HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968-11-05-State-Election-Warrant WARRANT FOR STATE ELECTION Commonwealth of Massachusetts Middlesex, ss. To either of the Constables of the Town of Lexington, in said County, Greeting: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town of Lexington qualified to vote in elections to meet in their respective voting places in said Town. PRECINCT ONE, HARRINGTON SCHOOL; PRECINCT TWO, ADAPTS SCHOOL; PRECINCT THREE, CARY MEMORIAL BUILDING; PRECINCT FOUR, SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL; PRECINCT FIVE, CENTRAL FIRE STATION; PRECINCT SIX, MARIA HASTINGS SCHOOL. PARTIAL BALLOT VOTING FOR. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS ONLY WILL BE HELD IN THE CARY MEMORIAL BUILDING. TUESDAY, THE FIFTH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1968 at 7 :00 o ' clock A.M. , to cast their ballots for the following officers : Electors of President and Vice-President Representative in Congress For 5th Congressional District Councillor For 6th Councillor District Senator For 7th Middlesex Senatorial District One Representative in General Court For 7th Middlesex Representative District ( Precinct 1) One Representative in General Court For P) th Middlesex Representative District (Precincts 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6) Two County Commissioners For Middlesex County Sheriff For Middlesex County And to take action on the following questions : QUESTION NO. 1 PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION Do you approve of the adoption of an amendment to the constitution summarized below, which was approved by the General Court in a joint session of the two branches held June 16, 1965, received 210 votes in the affirmative and 26 in the negative, and. in a joint session of the two branches held May 10, 1967, received 220 votes in the Yes affirmative and 9 in the negative? No SUMMARY The proposed amendment of the Constitution increases from five days to ten days the period of time the Con- stitution gives the Governor to act upon measures passed by the Legislature and submitted to him for approval. No other changes are made in the several Constitutional pro- visions relative to action by the Governor upon such measures. -2- QUESTION NO. 2 PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION Do you approve of the adoption of an amendment to the constitution summarized below, which was approved by the General Court in a joint session of the two branches held August 30, 1966, received 188 votes in the affirmative and 1.6 in the negative, and in a joint session of the two branches held May 10, 1967, received 171.E votes in the Yes affirmative and 78 in the negative? No SUMMARY The proposed amendment of the Constitution authorizes the Legislature to impose an income tax graduated accord- ing to total income, and authorizes the granting of reasonable exemptions, deductions and abatements, as an alternative to the exercise of the Legislature ' s existing power to tax income under Article 111 of the Amendments to the Constitution. Without limiting the foregoing author- ization, the proposed amendment permits any such tax to be imposed at a uniform percentage of an individual' s federal income tax liability or at graduated rates applied to his total income taxable federally, and it permits reasonable variations of any federal provision. It requires that the graduated rates, exemptions, and deductions be set without regard to the kind of income being taxed. QUESTION NO. 3 PROPOSED AMENDPirNT TO THE CONSTITUTION Do you approve of the adoption of an amendment to the constitution summarized below, which was approved by the General Court in a joint session of the two branches held July 20, 1966, received 225 votes in the affirmative and 1 in the negative, and in a joint session of the two branches held June 15, 1967, received 210 votes in the Yes affirmative and 2 in the negative? No SUMMARY The proposed amendment of the Constitution defines the circumstances in which a Governor' s inability to perform his functions shall cause his office to become vacant, and it establishes a procedure for making the necessary determinations . The office will become vacant following a declaration of disability by the Governor himself or by the Chief Justice and a majority of the Associate Justices of the Supreme Judicial Court, or such other body as the Legislature may provide. The vacancy will terminate four days after the Governor de- clares that no disability exists, unless ( 1) within that period the Chief Justice and majority of the Associate Justices, or such other body provided by the Legislature, should make a contrary declaration and (2) within another stated period the Legislature, by two-thirds of each branch present and voting, then determines the issue contrary to the Governor' s declaration. -3- The same procedure will also apply to a Lieutenant Governor who in the case of a vacancy is performing the Governor' s duties. The proposed amendment also requires the election of a Governor for the unexpired balance of the four-year term' if a vacancy in the office of Governor as described in the proposed amendment continues for a six-month period expir- ing more than five months prior to a biennial state elec- tion other than an election for Governor. QUESTION NO. LAW PROPOSED BY INITIATIVE PETITION Do you approve of a law summarized below, upon which the House of Representatives did not vote and upon which Yes the Senate did not vote? No SIThThIARY The proposed law provides that the official ballot in the biennial State election for the year 1970 shall con- tain a question asking the voters whether there shall be a convention in 1971 to ( 1) revise, alter or amend the constitution of the Commonwealth on the following subjects, insofar as they relate to the structure of government, and no others: the Executive Branch; the General Court; the Executive Council; the government of cities, towns and counties and their relationship to each other and to the government of the Commonwealth; ( 2) simplify and rearrange the constitution, and (3) provide methods of amendment thereof. The Question will state that the convention shall not consider or propose any measure which relates to the Massachusetts Declaration of Rights, the pro- visions of the Massachusetts constitution concerning the "Judiciary Power" (other than provisions respecting the Executive Council) , or any of the excluded matters enumerated in Article XLVIII, II, Section 2 of the Massachusetts constitution. The question will fix the number of delegates to the convention at 150, of whom 20 members shall be members of the General Court; the remaining 130 members shall be elected by the voters in the manner summarized below. The question will also state that the convention shall conclude its business not later than 120 days from its first session. The proposed law provides that if a majority of the votes on the foregoing question is in the affirmative, the convention shall be held in July, 1971 to revise, alter or amend the constitution on the matters enumerated above only. The House of Representatives and the Senate shall each elect as delegates 10 of its members, not more than 6 from each branch coming from the same political party. Of the remaining 130 delegates, 10 shall be elected at large and 120 shall be elected from the 40 senatorial districts, 3 from each. Provision is made for the manner of nominating and electing these 130 delegates, without party or political designation, for filling vacancies occurring in the position of any delegate, from whatever source chosen, and for the conduct of the convention's business. -4- Any revisions, alterations and amendments of the Massachusetts constitution adopted by the convention shall be submitted to the people at the State election in 1972 for their ratification and adoption in such manner as the convention may direct. If a majority of the people voting thereon ratify and adopt such re- vision, alteration or amendment, the constitution shall be deemed to be changed accordingly. The proposed law also provides that if the vote on the question to be submitted at the biennial State election in 1970 is in the affirmative, the Governor shall appoint a preparatory commission of 5 members to compile data to aid the convention in the discharge of its duties. Each member of the commission shall re- ceive compensation of $10,000 and the commission may expend a sum not in excess of $200,000, as the Governor may approve, for its expenses. QUESTION NO. 5 A. Shall licenses be granted in this town for the sale therein of all alcoholic beverages (whiskey, rum, gin, malt beverages, wines and all other alcoholic Yes beverages )? No B. Shall licenses be granted in this tOrn for the sale therein of wines and malt beverages (wines and Yes beer, ale and all other malt beverages)? No C. Shall licenses be granted in this town for the sale therein of all alcoholic beverages in packages, Yes so called, not to be drunk on the premises? No D. Shall licenses be granted in this town for the sale of all alcoholic beverages by hotel having a dining room capacity of not less than ninety-nine persons and Yes lodging capacity of not less than fifty rooms? No E. Shall licenses be granted in the town of Lexington for the sale therein of all alcoholic beverages by clubs Yea and war veterans ' organizations? No QUESTION NO. 6 Shall the Commonwealth of Massachusetts retain Yes capital punishment for crime? No QUESTION NO. 7 Shall commuter railroad service to and from this town Yes to the city of Boston be continued? No -5- The polls will be open at 7 :00 A.M. and will remain open until 8 :00 P.M. And you are directed to serve this Warrant seven days at least before the time of said meeting as provided in the By-Laws of the Tom. Hereof fail not, and make due return on this Warrant, with your doings thereon, to the Town Clerk, on or before the time of said meeting. Given under our hands at Lexington, this fourteenth day of October, A.D. , 1968. 0-1-00/1— Selectmen er?,, fc„ of /P/ , %///,/! 1 `--Lexington CO or A true copy, Attest: John J. Shine, Jr. Constable of Lexington CONSTABLE' S RVIURN October 22, 1968 To the Town Clerk I have served the foregoing warrant by posting a printed copy thereof in the Town Office Building end in a public place in each of the precincts of the Town and also by sending by mail , postage prepaid, a printed copy of such warrant addressed to every registered voter of the Town at his last residence, as appears from the records of the Board of Registrars 10 days before the time of said meeting. Attest : 1/ ` Constable df Lexington � :