HomeMy WebLinkAbout1922-05-22-STM-WARRANT TOWN WARRANT . COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS. MIDDLESEX, SS. To either of the Constables of the town of Lexington in said County, Greeting: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are directed to notify the inhabitants of the Town of Lexington, qualified to vote in elections and in town affairs to meet in the Town Hall in said Lexington, on MONDAY, THE TWENTY-SECOND DAY OF MAY, A. D. 1922, at eight o' clock P . M. , then and there to act on the following articles: Art. 1. To receive the report of any Board of Town Officers or of any Committee of the town for action thereon, and to appoint other Committees . Art. 2. To choose such Town Officers as are required by law and are usually chosen by nomination. Art. 3. To take such action as the Town may deem expedient on the report of the 'Selectmen Under-Te vote of the Town passed at a meeting held March 13, 1922 whereby the Selectmen were instructed to establish convenient Voting Precincts. Art. 4. To see if the Town will authorize the Selectmen to enter into a contract with the Department of Public Works, Division of Highways , for the construction of any State High- tray which may be laid out in the Town, during the present year, or take any action relating thereto. Art. 5. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate and to raise by issuance of bonds, notes or otherwise a sum of money for the macadamizing, widening or constructing of streets in the town, and to authorize the Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, to borrow any or all of said sum, or to take any action relative thereto. Art. 6. To see if the Town will vote to install electric lights on Albemarle Avenue , Arcadia Avenue and Rindge Avenue, or act in any other manner relating thereto . (Inserted at request of William M. Aquaro , et al) Art. 7. To see if the Town will vote to furnish snow plow service on Albemarle Avenue , Arcadia Avenue , Rindge Avenue and Rawson Avenue from Albemarle Avenue to Lowell Street, or act in any other manner relating thereto. (Inserted at request of William M. Aquaro , et a1) Art. 8 . To see if the Toni will make an appropriation;-for the use of the Department of Public Works , or act ir; ,a°n3Snner relating thereto. Art. 9. To see if the Town will vote to install one Electric light on Webb Street, off Woburn Street, or act in any manner relating thereto. (Inserted at request of James A. Pratt, et al) Art. 10. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Board of Selectmen and Public Works_ to purchase or take by eminent domain for highway or street widening purposes any part or all of Parcels A. and B . as outlined in red on a plan entitled "Plan of land in Lexington belonging to the Boston and Maine Railroad, May 9 , 1922, Scale 1" equals 20 feet, J . Henry Duffy, Town Engineer, Lexington" , and-provide by appropriation and assessment or otherwise the money necessary for such taking or purchase or take any other action relative thereto. Art. 11 . To see if the Town will vote to authorize the ^Board of -Selectmen and Public Works to purchase or take by eminent domain for highway or street widening purposes any part or all of Parcel A as outlined in red on a plan entitled "Plan of land in Lexington belonging to the Boston and Maine Railroad, May 9 , 1922, Scale 1" equals 20 feet, J . Henry Duffy, Town Engi- neer, Lexington" , and provide by appropriation and assessment or otherwise the money necessary for such taking or purchase or take any other action relative thereto. Art. 12. To pee if the Town will authorize the Board of Select- men and Public Works to accept as a gift to the Tbwn for such municipal purposes as may hereafter be determined, any part or all of Parcel 0 as outlined in red on a plan entitled "Plan of land in Lexington belonging to the Boston and Maine Railroad, May 9 , 1922, Scale 1" equals 20 feet, -J . Henry Duffy, Town Engineer , Lexington" provided said parcel is purchased by private sub- scription and offered to the Town within sixty days of the date of this meeting or take any action relative thereto . Art . 13 . To see if the Town will authorize the Board of Selectmen and Public Works to purchase or take by eminent domain for highway or street widening purposes or accept as a gift to the Tot for such municipal purposes, as may hereafter be determined, part or all of Parcels A, B, and C as outlined in red on the plan entitled, "Plan of land in Lexington belonging to the Boston and Maine Railroad, May 9 , 1922, Scale 1" equals '20 feet, J. Henry Duffy, Town Engineer , and provide by appropriation and assessment or otherwise, the money necessary if by taking or purchase or take any action relative thereto . Art. 14 . To see if the town will vote to appropriate and to raise by issuance of bonds a sum of money to be used for the purpose of making sewer connections with: the present sewer system and authorize the treasurer with the approval of the Selectmen to borrow any or all of said sum or take, any action relative- thereto. Art. 15 . To see if the Town will vote to acquire as a part of its water distribution system, the 8 inch main which has been laid at the expense of abutters in Pollen Road and reimburse them the cost of said main, to appropriate a- sum of money not to exceed $11,000 ,00 necessary for such reimbursement,, and to provide same by the issuance of Bonds, Notes , or direct appropriation, or by any or all of such methoda , or ;to take any other action relative thereto , Art. 16. To see if the Town will vote to install water mains on Pinewood Street and Summit Road from Pollen Road to connect with the main now laid in Summit Road, and to appropriate money for the same either by notes or serial bonds or otherwise , or act in any manner relating thereto . Art, 17 . To see if the Town will vote to accept Section 97 of Chapter 41 of the General Laws of Massachusetts 1421, or. act in any manner relating thereto. Hereof, fail not , and make due return of this Warrant, with your doings thereon, to the Town Clerk , on or before the time of said meeting. Given under our hands , at Lexington, this ninth day of May , 1922. 'leen ilei:. •i .) SELECTMEN Q 1I 'r, . . . r I; ) OF 481110 me . . . .///{// ./• • ' • • * snow * * . • . . • . • . • • • • . . • • • • :`1.1.• • . • • , ) LEXINGTON•