HomeMy WebLinkAbout1915-03-01-TE-WARRANT and 1915-03-08-ATM-WARRANTTOWN WARRANT.
To either of the Constables of the 'iown of Lexington, in
said County, Greeting:
In the name of the Commonwealth of L assachusetts , you are
directed to notify the inhabitants of
qualified to vote in elections and in
in the Town Hall in said Lexington,
ON MONDAY, THE FIRST DAY OF MARCH, A. D., 1915, at seven
o'clock A. M., then and there to act on the following articles:
the 'Town of Lexington,
affairs, to meet
Art. 1. To choose by ballot the followin: town officers:- One
Town Clerk for the term of one year; three Selectmen for the
term of one year; three Overseers of the Poor for the term of
one year; three Surveyors of the Highways for the term of one
year; one Assessor for the term of three years; one Town Treasurer
for the tern of one year; one Collector of Taxes- for the term
of one year; one Auditor for the term of one year, one ;eater and
Sewer Commissioner for the term of three years; one member of
the Cemetery Committee for the term of three years; one member of
the School Committee for the tern of three years; one member of
the Board of Health for the term of three years; one Park Com-
missioner for the term of three years, one Tree Warder_ for the
term of one year; two Constables for the term of one year; one
Moderator for the term of one year.
girt. S. To see if the Town will vote for or against granting
licenses for the sale of intoxicating liquors, in answer to the
question: "Shall licenses be granted for the sale of intoxicating
liquors in this town?".
Art. 3. To see if the Town will accept Chapter 795, Acts of
1914 being "An Act to provide for the better prevention of fires
throw; gout the metropolitan district."
The election officers will receive votes under Articles
1, 2 and 3 on the official ballot prepared by the Town Clerk.
The polls will be opened as soon as possible after the
organization of the meeting and rill be kept open until
five P. M. In compliance with Article III of the By -Laws
as amended January 29, 1900, business under the following
Articles will be transacted at an adjourned meeting to be
held Monday evening, March 8, 1915, unless the adjourned
meeting shall by unanimous vote, be ordered for some other
specified time.
Art. A. To receive the report of any Board of Town Officers or
of any Committee of the Town for action thereon, and to appoint
other Committees.
Art. 5. To choose such Town Officers as are required by law and
are usually chosen by nomination.
Art. 6. To see if the Town will make an appropriation for the
proper observance of 1,=emorial Day, to be expended under the direction
of Post 119, Grand Army of the Republic.
Art. '7. To provide for the support of the Public Schools the
ensuing year, and grant money for the same.
Art. 8. To provide for the support of the Poor at the Alms House
the ensuing year, and grant money for the same.
Art. 9. To provide for the support of Outside Poor the ensuing.
year, and grant money for the same.
Art. 10 To provide for the support of the Highways the ensuing
year, and grant money for the same.
Art. 11 To provide for the support of the Street Lights the ensuing
year, and grant money for the same.
Art. 12. To provide for the support of the -sire Department the
ensuing year , and. = rant money for the same.
Art. 13 To see if the town will make the appropriations for town
expenses the ensuing year, as submitted by the Selectmen, or act
lin any manner relating thereto.
Art. 14 To see what measures the town will adopt in relation to
the collection of taxes the ensuing year, or act in any manner relat-
ing thereto.
Art. lE To see if the Torn will make an appropriation to construct
sidewalks with concrete or other materials where the abutters wi71
pay one-half the expense thereof.
Art. 16 To see if the tow -an will maks an appropriation sufficient to
meet the exrense of placing new insurance and renewals for the ensu-
ing year, or act in any manner relating thereto.
Art. 17 To see if the Town will make an appropriation for the care
of the Cemeteries for the ensuing year.
Art. 18 To see if the Town will appropriate a sum of money for the
use of the Finance Committee, or take any action relating thereto.
Art. 19 To provide for the support of the Public Parks for the
ensuing year and grant money for the same, or act in any manner re-
lating thereto.
Art. 20 To see if the Town will make further appropriations of
money for the suppression of insects, or act in any manner relating
Art. 21 To see if the To1rn Till accept Chapter 575 of the Acts of
1913, entitled "An Act to authorize Cities and Towns to provide free
meals for school children."
Art. 22 To see if the Town will make an appropriation for the pur-
pose of planting. shade trees in the town, in accordance with the
recommendation of the Massachusetts Forestry Association, or act in
any manner relating thereto.
Art. 23 To see if the Town will adopt a plan whereby all Town Labor
will be paid on a bdvsis of $2.50 a day of eight hours work and that
citizens of the Town of Lexington will have the preference of the
Town work, or act in any manner relating thereto.
Art. 2a To see if the Town will vote to appropriate the sum of seven
hundred and twelve dollars and forty three cents, ($712.43), the
same to be taken from Omitted Assessments of 1914; this to remove-
from Tax Liens Account defective or valueless liens accumulated many
years prior to the incumbency of present Tax Collector.
Art. 25 To see if the town will grant the employees of the Moth
Department an increase in wages, or act in any manner relating thereto.
Art. 26 To see if the town will purchase of Richard O. Tower and
Fran D. Peirce and make a part of its water distribution system, the
eight inch main laid in Follen Road and owned by them, and to this
end to authorize the making of a contract with Messrs. Tower and
Peirce in substantially the form of the printed draft which accom-
parries the warrant for this meeting; or to take any other or further
action relative to the purchase and use of said water main.
Art. 27 To see if the town will appropriate and assess a sum of
money for the purpose of purchasing end erecting a new flag pole
on the Common, or act in any manner relating thereto.
Art. 28 To see if the town will authorize the Board of Selectmen
to make takings of land for the purpose of extending a street from
the Arlington line to a point on Lowell Street in accordance with
a plan now on file at the Town Clerk's Office and appropriate and
assess money for this purpose, or act in any manner relating thereto.
Art. 29 To see if the Town will vote to appropriate money to widen
and deepen the brooks in the Town so as to obtain better surface drain-
age, the same to be expended by the Water and Sewer Commissioners, or
take any other action relating thereto.
Art. 30 To appropriate money for the use of the Tater Department, and
vote to issue Bonds or Notes, therefor, or otherwise determine the
method of raising the money so appropriated, and to take any other
or further action relative thereto as may be deemed best.
Art. 31 To receive and consider the report of the committee
appointed to prepare a new code of By -Laws for the Town, or
to act in any manner relating thereto.
Hereof, fail not, and make due return of this Warrant, with
your doings thereon, to the Town Clerk on or
before the time of said meeting.
Given under our hands, at Lexington,
this twelftn day of February, A. D. 1915.