HomeMy WebLinkAbout1923-03-05-TE-WARRANT and 1923-03-12-ATM-WARRANT TOWN WARRANT. COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS MIDDLESEX, SS. County, To either of the ,onssta lee of the Town of Lexinotan, in said county, Greeting: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts , you ,ire directed to notify the inhabitants of the Town of Lexington, sualified to vote in elections and in town, affaire, to meet at their respective voting places in said. town, (Precinct Two , Town Fall , Precinct One , Emerson Hall) on MONDAY, THE FIFTH DAY OF MARCH, A.D., 1923 , at Six o' clock A. M. , then and there to act on the following articles: Art , 1. To choose by ballot the followtog town officers : One Town Clerk for the term of one year , one ;3electman for the term of one year tto fill a vacancy) , two Jelectmen for the term of three years, one Town Treasurer for the term of one year; one Collector of Taxes for the term of one year, one cemetery Commissioner for the term of three years, one member of the School Committee for the term of three years , two Constables for the term of one year , one Moder- ator for the term of one year; two members of the Planning Board for the term of three. years . Also on the same ballot Art. 2. TO see if the Town will vote for or against granting licensee for the sale of non-intoxicating beverages , in answer to the Question. "Shall licenses be granted for the sale of non-intoxicating beverages in this town?" The poll© will be onen at 6 00 A. L. and will remain open until 5 F. M. You are also to notify and warn the inhabitants aforesaid to meetjat the Town Fall in said town on Monday, the twelfth day of barch, 1923 , at 8 _. to act on the following articles . Art . 3 . lo receive the report of any Board of Town Officers or of any Committee of the town for action thereon, and to a000int other Uomrni ttees. Art. 4 . To choose such Town Officers as are required b„ law and are us::ally chosen by nomination. Art . 5 . To see if the Town will make an appropriation for the proper observance of Memorial Day to be expended under the direction of Poet 119 , Grand army of the liepublic . Art . 6 . To see if the Town will grant such sums of money as may be thought necessary for the uses and expenses of the Town the ensuing year for the following departments or accounts , direct how the same shall be raised, or act in any manner relating thereto Public schools, almshouse, sutside Poor , highways; street Lights , Fire Jepc..rtment, Appropriation Committee , Public Parks , Lown Engineer' s Department; milk Inspector, i lui=ibing inspector, inspectors of Slaughtering, April 19th Celebration, Street Signs , and !lemeteries . Art. 7 . To see .f the Town will make the usual appropriat.,ons for J'own expenses the ensuing year , not specified in other articles , or act in any manner 'elating thereto . Art. 8 . To see if the Town will make an appropriation to ernetruct sidewalks with concrete or other material where the abuttors trill pay one-half the expense thereof. Art, 9 . To see if the own rill make an appropriu,tron fol the sup- pression of Gypsy and Brown ; ail Moths in accordance with Jhap . 132, General Laws, or act in any manner relating thereto . Art. 10 . To see if the Ton will mak an appropriation to provide funds for the payment of pensions to retired town veterans under Chap . 32, Jest. 5.d-55 , General Laws, or act in any manner relating thereto. Art. 11 . To vee if the 'Town will vote to appropriate and assess an :.mount of money to be used as a Reserve lUnd, as provided by Jhap.40, _ect. 6, General Laws, or take any action relating thereto. Art. 12. To see If the Town will appro.pri_.te funds for the payment of pensions to retired members of the Police and :'ire J;epart.ments under Chap. 32 , General Laws , or act in any manner relating thereto . Art . 13. To see if the 'J?OCv`r will authorize theirTreasure: , under the direction of the ielectmer., to borrow money for any necessary purposes , in anticipation of revenue for the current year , the came to be repaid directly from the proceed„ of said revenue , or act in any manner relative thereto . Art. 14 . Tn see if the towh will vote to raise and appropriate the snm of 43350, or some other amount, and elect a director for demonstration ?Fork in agriculture and home economics , the money to be extended by , tnd the director to serve in cooperation with the County 2rustees for Md to =+gric::_1ture of the Liddleeex ouity Bureau of i:gricuiture and Home =conom.:ic. , under the provisions oI" he.cuions 40 to 45 , 'Chap . 128 , weneral Laws of 31faseachusetts . art. 15. To see if the TO= will authorize the Selectmen_ to entail-id a Lommittee of citizens to investigate and report at the next town meeting, on the possibility of F:Bi•a O1_cP.13"ig a town .Cr Fi"L and to appropriate the sum of $100 for the use of the committee for this purpose. irt. 16 . 10 see if the Town will authorize the .exington Historical Society to place upon the foundation of the 'uaptain .fdrker ;statue, on the side f::,ciug the Uommon, a bronze tablet bearing the names of ana commemorating the seventy-seven minute-ren who participated in the battle of Lexi gtont or to -cake ar_y action relative to such a tablet. :,rt. 17 . To hear the report of the Committee appointed to consider and prepare plr.:ns for the approoriatc observance of Anril 10 , 1925 , and to tae:e whatever action may be necessary thereon. .zrt. 18 . lo see if the Town will vote to nay to trs . Harry B . Osgood, j`redericl= A. tankard and Claxence J. Shannon, ylU0 each for materials used in dental wort for school children during the years 1920 and 1981 , or act in any manner relatirg thereto. _rt. 19 . To see if the Town will rote to install two street lights on Cottage Lt eet, or act in any manner relating ui rcto . 1nse rted at .request of ihilip 2 . Leaf, et al ) ,.rt. 20. To :'ee ii the loin will vote to (,;rant snow plow service on armcrest .:,.venue, or act in any manner relating thereto. ( ]inserted at request of d. U. 2mil 'Gramstorff , et al ) ,rt . 21 . To see if the town will vote to authorize snow plow service on York .street, make an approtri;.tlon therefore , or take any action relative thereto . (Inserted at request of kFrtha sileyi ,:rt. 22. To see if the town will authorize the Board of Selectmen and Public works to expend the balance of the i 35 ,000 bond issue designated ''Lexington Hi3hwa' loan, !pct o'f 1921° , for the rurpose0 of permanent road construction under specifications approved by the :Jassa.cauvette ±)eta.rtment of Public =corks , and in such locations as the Board of teleotmon and. rublic aorks shall deterr.7t1'-e , of act in any manner relating thereto . r:' to 23 . see if the Town will vote to tranLfer from the Highway construction rccount , y:l2, 3 and from the aoburn ..treet improve- ment account , $360 ,E0 to the i:if4away Uo etruction account ( -aple and Lowell atreets) , or act in any manner relating thereto. art . 24 . To see if the To 'na will appoint a committee to ravine the bulldlns:; laws , appropriV.te money for the puolishing of same, or act in any manner relating thereto. _;rt. 25 . To see if the Town will vote to install a -rater main in -deed atreet (north Lexington) from ventre .street to ll.aple :street, a dsstanee of 520 feet, and on kaple Street from reed. Street easterly to va,ko Street , a distance of 320 feet, appropriate money fox the same, or act in any manner rel ..titing thereto , (ansorted at reciuest of h ibert E . Lecke , et al) art . 26 . To see if the 1;`Liu. will vote to extrd wn t ,r mair e in t:.F. :.ol1CT.r_:-P; un?cce'_ted. streets;. .e}udall. _o:Ad, __ill op 'avenue and Brookside %.venue , which extensions will approximate 1200 feet, appropriate money for the earn by bond issue , or otherwise , or take any action relating thereto . (Inserted_ at request of =.eil .._oantoc ) vrt, 27 . To see if the Lown will 47ote to appropriate money for the use of the 'u , ter and sewer Department and to i oxide same by issuance of bongs , notes or by direct appropriation or by any or all of such methods , or take any other action relating; thereto. ..rt. g3 . To see if the 'lows will vote to appropriate money to widen and deepen the brooks in the Town so as to obtain. better surface drainage , or take any other action relating thereto . art. 29 . To see if the Town will vote to appropriate money for the construction of additional sewers am_ to provide came by the issuance of bonds , notes or by direc A.o appropriation, or by any or all of such met—de or to takce any other action relating thereto . art . 30. To see if the town will appropriate money for the pur- chase of water mains w !ie_a have been laid at the expense of property owners and which are corrected with our, *gamer system, in the follow- ing unaccepted ways: &arriott =t , shay ee: 'Estate ) , lard Street; York :.'treet '.+ebb .)Lreet, jum it head, - argaret ,venue; 2orest Street; -:i.g hland r+venue and _ ottier --venue, or act in any manner relating theret0 . Art . 3l . •!'0 see if the tow, will tovote ls extend water ;L`E.1= in Jt, iv:argcarEt -venue , from its pre Cent end near the house of jeorge 1 . Davis to Adams rtreet, a distance of aperoxim.tely 1300 feet, and appropriate money for same by bond issue , or otherwise , or talcs any action. relating thereto . ( Inserted at request of Trod , Sawyer) r,rt , 32. To see if the town will 'rote to extend d : ater main in Chase i Venue, from its present end, a distance of approximately 300 feet, atpropri;,te money for the came by bond issue , or other- wise , or faze any action relating thereto . ( Inserted at request of Joseph L. Dahlstrom, et al) Art , 33. To see if the. tow will vote to extend water main in Hayes Lane , from Fletcher Avenue L. distance of approximately 900 feet, appropria..,e money for the same by bond issue , or .o-unerwise, or ta=e any action rel,:0ting thereto. nserted .t request of Harry h., Aldrich) an , Ji . 10 nee 11 tx-e ToNfi wiii vote to recto JId. the so-called Code of iy-Laws and all action relating thereto taken at the adjourned Town i-eetings held June 19th, 27th, 28th, 1922, respectively. Art . 35 . To see if the town will vote to :pay or ratify the pay- ment of the bill o the publication of the new code of by-laws in the Lexington linute-lian, and if the balance of the by-law appropriation is insufficient for such payment to provide additional funds therefor, or act in any manner relating thereto , ( inverted at the request of Edwin a. Bayley) Art. 36 . Lo see if the town will vote to rublich the new code of by-laws in the Lexington 'Times and provide Punas therefor , or act in any manner relating thereto . " ( Inserted at the request of Edwin.,. .3ayle_y) Art, 37. To see if the Town will vote to ratify and confirm the Code of by-Laws adopted by this Town on June 19th, 27th and 28th, 1922, as approved by the Attorney General of the •Commonwealth under the date of January 6, 1923, or act in any manner relating thereto. (Inserted at request of Edwin A. Bayley) Art, 38, To see if the Town will vote to have the -Lew Code of by-Laws published in pamphlet form, and provide money for the same. Hereof , fail not, and make due return of this : arrant , with your doinrc thereon, to the Town C1•-.rk, on or before the time of said meeting. Given under our hands , at Lexington thin nineteenth day of February, A. L. , 1973 , y y .Min , may. . e ' .... "14- > SELECT,O,'N m n O .. (.) ateteati - lat4_e4 / \ ) LEXI:;(Tpf ,