HomeMy WebLinkAbout1920-09-24-STM-WARRANT T 0 WN WARRAN T. COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS. MIDDLESEX, SS. To either of the Constables of the town: of Lexington, in said County. Greeting: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts , you are directed to notify the inhabitants of the town of Lexington, qualified to vote in elections and in town affairs , to meet in the Town Hall, in said Lexington, on FRIDAY, THE TWE TY.FOURTH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, A. D.- 1920. at seven forty-five P . M. , then and there t© act on the following articles: Art. 1. To receive the report of any Board of "Town Officers or of any Committee of the Town for action thereon, and to appoint other Committees. -Art. 2. To see if the Town will authorize the Board of Water and Sewer Commissioners to repair the exterior of the Standpipe and charge the expense of same to the unexpended balance of the $14,000.00 appropriated March 22, 1920 for reapirs to the interior of the Standpipe, or take any other action relative thereto. Art. 3 . To see if the Town will vote to transfer the sum of $82.80 from General Revenue and Surplus Account to Town Scales Account. Art. 4. To see if the 'Town will vote to recind that part of the vote passed under Article four of the Town Warrant at the Town Meeting held on the 31st day of August, 1920 as authorized the Park Commissioners to acquire by purchase or otherwise for Park purposes Parcels 9 , 11, and 12 or take any action relating thereto . Art. 5. To see if the Town will authwrize the Park Commissioners to a,c.c�uir® b — a p y purchase -,or otherwise for Park urposee the following described-parcels of land:.. Parcel 1. A certain parcel of land situated in East Lexington on the easterly side of the Boston and Maine Railroad and shown on a copy of a plan entitled "Plan of East Lexington Annex, East Lexington, Mass. "November 1917 by Clarence E. Carter , Assoc . M. Am. See. C. E. of Reading,Maes . and shown as Parcel "C" on said plan, excepting therefrom the following lots , viz - 265 , 266 , 267 , 268 to 272 inclusive; 260 to 264 inclusive; 161 , 297 to 300 inclusive said parcel with the exceptions noted, belonging to or supposed to belong to the Suburban Land Company. Parcel 2. Lots 265 , 266 and 267 , belonging to or supposed to belong to Hattie A. Milley. Parcel 3 . Lots 268 to 272 inclusive,, belonging to or supposed to belong to Samuel B . Milley. Parcel 4 . Lots 260 to 264 inclusive, belonging to or supposed. to belong to Albert J. Egan. Parcel 5. Lot 161 belonging to or supposed to belong to Louie vanderwoude . Parcel 6. Lots 297 to 300 inclusive belonging to or supposed to belong to Maria Roza Balogh. Parcel 7 . A certain parcel of land belonging to or oupposed to belong to the Suburban Land Company as shown on plan entitled, "Plan of East Lexington Annex, Lexington, Mass ." Nov. 1517, Clarence E. Carter , C. E. Reading, Maes ; ,. and further described and bounded as follows; commending at the northeasterly corner of lot 124 as shown on said plan, thence running easterly partly on the old wall 293 .14 ft. to an old oak, thence turning and running northerly on the line extended from the easterly boundary of lot 142 as shown on said plan, 22 ft. more or less to the northerly boundary of an old right of way, thence turning and running westerly by the broken line as shown on said 'plan to the point of beginning, being the same premises conveyed to the Suburban Land company by deed of the Town or Arlington dated dune-l8, 1919 and duly recorded with Middlesex South District Deeds , Book 4264 , Page 44. Make an appropriation for the same , determine ,in what manner the money shall be raised or take any action relating- thereto. Hereof, fail not, and make due return of this Warrant, with your doings thereon, to the Town Clerk, on or before the time of said meeting. Given under our hands this ourtee day of jeptember , A.D. 1920. - ✓re �J tCfeva eemee.a_8_LECT N OF •-��,� re ter/ / �. C e 16 i„r rE;el GT ON.