendor submitted a slightly higher amount and
Kidsborough submitted a rental amount that was essentially double. Mr. Coelho added that
Kidsborough also has a behavioral specialist on staff. All of these factors led to the decision of
recommending Kidsborough as Lexington's new After School Program.
School Committee Member comments/questions:
• Ms. Cuthbertson is happy to see that Kidsborough includes behavioral support for
students, this aligns with our Core Values. She asked if any before -school care could be
included. Mr. Coelho responded that they didn't run the procurement process to include
any time before school, but he will find out if this could be an amendment or if a whole
new process would need to be started over. Dr. Hackett interjected that Ms. Cuthbertson
would like to know if Kidsborough offers before -school services in other communities.
Mr. Coelho replied yes, they do (he believes in Winchester they do before and after
school). Ms. Cuthbertson suggested surveying families in the community to see if
before -school services would be needed.
• Ms. Sawhney asked if the proposed contract is similar to the Food Service contract
(Whitsons) where it is a five-year contract but with a one year renewal. Mr. Coelho
responded that this is a three-year contract with two one-year options to renew. Ms.
Sawhney also asked if there will be a pricing change for families. Mr. Coelho explained
that Kidsborough submitted a tuition amount that is the same amount that it is now,
also that tuition rates will not rise more than 2% annually.
• Mr. Freeman asked if having a behavioral specialist implies that every student that
requires special services or some type of support will be admitted into the program. Mr.
Coelho doesn't think that it guarantees admission, there is still a process that makes sure
that they can provide the appropriate services. Mr. Coelho also pointed out that there is
a limit to how many students can be in the program because of the size of the space it's
being held in. Mr. Freeman went onto the Kidsborough website and it appears as though
all of the instructors present as cis gendered white people. He would like to know if any
conversations were had about our DEI initiative. Mr. Coelho responded that Kidsborough
touched on focusing on inclusion and diversity, but the inclusion of specific staff
members was not discussed. Kidsborough will interview any Lextended Day staff who
are interested in continuing similar work. Kidsborough has emphasized wanting to be a
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part of the Lexington community and they are committed to inclusiveness and
everything we stand for.
• Ms. Jay is encouraged by the ability of Kidsborough to have more inclusion by having a
behavioral specialist. She would like to know if the staff -to -student ratio is the same.
She would also like to know what enrichment/structured activities will be offered,
especially to the older students. Mr. Coelho responded that Kidsborough offers
homework help as well as guest visitors and outdoor/indoor recreational sports, an
uncommon community service program, robotics and STEM programs, for example.
Kidsborough offers academic opportunities but also puts an emphasis on the importance
of free play and they have the flexibility to give kids what they need.
• Ms. Jay asked Mr. Coelho if he had a sense from Kidsborough that our values such as our
DEI work and social -emotional learning align. Mr. Coelho answered Ms. Jay's question
about staffing, Kidsboroughs ratio is one teacher to every eight students (which is below
the state requirement of one to thirteen). Mr Coelho also added that culture, language,
special needs, inclusiveness, diversity, dignity and respect were all discussed in their
technical proposal and he is satisfied that "they hear us" and what we are all about.
• Sara Mei asked how many years LextendedDay has been in the district, Mr. Coelho
replied since 2008-09. Ms. Lenihan added that her children attended LextendedDay even
before 2008.
• Ms. Lenihan also touched on the importance of having the behavioral specialist and she
is curious about before school care. She appreciated hearing that the program offers
flexibility in activities as well recognizing that some kids just want to read a book or
draw. Ms. Lenihan also asked if Kidsborough will be reaching out to hire current
LextendedDay staff members. Mr. Coelho explained that he spoke with the owner of
Kidsborough about a transition plan with the owner and operator, and she plans on
reaching out to the current staff to see if anyone would like to continue their work for
her company.
• Mr. Freeman asked if there was any consideration to the mental health of the student
population in terms of all of the changes they have been experiencing. Mr. Coelho
replied that they had to just follow the provisions of Massachusetts General Law Chapter
30B to get the best provider, and that additional aspects were not added to that process.
He did point out that the transition plans acknowledge the impact of change on students
and how to best go about it. Mr. Freeman also asked if the contract has already been
awarded to Kidsborough. Mr. Coelho explained that the School Committee is the final
arbiter in this process, Kidsbough was told that they have won the contract pending the
vote and reference checks.
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Garrett Frampton, 34 Rawson Ave: He has two children that go to Harrington, one in
Kindergarten and one in first grade and they attend LextendedDay. He asked why we would
change programs if parents were happy with the care their children were receiving with
LextendedDay? He is aware that there is a process but this is about caregivers who spend hours,
weeks, months and years with our kids. He wonders: if the majority of parents are happy that
this doesn't seem like a risk Lexington should decide to take. The goal is to get the best care and
he feels as though the parent representation wasn't strong enough during this process.
Jennifer Zacharis, 26 Ridge Ave: Her kids go to Harrington as well. She has concerns that the
request for volunteers was sent out March 22 and the process started on March 24th. She does
not think this gave enough time or notice. She is also confused as to why there wasn't advanced
communication about an important town -wide decision for many elementary families. Jennifer
states that the announcement that came to the Town about the decision indicated that best
value was considered a priority with no other student -focused language in the description of
the process. She would expect to serve our youngest students. At this point in the pandemic, it
would be important to consider timing. She feels like a decision like this can not be viewed as a
procurement at this point in time. Returning to LextendedDay has been "everything" to her
three elementary students and she has been impressed by all of the thoughtful and age
appropriate work that is being taught. She has one child with special learning needs who has
been well served by the current program. The Lextended team is as much a apart of the
Harrington community as all of the LPS employees, she is sadden to see this decision.
Lauren Buhl, 58 Baskin Rd: She has two children in the LextendedDay program at Bridge, one in
the first grade, one in the fifth, and one she was hoping to be in LextendedDay who is currently
eight months old. She feels that there was not adequate parent representation for the selection
of the review committee. She reiterated how not enough notice was given to the community
about this committee. She also pointed out that the meeting occurred on a Tuesday morning
which automatically eliminates most of the people who use LextendedDay because of their
work schedules. She made a statement about the 200% profit that has been promised by the
new program, insinuating that this can only be done by either overcharging their customers or
underpaying/overworking their staff. She asked what was done to level the playing field of the
procurement process and asked for more background and references for vendors. Ms. Buhl has
been very happy with LextendedDay and believes the program has been crucial in her child's
social development. She stressed the importance of this decision and how it will be shutting
down a business that has been a part of Lexington for 40 years.
Sarah Conrad, 176 Cedar St: She is the current president of the LextendedDay Board. What has
been previously said by parents has captured a lot of her own points. She would like to know
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what the process was to solicit and select parent volunteers. Ms. Conrad would like to know if
references have been checked on the behavioral specialist and if they will provide individual
aide to students. She brought up that 100% of parents surveyed would recommend
LextendedDay, but she also acknowledges that 100% are not satisfied with the program. She
hopes that the School Committee received her email about her experiences over the past two
and a half years. She is disappointed with the process and decision of choosing Kidsborough.
Joshua Apgar, 31 Barberry Rd: He is a Town Meeting Member (Precinct 3), and his statement of
support for the change of after school providers is on behalf of LexSEPAC/SEPTA. He says that
LextendedDay has struggled to meet the needs of students who need additional supports and
this has been a concern for many years. More students will now have access to the program
which can provide important social opportunities. It is his understanding that the new vendor
will be able to serve all of our children and the importance of this needs to be acknowledged.
He thanked LPS for this decision, it will hopefully bring more inclusiveness to the community.
Avon Lewis, Head of the LEA: She is "baffled" by the finances, the new vendor is promising the
district more money and more things but to not wildly increase tuition. Her concern is that the
plan is that they will be paying the people who do the work substantially less than what they
are currently paid. She pointed out that many of the LextenedDay staff are also LPS employees.
She would like to hear more about how they propose to pay people.
Dr. Hackett suggested that the vote on the after school program contract be postponed to the
next meeting. This will give time for questions to be answered. There was discussion about
when the vote will happen, a final date wasn't chosen but they will let the public know.
Dr. Hackett consulted legal counsel and found out that we can change half-day Thursdays to
half-day Fridays. In order to do so, we would have to impact bargain. If this change is
implemented, the calendar will look different.
Ms. Cuthbertson moved to approve the 2022-2023 academic calendar as proposed with the
exception of the determination of the half days; Mr. Freeman second. Ms. Lenihan took a roll
call vote, passesd5-0.
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Ms. Cuthbertson moved to authorize Dr. Hackett to proceed to impact bargaining for the
half-day Fridays instead of the current half-day Thursdays as in the contract; Ms. Sawhney
second. Ms. Lenihan took a roll call vote, passed 5-0.
Approval of Foo Service Agee ent
Ms. Jay moved to award School Food Services management contract attached, substantially
as to form, to Whitsons Culinary Group for the period of July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023,
with the ability for school administration to award up to four additional 1 -year terms; Ms.
Sawhney seconded. Ms. Lenihan took a roll call vote, passed 5-0.
2022-23 Academic Calendar (con't)
Dr. Hackett asked the School Committee to explain why they voted her to enter impact
bargaining for the switch of the half day. Ms. Lenihan responded that they have heard from
many parents that having the half day be on Fridays works better for their schedules. Ms.
Cuthbertson agreed that it would be an extremely challenging switch. Dr. Hackett is aware of
other changes that are to come and she is cautious about when and how to implement change.
EDCO Dissolution Update
Ms. Lenihan asked Dr. Hackett if she has any updates on the EDCO dissolution, Dr. Hackett said
that the thing to know is that we are "set". She thanked the School Committee for going above
and beyond on this particular issue.
DEI CIT Liaisons
Ms. Cuthbertson announced that the two DEI CIT liaisons will now be Mr. Freeman and Ms. Jay.
Ms. Cuthbertson had been a School Committee liaison to the DEI CIT, but with Mr. Freeman's
election, she will step down to allow him to remain a member of the DEI CIT.
The School Committee adjourned this meeting at 7:30 PM to attend Town Meeting.
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