HomeMy WebLinkAbout1924-03-03-TE-WARRANT and 1924-03-10-ATM-WARRANT TOWN WARRANT ,
To either of the Constables of the Town of Lexington„ in said
County, Greeting:
In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts , you are directed
to notify the inhabitants of the Town of Lexington, qualified to
vote in elections and in town affairs to meet at their respective
voting places in said town, (Precinct One , Emerson Hall, Precinct
Two , Town hall) on
MONDAY, THE THIRD DA[ OF MARCH, A o D. , 1924 , at Six o'clock A. M, ,
then and there to act on the following articles
art . 1 . To choose by ballot the following town officers One
Town Clerk for the term of one year , two Selectmen for the term of
three years, one 'Town Treasurer for the term of one year , one
Collector of Taxes for the term of one year , one Cemetery Commissioner
for the. term of three years, one member of the School Committee for
the term of three years , two Constables for the term of one year;
one lvoderator for the term of one year , two- members of the Planning
Board for the term of three years , One Trustee of Public Trusts for
the term of Six years ,
also on the same ballot:
Art, 2. 10 see if the Town will vote for or against granting
licenses for the sale of non-intoxicating beverages , in answer to
the question' "Shall licenses be granted for the sale of non-intoxi-
cating beverages in this town?"
The polls will be open at 6 00 A. M . and will remain open
until •5 00 P . M.
You are also to notify and warn the inhabitants aforesaid
to meet at the Town hall in said town on Monday, the tenth day of
March, 1924 , at k P . M. to act on the following articles
Art. 3. To receive the report of any Board of Town Officers or of
any Committee of the town, and to appoint other Committees .
Art . 4 . To choose such Town Officers as are required by law and
are usually chosen by nomination.
Art . 5 . To see if the Town will make an appropriation for the groper
observance of =iemorial Day, to be expended under the direction -of
Post 119 , Grand. Army of the Republic.
Art . S . To see if the Town will grant sucn sums of money as may be
thought necessary for the uses and expenses of the Town the ensuing
year for the following departments or accounts, direct how the came
shall be raised, or act in any manner relating thereto Public
Schools, Almshouse; Outside Poor; Highways ; Street Lights , Fire
Department; ;appropriation Oommittee , Public Parks , Town Engineerts
Department ; Milk inspector , Plumbing Inspector; Inspectors of Slaugh-
tering, April 19th Celebration; Street Signs; and Cemeteries .
Art. 7 . To see if the Town will make the usual appropriations for
Town expenses the ensuing year , not specified in other articles , or
act in any manner relating thereto.
Art , 8 . To see if the Town- will make an appropriation to construct
sidewalks with concrete or other material where the abuttors will
pay one-half the expense thereof .
Art . 9 . To see if the 'Town will make an appropriation fur the sup-
pression of Gypsy and Brown Tail Moths in accordance with Chap. 132,
General Laws , or act in any manner relating thereto .
Art . 10 . To see if the Town wil_1 make an appropriation to provide
funds for the payment of pensions to retiredAveterans under Chap .32 ,
Sect . 52-55 , General Laws , or act in any manner relating thereto .
Art . 11 . To see if the Town will vote to appropriate and assess an
amount of money to be used as a Reserve :Fund as provided =try Chap . 40,
Sect . 6, General Laws , or take any action relating thereto .
Art . 12. To see if the Town will appropriate funds for the pay-
ment of pensions to retired members of the Police and Fire Depart-
ments under Chap . 32 , General Laws , or act in any manner relating
thereto .
flrt . 13. To see if the Town will authorize their Treasurer, under
the direction of the Selectmen, to borrow money for any necessary
purposes , in anticipation of revenue for the current year, the same
to be repaid directly from the proceeds of raid revenue , or act in
any manner relative thereto .
Art . 14 . To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $350, or some other amount , and elect a director for demon-
stration work in agriculture and home economics , the money to be
expended by, and the director to serve in cooperation with the County
Trustees for Aid to Agriculture of the 'uidd.lesex County Bureau of
agriculture =>--- and Home
Economics , under the provisions of Sections 40 to 45 , Chap . 128 ,
General Laws of Massachusetts .
Art . 15 . To see if the town will reimburse the chairman of the
Planning Board for the sums advanced by and through him and paid. for
services of Edward -THartman in connection with framing and present_ng
to the townAunder Chapters 40 and 143 of the General Laws , and for
printing and distributing report of the Planning Board with respect
bo said Zoning plan and notices for hearings preliminary to the same
and to raise and appropriate money therefor or act in any manner in
relation thereto .
Art . 16 . To see if the Town will vote to furnish snow plow service
on the following named streets : foreland Avenue , gilliam Avenue and
Oakland Avenue , or act in any manner relating thereto .
Art . 17 . To see if the Town will vote to extend water mains in the
following unaccepted streets Bridge Street , Payson r.,treet and
Grassland Street, which extensions approximate 2775 feet, appro-
priate money for the same by bond issue , or otherwise , or take
any action relating thereto.
art . 18 . To see if the Town. will vote to appropriate $600 for
s.Qtughter inspection for the ensuing year , or act in any manner
relating thereto .
Art . 19 . 1'o see if the town will vote to appoint a committee of
citizens to investigate the operation and efficiency of the present
form of town government and. the administration of the business
affairs of any of the departments of the town,. and to ascertain the
causes of any waste , extravagance and inefficiency in connect_ on
therewith, and make a report to the town with such recommen.dations
as it deems advisable, such committee to -have full authority to
takee -such steps -or action as may be deemed proper and necessary to
examine any books , records , accounts , correspondence and documents
of any board, department,, officer , agent or employee of the town,
and to request or summon any officer , agent or employed of the town
to appear and give such information as he may have relating to any
affairs of the town under investigation, and also to employ special
counsel if the committee shall deem it necessary so to do , and if
the town so votes to see if it will also provide or appropriate
any sum of money for the use of such committee or to act in any
other manner relating to an investigation of the operation or
administration of the business affairs of the town.
Art . 20. To see if the town will vote to rename or to recommend
the renaming of any or all of the following streets having the
same name , viz:
Ban St. leading from datertown St.
Bowman St .. " Bedford St.
Cedar St . „ " Mass . Ave..
Cedar St. " " Reed St.
Eustis St. tri " Bloomfield St.
Eustis St. " ;' Asbury St.
Fairview rave . " " School at .
Fairviet` aye . " ri Wood St.
.cern St . I' n Pleasant- St.
Fern St. " Dell =ave.
Grove St. Leading from Burlington St.
Grove St . " Reed St .
Hill St. " " Bedford St.
Hill St. " " 'Wood St.
"Hillside Ave . " " Mass . Ave.
Hil lside- Ave . " " Lee Asre .
Hillcrest Ave. ° " Pottier Ave. -
Hillcrest Ave. " " Mass . Ave .
Homestead St . " ii
Jedar St.
Homestead St. " " Masc . Ave .
Madison Ave. i „ K ".
Madison Ave-. " „ Tower St.
Maple St. II TI ,':ass . Ave .
Maple St. IT " Reed St.
Oak St. Maple St.
Oak St. II " W.ass . Ave.
Reed St.. " " Lowell St.
Reed St. " " Bedford St.
Snring St. it 0 Middle St.
Spring St. " " Reed St .
-Summit Ave. " n Qo.l,onial AYe, -.
Su iat Ave . --- -Tr rr Mass'. Ave. - a
Vine St. " r, uoburn St.
Vine St. " " Laurel St.
walnut St. " " Concord Ave.
walnut St. II it Grove St.
Summer St. " " Bedford St.
Summer St. " It Spring St.
Sumner St. II " Lowell St.
or act in any manner relating there-to.
Art. 21 . To sem if the town will take any action with reference
to the Memorial Banner bearing the names ofAeight men of Lexington
who gave their lives for their country in the World War , which
was nre9euted by the Welcome Home Committee to the town through the
Selectmen in February 1919 , - whether the same shall be suitably
displayed in the town hall as originally planned* or turned over
to the Stanley Hill Post of the American Legion, and to appronri-
ate money therefor , or take any other action in relation. thereto ,
A.rt, 22 , To see if the Town will vote to accert Section 42 a, B,
u , B, F, of chapter 40 of the General Laws as referred to in
Uhapter 391 of the Acts of 1923 being an act relative to the col-
lection of water rates ,
s.rt, 23 . To see if the lawn will vote to aprro-,riate money for the
use of the ater and Sewer Department and to provide same by issuance
of bonds , notes or by direct appropriation or by any or all of such
methods , or take any other action releting thereto ,
Art . 24 . To see if the 'Town will vote. to appro,Jriate money- to widen
and deepen the brooks in the Town so as to obtain better surface
m rainage , or take any other action relating thereto ,
art , 25 . To see if the Town will vote to appropriate money for the
construction of additional sewers and to provide same by the issuance
of binds , notes or by direct appropriation, or by any or all of such
methods or to take any other action relating thereto ®
Art ,. 26 . To pee if the Town will. vote tq. appropriate money ,for the, _.
installation e water mains in the following unaccepted streets
Grape Vine lzvenue; Hayes Lane and Fletcher Avenue , which extensions
will approximate 1450 feet , or take any action relating thereto .
art, 27. To see if the 'Town will petition the Legislature for
auttori.ty to borrow money outside the statutory limit of indebtedness
for the purpose of constructing schoolhouses or additions to school-
houses , or act in. any manner relating thereto .
Art , 28 . To see if the Town will appoint a Building Committee of
Seven of which three shall be the School 5om_nittee to secure architect' s
plans and contractor' s bids for a new High school Building and an
addition of four zooms to the Parker School on substantially the
plans as recommended by the Committee on Increased School accommodations
and provide by appropriation and assessment , or otherwise , the money
necessary for such purpose , or take any other action relative thereto ,
art . 29 . To see what action, if any, the Town will take with
reference to the disposal of its garbage , refuse , and offal by
contract or otherwise , or act in any manner relating thereto .
Art, 30. To see if the Town will vote to construct a water main in
Bennett and Tarbell Avenues a distance of about eco feet make an
appropriation for same or act in any other manner relating thereto .
Art . 31 . To hear the report of the Uommittee appointed with refer-
ence to repairs on the Stone Building, and to see if the Town will
vote to accept the recommendation of the Committee , and if so , to
see if the Town will vote to provide the necessary funds therefore
by appropriating or borrowing the same on the notes or bonds of the
Town, .or act in any manner relating thereto .
Art . 32 . To receive the report of the committee on the revision.
of the Building Law, appropriate money for the publication of same,
or take any action relating theret:o.,.
Art , 33 . To see if the Town. will vote to install a water main in
Spring Street from Middle Street, southwesterly, a distance of 900
feet, appropriate money for the same by bond. issue , or otherwise , or
take any action relating thereto .
Art . 34 , To see if the Towma will vote to appropriate funds for the
purchase of a tract of land containing gravel. -and sand for use on
the Town highways , and to provide same by the issuance of bonds ,
notes or by direct appropriation, or by any or all of such methods
or to take any other action relating thereto .
Arte 35 , To hear the report of the Committee on Memorial IIonor
Roll, take action thereon and make an appro1riation not exceeding
four hundred dollars in accordance therewith.
nth 36 . To Ree if the town , upon the report and recommendation
of the Planning :Uoard, or otherwise , will vote to amend the ByL,La e
of the town by ac. ''int thereto one or more articles for restrict-on
of particular classes of buildings and buildings to be used for
particular purposes to and for excluding them from spec —fled. dis-
tricts or zones of the tonin, under the provisions of Chapter 40,
Sections 25 to 30 inclusive , and Chapter 143 , Section 3 . of the
General Laws of iiasrachusettn , or act in any manner in relation
thereto .
.ereof,. .fai not, -and: make due 'return of this itarrant,
with your do;_ 5 thereon, to the Town 'ilerk, on or before the
time of said meeting.
Given under our hands , at Lexington, this twelfth day of
February, A. B. 1924 .
. . . . . ee ® s . . r‘'ea SELECTMEN
/m / /tel
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7 .