HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-11-19-LEXHAB-minexHAB minutes Nov 2015 LexHAB inutes of Meeting held on November 19, 2015 at the offices of LexHAB at 1620 Massachusetts Avenue in Lexington he meeting opened at 7:06 AM. resent were the Chairman, Bill Kennedy, the Vice -chair Bob Burbidge, Lester Savage, Zartha Wood, Gerry Howell and Bill Hays. Also present were Norman Cohen and Suzie arry (the Board of Selectmen liasons to LexHAB), Pat Nelson (LexHAB's counsel) and ob Pressman . Minutes The minutes for the previous meeting were reviewed and unanimously accepted as esented. . Financials Gerry Howell presented the statements for activities through the end of October, r porting that the expenditures displayed on the Profit and Loss statement , though higher t an for the year -to -date statement for the same period in 2014, were mainly attributable t outlays described in the minutes of the October meeting. Gerry noted that movement of LexHAB's banking facility to Cambridge Trust ompany has not yet been completed but that completion of signature cards and �propriate account agreements are under way. 3 Membership A. Following the last meeting, Bob Phelan has expressed a willingness to become a ember of the LexHAB board.. The Chairman said he would forward to the Selectmen L6cHAB's suggestion that Henry Liu, Donna Leary and Bob Phelan be appointed to the bard. 4N Officers It was suggested that in view of Dave Eagle's departure from the Board, the O'lowing slate of officers be confirmed for the remainder of the Organization's fiscal year: Chairman Bill Kennedy Vice - Chairman Bob Burbidge Treasurer Gerry Howell Assistant Treasurer Donna Leary Clerk Bill Hays It was further discussed and proposed that the Chairman, the Vice - Chairman, the reasure and the Assistant Treasurer be designated as signatories on LexHAB's various 1 ank and investment accounts and that for any check or withdrawal in excess of $10,000, he signatures of two of the above signatories be required; otherwise, a single signature '11 suffice . Busa Farm Project A. The Chairman reported that at the Special Session of Town Meeting, transfer of e affordable housing parcel to LexHAB was approved. It was the consensus of the eeting that LexHAB's counsel will need to track the expected transfer. B. It was noted that for the first time in connection with any acquisition of a building, oth the CPA restriction package and as well the restrictions required by DHCD will feed to be drafted, signed and recorded. C. Lester suggested that the site plan shortly to be completed provide for the lacement at the corners of the affordable housing parcel permanent boundary markers . 6. Task Force A. The Chairman indicated that the task force previously named would shortly ssemble and begin its work. B. It was suggested that Metro West might be a source of advice and assistance to the ask force. C. It was also suggested that in connection with any future RFP's released by exHAB in connection with new construction, it might be possible to make experience in ero energy construction a requirement; it was left that Pat Nelson would follow this lead. Fairview A. Lester reported that the fmal building permit for Fairview has now issued. As a ���esult, the foundation for the new structure has been poured; the forms should come off Shortly. B. Lester reported that the existing structure has been completely gutted under o separate contracts. As noted in the minutes of the previous meeting, total removal of azardous materials was and is a condition for entry into the building on the part of 1Jocational School students. C. Lester surmised that the new structure would be weather tight before the onset of Creep Wright Farm A. It was reported that Town Meeting accepted the revised projection of $200,000 as the estimated cost of all that will be required on the site so far as housing is concerned winter. B. The closing on the property has been postponed to mid - December in order that the own will be protected in the event that hazardous materials are found to exist. pparently, these materials are not present on our affordable housing site. C. It was determined to postpone action or recommendations for action on the uestion of whether the old house would be classified as a 3 or a 4 bedroom dwelling. . Neelon Farm A. It was reported that Arron Henry has opined that pursuant to Planning Approval anted to Todd Cataldo, one unit at Kneelon Farm must be affordable to renters. It ppears that Todd has elected to shift ownership of the affordable unit to the likes of exHAB rather than to retain ownership and then rent the unit himself. B. The Chairman reported that he has submitted a "p lace holder" request for this property with the CPC. C. There was general approval of the purchase of the unit at the suggested price. D. Members of the board who have walked through the unit expressed approval of odd's conversion of the old barn into an attractive housing unit. 10. Muzzey A. Pat Nelson reported that the condominium Trustees have hired an attorney who had some time ago spoken with Pat and indicated a willingness to present to Pat a list of tiie issues that the Muzzey Board would like to resolve. But there has been no response. B. Instead, we have been invited to attend a meeting of the Board. Pat will seek pecification of the issues the Muzzey board intends to present. C. Assuming that the questions and purpose of the meeting are satisfactorily laid out n advance, there was approval of the Chairman's designation of Lester, Bob Burbidge nd himself as the group to attend in LexHAB's behalf. 1. Next Meeting It was determined that the December meeting will be held at the offices of the board t 1620 Massachusetts Avenue in Lexington at 7 AM on December 9, 2015. Respectfully submitted kk / 1 Clerk Wi ays