HomeMy WebLinkAbout1917-10-15-STM-WARRANT TOWE li011.01•.u4EALi'Y Ji' lv AsSiiliTiji:iE`I'10 iu_1LLL.oLA, S$. To either of the Uonetables of the Town of Lexington, in said County, greeting in the name of the Uommon-.:ealth of aaseachusetts , you are directed to notify the inhabitants of the to-:m o; Lexington, qualified to vote in elect ins and in town affairs to meet in the Town hall in said Lexington, .:td Th- .`fi ly.sl+l n JYi .. LL L"v1VUi,iYa n. il. , 317 at seven-thirty o' Cloc!: r then and there to act on the follow- . ing articles Art. 1. To receive the report of any hoard of Town Ufficere or of e- vo?"__ittee of the loon for acuiTn thereon, and :.L other r=�r _, to appa_� ot.' :Tommi ttees . _Art. 2 . To see if the town will vote to authorize the selectmen to appoint a town accountant in accordance with t :e provisions of Chapter 6.24 of the nets of 1d13. Art . S . To eee if the town will authorize the Selectmen_ to petition the fireetor of the ourcau of .?tat_etics for the install- ation of an accounting system, in accordance with the provisio_1e of v napier 5;3 of the nets of 1;,'10, or take any act.ia'1 relative thareto . .irt. 4 . To see ii' the town will ''cte to ..Mend ti_e vote passed at bhe town meetin of i,.aren 12 , 1.:1.7 , under article 38 of the warrant for said meeting, by striking out the words "at a rate not exceeding four i4) per cent" , and inserting in place thereof the words "at the rate of 42N per annum" , - so that said. vote shall read as follows 'Vo LLD , That for the purpose of providing funds for the extension of water mains , the Town 'Treasurer oe and hereby is authorized to issue and sell under the direction and with the approval of the Selectmen, negotiable registered or coupon oonds of the town in serial form to the aggregate principal amount of $4000.00, bearing interest at the rate of 42,a per annum, payable semi-annually, and payable both principal and interest in gold coin of the United states of America of the present standard of weight and fineness , such bonds to be signed by the Treasurer and countersigned by a majority of the Selectmen, and so arranged that 81000.00 of the principal will fall due and payable in each of the years 1918 - 1919 - 1920 - 1921 [ inclusive ." , or take any action in relation thereto . Art. 5 . To see if the town will vote to amend the vote passed at the adjourned annual town meeting .,.arch 12 , 1917 , under Articles 34 and 35 of the warrant for said meeting, which vote was as follows - "VJTsa, That the yngi veers of the Tire Department be instructed to purchase a new motor ladder truck, the cost not to exceed µ6500.00 and also a suitable chassis upon watch to place the equipment of Chemical 71 and such other equipment as the EngLneers nay deem necessary et a cost not exceeding 41500.00. And that for this purpose the Town treasurer be and hereby is authorized to issue and sell under the direction and with the approval of the oelectuen negotiable registered or coupon bonds of the Town in serial form to the aggregate principal amount of $6000. nearing interest at the lowest rate obtainable , payable semi-annually and payable both principal and interest in gold coin of the united States of America of the present standard of weight and fi aeness , such bond; to be signed by the Treasurer and countersigned by a majority of the Selectmen, so arranged that bl000.v0 of the principal will fall due and payable in 1918 and x1000.00 annually until 1925 , b— providi_,g that said debt shall be payable in annual instalments within the period of five years , in compliance with the :iassac'r_u- setts acts of 1913 , c . 719 , Sec . 5 ( 11) and oy specifying that the bonds therein provided shall bear interest at the rate of 4hp per annum, - or take any action in relation thereto . Art. 6 . To see if the town will vote to amend the vote passed at the town meeting of June 25 , 1917 , under article 10 of the warrant for said meeting , by striking out the "cords "at the lowest rate obtainable" , and inserting in place thereof the words "at the rate of 421. per annum' , - so that said vote snail read as follows " V.i'i':..L That the Selectmen be , and they are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with the State highway Commissioners providing for the payment of one-third of the expense which may be caused by the construction and lay-out of Joburn street as a State highway from Utica street to the ooburn line . rend further voted that the sum of fire thousand dollars be appropriated for the purpose of carrying this agreement into effect, and that to provide the money so appropriated the Town Treasurer be and hereby is authorized to issue and sell under tee direction and with the approval of the selectmen, negotiable coupon b nds of the lo:^:n in serial form to the aggregate principal amount of five thousand dollars ($5000) , nearing interest at the rate of 4 jo per annum, payable semi-annually and payable both principal and interest in ,;old coin of the united Jtstee of nmerica, of the present standard of weight and fineness , such ponds to be signed oy the Jreasure.r and countersigned b"r a majority of the selectmen. with maturities sra arranged that one thousand dollars of the principal "elan fall due and payable in 1d18 and one thousand dollars annually thereafter until saic loan is paid in full - or toJ =e any action in relation thereto , :rt . 7 . io see if the toT'Tn will vote to ratify, confirm and appr.JTre the vote passed at the adjourned town meeting , July LI , lJ17, under article 5 of ..he warrant tar said d!eeti ng , which vote was as follows Jaiui) That the sum of a3000.00is herebyappropriated to meet the expense incidental to removing and rebuilding the stone 'crusher , and it is further voted that to raise the money so ap;i _p riated the iown ireas rer be and were oy is 'auuhorize.d to issue and sell under the direction and with the ap royal of the ,;elect:nen, negotiable couyon bands of the ios`n in serial form to the ar_aregate principal amount of three thousand dollars ; Q3300) oearin;- interest et a rate not exceeding five pet cent p r annum, payable seii-annually and parble, both pr'nc_pal and. interest, in told coin of the United states ofmerica, oi the present standard of ee_ght and flueneess , , ucu bTaE to as sy ned o r the ireasurer and counters_gne-a by a aujority of the oelect len , Toith maturities so orranged that 4EOO.0.; of the principal will tall cue n, payable in ltl8 and sir hundred dollars 'annually Then after until said loan is paid in full , - o, ta- e any sctien in rcl lion tnr-reto , art. E . Io see if the i'o n -.,ill authorize the ele ct len to purchase or to e J; right of eminentr l ao....,._n ce_ ta._r_ pa,rc���. of land, located on _._err"iam .,treet adjoining the preulses no occupied cy tne ;ire station, and vote to provide funds for the same ov tale issuance ,of son" s or cotes , or tare any action relative "„hereto . uereof, fail not, and :!rake due rc- turn of this Jarrant , with your doings thereon. to tne tom olera, on or before the time of raid Jeetin? Given unaer our na'_s , at Le.,-_nrton, tuis eighth day of .;c ' _, a Jru 1 ],7 . JbeT, G%' ctc 44tea.tareac,f) uuLIc TraTTI �_ L-Af .teti�as.✓ / jrakbri % moLL.__.a i',.'_r. .