HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-06-12-STM-WARRANT TOWN WARRANT
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Middlesex, ss.
To either of the Constables of the Town of Lexington, in
said County,
In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are directed to notify the inhabitants of
the Town of Lexington, qualified to vote in elections and in Town affairs, to meetin the Cary Memorial
Building, in said Lexington, on Monday, the 12th day of June, 1944 at eight o'clock P.M., then and
there to act on the following articles
Article 1. To receive the reports of any Board of about 281 feet, to a point in the centerline of the main
Town Officers or of any Committee of the Town and to channel of North Lexington Brook; thence southwesterly
appoint other Committees. along the centerline of said'brook distant about 284 feet
Article 2. To see if the Town will accept a gift, in to Bedford Street; thence by Bedford Street to the point
the amount of $2,000.00, under the will of Ellen A. Stone of beginning; containing about 69,160 square feet, with
to be used in aiding needy and deserving young women the benefit of and subject to certain mutual rights of way
of Lexington in getting a good school education, or act in and provide for the payment therefor by the issue of
any other manner in relation thereto. bonds or notes of the Town, by direct appropriation, by
transfer from available funds; or act in any other manner
Article 3. To see if the Town will authorize the Se- in relation thereto.
lectmen to purchase on behalf of the Town,,as a site for _ Article 7. To see if the Town will authorize the
a school building, certain land belonging to the William Selectmen to acquire by purchase or take by eminent
E. Mulliken Estate, consisting of approximately eight domain on behalf of the Town for the purpose of erecting
acres, bounded southerly by land now or formerly of a new Central Fire Station, the property at the junction
Charles W and Robert L. Ryder, Trustees; westerly and of Massachusetts Avenue and Fletcher Avenue belonging
northerly by land of the Town of Lexington; and easterly to Bridget Leary and provide for the payment therefor
by other land of the William E. Mulliken Estate and by by the issue of bonds or notes of the Town, by direct
Waltham Street, and provide for the payment therefor by appropriation, by transfer from available funds, or act in
the issue of bonds or notes of the Town, by direct ap- any other manner in relation thereto.
propriation, by transfer from available funds; or act in Article 8. To see if the Town will determine the lo-
any other manner in relation thereto. cation of a new Central Fire Station and will authorize
Article 4. To see if the Town will authorize the Se- the Moderator to appoint a committee of five to obtain
lectmen to purchase on behalf of the Town, as a site for plans, specifications and estimates for the construction of
a school playground, certain land belonging to Warren E. such station and report not later than the next Annual
Russell, consisting of approximately one and one-third Town Meeting and provide for the payment therefor by
acres,bounded southerly by the Munroe Cemetery;westerly direct appropriation, by transfer from available funds, or
by the High School lot; northerly by other land of Warren act in any other manner in relation thereto.
E. Russell; and easterly by the Boston & Maine Railroad, Article 9. To see if the Town will authorize the con-
and provide for the payment therefor by the issue of struction of a new Fire Station in East Lexington on the
bonds or notes of the Town, by direct appropriation, by present site and will authorize the Moderator to appoint
transfer from available funds; or act in any other manner a committee of five to obtain plans, specifications and
in relation thereto. estimates for the construction of such station and report
Article 5. To see if the Town will authorize the not later than the next Annual Town Meeting and provide
Trustees of the Cary Memorial Library to obtain plans, for the payment therefor by direct appropriation,by trans-
specifications and estimates for the enlargement of and fer from available funds, or act in any other manner in
additions to the present library building located on the relation thereto.
corner of Massachusetts Avenue and Clarke Street and Article 10. To see if the Town will determine the
provide for the payment therefor by direct appropriation, location of a new East Lexington Fire Station and will
by transfer from available funds; or act in any other authorize the Moderator to appoint a committee of five to
manner in relation thereto. obtain plans, specifications and estimates for the construe-
- Article 6. To see if the Town will authorize the tion of such station and report not later than the next
Selectmen to acquire by purchase or take by eminent Annual Town Meeting and provide for the payment there-
domain on behalf of the Town for the purpose of erecting for by direct appropriation, by transfer from available
a new Central Fire Station, all or a part of the property funds, or act in any other manner in relation thereto.
now belonging to! Elizabeth C. Phelps, on the northeast- Article 11. To see if the Town will grant to the
erly side of Bedford Street bounded as follows: Beginning Colonial Beacon Oil Company the right to lay a four-inch
at a point in the northeasterly sideline of Bedford Street, pipe for the transportation of petroleum products under-
thence by land of Frederic K. Johnson, Inc. and land of neath a part of the Adams School playground, and will
the said Phelps N 72° 28' E distant 275.00 feet to a point; authorize the Selectmen in the name of and on behalf of
thence by land of the said Phelps N 17° 32' W distant the Town to execute a deed for that purpose.
And you are directed to serve this warrant seven days at least before the time of said meeting as
provided in the By-law of the Town.
Hereof fail not, and make due-return on this-warrant, with your doings thereon, to the Town Clerk,
on or before the time of said meeting.
Given under our hands at Lexington, this twenty-second day of May, A. D., 1944.
Constable of Lexington. WILLIAM' G. POTTER