HomeMy WebLinkAbout1923-09-24-STM-WARRANT TOWN WARRANT COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS. MIDDLESEX, SS. To either of the Constables of the Torn of Lexington, in said County Greeting : In the name of the commonwealth onwealth of idla,seacnusette , you are directed to notify the inhabitants of the Tovm of Lexington, qualified to vote in elections and in town affairs to meet in the Town Hall in said Lexington, on MONDAY, TIL T'ZEA?Y-FGURTH LAY OF SEPTEMELlar 1923 , at eight u ' clock Pr m. , then and there to act on the following articles .rt . 1 . To receive the report of any Board of Town 3fficers or of any Uommittee of the town for action thereon, and to appoint other Uommittees . Art. 2 . To see if the Town will vote to establish as town rays or to accept the lay out ac town ways of an extension of Forest Ntreet to 4i ssachk etts' i:venuc also the lay out of a new way extending in semi-circle from Forest street Extension north to Forest dtreet Extension south, also jackeon Court from Parker Street to Forest Ltreet 2xteneion*,kand as shoran upon a certain. plan on file in the office of the Town. Clerk., al3 as laid out by) Ithe 3eiectmen, or act in any manner relating thereto . Art. 3 . To see if the Town will appropriate money for contemplated construction work and. memorials in preparation for the celebration of the 150th Anniversary of the Battle .of Lexington in 1925 , and to provide- necessary funds by issue of bonds, notes or otherwise ,- or act in any manner relating thereto . Art . 4 . To see if the town will vote to have the Board of soes^sors ' valuation lists of real and personal property for the years 1922 and 1923 published and distributed among the tax payers of the town ands if sot to provide funds for the same , or to act in any manner in relation thereto . Art. 5 . To see if the To,bn will vote to provide sufficient money to care for the following Accounts for the balance of the year : lntere2t , Forest Fires ; Board of Health; Vital Statistics , Dealer cf jeights heastures , inspectors of Slaughtering , assessor. , Other Finance uffices & Accounts ; .Law wept . , 'Clerk, ochoo:! Oo>w,mi_ttee , Koth Dept e ; 2n.gineer Jep t e , cel eCt en; i`arks and Playgrounds , Tow!'1. a 11 ; After .'e_tit . , Village Hall; Sewer Oonnectione ; Sidewalks ; Unclassified, and Stone Building (Hepairs) s either by transfer of unexpended balances or by issue of notes or bond.e or otherwise , or act in any manner relating thereto. Art. 6 . To see if the Town will accept the gift of Le sro . calmer, et al . of the memorial honor Roll which now stands upon the Town Hall lot, or act in any manner relating tnerttoc art. 7 . to see if the Town will vote to authorize the Board of Selectmen and Public 'Works to purchase a gravel pit , and to ore-gide the necessary funds for same by the issuance of bonds, notes , or otherwise , or act in any manner relating thereto. Art . 8. To see if the Town will vote to extend water mains in the following unaccepted streets Bertweil RoadsOedar St . and Grant St. which extensions will approximate 2400 feet , appropriate money for the same by the issuance of bonds , :otes9 or otherwise . or act in any manner reia tLag to c.re- tc . Art. 9 . To st e if the Town. will appropriate money for the -purchase of water main \vnich has been laid at the ;17pe nse of property owners and w'rc;.ch is connected with our water system, in the following unaccepted gray St. 'ia.:rgaret Avenue , or act in. any manner relating thereto. art . 10. To see if the town will appropriate money and provide the necessary funds by the issuance of bonds or notes or otherwise , for the lowering of Vine irook from the junction of the north and south branches of Vine Brook to Sherman Streets or act in any manner relating thereto. :a.rt. 11 . To see if the Tthra will vote to appropriate money for the extension of rater mains. and provide the necessary funds by transfer of accounts . or by issue of notes or bonds or otherwise. or act in any manner relating thereto . _. Art. 12. To see if the Town will vote to reccit_d the vote passed at a town meeting held. September 199 19229 which reads as follows ° "Voted That the sum of $1230 be appropriated for the extension of the water main in. Concord A,renue from its present end. near Che premises of Clarence H. Uutler9 a distance of approximately 325 feet. and for the purpose of raising, the mune;; so appropriated the Town Treasurer be and hereby is authorized to sell under the direction and with the aalproval of the Jelectmen a note or notes of the town of the aggregate principal amount of $1200 bearing interest zit a rate not to exceed 6;0 per annum, payable semi annually. said note or notes to be payable not more than two years from the date the,-eof" a Art. 130 To see if the Town :"rill vote to rescind that part of the vote passed at the Torn j,'a eti a ; May 229 19229 which relates to the issuing of bonds to provide funds for connecting ,.:4'e''ellinzge and other buildings with public sewers . Art. 14 . 2o see if the Town. trill vote to furnish snow plow service on Tarbell Avenil.e ,, or act in. try other manner relating thereto . :art . 15. To see if the Town will vote to install electric lights on Tarbell _venue , or act in any other manner relating thereto. hereof, fail not . and make due return of this ,arrant, with your doinre thereon, to the Town Clerk, on or before the time of said meeting. Given under our hands , at Lexingtcn9 this eleventh day of LJeptember9 A. u. , 1923 . SELEC II N s LO t 4,<'tQ, '.,t <<' a'/ a .1 0 11 ` s 0Ju,0 0 0 4NM61tl/ . ) lad . av i