Tuesday February 23, 2016
6:30 P.M.
Parker Room, Town Office Building
1625 Massachusetts Ave
Chair Phil Hamilton opened the meeting at 6:36 pm in the Parker Room of the Town Office
Commissioners Present: Alex Dohan, Kevin Beuttell, Dick Wolk, Phil Hamilton, Joyce Miller,
Duke Bitsko
Others Present: Karen Mullins, Conservation Administrator and Casey Hagerty, Conservation
Department Assistant
Reports- Community Garden
Mr. Hamilton restated the recommendations of the committee, reported at the February 9
meeting: An alternative garden location is to be ready for the 2017 growing season. Dunback
Meadow gardeners who choose to move in 2017 will have their choice of plots in the new
location. Dunback Meadow gardeners who do not choose to move will be able to garden in the
Dunback Meadow location for the 2017 growing season. Those gardeners will be guaranteed a
plot in the new location in 2018, but will be treated as new applicants and will be assigned a plot,
rather than choosing one. The Dunback Meadow gardens will be closed permanently at the end
of the 2017 growing season.
Comments and questions from the commissioners:
Mrs. Miller explained that she felt strongly that gardens should be moved out of Dunback
Mrs. Dohan stated that she felt that there should be no new gardeners allowed into Dunback
Meadow Garden, but the gardeners who are there should continue to remain there.
Mr. Bitsko stated he felt gardening was more of an active use than a passive use.
A motion was made by Mr. Wolk to adopt the committee's recommendations and go ahead with
opening a new garden and closing the Dunback Meadow Garden. It was seconded by Mr.
Beuttell. Vote: 5 -1 with Mrs. Dohan voting against.
Update on Enforcement at 55 and 31 Allen Street
William Dailey, the attorney for John Carroll, stated that he and his client are interested in
continuing the hearing on the enforcement order to the second Conservation Commission
meeting in April. In that time, he hopes that a mutually satisfactory resolution can be reached.
During that time, Bina Farm would not use the parking area, but would continue to use the
indoor riding ring.
The commission asked which parts of the parking area would not be used. Mr. Dailey clarified
that they are offering to not have any parking on the right side of the barn. The commission
stated that this does not address the wetland on the left side of the barn. Mr. Dailey told the
commission that his client would undertake to prove that that area is not a wetland, but that in the
interim he is willing to agree not to allow parking in areas which the commission considers
The commission asked if the erosion controls were in place. Frank Potsma, from EA
Engineering, stated that wattles were in place and hay bales were placed at the stream outfall.
Ms. Mullins explained that hay bales were needed at the upstream opening also.
The commission asked for a timeline as to what would be happening in the next two months. Mr.
Dailey stated that they will start working with the conservation office next week to address the
erosion controls issue. Mr. Potsma stated that he will be looking at historical data and maps to
see how the property will fit into the Wetlands Protection Act. He stated there may be some
confusion over the wetlands that some of the GIS maps are showing. They agreed to come back
at the commission's next meeting to report on their progress.
Questions and comments from the audience:
Jay Parsons, 65 Allen Street, stated that he would rather have people park in the lot to keep Allen
Street clear. He also added that on other parts of the site, there is room for parking.
Marie Tulin, 56 Allen Street also agreed that she did not want parking on Allen Street. She stated
that they should look elsewhere on the site for parking.
Peter Kreisky. 3 Clematis Road, stated that he was concerned about parking on the street. He
also stated that he was concerned with flooding and whether the new riding arena would affect
run off.
Ricky Pappo, 16 Blossomcrest Street, stated that she was concerned over whether the town
stormwater system could handle the increased runoff from the new arena.
After hearing from the neighbors, the commission specified that until further notice from the
commission, the six parking spots furthest from the wetland could be used.
Motion to continue the hearing to March 7, 2016 made by Mrs. Miller and seconded by Mr.
Beuttell. Vote: 6 -0 in favor.
New Hearings
758 Marrett Road
Kathy Herbel- Gale Associates, Sean Lannon- project engineer, Matt McClean- facilities director
Documents: RDA package 2/2/2016, Plans 2/2/2016
Ms. Herbel explained that this project is to repair the access road leading to the Minuteman
Regional Technical High School. She stated that the existing road runs right through the wetland.
Erosion controls would be put in place and the work would be done according to MassDOT
standards. Mr. Lannon explained that the guardrail would be replaced and manholes would be
reset as needed.
Questions and comments from the commissioners:
The commission asked why the applicant was not doing more repaving. Ms. Herbel explained
that they are just focusing on the worst areas for now because of cost.
The commission stated that on their site visits, they saw that snow was being dumped into the
wetlands in at least three separate locations. They asked that a snow removal plan be created.
The commission asked if curbs were being put in. Mr. Lannon explained that new curbs were
being put in place.
The commission requested that erosion controls go behind the guardrail construction.
The commission asked that they clean out existing catch basins.
Motion to issue a negative determination with conditions made by Mrs. Miller and seconded by
Mrs. Dohan. Vote: 6 -0 in favor.
Continued Hearings
DEP File No. 201 -1013, BL 970
NOI, 99 Hancock Street, Diamond School
Owner /Applicant: Town of Lexington
Project: School addition and associated site appurtenances
Fred King- Project engineer, Ken DiNisco- architect
Mr. King explained that they were able to accommodate the one year storm in some areas. He
stated they were able to find a spot for the recharge basin that will mitigate for the new parking
area. He also said that they tipped the service driveway slightly and were able to create a
depression to catch runoff in that area.
Mr. King went on to explain that they spoke with the fire chief and were able to narrow the road
on the side of the school to 18 ft. and pull it 4 feet away from the 25 -foot buffer to the wetland.
Mr. King told the commission that they have added an impermeable barrier along the outside of
the Sedge Road that will keep the wetland from dewatering.
Mr. DiNisco stated that the school department and facilities department wanted to include a ten
foot wide sidewalk along Sedge Road to safely accommodate students who were both walking
and riding bicycles. In order to properly infiltrate the ten foot wide sidewalk, the entire road
would have to be raised two feet. Mr. King added that pervious pavement is not an option in this
situation because of the high ground water level. They added that they are removing 8 previously
proposed parking spots to bring the area closer to compliance, but the only way they will fully
achieve compliance is to limit the size of the sidewalk.
The commission discussed this situation. They agreed that removing the eight parking spots and
putting in a curb to stop people from parking on the lawn would be sufficient. They felt that
having the ten foot wide side walk was important for safety.
The commission requested an 0 and M plan for the two new stormwater systems. The applicant
agreed to provide one.
Motion to close the hearing made by Mrs. Miller and seconded by Mr. Wolk. Vote: 6 -0 in favor.
DEP File No. 201 -1021, BL 978
NOI, 10 Churchill Lane
Applicant /Owner: Dan Moeller, Metrowest Builders LLC
Project: Raze and rebuild Single Family home
Mary Trudeau- wetlands scientist, Dan Moeller- Builder /applicant
Documents: Updated Site plan 2/23/2016
Ms. Trudeau explained that this project would be a raze and rebuild of a single family home.
There are no wetlands on the property and no work would be done within the 50 ft. buffer to the
offsite wetland. She explained that some fill would be required in the back yard for the
infiltration systems. She explained that the machines would use the existing driveway and that
catch basin liners will be added. Ms. Trudeau stated that there will be seven feet of separation
between the drain line and the existing sewer line.
Questions and comments from the commission:
Ms. Mullins explained that the town does not want the drain line crossing the sewer line. Mr.
Moeller stated they could move the line.
The commission discussed the type of trees that they would like to see as replacement trees. The
applicant stated that they could plant four, eight foot tall trees along the back and side of the
house. They stated that they are limited as to where they could plant them because of the
infiltration systems.
The commission requested that the contour lines be shown around the deck and patio.
Motion to close the hearing made by Mrs. Miller and seconded by Mr. Beuttell. Vote: 6 -0 in
8:21 pm
DEP File No. 201 -1015, BL 972
NOI, 435 and 439 Lincoln Street
Owner: Leo P. and Margaret M. McSweeney, John R. Dailey
Applicant: North Shore Residential Development Inc.
Project: Balanced House residential development
Jack Sullivan- Sullivan Engineering, Brian Lopez, Gary Larson - landscape architect
Documents: Engineering Report 2/26/2016, Supplemental NOI information 2/23/2016
Mr. Sullivan explained that they have updated the plans since the last time they came before the
commission with the changes recommended by the planning department and the conservation
commission. He explained that Rich Kirby redid the delineation along the Cambridge Reservoir
and that the buffer zone line did move slightly closer to the project although there will still be no
building within the 100 -ft. buffer zone.
Mr. Sullivan stated that he has added catch basins with underground storage tanks. Two up
gradient manholes have also been added. This will lead to a reduction in the one year storm
runoff. They will also have to file for a NPDES permit. He explained that they will file another
NOI in the future when they want to extend the proposed trail into an area within 100 feet of a
Mr. Larson stated that most of the lot is outside of the 100 ft. buffer. There will be some
screening plants between lots and plantings to increase character. He stated that they will create a
plan to remove invasives as well as remove anything that has been dumped on the site.
Questions and comments from the commission:
The commission stated that they would want to review any invasive species removal plan.
The commission questioned how the applicant would be able to prevent units from extending
their activities into the 25 -ft. do- not - disturb zone, and requested more information on how this
would be achieved.
The commission asked who would maintain the proposed trails on the property.
The commission requested an 0 and M plan for all of the storm water systems. They also
requested that an emergency overflow be added to downspouts that the geotextile fabric be
removed from the bottom of the systems and that "washed" stone be specified.
The commission stated that they want to see a more specific planting plan, showing which native
plantings would be used.
The commission requested detail for the porous pavement system.
The commission requested detail for the downspout overflow.
The commission requested a copy of the HOA rules to review the language regarding dumping.
The commission requested a snow storage plan.
Motion to continue the hearing to March 7, 2016 at the applicant's request made by Mrs. Miller
and seconded by Mr. Wolk. Vote: 6 -0 in favor.
Pending Continued
Site visits were scheduled for Sunday March 7, 2016 at noon.
Mr. Bitsko reported that he has seen large salt piles and machines stored alongside the wetlands
along Hartwell Ave.
Update on enforcement at 139 Wood Street
Ms. Mullins reported that the work has stopped and there is no update.
The commission will approve the minutes from 2/9/16 at the following meeting.
Motion to approve the minutes from the 1/19/16 Joint Stewards meeting made by Mrs. Miller
and seconded by Mr. Beuttell. Vote: 6 -0 in favor.
Permit Extension
Motion to approve the permit extension for one year for 18 Constitution Road, DEP 201 -884, BL
843 made by Mrs. Miller and seconded by Mr. Wolk. Vote: 6 -0 in favor.
Motion to approve the permit for three years for Whipple Hill Trail Improvements, DEP 201-
899, BL 858 made by Mrs. Miller and seconded by Mr. Wolk. Vote: 6 -0 in favor.
Approve Spending for Whipple Hill Wayfinding System
Motion to approve funding for the Whipple Hill Wayfinding system made by Mrs. Miller and
seconded by Mr. Wolk. Vote: 6 -0 in favor.
Issue Order of Conditions
Motion to issue an Order of Conditions for 17 Stedman Road, Clark School, DEP 201 -1014, BL
971 made by Mrs. Miller and seconded by Mr. Wolk. Vote: 6 -0 in favor.
Motion to issue an Order of Conditions for 92 Grant Street, DEP 201 -1008, BL 965 made by
Mrs. Miller and seconded by Mr. Wolk. Vote: 6 -0 in favor.
Motion to issue an Order of Conditions for 139 Wood Street, DEP 201 -1017, BL 974 made by
Mr. Wolk and seconded by Mrs. Miller. Vote: 6 -0 in favor.
Conservation Restriction for Grant Street/ Glen Road South
Motion to accept the Conservation Restriction at Grant Street/ Glen Road South made by Mr.
Wolk and seconded by Mrs. Miller. Vote: 6 -0 in favor.
Tree Regulation Discussion
The commission discussed adapting a tree policy to include trees within the 100 ft. buffer zone.
Some issues that the commission discussed were what would happen if there was not enough
space on the lot to do a 1:1 replication, should we have a tree fee, what height and width should
we require, and what about trees that are invasive.
The commission agreed that they would do some more research into creating a list of invasive
trees as well as a list of accepted species.
Motion to adjourn made by Mrs. Miller and seconded by Mrs. Dohan. Vote: 6 -0 in favor.