HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-05-10-AHTC-minMINUTES AHTC May 10th 2023 Meeting started at 9.10.All members were present except for Ms.Carlyn Kosnoff. The three sets of minutes unanimously passed Varda moved,Bridger seconded Bridger and Varda spoke first to report out about their meeting and the directions of enquiry they intend to follow. Varda -Some Ideas on the revenue side of the puzzle,were discussed. Varda -basically using a Burlington line and marketing it as a Burlington line,having the town seek a contribution from the major business on the way -such as the mall,lahey clinic,market basket.The idea is to put togther a proposal to take to the burlinton businesses we already serve and essentially ask for payments for the services they are already receiving.Make a marketing push on the lexpress buses by showcasing company names outside.It’s on a route that is already used and can have an economic value.A lot of work needs to be done to flesh out the idea.Approximately a 100K should be targetted because anything less than a 100k would not be worth doing,given a million dollar cost of the Lexpress system. Bridger -potential revenue stream by looking at the Lexpress route that runs from Lexington to Lahey clinic.Though part of the tritown study -if Burlington and Bedford are not looking at it as a regional study.Another way to approach it was if we have students and seniors who want to access these businesses and use Lexpress to do so,then how to monetize that.How to add revenue or bus sponsorships and look at it as to why the ride will be helpful to lexington as well as the Burlington business community.That route could prove to be more valuable and expand the services.In order to present to the Select Board a more fleshed out proposal would be needed.Perhaps having private buses be a part of the transportation solution could also be thought of. Bridger -Look at the Revenue and school side of the budget for transportation.In total there are buses moving around in Lexington to the tune of 4.7 million dollars.Question on how much fees is going into the school buses.Look at the total revenue sources for buses in lexington.And then look at how the service model bumps up against the cost.Better to understand why we went down that route which canabalized the mass transportation ridership of Lexpress. In terms of private buses and residents riding on them.Companies are wary of such solutions because of possible insurance claims.There is indemnification on the insurance when private entities provide rides to citizens.Get a more solid review by the town and get an understanding. Reach out Kelly Axtel for information on town insurance (Joe Pato). What if we move the routes to the weekends?Look at gaps in service.What are we trying to solve for something which is not a problem?What if we are trying to solve the wrong thing.If there is plenty of ways to get to alewife and not looking into gaps that may exist in our service Howard/Sally/Bridger -If micro transit is so expensive,can we look at efficiences to move funding to something that is already running such as lexconnect.24 hour in advance reservation taxi service.Unpack the barriers on the current service model with calling 24 hours ahead of time,coupons are confusing etc.maybe funding and management process changes. Howard -before covid the ride used to do an Uber type version of the service.The problem is first mile,last mile issue.How are seniors who may have mobility challenges supposed to get to and fro from their homes with packages etc in bad weather.The senior person having to walk in rain and snow etc.will not work.Via may be expensive but maybe such funds should be spent on as the senior demographics dont get the services they need as much as other demogropahics in the town. Susan -For Lahey,there is an actual bus stop so it does not have to be flagged down. Susan -if someone cannot take the lexpress and is mobility impaired then the Ride works for them.They can call ahead and it provides local service to 17 different times.One off type of trips and not a whole group of people.Via is teh most expensive turnkey solution. Howard -he will record the video of his meeting and then bring back the feedback from teh senior group.Also share the comments from Brookhaven.Go back to the lex-senior group and ask them similar questions.Asked if any one knows any one in Waterstone. Susan -waterstone did not want to provide for Lexpress and wanted to use their own services. Joe Pato -Waterstone negotiations resulted in some benefits to Lexington,not so much for the traffic mitigation piece. Sally -Maybe try and sell waterstone on services?Lexington has gone to the mall company of the Burlington Mall but did not get anywhere.Maybe individual companies may be more keen. Ask deep pocketed companies within Lexington who may want their name on the bus.Not sure Howard’s plea for studying micro transit.Is Howard thinking of Lexington only travel or outside. Howard -before covid he did not drive,and used the public transport and also liked Rev.Was considering mostly Microtransit use within Lexington. Deepika -Spoke about meeting with Susan and requesting her to create a one-two pager document which encapsultes the highlevel strategic recommendations from the various grant funded and other transportation research undertaken by the town.Then the individual depts could take on the tactical portion of making the recommendations operational. Joe pato -cant speak to the board as a whole about advertising on the side of the bus may work.However,would need to be discussed by the Board.It fits the description for a viable revenue source.Getting specific participation and funding for specific lines is attractive,would business be continuing to fund it year after year is the question. TAC update: Sally -looked at Lexpress statement from AHTC.people remarked about ‘funding’.If the selectman approve then TAC spoke about the urgency to get right away into pass sales and logistics etc details. Susan -talked about a lot of things,any route deviations possible,so its more viable to put them on a taxi,giving them reports that the transport dept send every month to the state transportation dept.Etc etc. Joe -that unanimous consent to look at the proposal early.TAC recommendation will be looked at in June.As May meetings already have enough content to be deliberated. How do you raise the profile for our transportation services in Lexington, Deepika -AAPI 5k race -have lexpress be a sweep bus for that riace Howard -discovery day is on memorial day and thus get the word out Susan -On weekends town would have to pay for a minimum of 4 hours to the vendors.Earlier there was a lot of interest with Learn Lexpress events and would get an uptick in ridership. Working with Youth and family services to work on how to do those sessions again.Getting a grant to get the info out.And get the word out through the social network.Susan requested committee members to try and get the info out and teh department is also investing in an Instagram account etc to do the same. Cost to have a bus and driver on weekends is -Starting in July $360 minimum for 4 hours to have the bus and driver present. Joe Pato -gave some history on how the town meeting had allocated and voted for the schools to have a bus budget.This was a traffic mitigation measure. Bridger and Varda -unpack the model on the school bus costs and fees at a future date with Ms.Kosnoff. Joe -there were a lot of single vehicle which was creating traffic jams that which pushed the ATM to get kids out of cars.That allowed the fees to come down Sally -,however we still have car congestion. Sally -some company shuttles that do pick up lexington residents going the other direction so the liability thing may not be so Rider population based in lexington and business population in burlington and they should compensate lexington for that value. Deepika -The meeting will happen again next Wednesday to keep momentum going.Also floated the idea of having on eof teh meetings on the bus so that the AHTC could experience Lexpress. After some discussion it was decided to look for a date in July.The Depot square has rides leaving at 8.30,9.30 etc so one ride time would be picked. Meeting ended at about 10.10