HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-05-08-GCC-min Minutes of the Greenways Corridor Commi?ee Mee?ng 8 May 2023 Members Present: Mal Crawford (virtual), Alex Dohan, Peggy Enders, Eileen Entin, Yifang Gong, Bob Hausslein, Bobak Moshiri, Keith Ohmart (chair), Stephen Perkins Non-voting Members Present (Virtual): Susan Kenyon, Mike Tabaczynski Meeting minutes of 6 April were approved unanimously. Reports, Updates: Patriot’s Day Parade: Bob, Keith, and Steven carried an ACROSS Lexington banner in the Patriot’s Day parade. They reported consistent recognition of ACROSS Lexington from the crowds throughout the course of the march. T-shirts: The Rick Abrams Trust Fund has purchased blue T-shirts with the GCC logo. They will be given to people who complete the ACROSS challenge. They will also be sold at Discovery Day for $20.00 as a fund raiser. Proceeds from the sale will be put into the Rick Abrams Trust Fund. Committee members agreed this is a good marketing tool to help make residents aware of the ACROSS trails. Mike suggested that in the future we could have a distinctive shirt for those competing the ACROSS challenge, which would make people aware of the ACROSS challenge. Discovery Day, May 27. The GCC has registered for Discovery Day. As of this date, we have coverage for 2 of the 3 time slots, but need one more person for the third slot. The GCC will also have a presence at the Bikeway Commuter breakfast on May 19. There will be an opportunity to pass out GCC literature and sell t- shirts. Bike/Ped plan update. Keith, Mike, and Alex attended the invitation-only stakeholders meeting that was held on April 25. This was mostly an information gathering meeting. The emphasis was on how to ensure that the needs of various stakeholder groups are met. This is an opportunity to promote the use of ACROSS routes as safe routes to schools. Peggy pointed out that people with limited abilities are also stakeholders. She will attend the next disabilities group meeting. The next public meeting for the bike/ped plan will be on 8 June. Peggy and Bobak indicated they can attend that meeting. Periodic drafts of the plan will be circulated. Spring trail signs audit: Committee members should sign up for the trails they will audit on the spreadsheet that Keith has provided (and will resend). At this point about half the audits are done. Materials (trail signs, trail letters, etc.) are available in Bob’s shed. Report any problems that can’t be fixed on the spot to Keith and Bob. Keith will also send a spreadsheet with locations for GCC brochure holders. Members should sign up for holder locations that they will fill during the summer. We have a good supply of brochures, which are also available in Bob’s shed. We also have a good number of QR code stickers that link to the GCC web page. We have $1500 of FY2023 money to spend. Some of this money will be used for 4 new “you are here” map signs. In addition, Keith has ordered stickers, including replacement letters and letters for new routes as well as new brochure holder boxes. GIS interactive mapping update: Keith reported that the town webmaster has now added this link to the GCC web site page. Ongoing Business 2023 route development projects: Concord Ave conservation land: Keith and Stephen met with Ross Morrow in the town Engineering Department. They walked Concord Ave from Scott Rd, looking for sight lines for safe crosswalk locations. There is no sidewalk on the south side of Concord Ave and a dip in the road west of Scott Rd. It would be desirable to have a crosswalk with flashing lights. We need to get a request for this expense into the Traffic Safety Group planning schedule. In terms of placement of the crosswalk, Mike will draw up a map for the parcel with two crossing options. Regarding the Land Management Plan for this conservation property, Amber is working on a document for bids to go out to do the LMP. Once we have a budget for developing the LMP, we can make an application to the Judy Record Fund to fund the work. Putting a trail through this property will allow us to connect to the Western Greenway. But the Conservation Commission requires that a LMP for the property be developed before any trails can be put in. Rangeway options: There are problems associated with using the informal entrance across from Gould Road. There is a Conservation entrance sign but there doesn’t appear to be any record of a right of way. Keith checked with David Williams who has historical knowledge of right of ways, but he knew of none. We would have to look through the deeds to clarify this. As an alternative we could bring a proposal to Conservation to build a trail hugging the tree line along the power line corridor. Mike and Keith discussed this with Phil Hamilton and he said he would bring this up with Karen. Doing this would allow the path to remain on conservation land, rather the taking walkers along Grove St. Mike proposed going along Grove Street and up to Wright Farm for now, with the idea of eventually improving the trail by going through Symonds Brook. st Discussion on this topic may come up at the Stewards Meeting with the Conservation Commission on May 21. AGM/LVB Connector: Keith learned that the administration building at Harrington School will likely be leveled in two years and the property given to Recreation for playing fields. One alternative is to use a parcel of conservation land abutting the administration building. We would need to put a request for approval of this option into the Conservation Commission’s queue. There is also a pending storm water abatement project slated for the current playing fields behind the administration building, which will also complicate laying out and maintaining a trail. Mike suggests building a route now that could be rerouted in two years. Keith will arrange for a meeting with Mike Cronin, the Town Facilities Manger to look at options. Mike and Peggy volunteered to join that meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 6:00 pm. The next meeting will be held on 5 June in the Parker Room, Town Hall. Respectfully submitted, Eileen Entin, Acting Secretary