HomeMy WebLinkAboutSpecial Permit Residential Development Zoning Bylaw Amendment Ad hoc Committee - SPRD - Charge - NOV 2018 SPECIAL PERMIT RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT (SPRD) ZONING BYLAW AMENDMENT AD HOC COMMITTEE Members: Nine (9)voting; 2 non-voting liaisons Committee membership should be representative of the broad range of stakeholder interests. Members should include residents or individuals working in Lexington who have background or experience in: • Smart growth residential policy; • Residential development or construction; • Residential real estate marketing or sales; • Affordable housing policy, development or construction; • Land use planning or engineering; • Interested residents The Committee will also include: • A member of the Board of Selectmen • A member of the Planning Board While not part of the Committee, the following committees are invited to recommend a non-voting liaison: • Capital Expenditures Committee • Appropriation Committee Appointed by: Board of Selectmen. The Board of Selectmen will designate the Committee Chair, in consultation with the Chair of the Planning Board. Length of Term: The length of term will be from formation through the end of the Town Meeting session at which a proposed Bylaw is considered. Staff Support: Technical consultant, committee facilitator or consultant, Planning Director (limited) Meeting Times: As determined by the committee. A minimum of three meetings to solicit public comment and input to be held at times geared to maximize community participation. Committee Goal: Gather and provide stakeholder input, housing data and draft a Statement of Values, so that consultants, under direction of the Committee, Elected Boards, and staff, can develop a draft zoning bylaw amendment and warrant article to either revise or replace Section 135-6.9 of the Zoning Bylaw, Special Permit Residential Development, to provide for the creation of more affordable and diverse residential dwelling units. Committee Role: This committee will: 1) Undertake a comprehensive listening strategy to garner community and stakeholder input on a SPRD Bylaw. Over the life of the committee, a minimum of three meetings to solicit public comment and input should be held at times 1 geared to maximize community participation. Input sought should include that on community housing needs and obligations, goals of Special Permit residential developments, and associated costs and benefits. 2) Summarize and contextualize community input in a written report 3) Work with Elected board representatives, staff, the public, and appropriate consultants to review the current bylaw, the work from the Residential Policy Committee, and the 2017 and 2018 Annual Town Meetings on the same subject, and draft a revised SPRD zoning bylaw. Bylaw should include consideration for the propriety and cohesiveness of resulting developments within the context of their surroundings. This effort should include input and documentation from the development community. 4) Seek input from the Disabilities Commission, the Council on Aging, the Conservation Commission and other relevant stakeholders. Deliverables: 1) Present a progress report to the Board of Selectmen once per month from November, 2018 through completion. 2) Draft zoning bylaw amendment warrant article, consistent with specifications above, as soon as practicable. Prior to serving as a member of this committee, members are required to: 1) Acknowledge receipt of the Summary of the Conflict of Interest Statute. Further, to continue to serve on the Committee the member must acknowledge annually receipt of the Summary of the Conflict of Interest Statute. Said summary will be provided by and acknowledged to the Town Clerk. 2) Provide evidence to the Town Clerk that the appointee has completed the on-line training requirement required by the Conflict of Interest statute. Further, to continue to serve on the Committee, the member must acknowledge every two years completion of the on-line training requirement. Reference: Charge adopted by the Selectmen on September 17, 2018 Selectmen designated committee members as Special Municipal Employees on November 5, 2018 2