Tuesday, January 10, 2022
Meeting Minutes
Sara Cuthbertson, Chairperson
Eileen Jay, Vice -Chair
Kathleen Lenihan, Clerk
Deepika Sawhney
Larry Freeman joined the meeting at 8:14 AM.
Dr. Julie Hackett, Superintendent
David Coelho, Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Operations
The minutes were taken by Julie Kaye, School Committee Meeting Recording Secretary.
The School Committee convened at the LPS Central Office and via Zoom. Members of the public
can view and participate in the meeting webinar from their computer or tablet by clicking on
the link provided with the meeting agenda. Please note that this meeting is being recorded, and
that attendees are participating by video conference. This meeting is recorded by LexMedia for
future on -demand viewing. All supporting materials that have been provided to members of
this body are available on the Town's website unless otherwise noted.
On Monday, January 9, 2023, Dr. Julie Hackett, Superintendent of Schools, Dave Coelho,
Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Operations, and Laura Reinholm, Assistant Finance
Director met with Town Manager, Jim Malloy, and the Town's finance staff. The meeting was to
discuss solutions for all the high -need student move -ins and how to get to the 4.1% increase
requested in LPS' proposed budget. Subsequent to that meeting, Town staff asked us to put
together a memo with a solution without increasing the overall allocation but that does include
access to the SPED stabilization fund. The good news is we have come up with a new proposal
that would arrive at the 4.1%. The proposed solution is to take half of the 2.6 million dollars in
circuit breaker turnback to fill that gap. The Town will get half of the 2.6 million and the schools
will get half. The School Committee and Administration have made significant efforts in the
capital stabilization, giving back more than we have in previous years. At the Summit we will
share those figures so that people know that we take this seriously.
Mr. Coelho discussed the proposed solution to the gap that we are experiencing from the Town
allocation and what we require. In 2016, the Municipal Modernization Act added a section that
allows districts to create a SPED Stabilization Fund with different rules. Although we created one
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in 2009, this one is a little more descriptive with your cap which is 2% of your total spending and
has a more flexible process on how you can access the funds. Mr. Coelho explains this process in
this memo here to the Town.
School Committee Questions/Comments:
Ms. Sawhney asked for a timeline on this stabilization fund process. Would the School
Committee propose a warrant article for this annual Town Meeting?
Dr. Hackett replied that she believes this is a municipal -initiated warrant article but we can
check on this. We just need to work out the details on who does what but we should anticipate
that this article will be at the March Town Meeting this year.
Ms. Jay asked Mr. Coelho what the process is to access the funds in the stabilization fund.
Dave Coelho replied that once the account is created and the funds are appropriated through
Town Meeting, the process for requesting or accessing the funds becomes more of a formal
process between the School Committee and the Select Board.
Dr. Avon Lewis, LEA President. This budget here is a step in the right direction but it does not go
far enough. We need you to go into the Budget Summit to fight for our students. We do not
need Elementary World Language, this is a distraction from the real issues. What we do need is
training and not just an hour, a real investment to help all staff deal with student trauma. We
need more counselors so that students have access to the mental health services that they
need. At the secondary level, we need lower student loads so that the teachers have a chance
to get to know their students. Just because a student is in 9th, 10th, 11th or 12th grade, does
not mean they do not need to be known. We need more Tier 1 and Tier 2 interventionists that
can be accessed without Special Education in reading, math, and behavioral. We need more
supports for special education teachers. The Town has the money, so we urge you to go to the
Budget Summit and fight for what our students really need. Yes, we need a new LHS but that
should not come at the expense of the current students we have now. That is just wrong.
Dr. Hackett explained that Elementary World Language is not what we are talking about in this
budget. We have the ESSER III funding which is an opportunity to do things differently in the
system. We have one year left to spend it, and we delayed the plan last year. More to the point
of pandemic times, what we are talking about here is a 5 -day student schedule. In my mind,
having children have the ability to go to school 5 days a week instead of 4.5 is a pretty good
solution for pandemic times. The proposed FY 24 budget has nothing to do with the Elementary
World Language proposal or those positions. We will head to Summit to work collaboratively
with everyone at the table while advocating strongly for the needs of our students and staff. Dr.
Hackett also thanked Mr. Coelho and his staff for their efforts with the budget.
Ms. Lenihan asked to remind everyone of the next Budget Summit Meeting and the next Budget
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Dr. Hackett replied that the next Budget Summit will be on January 19, 2023 at 7 p.m. and the
next School Committee Budget Hearing will be on January 24, 2023 at 6 p.m. Dr. Hackett and Mr.
Coelho will also schedule the staff budget presentation hearing in the next few weeks.
Ms. Sawhney made a motion to adjourn at 8:25 AM, Mr. Freeman seconded. Ms. Cuthbertson
took a roll call vote, approved 5-0.
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