HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-01-18 SB/Joint SB-SC-AC-CEC-RC-BOLT Packet - Released SELECT BOARD MEETING Wednes day, January 18, 2023 Select Board Meeting Room, 1625 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, MA 02420 - Hybrid Participation* 6:30 PM AGENDA SELECT BOARD MEMBER CONCERNS AND LIAISON REPORTS 1. Announcement: Last week, the S elect Board welcomed the public back to our me eting ro o m; o ur regular me etings are no w fully hyb rid. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Ap p ro ve and S ign P ro c lamatio n- 20th Annivers ary o f the C o ns e c ratio n o f T he R t. R ev. G ayle E lizab eth H arris as B is ho p ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION 1. S elect Board Work S ession/Joint Meeting- S elect Board, S chool Committee, 6:35pm Appropriation C ommittee, C apital Exp enditures C ommittee, Recreation C ommittee and Board of Library Trustees • Discus s Upcoming P ropo s ed P rojects from the Department o f Pub lic F ac ilities 20-Year C ap ital P lan 2. S elect Board Work S ession- F Y2024 Town Manager's Preliminary Budget and 7:35pm F inancial P lanning 3. S elect Board Work S ession- 2023 Annual Town Meeting B:OSpm • Review Draft Warrant • Discuss Town Meeting Participation Options - In-Person/Hybrid/Remote • Discuss Dates and Times for Presentations and Materials Due ADJOURN 1. Anticipated Adjournment 8:25pm T he S elec t B o ard meeting p ac ket is typ ic ally availab le at leas t o ne b us ine s s day in advanc e o f the meeting:https://lexington.novusagenda.com/agendapublic/ �Membe�s of the public can also attend the meetz'ng f�om thei�compute�o�tablet by clicking on the following link at the tz'me of the meetz'ng: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88570063180?pwd=T ESD S kpKWHNpYTF LW1o3ZE5UQno2UT09 iP ho ne o ne-tap: +13092053325„88570063180# US +13126266799„88570063180# US (Chicago) Telephone: +1 309 205 3325 US +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 646 931 3 860 U S +1 929 436 2866 US (New York) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) Webinar ID: 885 7006 3180 Passcode: 783834 An Act Relative to Extending C ertain S tate o f Emergency Ac c o mo datio ns:http s://u�ww.mas s.go v/the-o p en-meeting-law The next regularly scheduled meeting of the S elect Board will be held on Monday, January 23, 2023 at 6:30pm via hybrid participation. Hea�ing Assistance Devices Available on Request � All agenda tirne and the o�de�of items a�e app�ximate and � � �,�,,, subject to change. Recarded by LexMedia AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDAITEM TITLE: Approve and Sign Proclamation- 20th Anniversary of the Consecration of The Rt. Rev. Gayle Elizabeth Harris as Bishop PRE E TER• ITEM S N . NUMBER: Jill Hai, S elect Board Chair C.1 S UMMARY: Category:Decision-Making T he S elec t B o ard is b eing as ked to ap p ro ve and s ign a p ro c lamatio n rec o gnizing the 20th Annivers ary o f the Consecration of Lexington resident, The Rt. Rev. Gayle Elizabeth Harris, as Bishop. SUGGESTED MOTION: To ap p ro ve and s ign a p ro c lamatio n rec o gnizing the 20th Annivers ary o f the C o ns ec ratio n o f L exingto n resident, The Rt. Rev. Gayle Elizabeth Harris, as Bishop. Move to approve the consent. FOLLOW-UP: S elec t B o ard O ffic e DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 1/18/2023 ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � �,���,a�:;�,(���1�.������i�����c��r�:��`�������:.�.�����,��.������������w�..�"�f���.���m���,��v��`�����wr��,��:�°��.�������1� �:��������°�: Il�����;a���:�.� �:..:�:���������.�:�����1�������°���,,�������.��c:��� �V �i �WW . ��� � y � ��J , , „ ,,,,,,,,,,,.� 5 I J �, f, �,u �� P� ��il i� 6 I� �� J�, . ���� � � � � �0�11� Dt �.�xi.I� tDl� �.���.� Ll��tt� �,. � �� � �' '���� �� , � ;���� y� �� g , �`� �'' � �° �,, � �, �, ,� �' �� ����'���� SELECT BOARD OFFICE � � �����'{�,�"�'.�.. �'� PRO CLAMATION Whe�eas: Gayle Elizabeth Harris,a native of Cleveland, Ohio, studied at the Lewis&Clark College and then at the Church Divinity School of the Pacific, from where she earned a Master of Divinity; and Whe�eas: The Rt. Rev. Gayle Harris was awarded an honorary Doctor of Divinity by the Church Divinity School of the Pacific in 2002, and an honorary Doctor of Humanity from the NeW England Law Boston; and Whe�eas: The Rt. Rev. Gayle Harris, ordained as a deacon in February 1981 and as a priest in June 1982,has faithfully served communities in Jersey City,New Jersey; Washington,D.C.;Rochester,New York; and Eastern,Massachusetts; and Whereas: The Rt. Rev. Gayle Harris was elected Bishop Suffragan of the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts on June 1 st 2002 and consecrated Bishop January 18,2003 at Trinity Church in the City of Boston; and Whe�eas: The Rt. Rev. Gayle Harris, 11 th woman Bishop in the Episcopal Church, succeeded the Rt. Rev. Barbara C.Harris,the first woman Bishop in the Anglican communion,making it the first time a woman bishop succeeded a woman bishop in office; and Whereas: The Rt. Rev. Gayle Harris,noW resident of Lexington,Massachusetts,has served the past twenty years as Bishop Suffragan of the Diocese of Massachusetts;raising leaders for the church and world; tirelessly Working to build beloved community, and leading the church in local,national, and international capacities for the good of all; and Whe�eas: The Rt. Rev. Gayle Harris,has led a life following the witness of Jesus of Nazareth and his way of love. NOW, THEREFORE, WE, THE SELECT BOARD of the Town of Lexington,Massachusetts,do hereby recognize The Rt. Rev. Gayle Eli.�abeth Ha�ris for her many years of service to the community and to all whose lives she has touched. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have set our hands and caused the seal of Lexington to be affixed herewith on the 18th day of January 2023. JILL I.HAI,CHAIR JOSEPH N.PATO SUZANNE E.BARRY DOUGLAS M.LUCENTE MARK D.SANDEEN AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDAITEM TITLE: Select Board Work Session/Joint Meeting- Select Board, School Committee, Appropriation C ommittee, C apital Expenditures C ommittee, Recreation C ommittee and Board of Library Trustees PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: Jim Malloy, Town Manager and Mike Cronin, Director of Public F acilities I.1 S UMMARY: C ate g o ry: B rains to rming This is a discussion on proposed projects for the next 10 years based on the 20-year capital plan that has been c o mp leted and the us e o f 17 3 B ed fo rd S tre et as s wing s p ac e and o ther is s ue s s o that s taff c an b egin p lanning fo r the vario us p ro j ec ts o ver the next s everal years. SUGGESTED MOTION: No motion at this time, this is for informational purpo s es. This will come back b efore the Bo ard at a subsequent meeting for decisions on the several open issues. FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 1/18/2023 6:35pm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � �����������a�.�.����� �������� ������ { I ���� +,�,r'i ���IIII�...O::� ��� � �� {, IIIII 1�,�;,F i � r �w1���d';4 r��,�qII b��:�� ...... k���,yl 4`�,,, ... tii"�!� i P ��,9; K1��1�44 I i' Y ' t +����i5.��. {,,�'��� �, II�p+ 'r�'� �. rr;: ����� ��1,1,:. ��{fll�l�����;tl�. ��� iil �1.., i� F �' I .4i�IIIII IlY ��.�� �ji4. ��� �i' , �i �i!� II I I i I i yp i ii9 II I i V �"� Ill I� I III IIIIIIII� � i"" I � � i V �11" �, I� �w�I °I )��ill i i,i�i�.�� I �i I i ..�i, �,;.;;:��.;.,.. i�, '�nst '�u,'�i ��� r l � ���. 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" lu�' �;,.. i�� �, � ��r:.. ��;:; ,� +ii��„� �'�i;, I i� ��u uu� ... , �y. a„.� �7 4i II,:. p,� I�'tl"' iy '1..� �iiih � . 1 I u' ��� p � + �I �" ��, �" V,q' � w� � ',,� �� � AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDAITEM TITLE: Select Board Work Session- FY2024 Town Manager's Preliminary Budget and Fina.ncial Planning PRESENTER: ITEM Jim Mallo ToWn Mana er• Carol n NUMBER: y� g � Y Ko sno ff,As st. T M for F inanc e; Kat Labrec ue Bud et O ffic er I'2 q � g S UMMARY: C ategory: Informing A s the B o ard is aware, s taff is c o ntinuing to wo rk o n the F Y24 b ud get and has as ked to have a C hair+1 working meeting o f the S elect Board, S choo 1 C ommittee,Appropriations C ommittee, C apital Exp enditures C o mmitte e and munic ip al and s c ho 01 d ep artment s taffs p rio r to ho ld ing the b ud get s ummit. T here fo re the W hite B o o k and p reliminary p re s entatio n to the S elec t B o ard is o n ho ld. We are wo rking o n re s c heduling the Budget S ummit from 1/19 to 1/24 and awaiting confirmation from all parties as to availability. SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 1/18/2023 7:35pm AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDAITEM TITLE: Select Board Work Session- 2023 Annual Town Meeting PRE E TER• ITEM S N . NUMBER: Kelly Axtell, Deputy Town Manager I.3 S UMMARY: C ategory: Informing SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 1/18/2023 B:OSpm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � �::�:�� .�=;,�w]�"�,���n� .��� II ����.m��: ��;����:���r�: I[�������.� WARRANT 2023 ANNUAL TOWN MEETING Detailed information on these Town Meeting Warrant Articles and other updated information can be found at https://www.lexingtonma.gov/town-meeting TABLE OF CONTENTS SELECT BOARD MESSAGE ,. 3 ARTICLE 1 NOTICE OF ELECTION . ., : : 4 ARTICLE 2 ELECTION OF DEPUTY MODERATOR AND REPORTS OF TOWN BOARDS,OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES , , , . ,, : _ 5 ARTICLE 3 APPOINTMENTS TO CARY LECTURE SERIES 5 FINANCIAL ARTICLES ARTICLE 4 APPROPRIATE FY2024 OPERATING BUDGET . . , ,,... , , 5 ARTICLE 5 APPROPRIATE FY2024 ENTERPRISE FUNDS BUDGETS . ,,, , . ,, , , 6 ARTICLE 6 ESTABLISH QUALIFICATIONS FOR TAX DEFERRALS . , ,,. , . , , 6 ARTICLE 7 APPROPRIATE TO AFFORDABLE HOUSING TRUST . ,. , . . . , 7 ARTICLE 8 EVALUATION OF ARC�IEOLOGICAL RESOURCE POTE�°�����U'���'��°�����.�.��(Citizen Petition), : ��: , � �...,..� : 2 7 ARTICLE 9 ESTABLISH AND CONTINUE DEPARTMENTAL REV+����VING�����''���U�;�.,�TDS . ,, ,,, , ,, ,, 7 ARTICLE 10 APPROPRIATE FOR THE FY2024 COMMUNITY P�.�.���������I�l;"�ERVATION�°`��°�;��7i��✓IMITTEE OPERATING BUDGET AND CPA PROJECTS , 8 ARTICLE 11 APPROPRIATE FOR T:ECREATION CAPITAL PI���:�����;U�l�,�'"�.IIII'°°��� , , , , , ,,,. 9 ARTICLE 12 APPROPRIATE FOR MUNICIPAL CAPI�'��.L PROJE�.;'�I���������AND EQUIPMENT , 9 ARTICLE 13 APPROPRIATE FOR WATER SYSTEM��I�����J�������,.�"��������MEN��`°'�°a�� 10 ARTICLE 14 APPROPRIATE FOR WASTEWATER SY�"�IIII�'"1�M�������"J�n�'�:��.�`����,���MENTS , , ,, 10 ARTICLE 15 APPROPRIATE FOR SCHOOL��.�',��IIII���IIII�'AL P�����,����;�'����U���J�CTS AND EQUIPMENT , 11 ARTICLE 16 APPROPRIATE FOR PUBL.����,r'`��ACII��II""����,IES C���ti�,IIII���ITAL PROJECTS , ,.... 11 ARTICLE 17 APPROPRIATE TO POST��:��������(PL������°''II���w��::1���"FII°°��°��������If��"���'��������TS����.TRANCE LIABILITY FL1ND . ,, . ,. 12 ARTICLE 18 RESCIND PRIOR BO����..OWI��°'°°°�������Il�.,.��i��.�UTHORIZATIONS ,, , 12 �9'�����"'°����D DJ�"'°�����u���������L������,���.ND APPROPRIATE TO AND FROM SPECIFIED ARTICLE 19 ESTABLISH, l���lu:� , STABILIZAT��������°°°°�� FUNDS . . , 12 ARTICLE 20 APPROPRIAT����III�4"��►R PRIOR������II���;ARS'UNPAID BILLS ,. „ ,. , , ,, , , 12 ARTICLE 21 AMEND FY2023 C������„'IIII..���.ATIT�����������u�.��,ENTERPRISE AND CPA BUDGETS � ,,, , 13 ARTICLE 22 APPROPRIATE FOR���I�u;;;���II��"���w�ORIZED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS , , , ,., ,, 13 ARTICLE 23 ESTABLISH SPECIAL EDUCATION RESERVE FUND 13 GENERAL ARTICLES ARTICLE 24 SELECT BOARD TO ACCEPT EASEMENTS 13 ARTICLE 25 AMEND THE GENERAL BYLAWS-DEMOLITION DELAY ,, ,, ,,,, , ,, , , , ,, 14 ARTICLE 26 AMEND THE GENERAL BYLAWS-MUNICIPAL OPT-IN SPECIALIZED STRETCH ENERGY CODE . 14 ARTICLE 27 AMEND FOSSIL FUEL BYLAW-COMPLIANCE WITH DOER REGULATIONS AND GUIDANCE 14 ARTICLE 28 AMEND GENERAL BYLAWS -TREE BYLAW-INCREASE PROTECTED TREE LOOK-BACK PERIOD ,, , , 15 ARTICLE 29 AMEND GENERAL BYLAWS -TREE BYLAW-CHANGES TO TREE COMMITTEE COMPOSITION , . 15 ARTICLE 30 HUMANE PET STORE BYLAW CORRECTION 15 ARTICLE 31 FAIR TRADE RESTRICTIONS-FUR PRODUCTS(Citizen Petition) ,�� ,,, ,.,. . ..,. ....�.. ,,�� ,,,. ,.v, v v�.., 15 ARTICLE 32 DUNBACK MEADOW SEWER EASEMENT(Citizen Petition),P a,.. .,a ����...., ,... ., a�,. , .��� ���,.... ,, ,., r ,, 15 ZONING ARTICLES ARTICLE 33 AMEND ZONING BYLAW- SPECIAL PERMIT RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT ,, 16 ARTICLE 34 AMEND ZONING BYLAW AND MAP-MULTI-FAMILY ZONING HOUSING FOR MBTA COMMUNITIES 16 ARTICLE 35 SUPPLEMENTAL INCLUSIONARY ZONING REQUIREMENTS FOR VILLAGE OVERLAY DISTRICTS . ... , . ... . . 16 ARTICLE 36 AMEND ZONING BYLAW AND MAP-CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT , 16 ARTICLE 3 7 AMEND ZONING BYLAW-ACTION DEADLINE FOR MAJOR SITE PLAN REVIEW, , ,.,, , 17 ARTICLE 3 8 AMEND ZONING BYLAW-MINOR MODIFICATIONS TO APPROVED PERMITS . ,, 17 ARTICLE 3 9 AMEND ZONING BYLAW-TECHNICAL CORRECTIONS, , , .,, . .. ., . , , 17 ARTICLE 40 AMEND SECTION 135 -4.4 OF THE ZONING BYLAW-REDUCE RESIDENTIAL GROSS FLOOR (Citizen Petition) , , ,,, . . 17 TOWN MEETING MEMBER LISTING ,,. , ,, , ,, ,, , , . , Town of Lexington, Massachusetts Select Board JILL I.HAI,CHAIR JOSEPH N.PATO SUZANNE E.BARRY TEL: (781)698-4580 DOUGLAS M. LUCENTE FAX: (781)863-9468 MARK D. SANDEEN January 23, 2023 To the Residents of Lexington: This warrant document provides notification of the 2023 Annu�.� °������a���n Meeting and advises residents of the various issues being considered at the meetings. Only Articl��� �isted in t�������� �avarrant may be discussed. The purpose of the Warrant is to inform citizens of the issues to be disc��.�.���.s��I ��.����� does ���a.���� provide for detailed information about the - Articles. Articles for the Annual Town Meeting are���,;�°�up��;��� xn thr���n��� categories: Financial, General and Zoning. Descriptions are provided in an attempt to make the������rrrrant u�;��u���'ul and �f��d��.derstandable. The most important votes that take �a��ce a���:����„� Annual Town Meeting are related to the budget. We urge citizens to read the budget, understand i��� �:���� ����f�f���� us ��'�i�����.� a way to foster excellence within the community. The Town website, htt�://www.lexingt��}�,;����a. ��ov/tov��,����mee��:���g, includes the most recent version of the FY2024 Budget and other financial Articles as w��� ��� other relE��������������.nt information for each Article. Between now and Town Meeting�.�m�rn������,���,������be multiple meetings to develop a comprehensive recommended budget for FY2024. That budget will be deli���������ed to all Town Meeting Members prior to the consideration of any financial articles by Town Meeting. SELECT BOARD Jill I. Hai, Chair Joseph N. Pato Suzanne E. Barry Douglas M. Lucente Mark D. Sandeen 3 TOWN OF LEXINGTON WARRANT ANNUAL TOWN MEETING 2023 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Middlesex, ss. To either of the Constables of the Town of Lexington, in said County, Greetings: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are directed to notify the inhabitants of the Town of Lexington quali�ed to vote in elections and in Town affairs to meet in their respective voting places in said Town, PRECINCT ONE SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION BUILDING PRECINCT TWO BOWMAN SCHOOL PRECINCT THREE LEXINGTON COMMUNITY CENTER PRECINCT FOUR CARY MEMORIAL BUILDING PRECINCT FIVE SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION BUI�.sa��w�°������ING PRECINCT SIX CARY MEMORIAL BUILDING PRECINCT SEVEN LEXINGTON COMMUNIT�' '�ENT�I�����,����. PRECINCT EIGHT SAMUEL HADLEY PUI���I:.�J�C SERVICES��������4�.�ILDING PRECINCT NINE LEXINGTON COMMV��lC°°°'°��������I�TY�;;w:�°J�NTER On Monday, the Sixth Day of March, 2023, the�������� ��_����there to a����u�v°��t on the following articles: ARTICLE 1 NOTICE OF ELECTION To choose by ballot the following of�cer��,� Two Select Board members for a term ���::��v��'���������ee yea����, One Moderator for a term���f""�ne yea�°��°� One School Committee merr��°�����u���u���r; for a�����,w�F�•m of three years; Two Planning Board members; fo���¶�.term of three years; Seven Town Meeting Members in Precinct One, the seven receiving the highest number of votes to serve for terms of three years; Seven Town Meeting Members in Precinct Two, the seven receiving the highest number of votes to serve for terms of three years; Eight Town Meeting Members in Precinct Three, the seven receiving the highest number of votes to serve for terms of three years; the one receiving the next highest number of votes to fill an unexpired term for a seat ending in 2024; Seven Town Meeting Members in Precinct Four, the seven receiving the highest number of votes to serve for terms of three years; Seven Town Meeting Members in Precinct Five, the seven receiving the highest number of votes to serve for terms of three years; 4 Seven Town Meeting Members in Precinct Six, the seven receiving the highest number of votes to serve for terms of three years; Seven Town Meeting Members in Precinct Seven, the seven receiving the highest number of votes to serve for terms of three years; Seven Town Meeting Members in Precinct Eight, the seven receiving the highest number of votes to serve for terms of three years; Eight Town Meeting Members in Precinct Nine, the seven receiving the highest number of votes to serve for terms of three years; the one receiving the next highest number of votes to fill unexpired terms for seats ending in 2025. You are also to notify the inhabitants aforesaid town to meet at the Margery Milne Battin Hall in the Cary Memorial Building, 1605 Massachusetts Avenue, in said Town, on Monday,the twentieth day of March 2023 ��titi��s�°"' ;30 p.m., at which time and place the remaining articles in this Warrant are to ��,u� ����„w�����,�d upon and determined exclusively by the Town Meeting Members in accordance with �hapter 215 of the .��cts o��'� l�"�29, as amended, and subj ect to the referendum provided for by Section eight of said Chapter, as ame��.��,,��.�;d. ARTICLE 2 ELECTION OF DEPUTY MODERATO�.�I,��.�TD.��������� ��PORTS OF TOWN BOARDS, OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES To see if the Town will vote to approve the Deputy ���,������i°Fa��,.��.���r nom����9����i�,�ed by the Moderator; receive the reports of any Board or Town Of�cer or of any Committee of the'�I�,own�;� �:����°���w���,Nw����any other manner in relation thereto. (.��,�������°�:�w�°�:,��by t���wfi°�Welect Boa�d) DESCRIPTION: This article remains ��f�°��7v�n thro����y�1out T����� Meeting and reports may be presented at any Town Meeting session by boards, officers, o� �����r���M�»�aiu������� l��uf� addition, the Town will consider the approval of the nomination of a Deputy Moderato�9��,�� �,uthc��f°��°���M,�d under Section 118-11 of the Code of the Town of Lexington. ARTICLE 3 APPOINT�����::�'�NTS TO C.;�1��.RY�ECTURE SERIES To see if the Town will autho���,���,�� the ��������°�ointment of the committee on lectures under the wills of Eliza Cary Farnham and Susanna E. Cary; or�.�j�F�� �� 9�G:ii���y other manner in relation thereto. (Inse�ted by the Select Board) DESCRIPTION: This is an annual article that provides for the appointment of citizens to the Cary Lecture Series by the Moderator. FINANCIAL ARTICLES ARTICLE 4 APPROPRIATE FY2024 OPERATING BUDGET To see if the Town will vote to make appropriations for expenditures by departments, officers, boards and committees of the Town for the ensuing �scal year and determine whether the money shall be provided by the tax levy,by transfer from available funds,by transfer from enterprise funds, or by any combination of these methods; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inse�ted by the Select Boa�d) FUNDS REQUESTED: See the most recent version of the FY2024 budget proposals posted at ht� lexin,�tonma.gov/budget. 5 DESCRIPTION: This article requests funds for the FY2024 (July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024) operating budget. The operating budget includes the school and municipal budgets. The operating budget includes requests for funds to provide prospective salary increases for employees, including salaries to be negotiated through collective bargaining negotiations. The budget also includes certain shared expenses. ARTICLE 5 APPROPRIATE FY2024 ENTERPRISE FUNDS BUDGETS To see if the Town will vote to appropriate a sum of money to fund the operations of the DPW Water and Wastewater Divisions and the Department of Recreation and Community Programs; determine whether the money shall be provided by the estimated income to be derived in FY2024 from the operations of the related enterprise, by the tax levy, by transfer from available funds, including the retained earnings of the relevant enterprise fund, or by any combination of these methods; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inse�ted by the Select Boa�d) FUNDS REQUESTED: Enter rise Fund FY2022 FY2023 FY2024 p Appropriated Appropriate� Requested �� .. a) Water Personal Services $823,447 $�����,6�°��"��� $892,639 Expenses $462,428 ���°i��533,500 $577,500 Debt Service $1,097,696 �1,224,746 ��°°���u I�.�100,935 MWRA Assessment $8,743,91� $8,������,467 $9,342,814 Total Water Enterprise Fund $11,127,483 ����������.1�����.,�27,383 $11,913,888 b) Wastewater Personal Services $2�"�m����41`°� �3�`�,848 $421,922 Expenses $32�����?"��� �458,400 $517,400 Debt Service �°������,352,.��.��r��2 $1,595,417 $1,519,920 MWRA Assessment ���°�������,177,2� :�'� $8,499,573 $9,349,530 Total Water Enterprise Fund "�����'"��,�'J'v',,°°'��°,'����„II_�5 $10,953,238 $11,808,772 c) Recreation and Communi������J��'�"°�°�,�����i�°��;��������Pxns ��������� �,� Personal Services ��°�����������������'���1,250,760 $1,567,753 $1,682,935 Expenses $1,346,285 $1,571,240 $1,588,814 Total Recreation and Commu�����ii��'i�������„� �2,597,045 $3,138,993 $3,271,749 Programs Enterprise Fund DESCRIPTION: Under Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 44, Section 53F�/z, towns may establish Enterprise Funds for a utility, health care, recreation or transportation operation, with the operation to receive related revenue and receipts and pay expenses of such operation. This article provides for the appropriation to and expenditure from three enterprise funds previously established by the Town. The Recreation and Community Programs Fund includes the operations and programs for the Community Center. ARTICLE 6 ESTABLISH QUALIFICATIONS FOR TAX DEFERRALS To see if the Town will vote to increase the current eligibility limits for property tax deferrals under Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 59, Section 5, Clause 41 A as authorized by Chapter 190 of the Acts of 2008; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inserted by the Select Board) (Inse�ted by the Select Boa�d) FUND S REQUE S TED: Unknown at pre s s time DESCRIPTION: Chapter 190 of the Acts of 2008 allows Town Meeting, with the approval of the Select Board, to make adjustments to the current deferral eligibility limits. 6 ARTICLE 7 APPROPRIATE TO AFFORDABLE HOUSING TRUST To see if the Town will vote to appropriate the balance of the Affordable Housing Capital Stabilization Fund to the Affordable Housing Trust, and further, to direct future payments in lieu of building affordable housing units, as negotiated in the 2017 Memorandum of Agreement between the Town and Brookhaven, to the Affordable Housing Trust, rather than into the Affordable Housing Capital Stabilization Fund; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inse�ted by the Select Boa�d at the�equest of the affo�dable Housi�cg T�ust Study Comr�ittee) FUND S REQUE S TED: Unknown at pre s s time DESCRIPTION: The 2017 Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the Town and Brookhaven regarding Brookhaven's expansion included a condition that Brookhaven make payments in lieu of constructing affordable housing units. Town Meeting authorized an Affordable Housing Stabilization Fund to receive these ongoing payments since the Town did not then have an Affordable Housing Trust. This warrant article Would distribute the funds from the Affordable Housing Stabilization Fund into the Affordable Housing Trust, and would further direct that future Brookhaven payments in lieu of affordable housing units be distri��u�.ted to the Affordable Housing Trust. ARTICLE 8 EVALUATION OF ARCHEOLOGICAL RESOU �����.��ti;��� ���'°""�TENTIAL (Citizen Petition) The proposed proj ect will provide the necessary evaluation of th,� ����chaeolog��j��F��;:a��w.� resource potential for prehistoric and historic archaeological sites throughout Lexington. The ���������,,���pe will �rst ir�°���,:.�vlve an overall analysis of the various terrain types and historic landscapes located throug��,����;ooaui�the ��,���n. An accompanying analysis will map the resource areas, provide recommendations on the appropriate uii����ii�� �°��� future investigation and provide mitigation methods. (Inse�ted by Jeff How�y cs��f��d.�''��������,����e������ste�ed vote�s) FUNDS REQUESTED: $65,000 DESCRIPTION: This article requests f���«���totala���A:�g $65,�����a�0 for the purpose of evaluating the potential for historic and prehistoric archaeological sites thr���u,o.�����out��,��m�,�,uw°������a������ b� analyzing and mapping historic landscapes and various terrain types. ARTICLE 9 ESTABLI��i�����: AND COl����������,IN[.���:°� DEPARTl��IENTAL REVOLVING FUNDS To see if the Town will vote, �����u���������suant to ����������i��.� Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 44, Section 53E�/z and Chapter 110 of the Code of the Town o��°� I�I F��,�xir�,,,���������n, to continue existing revolving funds; to amend said Chapter 110 to establish new revolving funds; to d������u���������°�°�����ine whether the maximum amounts that may be expended from such new and existing revolving fund accounts in FY2024 shall be the following amounts or any other amounts; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inse�ted by the Select Boar�d) 7 FUND S REQUE S TED: Program or Purpose for Revolving Funds FY2024 Authorization School Bus Transportation TBD Building Rental Revolving Fund $597,000 Regional Cache-Hartwell Avenue $0 Lexington Tree Fund $90,000 DPW Burial Containers $60,000 DPW Compost Operations $854,000 Minuteman Household Hazardous Waste Program $300,000 Senior Services $75,000 Residential Engineering Review $57,600 Health Programs $90,000 Lab Animal Permits $40,000 Tourism Revolving Fund TBD ...................... ..,..,..,.. Refuse and Recycling Collection TBD DESCRIPTION: The amount that may be spent fro�� �. revolvir������, ��nd established under Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 44, Section 5 3 E 1/2 must be approved a�i�f�����1�°°�������� �y To�����x�a� Meeting. The Funds are credited with the receipts received in connection with the programs supp��.���:�ted��,;a���� ���'�w�"F���� �unds, and expenditures may be made from the revolving fund without further appropriation� ARTICLE 10 APPROPRIATE FO ���4 "ll����IE �``�1��"���������.���,������uti��� ��'�►��IMUNITY PRESERVATION COMMITTEE OPERATING BUDGET AND CPA PR��u���,�:��1����'�'�TS To see if the Town will vote t� ��'����ar anc� ���7i�����w°.°�on ��uu�c;�report of the Community Preservation Committee on the FY2024 Community Preservation b�����.���eti and, purs���.a�������nt to the recommendatiions of tihe Community Preservation Committee, to appropriate from the Comr�������W����tiy Preser���������.tion Fund, or to reserve amounts in tihe Community Preservation Fund for future appropriations; for the �'.�;;���������t se������i���;e on previously authorized�nancing; for the administrative expenses of the Community Preservation Comr�������������i���;;��w°��� for FY2024; for the acquisition, creation and preservation of open space; for the acquisition, preservation, rehabilitation and restoration of historic resources; for the acquisition, creation, preservation, rehabilitation and restoration of land for recreational use; for the acquisition, creation, preservation and support of community housing; and for the rehabilitation or restoration of open space and community housing that is acquired or created with moneys from the Community Preservation Fund; to appropriate funds for such proj ects and determine whether the money shall be provided by the tax levy, or from estimated Community Preservation Act surcharges and the state match for the upcoming fiscal year, by transfer from available funds, including enterprise funds, by borrowing, or by any combination of these methods; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (I�ser�ted by the Select Boa�d at the�equest of the Community P�ese�vation Committee) FUND S REQUE S TED: a. Stone Building Design and Repairs- $400,000 b. Munroe Center for the Arts- $6,635,191 c. Hancock-Clarke Barn Restoration- $118,419 d. Archives and Record Management- $35,000 8 e. First Parish Church Clock Restoration- $12,000 f. East Village Clock at Follen Church Restoration- $9,600 g. Willard's Woods Site Improvements- $1,211,675 h. Whipple Hill Trail Repair, Fire Access- $300,000 i. Lincoln Park Field Improvements including Lighting-$3,391,500 j. Park and Playground Improvements, Bridge School- $285,000 k. Park and Playground Improvements, Justin Park- $155,000 1. Public Grounds Irrigation Improvements- $200,000 m. Transforming Trees into Art, Birds of New England- $22,000 n. Affordable Housing Trust Funding- $1,500,000 o. LexHAB Property Acquisition Prefunding- $400,000 p. LexHAB Rehabilitation/Preservation and Installation of Solar Panels�a �345,125 q. Projected Debt Service- $1,788,900 r. Administrative Budget-$150,000 DESCRIPTION: This article requests that Community Pre����aiir°°��ation funds �.�u�ii��,��� other funds, as necessary, be appropriated for the proj ects recommended by the Communi����� �'�°''reserv���.��n Commi�Ctee and for administrative costs. ARTICLE 11 APPROPRIATE FOR RECREATI�!►N CAPI'I°������.,�PROJECTS To see if the Town will vote to appropriate a sum of°���u�M��u:��on�� ���;.��.� �recr�����s�ion-related capital projects and equipment; and determine whether the money shall be provlded by ��G��.e ������.��� lev�� �y transfer from available funds, including the Recreation and Community Programs Ente��*���iu�����;:��°� :�und, ����o,���N� Wborrowing, or by any combination of these methods; or act in any other manner in relation theret�a� (Inse�ted by the Se����a�r°,�8����=�����°�w������`���°�°��°����quest of the Rec�eation Committee) FUNDS REQUESTED: $295,0���� � DESCRIPTION: For a de�,����;���N��a���°°��ption of t���;�,��;������ �prop���ed projects, see Section XI: Capital Investment section of the FY2024 budget. The most ���°���;;w�°�F�,��ent versio�������.l�u of the capital section can be found at http://www.lexin tonma.�ov/ fv24capital. � ARTICLE 12 APPROPRIATE FOR MUNICIPAL CAPITAL PROJECTS AND EQUIPMENT To see if the Town will vote to appropriate a sum of money for the following capital proj ects and equipment: a) All Terrain Vehicle (ATV)-Forestry; b) TMOD Implementation- Permitting and Progress Tracking; c) Transportation Mitigation; d) Bedford St. and Hartwell Ave. Long-Range Transportation Improvements; e) Townwide Culvert Replacement; f) Equipment Replacement; g) Sidewalk Improvements; h) Storm Drainage Improvements and NPDES compliance; i) Comprehensive Watershed Stormwater Management; 9 j) Street Improvements; k) Hydrant Replacement Program; 1) Municipal Parking Lot Improvements; m) Public Parking Lot Improvement Program; n) New Sidewalk Installations; o) Network Core Equipment Replacement; p) Network Redundancy& Improvement Plan; and q) Scanning- Electronic Document Management and authorize the Select Board to take by eminent domain, purchase or otherwise acquire, any fee, easement or other interests in land necessary therefor; determine whether the money shall be provided by the tax levy, by transfer from available funds, including enterprise funds, by borrowing, or by any combination of these methods; determine if the Town will authorize the Select Board to apply for, accept, expend and borrow in anticipation of state aid for such capital improvements; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inser�ted by the Select Boa�d) FUNDS REQUESTED: $13,768,091 DESCRIPTION: For a description of the proposed projects, s�p���;uwj�r° �ection XI: ���'apital Investment section of the FY2024 budget. The most recent version of the capital s����,a�F�����on ca� be foun� n;�.� http://www.lexin tonma.,�ov/ fv24capital. ARTICLE 13 APPROPRIATE FOR WATER 5��,����°����''�� :°a.�F;� ..IMP��w'�«���EMENTS w • To see if the Town will vote to make water distribut��;��� sv���u������ iiii�ii��i�����rovements, including the installation of new water mains and replacement or cleaning a���� ����.ing o��°' �����������r��sting water mains and standpipes, the replacement or rehabilitation of water towers, engineeri���� studi����°°�������� and ���i���,�� purchase and installation of equipment in connection therewith, in such accepted or unacce���s�,�r�,;�w�°A� stree�t�,:������ �r other �'�nd as the Select Board may determine, subj ect to the assessment of betterments or otherwise; ������c�d i�i��;� ta�� '���� �;minent domain, purchase or otherwise acquire any fee, easement or other interest in �����i������. ��ces¶��������ii��iii� therefor; appropriate money for such improvements and land acquisition and determine Wh�����i�a����er the ����iu�����ey n���«I�«��;�,11 be provided by the tax levy, water enterprise fund, by transfer from available funds, incluc�iiii�l���«� any speci�: ���vater funds, or by borrowing, or by any combination of these methods; to determine whether the Tc�������ii� will au��y����;�rize the Select Board to apply for, accept, expend and borrow in anticipation of federal and state a"��,,���W. �'�r s�u�.����ua����projects; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inser�ted by the Select Boa�d) FUNDS REQUESTED: $4,209,580 DESCRIPTION: For a description of the proposed projects, see Section XI: Capital Investment section of the FY2024 budget. The most recent version of the capital section can be found at http://wWw.lexin tonma.�ov/ fv24capital. ARTICLE 14 APPROPRIATE FOR WASTEWATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS To see if the Town will vote to install and line sanitary sewer mains and sewerage systems and replacements and upgrades to pump stations thereof, including engineering studies and the purchase of equipment in connection therewith; in such accepted or unaccepted streets or other land as the Select Board may determine, subject to the assessment of betterments or otherwise, in accordance with Chapter 504 of the Acts of 1897, and acts in addition thereto and in amendment thereof, or otherwise; and to take by eminent domain, purchase or otherwise acquire any fee, easement or other interest in land necessary therefor; appropriate money for such installation and land acquisition and determine whether the money shall be provided by the tax levy, the wastewater enterprise fund, by transfer from available funds, including any special wastewater funds,by borrowing, or by any combination of these 10 methods; to determine whether the Town will authorize the Select Board to apply for, accept, expend and borrow in anticipation of federal and state aid for such wastewater proj ects; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inse�ted by the Select Boar�d) FUNDS REQUESTED: $1,115,404 DESCRIPTION: For a description of the proposed projects, see Section XI: Capital Investment section of the FY2024 budget. The most recent version of the capital section can be found at htt�://www.lexin tonma.�ov/ fv24ca�ital. ARTICLE 15 APPROPRIATE FOR SCHOOL CAPITAL PROJECTS AND EQUIPMENT To see if the Town will vote to appropriate a sum of money to maintain and upgrade the schools' technology systems and equipment; determine whether the money shall be provided by the tax levy, by transfer from available funds,by borrowing, or by any combination of these methods; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inse�ted by the Select Boa�d at the�equest of the School Committee) FUNDS REQUESTED: $1,465,488 DESCRIPTION: For a description of the proposed projects, see Sect���,;:��icW��u XI: Capital Investment section of the FY2024 budget. The most recent version of the capital section ���i��iuf� b� ����und at http://www.lexin tonma. o�v/ fv24capital. ARTICLE 16 APPROPRIATE FOR PUBLIC FACILIT������:����,�. CA��"°"�I�'°�,AL PROJECTS To see if the Town will vote to appropriate a sum of money fo�° �;,N�f��+�ital improvements and renovations, including new construction to public facilities for: a) Public Facilities Bid Documents; b) Public Facilities Interior Finishes; c) Public Facilities Mechanical/Electrica�/�������mbing������u�;�placem�����,.��; d) School Paving and Sidewalks; e) Municipal Building Envelop���¶���md As��:�������F�i���tec��{������������tems; � School Building Envelope����������1 Associatec�.����������ystems; g) Pine Meadows Clubhouse Renc�����������.on-D���tt��;�,��gn h) 173 Bedford Street Renovation-Des��,,���;:�i��; i) Solar Canopy& System-Police Station; and j) East Lexington Fire Station-Feasibility Study and determine whether the money shall be provided by the tax levy, by transfer from available funds, including enterprise funds,by borrowing, or by any combination of these methods; to determine if the Town will authorize the Select Board to apply for, accept, expend and borrow in anticipation of state aid for such capital improvements; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inse�ted by the Select Boar�d) FUNDS REQUESTED: $6,999,113 DESCRIPTION: For a description of the proposed projects, see Section XI: Capital Investment section of the FY2024 budget. The most recent version of the capital section can be found at http://www.lexin tonma.�ov/ fv24capital. 11 ARTICLE 17 APPROPRIATE TO POST EMPLOYMENT INSURANCE LIABILITY FUND To see if the Town will vote to appropriate a sum of money to the Town of Lexington Post Retirement Insurance Liability Fund, as established by Chapter 317 of the Acts of 2002; determine whether the money shall be provided by the tax levy, by transfer from available funds, including enterprise funds, or by any combination of these methods; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inse�ted by the Select Boa�d) FUNDS REQUESTED: Unknown at press time DESCRIPTION: This article will allow the Town to continue to fund its liability for post-employment benefits for Town of Lexington retirees. Beginning with the FY2007 audit, the Town has been required to disclose this liability. Special legislation establishing a trust fund for this purpose was enacted in 2002. ARTICLE 18 RESCIND PRIOR BORROWING AUTHORIZATIONS To see if the Town will vote to rescind the unused borrowing authority voted under previous Town Meeting articles; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inser�ted by the Select Boa��� DESCRIPTION: State law requires that Town Meeting vote to ����s�;ind au����ai������ized and unissued debt that is no longer required for its intended purpose. ARTICLE 19 ESTABLISH,AMEND,DISSOLVE AND���I��'°"'�' .�����4wu��'RIATE TO AND FROM SPECIFIED STABILIZATION FUNDS To see if the Town will vote to create, amend, di�������w��alv �°, �ic�,,w�°F��m��me ���ii�°� appropriate sums of money to and from Stabilization Funds in accordance with Massachusetts C�7����,��°���e��,�:��.��J�a��✓��������y �ection SB of Chapter 40, for the purposes of: (a) Section 13 5, Zoning By-Law; (b) �'aiu�,��u�iiii�;�;N�° Mitl�a��p��.�����on; (c) Transportation Demand Management/Public Transportation; (d) Special Education; ����,�� Cen����„�o�°� Imp��;������ement District; (� Debt Service; (g) Transportation Management Overlay District; (h) Ca�7ii���:�������; (i) �'������n�������������m� i� _�,ieu of Parking; (j) Visitor Center Capital Stabilization Fund; (k) Affordable Housing Capital 5��:�����w�:������iiu.����Jation �"u��d; (1) Water System Capital Stabilization Fund; and (m) Ambulance Stabilization Fund, �,�.�,u��,���F���u�����u�ii�e v�������„�ia�F�ther such sums shall be provided by the tax levy, by transfer from available funds, from fees, c���.���°�ges or g���'�C�:���, or ��� �ny combination of these methods; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. ��Inser�ted by the Select Boa�d) FUND S REQUE S TED: Unknown a���°��.��°°�;s s time DESCRIPTION: This article proposes to establish, dissolve, and fund Stabilization Funds for specific purposes and to appropriate funds therefrom. Money in those funds may be invested and the interest may then become a part of the particular fund. These funds may later be appropriated for a specific designated purpose by a two-thirds vote of an Annual or Special Town Meeting, for any other lawful purpose. ARTICLE 20 APPROPRIATE FOR PRIOR YEARS' UNPAID BILLS To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate money to pay any unpaid bills rendered to the Town for prior years; to determine whether the money shall be provided by the tax levy,by transfer from available funds, or by any combination of these methods; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inse�ted by the Select Boar�d) FUNDS REQUESTED: Unknown at press time DESCRIPTION: This is an annual article to request funds to pay bills after the close of the fiscal year in which the goods were received or the services performed and for which no money was encumbered. 12 ARTICLE 21 AMEND FY2023 OPERATING,ENTERPRISE AND CPA BUDGETS To see if the Town will vote to make supplementary appropriations, to be used in conjunction with money appropriated under Articles 4, 5, 9, and 10 of the warrant for the 2022 Annual Town Meeting, and Article 4 of the warrant for the Special Town Meeting 2022-3, to be used during the current fiscal year, or make any other adjustments to the current fiscal year budgets and appropriations that may be necessary; to determine whether the money shall be provided by transfer from available funds including the Community Preservation Fund; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inse�ted by the Select Boa�d) FUND S REQUE S TED: Unknown at pre s s time DESCRIPTION: This is an annual article to permit adjustments to current fiscal year(FY2023) appropriations. ARTICLE 22 APPROPRIATE FOR AUTHORIZED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS To see if the Town will vote to make supplementary appropriations to be used in conjunction with sums appropriated in prior years for the installation or construction of water ma�.�ai�����.�����, sewers and sewerage systems, drains, streets, buildings, recreational facilities or other capital improvement�u ����������� equipment that have heretofore been authorized; determine whether the money shall be provided by the t�u��.���;�W �ev��, 1CA;°���� transfer from the balances in other articles, by transfer from available funds, including enterprise ��,�,��!���f��s and th� �;;��mmunity Preservation Fund, by borrowing, or by any combination of these methods; or act in a���A����N other manner in�°°�;;�;uw�����tion thereto. (Inse�ted by the Se����fi°�:rR�B��f���F���d) FUND S REQUE S TED: Unknown at pre s s time DESCRIPTION: This is an annual article to request �"'��.iiu:��1�s �� �������iu,����ple�r���u,�°�F��t existing appropriations for certain capital proj ects in light of revised cost estimates that exceed su��aa������� a�����f���°��op��¶� ��w��ns. ARTICLE 23 ESTABLISH SPECI�������w.w�EDU�'��,'�'�ON�}n�fi������:�SERVE FUND To see if the Town will vote to (1) accept �1�'i��ii�������� ��rovisions of G.L. c. 40, § 13E establishing a reserve fund for special education and recovery high s���:���� y���,.������ram�;�,u� �ut-of-district tuition and transportation; and (2) appropriate to said reserve fund, or act in any o������„��F�° manner i���ai� �ii�f��lati���:���thereto. ��°��°µnse�ted by the Select Boa�d) . FUNDS REQUESTED: Un now���m������.�����u�„�������.������time DESCRIPTION: The Municipal Moc�ernization Act allows for establishing a Special Education Stabilization Fund that can be utilized by a vote of the School Committee and the Select Board — Chapter 40, Section 13E. This provision limits the amount in the fund to 2% of annual net school spending. This article would adopt Ch40, Section 13E. GENERAL ARTICLES ARTICLE 24 SELECT BOARD TO ACCEPT EASEMENTS To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Select Board to acquire by purchase, gift, eminent domain or otherwise accept, easement interests for trails, drainage, sewer, utility or other public purposes, on such terms and conditions and in a final location or locations as the Select Board may determine, or act in any other manner in action relation thereto. (Inser�ted by the Select Boa�d) 13 DESCRIPTION: This article would permit the Select Board to accept easements for trails and utility infrastructure in order to allow these amenities to be built and conveyed to the Town as required in accordance with many land use permits, as opposed to requiring each such easement to be approved by Town Meeting. ARTICLE 25 AMEND THE GENERAL BYLAWS-DEMOLITION DELAY To see if the Town will vote to amend Chapter 19 of the General Bylaw of the Town of Lexington by changing the current demolition delay requirements for buildings listed as "historically significant", from tWelve (12) months to eighteen(18)months; or act in any manner in relation thereto. (Inse�ted by the Select Boa�d at the�equest of the Histo�ical Cornmission) DESCRIPTION: This article would amend Chapter 19 of the General Bylaws, commonly known as the Demolition Delay Bylaw for Historically Significant Buildings. ARTICLE 26 AMEND THE GENERAL BYLAWS-MUNICIPAL OPT-IN SPECIALIZED STRETCH ENERGY CODE To see if the Town will vote to replace the existing Chapter 115 of the {�'"�;:��e of the Town of Lexington entitled "Stretch Energy Code" with the "Specialized Energy Code" for t����,��a��� �urpose of regulating the design and construction of buildings for the effective use of energy and reductio������ �f g�����,�°��iu�house gas emissions, pursuant to the entirety of 225 CMR 22 and 23 including Appendices RC an�. �C, includ�������.n��� future editions, amendments or modifications, a copy of which is on file with the Town Clerk; �.��ui�����ake any other a°°�uu�,:�n in relation thereto. (Inse�ted by the Select Boa�d at the�equest o��'�����5��.��U���°xinable Lexington Committee) DESCRIPTION: The 2021 Massachusetts climate ��a�t requirec� ��,:�e development of a new Municipal Opt-in Specialized energy code (Specialized Code), in addit��.��r�� �:�.�� u�w����ating ��V uu�;�� existing Stretch Code. The Stretch Code is an above-code appendix to the state's base building ���u���;��rgy ��°���,,�.��,�a�����,, �.��signed to result in cost-effective construction that is more energy-efficient than what is ��U���� under ��,����N���� �Y'base code. The Specialized Code includes additional requirements above and beyond the Stret��f��� �;o��°�°�� ��esigr��„�°���,,� to ensure that new construction and major renovations are consistent with a net-zero econom� �ll�:°��� 2050M 'l��"his cocl�,���� :�s expected to help Massachusetts meet its goal of net- zero emissions by 2050. ARTICLE 27 AMEND FO��v�"+�������J�L FtJ��I����fi��Y����i��,�`�V-COMPLIANCE WITH DOER REGULATIONS AND GUIDANCE To see if the Town will vot� �����,� mak� �:°°�rther amendments to, or replace, the Town's Fossil Fuel Bylaw, adopted pursuant to Article 2�� ��� ��e 2021 Spring Town Meeting (as previously amended), to be consistent with Chapter 179 of t��e Acts of 2022 authorizing a demonstration program for municipal regulation of fossil fuels in new construction, and the regulations or guidance adopted by the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources in accordance with that legislation; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inse�ted by the Select Boa�d at the �equest of the Sustainable Lexington Committee) DESCRIPTION: The state's Climate Bill passed August 2022 includes authorization to implement a pilot proj ect that authorizes ten communities to regulate fossil fuels in buildings if they have passed a Home Rule Petition (which Town Meeting passed in 2021). On December 23, 2022, the Department of Energy Resources issued draft regulations implementing these provisions in the Climate Bill. This Article is proposed to ensure the Town has an opportunity to make changes to the Bylaw as adopted in 2021, and amended in Fall 2022, as needed to align with the Department's regulations. 14 ARTICLE 28 AMEND GENERAL BYLAWS- TREE BYLAW-INCREASE PROTECTED TREE LOOK-BACK PERIOD To see if the Town will vote to amend Chapter 120 of the Code of the Town of Lexington, Trees, to lengthen the "look-back"period for removal of protected trees; or to act in any other manner thereto. (Inse�ted by the Select Boa�d at the�equest of the T�ee Committee) DESCRIPTION: Currently some property owners wait 12 months after trees are removed on their property before applying for a demotion or maj or construction permit. At that point no fees or mitigation payments would be assessed. This article will increase the look-back period to 3 6 months. ARTICLE 29 AMEND GENERAL BYLAWS-TREE BYLAW- CHANGES TO TREE COMMITTEE COMPOSITION To see if the Town will amend Chapter 120 of the Code of the Town of Lexington, Trees to add Associate Members to the Tree Committee; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inse�ted by the Select Boa�d at the�equest of the T�ee Comrnittee) DESCRIPTION To provide a pipeline of future Tree Committee me�m���lllww�,�rs, this article will enlarge the Tree Committee with the addition of two associate members. ARTICLE 30 HUMANE PET STORE BYLAW CORRE�'r���"yJ�ON To see if the ToWn will vote to amend Chapter 9-7 of the Co����° �:.��tl���,���µ�"own of Lexington(Human Pet Store Bylativ) and Chapter 1-6 (Noncriminal Disposition) to conform the enf'���u�,f°W�;w�°������ment provision therein to Massachusetts State Law with respect to enforcement; or act in any manne���:���°°��i���u��������ation th��°�l�������o. (Inser�ted by����'�e 5���������� �`°���`m�,�,��d) DESCRIPTION: This article proposes a t��,°���������:�����,°,�°�.��.� corr������w��ri�i���on to the Humane Pet Store Bylaw passed by the 2022 Town Meeting to more speci�cally state���u�;amo��iii�������:of fin�,°��u�����������required thereunder as required by State Law. ARTICLE 31 FAIR TRADE 1������'���'�IC''"����1�����;�NS -FUR PRODUCTS (Citizen Petition) To protect the health and We��������i��������e of the i�������aiu�bita��i������;:���� of this Town,this ordinance will restrict trade in fur products. (�"�����„�����������ted by Dr'������m�sh Patel and 9 o�e mo�e�egiste�ed vote�s) DESCRIPTION: Fur farms are ���,�°����������r�����v!���•s and transmission vectors for dangerous zoonotic diseases, including SARS coronaviruses, that threaten �°.������lic health, including in the Town of Lexington. In addition, the fur production process is energy intensive and has a significant environmental impact, including air and water pollution, and animals that are slaughtered for their fur endure tremendous suffering. Eliminating the sale of fur products in the Town of Lexington will decrease the demand for these cruel and environmentally harmful products and promote community health and well-being as well as animal welfare, and, in turn, will foster a more humane environment in the Town and enhance the reputation of the Town. Wellesley, Weston, Brookline, Plymouth and Cambridge have similar bans. ARTICLE 32 DUNBACK MEADOW SEWER EASEMENT (Citizen Petition) To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Select Board, with the approval of the Conservation Commission, to grant permanent easements over Dunback Meadow Conservation Land to the owners of property bordering Bacon Street in order to allow connections to the Town sewer system, and to authorize the Select Board to petition the General Court for an act to permit such easements over conservation land, to the extent necessary, or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inse�ted by Ing�id Klimoff and 9 0�mo�e�egiste�ed vote�s) 15 DESCRIPTION: This article would start the process to permit properties on Bacon Street to connect to the Town sewer system in the future. While there is a sewer line parallel to Bacon Street, there is a 20-foot-wide strip of conservation land between the street and the sewer line. Crossing this strip of land requires approval from Town Meeting, in addition to the Select Board, Conservation Commission, and possibly the state legislature. Without this approval,these properties must continue to use private septic systems. ZONING ARTICLES ARTICLE 33 AMEND ZONING BYLAW- SPECIAL PERMIT RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT To see if the Town will vote to amend the Zoning Bylaw of the Town of Lexington to amend or replace the provisions regarding Special Permit Residential Developments to encourage the development of residential neighborhoods not otherwise allowed through conventional subdivisions; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inse�ted by the Select Boa�d) DESCRIPTION: The purpose of the article is to provide incentives for build�rs to choose to produce developments that provide smaller homes, include affordable homes and create a var�.��°�Fi�i�:°� of home building types not readily available in Lexington, rather than conventional subdivisions. This ar���;���Nw��,� is the result of the work of the Select Board's Special Permit Residential Development Zoning Bylaw �,�ii��a»����n�������,��°�t Committee (Ad Hoc) which was created in response to a Town Meeting vote to refer a citizen petl���iu.����.���1 to amen� �����o�.is same zoning bylaw back to the Select Board. ARTICLE 34 AMEND ZONING BYLAW AND MAP-M��J�������������'��-FAMILY ZONING HOUSING FOR MBTA COMMUNITIES To see if the Town will vote to amend the Zoning B��:������.w a�����,:�1 °°������� t�► create districts for multi-family housing or mixed-use developments by-right; or act in an������her m��i�°�ii�������°�ii�°°���n rela���Yon thereto. (Inse�ted by the��'������ct Bc�������d at t���w����°�equest of the Planning Boa�d) DESCRIPTION: This article would cor������°�����w����u�� ������ �,�����,���F�,����������;������40A § 3A by establishing zoning districts on the Zoning Map and amending the Zoning By��.,w to ���;,,�A���������it multi-family housing and mixed-use developments with an as-of- right approval process. � ARTICLE 35 AMEND Z������'°°'°°������������NG BYI�������W- SUPPLEMENTAL INCLUSIONARY HOUSING REQUIREMENTS � To see if the Town will vote to amc��F���������d the Zoning Bylaw to add stricter inclusionary housing requirements for multi-family housing; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inser�ted by the Select Boa�d at the request of the Planning Boa�d) DESCRIPTION: This article would require more inclusionary dwelling units in multi-family housing developments if approved under Article 34. ARTICLE 36 AMEND ZONING BYLAW AND MAP-CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT To see if the Town will vote to amend the Zoning Map to rezone areas adj acent to the CB district into the CB District; amend the Zoning Bylaw to modify dimensional controls and parking standards in the CB District to allow additional housing; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inse�ted by the Select Boa�d at the�equest of the Planning Boa�d) DESCRIPTION: This article would move several properties adjacent to the Center Business (CB) District into the district to facilitate consistent development. The properties proposed include the Meriam Street parking lot, areas between that parking lot and the existing CB District used for parking or recreation, the medical building at 16 16 Clarke Street, and the adj acent residential property. It would also modify dimensional controls and parking requirements to permit additional mixed-use development. ARTICLE 37 AMEND ZONING BYLAW-ACTION DEADLINE FOR MAJOR SITE PLAN REVIEW To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 9.5.4 of the Zoning Bylaw to modify the action deadline for Major Site Plan Review applications; reference the Planning Board's Zoning Regulations; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inser�ted by the Select Boa�d at the�equest of the Planning Boa�d) DESCRIPTION: This article would extend the Planning Board's current 60-day application action deadline for Major Site Plan Review applications. ARTICLE 38 AMEND ZONING BYLAW-MINOR MODIFICATIONS TO APPROVED PERMITS To see if the Town will vote to amend Sections 9.2 and 9.4 of the Zoning Bylaw to create a process for minor modifications to projects that have received prior Board of Appeals or Planr����:�����g Board approval; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inse�ted by the Select Boa�d at the�equest��°'�°�ie.��°`������ning Boa�d) DESCRIPTION: This amendment would establish a process th9��������� #�vould allow �:�������� Board of Appeals or Planning Board to consider requests for minor modifications to proj ect�W �'���at hav,�received�►�°���or approval at a public meeting without requiring a new public hearing. ARTICLE 39 AMEND ZONING BYLAW-TEC1����������'�.�������.��� CO '"�������`���'�CTIONS To see if the Town will vote to approve certain amer���,w�Y�n�����a�v���i���s to ���e Zoning Bylaw that are clerical in nature to correct typographical errors, crea�e consiste������; ���������cti ln o,�����,���t��i��other manner in relation�hereto. (Inse�ted by th�^µ�°°����elect 8����.������d at th��^���equest of the Planning Boa�d) DESCRIPTION: This article would not c;��i������������aiu��� the Zon�ng Bylaw in any substantive way, but would correct any yp �n,���f��������°������i�u„���rse�����"������:�e public hearings for zoning amendments. t os or errors discovered durin� ARTICLE 40 AMEND 5��:�����°'��.�'ION 13511P114��w��u�,4 OF THE ZONING BYLAW-REDUCE RESIDENTIAL GROSS FLOOR(Citizen Petit��:����i����iiii�� To see if the town will vote to am����°��r� Section 135-4.4 of the Zoning Bylaw to reduce the maximum allowable residential Gross Floor Area; or to act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inse�ted by Matthew Daggett and 9�no�e�egiste�ed vote�s) DESCRIPTION: The purpose of this article is to reduce the maximum allowable residential Gross Floor Area limits adopted at the 2016 Annual Town Meeting. 17 And you are directed to serve this warrant seven days at least before the time of said meeting as provided in the Bylaws of the Town. Hereof fail not, and make due return on this warrant, with your doings thereon, to the Town Clerk, on or before the time of said meeting. Given under our hands at Lexington this 23rd day of January 2023. Jill I. Hai, Chair Select Board Joseph N. Pato Suzanne E. Barry of Douglas M. Lucente Mark D. Sandeen Lexington A true copy,Attest: Constable of Lexington 18