HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-06-12 SB Packet - Released SELECT BOARD MEETING Monday, June 12, 2023 Select Board Meeting Room, 1625 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, MA 02420- Hybrid Participation* 6:30 PM AGENDA CONSENT AGENDA 1. Application: One-Day Liquor License- Spectacle Management, 1605 Massachusetts Avenue . Garrison Keillor Tonight 2. Application: One-Day Liquor Licenses - TAPPED Beer Trucic, 35 HartwellAvenue . (3) TIAX LLC Company/Tenant Event 3. Application: Battle Green Pernut- Lexington Minute Men • Educational Day for 18th Century Reenactors in Coordination with the Ladies Association of Revolutionary America(LARA) 4. Approve Easement and Declare Available for Disposition- 18 Philip Road ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION 1. Review and Approve Solar Canopy Design for Police Station Project 6:35pm 2. Review and Approve Lexpress Fare Restructuring Proposal 7:20pm 3. Select Board Work Session- Planning Discussion for Goal Setting Meetnlg 7:35pm 4. Select Board Work Session- Discuss Potential Use of Hybrid Participation Format B:OSpm for Future Town Meetings EXECUTIVE SESSION 1. Exemption 3: Di.�cuss Strategy with Respect to Collective Bargaining- Paid 8:20pm Parental Leave ADJOURN 1. Anticipated Adjourrnnent 8:35pm Meeting Packet:https://lexington.novusagenda.com/agendapublic/ *Members of the public can attend the�neeting from their computer or tablet by clicking on the following link at the time of the ineeting: https://zoom.us/j/92482764382?pwd=SFFvYWo3MmVkODF laGSETmNsRDVoZz09 iPhone one-tap: +13092053325„92482764382#,,,,*380743# US +13126266799„92482764382#,,,,�380743# US (Chicago) Telephone: +l 309 205 3325 US +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 646 931 3860 US +1 929 205 6099 US (New York) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) Meeting ID: 924 8276 4382 P as sc ode: 380743 An Act Relative to Extending Certain State of Emergency Accomodations:https://www.mass.gov/th�open-meeting-law The next regularly scheduled ineeting of the Select Board will be held on Wednesday, June 21, 2023 at 6:30pm via hybrid participation. Hearing Assistance Devices Available on Request �� �j"�� All agenda time and the oizler of items av�appr�ximate and �,�( �ub�ect to chanbe. Recorded by LezMedia AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT SOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Application: One-Day Liquor License - Spectacle Management, 1605 Massachusetts Avenue ITEM PRESENTER: NUMBER: Joe Pato, Select Board Chair C.1 SUMMARY Category:Decision-Making S�uectacle Management: Spectacle Management has requested a One-Day Liquor License to serve beer and wine in the lobby outside of Battin Hall on the main level of Cary Memorial Building, 1605 Massachusetts Avenue, for the purpose of the Garrison Keillor Tonight performance on Thursday, June 22, 2023 from 6:30pm to 10:30pm. This event was previously scheduled for an Apri12023 performance (license approved in March 2023), but it was postponed after the fact. This is being processed as a new license. The request has been reviewed by the Department of Public Facilities with no concerns. SUGGESTED MOTION: To approve a One-Day Liquor License for Spectacle Management to serve beer and wine in the lobby outside of Battin Hall on the main level of Cary Memorial Building, 1605 Massachusetts Avenue, for the purpose of the G arrison Keillor Tonight performance on Thursday, June 22, 2023 from 6:30pm to 10:30pm. Move to approve the consent. FOLLOW UP: Select Board Office DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 6/12/2023 ATTACHMENTS: Description Type ❑ �x�c,c�bd�c�Vaa n�l nnu agrc�utu:,�i9 If�va�r.b IC�,a;c�.ri�,�r,I�Nar��. �.�;.7a;lk���r Ca��ttu�:un�ii AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Application: One-Day Liquor Licenses - TAPPED Beer Truck, 35 Hartwell Avenue ITEM PRESENTER: NUMBER: Joe Pato, Select Board Chair C.2 SUMMARY: Category:Decision-Making TAPPED Beer Truck: TAPPED Beer Truck has requested three One-Day Liquor Licenses to serve beer in the rear parking lot at the headquarters of TIAX LLC, 35 Hartwell Avenue, for the purpose of a Company/Tenant Event from 3:OOpm to S:OOpm on the following dates: . Thursday, June 22, 2023 . Thursday, July 20, 2023 • Wednesday,August 30, 2023 The event is for the tenants at 29 Hartwell Avenue, 35 Hartwell Avenue, 44 Hartwell Avenue and 60 Westview Street. The tenant names are TIAX LLC, Greenlight Bio, Cystic Fibrosis, DSM a�ld Lyndra. The request has been reviewed by the Health Department and Fire Department with no concerns. SUGGESTED MOTION: To approve three One-Day Liquor Licenses for TAPPED Beer Trucic to seive beer for the purpose of a Company/Tenant Event to be held in the rear parking lot at the headquarters of TIAX LLC, 35 Hartwell Avenue, from 3:OOpm to S:OOpm on the following dates: . Thursday, June 22, 2023 . Thursday, July 20, 2023 . Wednesday,August 30, 2023 Move to approve the consent. FOLLOW UP: Select Board Office DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 6/12/2023 ATTACHMENTS: Description Type L� '1f'f`aII°q'�:llD '�;�c^� �ut���,ll<��"�tc;�t�ILz,a,;iYcamn�aNar'a 113;:ia°I�.��a1l�I�.da�muai % `ir/��/ lii/ „�/„� � i% %/�� ��y,�„ , , , �� ��j��j ��,///�/�'"!���`���%1�/%/�/ / '�� ,'�� v � �/ �� � ���/� �. % '�� ��l`� � �%��������i%ri%�' 0' ���:, �� i�(rr/�,"'» � � �, �/„ � �� //����/�f� ��/, � J '/%,j/l/I ��� J ''J . � % , �i � ��%��i a �l�ii�, � � �, �i!„i'/'�j II i �iai�� �f U l�/ �/ ' � j, � ��� . '� r ��� � �/', � S I�{i� �i� Ilu�ji�;;. � "�"% � ���1i'�h i ��. �ia�i�, � ��. �ur; �,. � ��` ] ,l: l. � pr, �v % � 'i � ; , J � i,� � � � � �, � � � � Y� � �� � ''� iy� I � J��`�, � � � "" � �1 i'�� � �,r�� i�^�1�1{' � � ��� � � . � � �� U�� ,. � � ��, �Il ,�ny, � �� � If � y G, � j v, PI V . x % �� � �" � � Ir h� ��,��- �" � � � ;,� , i NPi,h � � �r� ���� �'II��� ���' li:, I / r/,, i�� � � � J// ` � l I I �i ' i // t %'%l �,i i/�,� / J/ // �� ,,,.., ,� ' .:.� Ir ��/ ��l I� �, ��'o,�, , i�, /���,� �/�� i %i �' ��� �q� ' � "�sl�lfii � � �%i � � � ��� �/ � /i � ���, 'i � � �o�l ���"�,;� � f/f �r,/ , ; �v �� , � , � i u4u ,p°����'i 'i i r��,���V��� �����/ '�fid "U� , I i%��� i � � ��,' i �� � ��� �����' � "� Y��N�� � � iii , � ' �'�i 1�� �� � � �� i. ��i�ii' �oi% �/��i, ��%'% �, � / . i%�;i%/ AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Application: Battle Green Permit - Lexington Minute Men ITEM PRESENTER: NUMBER: Joe Pato, Select Board Chair C.3 SUMMARY: Category:Decision-Making Lexington Minute Men: The Lexington Minute Men, in coordination with the Ladies Association of Revolutionary America(LARA), have requested permission to use the�niddle of the Battle Green on the Harrington Road side of the flagpole on Saturday, September 9, 2023 from 8:OOam to 12:OOpm for the purpose of an Educational Day for 18th Century Reenactors as follows: • 8:OOam starting with drilling(no firing) focusing on musket safety, field safety, First Aide on the field, Fife asid Drum commands; • 9:00-10:30ain walkthrough of how camp followers would have interacted with militia companies on campaign; . 10:30-11:30am the group will remove to the Masonic Lodge for classroom instruction on 18th century deportinent, sewing,proper equipment/care, how to pack your backpack, park standards and women's clothing standards. The Police Department, Department of Public Works, and the Fire Departinent have no objections to this request. SUGGESTED MOTION: To approve the request from the Lexington Minute Men, in coordination with the Ladies Association of Revolutionary America(LARA), to use the middle of the Battle Green on the Harrington Road side of the t7agpole on Saturday, September 9, 2023 from 8:OOam to 12:OOpm for the purpose of an Educational Day for 18th Century Reenactors. Move to approve the consent. FOLLOW UP: Select Board Office DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 6/12/2023 ATTACHMENTS: Description Type ❑ U 1�a^drV`d��ti q»�n��Vv��c°c°�m➢ic�;ttll;�.f:carrts �mzia;Iktt�T 11�lobde�uaii _________________________________________________________________ ff�CD�sR�CDE"S�:I,�:C;T'IVIlE",rd R�:C�[J�,�sT'[CDrd (IbS"F (�F° 7'�IF I3�7'7'I F (�ItFF1V I:7�i���r�r��v�d��y�C�S: S�g.m�i�����'t;h���: N�v�rr����� 1�, 2(�1 f� �" � �� �°,� 'T"h��'o���w��mg ���s ��md��g����i��i�s h�v�����i� �d��ri�d��m �cc��d��mc�w�ih ih� t;�d� ��'ih�'T"�w�m ��'I,����mg�i�i�, t;h���ri�� 1(�(��-1(�, �s �rr��i�d�d. ��my �ih��w�s���g�� �ci�v�i��s �m�i ���r��c�i�y �r��h����i�d��y ih�s���g���i��i�s, ��mc��d��mg ih� g�th����mg ��'g����rs �i� ih���it��C����i� �'��ih� s����r����s� ��'���r�����mg �is h�si��y ��md wh�ch d� �m�i ��rr����m �'��rr����ih��m �'���h���s, ��� ����vv�d. I�'ih�s���g���i��i�s, ���r��i��i�s ih�����, c�i���ci vv�ih ih� t;�d�, ih� t;�d� sh��� t��c� �r����d�i�c�. 1. I:����m�i��t�s �. '°A��d�� d�v�c�'° rr����ms ��my ����i��i��c ���rr��r���'��d��d��, i���v�s��i� s�i, c�rr��r�i��, i�����rh�t��, ���ci��t��c rr��s�c�r��y��, rr��s�c�� ��msi�-�rr��t�i, ���ih��d�v�c�ih�i �r��d�c�s s��md. ��. "��it�� C����i� R��i��cirr��i�i C��g��m�r�i��i�" �s � ch��i���d g�-���r, d�d�c�i�d i� ih� ���t��cirr��t�i ��'ih� �v�t�is ih�i �cc����d �t� ih���it�� C����t� �t� A��r��� l�, 1775,�s��m� h�si���c���y �cc���i��r����d ���r�r����r���i�vv����r�i�s ��md c�si�rr��s. c. '°t;�rr��r��rr��s�d i���"° sh��� rr����m ��my c�t�d�i��t� ih�i w���d rr���c�ih���it�� C����t� v���m�������i� ��c�ss�v� d�rr��g���y h��vy w������s�, �'�����rr��r��, h��vy����ms, �eseed��mg, ��md d���ghi c�i�d�i��i�s. d. '°I:7�s��d���y c�i�d�ci'° rr����ms ��my �ci��i� ��r�i�i�d�d i� c��s���mc�i�v�i���i�c�, ��m�m�y��mc� �� ����rr�, ��wh�ch ����c��ss�y c���i�s � ��s�c ih�����'; wh�ch ��mc��d�s, ���i �s �m�i �m���ss����y ��rr��i�d i�, �ghid�mg, ih���i�t���mg ��v����t�t���h�v���; �m���s�t�������m��s�, ����s�v����mg��g� d����i�d i�vv��d ��my�r��s�t��r��s�t�i; vv��st���mg��m v�c��m�iy ��'�ih��s, ih��vv��mg ��'������c����� ����p��is; rr����c���s ih��vv��mg ��'d��mg����s ����p��is ��si�i��s, ���r�i� ���s, ����r���mg ����p��is �� s��1i�r��. �. '°P�vv����ss ��ghi'° rr����ms ��my d�v�c��s�d i� c���-y�r��s�i�s ������p��is ih���gh ih� ���; �'�� ���rr��r��, s����r���m�s, g��d��s, �������i�s, ���dy�c�i�s, h��mg g��d��s. �'. '°P�����c�s���rr��i'° rr����ms ih�rr����rra�rr� �m�rr�������'�r����r�� ��ih��rr���mi, s�r�, ��iy�� ��' �q���rrr��t�i �r��rr��it�d �t� ih���ii�� C����t� �i �t��i�rr��, �s �st�����sh�d��y ih�����d ��' Se�e�irr�ci�. g "R�s��r�i�s�����P��iy�� �s � �r��s�i� ����mg ��m ������c�i��i� �'��� �r��rr��i �'����m �ci�v�iy �i� th� �3�tt�e C��°eei�, �h� sh��� ��e�°es�r�i�s����e�'��°c�rr��r����r�ce��th these��es ��r�d�°eg���t��i�s. h. '°S�r����� �v�t�i'° rr����ms d�rr��t�si��i��mg��r�c�c�i��mg, s�r���hrr���c��mg, rr���ch��mg, h��d��mg ��' v�g��s, ��md ��� �ih�� s�rr������'��rr�s ��'c�t�d�ci wh�ch ��mv��v�ih��ci�v� c�rr�rr��m�c�i�ot� �� ���r��ss��i� ��'���r��m��i�s ��g�-��v��mc�s, �i�g�g�d��m ��y �i�� ��rr�����r��s�i�s, ih� c�i�d�ci ��' wh�ch h�s ih���'�'�ci, ��mi�i�i, ���r����r�i�s�iy i� d��w � c��wd ��'�i�����c��s. 1 - �. "�J����r�i�" �s ��m ��msi�-�rr��i�i ��d�v�c�ih�i c��m ��m��ci s�����s ���d��y ��m�p��y ��md��mc��d�s ���i �s �m�i ��rr��i�d i�: �����rr�s, ����s, sh�tg�ms ��md ��mi�q��s �s d��'��m�d��y �C�I,t;h���ri�� 14(�, �121, �������s ��md ���-g��ms �s ��g���i�d��y �C�I,t;h���ri��26�, �12�; �r���mi����� g�ms, �dg�d vv����r�i�s, ���r��s�v�rr��i����� ��d�v�c�s; rr��s�c�is ��md vv����r�i�s ih�i d�sch��g� ��m ����vv ������i. 2. P���i R������d �3_ci�v�i��s �. 'T"h��r��r�s��'����q�����mg�r��rr��is �'��c��t���m �ci�v�i��s �s i��r��rr��i�ih��s���'ih���it�� Ci���t� ��m � rr���m�m�� c�t�s�si�t�i vv�ih �is �m�i�����md h�si��y, i��r��i��i ih���it��Ci���t� $���rr� h��rr�, i� �i�s��� �d�q��i��m�i�c� ��ih��vei�i s�ih�i �����mg�rr��i�is c��m���rr��d�i��r��i��i ih��r�����c h���ih ��md s��'�iy ��md i�rr���m�rr��r���mi���'���t�c�vv�ih ih��v�t�i ��y ih��r�����c. ��. P��rr��is �����q����d�'����my ��'ih��'����vv��mg �ci�v�i��s, s��mg�y ����m c�rr�����m�i��t�: �. ��my g����r �ci�v�iy���s�i�����y���c��y i� ��c��d ih��r�����c�s���rr��i �st�����sh�d��y ih�����d ��'5����irr��i�. ��. S�r����� �v�i�is,�r�����c rr���i��mg�, �s��rr������s, g�ih����mg�, d�rr��i�si��i��i�s,�r���d�s ��md �ih��s�rr������ci�v�i��s, �m�i i� ��c��d �'���h���s ��m d���i��t�. ���. P�g���r�is, ������cirr����is, ���i��i���r�rr�e��is ���ih���,�����c s�,��t�i���it��ci����s. �v. Si�ci���s ��md/�� s�g.ms ��m c�i��m��i�oi� w�ih s�r����� �v�i�is ��md��rr��i�d ��m d���i�oi� i� ih��r����d��q����d�'�� s�ch �v�i�is. v. LJs���'�r�����c �dd��ss sysi�rr�s, ����t��c�� ��ghi��mg, ���ih������i��c�� �� �rr��r���'Il�d d��vIlc�s. v�. I:7�si�����i��t� ��'�m�t��-c�rr�rr���c��� �r���mi�d rr��it��. v��. P�ss�ss��i� ��md/���s� ��'�mc�i�c���ed vv����r�i�s, ��m c�rr��r����mc�vv�ih ��� �'�d����, st�i� ��md ��c�� ��vvs, �i �v�t�is c�t��'��rr���mg i�ih��'����vv��mg: �� F;v�i�is ��md c���rr��i���s c�i�d�cied��y LJ�m�i�d St�i�s ��rr��d�^��c�s ��md/����w �i��'��c�rr��i�i �g�i�c��s, ��� R��t��cirr��t�is ��'ih� �v�t�is �t� th���it�� C����t� ��m A��r��� l�, 1775, h�t�������d c���rr��i���s ������i�d �ci�v�i��s c�i�d�ci�d��y � ��it�� C����i� R��i��cirr��i�i C��g��m�r�i��t�, ��md c� 'T"h� ���r�r��c��mi sh��� �r��v�d� �v�d�i�c� ��'i����m��mg ��md c�rr��r�i�i�cy ��m ih� d���r��y ��md�s� ��'s�ch vv����r�i�s i�ih� s�i�s�'�ci��i� ��'ih�����d ��'5����irr��i�. v���. LJs����r�ss�ss��i� ��'���vv���cs ��������c�c��s. ��. P���mi��mg ��'��my i���s/��r���mis. �. P���c�d ��rr��v��mg v�h�c��s �i� ��my ���ssy ����s, ��c���ri ih�s��m���ss��y �'��'T"�w�m rr����mi�t���mc� �ci�v�i��s. ��. LJs���'�r�vv���d rr��d��s. 3. I���rr��ss�����A�ci��vAi��w 'T"h��'o���w��mg �ci�v�i��s ��� si��ci�y�r��h����i�d: �. I3�si�ci��i�, ��m�p��y, d��'�c�rr��i�i, ��rr��v��, ��d�si������mc���'��my�����d��mg, s�g.�� �q���rrr��t�i, rr��t��rr��t�i, si�i��, rr����c��, ��m�rr��� ���r���mi. 2 - ��. I7�si�����i��t� ��d�s�r��y ��'c�rr�rr���c��� �dv��i�s��mg, �� s���c�i��mg ��'���s��m�ss, ����my oih�� c�rr�rr���c��� i���ms�ci��i�s. c. R�rr����m��mg �t� ih���it�� C����t� �'��rr����th��m �'���h���s. d. �����md�i�rr��i�i ��'��my v�h�c�����r��s�i��� �r����r��iy. �. LJ�m���s�i�����y ���d ���r���i��i� ��'��d�� d�v�c�s. �'. I7���v��y ��'��my�r��s�i� ��ih��mg��y�r���ch�i���h���c���ri��. g. P�vv����ss ��ghi �ci�v�i��s. h. C��r���i��t�, ���mch��mg, �����md��mg ��'��m LJ�r�rr���m�m�d A������ Sysi�rr� (LJA�S� ��d��t�� ���-c���'i, ��c���ri �'���rr���g�i�cy ���md��mg�;,�m��ss ��th���r�d��y rr��m�c��r�� st��'�'�s d�s�g�m�i�d��y ih� 'T"��vr� �ar�a���-. �. I:��s��d���y c���d�ct. �p. LJs���d�s�r��y ��'�mc�i�c����d w����r�i�s, ��c���ri �s�r��v�d�d��m 2��. �c. LJs���'rr��t�� d�i��i��mg d�v�c�s. �. C��rr������mg ��'��my �'��rr� �� ���r���i��t� ��'g�rr������mg d�v�c�s. rr�. P�ct��c�c��mg��m g����rs ��c��d��mg s�v�t��r����r��. m. t;�t�s�rr��ri��t� ��'��c�h���c ���v���g�s, rr���-��p��m�, ���s� ��'�m��w�.i� s���st�mc�s. �. LJs���'����������d�s, sc��i��s ��md s�c�i������ds. �r. P��c�rr��t�i �t� ih���it�� C����t� ��'��my�m�it��md�d si�ci�����c�rr�rr��rr����i�v��r���miIl�mg ��' ��my i���s/��r���mis ��y � �r��v�i��r��iy. q. P�si��mg s�g.ms �i��r���s ��mc��d��mg i�����rh�i������ghi �r���s. �. t;��rr�����mg �t� ih����m�i�rr���m Si�i��, II�y�s �^��mi���m, �is ���s�, ����my�r�����c rr��t��rr��t�i �� sti�cti���. s. ��cyc����d��r�g. i. LJs���'g�-���s, ���r�i� ��rr��s ����my �ih��iy�r���'c���c��mg d�v�c�s. �. P��c�rr��i�i ��'�r��������si���rr�s. 4. P���i P��c�ss �. ��r�r��c�i��i� �'���r��rr��i i� c�i�d�ci �ci�v�i�es �i� ih���it��C����i�, s�r�����d��m 2, ����v�, sh��� ������d �m���i��ih��m iw�w���cs�r����i� ih���q��si�d d�i�. I,�i� ��md/����mc�rr��r��i� ���r�r��c�i��i�s vv��� ���c�i�s�d���d �i ih� d�sc��i��i� ��'ih�����d ��'5����irr��i�. ��. P��rr��i ���r�r��c�i��t�s sh��� ��mc��d�ih��'����w��mg��m�'��rr��i��t�: �. N�rr����md�rh�i���m�rr�������'ih�R�s�r�i�s�����P��iy i� s��v� �s c��mi�ci ��. I7�1���md i�rr���$��v�i�i. ���. N�ti��� ��'�v�t�ti. �v. �=;��r��i�d�m�rr�������'�r��i�c��r��mis, s��r��t�i��s, ��md v�h�c��s. v. I7��'�iIl�t� �$��v�t�i. v�. St�i�rr��i�i ��'�q���rrr��i�i ��md�'�c���i��s i�����s�d. v��. S��i��i� ��'ih���it�� C����i� d�s���d. c. 'T"h�R�s��r�i�s�����P��iy �s i��c����r ih��r���i, � c���rY ��'wh�ch rr��si ����v���������'�� ��ms�r��i��i���r�i� ��q��si. 'T"h�R�s�r�i�s�����P��iy rr��y�����q����d��y ih�����d ��' 5����irr��i�, �s � c�i�d�i��i� ��'�ss���mg ih����rr��i, i��r�y �'��d�i��� �r���c� ��'�'�c��s ��'ihe ����d d�i��rr���m�s ih�i s�ch ��'�'�c��s ����mec�ss��-y �'���r�����c s��'�iy. d. P��rr��is ����ss��d��r�i� ���r��ss c�i�d�i��t� ih�i ih���it��C����i� �s i�������'i ��m � c����m ��md ��d���y c���d�t����. 3 - �. 'T"h���s�r�i�s������r��iy w��� ���ch��g�d��y ih�����d ��'5����irr��i�, �s � c�i�d�i��i� ��' �ss���mg ih��r��rr��i, �'����my d�rr��g�s d���ct�y��s��i��mg�'��rr� ih��r��rr��it�d �ci�v�iy. �'. P��rr��is ����m�i��-i���ms�'���������md ����i��y v���d�'��d�i� ��md i�rr�� s��r�����d. �^��c����, ih� P���c� t;h���'��ih�t;h���''s d�s�g�m��rr��y ��i�i�d � �r��rr��i �'����r i�2 h���s. g. 'T"h�����d ��'S���cirr��i� rr��y s�i ���s�i�������r��rr��i c�i�d�i��i�s ��md��si��ci��i�s, ��mc��d��mg ���i �m�i ��rr��i�d i� d���i��i� ��md ���� �cc����d, �s ����m���ss��y �'���r��i��i��i� ��'ih�C����i� ��md�r�����c�s�ih�����'. S. C����mds �'��R�v�c�i��i� ��'P���i �. A�i ih�d�sc��i��t� ��'ih�����d ��'5����irr�et�, � �r��rr��i rr��y�����v��c�d ���'��ih�� c�t�d�i��t��d��r�t� � ��md��mg ��'c�rr��r��rr����d i���'��'ih���it��C����t�. ��. 'T"h� 5����irr��t�rr��y s�s��r�t�d ����v��c�� �r��rr��i i��s�ih���it�� C����t����s�d �t� ���s�i���������r��t�i��i�s ih�i ih���rr��y�����m �rr�rr���m�i�i ih���i i��r�����c s���iy���������� � w��ih����rr���m�-rr��d� �v�i�i. c. A� �r��rr��i sh��� �����v��c�d ��'� s��mci��i��d �v�i�i ��mc��d�s �rr��r��rr��ss������ci�v�i��s ��md rr��y �����v��c�d��'ih��r��rr��i gn-���r �t�g�g�s ��r� �ci�v�i��s ih�i ����m�i vv�ih��m ih� s�r����c�t��t�s �$�ih��r��rr��i. 6. C����mds �'��I:7�t���� ��'P��rr��i R�c���si P��rr��t ��q��sis rr��y��� d�i���d��'��m: �. ��r�r��c�i��i� c���i�s � sch�d����mg c�i���ci vv�ih � �r��v���s�y���d ���r�r��c�i��i���y ��m�ih�� �r��s�t� ����-���r. ��. F;v�i�i �r��s�i�is � c������md�r��s�i�i d��mg��i��r�����c h���ih �� s��'�iy. c. F;v�i�i �s ��'s�ch �m�i��� ��d���i��i� ih�i �i c��m�m�i ���s�i�����y��� �cc�rr�rr��d�i�d ��m ihe ���� �������d�'��, ��ih� ���r��i�d �m�rr�������'�r��i�c��r��mis ��c��ds ih��r�����c�s���rr��i. d. F;v�i�i vv���, ��m ih����r��m��i� ��'ih�����d ��°5����irr��i�, c��s��m�cc���rt�������mi���'���i�c� vv�ih�s� ��md �i��p�yrr��i�i ��'ih���it�� C����i���y ih�g�i����� �r�����c. �. F;v�i�i �s ��q��si�d���� d�i�ih�i c�i���cis vv�ih ����c��� 'T"�vv�m �v�i�is ��y ��ii��Ci���i� R��t��cirr��t�i ��g��m�r�id�t�s. �'. F;v�i�i �s rr���� ��������r���i��y h��d �i �ih�� �v�������� 'T"�w�m �'�c���i��s, s�ch �s ������i�oi��� ��c���i��s. 7. P�t���is' I:7�v C�ih��ih��m ��'�c��� 'T"�w�m�-s�r�i�s���d �ci�v�i��� ��md�r��rr��it�d �ci�v�i��s ��y ��it�� C����i� R��t��cirr��t�i C��g��m�r�i��i�s, �m� �ci�v�iy �� �v�t�i �ih��v�s���q�����mg � �r��rr��i sh��� ��� sch�d���d i� t��c��r��c� �i, �m�� sh��� ��my �ih���r��rr��i ����ss��d �'���s���', ih���it�� C����i� �'�orr� ��r��� 1 ih�o��h ��r��� 3(� o�'e�ch ye��. I�����r�� s�ch i�rr�e, ihe�3�it�e C��eet� �s �ese�ved ���'T"�w�m �ci�v�i��s ��md �v�i�is,�r��rr��it�d �cibv�i��s c�i�d�ci�d��y ��it�� Ci���i� R��i��cirr��i�i C��g��m�r�i��t�s ��md �'���ci�v�i��s �'��vvh�ch �m��r��rr��i �s ��q����d�md�� S�ci��t� 2. 4 - f�. P�t���i��s P�i���i��s �'��v����i��i�s ��'ih�s���g���i��i�s sh��� �����m �cc��d��mc�w�ih t;h���ri�� l, ��i�c��II, S��i��i�s l�-4 ��md l�-6 ��'ih�t;�d���'ih� 'T"�w�r� ��'I,����mgi�i�. �. S�v��������iv I�'��my s�ci��i�,�r���g����rh ���r��i ��'ih�s���g����i���ms ����'����my���s�i� d������d��mv���d �� �mc�t�si�i�i��t��� ��y ��my c���i, �v��y �ih�� s��i��t�, �r���gn-���rh ��md�r��i sh��� c�t�i��m����m �'��� �'��-c� ��md ��'�'��i. ��r�r��v�d��y ih�����d ��'5����irr��i� ,���y 1S, l�?f�6. A�rr��t�d�d :���y 24, 2(�(�(�. �rr��i�d�d I3���rr�����21, 2(�(��. A�rr��t�d�d A��g�si l, 2(�l l. R�v�s��i�s i� ih�LJs���'ih���it��C����i� R�g���t��i�vv��� ���r�r��v�d��y ih�����d ��'5����irr��i� �t� �^������y 3, 2(�14. 5����irr��i� ���r�r��v�d rr���m����v�s��i�s i�ih�LJs���'ih���it�� C����i� R�g���i��i� �i� ���ch 1(�, 2014. R�v�s��i�s i� ih�LJs���'ih���it��C����i� R�g���t��i�vv��� ���r�r��v�d��y ih�����d ��'5����irr��i� �t� N�v�rr����� l�, 2(�lf�. S - AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT SOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approve Easement and Declare Available for Disposition- 18 Philip Road ITEM PRESENTER: NUMBER: Joe Pato, Select Board Chair C.4 SUMMARY Category:Decision-Making Attached please find the fmal easement document that both LexHAB and the Busas have agreed to. The easement will be signed by LexHAB, however the Select Board needs to take two votes (1)to declare the easement is available for disposition as per MGL Ch. 30B, Sec. 16(a) (also attached withpertinent section highlighted); and(2)to approve the actual easement as per the attached plan. SUGGESTED MOTION: To declare the easeinent as shown on the Plot Plan for#18 Philip Road dated April 5, 2023 by Goldsmith, Prest& Rin�vall, Inc. to be available for disposition as per MGL Ch. 30B, Sec. 16(a) a�id further to approve the easement as shown on said plan. Move to approve the consent. FOLLOW UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 6/12/2023 ATTACHMENTS: Description Type ❑ �:a.;�,����:�uui.��Kc;bunru:�ntit 6Arva�u 1l�G�uttwr � 1Wfi��iV,�.�I�n.:3�Ulf�,w;��,.1Pn �a��✓��m iR�i��r�c� LANDSCAPING and DRIVEWAY EASEMENT Lexington Housing Assistance Board, Inc., a nonprofit municipal corporation, with offices at 1620 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, Massachusetts 02420, as the owner of the real property commonly known as and numbered 16 Philip Road in Lexington, Middlesex County, Massachusetts (hereinafter the `Burdened Premises") described as Parcel Five in that certain release deed recorded with the Middlesex County South District Registry of Deeds (the "Re is ") in Book 42982 at Page 448 and shown as Lot 42B on a plan entitled "Plan of Land, Philip Road, Lexington, MA" dated June, 1993, drawn by the Town of Lexington Engineering Division, which plan is recorded with the Registry as Plan 636 of 1993, for itself, its successors in title and assigns (hereinafter the "Grantor") and Anthony C. Busa and Beatrice E. Busa, the o�vners of the adjacent real property commonly known as and numbered 18 Philip Road in said Lexington, Middlesex County, Massachusetts (hereinafter the `Benefitted Premises") as described in deed recorded with the Registry in Book 11704 at Page 214, Book 12206 at Page 434 and Book 12276 at Page 533 and shown as Lot 56, Lot 57 and a portion of Lot 112 on a plan entitled "East Lexington Fai-ms, East Lexington, Middlesex County, Mass. owned by J.W. Wilbur, purchased from Miss Ellen A. Stone, 32 % Acres = 155 Lots, Scale 1 in. = 80 ft., Nov. 10, 1913, A.L Eliot, CE" which plan is recorded with the Registry in Plan Book 219 as Plan 42, (together, hereinafter the "Grantees"), for ourselves, our successors in title and assigns do hereby agree and covenant as follows: The Grantor has agreed to grant a landscaping and driveway easement for the benefit of the Benefitted Premises on and over a portion of the Burdened Premises, as further described herein. Said easement, measuring twenty feet (20') wide and one hundred twenty feet (120') long (hereinafter referred to as the "Easement Area") is shown as a "Proposed Use Easement, Area = 2,400 +/-S.F." on the plan attached hereto as Exhibit A entitled "Plot Plan, #18 Philip Road, Lexington, Mass. prepared for Mary Beth Busa, Date: April 5, 2023, Scale: 1" = 30', Goldsmith, Prest & Ringwall, Inc.". The Grantees have agreed to certain limitations, conditions and obligations relative to such landscaping and driveway easement as set forth below. Now therefore, in consideration of Ten Dollars ($10.00) paid, the Grantor hereby grants to the Grantees the following easement and the Grantees hereby agree to the following restrictions, conditions and obligations: The Grantor hereby grants and conveys to the Grantees, for the benefit of the Benefitted Premises and running with and appurtenant to the Benefitted Premises, the perpetual exclusive right and easement in, on, over and across the Easement Area for the purpose of pedestrian and vehicular access and egress to and from the Benetitted Premises using that portion of the existing driveway serving the Benefitted Premises that is presently located in the Easement Area and also to perform regular landscaping and grounds maintenance in the Easement Area, including but not limited to the installation, maintenance and removal of plantings and vegetation. The Grantees shall have the right to install additional plantings in the Easement Area. The easement rights herein granted shall include the right at the Grantees' sole cost to perform reasonable maintenance and repair work in and on the Easement Area as necessary or desirable to maintain the portion of the existing driveway located in the Easement Area for safe year-round vehicular access to the Benefitted Premises, including snow plowing. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Grantees agree that no fences, walls, buildings, clotheslines, compost piles, animal pens or other structures, waste or debris shall be installed or placed in or on the Easement Area, and the Grantees' use of the Easement Area shall not interfere with the Grantor's use of the remainder of the Burdened Premises. The Grantees' use of the Easement Area shall at all times be in compliance with any applicable federal, state, and local laws, statutes, rules, regulations, bylaws, and ordinances, orders, procedures, and policies. The Grantees shall timely pay all contractors and/or laborers performing wark within the Easement Area so as not to cause or pennit any liens, including without limitation mechanics' or materialmen's liens, to be recorded against the Burdened Premises. For the avoidance of doubt, the Grantor shall have no obligation to maintain or repair the Easement Area, and any work performed by Grantee within the Easement Area shall be at the Grantee's sole cost an expense. The rights granted herein shall constitute a per�nanent landscaping and driveway easement that shall bind the owners of the Burdened Premises, its successors in title and assigns for the benefit of the owners of the Benefitted Premises, their successors in title and assigns, in perpetuity. The Grantees agree to indemnify and hold the Grantor harmless from and against all costs, claims, expenses, damages (including personal injury and property damage) and liabilities of any nature whatsoever (including, without limitation, court costs and reasonable attorneys' fees) incurred by the Grantor (a) as a result of or in connection with any personal injury or pt•operty damage that occut-s in, on, or around the But-dened Premises in connection with this instrument or the Grantees' access to or presence upon the Easeinent Area, (b) as a result of or in connection with any failure by the Grantees to comply with the provisions of this instrument or (c) otherwise resulting from or relating to any exercise of the rights granted to the Crrantees hereunder, unless such cost, claim, expense, damage or liability is a result of the gross negligence or willful misconduct of the Grantor or the Crrantor's agents or contractors. Without limitation of the terms of the preceding sentence, the Grantees shall pay to the Grantor all legal expenses incurred by the Grantor in connection with the enforcement of the provisions of this instrument and the recovery of damages or equitable relief caused by the Grantees' failure to comply with the provisions of this instrument. As used herein, the terms "Crrantor" and "Grantees" shall include their respective heirs, legal representatives, successors in title and assigns and the rights, agreements, and obligations contained herein shall be covenants running with the land and shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and those claiming title to or any interest in the Burdened Premises and/or the Benefitted Premises. This instrument shall be governed in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. This instrument may be executed in separate counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. [remainder of page left blank— signatures appear on the following pages] In Witness Whereof we hereunto set our hands and seals on this day of May, 2023. Lexington Housing Assistance Board, Inc. by Robert Burbidge, President by Gerald Howell, Treasurer COMMONWEALTH of MASSACHUSETTS Middlesex County, ss. On this day of May, 2023,before me, the undersigned notary public, personally appeared the above-named Robert Burbidge, President and Gerald Howell, Treasurer, proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identitication, being (check whichever applies): ❑ drivers' licenses or other state or federal governmental document bearing a photographic image, ❑ oath or affirmation of a credible witness known to me who lcnows the above signatories, or ❑ my own personal knowledge of the identity of the signatories to be the persons whose names are signed on the preceding document, and acknowledged to me that they signed it voluntarily for its stated purpose as President and Treasurer for Lexington Housing Assistance Board, Inc., as the voluntary act of LeXington Housing Assistance Board, Inc. Notary Public My Commission Expires: In Witness Whereof we hereunto set our hands and seals on this day of May, 2023. Anthony C. Busa Beatrice E. Busa STATE of FLORIDA Collier County, ss. On this day of May, 2023,before me, the undersigned notary public,personally appeared the above-named Anthony C. Busa and Beatrice E. Busa, proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identi�cation, being (check whichever applies): ❑ drivers' licenses or other state or federal governmental document bearing a photographic image, ❑ oath or affirmation of a credible witness lrnown to me who knows the above signatories, or ❑ my own personal knowledge of the identity of the signatories to be the persons whose names are signed on the preceding document, and acknowledged to me that they signed it voluntarily for its stated puipose. Notary Public My Commission Expires: EXHIBIT A PLAN OF EASEMENT AREA [See Attached] _. . . . ... . ... 22"112� OFFSETS A�2E NOT FOR THE REP�ODUCTION OF" PROPERTY LINES �� �k�,,: ��� ��a� _d�. �� �\ �6 S N/F LEXINGTON HOUSING A5SISTANCE �R� BOARD, INC. 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As the Board is aware, there are two designs that have been developed for the Solar Canopy at the Police Station/Fletcher Park. One design was originally developed by Tecton Architects, working with the Historic Districts Commission(HDC) over a period of months. The second design was undertaken as a collaborative effort between Tecton Architects and some of the neighbors abutting Fletcher Parlc. Both designs were presented at the June HDC meeting and the general consensus was that the HDC generally reviews a single plan and doesn't choose between plans. As discussed at the June 5, 2023 Select Board meeting the Select Board had also indicated the Select Board wanted to approve the final design and it would be more appropriate for the Select Board to do so and provide direction to the Department of Public Facilities on the preferred design to take forward to the HDC. Attached are both designs for the Board's review and consideration. SUGGESTED MOTION: No motion is required, a consensus of the Board would provide the direction necessaiy. FOLLOW UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 6/12/2023 6:35pm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type ❑ �x�rVar.u�'d�nu�KpryhVta;nriau9nru I��,s;n�nun�; �Tuc�,c�,uutz�.ri�,�r, � � �� m � � �♦ I I � � �� � � w�i � � � �� � ,,/�� i� .P l� � , { N / �,,, � ir li 1 i�� 'I / II /� I l �/� � '�' ry� 1�; �////�/ /;� '� . ....���� / � U i////%% / �� / . ������%%/////�� , �'� ;%%%%a///,/,/,/,/%///,,�� ; � ��.,� � , ����� ��/ � ���_ � . .m.„ .._____________w�_.�__._____.__ ,,,,,, .�w��w_����������ww�wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ������� � - .�.____.�.. , , , ��... m � � r , � ��; � i " ,� ;;, ���iV�` ,; B � ;f ;; ���� 1, , G �� �������������� vv � � � `� � � �q i1% l� -„ � ' Y, �� � , j �� e � ,�� �,,, , �.,, o '��%�j'„ f/� �llJ/✓�Imt '�' // "M,�� � , r r / JH ��i/i�„, /� ��/ �� // 1 J . � // ���, � v, � r��'�� %�/ ��f//%%�% //G/%! / � n rfl%l i��i Vi�/'/ /������i��/��f��� �' �)F /�, � i�i� /�lp / i � � ��. �� � , � t� /���i�%�j�� �i/%%r/%iii���i�ii'/��, ,, yl�f� y�I� f ' � � /r fl�l��i� ���/�/i��i �/��f/�%�����/i���%�i� !, Ir ^' � , " , o� �/�...� /���i/�i/ �/ / i /�/ ///�� ./ � .�i.rr,ru��. p ` %%��i I li�%//i/��� ��/��//��j/%//%�/%/����%%//%t f � " (�,//,G///,��ii%��/� ii�i�i�, �ai%��� � � ..i iiio�i uu � �/ �i%��%� ����9�J/////i%/�%/�j �, "� �, � �� iN� � � ii%��/ �i %���/��'j�/�/�/ � � � �� u i i rm � /ii�i �������� � i iui � i��/�%�% ����li ////i / ,,,i;; i i� i� �� �wi ������%/�i�i. ��������� i 1 %���, /I / �i/�� l� r�iraii p � uu � � r%ii��i� �/l/l, /i %i i���ii� /�ii i/ii� i i/r l/ i i�i i � ii �� i i�i iim �1���/%if���� . / / ������i////inl1�� %y r r u �i ui��i�ii/l� � . �/����%/��/���/ � �; p ° �i� ��i �iwim�imrt w n ( �//�/%�� � //r/��/���i�%/�/��ii�% c %, .il iwi u i ���%�/��� //��1� �///��ii%�j/il // i � , � i�i i i ���w u u //r �i j �����j/�j����ii ii ///, a� J G �i y iwmi i /������% �����%�f/�%��i� / % . �f r�,%; oi � uu � �� ri� I/i//%/�/�i/� 1 1//�i�� � imi ui , iu I i��i /�/ i// i � i / ���// �A ��f // /// /✓ r� �/�//� / � �i� �i %/; � i�/���/� � i �u i ii ui�m i �.ii i i/ i i/� / //� // ( ll%�� i uaNi m � i t �/�j//�/i/ii �i��' �� i %/��f� � � � J l� � /i � /i�j /i��/��/�i� , "N l�i ' 9 i uou ii i ii !� �i /%/1 // // f/�%� � `�r ��i ��/ �/ �� 1� /�/����/� i ��� y � �„ uo °w m ��u � / /i � l�/� �ip������ J J p �y � uio�i mi ',,. m �%�/i�/% � %%��ii ��i�/r!� /" � r / % �ii}�`/�i/ �°�i r///�%/� � a1c ' ! i,<� �iii� i i m i�j�%%i///% � ��%//�i : i�%�/����ii� �� � X� � //i�/ ,i ¢ u u iu ��i � oi%�r// /��/%�i/� / '�y . 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The Board received a presentation on this agenda item on June 5, 2023 and requested additional information on a marketing and outreach plan. Attached please fmd the marketing asid outreach plan developed by Susan Barrett, Transportation Manager. Also, attached are the previous presentation and letter of support from the Transportation Advisory Committee (for reference). SUGGESTED MOTION: Move to approve a$20 annual pass and $2 fare for all riders without a pass, effective July 1, 2023. FOLLOW UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 6/12/2023 7:20pm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type ❑ q"rra;�aridofldu�r�n Pr >..L3 �.'�sv�n Ml�;urr<r d �'�4°V��ca,�uu;rur�a���r:P:i�,n �.z,�cu�11�Q�nnc� � PaN�auVc�bui7fi,;ll'1�uro ��,��;u�Ce�Q�nnc� � °.^�"t�6r.0�`�"7�uro �h>�tcu�Ml�;uru� � � �� U � Q � � � � � � � L � � a o � U � � � � � � p c� o C� 00 0 �> a .� °° � � � Q — 4� � o � � � �, N 0 � � � N � � o � � � � _ � i � a� � � Q '''' � � � � � � � Q � •� � o N � � � � �' � � J � � J � N � N � � � � � O L � c� � � � � � � J ° � U � .� y � c� }, O � � � � = V � Or = .�, � � O �� � U N � � � � � N c� � � o ,= U � Q � = p � -- X r w � � � � � � � � � � � y � � � U � � v i � O � � — � � � � � -X � � � ,� � O � y.. 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The Committee previously recommended retaining level service in FY2024 and informed that the Committee was reviewing Lexpress's fare structure. In following discussion and evaluation about the current fare system, the Committee found that a simplified, streamlined, and easy to use system would be most supportive of the Committee and the Select Board's sustainability goals and in increasing Lexpress ridership. Through evaluating the trips currently and previously made with Lexpress, the Committee reached unanimous consensus on the following recommendations, for Lexpress for FY2024: • $2 fare for all riders • $20 annual passes for all riders,passes would run from July 1 to June 30 each year • A transition period until September 1 for anyone who has free daytime fares • Elimination of free rides henceforth The Committee's analysis suggests that with current ridership shifting to this pass, the revenue impact to the Town budget will be less than $10,000 per year, this recommendation has the 1625 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE,LEXINGTON,MASSACHUSETTS 02420 transportationcmteC�3lexingtonma.gov ���a��o�y'w�,�, `��'4 � :�� ��� ������ �DbOTT 0� �.Exil�gtDtT, ,��g��C�U$Ptt$ ia 4'=� ��-', �'� � `� '��`� TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE ���, �' � °, ar�i�.�q.� ��� \��..G�XIPIG"C��"' potential to increase ridership, and add taxpayer value by decreasing town cost per ride. The Committee proposes making these $20 passes available through Town Offices starting by June 1, 2023, at the latest, for use starting July 1, 2023. The Committee is, additionally, working on a marketing and educational campaign to encourage utilizing Lexpress and the other transportation services available in Lexington, especially with the potential from this recommended pass. At the Committee's March 16th meeting, further discussion about the most efficient and effective form for a pass is planned. Including this information, the Committee would like to present its proposal to the Select Board for consideration. The Committee would appreciate feedback from the Board and Board members at our next meeting on March 16th, or by email. Sincerely, Kunal Botla Cc: Susan Barrett, Transportation Manager Vinita Verma, Chair, Transportation Advisory Committee Deepika Sawhney, Chair, Ad-Hoc Transportation Committee Attached: 1. Lexpress Revised Pass Policy Proposed, Mark Andersen (February 28, 2023) 1625 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE,LEXINGTON,MASSACHUSETTS 02420 transportationcmteC�3lexingtonma.gov Lexpress Revised Pass Policy Proposed, Mark Andersen February 28, 2023 Lexpress $20 Annual Pass Proposal Lexington TAC February 28, 2023 Agenda Item Prepared by: Mark Andersen Current State Current pass program on Lexpress website: �ss rices Buy a pass and save up to$600/year campared to paying cash on board!The more you ride,the mare you save! s � � � w � � � � « � General (ages 6-24) �260 $215 $170 $135 $45 Age 65+ar $100 $80 $65 $50 Disabled �20 Seniors and people with disabilities must con�tact the Lexpress office the first time to qualify for discounted pass price 1 Lexpress Revised Pass Policy Proposed, Mark Andersen February 28, 2023 Pass data: FY23 Payrrrera�type Ua/ues ; � �mm m mm�.. � m� ���p� �� �. �� -� �� ��w � ����������������������������������������� ������������������������������n����� ������ �����������������������������������n���� � �n ���������������������n�� °° � � ��������������������������� � �� 1 Manth-General $405.00 9 $405.00 9 1 Month -Senior $40.00 2 $40.00 2 6 Manth-General $510.00 3 $510.00 3 6 Month-Senior $65.00 1 $65.00 1 9 Month -General $215.00 1 $215.Q0 1 9 Manth-Seniar $80.00 1 $80.00 1 Annual -Disabled $400.00 4 $1,300.00 13 $1,700.00 17 �nnual -General $260.00 1 $1,820.00 7 $7,020.00 27 $9,100.00 35 Annual -Senior $100.00 1 $300.00 3 $1,100.00 11 $1,500.00 15 Replacement-Gen $120.00 6 $120.00 6 Grand"Total $360.t10 2 $3,635.00 31 $9,540.00 5? $13,735,00 90 When are passes purchased? Pass Purchases For FY23, purchased <July 1 2022 $2,305 55% For FY23, purchased >=July 1 2a22 $1,920 45% Effective passes for FY23 $4,225 • A pass program implemented for FY24 will impact pass sales in May-June 2023 and thereby have a FY23 fiscal impact. Pass purchases do not line up with effective years. • Recommendation: track effective year with each purchase and report ridership costs based on effective year(as well). 2 Lexpress Revised Pass Policy Proposed, Mark Andersen February 28, 2023 Current fare information from Lexpress website: ay C�s n ar General (Age 19 ta 64) $2 Youth (Age 6 ta 18) $1.75 Age 65+or Disabled:9:30 am to 2:30 pm (see Free note'') Age 65+or Disabled:Ali ather times $0.75 Child (Age 0 to 5} Free Note. *Board far free frora�9.30 am until the end of the 1:30 pm route urr �t � r� c Current information from Lexpress website: ° �_�„ n � �� „o.,�. � �a ��� ��• �;�� � ��n�HU �� � o° � � � ��� �� � r�a ��� � ���I � 'M1S �_...� � ...,� �h�t� � �� �� M � ��� ...,, ����� ry � � ��� ��rc r ��� o u �4. m � . �''`� urvu%�"�i� �uw �a y : �, � �,. � ,�,,, ��my�"'� n� .�u.,ym.��„ �� �� Fh. � ? u�.�u � ry; H � M11�.,� 1, � �il� ,;; � ., , � „ . rn nl� a � �'W.'� µ� ��r v " IIO�� 1fiwv9�w�m�ll� �m . �'k.� •a,�'vu II � ro wm yk 4 IY� nwi mu �"., ree � � .. ��... �� �§'�.. f ,�m�.willµ i'f f ���� P , �N � ���. f r vk tl� M . � �� .� f.`�r �" .w tl �� W ,,,.���� F ....ry N} . 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'.,�. J . / ° x n .�m���� "unumm :,aw�� ,.., �,�,„.� ., �'�A°N�I /" �"��� � ��"„ ii >x. �� �'�, ..,, , � „ � � � ^ �„ �. � N9 �� 1 � u, „ � �� „ K � � z�b � � — �, �� R � �� 3 Lexpress Revised Pass Policy Proposed, Mark Andersen February 28, 2023 Current schedule from Lexpress website: geM.ri.n.:w�>nav r.�aary. �i... Wi i> .�r� ri .��g N�, �nw•�� t �� � •• • • � ' �• • .. u�m��ir�n�rv.i���K���n��„'�a"Aik.� I+��d��rxl I�dalidarye /// /// � 'I Tn s,t,s�n�gtnry wa wann�m aG t,xs� ^rb� � �;�f,,, ,{� RduteA2 a�a�xams,ao,wamn.� ./�"`/�� ���' r u n ren�w��«i r�. . r oo-�� w inn w in.n w i , m �mn i . E, ..0 i i..:m M d.n � i �sAk� I:Mr N IVa fL� Y M41�.�' M>r�rour . L. 6Y' �`� xl M.k. Il �. L Y D.�r. < � .wn} A�Gon a INm Wrrr�Pi �'' �b�e] fHrrw� 6kyv6'ww I Wo'Ihw,rr AR��,II (,mrUd M�uuv t iilt' �. 1� e1Y,yl Amrakrol 'n(,i) fpxt+��+ ,:4umre CGr�u ('re�d»rvm L�If.in 1.'B'iP• Bu�ku >Ut , Mr �. 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Notes on Current Schedule: h I xin nm vf� m n n rVi w 4 L x r - h I - ff iv - -1-21-En li h-PDF? i I = • First run varies from 7:30 am - 8:13 am --too late for many school and work purposes • Last run varies from 6:30 to 7:00 pm -- usable for school, and some work purposes • One run per hour, three lines • About half the runs are free for senior/disabled today i rshi t Next tables are Lexpress data: FY23 FY22-pande FY28(Jul-Jan Annualized FY36 FY37 FY18 FY19 fY20 FY21-Pandemic mic onFy) ('"12/7) Total Ridership 74,523 63,699 63,277 64,555 43,020 11,498 19,689 13,821 23,693 Adults 12,869 10,275 8,330 8,146 6,294 5,653 7,756 4,942 8,472 Students 32,337 23,485 24,152 26,051 15,770 726 3,334 2,605 4,466 Seniars 28,415 29,460 29,801 24,520 20,609 5,060 8,270 6,176 10,586 <6 902 479 994 838 347 59 329 99 170 4 Lexpress Revised Pass Policy Proposed, Mark Andersen February 28, 2023 � U t FY23 FY22-Pande FY23(Jul-Jan Annualized FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21-Pandemic mic anly) ("12/7j Total Ridership 74,523 63,699 63,277 64,555 43,020 11,498 19,689 13,821 28,883 Operating Revenue 5 77,031 $ 67,927 $ 61,447 5 69,345 $ 51,986 5 9,143 $ 14,211 $ 7,877 $14,552 PassSales $ 21,1d2 $ 18,125 $ 12,310 $ 13,996 $ 8,345 $ 5,205 $ 6,175 $ 1,920 $4,340 Fare/Tickek Revenue $ 41,$44 $ 31,452 $ 2$,137 $ 32,139 $ 19,531 $ 3,93$ $ 8,906 $ 5,957 $10,212 FlexpessSeles $ 14,050 $ 18,350 $ 21,000 $ 23,210 $ 24,i10 $ - $ - $ - $ - Revenue per Rider $ 1,03 $ 1.07 $ 0,97 $ 1.07 $ 1.21 $ 0.80 $ 0.72 $ 0,57 $ 0,61 • Pass sales for FY24 which occur in FY23 are included to get to $4,340. �t � iC� ��t t FY22-Pande FY23(Jul-Jan FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21-Pandemic mic only) Total Ridership 74,523 63,699 63,277 64,555 43,020 11,498 19,689 13,821 Operating Revenue $ 77,031 $ 67,927 $ 61,447 $ 69,345 $ 51,986 $ 9,143 $ 14,211 $ 7,877 Operating Costs $ 524,172 $ 536,190 $ 564,520 $ 651,835 $ 497,586 $ 621,367 $ 672,286 $ 432,005 Net Cost Prior to Grants $ 447,141 $ 468,263 $ 503,073 $ 582,490 $ 445,600 $ 612,224 $ 658,075 $ 424,128 MBTA Grant $ 52,000 $ 54,080 $ 56,243 $ 54,445 $ 54,080 $ 56,243 $ 58,493 $ 65,000 Other grant for operations $ 200,000 Nettown budgetcost $ 395,141 $ 414,183 $ 446,830 $ 528,045 $ 391,520 $ 555,981 $ 399,582 $ 359,128 Net town budget cost/ rider $5.30 $6.50 $7.06 $8.18 $9.30 $48.35 $2019 $25.98 Observations: • Recent subsidy levels of exceeding $10 per ride are "off the charts" �� �r ti� �t� Operating Costs FY22 $672,286 FY23 ? FY24: Barrett subrniss�on $756,920 FY24: Finance Dept $782,400 FY24 Source: S. Barrett: Corrections to TM Memo Open Questions on Current State: • Are passes for 3/6/9 months based on calendar dates whereas the annual pass seems to end on 6/30? • The replacement of a pass is listed as a $20 subsidy. What is the cost to make the Lexpress passes today? • How are the Lexpress passes ensuring non-transferrability today? 5 Lexpress Revised Pass Policy Proposed, Mark Andersen February 28, 2023 • What is the current estimate of fare evasion level? (not that material to model) Observations on Passes: • 90 total passes • 35 people pay full price for passes • At these levels, the passes are not "working" for the broader community Proposal for Lexpress: July 2023 - June 2024 Goals: • Increase popularity of Lexpress (bring back ridership to pre-pandemic levels) o About 20-25K rides today o Target: 35K for FY24 o Target: 45K for FY25 • Increase annual passes o About 67 today o Target: 167 for FY24 o Target: 217 for FY25 • Give tax�ayers a service for their tax dollars • Reduce Lexington town subsidy per ride o Target: $15 for FY24 o Target: $10 in the long run • Reduce driving in Lexington • Better measure interest and demand in public transit Pass Policy: • Retain existing pass structure for those without eligibility o Existing pass options remain the "default" option o Staff can steer eligible customers to the lower cost, simple pass • Add a single, simple pass which matches the lowest cost existing option: (dubbed "The Lexington Transit Pass") o $20: unlimited rides for fiscal year: July 1 - June 30 o Eligibility ■ Evidence of Lexington residency • driver's license, rental agreement, utility statement, bank statement, etc. • exchange students living in Lexington should be eligible ■ Evidence to working in Lexington (being considerate of the semi-documented status of some workers) • employment agreement, W-2, 1099, etc. . Au pairs should be eligible . Home health care workers should be eligible o Ineligible for$20 pass: 6 Lexpress Revised Pass Policy Proposed, Mark Andersen February 28, 2023 ■ Visitors and tourists, including extended family from out of town, AirBNB/VRBO, short-term renters who do not provide proof of residency, short-term occupants of hotels and inns. Fare Policy: • Raise 65+/disabled from $0.75 to $1.00 o Eliminate most coins. Immaterial difference. Half the general fare. • Raise youth from $1.75 to $2.00 o Eliminate most coins. Immaterial difference. Ensure 2x senior/disabled. • Phase out 65+ ride for free during the day o The pass proposal is intended to cover the needs of 65+ riders o Avoid forcing seniors to think hard about the $20 pass with tricky calculations o A downside is that the existing program does encourage ridership during non-peak times so we would lose some of this. o During July-August-September"soft launch" permit seniors to ride for free while educating about the $1.00/ride v. $20/year options. • Retain disabled ride for free 9:30-2:30 o (Mark: in my opinion the committee should consider phasing this out as well for consistency, but I expect this is a difficult committee decision.) o I am not sure who is supposed to distinguish senior from disabled if this is retained - so it may be problematic to retain as it could undermine the pass. Data Collection Under New Pass Program: • We should collect data on who receives the pass and their connection to Lexington o Record pass as: Lexington resident (with address), working for established company (with address), or working at someone's home (with address). o Be clear that this data will not be shared with other governmental agencies. • We should note inquiries for other classes of individuals who would be desirous of discounted passes. Projected Pass Program Assumptions • Existing annual passholders continue to purchase passes • All passes are sold for $20, no more, no less. (no subsidy) . 100 new passholders join the program An important note is that just over half(55%) of revenue for a given year's passes is collected in the fiscal year before the year in which riding occurs. Therefore, the model has to break out part A revenue: that which is before the year, and part B revenue: that which occurs within th 7 Lexpress Revised Pass Policy Proposed, Mark Andersen February 28, 2023 year. I apologize if this is confusing and you might decide to ignore this distinction. It felt important to cover in case there was FY23 financial impact from this decision for FY24. FV24 rider FV24 rider FY25 rider Proposed Pass PY23 Annual Total Cort per Revenue Actual/ %rev %rev in landing in FY23 landing in FY24 landing in PY24 Program Pass Count Expansion Passes pass Revenue Face Value Actual Pass pre-year year budget budget budget Disabled 17 5 22 520 $440 $440 $20.00 79% 21% $348 $92 $400 Senior 15 45 60 $20 $1,200 $1,200 $20.00 50% 50% $600 $600 $690 General 35 50 85 $20 $1,700 $1,700 $20.00 62% 38% $1,054 $646 $1,212 Total 67 300 167 $3,340 $2,002 $1,338 $2,302 s�me�owo��eroffeesfo��nability[opayosoresW[of$20s[andordprice FY23parc8 $2.002 IS%expansion FY24 $3,640 FY23 annual pass revenue from FY24 riders is projected at $2002, an increase from $1575. FY24 annual pass revenue would be projected at$3640 a decrease from $4025 Here is current data collected on annual passes for FY23 Revenue Face Revenue Actual/ FY23 Passes Cost per Pass Value Actual Pass disabled 17 $100 $1,�aa $400 $23.53 Senior 15 $100 $1,saa �4aa $26.67 General 35 $260 $9,100 $2,fl80 $59.43 Observe that for all classes of riders, collected revenue is less than 50% of the stated pass value. The gap between face value and actual value, combined with increased pass sales, explains why annual pass revenue would be marginally impacted by a low, standardized face value of$20. We can assume partial-year pass revenue would disappear: FY241.oss If No Part-Year Passes Purchased FY23 rider FY23 rider in FY22 in FY23 FY23 Part B FY24 Part A FY24 Part B Disabled $0 $0 Senior $0 $185 $194 General $430 $655 $452 $688 $474 $430 $$40 $452 $8$2 $474 FY23 Irnpact -$452 FY24 Irnpact -$1,356 assuming 5°a rider growth ot ct f ro �s �� r r � ss v �u Summary Impact Baseline 5cenario Projected Scenario Annual Pass Partial Pass Tatal Impact Annual Pass Partial Pass Total Net Impact FY23 $1,806 $452 $2,257 $2,002 0 $2,002 -$256 FY24 $2,880 $1,356 $4,236 $3,640 0 $3,640 -$596 FY24PartA $1,074 $882 �1,956 $1,338 0 �1,338 FY24Part8 $1,806 $474 �Z�28� $2,302 0 �Z,3�Z The charts above cover passes, not individual tickets. 8 Lexpress Revised Pass Policy Proposed, Mark Andersen February 28, 2023 � � fr �� � va r� ivi u Ticke � ��"�,� �°��` ��.���������.���� �"���.��� .����.����r� 30°10 20�1Q a 10 la O AO 2016 2017 2t}1�3 2019 2023 Passes had declined from 27% of revenue to 20% prior to the pandemic. The pandemic killed individual ticket sales, driving the % of pass revenue way up (not shown) and are not representative going forward. FY23 is estimated to land at around 30%, and as riders get more comfortable riding Lexpress, we should expect the % to decline again into the 20%'s. Roughly 70% of the revenue comes from individual tickets and would be negatively impacted by the pass program. The next section estimates that impact. sti tin i r�hi r� r ct First, we estimate the number of rides per pass on the existing passes: With lower prices, people will buy passes who do not have feel a need to ride as much to justify their purchase. Expanded marketing efforts means reaching tiers of people who have even less need to ride but enjoy a convenient and easy occasional ride. 9 Lexpress Revised Pass Policy Proposed, Mark Andersen February 28, 2023 As we expand marketing expect each tier of buyers rides less than the previous tier. Making assumptions about ridership per tier and converting these marginal assumptions to overall averages give us this projection of ridership in the new program: Buyer Tiers Mariginal Average Rides/ Passes Rides/Pass Passes5old Rides New Pass Sold First SO 90 50 4500 90 first tier are shifts from part year pass and free seniors 51-1d0 50 100 7000 70 second tier are some shifts from free seniar,som new riders 101-150 30 150 8500 57 151-200 15 200 9250 46 201-250 10 250 9750 39 The highlight corresponds to the assumption of 100 new passes sold. Folding this into assumptions about existing rider behavior would then generate these overall estimates: Existi ng Annual Existing New Passes New Buyer Total Total Blended Increase in Passes Rides/Pass Rides (new buyers) Rides/Pass Passes Rides Rides/Pass Rides 67 90 4489 50 90 117 10,530 90 6,a41 67 90 4489 100 70 167 13,030 78 8,541 67 90 44$9 150 57 217 14,530 67 10,041 67 90 4489 200 46 267 15,280 57 10,791 67 90 4489 250 39 317 15,780 50 11,291 Estimating the impact on fare rides is difficult. We do not know whether we are generating new rides with Lexpress or merely shifting users from individual fare to annual pass. A fair assumption is that increased marketing and pass sales will add more net new user to Lexpress but this may be somewhat beyond the first 100 passes. It seems reasonable to estimate that about 1,750 rides would convert from "with fare" to "free with pass" at a level of 100 annual passes added: 10 Lexpress Revised Pass Policy Proposed, Mark Andersen February 28, 2023 Buyer Tiers Fare rides taken Average Paid away per Rides Lost/ �Cew Passes pass Passes Sold Rides Pass Sa�ld ���St so �o �a soao �o 51-100 15 100 17�p 18 101-150 10 150 2250 15 151-200 5 200 2500 13 201-250 2 25Q 26Q0 10 From other calculations, I estimate a loss of$1.84 in fare revenue per lost ride, so the cost in individual ticket fares is estimated to be 1750 * 1.84 = $3,224 These are assumptions I made about the distribution of riders. The assumptions were tinkered with until the number of rides, pass and fare revenue all came into balance and the numbers seemed to make sense. I'm not sure if we have more accurate data at this time. Note this model is intended to estimate individual ticket fares and excludes pass revenue. But we need to ensure total ridership includes pass riders. 11 Lexpress Revised Pass Policy Proposed, Mark Andersen February 28, 2023 Estimation of composition of rides today: FY23 Annualized FY24 Projected 5%grawth Riders 23,693 24,877 Individual Ticket Fares $10,212 $10,723 IndividualCollection/Rider $0.43 $0.43 Partial year pass count 17 17 Annual year pass count 67 70 %of rides %of fare rides Rides per pass Estimated free'°pass"rides 6,030 6,331 25°fo 90 Estimated free partial year"'pass"rides 510 535 2% 31 Estimated free time of day ride 11,196 11,755 47°fo Estimated$0.75 rides 500 525 2% 9% Estimated$1.75 rides 1,000 1,050 4% 18% Estiamted$2.00 rides 4,040 4,242 17°fo 73°fo Estimated fare skipping 35d 367 1.5% Total Rides 23,693 24,875 100°fo Revenue from$0.75 tickets $375 $394 Revenue from$1J5 tickets $1,75d $1,838 Revenue from$2.00 tickets $8,080 $8,484 Total Individual Ticket Revenue $10,205 $10,715 Average fare for a fare payer $1.$4 1750 The biggest challenge making a forward projection is about the "free time of day" service. In my opinion, the prudent thing is to replace that program with the pass, and convert all those rides to pass rides. However, I expect that may be difficult for the committee, moreover l do not expect drivers to easily distinguish a senior citizen from a disabled individual. Therefore, I made estimates assuming a reduction in the "free time of day ride" but I did not make overly optimistic assumptions about those being absorbed in the free "pass" rides. 12 Lexpress Revised Pass Policy Proposed, Mark Andersen February 28, 2023 FY24 Projected Change from Proposed Pass Baseline Riders 25,279 402 Individual Ticket Fares ticket ride chang $7,490 -$3,233 IndividualCollection/Rider -1750 0 -$0.43 Partial year pass count 167 150 Annual year pass count Rides per Pass %of rides %af fare rides Estimated free"pass"rides 78 13,029 6,698 52% Estimated free partial year"pass'°rid 0 -535 0% Estimated free time of day ride 8,000 -3,755 32% Estimated$0.75 rides -158 367 -158 1% 9% Estimated$1.75 rides -316 734 -316 3% 18% Estiamted$2.p0 rides -1277 2,965 -1,277 12% 73% Estimated fare skipping 184 -1$4 1% Tatal Rides 25,279 404 100% Revenue from$0.75 tickets $275 -$119 Revenue from$1J5 tickets $1,285 -$553 Revenue from$2.00 tickets $5,930 -$2,554 Total Individual Ticket Revenue $7,490 -$3,226 This shows how the �$3,226 reduction in fare revenue would pan out, with a net increase of 402 riders. This model is therefore very conservative in assuming low elasticity of demand with the change in program, primarily because of the fact that many users are not paying fares on trips already and so the effective price change is not very high. One note is that the % of riders who would be presenting cash would drop from 23% to 16% which could have an effect on speed of bus trips, and expanded marketing of this program could drive the % of users presenting money below 10% ultimately. Summary Impact Pulling together the impact on ridership, passes, and fares we come to a summary model: 13 Lexpress Revised Pass Policy Proposed, Mark Andersen February 28, 2023 New Pass Baseline Pass 5cenario FY22 FY23(est) FY24 FY24(projected) Net Effect Total Ridership 19,689 23,693 25,279 24,$77 402 Operating Revenue $ 14,211 $12,132 $11,515 $15,279 -$3,765 Pass Sales $ 6,175 53,495 4,025 4,557 (532) Fare/Ticket Revenue $ 8,906 $10,212 7,490 10,722 (3,232) Operating Revenue/Rider $0.72 $0.51 $0.46 $0.61 -$0.16 Pass Revenue/Rider $0.31 $0.15 $0.16 $0.18 -$0.02. Fare Revenue/Rider $0.45 $0.43 $0.30 $0.43 -$0.13 Operating Costs $ 672,286 782,400 782,400 0 Grants 258,493 $65,000 $65,a00 $0 Net town budget $ (399,582) -$705,885 -$702,121 -$3,765 Plet town budget/rider -$20.29 -$27.92 -$28.22 $0.30 Highlights: • Offering the annual pass with an offset for reduced "free" service can be done with limited fiscal impact • Overall the model is conservative and assumes a small impact on ridership. • The total financial impact of about$3765 is miniscule compared to other items the town evaluates. Summary Comments Before this exercise, I did not realize that effective fares were so low on Lexpress to begin with. In this process, I learned that we have extensive free hours for seniors and disabled individuals, covering about half the day time. One expects that these individuals may be scheduling their trips during this free time. Moreover, the $0.75 fare collected outside these hours does not materially contribute to the cost of service which is costing the town of Lexington a subsidy of around $28/ride. Developing a model in advance of committee discussion is difficult because I do not know what view the committee will take on these items. • Is the committee willing to "push" the entire community towards an annual pass, and thereby improve information on users and create a path forward? • Or is the committee going to protect existing users who have a free ride while attempting to offer a heavily discounted service? This model is conservative. While I think Lexpress could have bolder ambitions, it feels like FY24 might be a year to introduce this program and begin to shift the users to an annual pass. If we establish the new annual pass as the principal technique for riding Lexpress, and provide associated marketing and staff support, we could imagine reaching a larger population of users 14 Lexpress Revised Pass Policy Proposed, Mark Andersen February 28, 2023 for occasional rides. However, as we are all aware the service runs hourly and only covers a small portion of Lexington, so there will be a gap between desired rides and provided rides. The total financial impact of the modeled changes is very small in the scheme of Lexington's budget. If the Lexington TAC felt these were the right changes to make, I do not think the Select Board would hold back on concern about money. There are of course operational issues with distributing more passes (how much they cost to make, staff time, etc.), and change management with the community. When Germany announced it's low fare program in 2022, conservatives expressed concerns that the buses would be inundated with riders. That was not the case. However, operations will need to think about a scenario where too many riders try to get on the bus and how that would be handled in practice. Future modeling efforts might try to make bolder assumptions and determine whether a configuration of service could drive the subsidy down to more sustainable levels, which seem to me closer to $10/ride. I appreciate the opportunity to engage the community around this important offering. I remain optimistic that a $20 annual pass could improve Lexpress brand, accessibility, and popularity, thereby providing more support for public transit within Lexington. Motion (February 28, 2023) I move that the Lexington Transportation Advisory Committee recommend a change in the Lexpress program for FY2024 which includes the following: • $2 fare for all riders • $20 annual passes for all riders; these new annual passes would run from July 1 - June 30 each year • A transition period to September 1 for anyone who has free daytime fares • Elimination of free rides henceforth Our analysis suggests the revenue impact on the Lexington budget will be less than $10,000 per year, and this recommendation has the ability to increase ridership and add taxpayer value by decreasing town cost per ride. We propose making these $20 passes available through the town offices starting by June 1 2023 at the latest, for use starting July 1 2024. I move that the Select Board be notified of this recommendation at the earliest possible time. 15 i uu�� uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuui i'�i m�l � uuuuuuuuuuuuu II�III �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� M...............M...............M...............M...............M............... ��� �'� o��� uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu 6� ui�������: uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu �um���... 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Joe Pato indicated at the June 5, 2023 Select Board meeting that he would h1�e to develop concrete, attainable goals. SUGGESTED MOTION: No motion required. This is a discussion/brainstorming session to provide direction to staff. FOLLOW UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 6/12/2023 7:35pm AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Select Board Work Session- Discuss Potential Use of Hybrid Participation Format for Future Town Meetings ITEM PRESENTER: NUMBER: Board Discussion I.4 SUMMARY: Category: Brainstorming This is a discussion on the use of a hybrid format for Town Meeting compared to a in-person foimat for Town Meeting. The Town has used both successfully with benefits to each format. For planning purposes for the Fall Town Meeting(and subsequent Town Meetings), the Select Board should discuss both options and provide direction on the prefei-�ed option. SUGGESTED MOTION: No motion requ�red, this is a discussion/brainstorming session to provide direction to staff. FOLLOW UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 6/12/2023 B:OSpm