HomeMy WebLinkAbout1921-12-09-STM-WARRANT TOWN WARRANT . COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS. MIDDLESEX, SS. To either of the Constables of the Town of Lexington, in said County, Greeting: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are directed to notify the inhabitants of the Town of Lexington, qualified to vote in elections and in town affairs to meet in the Town Hall in said Lexington,, on FRIDAY, Twi. NINTH DAY 0 DECEMBER, A. D. , 1921, at seven forty-five o' clock F . M. , then and there to act on the following articles ; Art. 1. To receive the report of any Board of Town Officers or of any Committee of the town for action thereon, and to appoint other Committees . Art. 2. To see if the Town will vote to grant the use of the Town Hall to Stanley Hill Post No. 38 , The American Legion, without charge therefor, or act in any manner relating thereto . Art. 3. To Bee if the Town will vote to abate the charges made against Stanley Hill Post, No . 38 , The American Legion, for use of the Town Hall on April 19 , 1921 and November 11,1921, or act in any manner relating thereto. & tt 4. T2r-O*1.:TO the VeVoTtof t4eH0b41,Pliaae' OZk Arm ' T014-Ocivernaalgtt,'"Olfkla 7440,4-17ciPO* 10 04-7:6144teOlth .thice , Warrant, take-arky actien toward Carrying out their recommendations!, or act in any Manner relating therete. Art. 5, .To receive and aot upg&tha_printed report of the Corn® mittee on. Hevisionef thejBuilding Law of the Town, copies of which report are circulated with thia !arrant, or act in any 151an1er relating thereto. An, 4: To See “: the Town will vote tcprovideaufficient money to CarIs. ter the foliewing Accounts for the balance of the year: gighWay RepartMsnt; Outpide, Aid; Cary & p &i 14bram, Lard Ot Health; Aaseesprs; Town Hall; POlibe4Department; , Forest Fires; Street Light04 ,;nterest, Building inspector, Vire Pepartment; *ow- RemovaI4 '2reasureri_ Thaelassifiedi Farks antiTlaygrennde; TreeMardenand -Other Finance Offices and Accounts4 site; by transfer exChT443"VeAcisd 13444?4e0e07 by tin* of nates ioibonds or eAerWiSatc, 0,41' act, UStr. ;'44344Mthereto. art-. 7. To see ifthe Town Will vote to transfer from, the Road peMmiseieners, to the ,ParkfcbmmisSioners, the care an4 Maintenance c*1 certain triangle* or open FSSCøS it the 2COn of Lexington. said triangles or open spaces being, apagificaily detailed and shown on a plan entitled ',Flan to accompany vote of the Town December 1,921 transferring from the Road, Commissioners to the Fark Qom.- ,miesioners the, pare and Maintenance of certain triangles or open iPaces in the own of Leatitigton4 Scale 14' ,100! November 25 , 19219 -- Ic.112,1t, Dig ToWn Vinoneevti, ;tn4e? FaaappropriatiOn for suet) care and maintenance Or take any other: actio2aF relative thereto, Art, 8 To see it the Town will install and maintain atreet ,lights-on WilSon Aysnne and 41.re „417-p4448 14 sufficient number to pro ;t1 144 pai4 streets, make aniappropriation therefor, . or take4any action relatiye thereto4 F - - 4 424t... 9 To see ,if the 'Ton. .will Vote to authorize ono* plow service in the future on Yilso .Aue:'nu'e and Cliff Avenue, hake an appropriation therefor or take anyaction relative thereto. Art 10. To .see if the. Town will wake an appropriation to be expended by the Water and :Peltier C,emmieeioners in.-deepening:,, w 'eteriing and othet:Pelee improvi .g the';"irooket strearie, water couraes or drains of the Town or;portions thereof., so as to provide for better surface drainage and to determine the mean© of raising the moneys required. to meet any aa'propriation made under this article or act in any manner relating thereto. Hereof, fail riot, and make due return of this Warrant, a with your doings thereon, to the Town Clerk, on or 'before the time of said meeting. Given under our hands, at Lexington, this twenty ninth, day of November, A. D., 1921.Jameid - H - _,,, )- SELECTION r . ) LEXINGTON.