Tuesday, August 9, 2022
Meeting Minutes
Sara Cuthbertson, Chairperson
Eileen Jay, Vice -Chair
Kathleen Lenihan, Clerk
Larry Freeman
Deepika Sawhney
Dr. Julie Hackett, Superintendent
The minutes were taken by Julie Kaye, School Committee Meeting Recording Secretary.
The School Committee convened at the LPS Central Office. Members of the public can view and
participate in the meeting webinar from their computer or tablet by clicking on the link
provided with the meeting agenda. Please note that this meeting is being recorded, and that
attendees are participating by video conference. This evening's meeting is being broadcast live
and also taped by LexMedia for future on -demand viewing. All supporting materials that have
been provided to members of this body are available on the Town's website unless otherwise
Ms. Cuthberston explained that the two polices JKAA - Restraint of Students and EFC EFD -
eal Charge need to updated prior to the start of the school year.
The School Committee reviewed the newly drafted JKAA - Restraint of Students Policy with Dr.
Mr. Freeman questions some wording in the policy, "For students who require the frequent use
of restraint because they present a high risk of ongoing, dangerous behaviors, school staff may
seek and obtain the parent or guardian's consent to waive reporting requirements for restraints
administered to an individual student that do not result in serious injury to the student or staff
member or constitute extended restraint (longer than 20 minutes)." Dr. Hackett explaining that
some children are known for running
Ms. Jay would also like the wording to be changed so that marginlized people do not feel backed
into it. Ms. Cuthbertson will bring this back to the Policy Subcommittee on August 18, 2022 to
reword this and adding more information so that all parents know what they are signing.
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Dr. Hackett explained that this is not new language in the policy, this has been in the policy. Dr.
Hackett would like to see if there is any confusion now before changing the wording.
Mr. Freeman asked what is the notification that a parent receives if their child was restrained in
the classroom but even in front of other students. Are the other parents notified for the
students that witnessed the restraint? Dr. Hackett and Ms. Cuthbertson recommended adding
some language around practice that we follow. Whether is belongs in the policy or
Ms. Sawhney recommended that we notify the community that these policies have been
updated so that families are aware.
Ms. Jay believes the paragraph, "Physical restraint is prohibited (a) as a means of punishment;
(b) as a response to destruction of property; (c) disruption of school order; (d) a student's
refusal to comply with a school rule or staff directive; or (e) verbal threats that do not constitute
a threat of imminent, serious physical harm to the student or others; (f) when it is medically
contraindicated for reasons including, but not limited to, asthma, seizures, a cardiac condition,
obesity, bronchitis, communication -related disabilities, or risk of vomiting;" needs to be
restructured and have a list by removing c, d, and e.
The School Committee reviewed the newly drafted with Dr.
Ms. Sawhney asked if the free lunch grant was extended for the 2022-2023, which Dr. Hackett
confirmed, that all students will receive free lunch next year.
Ms. Sawhney asked if we could use the small amount of money that is left in students accounts
Mr. Freeman, are students aware of money owed or a block on their account? Dr. Hackett
explained that the intent of this policy is that it should not be happening. We do not want to call
out anyones status that would be embarrassing including a separate meal. The state did say that
you cannot say that you cannot graduate without paying outstanding debts, which is a good
Mr. Freeman, are teachers aware of students that have free or reduced lunch? Dr. Hackett
explained that we are not allowed to share this information and the teachers are not aware.
Ms. Cuthbertson did explain that Whitsons can shut off ala cart at the request of the parents so
that students are still getting lunch but not buying more than that one lunch.
Ms. Jay, is there still an online portal for families to look at their accounts? Ms. Cuthbertson,
yes. Ms. Jay, do families get notifications on low balances? Ms. Cuthbertson explained that yes,
they send the balance updates and there are ways to do auto reload of money and things.
Ms. Cuthbertson will send updated policies to the Committee prior to the next School
Committee Meeting on August 17, 2022.
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ADJOURNMENT at 12:40 p.m.
Ms. Lenihan made a motion to adjourn, Ms. Jay seconded. Ms. Cuthbertson took a roll call
vote, approved 5-0.
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