HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-05-09-SC-minLEXINGTON SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday, May 9, 2023 Meeting Minutes CALL TO ORDER AND WELCOME: 5:33 PM SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT Sara Cuthbertson, Chairperson Deepika Sawhney, Vice -chair Kathleen Lenihan, Clerk Larry Freeman Eileen Jay did not attend the meeting. SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS PRESENT Dr. Julie Hackett, Superintendent Dave Coelho, Assistant Superintendent Finance & Operations Chris Lyons, Assistant Superintendent for Personnel and Staff Support The School Committee convened at the School Committee Meeting Room at Central Office and remotely. Members of the public can view and participate in person or in the meeting webinar from their computer or tablet by clicking on the link provided with the meeting agenda. Please note that this meeting is being recorded and that attendees are participating by video conference. This evening's meeting is being broadcast live and also taped by LexMedia for future on -demand viewing. All supporting materials that have been provided to members of this body are available on the Town's website unless otherwise noted. The minutes were taken by Julie Kaye, School Committee Meeting Recording Secretary. EXECUTIVE SESSION Ms. Cuthbertson moved that the School Committee enter into Executive Session under Exemption 3 — For the purpose of discussing strategy with respect to collective bargaining with the Lexington Educators Association (LEA), as the Chair so declares an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining position of the School Committee, Ms. Sawhney seconded. Ms. Cuthbertson took a roll call vote, passed 4-0. The School Committee entered Executive Session at 5:34 PM and returned to Open Session at 6:33 PM. Student representative, Aditi Swamy has joined the meeting. CONSENT AGENDA Ms. Sawhney read the following consent agenda items: Payroll and Accounts Payable Warrant Approval JK 05/09/23 - APPROVED a. May 5, 2023 - Payroll in the amount of $4,210,121.42 b. May 12, 2023 -AP Warrant in the amount of $1,841,438.92 Mr. Freeman read the following consent agenda items: Minutes a. March 28, 2023 Ms. Lenihan made a motion to approve the entire consent agenda, Mr. Freeman seconded. Passed 5-0. SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEMBER ANNOUNCEMENTS AND LIAISON REPORTS Ms. Freeman mentioned the student walk -out that happened at the Minuteman High School yesterday. He suggested that any parents that may have students who attend that school reach out to the Lexington representative, Judy Crocker. Ms. Lenihan attended the SEPAC Question and Answer Forum, along with Ms. Sawhney. This was a great opportunity to hear directly from parents. Ms. Lenihan asked about the Thrive Act, which would remove having to pass the MCAS as a graduation requirement. Ms. Sawhney attended the event Dr. Ned Hallowell: Making your life (with ADHD) VAST and full of potential discussion on April 27th which was organized by LexSEPTA & SEPAC. Aditi announced that the month of May is Mental Health Awareness. The counseling department will provide opportunities for students to meditate, crochet, and do puzzles. The Senate is planning an "unwind" day in June. Ms. Cuthbertson attended an event on April 30th put on by the Lexington Women's group at the Depot. She also sent the School Committee the link to the AAPI 5k Run/Walk. COMMUNITY SPEAK Sonali Doshi - 7 Flintlock Rd: "As a parent, and a part-time substitute teacher with LIPS, I feel distraught at how our high schoolers' health and well-being are now at the mercy of their rampant cell phone use; sadly, our cell phone policy doesn't reach beyond Middle School in our district. During active class time, I find roughly 7 out of 10 students glued to multi -modal content (social or commercial video clips) on their phones. Often, this is in complete defiance of their classwork posted in google classroom; I see students aren't even pretending to split their time and attention with their primary academic objectives. It is a setback for a highly reputable school district, with significant intellectual and financial investment aimed at its students' achievement. Beyond the well-documented risks cell phone use inflicts, this eventually affects the intellectual, emotional, and holistic well-being of our future generations. Beyond the obvious distraction and disturbances, the gamut of perils of excessive mobile devices is far and wide. The long-term ill effects include AVL (artificial visible lights), aka HEVL (high energy visible lights), and the list goes on and on. Their brain takes time to reset from these prolonged blue JK 05/09/23 - APPROVED light hues, while their postures require readjustments. When we consider the inherent challenges the adolescent life stage brings to them, can't we strive to limit the damages that are controllable? Rampant cell phone use increases the gulf between reality and the virtual lives the students live on their phones. It is not difficult to see how we are watching these students—potential leaders of our future generations—get pushed away from their holistic well-being. Let's help them!" Her conclusion is the future of our young teens is in the hands of us, the adults. She is asking the School Committee to please take her appeal seriously. Dawn McKenna - 9 Hancock St (in person): She is here to talk about the Gill Hammer/Discus Cage. Tonight the School Committee is being asked to vote on the placement of the cage. She states that several years ago, the School Committee turned control over to the Recreation Department for management. There is language about safety and they are not living up to that. Ms. McKenna adds that despite what Recreation tells you, it is not a good partnership. She is hoping that the School Committee will rescind the vote to turn over control of Recreation, the schools need to be in control. UNFINISHED BUSINESS AGENDA ITEM C. Vote on New Gill Hammer/Discus Cage Placement on Worthen Road Ms. Cuthbertson stepped out of the room since she has a child on the track team. Dr. Hackett explained that there is a concern for safety, there have been injuries and many "near misses" Dr. Hackett spoke about the location of the cage and the possibility of moving it (it is portable). The plan is to attend the Recreation Committee meeting on May 17th. Ms. Lenihan asked about practices, and Dr. Hackett responded that practices are happening in other places. Ms. Lenihan thinks that it would be helpful to have a joint meeting with the School Committee and the Recreation Committee in the summer. Ms. Sawhney asked where the slab will be going. Mr. Coelho explained the location of where the cage might be moved to; the back corner of Worthen Field. She also asked how long would it take to get the cage set up in a new location, Mr. Coelho answered that it depends on how long it takes the concrete to cure (about 10-14 days). Mr. Freeman stated that, "It seems like we are going through a lot of hoops for a safety issue." He hopes that no one gets hurt while we are waiting for approval. Dr. Hackett added that when we have a safety concern, we have an obligation to fix it. Dr. Hackett explained that we also have to file with the Conservation Committee, right now the earliest we can get approval is June 12th. Ms. Sawhey moved that the School Committee authorize the Superintendent of Schools to begin the immediate process of constructing a Throwing Facility on Worthen JK 05/09/23 - APPROVED Road school property to address ongoing safety concerns, Ms. Lenihan seconded. Passed 3-0. PRESENTATION: Springy Enroll erg pate Dr. Kavanaugh went over this enrollment document. • Kindergarten to grade 5 enrollment for FY24 is relatively flat or slightly higher than this yea r. • Middle school enrollment could fall above the midline projection. • The high school FY24 enrollment is also on track to fall above the midline projection. • Based on enrollment forecasts, historical enrollment trends, and the adjustments described, the MSBA determined, for planning and study purposes only, a design enrollment of 2,395 students for the proposed LHS project. School Committee Questions/Comments: Ms. Lenihan stated that parents at the SEPAC Question and Answer Forum asked about our space limitations in the schools because of the ILP program (the number of children being diagnosed with autism continues to rise). She asked how we will address the space constraints in the ILP program. Dr. Hackett responded that we did address the ILP expansion by branching out to Estabrook. Dr. Kavanaugh explained that when we have to expand or move around programs it can affect what a building's planned capacity is. Ms. Sawhney said that a SEPAC parent asked what is our strategic plan in terms of the trends that are happening nationally with different kinds of needs, especially in special education. Ms. Sawhney would like to see a data analysis of children who have autism or other needs. Dr. Hackett stated that there was a debriefing after the SEPAC meeting with the Central Office Leadership team and one of the concerns that was expressed is that we're getting students from all over the world and we have no way to predict who's coming in. Dr. Kavanaugh added that we do monitor these things and she sent some demographic enrollment information to Dr. Hackett that she will share. SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT Dr. Hackett reviewed her Su2erintendenfs Report with the School Committee. The highlights from her report include: 1. Congratulations and Celebration • Staff Appreciation Days • Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Teacher Recognition • Shoutout to Kalea Foo! • Dr. Hackett visited Mr. Ryan Casey's A Block Spanish II Honors Class • Civics Teacher Leader Cohort - Harvard Project Zero • LHS National Science Bowl • Tenacity Challenge 2. We All Belong JK 05/09/23 - APPROVED • May is AAPI and Jewish American Heritage Months • Addressing Hate in School Sports 3. High School Project Update • Owner's Project Manager (OPM) Selection Process 4. LHS Principal Search Update • Dr. Andrew Stephens has been offered the Superintendent/Principal position in Lincoln -Sudbury; this letter outlines the timeline and search process for a new LHS principal High School Dual Enrollment Financial Assistance • College credit for high school classes • 162 seniors have selected this option • Middlesex Community College gave us eight vouchers o Mr. Freeman would like to expand the course offerings. 6. Michelle Waters-Ekanem Internship • This is a program for undergrads and grads interested in using their skills to protect our environment. • Michelle was LPS Administrative Assistant Krishonda Waters' incredible Mom who recently passed. NEW BUSINESS A. FY 23 3rd Quarter Financiala ort Mr. Coelho reviewed the linked document. At the end of the Third Quarter of the fiscal year, he currently projects a surplus of approximately $2.62M. School Committee Questions/Comments Ms. Sawhney stated that she sent Mr. Coelho questions, and she will share these and his answers with the School Committee. Ms. Sawhney is looking at the last chart and asks why these numbers suddenly seem to jump. Ms. Sawhney spoke about Line 44: Transportation: Regular Education and how 68% of the total cost of providing student transportation is coming from the operating budget. She explained that we subsidize each child's travel. Ms. Sawhney is appointed to the Ad Hoc Transportation Committee, and LexPress ridership is very low. They are going to try to do some marketing to get ridership increased. She also asked Mr. Coelho about the chart on page 7, "FY2023 Quarter 3 Salary and Wage Projections" line 17 Operating Substitutes Per -Diem. Mr. Coelho explained that this includes any substitute position and that the savings will be generated in Unit A, line 1 to offset. Ms. Sawhney sees that the use of substitutes is rising and having a substitute means that the regular teacher is not there and that sometimes results in loss of learning. Ms. Sawhney asks if there is a way to make the experience of having a substitute more learning -related, Dr. Hackett responded that we created a substitute MOA with the unions and it is working very well. They will discuss this further at another meeting. JK 05/09/23 - APPROVED Ms. Cuthbertson explained that this is the same evaluation process we do each year and the deadline for the School Committee's individual assessments to be turned in to her is June 8th. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Vote Draft 2023-2024 SC MeetDg Dates Ms. Lenihan moved to approve the draft for the 2023-2024 School Committee Meeting dates, Ms. Sawhney seconded. Passed 4-0. B. Vote the 3 -Year Successor Agreement between the School Committee and the ALA Tabled to May 23rd meeting. C. Vote on New Gill Hammer/Discus Cage Placement on Worthen Road Voted previously in the meeting. D. LHS Owner's Project Manager Process Update Discussed previously in the meeting. COMMUNITY SPEAK Dawn McKenna - 9 Hancock St (in person): She thanked the staff for their work on settling the contract. She also reminded everyone of her experience with enrollment and projections with small units being occupied by multiple students, she is happy to be resourced. Ms. McKenna also thanked the School Committee for the support in making sure that the long-standing problem with the track gets resolved. She made a request that the discussion not be pushed off, she does not think that this can wait. She states that "you are not dealing with equal partners." She also added that Senior Day cannot be in Lexington because the arrangements were not made by Recreation. POSSIBLE ACTION ITEMS No items were added. ADJOURNMENT Ms. Cuthbertson made a motion to adjourn at 8:27 PM, Mr. Freeman seconded. Passed 5-0. JK 05/09/23 - APPROVED