HomeMy WebLinkAbout1920-03-01-TE-WARRANT and 1920-03-08-ATM-WARRANT T OWN WARRANT .
To either of the Constables of the Town of Lexington, in said
County,, Greeting
In the= naive of the toMmonwealth' of" tttassa'chue'ette , you ere directed
to notify- the„ inhabitants of the, Town of Lexington.,, qualified to vote
in elections and in town affairs to 'meet in the Town Fall in Said
04 .1/1,01P Y, THE FiRS,T DAY OF ,MARCH, A. E. , 1920, —
at seten o' clock, A. L. , then and there to act on the following
Art. 1 . To choose by ballot the following town officers , One Town
Clerk for the term of one year , one- Selecttan fox the term of three
years ; one :Uverseer ,of the ?oor for' the term of three years, one
Road 'Commis'sioner for the term of three years , one Assessor=,for the
term of three years', one Town 'Tr'easurer for the term of one year ,
o'ne Colleetor of Ta.±es for the term of one year , one Water and Sewer
Commissioner forthe term of three year! , one Uemetery Commissioner
for the term of three years, One member of: the school Uommittee for
the term of three yearb, one member of the Board of Health for the
term of three years:, one Park 'Commissioner for the term of three years,,
one Tree Warden for the term of one year. two Constables for the term
of one year , one Moderator for the term of one year , two members of
the Planning Board ,for the term of three years , and One Trustee of
Public -Trusts for the term of six years .
Art. 2. To see if the town will vote for or against .granting licenses
for the sale .of intoxicating liquors , in answer to the question,
S1i'a,ll licensee' be granted 'fvr the 'sa'le, of in.to.xicatin.g liquors in
this town ?" .
The election officers will receive votes under Articles 1,
and 2, on the official ballot prepared by the Town O.lerk.
The polls will, be opened, as scion as poseible .after the
organization. of the meeting and may be kept open until,
five P . L. In compliance with Article Iii of the By-Laws
-as amended January 29 , 1900; businessunder the following
Articles will be transacted at an adjourned meeting to be
held iaionday evening, iJarch. 8 , 1920, unless the adjourned
meeting shall by unanimous vote , be ordered forsameother
specified time .
Art. 3. To receive the report of any board of Town Officers or of
any committee of the town for action thereon, and to appoint other
Committees .
Art. 4. To choose such Town Officers as are required by law and
are usually chosen by nomination.
Art. 5 . Todee if the To will make anappropriationfor the proper
observance, of .*emorialday,, to be -expended ,under the dire,otion of
Post 119 , urand Army of the .Republic-.
Art. 6 . To provide for the support of the Public .)chools the ensuing
year, and grant money ,for the same .
Art. 7 . To provide for the- support of the poor at the Alms Nouse
the ensuing year, and grant money for the same .
Art . 8 . To provide for the support of the, Outside Poor the ensuing
year , and grant money for the same .
Art. 9 . To provide for the support of the Highways the ensuing year,
and grant money for the same .
Art .10 . To provide for the Support of the !Street Lights the ensuing
year, and grant ,money for the same .
Art .11, To provide for the support of the Fire Department the ensuing
year , and grant money for the same .
Art . 12 . To dee if the Town will make the usual appropriations for
Town expenses the ensuing year , not specified in. other articles , or
act in any manner relating thereto .
Art . 13 . To see if the Town will make- an appropriation to construct
sidewalk _vi.th concrete or other material where the abutters. viii pay
one half the expense thereof.
Art., 14. To see if the Town will make an appropriation for the sup-
pression of Gypsy and Brown 'fail +ioths in-accordance with chap . !3'el ,
Acts of 1905 and amendiitents thereto, or apt in any manner relating
thereto .
Art , 15 . To see if the 'own will appropriate a sum of money fDr the
use of the finance uommittee , or take any action relating thereto,
- Art. 16 to provide for 'the support of the .Public 'Parks for the ensu-
ing year, and grant money for the saute , er act in any manner relating
thereto .
Art. 17 . To see if the Town will make further appropriations of money
for the suppreesion .of insects , or, act in any manner relating thereto .
Art. 18'. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate money to widen
and deepenthe brooks in the Town so ae- to ootain better surface drain-
age , the same to be expended by the Water and Sewer Commissioners , or
take any other action relating thereto .
Art. 19 . i'o see if the Town will make an appropriation to provide funds
for the payment of pensions to retired town veterans under chapter 447
of the Acts of 1912, or act in any manner ,relating thereto.
Art. 20. Te see if the 'Town will males an appropriation sufficient to
meet the provisions of chapter 254 of the L:eneral nets of 1917 , being
an Act to authorize cities .and towns to pay to their employees who
enlist in the service of the United, States the difference between their
military and their municipal cempensation,.
Art . 21 . To see if the town will make an appropriation for the mainten-
ance of the _Jown i=nk nee-r° s Bepartment,- ar act in any manner relating
Art. 22 . To see if the Town will vote to appropriate and' assess an
amount of money to be Used as ,a tteserve .E'un.d, as provided by Chapter 645,
Acts of 1913 , or take any action relating, thereto._
Arte. 23 ., 10 sae if the Town will make an appropriation for the salary
and expenses of the iViilk Inspector, or act in any manner relating theretc
Art. 24. To see if the Town will make, an appropriation for the
salary of the Plumbing inspector, or act in any manner relative thereto.
Art . 25 . 1To see if the Town will make an appropriation for the salaries
of the Inspectors of slaughtering, or act in any manner relating thereto .
Art . 26 . To see if the Town will appropriate a sum of money suffi-
cient to provide a pension for those permanent members of the Police
Department who may be entitled to the same , or act in any manner
relating thereto .
Art . 27 . To see if the 'Town will authorize their Treasurer, under
the direction of the selectmen, to borrow money for any necessary
purposes., in anticipation of revenue for the current year, the same
to be repaid directly frons. the proceeds of said revenue . or act in
any manner relative theieto .
Art: '28 . To see if t'he 'T *h will make an appropriatitnt-for the
celebration of April 19-, or act in any manner' relative thereto .
Art. 29 . To appropriate money far the use of the Water Department,,
and tb, provide :same by the issuance of .fonds or Notes or by .direct
appropriations , or to take any other action relative thereto .
Art. "3D. ' 'o see if the Town will vote to accept a relocation. of
Locust Avenue from Massachusetts Avenue to Tower Street, and also
an extension of Locust Avenue from Tower Street to Pollen Road for-
highway purposes , as laid out by-the Selectmen, or act in any
manner relating thereto ..
Art . 31 . 'T'b 'see if the. Town will vote to sell about twenty acres
of the. land belonging to the 'Town Larmyproperty, or act in any
manner relative thereto .
Art. 32. To see if the town will vote to authorize the Selectmen,
to apply the proceeds from the sale of the 'Town. Farm -property
towards the purchase of a site for the erection of centralized
municipal yard, or act in any manner relating thereto .
Art. 33. To see if the 'town will make an appropriation to provide
suitable street signs for the Town, or act in, any banner relative
thereto .
Art. 34. To see if the tonna. will 'vote to accept a relocation of a
portion of Eliot Road as ,laid out by the. Selectmen, or act in any
manner ,relating?: thereto .
Art. 35 . To see if the town will vote- to .accept a relocation Of
Eustis Street at its junction with Percy .Road as established by the
Selectmen, or act in any manner relating tlereto .
Art .. 36 . To provide for the general care ;of the cemeteries of the
Town and grant money for the same .
Art . 37 . To see if the Town will make an appropriation. to, con-
tinue the work at the cemetery at North Lexington or take any action
relative thereto .
Art . 38 . To see, if the 'Town will vote to install water mains on
Farm gest Avenue , from Waltham Street to lot X59- on Plan of
Section 3; Farmhurst and on Grape Vine Avenue , from W'altham ,Street
to lot #23 , auction 2,, Farmhurst, and to appropriate. money for the
same either by notes or serial, bonds or otherwise , or act in any
manner relative thereto .
Art. 39 . To see if the Town willvote too -raise and appropriate
the sum of $200 or some cther amount, and elect a director for
demonstration work in agriculture and home economics, the money
to be expended by, and the director to serve in co-operation
with, the County Trustees for aid to agriculture of the Middlesex
0ouhty Bureau of Agriculture and Home Economics under the pro-
visions of chapter 273 of the Acts of 1918 .
Art . 40. TO see what action the town will take with reference
to increasing the insurance on the public buildings of the tovtn
or act any manner relating thereto .
Art. 41 . To see what action the town will take relative to giving
suitable names to the Cemeteries of the Town, or act in any manner
relating thereto,
\ .
2 L7
Hereof , fail not , and .make due return of this Warrant ,
with your doings thereon, to theh`Town Clerk, en or before the time
of said meeting.
Given under oiir hando .at Lexixig;ton,- this tenth day of
February, A. .:.,, 1,920 .
azaa, entae„frt ) SELECTMEN
a a _ Q ) LEXINGTON.