HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-04-11-TAC-min Minutes Transportation Advisory Committee April 11, 2023 (Virtual) Place: The meeting was held remotely pursuant to Chapter 22 of the Acts of 2022 which includes an extension until March 31, 2025 of Governor Healey’s March 23, 2023 executive order. The Zoom teleconferencing session was open to the public. Members Present: Vinita Verma, Co-chair; Pamela Lyons, Co-Chair; Mark Andersen; Kunal Botla; Sally Castleman; Elaine Dratch; Members Absent: Jonathan Schwarz Staff: Susan Barrett (arrived late from another meeting) Liaisons Present: Sudhir Jain, COA; Nishanth Veeragandham, Student representative Liaisons absent: Susie Barry, Selectboard; Melanie Thompson, Planning Board The meeting was called to order by Ms. Verma at 7:06 PM. The extended statute permitting virtual meetings was read by Ms. Lyons. There were no public comments. Minutes of March 3 Meeting- Ms. Barrett said that TAC couldn’t just assume that staff from other departments would be allowed to sell Lexpress passes as that would require them taking time away from their regular jobs. . No action was taken on the March minutes. Passes will be discussed further at the next meeting. Because Ms. Barrett’s attendance was delayed, Agenda items were taken out of order. Updates on Ad Hoc Transportation Committee- Ms. Castleman reported that the student interns working on data and research for this project were scheduled to give their report soon. Because of this, the Ad Hoc Comm. has scheduled 2 meetings this week. Deepika Sawhney School Committee member, and Chair was urging all members to read everything and be informed. At some later date, Mr. Andersen will present TAC’s proposal for the $20.00 yearly Lexpress pass to this committee. Discussion of $20.00 Lexpress Pass- The Select Board will not address this until Town Meeting is over. Ms. Castleman expressed concern about how many people the new routes will serve. Mr. Andersen requested information on Lexpress policies around departing from scheduled routes for individual calls. It was decided to discuss this later, when more info about past performance, approximate time deviations, and analytics could be presented. (Later in the meeting Ms. Barrett said that there is no set policy yet.) To be added to next month’s agenda. Pass IDs- Various ideas, including a sticker sample, were discussed about the size, type, (stickers, phone, car, etc.) Also, where would it be sold? Marketed? Discussion of TDM and Waterstone. (Ms. Barrett was present for this discussion) Ms. Castleman gave a brief history of past TDM policy. In the 90’s, TAC would be directly involved in negotiating with builders, prior to zoning proposals. TAC would set a yearly amount, plus COLA, to which developers would pledge. This would not necessarily be for direct service, but as a contribution to the diversion of overall town traffic. Later Town Managers, beginning with Carl Valente, were the negotiators. Rather than ongoing funding, a fixed amount would be pledged. That amounted to much less of an appropriation to the TDM fund, and less of a direct commitment to Lexpress. Discussion ensued about whether to revise the Town’s TDM policy, last written by TAC in 1988. Planning Board keeps delaying. Should TAC do this? Does it make sense to do it before the AD Hoc Committee has presented their report? There is no clear mechanism for tracking and collecting amounts. The amounts seem small given the size of the developments (see Brookhaven and Avalon). (Brookhaven now specifies that they want their contribution to go to taxi service.) Also, does the latest TM Zoning plan have any specifics about contributing to lower SOV traffic? Ms. Barrett- perhaps a percentage of dev. Cost can be assessed for transportation. It cannot be a tax- only a negotiation before building. Put list of contributing developers/projects on website. Waterstone- the latest large development of Senior housing. They did not want to give to Lexpress, but now they want service. They established their own “Black Car” service, but have no door- to-door help to passengers. Put further discussion of TDM on future Agenda. Transportation Manager’s update Ms. Barrett made several references to the Town’s “Share-file”, which has info such as Lexpress costs, minutes of the Ad Hoc Comm. Meetings, etc. Several grant applications are due shortly. There is a problem with timing, since RFP’s are for 1-3 years. The Ad Hoc Committee may not agree with either the timeline or the proposed routes/ vehicle/ modality of our past practices. It puts Ms. Barrett in somewhat of a bind- how to meet proposal guidelines without conflicting with Ad Hoc? MBTA- new RFP for 3 years. Presently , we have been awarded 30K for 6 months. Community Transit Grant.- vehicles have only 16 seats. Procurement is a challenge. Possibility of leasing the vehicles back to the vendors. Capital Investment Plan (CIP) is for operations. Encourages electric buses, for clean energy- expensive. Only one bidder for next year’s Lexpress- M&L, our present contractor. Rates are slightly higher- possibly for 2 years. We have a signed contract. Some discussion about Town Meeting Vote on MBTA State Mandate for housing. This really isn’t about MBTA service- rather- to require all towns served by MBTA to increase affordable housing. Ms. Castleman said it was a good opportunity for housing and transportation to be tied together. MBTA advisory Board- Ms. Barrett is designated representative. We need to get the Select Board more involved. Mr. Botla is working with the MBTA on bus signage. Some changes have been made- they will test and keep updating Liaison Reports: FCOA—Mr. Jain- Lexington For all ages-reports that Seniors say- “It is not an easy place to live” if we don’t drive. TAC is trying to make this a better place. Student rep- Mr. Veeragandham- There will be a “Car-Free on Campus” Day at LHS. Encouraging students to use buses, Lexpress, bikes. Working with “Safe Routes to school”. Other activities to promote car-free day. Committee Goals and Recommendations. Mr. Botla presented a long detailed list of goals and objectives for TAC. (Attached) Use for both long and short-term goals. Mr. Andersen suggested using CPA funds for Bike racks. A more complete discussion for next month’s agenda. Meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM Next Meeting- May 9 at 7 PM. Ms. Verma will be absent. Ms. Lyons will take minutes. Mr. Botla will be Chair. Respectfully Submitted by Elaine Dratch Attachments- Agenda, TAC Goals