HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-03-14-BOS-Packet-releasedSELEC T MEN'S MEETING Mond ay, March 14, 2016 Selec tmen Meeting Room 6:30 PM AGENDA PUBLIC COMMENTS Pub lic c o mments are allo wed fo r up to 10 minutes at the b eginning of eac h meeting. Eac h s p eaker is limited to 3 minutes for comment. Memb ers of the Board will neither c o mment no r respond , o ther than to as k q ues tions of clarific ation. Speakers are encouraged to notify the Selec tmen's Offic e at 781-698-4580 if they wis h to s peak during pub lic comment to assist the Chairman in managing meeting times. SELECTMAN CONCERNS AND LIAISON REPORTS TOWN MANAGER REPORT ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION 1.Artic le 27 P res entation - Estab lis h Qualificatio ns fo r Tax Deferrals (5 min.)6:30 PM 2.Approve R es erve Fund Trans fer Reques t (5 min.)6:35 PM 3.Artic le 28 P res entation (Citizen Petition) - Acc ep t Chap ter 59, S ec tio n 2D of the MGL (10 min.) 6:40 PM 4.Pub lic Hearing (7:00 PM) - Belmo nt C o untry Club Notice o f Intent to S ell Rec reation Land/Right of First Refus al (10 min.) 7:00 PM 1. Portio n o f Belmont Country C lub comprised o f 19 acres 5.Artic le Pres entatio ns - Planning Bo ard (1 ho ur)7:00 PM 1. Article 39 - Amend Zoning Bylaw - Maximum Height o f Struc tures 2. Article 40 - Amend Zoning Bylaw - Acc es s o ry Ap artments 3. Article 42 - Amend Zoning Bylaw - Two -Family Ho mes 4. Article 43 - Amend Zoning Bylaw - Banking and Real Es tate Services Uses in the CB Dis tric t 6.Pres entatio n o f Center Traffic Safety Optio ns (30 min.)8:00 PM 7.Planning fo r Center Ro ad Reconfiguratio n Trials (15 min.)8:30 PM 8.Annual and S p ecial Town Meeting (15 min.)8:45 PM 1. Mo tion for Spec ial To wn Meeting 2016-3 Artic le 2 - Middle Sc hool Projec ts 2. Article Disc ussions 3. Article Positio ns 4. Article As s ignments 9.Dis c us s Calling a S p ecial Town Meeting - Minuteman High School Debt Autho rization (10 min.) 9:00 PM 10.Approve R eq uest for Disc o very Day S treet F air (5 min.)9:10 PM 11.Approve C enter S id ewalk Permit F ees (5 min.)9:20 PM 12.Selec tmen Co mmittee Appointment/R eap p o intment (5 min.)9:20 PM 1. Regis trar o f Vo ters Ap p ointment 2. Town Counsel Reappointment 13.Aloft/Element Change o f Owner - Reques t fo r Co mmo n Victualler Licens e (5 min.) 9:25 PM CONSENT AGENDA 1.Adjus tments to Water & Sewer Charges 9:30 PM EXECUTIVE SESSION 1.Exemp tion 6: P urc hase o f Land-20 P elham Road (30 min.)9:35 PM ADJOURN 1.Approximate Ad jo urn Time 10:05 PM The next meeting of the Board o f Selec tmen is s ched uled fo r Mond ay, Marc h 21, 2016, at 6:00 p .m. in the S electmen Meeting Room, Town Office Building, 1625 Mas s ac hus etts Avenue. Hearing Assistance Devices Available on Request All agenda time and the order of items are approximate and subject to change. AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Article 27 Presentation - Establish Qualifications for Tax Deferrals (5 min.) PRESENTER: Vic ki Blier and Pat C o s tello, Co - Chairs, Tax Deferral and Exemptio n S tud y Committee ITEM NUMBER: I.1 SUMMARY: Ms . Blier will b e at yo ur meeting to recommend that the S electmen inc reas e the income eligibility level fo r p ro p erty tax deferrals to $70,000. The current level is $65,000. S ee the attac hed reas o ns fo r rec o mmending the increase. SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 3/14/2016 6:30 PM ATTACHMENTS: Des crip tion Typ e Tax Deferral and Exemption Study Committee Recommendation Backup Material Article 27- Establish Qualifications for Tax Deferrals The Selectmen’s Tax Deferral and Exemption Study Committee advises the Selectmen to propose an increase in the income eligibility level for property tax deferrals to $70,000. The current limit is $65,000.  The $65,000 limit has been in place since FY 2014, when the applicant’s income was based on the 2012 tax return.  Since 2012, the qualifying property value for the State Senior Property Tax “Circuit Breaker” has dropped from $705,000 to the current limit of $693,000. In the past the property value limit has been as high as $793,000. During the same span of time, property values in Lexington have experienced dramatic increases. Seniors whose valuations may previously have qualified them for Circuit Breaker relief may now be priced out of eligibility. Increasing the income eligibility amount for our deferral program may offer seniors who are newly disqualified from Circuit Breaker relief a way to compensate for that financial loss.  Historically, participation numbers in the deferral program have been very steady. In FY 2013, when the income limit was $60,000, there were 29 deferrals. A new $65,000 limit in 2014 resulted in 31 deferrals. In 2015 the number dropped back down to 29. We therefor feel that increasing the income limit to $70,000 will not result in a material fiscal impact to the Town. Vicki Blier Patricia Costello Co-Chairs The Selectmen’s Tax Deferral and Exemption Study Committee AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approve Reserve Fund Transfer Request (5 min.) PRESENTER: Karen Simmo ns , Directo r of Recreatio n and C o mmunity P ro grams ITEM NUMBER: I.2 SUMMARY: Town Meeting approved an appropriatio n of $55,000 fo r the recons truction of the basketball courts at Sutherland and Marvin Parks . The p ro ject was b id twic e, b ut has still c o me in at $26,800 o ver the available ap p ro p riation. A res erve fund transfer is being reques ted s o that this p ro jec t c an be completed in a timely manner. The Ap p ro p riatio n Committee has ap p ro ved this req uest. SUGGESTED MOTION: Mo ve to (ap prove) (no t ap p ro ve) the Res erve F und Transfer req uest in the amount of $26,800 fo r the recons truction of the basketball courts at Sutherland and Marvin Parks . FOLLOW-UP: Comptro ller's Offic e. DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 3/14/2016 6:35 PM ATTACHMENTS: Des crip tion Typ e Reserve Fund Trans fer Reques t Form Budget Amendment AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Article 28 Presentation (Citizen Petition) - Accept Chapter 59, Section 2D of the MGL (10 min.) PRESENTER: Gloria Blo o m ITEM NUMBER: I.3 SUMMARY: Ms . Blo o m will attend your meeting to reques t yo ur s upport for her citizen artic le. She is s uggesting that the Selec tmen app o int a s tud y group to investigate the c o s ts and inc o me produc ed by adopting MGL 59 Sec 2D. The s tud y gro up s hould be ab le to produce the rep o rt within 8 weeks. It s ho uld b e made available to the Selec tmen and to Town Meeting. There are 2 main reas o ns fo r adopting MGL 59 2D: 1. F airness. If s o meo ne is living in Lexington, us ing town s ervic es and sc ho o ls , they s hould pay real es tate taxes based on the as s es s ment of the improved p ro p erty at the p o int the Cert. of Occ . is issued - not based on the value o f the former ho use (o r the p artially c ompleted ho use) fo r the 1 year period until we update the as s es s ment. 2. The town is leaving "mo ney on the table", not a good id ea when taxes are inexo rab ly ris ing and yo u are as king fo r overrides . T he town o f Natic k gets ab o ut $300,000 p er year from 59 2D pro rated tax bills. The amo unt varies with the amo unt o f new cons truc tion. An interesting fac t is that o nly 20 o ut of 351 c ities and towns in the Commo nwealth have cho s en to o p t out o f 59 2D. We should be ab le to get ad vic e on effic ient imp lementation since mos t of them have b een d o ing this s inc e 2003. SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 3/14/2016 6:40 PM ATTACHMENTS: Des crip tion Typ e Candidate Motion for TM Cover Memo Candidate Motion for Article 28 Resolved: Town Meeting requests that the Selectmen appoint a study group to investigate the costs and income produced by adopting MGL 59 Sec 2D. The report of the study group should be made available to the Selectmen and to the public. AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Public Hearing (7:00 PM) - Belmont Country Club Notice of Intent to Sell Recreation Land/Right of First Refusal (10 min.) PRESENTER: Carl F. Valente, Town Manager; Rand y Goldstein, Belmo nt C o untry Club ITEM NUMBER: I.4 SUMMARY: The Bo ard of S elec tmen has received no tic e fro m the Belmo nt Co untry Club of its p lan to s ell approximately 19 ac res of its land in Lexingto n to the Montes s o ri S cho o l. This land has a s pec ial property tax status , known as Chapter 61B. As s uc h, the Town has the firs t right o f refus al to purchas e this property b y matc hing the Mo ntes s o ri Sc hool's p urc hase p rice. The Rec reation Co mmittee, Planning Board and Cons ervatio n Commission have ind icated that they do not have an interest in owning this p arc el. The Bo ard of S elec tmen is required to ho ld a pub lic hearing b efo re making a dec is io n regarding the purchas e o f this p ro p erty. SUGGESTED MOTION: Mo ve to (exerc is e) (not exercise) the To wn's o p tion to purchas e approximately 19 ac res of land o wned by the Belmo nt Co untry Club . FOLLOW-UP: BOS o ffice will no tify the Belmo nt Co untry Club of the Board's actio n. DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 3/14/2016 7:00 PM ATTACHMENTS: Des crip tion Typ e Notice of Right of Firs t Refus al Backup Material AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Article Presentations - Planning Board (1 hour) PRESENTER: Aaro n Henry, P lanning Board Direc tor; Members o f the P lanning Board ITEM NUMBER: I.5 SUMMARY: Memb ers of the Planning Bo ard and Mr. Henry, P lanning Directo r, will be at yo ur meeting to p res ent the artic les lis ted ab o ve. SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 3/14/2016 7:00 PM ATTACHMENTS: Des crip tion Typ e DRAFT MOTION - Article 39 - Amend Zoning Bylaw - Maximum Height of Structures Backup Material DRAFT MOTION -Article 40 - Amend Zoning Bylaw - Acces s ory Apartments Backup Material DRAFT MOTION - Article 42 - Amend Zoning Bylaw - Two Family Homes Backup Material DRAFT MOTION - Article 43 - Amend Zoning Bylaw - Banking and Real Es tate Service Us es Backup Material ARTICLE 39 AMEND ZONING BY-LAW MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF STRUCTURES To see if the Town will vote to amend the Zoning By-Law to reduce the maximum height of one- family and two-family dwellings located near lot lines, or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inserted at the request of the Planning Board) DESCRIPTION: This article would limit the height of new houses or additions located close to lot lines. 4.3.5 Height of dwellings near lot lines. The height of a single-family or two-family dwelling may not exceed the maximum height from Table 2 or 20 feet plus 4/3 times the smallest distance from the dwelling to a lot line, whichever is less. Yard & Height Requirements. Yards required by § 135-4.0 and the height limit of § 135-4.3.5 apply to the perimeter of the site, but are not applicable within the site. 8.4.1 No Increase in Nonconforming Nature. Nonconforming one-family and two-family dwellings may be reconstructed, extended, altered, or structurally changed, or a new accessory structure may be constructed, upon a determination by the Building Commissioner that the nonconforming nature of the structure is not increased. Such determination will be deemed to be as of right and the applicant entitled to the issuance of a building permit where each structure is reconstructed, extended, altered, or changed so as to (a) contain the improvements within the site coverage and height of an existing structure; or (b) comply with the following side yard requirements and the front and rear yard requirements of § 135-4.0applicable yard, and height requirements of § 4.0, except that the side yard may be reduced as noted below: If actual lot frontage is Side yard must be at least 100 feet or more Not less than 15 feet More than 75 feet but less not more than 100 feet Not less than 12 feet More than 50 feet but not more than 75 feet Not less than 10 feet More than 0 feet but not more than 50 feet or less* Not less than 7.5 feet NOTES: * but not 0 ARTICLE 40 AMEND ZONING BY-LAW ACCESSORY APARTMENTS To see if the Town will vote to amend the Zoning By-Law to simplify the conditions and requirements for accessory apartments, or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inserted at the request of the Planning Board) DESCRIPTION: This article would relax some existing conditions and requirements, which limit the ability to construct accessory apartments. These requirements include lot area, presence of rooming units, connection to Town water and sewer, ownership, location of parking, and age of structure. PROPOSED MOTION 1. Delete § 135-6.7 and replace with the following: 6.7 ACCESSORY APARTMENTS. 6.7.1 Purpose. This section authorizing the provision of accessory dwelling units is intended to: 1. Increase the number of small dwelling units available in the Town; 2. Increase the range of choice of housing accommodations; 3. Encourage greater diversity of population with particular attention to young adults and senior citizens; and 4. Encourage a more economic and energy-efficient use of the Town's housing supply while maintaining the appearance and character of the Town's one-family neighborhoods. 6.7.2 General. An accessory apartment is a second dwelling unit subordinate in size to the principal dwelling unit on a lot, located in either the principal dwelling or an accessory structure. 6.7.3 Conditions and Requirements; General. The following standards shall apply: 1. There shall be no more than one accessory apartment on a lot. 2. The owner of the property on which the accessory apartment is to be created shall occupy one or the other of the dwelling units, except for temporary absences as provided herein. For the purposes of this section, the "owner" shall be one or more individuals who constitute a family, who hold title directly or indirectly to the dwelling, and for whom the dwelling is the primary residence. 3. Temporary absence of owner. An owner of a property containing an accessory apartment who is to be absent for a period of less than two years may rent the owner's unit as well as the second unit during the temporary absence provided: a. Written notice thereof shall be made to the Building Commissioner on a form prescribed by him. b. The owner shall be resident on the property for at least two years prior to and between such temporary absences. 6.7.3 Conditions and Requirements; Exterior Appearance. The accessory apartment shall be designed to maintain the appearance and essential character of a one-family dwelling with accessory structures, subject further to the following conditions and requirements: 1. All stairways to second or third stories shall be enclosed within the exterior walls of the dwelling. 2. Where two or more entrances exist on the front facade of a dwelling, one entrance shall appear to be the principal entrance and other entrances appear to be secondary. 6.7.4 Basic Accessory Apartment. A basic accessory apartment shall be permitted if the following criteria are met: 1. The apartment shall be located in the principal dwelling. 2. The gross floor area of the apartment shall not exceed 1,000 square feet. 3. There shall not be more than two bedrooms in the apartment. 6.7.5 Expanded Accessory Apartment. The SPGA may grant a special permit for an expanded accessory apartment if the following criteria are met: 1. The gross floor area of the apartment shall not exceed 40% of the gross floor area of the dwelling, excluding areas of the structure used for parking. 2. The apartment shall be located in the principal dwelling. 3. The size of the dwelling is consistent with typical nearby one-family dwellings. 6.7.6 Accessory Structure Apartment. Notwithstanding the prohibition against having more than one dwelling on a lot, the SPGA may grant a special permit to allow the construction of an accessory apartment in an accessory structure on the same lot as a one- family dwelling if the following criteria are met: 1. The gross floor area of the apartment does not exceed 1,000 square feet. 2. The SPGA determines that the exterior appearance of the accessory structure is compatible with the principal dwelling on the same lot and with dwellings and accessory structures on adjoining lots. 2. To insure internal consistency and references: a. Amend the definition of Accessory Apartments in Section 10, as detailed below: Accessory apartment: A second dwelling unit subordinate in size to the principal dwelling unit on an owner-occupied lot, located in either the principal dwelling or an existing accessory structure. The apartment is constructed so as to maintain the appearance and essential character of a one-family dwelling and any existing accessory structures. b. Delete § 135-6.9.16 and replace with the following: Accessory Apartments. The SPGA may authorize expanded accessory apartments, as described in §6.7 of this bylaw, to be created within a site sensitive development. ARTICLE 42 AMEND ZONING BY-LAW TWO-FAMILY DWELLINGS To see if the Town will vote to amend the Zoning By-Law to permit two-family dwellings wherever one-family dwellings are permitted, or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inserted at the request of the Planning Board) DESCRIPTION: This article would permit construction of two-family dwellings by right in all districts where one-family dwellings are permitted. PROPOSED MOTION 1. Amend Table 1, line A.1.02: RO RS RT CN CRS CS CB CLO CRO CM A. RESIDENTIAL USES A.1.0 PRINCIPAL RESIDENTIAL USES A.1.01 One-family dwelling Y Y Y Y N N N N N N A.1.02 Two-family dwelling (for RO or RS, see §135-6.10) N SP N SP Y Y N N N N N N 2. Insert a new section into the Bylaw, 6.10, Two-Family Dwellings in RO and RS Districts 6.10.1 Purpose. This section authorizing the provision of two-family dwellings in the RO and RS Districts is intended to: 1. Increase the number of small dwelling units available in the Town; 2. Increase the range of choice of housing accommodations; 3. Encourage greater diversity of population with particular attention to young adults and senior citizens; and 4. Encourage a more economic and energy-efficient use of the Town's housing supply while maintaining the appearance and character of the Town's one-family neighborhoods. 6.10.2 Maximum Allowable Gross Floor Area. The total gross floor area of all buildings on a lot containing a two-family dwelling in the RS and RO District may not exceed the amount listed in the table below based on the area of the lot. Lot Area (in square feet) Maximum Gross Floor Area 0 – 5,000 0.8 * Area 5,000 – 7,500 4,000 + 0.55 * (Area – 5,000) 7,500 – 10,000 5,375 + 0.23 * (Area – 7,500) 10,000 – 15,000 5,950 + 0.2 * (Area – 10,000) 15,000 – 30,000 6,950 + 0.16 * (Area – 15,000) More than 30,000 9,350 + 0.16 * (Area – 30,000) 6.10.3 Special Permit – Pursuant to § 9.4, the SPGA may grant a special permit for a two-family dwelling in the RO and RS Districts provided that the SPGA finds that the a two-family dwelling can be built without substantial detriment to the neighborhood and without derogating from the intent and purpose of this Bylaw including Town policy documents that define Housing Goals. In addition to the criteria in § 9.4.2, the SPGA must find that: a. The project design furthers the purposes expressed in § 6.10.1; b. The proposed structure is compatible with the scale of the neighborhood and its impacts would be comparable to a single-family dwelling on that site; c. The project does not adversely impact the solar access of adjoining lots; and d. Noise generated by fixed plant equipment such as, but not limited to, air conditioners, pumps, fans, and furnaces does not impact adjoining lots. 3. To insure internal consistency amend § 135-6.9, Special Permit Residential Developments, specifically 6.9.15, Types of Dwellings, as detailed below: Type of Dwelling SSD BHD PBD One-family detached Yes Yes Yes Two-family (* Yes in RT District) No* Yes Yes Yes Townhouse No Yes Yes March 7, 2016 Page 1 of 2 ARTICLE 43 AMEND ZONING BY-LAW BANKING & REAL ESTATE USES IN THE CB DISTRICT To see if the Town will vote to amend the Zoning Bylaw to require special permits for banking and credit unions (Line H.1.05 in the Table of Uses) and real estate sales or rentals (Line H.1.04) service uses in the Central Business (CB) District and repeal the moratorium, set to expire on July 31, 2016, on banks in center storefronts, or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inserted at the request of the Planning Board) DESCRIPTION: This article would delete the sections of the bylaw related to the expiring banking moratorium established by the 2015 Annual Town Meeting while requiring a special permit from the Zoning Board of Appeals to establish, move, or expand banking and real estate service businesses in the CB District. PROPOSED MOTION 1. Delete the current Section 3.1.6 and replace with the following: 3.1.6 Banks and Credit Unions and Real Estate Sales or Rentals in CB District Storefronts. 1. Purpose. Lexington Center is a place in which shops, work places, schools, historic attractions, housing, open space, and civic facilities intimately co-exist to create an active retail and cultural destination with an identifiable sense of place. It is in the public interest that the Town protect and enhance the vibrancy of the Central Business District by creating a supportive environment for a diverse group of uses throughout the Center, and regulating the use of the limited first floor storefront area and frontage of the Central Business District is necessary to achieve this goal. 2. Special Permit Review Criteria. In addition to the criteria detailed in 135-9.4.2, as a precondition to allowing the establishment, relocation, or expansion of a banking or credit union or real estate service use (Lines H.1.05 and Line H.1.04 respectively in the Table of Uses) in the Central Business District, the SPGA must also find that the applicant has satisfied the specific criteria listed below: a) The granting of the special permit will advance the goals expressed in above; and b) The granting of the special permit will not add to the concentration of the same use in that portion of the Center, and it is in the public interest to have more of the proposed use in the proposed location; and c) The proposed use will maintain hours of operation and an active storefront throughout the day, evening, and weekends, consistent with other retail uses in the Central Business District; and d) The proposed length of the storefront will not exceed the average length of other storefronts in the Central Business District; and e) The proposed first floor square footage will not exceed the average size of other storefronts in the Central Business District; and f) Consistent with preserving a diverse and vibrant group of retail and service uses in storefronts, the granting of the special permit will not create any office, conference, or storage spaces visible from the street, sidewalk, or any lot line. ARTICLE 43 AMEND ZONING BYLAW – BANKING & REAL ESTATE USES IN THE CB DISTRICT March 7, 2016 Page 2 of 2 2. Modify Lines H.104 and H.1.05 of the Table of Uses: H. PERSONAL, BUSINESS, OR GENERAL SERVICE USES H.1.04 Real estate sales or rental (see section 3.1.6 for special permit rules) YSP H.1.05 Bank or Credit Union (see section 3.1.6 for special permit rules) Y*SP * Not permitted in a center storefront through July 31, 2016 (see section 3.1.6) 3. Insert new lines in the Table of Parking Requirements, Section 5.1.4, for real estate and banking and credit union services: Retail Business Bank or credit union 1 per 350 SF Real estate sales or rental 1 per 333 SF AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Presentation of Center Traffic Safety Options (30 min.) PRESENTER: P eter Kelley ITEM NUMBER: I.6 SUMMARY: Mr. Kelley will pres ent p ro p o s ed c hanges he rec o mmends fo r safety in the c enter. SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 3/14/2016 8:00 PM ATTACHMENTS: Des crip tion Typ e Pres entation - Center Traffic Safety Options Pres entation Aerial of Center near Woburn Street Inters ection Backup Material Center Safety ImprovementsThat Promote Lexington’s Character and Enhance Community Spirit Starts with slowing traffic through CenterTWENTY IS PLENTYOn Bedford Street from east of Stop N ShopOn Mass. Avenue from Harrington to east of Woburn Street Proposed signage at these entry points:WELCOME TO HISTORIC LEXINGTONBirthplace of American LibertyPLEASESlow down to 20 MPHEnjoy your StayYour speed isXX Improvements to Mass. Avenue/Woburn Street•Keep plantings low•Move bus stop to west side of Baptist Church crosswalk•Stencil at curbs:STAY SAFEPLEASE USE CROSSWALKSOR Improvements to Mass. Avenue/Woburn Street (continued)•Stencil at crosswalksPLEASE STAY SAFESTOP – WAIT- WAVE QUOTE FROM POLICE CHIEF RANDY GAGNE, CAMDEN MAINE:“The simple task of waving seems to make drivers and pedestrians have eye contact creating a safe situation for both.”“It is just a friendly reminder and sometimes simple is the best solution.” OTHER OPTION•Pedestrian activated flashing bollards:Tapco offers solar battery pacts for bollards and sidewalk activators OTHER OPTIONS (continued)•Limit Entry into Winthrop at certain times•Limit entry into Woburn Street from Fletcher at certain times•DO NOT significantly reconfigure intersection:It worksConfusion brings calmingIt promotes co-operation, sharing and a sense of communityTraffic lights represent entitlement without sharing – less safe AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Planning for Center Road Reconfiguration Trials (15 min.) PRESENTER: Jo e Pato ITEM NUMBER: I.7 SUMMARY: The Bo ard will d is c us s ho w to mo ve fo rward with making a d ecision on imp lementing the center ro ad reconfiguratio n trials at: 1. Bed ford St and Harrington Rd 2. Mas s Ave and Waltham St eastb o und 3. Mas s Ave and Ed is o n Way westb o und The Engineering Department reports that they need 2 mo nths fro m the time the trials are approved until the trial can begin. This will allo w fo r the o rd ering and ins tallation of s ignage and other traffic markings . If the Bo ard wants to b egin the trial d uring the s p ring, a dec is io n is need ed in mid -March. For a summer s tart the dec is io n wo uld b e need ed by the b eginning of May. The Bo ard is als o c ons id ering sc heduling of a p ublic meeting on the p ro p os ed trial d uring Ap ril (avo id ing the s cho o l vacation week). SUGGESTED MOTION: Mo ve to autho rize the Department of Pub lic wo rks to b egin a trial traffic pattern p ro gram at: 1. Bed ford St and Harrington Rd ; 2. Mas s Ave and Waltham St eastb o und; and 3. Mas s Ave and Ed is o n Way westb o und; to b egin in the mo nth o f (_____________) and c o ntinuing for a sufficient period to rep o rt b ack to the Board o f an assessment of this trial. FOLLOW-UP: DP W DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 3/14/2016 8:30 PM AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Annual and Special Town Meeting (15 min.) PRESENTER: Jo e Pato ITEM NUMBER: I.8 SUMMARY: See attached p ro p o s ed motio ns fo r STM 2016-3 Artic le 2 - Ap p ro p riate for Mid d le S cho o ls . Current draft mo tions for the Annual To wn Meeting are attac hed fo r the Board to review. Attac hed is a tab le of all the Artic les for the STM and AT M for you to start taking p o s itions . Mr. Pato will provid e a lis t o f article as s ignments to you over the weekend. SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 3/14/2016 8:45 PM ATTACHMENTS: Des crip tion Typ e Article Pos itions Table Backup Material Draft Motion for STM 2016-3, Article 2 - Appropriate for Middle Schools Backup Material Draft Motions for 2016 Annual Town Meeting Backup Material ARTICLE POSITIONS 2016 SPECIAL AND ANNUAL TOWN MEETING ARTICLE SPECIAL TOWN MEETING 2016-3 PRESENTATION JP PK NC MC SB AC CEC SC Article 2 Appropriate for Middle Schools – Additions and Remodeling Article 3 PEG Access and Cable Related Fund Acceptance ARTICLE ANNUAL TOWN MEETING - FINANCIAL ARTICLES PRESENTATION JP PK NC MC SB AC CEC SC Article 4 Appropriate FY2017 Operating Budget Article 5 Appropriate FY2016 Enterprise Funds Budgets Article 6 Appropriate for Senior Service Program Article 7 Establish and Continue Departmental Revolving Funds and Special Revenue Fund ARTICLE FINANCIAL ARTICLES PRESENTATION JP PK NC MC SB AC CEC SC Article 8 Appropriate the FY2017 Community Preservation Committee Operating Budget and CPA Projects: a) Munroe Tavern Archaeological Dig b) Munroe Center for the Arts Window Study c) Lexington Arts & Crafts Society Parsons Gallery Lighting Renovation d) Visitor Center Renovation e) Keeler Farm Community Housing Acquisition f) Greeley Village Rear Door and Porch Preservation g) Wright Farm Barn Needs Assessment and Feasibility Study h) Antony Park Construction Funds i) Minuteman Bikeway Wayfinding Signs Implementation j) Town Pool Renovation Design and Engineering Costs k) Park Improvements – Hard Court Resurfacing l) Granite Forest Pocket Park Construction at Lincoln Park m) Park Improvements – Athletic Fields n) Park and Playground Improvements o) Grain Mill Alley Design Implementation p) CPA Debt Service q) Administrative Budget 3/2 Article 9 Appropriate for Recreation Capital Projects ARTICLE FINANCIAL ARTICLES PRESENTATION JP PK NC MC SB AC CEC SC Article 10 Appropriate for Municipal Capital Projects and Equipment a) Center Streetscape Improvements and Easements b) DPW Equipment c) Street Improvements and Easements d) Storm Drainage Improvements and NPDES Compliance e) Hydrant Replacement Program f) Comprehensive Watershed Storm Water Management Implementation g) Massachusetts Avenue – Three Intersections Improvements and Easements h) Sidewalk Improvements, Additions, Designs and Easements i) Town-wide Culvert Replacement j) Town-wide Signalization Improvements k) Cary Memorial Library Walkway Replacement l) Pleasant Street Sidewalk and Easements m) Replace Town-wide Phone Systems – Phase V n) Head End Equipment Replacement/ Packet Shaper – Phase V o) Election System Upgrade p) Parking Meter Replacement – Phase 2 q) Transportation Mitigation r) Ladder Truck Replacement s) Public Safety Radio Stabilization Article 11 Appropriate for Water System Improvements Article 12 Appropriate for Wastewater System Improvements ARTICLE FIANNCIAL ARTICLES PRESENTATION JP PK NC MC SB AC CEC SC Article 13 Appropriate for School Capital Projects and Equipment Article 14 Appropriate for School Zone Traffic Calming (Citizen Article) IP Article 15 Appropriate for Public Facilities Capital Projects: a) Town-wide Roofing Program b) School Building Envelopes and Systems Program c) LHS Heating Systems Upgrade d) Municipal Building Envelopes and Systems e) Building Flooring Program f) Public Facilities Bid Document g) Diamond Middle School Renovations - Construction h) Clarke Middle School Renovations – Construction i) School Traffic Safety Improvements j) Security Camera Upgrade to Digital from Analog k) Munroe School Roof l) LHS Security Evaluation and Upgradem) LHS Guidance Space Mining – Design n) LHS Nurse Office and Treatment Space – Design o) LHS Fitness Center/Athletic Training Floor p) Fire Headquarters Exercise Room Article 16 Approriate for Advice and Analysis – Getting to Net Zero 3/2 Article 17 Victory Garden Way Acceptance Article 18 Appropriate to Post Employment Insurance Liability Fund Article 19 Appropriate Bonds and Notes Premiums Article 20 Rescind Prior Borrowing Authorizations ARTICLE FINANCIAL ARTICLES PRESENTATION JP PK NC MC SB AC CEC SC Article 21 Establish and Appropriate To and From Specified Stabilization Funds Article 22 Appropriate to Stabilization Fund Article 23 Appropriate from Debt Service Stabilization Fund Article 24 Appropriate for Prior Years’ Unpaid Bills Article 25 Amend FY2016 Operating, Enterprise and CPA Budgets Article 26 Appropriate for Authorized Capital Improvements ARTICLE GENERAL ARTICLES PRESENTATION JP PK NC MC SB AC CEC SC Article 27 Establish Qualifications for Tax Deferrals 3/14 Article 28 Accept Chapter 59, Section 2D of the MGL (Citizen Article) 3/14 Article 29 Amend General Bylaws – Neighborhood Conservation Districts 3/7 Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Article 30 Amend General Bylaws – Demolition of Buildings Article 31 Amend General Bylaws – Contracts and Deeds Article 32 Amend General Bylaws – Trees IP Article 33 Amend General Bylaws – Trees IP Article 34 Amend General Bylaws – Guns 3/8-No to Bylaw change and No to resolution No No No No No No Article 35 Lexpress Resolution 3/7 ARTICLE ZONING/LAND USE ARTICLES PRESENTATION JP PK NC MC SB AC CEC SC Article 36 Amend Zoning Bylaw – National Flood Insurance District 3/7 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Article 37 Amend Zoning By-Law – Technical Corrections 3/7 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Article 38 Amend Zoning Map – Government-Civic District(s) 3/7 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Article 39 Amend Zoning By-Law – Maximum Height of Structures 3/14 Article 40 Amend Zoning By-Law – Accessory Apartments 3/14 ARTICLE ZONING/LAND USE ARTICLES PRESENTATION JP PK NC MC SB AC CEC SC Article 41 Amend Zoning By-Law – Floor Area Ratio (FAR) 3/7 Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Article 42 Amend Zoning By-Law – Two-Family Homes 3/14 Article 43 Amend Zoning By-Law – Banking and Real Estate Service Uses in the CB District 3/14 Article 44 Amend Zoning By-Law – Planned Development Districts 3/7 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Article 45 Amend Zoning By-Law - Brookhaven AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Discuss Calling a Special Town Meeting - Minuteman High School Debt Authorization (10 min.) PRESENTER: Carl F. Valente, Town Manager ITEM NUMBER: I.9 SUMMARY: On March 15, the Minuteman Regio nal Sc ho o l C o mmittee is expec ted to vo te to authorize ap p ro ximately $145 millio n in d ebt for the c o nstruc tion of a new high s c hool. T he Mas s achusetts S c ho o l Build ing Autho rity will contribute an es timated 44% of the allowable c os ts for this projec t. The To wns in the Minuteman sc hool d is tric t, through their To wn Meetings , have 60 days to dec id e if they want to rejec t this debt autho rization. No actio n b y a Town is c o nsidered acc ep tance of is s uing the debt. Unanimo us approval is req uired b y the memb er c o mmunities . If there is not unanimous approval, the Minuteman S c ho o l C o mmittee has the o p tio n o f calling fo r a dis tric t-wide electio n, in whic h c as e a s imp le majority o f vo ters c an ap p ro ve the issuanc e of the d eb t. The Bo ard , therefore, need s to c o nsider whether to call fo r a s p ecial town meeting to approve or reject this d eb t. The Moderato r has sugges ted Ap ril 25 as a date for a S TM, s hould the Board wish to proc eed in this manner. Again, in the absence o f a town meeting vo te within 60 d ays, it is pres umed that the Town has ap p ro ved this d eb t. SUGGESTED MOTION: Mo ve to call (no t c all) fo r a Spec ial To wn Meeting o n Mo nday, April 25, 2016 fo r the p urpose o f approving the Minuteman R egional High S cho o l debt fo r its high sc hool p ro ject. FOLLOW-UP: BOS will d raft the Warrant if the Board calls for a S p ecial Town Meeting. DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 3/14/2016 9:00 PM ATTACHMENTS: Des crip tion Typ e Anticipated Vote of Minuteman School Committee Backup Material Draft Article and Motion Backup Material Debt Analys is , by Community Backup Material For Minuteman School Committee Vote 3.15.16 Vote to Bond under MGL Ch. 71 Sec. 16 (d) VOTE: That the Minuteman Regional Vocational Technical School District (the “District”) hereby appropriates the amount of $144,922,478 for the purpose of paying costs of designing, constructing and originally equipping a new district school, to be located at 758 Marrett Road, Lexington, Massachusetts, and for the payment of all other costs incidental and related thereto (the “Project”), which school facility shall have an anticipated useful life as an educational facility for the instruction of school children of at least 50 years, and for which the District may be eligible for a school construction grant from the Massachusetts School Building Authority (“MSBA”), said amount to be expended at the direction of the School Building Committee. To meet this appropriation, the District is authorized to borrow said amount, under and pursuant to Chapter 71, Section 16(d) of the General Laws, and the District Agreement, as amended, or pursuant to any other enabling authority. The District acknowledges that the MSBA’s grant program is a non-entitlement, discretionary program based on need as determined by the MSBA, and any Project costs the District incurs in excess of any grant approved by and received from the MSBA shall be the sole responsibility of the District and its member municipalities; provided further that any grant that the District may receive from the MSBA shall not exceed the lesser of (i) forty four and three quarters percent (44.75%) of eligible, approved Project costs, as determined by the MSBA, or (ii) the total maximum grant amount determined by the MSBA, and that the amount of borrowing authorized pursuant to this vote shall be reduced by any grant amount set forth in the Project Funding Agreement that may be executed between the District and the MSBA. FURTHER VOTED: That within seven (7) days from the date on which this vote is adopted, the Secretary be and hereby is instructed to notify the Boards of Selectmen of each member town of the District as to the amount and general purposes of the debt herein authorized, as required by the District Agreement and by Chapter 71, Section 16(d) of the General Laws. The secretary is further instructed to send the draft warrant article language to the 16 Boards of Selectmen. AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approve Request for Discovery Day Street Fair (5 min.) PRESENTER: Jo e Pato ITEM NUMBER: I.10 SUMMARY: Lexington Retailers As s oc iation has reques ted permis s ion to have exc lusive us e o f the Muzzey S treet/Waltham Street p arking lot on S aturd ay, May 28, 2016 (rain d ate June 4) fro m 5:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. fo r the 37th annual Disc o very Day S treet F air. T hey also req ues t the following permissions : erec t s even temp o rary s igns ; park flat b ed trailer in Lexington Center; and p ro vide free p arking. See attached letter from the Lexingto n Retailers As s o ciatio n d ated March 4, 2016. A copy of the letter was given to the Town Managers Offic e for them to ap p ro ve the reques t to use the Depot S q uare fo r a concert. SUGGESTED MOTION: Mo tion to app ro ve the reques t o f the Lexingto n Retailers Assoc iation detailed in a letter d ated March 4, 2016 to have exclus ive us e of the Muzzey Street/Waltham Street p arking lo t o n Saturd ay, May 28, 2016 (rain date June 4) fro m 5:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. fo r the 37th annual Dis covery Day Street Fair, to erect seven temporary signs , p ark a flat bed trailer in Lexingto n Center and provid e free p arking, as o utlined in their letter dated Marc h 4, 2016, s ubjec t to wo rking o ut all the details with Pub lic Wo rks and Polic e staff. FOLLOW-UP: Selec tmen's O ffic e DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 3/14/2016 9:10 PM ATTACHMENTS: Des crip tion Typ e Discovery Day Reques t Backup Material LEXINGTON RETAILERS ASSOCIATION 1780 Massachusetts Avenue 781 862-1034 March 4, 2016 Board of Selectmen, Town of Lexington: Joseph Pato, Chair Suzie Barry Michelle Ciccolo Norman Cohen Peter Kelley Dear Board Members, The Lexington Retailers Association (LRA) requests permission to have exclusive use of the Muzzey St./ Waltham St. parking lot on Saturday May 28, 2016 (with a rain date of June 4) from 5 a.m. to 5 p.m., for the purpose of hosting the 37rd annual Discovery Day Street Fair. In addition we request the use of Emery Park, from 3:00 p.m. to 6 p.m. for an Outdoor Concert by the NoWheremen, a Lexington based “Beatles cover band”. During Discovery Day the LRA will be placing portable toilet facilities in the Waltham/Muzzey St. parking lot, and temporarily convert the parking spaces at either entrance to handicapped parking for the duration of the event. We also want to work with the DPW to provide temporary bike racks for the event. For the purpose of event publicity we request permission to: -erect seven temporary signs at the following locations: 1) on Emery Park, starting May 13 and ending at the conclusion of the event; 2) on Massachusetts Avenue sidewalk near the Police Booth, during the event; 3) on Massachusetts Avenue sidewalk at Waltham Street, during the event ; 4) on Massachusetts Avenue sidewalk at Muzzey Street, during the event; 5) on Massachusetts Avenue sidewalk at the Alley between #’s 1776-1780, during the event, 6) on Waltham Street sidewalk at the Alley between #’s 11-25, during the event; 7) at the Bike-path, in the area by the crossover behind 1775 Mass Ave, during the event. -park a flat bed trailer in Lexington Center on Massachusetts Avenue in two metered parking spaces in front of Depot Square starting on Friday May 20 and ending on the morning of Discovery Day. A banner publicizing Discovery Day would be hung on the trailer. -provide Free parking by placing bags over the parking meters in the Central Business District, and not charging in the Depot Lot on Discovery Day. The LRA would be responsible for placing and removing the bags. They would be attached late in the evening prior to Discovery Day and removed after the event. The bags are printed to publicize the event, and most importantly work in conjunction with the above sidewalk signs. Last year, over 80 of Lexington’s businesses, civic organizations and municipal departments transformed the Waltham /Muzzey St. parking lot into a fun filled, family oriented street fair. We appreciate the cooperation the Town provided last year, and look forward to working with you again. The enclosed page is designed to address questions you may have about Discovery Day. Sincerely, Richard Michelson, President Lexington Retailers Association Q & A - Discovery Day 2016 - Saturday May 28 Q. What will occur during Discovery Day? A. Discovery Day consist of two events located in different venues. There is a street fair in the Waltham St/Muzzey St parking lot and an outdoor concert in Emery Park. Q. How will the Muzzey St./ Waltham St. parking lot be used? A. The parking lot will be closed to all vehicular traffic at Muzzey Street and Waltham Street, parking will be prohibited, and a pedestrian mall will be created. Participants will be assigned specific locations. The following is a tentative schedule: 5 a.m. Close the parking lot to public vehicular traffic Participants begin set-up 10 a.m. Participants open to public 3 p.m. Participants close to public Participants breakdown and cleanup 5 p.m. Parking lot reopened to public vehicular traffic Q. Who will be allowed to participate? A. Lexington retail and service businesses; Lexington community organizations; and Town of Lexington departments and committees Q. What will occur at the street fair? The Participants will be allowed to conduct the following activities: Businesses - promote their businesses and sell merchandise Community organizations - promote their organization (fundraise with LRA approval) Town Departments/Committees – promote their groups (fundraise with LRA approval) In addition, the LRA will provide family oriented entertainment in the parking lot. This may include, but may not be limited to live music performances and live dancing performances. Q. What is happening in Emery Park? A. A family oriented outdoor concert from 3:30 p.m to 6 p.m, by the NoWheremen, a Lexington based Beatles cover band. Q. What will the charges be to participate? A. Charges will be assessed to cover the expenses involved in promoting and implementing Discovery Day. Those expenses will include mailings, advertising, entertainment, rental costs, and town services, as examples. Businesses will be charged a set fee to participate. Lexington community organizations will be charged a highly discounted nominal fee, and Town of Lexington departments and committees will be allowed to participate for free. Q. What town services will be required? A. As in the past, we will work with the Police Department for detail officers required for closing the lot for the event. In addition, the DPW assists with site set-up, recycling and rubbish bins, trash disposal and site cleanup. We will again pay the costs for LEXPRESS to operate during the event allowing the public to ride for free. AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approve Center Sidewalk Permit Fees (5 min.) PRESENTER: Carl F. Valente, Town Manager ITEM NUMBER: I.11 SUMMARY: It has b een the Town's p ractice to allo w fo od es tablis hments in the Center to lic ens e the us e of the adjac ent p ublic sidewalks for fo o d service. Bertucc i's and Peets Co ffee have licens ed the us e of the sidewalks in front o f their es tablis hments fo r c usto mer tab les . T he Town Manager is recommending an inc reas e of ap p ro ximately 3 perc ent for 2016, cons is tent with the inc reas e in the tax levy. If the Bo ard approves this change, Bertuc c i's mo nthly fee will b e $445 from the c urrent $430 and Peets C o ffee will be $70 fro m the current $65. SUGGESTED MOTION: Mo ve to es tab lis h s id ewalk lic ense fees of $445 p er month for Bertucc i's and $70 p er month for Peets Coffee. FOLLOW-UP: Town Manager's Office hand les this licens ing. DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 3/14/2016 9:20 PM AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Selectmen Committee Appointment/Reappointment (5 min.) PRESENTER: Jo e Pato ITEM NUMBER: I.12 SUMMARY: Sarah Warren's ap p o intment to the Regis trar of Voters exp ires Marc h 31, 2016. A letter was sent to b o th the Repub lican and Democ ratic To wn Co mmittees req ues ting three nominations b y February 29, 2016. I received nominations fro m the Democ ratic To wn Committee o nly. It is time to reap p o int To wn Co uns el. SUGGESTED MOTION: Mo tion to app o int ___________________ to the Regis trar o f Vo ters fo r a term to exp ire Marc h 31, 2019. Mo tion to reap p o int And ers o n and Kreiger, rep res ented by William L. Lahey, as Town Counsel fo r Lexington fo r a term to exp ire Marc h 31, 2017. FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 3/14/2016 9:20 PM ATTACHMENTS: Des crip tion Typ e Democratic Town Committee Nominations Backup Material Resume Backup Material 1 Lynne Pease From:melanie thompson <melaniemail@me.com> Sent:Sunday, February 14, 2016 3:40 PM To:Lynne Pease; Norman Cohen Subject:Registrar Board of Voters Dear Ms. Pease, In response to your letter of November 16, 2015, and pursuant to M.G.L. chapter 51, Section 15, I am pleased to inform you that on February 3, 2016, the Lexington Democratic Town Committee, through its Executive Committee, voted to nominate the following three persons to fill the unexpired term of Laura Hussong on the Lexington Board of Registrars: Judy Moore Mary Bablitch Alice Pearce If you have any questions, please call me at 781 254-7073. Thank you for your help with this matter. Very truly yours, Melanie Thompson Co-Chair, Lexington Democratic Town Committee Sent from my iPhone AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Aloft/Element Change of Owner - Request for Common Victualler License (5 min.) PRESENTER: Jo e Pato ITEM NUMBER: I.13 SUMMARY: New owners have req uested approval of Commo n Victualler Lic enses fo r Alo ft and Element. They have req uested that the lic ens es b e issued prior to their p ro p o s ed c lo s ing on Marc h 15, 2016. Town Counsel s ugges ts that the lic enses b e is s ued with two c o nditio ns: 1. Lixi Hos pitality Lexingto n, Inc. taking owners hip of the property as 727A and 727B Marrett Ro ad ; and 2. Lixi Hos pitality Lexingto n, Inc. or its management company p ro vides evid enc e of Wo rkers Compens atio n Insuranc e, as requred b y Mas s achusetts law. SUGGESTED MOTION: Mo tion to app ro ve a C o mmo n Victualler Lic ens e to Lixi Hospitality Lexington, Inc ., d/b /a Alo ft Lexington, lo cated at 727A Marrett Ro ad , s ubjec t to p ropos ed cond itions . Mo tion to app ro ve a C o mmo n Victualler Lic ens e to Lixi Hospitality Lexington, Inc ., d/b /a Element Lexingto n, lo cated at 727B Marrett Ro ad , s ubjec t to p ropos ed cond itions . FOLLOW-UP: Selec tmen's O ffic e DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 3/14/2016 9:25 PM ATTACHMENTS: Des crip tion Typ e Applications for Common Victualler Licens es - Aloft/Element Backup Material AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Adjustments to Water & Sewer Charges PRESENTER: William P Had ley, Direc tor o f P ublic Works ITEM NUMBER: C.1 SUMMARY: Adjus tment to Water & S ewer charges as rec ommend ed by WS AB 2/25/16 ($412.40) SUGGESTED MOTION: Mo tion to app ro ve ad justments to Water & Sewer c harges as noted above FOLLOW-UP: Treasurer/Collec tor's Office DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 3/14/2016 9:30 PM ATTACHMENTS: Des crip tion Typ e Water-Sewer Adj 3-14-16 Cover Memo AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Exemption 6: Purchase of Land-20 Pelham Road (30 min.) PRESENTER: Board Disc us s io n ITEM NUMBER: E.1 SUMMARY: Sugges ted motio n fo r Exec utive Session: Move th a t the B oard of Selectmen go in to Executive S ession to consider th e p u rch a se, exchange, lea se or va lue of real prop erty, 20 Pelha m Roa d , a n d to reconvene in Op en Session on ly to adjourn . Further, tha t a s Chairman, I d eclare that a n op en meeting ma y have a d etrimenta l effect on th e negotia tin g position of the Town. Continue d is c us s ion regard ing negotiations /p urc has e o f 20 Pelham Ro ad . SUGGESTED MOTION: NA FOLLOW-UP: BOS and Town Manager DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 3/14/2016 9:35 PM