HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-03-10-PLNCD-min Minutes Pierce-Lockwood Neighborhood Conservation District Commission Meeting Thursday, March 10, 2022 Attendance: Committee Members Rich Goldhammer, Chair Chris Neurath - Neighborhood member Wendy Russman-Halperin- Neighborhood Member Bob Creech - Planning Comm. Rep Rob Rotberg - Historical Comm - Rep Gail Leichman - Neighborhood alternate Others Joe and Sarah Adelmann - 19 Byron, applicants Jose Rivera Feliciano - 10 Lockwood Wilma Frey - 1133 Mass Ave Cynthia Stern - 15 Byron Ralph and Pricilla McDewelll Susan O’Keefe - 14 Lockwood Minutes from previous meeting approved. Rich Goldhammer - Reviewed purpose of the NCD and decision criteria Chris Neurath - 1. Saw mansionzation happening in Lexington and one built at end of Byron. 2. Our neighborhood is unique because all have original architectural character from 1930’s 3. Concern houses could be torn down and large houses built on our small lots. Rich Goldhammer Showed pictures of houses in neighborhood. Chris Neurath All look similar, porches on front, Byron bungalows, Lockwood primarily Dutch Colonial. Want to keep front of houses consistent with existing houses. Joe Adelmann showed arial and front view sketches of current house and proposed additions to back and side of house. Included several versions of side addition and front porch. Brief discussion of whether occupants of abutting houses had to recuse themselves from vote. Both Rich and Chris as well as Gail Leichtman are abutters. Because of small size of neighborhood, it was suggested by Rob Rotberg that probably that wouldn’t be necessary but since there would be no vote at this meeting, everyone could participate in discussion. Committee needs to check with town for clarification. Question on width of side “bump-out” - Joe answered that it would be about 8 feet. Joe also checked with town on set-back requirements and they are 7.5’ on each side due to small (50’) frontage of Byron St lots. Pointed out bump outs on three houses on Lockwood Road, 12, 16 and 7. Rob Rotberg stated that if roofline is changed it also has to go before Historical Committee, even though house is not in the Historical District. Wendy Russman-Halperin gave measurements of those bump outs, one each on #7 and #16 are original to the houses and are about 8’ deep and recessed 5.5’ from the front of the house. The 2 bump outs on #12 were added about 5 years ago when the house was gutted and totally rebuilt and are 5’ deep and 15’ from the front of the house. Wendy felt that the addition at the back of the house wouldn’t be a problem but was concerned that the side addition should not come to the front, but be recessed back. That would keep the front view of house consistent with the others on Byron. Rich - emphasized that one of main points of NDC was keeping the fronts of the houses looking similar in size and style. Joe - Some of houses already out of conformance. Wendy - May need variance to extend porch across entire front of house but felt it would be not only approved by committee but desirable since every other house on Byron has a porch extending across front. Rich - # 15 Byron matches # 19 in style. Gail - Felt “Plan B” (bump out going to front of house and front porch going across original house plus bump out) would make house look too massive for neighborhood. Discussion about whether bump out should go to front of house or be set back. Several committee members mentioned it would fit in better with other houses if set back about 5’ and one mention that a small set-back might look better for the house itself. General feeling that front porch could extend across entire part of original house but not include bump out Suggestion of putting large, egress windows in basement addition. One option showed the front dormer on the second floor extending the entire width of the house. Most committee members did not like that idea, saying it would change the look of the front of the house too much. Several committee members mentioned “A” options would be easier to approve than “B” Meeting adjourned 8:30. Notes taken by Wilma Frey and condensed and typed by Wendy Russman-Halperin