HomeMy WebLinkAbout1950-10-30-STM-Warrant T��t'l�N �.�+IA R RA:RTT
Octob�r 30, 1a50
IiE�'OR'1' Or T�iF AF1�R0�'RTATTOI�j C0�°Ti,rITT�?�a
S�'LCI.�L T�1�VN r�i��LlING j��A�rZAI���.'
The n�amber of articl�s app�a�ing in thss �raz�ran�, �rhich r�quire
th� ap�ro�riation o�' fun�s is due partly tr� th� �'act that the
�Pserv� �und is insu�'�'icient �o tak� care of tlzese ur�forse�n ex-
The Reserve Fund is accounted for as folloTn.,� ;
VotPd �t the Ann�zal Tcsy�an T.i�e�in�; �20, 000�00
�er�;�nc� �epair� to Fire f
ii�`c�.Y"I��. �.�ul�em. i)1�VUUe�o
F�n�;in�Pring S�zp�r�isar of
T�T��ir D�v�lc�pznent l, O�JO,Ot?
Reeredt�o� Coz��rnit��e -
`Po�let B�.il.din�; 1, 200,OU
Town Office �, Ca�y �JIem�ri�l
I3u��?��n� Expenses 3, 8(J0.00
L��r De�ar�m��� Expenses 200aQ0
��Vater S�rvic�� 6,000.00
a�ealt�� llepar�:r�en�-�Ex���ns�;s l,�.�5<00
�'ire D�p�r. �ment ��pe�ses �90A00
Veterans Beylefits �;id 8c
Fxpenses 2QC,OJ
M�rriorial Day Y�xpe�ses 7�86 �5� 3Zq a 3�
:�� �, 68o s 61�
This b�l�nc� ml.ast k�e held to cover� snow rer,��v�� anr3 otl�er
�x�ra�r�i_nary ex��nse� �car� t�k�.� rer�aiz�d�r o�' the v�ar.
Ar�icle l� To rec��ve �h� ?�e��r�ts of any Board of m�wn Off:ic�rs or
of any commi.tt�e of the Tov�n anc� to appoint c�ther
Article 2, To see �.�' th� Tawn wil1. voue tca �.cce�t f'rorra lVlrs, Alber�
B. Te�ney a �;if't of li�'n�tint� eq�aiptr�ent �o i.l3,uminate tY�e
Lexi���tor� Nlinutc;�St7ar� statue, az�r� o:f a f ar�d c�f' F'�ur�
�''.n�usan� 1�c�11ars ( 4�I�.,U00) to be kno�vn as th� "�l�ert �,
Tenney ��Iemorial �und" and h��..d in trust, �he inco�n�
ther�from to '��; u.sed ta ��ro�ricie ni�'ntly �.1lumina�a.or� of
tlz� �tattz�, at��3 dete.rmine the manner in which suclz fur�d
sh�il k�e held and �dmin:�si�ered.
LTr��:A�r tl�is A.r. tiel� the App�opriation Co�nrrlit�ee reco�ncr��nds
f'a.voz�able actica�,
r�rticle 3, '�� s�a i_f �k�� �'c�wn ��vil.l v�te to accep� a bequest c�f:,�1.0, 000
td th� 13��a.��,� C�a�ritabl� �'u�d tr��t l� c�n�aine� 9ander th�
v�i11 c��' _�'r�e�er�c?� 6��. f3r-�c�t;�, l�.t� o� i�+,+inches�er, Mi�clles�.�
���r>�,�,;;z; �•���_���- ��,_;A ��o1.i'l: ancl �arovide that �th� sarri� srza�1 be
1��1d b�T t'r�p �r�,.utees c�f.th� 3�i��� Charit�bl� �'unci �rad
adr�iiniste�Ed. b� t�Pna a� �axyt c�f and �za ��1z� u�rPE �Erra� as
��-�c� F'urt�, e�r act �n an;y�� otl�.er rrA�nra�rD in r�latieara t:hereto.
Un�ea:� t�iis �r�tic�e rh� Appropriai�io� CQrA�aitte� recorrsr.�nds
f�v�r�blc� �.�tion.
�r�zcl� 1�.« Tca s�� if �he `Towr� tivi�1 vot� tca a�prapri�t� an additional
�una o�' mon�y for� Old A�;e �ss istar���-�Aid anc� E�pens�s, f or�
�h�; b�lanc� csf' t�ze year l�j��, �.nd pravid� _fc�r payme�� ther�of
b� �.��nsfier �'�c��ri ��ailabl.� func�s, in��u�.in� ur].��perad�d
bal�nc�s in cur�rent appropriatioz�ss cx� �ct in any� other
r,lanne�� �� relat�on �thereto�
Unc�er this Art.�.c�_e ��e Appx�v�»ia��c�n Cr�i�rnittee r�car.nrr�ends the
a�p�c�pria�;��n of `�3C�OOo to k�e tran��'��r°�d fro�i ��� &. D�
fir�ticl� �. To se� i� the To�rn �lill. vot� to appropriate �n a�i�iticana�
sa,l.na of 7nor�ey for Public U4`eliare�-<��_d anc� Fsxpenses, fc�r t��e
r�alance Qf th� �r�ar ���0, and �r�Jvide �'or pa;rme�t �her�eof
��,� trans�'er f�nira ava�.l�ble f,ands, includin�; une�p��c�ed
balarac�s i.n curr�:nt a�pr�pl�ia�?ons, or a�� in any o�l^�er
rnanr�er in r�?atic�n the�eto.
LTrcler tr.is Articl.e the Ap�ropriat �c�n Corrunitt�e �e�omxn�nds
tY�e apprapriat�.on ��' �3000� an� to b� tx���ns�'e�z�e� fx�or=� �;. & lls
krticle 6. To ��e if the `Z'C�1NI`� wi11 vc�t� to appr���az��ate a�� acld.ltional.
su�m �f money for �oara c�f Heai tr-Exp�r�s�s , fc►r t'�e �a1 anc�
of tne yeaz� 19�0, and prcavia� �°or paym�;nt Vherec�f by transfer
from avail����� �'unds, includin` unexpended balances in
curr�;nt �px�rc�pri�.tion.s, or act in atzy �ther rnann�r in
rel a�tion the�etc�o
Urs.d�r tY�.is Artic�.e the ��apropriation Cc�mr_�?.itLe� r�ecoi=Lmend.s
the d�p.r•opri����?� af �p13�0. anc3 tc� be �s��nsf�rr�c� from E, R� D,
Article 7e T� see if the �°oG�an wi11 vot�; t� appr�pri�te an additienal
s2i�. of rnon.ey f'�r Vet�r�ns p B�nef':�.t�-l�id an.c� Ex�enses , fc�r
the �a7.�nc� of' i�he year� l�j��p and provide �car pa�rn�rxt thereo�'
by tr�nsfer� f'ra�m ava�la�l� �'unczs,, inclladzn� unex�ended
ba�ance� in curr�nt a��pro�riati�ns, or ac� in ang otY�er
r�arzner in re�,�t�_c�n ther°eta.
ITnder this Ar.�ic1� �h� Ap�ar�priatiUn Cc�r:u,�ittee rceorninends
tl7e ap�ropri€�tic�n Qi �pB00� an.d to be transfe.rred from ��� �c �.
Ar�ic�� t� , To see if' the Town vrill vot� to appropriat� an additianal
surn o.f mnney fcar Se�re� Ser�vices-b�'a3-�es anc� Expen�es, fc�r th.e
balance of the year 1��0, arid provid� fc�r paymen� tl�ereof
by tr�nsfex^ frc�m ava;.Ia�1e �'undsg inc7_udin�; un.�x�,ended
balane�s in current appro�riati�ns anc'� any s�ecial sew�r
fundsp or act in any otner mannEr �n r�lation ther��o,
Under this A��i.c�e the A_K��ro�ria�,orz Corr�an�.tt�e �eca.nzm�ncls
inc�ef init e pc��tponer�etat e
Artic7_e 9. To see if �LhP Town uvill vo�e ta ap?�rcpr�a�e an �ddzt3�nna�.
su.m of monP� �'��9 UL'at�� Servzce�-�`Na��s ar�c� Fx�ens�s, for th.e
bal�nce o� the yea,� 1�50, and �rovide f or paym�ni; �herecaf
b� t��r�sf er ir�m a�T��labl� fune��, inc�,�c�in� un€:�p�r�c�tecl ba�ances
irz c�zrx��;nt appropr�id�;i��.s a�zc� an;� spec;a1 vv�ter furids, or act
in an�� other manner in rela�tion. therefio.
L`n��r th�.s �r���e�l� �IA� Ap�r�ap��_a���� Camrrii�;��e recommen�;
the apprcapri�t�oz� e�f .:'�7000. and �o be t�arasferr�c� �'rer�2 E. & D,
Ar�icle l0a Tc� s�� if th� Tca�t� uvill vc�te to appro�r�ate an ardition�l
surr� �f mone� for utiat�;r Pe��ain��n�nce����'a�°es a�d F�.�en���, f�r
the 'd«�ance af the year� 1�,0, ane� pravic'Ye �'or p�zy°m�nt therE;of
by� �rarg�fer froa� available funds, a?�cludin� un���er�c�ed
bal�nc�s in cur^reni� appropriations ancl any sp�c�a2 wat�;r
fiunds, c�r act in any ot�e� rnar.iner in relation �h�reto.
TJnc�er t�iis Arti�le the Appropr�iatic�n Cor��r:�i�tee recomtnends
ir_d�firite post;ponetn�nt.
Ar°tiele 11. Tc� se� i.�' t�.e Town will =,ote t� ap;��op�i�tP an additi�n.al
sura of' rnc�n�� for �aar�ci c�f K�pe�ls - k���?�enses, f�r the b�lance
of the ye�r� I��O, and provide �'or p�.�Tmen� therec��" b� tr�nsf'c;r
frc�m dva�l�l�T.e funds, inclu.din�; unax��ended balar.ces in
curr�nt appropriatic�ns, or 2c�t in any other manner in
r�latic�r� th��Pto.
rJn.dPr this ArticlE the Appropriation Comrrittee rec;omrnend�
th� a�pr�p�iation o�' ,,'?_K0� an� �a be tr�sferred irom �@ 8; D.
Articl.e 12, To s�e if the Towr� �Till. vot� t� ap� opriat� �n additio:�al
suna c�f mon.�� for Electicns Depar.�m�n.t-.;iar�isclic�ion of
;e��ctmen� for the b�.12r�c� c�f the yeax= 1�,5C3, a:ad provi.c��
fax� pa,�,�sr�en� ther��f by transfer fr�m availak�le funds f
includ�.n� ur�expencl�d balances in curr�nt appropr�iations,
or �.c� in an� other rianner in rPla�ic�n ther�tc�.
Und�r this A�ticle th� Apprespriation Committ�e r�comrn�nds
the ��propi�iation �f' �11�Q. ancl ta be transferr�d frc�m F. 8c Da
�rticl,e lj. To seP if the Town will votE tca ��piao�)riate an aciditicanal
su.m oz� mon�y for Cary ��emorial Libr�ry � Personal Servic�s,
for the balance o�' tri� year 1950, and provide �or ��.yment
tn.er�of b� transfer from a�ailabl� funds, includ�ng un-�
expended bal.r�nces in curren.t �.pp..r�priations, or ac� in any
ot�aer marz�.er in rslation �thereto.
L�nder this Article the Apprapriation Cornmittee rec�rnn�encis
the appropri.atian. of' �200, �nd to be transfe�red from E. 8u D.
A��icle l�.}.. To see if the Towra will appl'opriate a sum of' nmoney f.or
�he purchase of a or�e thousanc� gallon purrrper fc�x� the Fire
Depa�tz�e:�t and prc�«lde for pa�me;nt the,reag by transfer
�'rom available �'uncl�, �.nclud�ng unexpended Y�alances in
current appropriations, or by the issu� of bonc�s �r notFs
of the Town, os� by any combina-tion of these mc,�hods, ��
act ir� ar��r ��h.er manrier ira ��lr�tio��a th�retoe
Ur�d�r this Arti�cle the Appropra_ativn Corr�nli�tt�e re�ommends
the d.irEct �ppropriation af_ �16, 32��50 �ca b� rais�� ir� 3'a�.
L e�Ty' O�' .19,5 1.s
Artic�.e 15. To see if the Tc��vn v��.11 vote to a�pr�opri�.te an aad.itional
sun� of' r�one;�� i'o� Fire DP�artment - E�p�nses, for the ba�anc�
of the year 1�50, and p�ovide f'�r payment the reof b�r
��az�sfer f�om availakale fu.nc�.s, incluclin�; unexpended balances
�n current appropr�.�tions, or act in any other manner in
relatian ther�;t�.
Under th3.s Ar�icle the Appropriation COT(ll71.1���� recamm�nds
the appropriation of �20CJ, and ta be transfer.red f'rcam �. L� �.
Article 1�, TU see i� the Town. will vat� to rescin�l the balance of
�50,OOO.UQ of a loan ��' ��125,000.00 authorized under Articles
11 and l2 csf the VVarrant f"or tne 19�q Annual Town �JlePting
and now r�mainir�� unused.
Uncler this Article the Ap,�ropriation Committ�E recommends
�'€�vorable �ction.
Article 17. To �e� i�' the Town �rill vote to adopt a civil defense by�law
substar_tially in the� form hereinaft�;r set forth, or act
in dny other manner in relation thereto.
Under this �rticle the Appropriation Comraittee reeomm�nds
�'avor�.ble actic�n,
�r.,CTTON 1� �1�PA�Tivf�°;l�tT 0�� CIVIL DFFENSE. There is her�by estab-
lished a dep�rtment o_f civil defens� ( ner�ina�'t�r caile�d tne "departrnent") .
It shall b� the �'unction of the departm�nt to have char�;e of civil
defer�se as def'ined in Section l, Chapt�;r 63Q, Pcts of 1Q50 and to perf�rnk
civil dEf�;nse functions as �.uthoriz��3 or dirPcted by said chapter or by
ar�y and a11 execu.tive carders c�r �en�r��. re�;ulations promul�;ated there- �
under, and to exerci�e any aut�ority de3eg;atec� to it by the gov�rnor
under said Cha�ter 639 .
�S�CTIO1lT �. �IR�CTOR OF CIVIL D3;F�NSF, The dcpartm�nt ahall bc
unc�er the d.ire�c�ic�n of a director of civil d�fense { hereir�a.ft�;r ca11P�
thc "'director") w��o sha11 be appoir�tec� by the baard of selectm�n. The
director shall have direct responsibility for the orgar�iz«t�or�, �.dmin-
istra�ion and operatior� of the d�partinent, subjPct tQ the direction an�
control c�f the b�ard. of sel�ctme�nA �r�cl �Y�.al.l s�eceive such sala�y, if
any, as, subj�ct to �ppropriat�on� may bc fi��d fx��m time to tin1� by
th.c board of selectm�n, The c3�rec�or zn�y, within th� l�.mits of thc
�mounts approlar�.�te�d th�ref�r and Lvith the approval of thr, board of
sel�ctmen, appoi.nt such experts, clerks and oth�;r assist�.nts as t�.e
wQrk of the departrrient may require and may rPrlovE th�m, an.d, witl�in
thc limits afores�.ic�, may make such expenditures as may be nccessa.ry
to exccute eFfectively �he purposes of. Chapter 63�, t�cts of. 1950.
2he director shal]. also hav� autharity, v�ith th� �.p�raval of. the
�o�rd of sel�ctmc�n, �o a�a�oint distrzct co-ordin�.tors and rnay accEpt
and �Pceive on behalf of thP To�vn, �uk�j�ct to a�r�proval of th� board of
selectmen, services, equipr�ent, supp�ies, materials or :Cunds by ti�a� of
gzft, �rant or lo�n, for purposes of civil d.efens�, aff.ered lay the
f�d�ral �;overnment or any a.�enc.y or off'�.c�r thereof Ur any person,
firr� or corporation., subj�ct to th�; t�rms of the of�'er aizd the rules
�nd re�gulations, �f an.y, of the a�,cnc,y makin�; t�e off�ro �?'h� director
s�?.all ca�.zs� appropriat� records to be kept of a11 matters r�lating �o
such gi.fts, �;r€�nts or 1�oans,
u�'CTION 3. CIVZL �.FFENSF ADVISOftY COUNGIL. There is Izereby es�
tabli�l��:d a civil ��,,c��,s�: ���srisox9� cou*�cil ( herein�.`'tPr called �he
"council") o S�id counci�. s��.11 serve �ith�uv p�y anc� �hall �on�ist
o�' �h� dir�ct�r o�' civil d�.fet�s� anrl �uch �th�;r d�partl;�ent i��ads and
such o�her. p�:r��ns as th� boar� of se�l�ct�n�n rn�� d��m necess�..r�. Such
member of' said council �s said board of s�l�c�t,tnen �ha11 f rom �im� �ca
timc cl�s��;n�te shall s�rve a� cha�.rman of said �ounei�. Sa�.d �ouncil
shal.l smrv� sula j ect •tn �th�; direc�ion and contx�ol ofi the boar�.l of. select-
m�n and �hall �dvise s�id board �nc3 -t�� dir��to:� o�l rna�ters �e��.�ina_ng
�o civil d.�;f ense,
a��CTTOT� �.e z'OT��C.E L�ID '�0 0^fI��R CIrl'T�S I1ND TOuJNS IN �F°VFCdT OF
RTOi� -OR OTFI�i,R VTu.T�I��JCT' THFR��IT�`� Tna polic� d�partrrzent zs h�;reby
clld'��'iOr1Zf',C� 1;0 �;o to aid a��.o�her cit�- p� �ovvn �t th� requ�st o�' said
ci�`r or town in th� suppr�s�ion �f riots or Qth�;r f oi'��s o�' v�olencc
th�r�in w�iera�v�r c�ir�cted so to c�o by tlz� ch7.ef o�' �he police depart-�
rn�nt �vith th� anpr�val o" thcA dire:c;tor.
a:��CTTON 5. `��a;,Ri�7TNAT�ON C�F B'�-L�Lu�'. This by-lary sh�.11 rema.in in
fo�c� on�y durin�; the ��'l:ectiv� ��riod of ChaptEr 639, Ac�s c�f 1950
and any act ir� amc�n�r��n� o.r c�ntinuatic�n the�rPo�' or substi�ution
S�CTIOi� 6, DFnIIVITIv�T. All re�"�r€�n�es to Ghapt�r �39, Act� of
1��0, as nov�r in f�rc�� shall b� appli;�b�.� to any act c�r ac�s in am�;n�.-
mez�.t or cor°��i�i�u�t�.can. of. c�.r subs��.tu�ion fo� sa�d Chap�er 639�
r� .r�icic If3. To se� i.f t}�� Ta,vn w�.l� vc�;� t� ap;�rop���tr. a sum of mone�
f�r Civil �efense lleparVrc�c�n�G �'o� thf, b�lanc� o�' the year
1950, and prc�vide for �ayrn�nt th�r�o�' b� tr�nsf�r frorl ava21.-
�.�le func�s� includin� un��pc�nd�d b�lanc�s in current �.ppro�
priatio�ns , �r act in any other manner in r�lation th�r�t�,
Under this Article the Appro�rl�tion Cor,�mit�e� recoi:��n.ends the
a�pro�ria�ion c�f ��1QUQa and �o k7e tr�nsferred fror:l r�. 8� �,
Respectfully subrn�tt�d,
r/ y��� � j <_��
� + � �� Chairman
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