HomeMy WebLinkAbout1922-02-06-STM-WARRANT TOWN WARRANT COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS. MIDDLESEX, SS. To either of the Constables of the Town of Lexington, in paid elanty, Greeting: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts,, you are directed, to notify the inhabitants of the Town of Lexington, qualified to vote in elections and in town affairs to meet in the Town Hall F ? fI in said Lexington, on ;MONDAY, TE'n SIXTH DAY OF IFEBEUAIff, A. D. 1922, at two o ' clock F . Ir . , then and there to act on the following articles Art. 1. To receive the report of any Board of Town Officers or of any Committee of the town for action thereon, and to appoint other Committees; Art. 2. To see if the Town will vote to accept the provisions of Chapter 1 , Acts of 1922, being an Act "Authorizing the Selectmen of the Town of Lexington to act as a Board of Public 'vorks exercising the Powers of Oertain Other Boards and Town Officers , " which reads as follows. Section 1 . The board of selectmen of the town of Lexington, as constituted from time to time, from and after the annual meeting held following the, acceptance of this act, shall also be a board of public works , and in said capacity shall have and exercise, under the designation of selectmen, all the powers and duties now or from time to time vested by general law in the following boards and officers in said town, to wit:- the road commissioners, overseers of the poor, wetter and sewer commissioners, park commissioners , board of health, board of survey, and tree warden, and such boards and officers shall thereupon be abolished. No contracts or liabilities then in force shall be affected by such abolition, but the selectmen, acting as said board, shall in all respects be the lawful successor of the boards and officers so abolished. At the first annual meeting of the town held after said acceptance , the number of the selectmen shall be increased to five , subject to change, however , as provided by chapter forty-one of the General Laws . Such increase shall be effected by electing at said annual meeting one selectman for one year , one for two years and one for three years : and at each annual meeting thereafter the town shall elect their successor or successors for terms of three years . Section 2. The selectmen shall appoint, and fix the compensation of , a superintendent of public works, who shall administer , under the supervision and direction of the selectmen, such departments of the town as the selectmen may designate . He shall be responsible for the efficient administration of all departments within the scope of his duty, and shall hold office subject to the will of the selectmen. He shall be specially fitted by education, training, and experience to perform the duties of said office , and may or may not be a resident of the town. Daring his tenure he shall hold no other elective or appointive office , nor shall he be engaged in any other business or occupation. He shall give bond to the town for the faithful performance of his duties in such sums , upon such conditions and with such surety or sureties as the selectmen may require , and shall , subject to the approval of the selectmen, appoint such assistants , agents and employees as the performance of the duties of the various departments under hie supervision may require . He shall keep full and complete records of the doings of his office, and render to the selectmen ae often as they may require, a full report of all operations under his control during the period reported upon; and annually, or from time to time as required by the selectmen, he shall make a synopsis of all such reports for publication. He shall keep the selectmen fully advised as to the needs of the town within the scope of his duties, and shall furnish to the selectmen on or before January fifteenth in each year, a carefully prepared and detailed estimate in writing of the appropriations required during the ensuing fiscal year for the proper conduct of all departments of the town under his supervision. Section 3. The acceptance of this act shall have the effect of a vote by the town, under section twenty-one of said chapter forty-one, that assessors be appointed by the selectmen. Section 4 . In accordance with the provisions of section - twenty-three of said chapter forty-one, the said town at any time after three years following the acceptance of this act, may rescind-, in whole or in part, all action taken under its pro- visions. Section 5 . For the purpose of its submission to the voters, this act shall take effect upon its passage : but it dhall not take further effect unless accepted by a majority of the voters of said town, present and voting thereon at a meeting called for the purpose not later than twenty days before the aritual town meeting. Art. 3. To see if the Town will authorize the Board of Selectmen to dispose of the stone crusher and equipment, or act in any other manner relating thereto . Art. 4 . To see if the Town will authorize the Selectmen to _ _ _appoint a Committee of Citizens to inyyestigaea, and..:retams_e4w, the next town meeting on the possibility of establishing a Town Forest and to appropriate the sum of $25 .00 for the use of the committee for this purpose . The election officers will receive votes under Article 2 "n ballots prepared for that purpose ._ The polls will be open as soon as possible after the organization of the meeting and will be kept open until eight o ' clock F. M. at which time further business may be transacted. „.. Hereof., fail ,not. and =tics due returni,og this Warrant .. with .youi. doings thereon, to the Ton Clerk , on or before the time of said. meeting,. 4 und.er our hands , at LexinEton, this twenty f our th clay of January D. , 1921 . • metess • • • •• • • • ) SELEOIMET • AL ro,. 10 . ) IOCINGTOIV.