HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023 Children's Mental Health Week Proclamation ��I r ��I�i� � li i $����Ik ,>��� ���, ,,��, ° �``'�,k�'p ,+C� � _ r�IC ,� T ��,� !��`"�� ,� �.:� :lq: ' :;��� ��M� ���n� �af �.e�t��t��, �a���a���ju���� � � .���.� � �� � , � �.w � � � ' � r. ��'' �'°� {� SELECT B�AR�C)�FICE �'���I�C�'�.��," FR(�C�Al�IA�I�3�T � � ����,,���� � ���� � �n. ��� � � Wherer�s: the Ta�rn of Lexingto�Select Board has acknowled.ged�t�Iay a�Mental Health 1�v�areness month; and W�ereas: Children's Mer�ta�Hea�th�eek(CM�I�)ha���en designated the f�rst fu11 vc�eek in M��r each year; and W�erea�s: accord�ng to the United St�tes I�epartme�t of Health�nd I-�urnan S�rv�ces, ����n �ve childr�n is diagnased,v�rith a menta�health cond�tion;and Tfi�hereas: i�December of 2021, the Surgeo�.General�ssued an �d�isory�ighlighting the ur�ent need to address oux nation's y�uth men�a.l h�a.lth crisis; and T�Y�ereas: good mer�tal health is a 1�ey camponent�� a ch�lc�'s h�althy development�nd Childr�n's Mental Health��eek shines the�ight on this�mportant mat�e�; and �Vherea�s: gQod mer�tal health is a fundame�ta�a��ect�f a child's overall health� and Whereas: compr�h�ns��re and timely ide�nt��.cat�on�.nd tr�atment includes tin�e�y services anc�supports for youth from a ful�y integrated t�am of culturally appropriate and di�rer�e resourc�s including families�Garegive�s,physicians, �choals, and lacal commun�t�es and youth are�est served when su�por�s a�e fu�ly collaborative; �nd �i'`�e�e�s: a��ropriate treatment is fam��y-dri.ve�, youth-gu�de�, c�.Itu.rally appropr�ate, a.nd equit�.b�e ac�ass vary�ng�ammunities a�d populations; a�d Whereas: appropriately t�eati�g the mental health needs a�yo�.th wh�le su��ar�ing the�r families�caregivers toda�is fundamenta.l to the future of aur natian,a;nd to the Cc�m�non�rea�th of Massachusetts. �Cl T�', ��.��'FD�', T�'L�', T���`�L�C�B0�4R1)�f the To�vn af Lexington,�assachusetts da h�reby �roc�a.im the week of Nlay 7 to 13, 2��3 as �`�C��c���e�'s .,�e�����e����r �e�l� and urge our residents��usinesses,and arganizati�ns to promote this year's theme: Ac�e��, .,�dvocat�, �ct--�3eea�cse Awat�e��ss i� �at�noug� in order to help increase e�uitab�e access to appropriate treatme�.t and sup�or�for c�iildr�r�,youth, a�t�their farnilies�v�rith m�nta�health needs. �e�a�l th.is ohser�an�e tQ th.e at�er�tion of a�l our residents v�ith the suppor� of the Lexington Human S�rv�ces I3epartment a.nd the I�exington Hu�man Rights Cornmittee, IN '�ITNESS�H��tE��F,v�r�ha�re set o�.r hand� and caused the seal of I�exingtan to be aff"�xed h�re�ith on the 8th of�ay��23. .�.�. Tt.}S�PH�.PgTC3,C;�fA.IR SUZAV?V�E F,.B�1,RRY � . . � ; ll(3UGLA5 .LUC�;1r€1`�: I.HA� � ��� _ �_ �� ,� � ��� MARK U.SA.R�DEEN