HomeMy WebLinkAbout1918-03-04-TE-WARRANT and 1918-03-11-ATM-WARRANT T i71 VI ti k Yh '1' .
Cotttmonvrealth of aaesachusetts . hiddleeex , ,s .
To either of the Constables of the Town of Lexington, in said County,
'_reetrr sr
Ih the name of the ornonwealtn of :..asEaC1_usett:, , ,) cu are directed to
notify the in.habitante of the fown of 4.exington, qualified to vote in
elections and in town affairs to' meet in. the Town hail in said Lex-
1'it.J iuUhlh th L .:F anhuh, rie f1. , 1.318 ,
et seven o' clock z. a. , then and there to act on the following articles
art . 1 . 2o choose by ballot the follovin.t town officers one _ own
Cler•, for the term of one year , one Je1ectrlan. for the term of three
Years , one 'Uvereeer of tie f ocr for the tern of three years one
:load . or_ur_sc_oner for ti, tern of three years , one nEEeEeor for the
term of t^r28 years , One Town =re yS .rET 'or thetern
of one year ,
one Uollector of ?axe's for the term of one year , one auditor for the
term of one —ear , one qater and Jerier '.:oinmissioner for the term if
three years , one member of the Cemetery ' onimi.ttee. for the term Of
three years. , one member of the school LoIomittee for the term of
three years one member of the UChool 'uomr:ittee Ior one Year to fill
a vacancy ; one m:e_iosr of the 4oarc of healen for the term of three
'Tears , one ia.rx. --oouniesioner for tie term of three years , one free
iarden for the term oI' one ,year , two constables for the term of one
year , one .. oderator for the term of one year one Trustee of lublic
Trusts for the term of six years .
-_rt . L . To see if the 10711 will vote for or .. .itinst F'rantin,'. licenses
for the sale of intoxicatiag licuorto , in c.nswer to the question
"hall licenses be granted for the sale of lntoxicati'n,, l'auo's in
hr't . 3 . Co see if the 1'oiSm. will voLe to accept J a:) . r. . ,feneral
acts of 191? Ioeicm ''_tn ,,ct to provide for the licensing of coffee
houses , so called' , to take effect in any t7 .T_ U_on its accepte.nce
by vote of the town at any annual town meeting or at any special meet-
ing duly called for the purpose , and in any city upon its accertance
by the city council with the approval of the ma-ror .
Art . 4 . To see if the iown ;:rill vote to accept Ohap . 254 , feneral
Acts of 1917 , being "an :act to authorize cities and towns to pay to
their employees rho enlist in the service of the united Mates the
difference between their military and theia municipal compensation" ,
to take effect upon its acceptance in towns by the voters thereof at
any regular or special town. meeting, and in cities upon its acceptance
by the mayor and city council .
.rt. 5 . fo see if the 'own will vote to accept Chap . 140 , aenErral
Acts of 1917 , amending uhap . 291 , 3'eneral acts of 1916 being "An
Act relative to the tenure of office of chiefs of fire departments in
the ....etropolitan Fire -r reventi on ui stiff.ct" , to take Effect upon its
LassaFe ( April 3 , 1917 ) in such cities and towns as have accepted the
provisions of said chp (er c91 , creneral acts of 1916 , or in which Che-
provisions of the civil service laws are already applicable to said
chief . Out in all uther cities and towns included in. the fire prevent-
ion district the question of accepting said chapter 291 , as amended oy
said charter 140, ..general acts of 1917 , shall be submitted to the
voters of said cities and. towns at their next respective municipal
elections or town meetings and shall take effect in any such city or
town upon its acceptance 3' majority of the voters voting thereon.
Art . 6. To see if the town will vote to accept uhap . 327 of the Acts
of 1904, being an net entitled, " -n not to provi _e for the pensioning
of permanent members of Police Departments and Fire Departments in
towns" .
2he electionk officers will receive votes under articles 1 , 2 ,
3 , 4 , 5 , and 6 , on the official ballot prepared by the Town ulerk,
The polls will be opened as soon as possible after the organiz-
ation of tae meeting and may oe kept open until five i , A In
compliance With Article li of the by-taws as amended Jan-
uary U9 , 3900 , business under the followi .m articles will oe
transacted at an adjourned meeting to be neld ., onday evenir p
_,.arc.: 11 , l:;le , unless the °.djourncd meeting shall o,_ unanimous
vote , as ordered for sum other specified time .
Art . 7 . Lo receive the report of any Joan sof 'Town Officers or of
any Uomaaittee of the Town for action, thereon, and. to appoint other
uommittees .
Art . 8 . Lo choose such town Officers ;.s are required by law and. are
usually chosen. by nomination.
Art . 9 7o see if the Town will make an appropriation for the proper
observance of LAemorial Jay, to be expensed under the direction of
Post 119 , Grand army of the republic .
Art . 1u. To pi-twice for the support of the Public :schools the ensuing
year , and grant money for the same .
Art . 11 . To _provide for the support of the poor at the Alms house
the ensuing year and grant money for the same .
Art . 13 . _o provide for the support of the uut _de Foor the ensuing
year , and grant mJne:v for the same,.
__rt . 13 . To provide for the support of the highwa-rs the ensuing year
and grant money for the same .
Art . 14. To provide fci the support of the street Lights the ensuing
year , and grant money for the same .
Art . 15 . To provide for the support of the _vire Jepartnent the ensuing
year , and grant money for the same ,
Art . 15. 2o see if the I'own will make the usual appro, riations for
Town expenses the ensuing year , not specified in other articles , or act
in arw manner relating thereto .
Art . 17 . Io see if theown Till instruct the selectmen to improve
the condition of the Town hall grounds , and make an appropriation for
this purpose , or act in. any manner relating thereto .
Art . 18 . fo see if the 'Town. will make an appropriation to construct
sidewalks with concrete or other materials where the abutters Till
pay one-halt the expense thereof.
Art, 19 . To see if the Town will mase- an appropriation for the
'^ suppression of Oygsy and Brown. Tail 'Moths in accordance with Chap. _38.1.
Acts of 1905 and amendments. thereto., oract in any manner relating
thereto .
Art . 20. To' see if the sown will appropriate a sum of money for the
use of the Finance Committee , or take any action relating thereto.
Art . 21 To provide for the support of the Public Parks for the
ensuing year and grant money for the same , or act in any manner
relating tnereto ,
Art , 22. To see ,if the Ton will, rale",-;fus'tl2e'r, appropriations, of
money 'fbr the :auppre,e'sion= -of: 'insects:, or act in any Manner relating
Art . 23 . To see ifthe Tbwm will vote te, abolish thea office of
Auditor in accordance With the ter,me of Chapter 624 of the Acts of
1910-, or take any action relating thereto.
Art,. 24., Tozeeif the town will vote to accept an extension of
TuiuZ2,ay Btreet from Forest Street to Vine Brook, and also tto parcels
, of land situated- a,t each cornea of the prebent Muzzey Street and
F rest Street , a1 a ' latd put 'i,y the Jeled'tmen for hightay purpdsea,
or act in any Manner relative to the acceptance of said extension pr
Art , 25 . To see if the town- will vote to' ,accept a relocation of
Locust Avenue from da'ssachusetts. Avenue to Tower :street and also an
extension of LOCurt ATrenue from Tower btreetto T`0llen Road as laid out
by the Selectmein for highway purposes , or act in any mariner relative
to said relocation or extension,
art,e _,2g.,, To see. . x th,e. tomn441 vote to create a 'Manning Board
of six members' in accordance with Chapter 283 of the Acts of 1914 ani
athend:me'nts thereto , or act in any manner relating, thereto „
Art . 27 . To see if the town win vote to elect aPlanning Board
s'""''1' t%':dcnsist, of six members as follows - two members for the terzn of,
one year , two members for the term of two years and two members for
the term df three years , and annually thereafter two members for the
term of three years .
r,.rt . 28. Lo see if the town will authorize the 'selectmen to purchase
or take by right of eminent domain a parcel of land on ; altham Street,
the same being the premises on which the atone, Crusher is located and
adjacent thereto , and appropriate money for this purpose , or act in
any mariner relating thereto .
Art . 29. To see if the town will make an appropriation for the
purpose of laying out and, developing the Dew uemetery, or act in
any manner relative thereto .
Art . 30. To see if the town will make an appropriation for the use
of the local company of the . tate guard, the same to be expended
under the direction, of the selectmen , or act in any mai- e'r relative
thereto .
Art . 31 . To appropriate such sums as may be needed for any or all
of the purposes of the .,ater repartment, including the payment of
liabilities incurred in meetJ_nr- the extreme emergencies lately arising
through the freezing of water mains , which involved the life and
safety of the people and their property, to :provide for the raising of
said sums cv current assessment, by issuance of ponds or notes of the
town , or by anY one or more of such means , and to take any other or
further action related to the raising 'of •money for the use of the
Department, whether by borrowing or otherwise .
Art . 32 . To see if the Town will vote to appropriate money to widen.
and deepen the brooks in the Town so as to obtain better surface
drainage , the same to be expended by the cater and sewer commissioners ,
or ta;ce any other action relating tnereto .
Art, 33 . io see if the town will make an appropriation to provide
fun.'s for the payment of pensions to retired town veterans under
Chapter 447 of the :Acts of 1912 , or act in any manner relating thereto .
" .- . --.--_ __-.--.-_ _.
Arte 34. To see if the Town will vote to establish building
linea on any of the streets in the town,, and determine on what
streets said building lines shall be established,- and appropriate
a Sum_ of money sufficient for this purpese-, 'or act in. any manner
relative thereto .,
Art . 35 . To see if the Town will male an appropriation
sufficient to meet the requirements of Chap . 254 o.f' the General
Acte1o# 1917 , provi,de',d. said Ohapte.r is accepted by this Town, Sr
act i.n any :manner relating ther,eto .,
Art, 36.1 To *Se if the Town, will make an-appropriation
T'.br the maintenance of the, T'ovm, En.,gieeeer ! s. I.e;par'tment, or act
in any manner relating thereto .
Art. 37. To see if the Town i11 vote to appropriate and
essees „m amount of money to be used as a. Reserve Fund, as pro-
vided 'b r .;Chapter F45 , Acts tr of 1913 , or take any action relating
thereto ,
T,o, :epeeif thy; Z!o1°"n Will by 74te transfer' ;J un.
eXpend,ed loan pr revenue balances',, where the purpose of the orig-
i'na.l appropriation has been completed, or act _i,, any manner re-
lating 'thereto .
Art. ' 5'.3? To see if the Town Will vote to appropriate and
assess money to provide for the followitg overdrawn accounts , as
of December 31 , 1917 , or act in any manner relating thereto.
Overlalr 1917 -on account of hbatemen.t
of Taxes of 1.917 $450.13
Printing and cextif'ication of Bonds 17.8.Q5
i orae t,.:H'trEsr 1-9682
-Snow Penova1 259 .72 ,
14,te r e S.t 233 .7.8
Art. 4D.
-To see if the Town will by vote , provide that from and
after IJecekber 31, 1918 , all unexpended balances remaining after the
pbr'rose for which an appropriation has been made , has been accomplished,
:shall be credited to an account on the books of the Ttrin to be desigr
nated "General Revenue and Surplus Account" , with the exception of
balancesof loan appropriations and balances to the credit of the Water
and Sewer Departments , also to provide that all income and revenue
accruing to or received by any department of the gown, from any
source , excepting all income and revenue accruing to the Tater. or
Sec7tr Departments , shall me, dimilsrllr credited to said "General
1 1919 , or act
Revenue' and Surplus kSC,C Oti!rit"-, from and after e1.�.71L'l ,rj� u
inany manner relating theme'-
Art .- 41. TO see if the Town will LQalte, an appropriation to fit
up a room in the basement of the Town hell, fur tno use of the Lill
inspector „ and. provide proper equipment for the same , or act in any
manner re.la,ti.xn. thereto .
Art. 42 . To see if the Town will make ar., appropriation for the
aa]:?.TT =',nd expenses of the ,icy 3.11<_ lri.'.leC't J.T. or act in any manner TE-
latinm thereto,
Art, 43 . To see if the Town rill Make anappropriation for the
'salary of the ?lu:Tbing ln- pe,etcr , or act ix any manner relatins thereto .
Art . 44 .
To see if the Torn wi l l make an a^propriation. for the
salaries of the inspectors of Slaughtering, or act in. anw manner re—
lating thereto .
Hetetfa 1 rlot:a and. ,make dile return of tlii „a„xrant,,
with your doinss thereon, to the lawn Clerk, on or oefore the time
of said meeting.
Given un..Fr our _ands , ,at Lexington, this twentieth
day of' Febru_.ry, :ad ..J> 1918 .
�� � c, t_. c,tcca i t. i u: LELJ L,JIN
Glvt`. ,