HomeMy WebLinkAbout1916-06-12-STM-WARRANT — - TOWN ;htARRAN T . ,.T -TH %iIDDLLSEX. s3 �jd_�J1�i!'J.i�'.J..:;.iii�.i�. V.L IsuiiJiJri�i�jUi,l_J • � To either of the Constables of the Town of Lexington, in said County, Greeting In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts , you are directed to notify the inhabitants of the Town of Lexington, qualified to vote in elections and in town affairs , to meet in the 'Town Hall in said Lexington, X11. T r -i:i.J.i«lrkY, ix�..J i u�,1�i Th .i�ts.i l..i' JUNE, A. j. , 1916. at seven thirty o ' clock, F . m. , then and there to act on the following articles : Art. 1 . To receive the report of any Board of Town Officers or of any Committee of the town for action thereon. and to appoint other Committees . Art. 2 . To provide by any appropriate means a sum of money to meet the estimated. cost of acquiring for the purpose herein expressed substantially the lot of land in tn_s article mentioned., and to see if the 'To'i will -rote to take in fee , by the right of eminent domain, for the purpose of erecting thereon a building for a public school , suostantially the following described lot of land, supposed to belong to Charles Smith, situated on Bedford Street in the Town of Lexington, viz : Beginning at the northerly corner thereof on Bedford Street at the boundary line between land of Smith and land of i"endall , thence running southwesterly partly on said land of Fen_dall and partly on land of Johnson two hundred seventy-six and eighty-one one hundredths(276 .81 ) feet to a bound set in the ground ; thence turning and running in a straight line south 27°93 ' Nast three hundred eight (308) feet to a bound set in the ground , thence turning and running in a straight line North 63°17 ' Nast two hundred six and one tenth ( 206 .1) feet to Ledford .street; thence turning and running nortnerly on Bedford Street three hundred twenty (320) feet to the point of beginning containing about one and seventy- four one-hundredths ( 1 .74) acres . end to take any other or further action relating ,to the acouisition of such lot of land or to the erection of a school- house thereon. Art. 3 . To provide by any appropriate means a sum of money to meet the estimated cost of acquiring and pleparinT, for the pur- pose in this Article expressed, a lot of land, supposed to belong to Charles P. Smith, containing about three and eighty-two one- hundredths (3 .82 ) acres situated in Lexington directly in the rear of and adjoining the lot described in the preceding Article (and herein. called "school-house lot" ) ; and to see if the Town will authorize its school Committee to take substantially said lot of three and eighty-two one-hundredths (3 .82) acres in fee by the right of eminent domain, for intenance and use as a publ_;.c playground agreeably to the provisions of Revised Laws , chapter twenty-eight, section nineteen, as amended by chapter tTvrenty-five of the acts of the year 1915 , the lot being bounded northeasterly by said school-house lot, southirresterly by a way known as Valley goad, northwesterly by the respective lands of Terra and Johnson, and southeasterly by the southeasterly boundary line of said ;school-house lot projected as a straight line to said 'galley Road. Also to determine by whom the powers conferred by said section nineteen of chapter twenty-eight of the Revised Laws as amended shall be exercised, so far as the lot so to be taken is concerned, and to take any other or further action relative to the acquisition thereof or to the preparation, maintenance or use of the same as such playground. (A blue-print of a plan made by ?.F , Cutter, C. E. . dated Apr. 15 , 1916 . entitled "Land of Charles F. Smith at Lexington, " and showing the lots mentioned in this and the preceding article , is on file with the Town clerk) Art. 4 . To see if the town will vote to employ a Torn Engineer , and to raise and appropriate the necessary funds for his compen- sation and for any other expense incidental to such employment, or act in any manner relating thereto . Art . 5 . To see if the town will make an appropriation sufficient to meet the estimated expense of pensions under the provisions of Chapter 447 of the Acts of 1912 which was -:-ccepted by the town on March 27 , 1916 , or act in any manner relating thereto . Art . 6. To see if the town ;ill make an a.aditional appro riation for the highway d ep .rtne:.Zt, or act in any manner relating thereto . Art. 7 . To see if the Town will adopt a by-law or by-laws pro- viding for the licensing of persons to be dealers in and keepers of shops for the purchase , sale or barter of junk, old metals or second hand articles , or for the licensing of persons ;.s junk collectors, or for both such purposes ; and to take any other or further action relative to junk dealers or sunk collectors and the licensing thereof. Hereof, fail not, and make due return of this :;arrant. with your doirws thereon, to the Town Clerk, on or before the time of said meeting. Given under our hands, at Lexington, this twenty-seventh day of May 1916 . rdt_tyzuLe;CTir: der e