Tuesday, September 13, 2022
Meeting Minutes
Sara Cuthbertson, Chairperson
Kathleen Lenihan, Clerk
Eileen Jay
Larry Freeman
Deepika Sawhney (virtually)
Grace Ou and Aditi Swamy
Dr. Julie Hackett, Superintendent
The minutes were taken by Julie Kaye, School Committee Meeting Recording Secretary.
The School Committee convened at the School Committee Meeting Room at Central Office and
remotely. Members of the public can view and participate in person or in the meeting webinar
from their computer or tablet by clicking on the link provided with the meeting agenda. Please
note that this meeting is being recorded, and that attendees are participating by video
conference. This evening's meeting is being broadcast live and also taped by LexMedia for
future on -demand viewing. All supporting materials that have been provided to members of
this body are available on the Town's website unless otherwise noted.
Ms. Sawhney read the following consent agenda items:
Payroll and Accounts Payable Warrant Approval
a. September 9, 2022 - AP Warrant in the amount of $396,418.61
b. September 9, 2022 -Payroll in the amount of $4,123,723.98
Mr. Freeman read the following consent agenda items:
a. April 26, 2022
Ms. lay made a motion to approve the entire consent agenda, Ms. Lenihan seconded.
Ms. Cuthbertson took a roll call vote, passed 5-0.
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Mr. Freeman reminded everyone of the Lexington Human Rights Committee meeting tomorrow
morning at 9:00 AM. He also thanked the community for sending him back -to -school pictures.
Ms. Lenihan thanked LPS for the vaccination clinics.
Ms. Jay welcomed everyone back to school since she missed the last meeting.
Ms. Sawhney accompanied Ms. Cuthbertson and Dr. Hackett for a couple of school visits last
week to Clarke Middle School and Fiske Elementary School. She and Dr. Hackett spoke with a
Town consultant, they discussed a zero -waste initiative. There was a PTA Presidents' Council
(PPC) meeting, and Dr. Hackett discusses this further in her report.
Ms. Cuthbertson watched the 9/12/22 Select Board meeting. The request for proposals for the
Center bathrooms went out and all of the bids came in significantly over. Additional funding will
be needed.
Grace Ou introduced herself. She is currently in the twelfth grade at Lexington High School. She
thinks that the School Committee is a really interesting opportunity for students to input their
ideas, and she is excited to be on the committee.
Aditi Swamy also introduced herself. She is also a senior and is on the LHS Senate. She is really
looking forward to working with the School Committee.
No speakers.
Dr. Hackett reviewed the following topics in her report:
1. Congratulations and Celebrations
• Vaccination Clinics
• School Committee Student Representatives
• PTO/PTA Volunteers
2. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
• DEI Curriculum
• DEI Student Advisory Council
3. Elementary Schedule Review
4. Mental Health Services for Lexington Residents
5. Coming Soon: A New Lexington High School Capital Project Website!
The full Superintendent's Report can be viewed here.
School Committee Questions/Comments:
Ms. Lenihan asked if after the next vaccination clinic we could get an update on how many flu
shots versus how many COVID-19 boosters we administered.
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Mr. Freeman commented that his husband received two vaccinations at the LPS clinics and he
said that the process was very smooth. He also encouraged all parents to remind their children
who walk, skateboard, bike, or scooter to school to please obey the traffic crosswalk signs.
Dr. Hackett added that there was a minor accident today at the High School. The chief of police
is going to survey the area tomorrow in collaboration with the LHS Principal.
Ms. Cuthbertson is wondering if our educators are choosing to go to the professional learning
on Learning for Justice's "Let's Talk" or if people are being guided to go if they have shared
hesitancy in the past. Dr. Hackett responded that educators asked for additional training so she
thinks that it is an opportunity they are looking forward to.
The School Committee held a first reading of the following draft revised policies:
AC -Nondiscrimination Policy, ACA -Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex Policy,
ACE -Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability Policy, ACAB-Sexual Harassment Policy.
Ms. Cuthbertson explained that these policies are being revised in response to legislation and
state and federal guidance, and the drafts have been reviewed by our legal counsel. School
Committee members discussed the policies and suggested wording and structural changes. The
Policy Subcommittee will work on incorporating suggestions and bring these policies back for a
second reading.
PRESENTATION - Community Input Team (CIT) for Inclusion
Johnny Cole, Director of Equity &Student Supports, presented the Communit Input Team (CIT)
for Inclusion slideshow. Ellen Sugita, Mike Law, Sam Johnston, Lauren Black, and Tracy Conte
(members of the CIT) also joined as panelists. The team also provided the Community Input
Team (CIT} for Inclusion Final Report document for review.
The team, which was formed in January 2020, spent time envisioning the future of inclusion and
established priorities. Their final recommendations identify the following as priority areas:
Short -Term Priorities
• Identify early adopters for inclusive practices who can be models on how to take
Long -Term Priorities
• Provide time and resources to train all staff in Universal Design for Learning
(UDL). Reinforce UDL successes in a public way to help establish it as a standard.
Provide opportunities for staff members to collaborate across departments,
allowing all members to contribute.
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• Raise community awareness regarding the benefits of inclusion for all. Dispel the
myth that students with disabilities negatively impact general education
• Continue to promote co -teaching across the district where a special educator is
partnered with a general educator in the same classroom.
School Committee Questions/Comments:
Ms. Lenihan thinks it would be helpful to show an example of a lesson that is part of the
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in the future. Sam Johnston explained that she does work
with CAST, which is the organization that established UDL and there is training and research
done on it. She also stated that they focused on having a strong foundation of accessibility
which has always been the core foundational layer of UDL as well as where the legal obligation
sits. She spoke about adding more technology which is a tool that helps with accessibility. For
example, with summer reading, using a physical copy of the book is very difficult for a student
with limited physical mobility, so making a well -formatted digital copy available allows access to
that shared reading experience. Similarly, allowing many classrooms to use Google classroom
and writing in a digital environment rather than by hand; the tools are there now to provide
that good foundation of accessibility. Speech -to -text, text -to -speech; these practices aren't
crunches, they contribute to good comprehension. They make the difference in students being
able to participate or not.
Dr. Hackett asked what Mr. Law sees changing through implementing inclusion practices. He
replied that at the High School we are already seeing inclusion practices being normalized. We
already have so many of these accessibility practices existing in the district so it is becoming
second nature for our teachers. He also stated that inclusion practices benefit everyone, our
students are integrating more into their community and they are making connections and
networking in the community. Those connections go a long way into their adult lives;
networking possibilities for getting jobs down the road.
Mr. Freeman asked if UDL will help special education students be more inclusive in general
education classes. When students are identified mid -year as needing special education support,
they are sometimes clustered with other special education students even in general ed classes.
How inclusive is it if we're grouping special education students together? Is UDL going to change
that? Ms. Conte replied that she does believe that UDL helps, it creates more environments
where more of our students can be welcomed and can be addressed appropriately. She also
mentioned that co -teaching helps make our classrooms fully accessible for all students. Mr.
Freeman asked if the goal is that a student who needs special services wouldn't have to be
moved to another classroom, and Ms. Contre replied yes. Dr. Hackett added that the answer to
this is maybe, it depends on individual need. Ms. Sugita agreed with Dr. Hackett's response, she
added that UDL creates an environment for accessibility. Teachers ask themselves if their lesson
is accessible for all students, for auditory learners, more visual learners. Do I as a teacher have
ways of assessing different understanding? UDL creates an environment but there are times
when they need direct services. Mr. Black is a parent of a child who was in a pilot co -teaching
model last year in elementary school. There are times when kids with particular significant
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needs will still need the pull-out services. A co -teaching model benefits those kids because it
increases inclusion opportunities but it also massively benefits the other kids in the classroom.
Ms. Jay would like a picture of how the co -teaching model works in classrooms, particularly at
the secondary level. She would also like to know how this looks to students. Does the special
education teacher help teach the core subject? Ms. Conte responded that the goal is that the
two teachers in the classroom are both working with all of the students, and the special
educator is the expert in accessibility but over time we will try to keep pairs of general
educators and special educators together so that the special education teacher will build
knowledge in a specific subject. One example Ms. Conte gave was that a class could be broken
up into two groups and both teachers would work with both groups in different ways. Dr.
Hackett added that this is one way to do the co -teaching model but it is not the only way. While
it can be two teachers, there are many different models, such as using high -trained Instructional
Assistants along with one teacher.
Ms. Sawhney reminded the School Committee that she and Ms. Cuthbertson were on the CIT as
contributing members. She explained that COVID impacted some of this work. She
recommended a book by Mr. Hehir that talks about the Dr. William W. Henderson Inclusion
School in Boston.
Ms. Cuthbertson thanked everyone and mentioned that she was on the CIT. She stated that the
UDL approach benefits and engages all students and creates student agency and it fits into our
strategic plan. This work will require a financial commitment. She noted that good co -teaching
requires a lot of good planning. So we will need to put money towards making sure that adults
are working together to support students.
Mr. Black added in response to Ms. Jay's question, that his children (in two different schools)
think of the special educators as just additional teachers in the classroom. He thinks that the
perspective of the students is simply that this is another person to help them learn and that all
teachers are equals.
Mr. Freeman stated that the most moving thing he heard in the presentation was dispelling the
myth of having special education students in Gen Ed classes. We are all better when we are
exposed to people who are different.
Lexington Integrated Building Design Construction Policy
The Lexington Integrated Building Design Construction Policy was reviewed by Dan Voss, the
Chairperson of Sustainable Lexington. Dr. Hackett explained that this was a joint is a parallel
process, and the policy would apply to the high school building project.
School Committee Questions/Comments
Ms. Sawhney added that she was a part of the creation of this policy, being the liaison from the
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School Committee. She explained a bit about the process and her experiences with the
Permanent Building Committee (PBC).
Mr. Freeman asked if the reporting that's required in this policy is going to be a huge lift. Mr.
Voss replied that PBC has successfully gone through this process a number of times.
Ms. Cuthbertson has learned a lot from Sustainable Lexington from past experiences and that a
healthy building impacts students directly. Mr. Voss used air quality as an example of that.
Grace Ou thinks that it's good to hear that the community is putting so much effort into future
generations' education and that our environment affects how we learn.
Superintendent's Recommendation
Dr. Hackett said that we want to follow the Integrated Design Policy as we work on the high
school project. Therefore, she is recommending that the School Committee vote to include the
Chairperson of Sustainable Lexington as a voting member of the LHS School Building
Committee. Her letter provides the justification for the Recommendation as well as the process
and authority for adding members to the SBC.
Ms. Sawhney moved that the School Committee vote to include the
chairperson/member of Sustainable Lexington on the School Building Committee as a
voting member; Mr. Freeman seconded. Ms. Cuthbertson took a roll call vote, passed
No speakers.
This Possible Action Items list is set up for the School Committee to better respond to
suggestions from individual members and to make sure that things are brought to the attention
of the full committee.
Dr. Hackett reviewed the setup of the document. She has added to the list a policy that
recognizes the unique needs of individuals who speak a language other than English; keywords
are Civil Rights; translation. She also added an item to share non-discrimination, sexual
harassment, etc. policies with municipal partners (e.g. Rec. Comm); keywords are share
non-discrimination policies with municipal partners.
Ms. Cuthbertson read the request to do more outreach and public input on the DEI guidebook
before release, the policy on diverse representation on groups and committees, and the request
for the Policy Subcommittee to review what other school district policies are related to cell
phone use.
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Ms. Lenihan made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:50, Ms. Jay seconded. Ms.
Cuthbertson took a roll call vote, passed 5-0.
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