HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-05-01-ConCom-min Meeting broadcasted by LexMedia PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES Conservation Commission ___________________________________________________________________________ AGENDA Monday, May 1, 2023, 6:30 p.m. This Conservation Commission meeting was held remotely via Zoom, an online meeting platform. Public Participation via calling in or using your computer was encouraged. Commissioners Present: Kevin Beuttell, Alex Dohan, Philip Hamilton (Chairman) and Ruth Ladd (not present: Jason Hnatko and Duke Bitsko) Staff Present: Karen Mullins, Conservation Director, and Meghan McNamara, Conservation Department Assistant New Business/Pending Matters Presentation by Charlie Wyman; List of lands with Conservation value Mr. Charlie Wyman, Land Acquisition Subcommittee, presented a list of lands with Conservation value to members of the Commission. Mr. Wyman stated that the list is intended to be made public, to help guide acquisition interests of numerous groups such as LexHAB and the Recreation Committee. It was emphasized that this list is not a list of parcels that Conservation is looking to acquire, but that the parcels on the list have conservation value by virtue of meeting one or more of the Subcommittee’s requirements, such as abutting existing Conservation Land or containing valuable wildlife habitat or supporting flood/climate resilience. On a motion by Ms. Dohan and seconded by Mr. Beuttell, the Commission voted 4-0 by roll call vote to accept the report of the Land Acquisition Subcommittee as presented by Mr. Wyman. Record of Vote as Follows: Kevin Beuttell – Aye Alex Dohan – Aye Ruth Ladd – Aye Phil Hamilton – Aye 6:38 PM Vote to Issue the Order of Conditions: 15 Lillian Road, VPC# CNOI-23-12, DEP#201-1290 On a motion by Ms. Dohan and seconded by Mr. Beuttell, the Commission voted 4-0 by roll call vote to issue the Order of Conditions. Record of Vote as Follows: Kevin Beuttell – Aye Alex Dohan – Aye Ruth Ladd – Aye Phil Hamilton – Aye 6:39 PM Vote to Issue the Order of Conditions: 2 Fulton Road, VPC# CNOI-23-9, DEP# 201-1288 On a motion by Ms. Dohan and seconded by Ms. Ladd, the Commission voted 4-0 by roll call vote to issue the Order of Conditions. Record of Vote as Follows: Kevin Beuttell – Aye Alex Dohan – Aye Ruth Ladd – Aye Phil Hamilton – Aye 6:40 PM Vote to approve Amendment to the Order of Conditions: 56 Grassland Street, VPC# AOOC-23- 2, DEP#201-1279, CNOI-22-31 On a motion by Mr. Beuttell and seconded by Ms. Dohan, the Commission voted 4-0 by roll call vote to approve the Amendment to the Order of Conditions. Record of Vote as Follows: Kevin Beuttell – Aye Alex Dohan – Aye Ruth Ladd – Aye Phil Hamilton – Aye 6:40 PM Request for Certificate of Compliance: 11 Sherburne Rd, VPC# COC-21-18, DEP# 201-1138, TC-19-33, AOOC-20-4, 20-7, and 21-3 Staff were not able to review prior to the meeting and will need to perform a compliance site visit. Approve Minutes: 3/20/2023 and 4/18/2023 On a motion by Ms. Ladd and seconded by Ms. Dohan, the Commission voted 4-0 by roll call vote to approve the Minutes of the March 20, 2023, meeting. Record of Vote as Follows: Kevin Beuttell – Aye Alex Dohan – Aye Ruth Ladd – Aye Phil Hamilton – Aye 6:43 PM On a motion by Ms. Dohan and seconded by Ms. Ladd, the Commission voted 4-0 by roll call vote to approve the Minutes of the April 18, 2023, meeting. Record of Vote as Follows: Kevin Beuttell – Aye Alex Dohan – Aye Ruth Ladd – Aye Phil Hamilton – Aye 6:44 PM Reports: Bike Advisory, Community Gardens, Community Preservation Committee, Greenway Corridor Committee, Land Acquisition, Land Management, Land Steward Directors, Tree Committee, and Open Space & Recreation Plan The working group for the Parker Meadow storyboards has designed a revised plan that reduces the total number of panels. The group tried to strategically relocate the panels around the property and removed all panels from the meadow side of the trail, while continuing to alternate panels on both sides of the trails in non-meadow areas. The proposed locations are marked out in the field. The Commission plans to discuss the revised plans at an upcoming meeting. Ms. Dohan stated that she and Mr. Wyman looked at 465-475 Massachusetts Avenue, a large parcel that consists of five condo units in three buildings. The site is full of invasive species and butternut trees. Ms. Holly Samuels, former Conservation Commission member, talked with the property owner about how to preserve and protect this area of the property. Ms. Dohan noted that the condominium owners have asked if the Conservation Commission or the Town would want to take ownership of this part of the property, and said it will be discussed at a Land Acquisition Subcommittee meeting in the future. Ms. Dohan mentioned that she walked by the property of 1359R Massachusetts Avenue on the bike path and noticed the fill was not removed yet. The site was previously issued an enforcement order for filling and possible encroachment within the wetlands area and abutting Conservation-owned parcel. Ms. Dohan stated that she attended a recent committee meeting for the town-wide Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan, as a liaison for the Conservation Commission. The group is still in its information-gathering phase. 7:00 PM New Public Meetings/Hearings Request for Determination of Applicability: Maple Street, Minuteman Bikeway, Bow Street, Mass Ave ViewPoint Cloud Permit# CDOA-23-5 Applicant: John Colbert, MWRA Property Owner: Town of Lexington Project: Construction of a new 24-inch water main within existing roadways (Maple St, Minuteman Bikeway, portions of Bow St and Massachusetts Ave) Documentation Submitted: ⎯ Town Engineering Comments; From: Marissa Liggiero, Engineering; Subject: 0 Maple Street RDA Comments; Date: 3/30/2023; ⎯ Response from MA Division of Fisheries & Wildlife; RE: MESA Project Review Checklist; Date: 4/5/2023; ⎯ RDA Application and attachments; Prepared by: John Colbert, PE, MWRA; Date: 2/28/2023; Mr. Paul Rullo, MWRA Project Manager, presented to the Commission. Also present was Ms. Julie Sullivan, MWRA, Mr. David Gordan, PEER Consultants, and Mr. David Belknap, Black & Veatch. Mr. Beuttell asked what the plan will be for the four culvert crossings within the limit of work. Mr. Rullo responded with the following information: For the Munroe Brook crossing on Maple Street, the intent is to install pits on each side of that area and a carrier pipe underneath the existing culvert. Jacking will be performed on the bikeway. For the two other stream crossings, the contractor should be able to excavate and drive the proposed watermain under the culvert. They expect groundwater at these locations and the plan is to leave the culvert pipes in place. On a motion by Ms. Ladd and seconded by Ms. Dohan, the Commission voted 4-0 by roll call vote to issue a Negative Determination with conditions. Record of Vote as Follows: Kevin Beuttell – Aye Alex Dohan – Aye Ruth Ladd – Aye Phil Hamilton – Aye 7:12 PM Continued Public Meetings/Hearings Notice of Intent: 15 Peacock Farm Road ViewPoint Cloud Permit# CNOI-23-5, DEP#201-1287 Applicant/Property Owner: Christos Maravelias, Trustee, Christos Maravelias Trust 2015 Project: Construct a deck and portico and realign a walkway leading to an existing home entrance. Replace existing driveway with permeable asphalt. Portions within 100-foot buffer zone to BVW Previous Meeting Date: 3/20/2023, 4/3/2023 Supplemental Documentation Submitted: ⎯ Pre-development HydroCAD Calculations (NRCC rainfall); Dated: 4/20/2023; ⎯ Post-development HydroCAD Calculations (NRCC rainfall); Dated: 4/20/2023; ⎯ Calculation Summary; Stamped and signed by: Erich R. Nitzsche, PE Civil; Date: 1/20/2009 and revised on 4/20/2023; ⎯ Engineering Comments; Subject: 15 Peacock Farm Road NOI Comments 4; Date: 4/24/2023; On a motion by Ms. Ladd and seconded by Mr. Beuttell, the Commission voted 4-0 by roll call vote to continue the hearing to the May 15, 2023, meeting at the request of the applicant. Record of Vote as Follows: Kevin Beuttell – Aye Alex Dohan – Aye Ruth Ladd – Aye Phil Hamilton – Aye 7:13 PM New Business/Pending Matters, Continued Schedule site visits: 5/15/2023 meeting The site visits will take place on Tuesday, May 9, 2023 at 5:00 PM. On a motion by Ms. Ladd and seconded by Mr. Beuttell, the Commission voted 4-0 by roll call vote to adjourn the meeting. Record of Vote as Follows: Kevin Beuttell – Aye Alex Dohan – Aye Ruth Ladd – Aye Phil Hamilton – Aye 7:22 PM Respectfully Submitted, Meghan McNamara LUHD Department Assistant – Conservation Approved: 5/15/2023 Archived: 5/16/2023