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Meeting Minutes for January 19, 2023
Attendees: Cindy Arens (Sustainable Lexington liaison), Harriet Cohen (Clerk), Jeri Foutter (Chair),
Charles Hornig (Planning Board liaison), Paul Linton, Wendy Manz, Joe Pato (Select Board liaison),
Melanie Thompson, Betsey Weiss, John Zhao (COA)
Absent: Sarah Morrison (LexHAB liaison), Bob Pressman, Maureen Rynn (LHA liaison),
Guests: Abby McCabe, Planning Director, Margaret Heitz
The Housing Partnership Board (HPB) meeting was chaired by Jeri Foutter and minutes were taken by
Harriet Cohen.
1. Call to Order: Housing Partnership Board Meeting
Ms. Foutter called the meeting to order at 7:01. The roll was called.
2. MBTA Communities presentation
Ms. McCabe provided an overview of the zoning regulations that will be proposed to Town
Meeting by the Planning Board to meet the requirements of the MBTA Communities Act. Ms.
Weiss moved that the HPB support of the Planning Board zoning regulations as presented at this
meeting, noting that the HPB would review its support if the zoning regulations change
materially prior to presentation to the Select Board. Ms. Cohen seconded the motion.
In favor: Ms. Cohen, Ms. Foutter, Mr. Hornig, Ms. Manz, Mr. Zhao. Ms. Thompson, Ms. Weiss
Against: none
Abstain: Mr. Linton
3. Affordable Housing Resource Working Group
Ms. Heitz reported on the work that the AHR working group had done to understand the
responsibilities and benefits of a Town housing specialist. The working group approached the
Town about funding the position. Unfortunately, the Town has decided that there will be no
new staff positions this year so that the Town will not fund the position.
The HPB commended the working group for the excellent work they have done in researching
and proposing a
4. HPB Charge Working Group
Ms. Cohen reported that the Select Board had asked several questions as to why the Charge
membership was being expanded significantly and whether the liaisons had confirmed their
participation. The meeting membership increased from 9 to 13; 3 of those additional members
were the conversion of liaisons to members and the last was to ensure an odd number of
members. All liaisons except the Commission on Disability had confirmed. After the COD did not
reply to multiple requests, they were removed from the liaison list.
5. CPC Update (Pressman)
There was no update.
6. SPRD Presentation
Ms. Weiss gave a presentation on the SPRD zoning proposal.
7. Land Acquisition
This discussion was tabled until the next meeting.
8. Working Group to write HPB accomplishments, 2003-present
There was no update from this working group.
9. Board Member Updates
Planning Board: Mr. Hornig: The Planning Board has been focused on the zoning bylaw in
response to the MBTA Communities Act. Mr. Hornig requested that HPB members come to the
Planning Board meeting on Feb. 1, the public hearing for the proposed zoning bylaw. A
discussion of the SPRD bylaw is planned for Feb. 8. Discussion of a citizen’s petition is planned
for the Feb. 15 meeting.
SPRD: Ms. Manz asked the HPB to review the presentation that has been provided in
preparation for a discussion and vote of support at the next meeting. The goal is a different sort
of neighborhood with smaller houses. Ms. Weiss said she welcomed any questions prior to the
next meeting.
LexHAB: There was no update at this meeting.
Lexington Housing Authority: There was no update at this meeting.
COA: Mr. Zhao reported that aging-in-place needs accelerated during the COVID pandemic,
particularly regarding home safety modifications. The town counsel believes it is feasible to
provide support to aging in place needs without risk of Town liability. The COA will continue to
investigate how support for aging in place might be provided to seniors.
Affordable Housing Trust Study Committee (AHTSC): no meeting since the last HPB meeting.
Ms. Foutter encouraged anyone with an interest in becoming a trustee to submit an application.
Sustainable Lexington: Ms. Arens reported on the event last month to raise awareness of
LexHAB residents regarding assistance with utility payments and the Town’s Community Choice
Aggregation program. The administrator for the fuel assistance program reported that the fuel
assistance program has had a significant increase in applications due to the information
sessions. Sustainable Lexington is working with the LHA on a similar awareness program for
occupants of LHA housing units.
Ms. Arens will send a link to a survey regarding Town sustainability.
Sustainable Lexington is also working with the Town to perform outreach regarding utility
assistance for those Lexington residents who do not live in LexHAB or LHA properties.
There is a Town meeting article to adopt a specialized STRETCH code. The requirements apply to
new construction with fossil fuel usage.
CPC funding for AHT: Ms. Weiss reported that CPC preliminarily supported funding for the
Affordable Housing Trust.
10. New Business
Mr. Linton reported that Bob Bicknell, who founded the HPB and who was instrumental in the
Avalon Bay project, has recently experienced some health problems. Please keep him in your
There was no new other business.
11. Approve Minutes from December 1, 2022 meeting
Ms. Weiss moved approval of the minutes of December 1, 2022 and Ms. Cohen seconded the
In favor: Ms. Cohen, Ms. Foutter, Mr. Hornig, Mr. Linton, Ms. Manz, Mr. Zhao. Ms.
Thompson, Ms. Weiss
Against: none
Abstain: none
12. Set Next Meeting Date
The next meeting will be on Feb. 21 at 7:00 pm on Zoom.
13. Adjournment
Ms. Weiss moved adjournment; Mr. Linton seconded the motion.
In favor: Ms. Cohen, Ms. Foutter, Mr. Hornig, Mr. Linton, Ms. Manz, Mr. Zhao. Ms.
Thompson, Ms. Weiss
Against: none
Abstain: none
The meeting adjourned at 9:01 pm.