HomeMy WebLinkAbout1917-03-05-TE-WARRANT and 1917-03-12-ATM-WARRANT TOWN WARRANT COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS MIDDLESEX, S.S. To eit'ier of the uonstabler of the Town of Lexi:iE^t.on , in said County, areeti.n?' In the name of the Loommonwea'_th of Lasr-:cn setts . -rou ire directed to not fv the inha o-tants of the for of =,eyington, qualified to Grote in elections! and in town sf`aire , to meet in the Town Hall in s9i0. Lm xington, 1Ji_. 2I?T1: SA liF h,ROt_o «. Js 1917 . at seven o ' clot!= 1i, A. , then =n!' there to act on the following art Ic is..s Art. 1 . io choose ioT' oa.11it the followjnc' town officers - One Town clerk for the term of one Fear , One ,electnan for tine term of one yresr, One selectmen for the term of two +rears , One Cel ect_ .mn for the term of three years , one Overseer of the Poor for the term of one re r , One Overseer of the Poor for the term of two years , One Overseer of the Poor for thr ;,ere of three veers One :load Commissioner for the tern of one we r ,;ne :oea l,orn- missioner r the term of two years , One toad Commissioner for the term of three years , One tssessor for the term of three ve-rre , One Lown Treasurer for the tern of one "ear , One Collector of'Ta-mes for the term o one '-ear , One ruditor "or the term of one vear One e'iater and. „ever Uom issi_oi_er for the term of three veers , One member of the ,emetery Jonmittee for the term of three wears , One meraber of the school committee for the term of three veers flue member of the Bo're.r of Hea,ltn for the term of three we re One Park 'vomnissl over for the term o three wears , One free '.uerden for the te`r'n of one Year , two con tables fir the term of one ,rear e ode ,,n r=tor for the te.rn of one -mee.r . Art. 2 . T© SFe iTE the tmrn Trill vote for or-,a.0,ain:st brant r rn iiden ee for the sale of ±ntoxicatinR l:i;Cyuare , in anyter to thP. aiieatton. "Shall licenses be granted for t_ie sale of intox'icat'ing -liquor; in this to.wn" Y'• Art.. 3 . To, see if the Town '" ill accept '0h: . 59 . Gonerel, Acts of 1915 , (Amending Chap . 2842, Oect . 1 , General Acts of 1915 ) being an, t;ctcentitled. "An Act relative to the hollinp of Annual To*n " eeti.nrq " .r Art . 4: To see if t(]e Town will advent Cher, 153 of tire General Acts 'o.° 1915 , er-tit'ed "Ail Act r'.e14ti`"e to the Li,cehte Epee; "'q,•r -11,:aurhter houses in, tyyrns hrL.vinm less trian ten thousand inha Stant em 1r. t . 5 To see if the 'Towne will .e;dcept Chanter, 291 of the 'general Acts of 1915 , entitled , r"AnAct relative to tae enure of offi ce of Chiefs of ?'ir'e Lepart;rents in the .xetroolitar ;vire Pretention Distri-ct ,, Art 5'. To Sea if the town will ,accept J.'L-1•ap . 0-43 D$' :the' general Acts Of 1925 , Entitled. -"An Abt to authorize the licensing by dittos ,and towns of motor vehicles carrying p'a; 'een:-err for hire , " Art , ry . To 'see if the, town will vets to -accept '`iha, 3-2J of the Acts of 1904 , beim" an act entitled, MAn Act to prozride for the pensioning of permanent, members ofPoli-as i?epartmen—s and. Fire Depar.trents 3n. tovens ." The election officers will receive totes under Articles --- , 5 , 0-and R-, - On the offibia1 tallet ~�rcpare - by the Torn .C1� , -- - The polls will be opened as -soon as possible after the oresrizat-ran of the meetjne ,.ad will be Lent, open until five p 2:i,,, Tn compliance with Article III of the :3y-Ewer as arend.ed January 1900 , bus, ne unary the following Articles till, be transacted at. at .ad'journe'd meeting to be held, 'Monday' ev•enr , I arch 12 , 1.917 ,, oarless the adjourned, meeting shell unanimous tote,,, be ordered or s.eme Other ^X'G't'i '''ied tthe Art . ;3 . To receive the report .Qf any 0O r'd of, TQyn Officers: Or of ai2jr u tilSitt6e o 'h� 7'b F';nr : c- - q2 t i 'rt oi?.n and to "a.ppo,i_St .oth'e ' .,. Att . r; To -choose c-uCh Tin O'fficeOrs as "a'r'e rehUire'd }J7 law and re, ,ueuellir chosen by nomination. 1 art . 10. To Ree if the _')' T ri11 finks an aprroprigtion. Lor the prrwrr observance of ,..em7"_'.;..n1 u `" , to be e:'pended un er toe iir=ction of Post 119 . _irenf _ roy of the Republic Art 11 . To Y;ro Tit e for the sutrort of tee Public u c,lools the eneui'nr Wenr anIrl, grant money for the -one . Art 12 . T` IDT-OVi.8 - for tae cuoorort of tho Poor '214 the Alar 11' use the er.c'1_'vr vc'1T . rdE?-..,,nt money for thy' ,._.:1`c' . .rt . 13 . .''n nrovile for the "'u, port of the autPiE P Too: the errning .*ear and .-rant money for the cane . _.rt . 14 . To rrovir'e for uhe Purport of thu •_1r •r7 tne ensuing 'reta.r , end 'ren- nonny for the sa P . Art . 15 . To rro,ride for the eup- ort of the Ctreet i.itl.ts the eneu .ne' weer . en0_ rrant money- for to . c .E. . Fart . 18 . To ',orovine for the sup - )rt of the Fire 1='r-,rt''ncnt the eneuinr year „ and p•rant -.one-* for the same . Art . 17. To see if the town will make the -7Rua.l (:proo?ri-1ttons for town exnenser the ensung re r , not eo=,cifipa in other orticlen , or act in anw manner relating thereto . Art. 18 . To Fee if the Toren will instruct tic TPlectnen to improve the condition of tis town nail grounds , and. mahe an -?.ppro;'Jriati-n for this purnoRe , or act in `1n'r manner relating thereto . Art . 1'J . To see if the 2own will make an approrriation to construct i de nlhr 'with concrete or other gator =51 where the ' cutters will .;.`r one-half the e.-lease the eof . Art . 27 . fo Eee if the town will 11:a14:E an rrorriati on ruff's- ret to aeet the eyrensa of plE-cirE no7 insurance Ric/ I ne,'r 1e' f or the enduing year , or act in any Hunner relating thereto . _rt . 21 . 2o see if th _o- n will rake an Epniorriation "3 the cu_ppre c- .0 JI -ypry ano. :Jroorn i_ :i1 'oths in cc oreance vith .ihe n . 381 , =,ctss of 1305 end aaendu,en.ts thereto , or cot in any =nner relating_ thereto . k F A'rt. 42. To see if the town will appropriate a sum of ;Honey for the use of the r'inance Oonnmittee , or take any —action relating thereto „ Art . 23-. To provide for the support of the Public Parks for the ensuing year and. grant money for the same * or act in any manner relat- ing thereto. Art . 24. To ,gee if the Town will make further appropriations of totiey for the,«,, ulpmesa,io:a of insects , or act ,,i:n am manner 're4tin.g t;h.e/ tq.. art . 25. To gee 'if the Totn will atthor:i'.ze their 'Treasurer , undo the direction of the helebtmen, to borrow money for" .anyr ne.ce-wary purposes in anticipation of r Venue far the current yea± the came to 'e repaid directly from the proceeds of said revenue,, for aft jy Ha any manner relating th.r.eto. rt . 26 , To tee if the T;d n Will Tote to 'accept. 7ectiohs 21.'te .2t bothinclusive of Charter -78 of the Revised Laws and all arta in amendment thereof and in addition, thereto providing for the election of a Bard at -ciemete2'y .i otinis B oners. and the Care F. td. Tn 'nagement o-f the .pubq e ural grounds of ';the' Tot, or act in 'cpY manner relating thereto;. Art 27 .. TO receive the .r.epert of the cormnittee, etpointed to consiier the matter of a .i:sir, c:emete'ry, and tale action thereon. Art . 28 . To receive the resort of the committee appointed to prepare' and present, a new code of By—Laws to the tdwn , and tale action thereon, Art. 89 . To see if the town will vote to accept the following street; , or any othem, as laid out by the Selectmen - Abbott Road , from 1.erri.am 'atre6't to „akland. street Bxtensien, Cliffs Avenue, f'ro'm the end of Low,, Street to. Cuniminge tive,nue -Oa'k Jtreet as extended frau its, enitenapas to, Yl, Aren1ue," 3aier 44voi�ne' 'from0a btreet to _c " `" cxh ; . , , . i:Ltift Ve'di. T.'^ft A*0-1u _TQM . ekesrend to; inif}es Street , Y4-01.0 r t1ee't from 'Taft, %ikr-enue to ThasSochuze"tits Avenue. or act in an.y Lanier relative- to the gccertan.ce of any or all, of said streets, Art.,., O...„ Tosee if the town will vete to establish building, lines, II on any of the streets in the town, and letermine on what streets said bui 1d7.iqp lines R.n ll LE established, end anrror•rir to 9. suw or money sul. fidient for this purpose , Cr act in env manner relstive thereto . ilrt 31 . T'o see i th. _'own., will vote to approoriete zone'• to ""Iden nd deepen the broo_s in the :oT'n PC as to o' t" ini Vetter curfrce ^r ina F'= ..'•i: slue uo be e-- ended Lw the .dater. nd _ rer onvnissioi?Fr` , or to "s an:, other !.ction re1F L_-1, thereto . ._rt . 33 . Lo see iI the 2 cesh will melte an aploro'riation, not to exceed one hundred ( ,1DO) dol tars „ to reoui±d -!nd repair Lae wall and fence odjoiYlinR the estate or Patrick_ J . Leenan .i^ the old cemetery . or Pot in airT mariner rel ti ig thereto . ;_rt , 33 . io see if the C rTn will riajce en prrol'ri t', )n to _"ov ..e funds for the parr":E _t of pe stone to retired town veterans an dr'r Uihaer' 447 of the :;cts' of 1912 , e mea ner el r, re- o .. pt _ 1' or act in '1'r 7l Y'e `�.' i1 tl.F t =�rt . 34 . io FEE if tae tOta'' —ill to nurshese motor ladder truck for the "ire ,:e'psrtsent „ rd vote to iceus bon"' s therefor , or other-ire Jetermine the method of ''airing^ the 1'uneTr PporDoriateit for this our :ose , or set in an-r .M-nn r relatinP thereto . Art . 35 . To see if the town will vote to purcbs e 0 chassis upon which to place the tan's and arp_..ratur no on 1'lc'_iire irvorT ^ s Chemical TPJ . 1 , end ap ro-riate money for -he came , soil vote to issue bonds or otre r ••-i s _ d to Ine the method o" raising the Pour so aptro"rioted . or take an— other or 'urt_. _ °"cto "_1 relat :, thereto . zrt. 3 . To see if the torn will vote to a Coro;riatea and assess two hundred (220) dollars to ray its pro-port 0n< to _.care toV, ry 'rn, the 'ou7 ldir""'• of a forest fire obsery:tion toT' Fr to le erected )" the _trte on _ '^ospect i ill ..r ? ltllat. .rt .. 37 . to Ree if thL town will vote to prororiate and ,. -- . ss Rum of none" eufThcle nt ) provide Ioi' t;:e en-Un--cent of a town ens'ineer in occordance with the teris of a vote passed. June 12 , l9l_6 , or act in ani- Primer rel t vlp thereto . irt . 3l . To a tropriate enoneTr for the use of the :e—ter Depart-lent and to ?-r nrne-i�!e sL" t-:e issuance w _ F ponds or "otP,c. or 1;v direct p'orn--ri-atoon, or to tape,. a.loy other .lotion rcla.ti e t„1rreto . Art. 39 . to see if the town will accept an extension of Highland Avenue , running westerly from its junction with, Bloomfield Street to near the junctioa of said avenue with Winthrop Road- Also an éxtenioii of said Highland Ayenue from near- its present junctionWith Winthrop Road to Vine Rroa,Tbad, oz hot it any manner :e1 ting thereto, Art ,40. To bee. if the Town will vote 4te/ gi-ge,"tO the TPUbteeqz tileAte'fry 4!' eflibAaltia , N14 eh.14, tat!202ete P3f.: :the _ IibrarY,, its ettabyebb and all -Matters- of .0.Yery ITtne -04: nature 32:Staining tn any wey to the sate-, ..oleration and management of Said Library. Art, 41, To see if the d'oWn will burdhaSe the btoperty situated, at M331-33 : gassechuSettS AVenue, knout as the Uohn D. 3acon .st;State containing ahout emVentynihe thousand scinare. faet at änd t;h0 414o0 494A0,0] 14 , g.017. #6, OW2W3:0 44,:-.,,j4AP)014;?*A .0 School facilitios of the Town, or bake any other action: reltny- thereto. Art- 48 . To see if the Town Will vote to aTe)royJriate or tales' by an issue of bonds , the moneVs necessary to meet the e-rrenditurbe under the fon going article or mare any other provision .fof the ralaing of said moneys . Aft. 43- To see If the, tot we:c rote to establish a Opaw4ttee on Increased, School AcbetModatIonr th 00rms,ist of seven MembeTe te 'te. alvoiz Ued by 142a ;0.cara:tr and a§prObriate, a uM0:f aleliV! to be USed by said 'demmitted to purehase plans and sPeeittotiere for a hew school bt_ilding or til--s any othef abtiOn relatinci[ thereto krt. 44. To bee if the TOWnwill Vote to build a, ner3sehObi building-upon -the land to be acquired for that -purtoebe: aTo; tor the alterations in the present High $thhbol, Ouilding and authorize P4q 91, c41W/EFigakes-E -51.-0,' 4av to build said building and Make Sala aq.terations. or:Make traViOiOn, any way that may be deemed be-st fpf the raising4f eubh Moneys.: _ _ &rt . 45 . To see if the town will vote to e"tend the water main fron its present terminus on 2crcadsh, 1-s'renue along Lawson ivenu_e from &roadie 61venue to Waniime Avenue oein? 2 distance of a,r'prnia netel;y 1J0 feet, an' in .iudre avenue fir a. 6.ist2nce of about 550 feet in the direction of han:'^chusetts renL'. , and anbr-irri2te and osser,c money for the same or sat in any manner releti 'ip- thereto . Art . 46 , To see if the Town tare sn-r action t7wardo recurinr n impromeement in the steam c=.r anra trolley transrortation service between Lexington and .Jooton, or act in an'r manner relatinm thereto . hereof , fail not , and 'mire .t-us return of tt'._s errant. tmith '•o r ! �_, 'E' t_ie_ eun , the _ own .. ler'`, oi or be"o7'6 the time of s8, l meeting . r- i ren under our ho .de . at Lexington , this sixteenth t of ebru2r-, _ , 7 -)17 , tie _L_.=. .