HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-03-04-TE-Warrant-and-1946-03-25-ATM-Warrant TOWN WARRANT Commonwealth of Massachusetts Middlesex, ss. To the Constable of the Town of Lexington, in said County, • In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachu setts, you are directed to notify the inhabitants of the Town of Lexington, qualified to vote in elections and in Town Affairs, to meet in their respective voting places in said Town. PRECINCT ONE, ADAMS SCHOOL; PRECINCT TWO, THREE AND FOUR, CARY MEMO- RIAL BUILDING, on MONDAY, the 4th day of March, A.D. 1946, at 7:30 o'clock A.M., then and there to act on the following articles: Article 1. To choose by ballot the following Town Article 7. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate Officers: money to pay any unpaid bills for prior years of the vari- One Town Clerk for the term of one year; ous town departments, or act in any other manner in re- One Selectman for the term of three years; lation thereto. One Town Treasurer for the term of one year; Article 8. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate One Collector of Taxes for the term of one year; a sum of money for the Reserve Fund as provided by One Cemetery Commissioner for the term of three years; Chapter 40, Section 6, General Laws, or act in any other One Member of the School Committee for the term of three manner in relation thereto. years; Article 9. To see if the Town will vote to authorize One Moderator for the term of one year; the Selectmen to petition the Director of Accounts of the Two Members of the Planning Board for the term of three State for an audit for the year 1946, or act in any other years; manner in relation thereto. One Member of the Trustees of Public Trusts for the term Article 10. To see if the Town will vote to install of six years; Two Constables for the term of one year; water mains in such accepted or unaccepted streets as Seventeen Town Meeting Members in each Precinct for the the Selectmen may determine during the year 1946 in term of three years; accordance with authority contained in the By-laws of the Three Town Meeting Members in Precinct One for the term Town, subject to the assessment of betterments and to of one year; take by eminent domain any necessary easements therefor, One Town Meeting Member in Precinct One for the term and to pay for the same by direct appropriation, by trans- of two years; fer from available funds, or by the issue of notes or bonds One Town Meeting Member in Precinct' Two for the term of the Town; or act in any other manner in relation of one year; thereto. One Town Meeting Member in Precinct Two for the term Article 11. To see if the Town will vote to install of two years; sewer mains in such accepted or unaccepted streets as the One Town Meeting Member in Precinct Three for the Selectmen may determine during the year 1946 in accor- term of two years. dance with St. 1897, Ch. 504 as amended, or otherwise, The polls will be open at 7:30 A.M. and will remain and to take by eminent domain any necessary easements open until 8:00 P.M. therefor, and to pay for the same by direct appropriation, by transfer from available funds, or by the issue of notes You are also to notify the inhabitants aforesaid to rela- meet in Cary Memorial Hall in said Town on Monday, theor bonds of the Town; or act in any other manner in tion thereto. twenty-fifth day of March, 1946, at 8:00 P.M., at which time and place the following articles are to be acted upon Article 12. To see if the Town will vote to appropri- and determined exclusively by the Town Meeting Members ate money to pay contributions to Contributory Retirement in accordance with Chapter 215 of the Acts of 1929 and Systems on account of members thereof in the Military subject to the referendum provided for by Section eight or Naval Service, in accordance with Chapter 419 of the of said Chapter. Acts of 1943, or act in any other manner in relation Article 2. To receive the reports of any Board of thereto. Town Officers or of any Committee of the Town and to Article 13. To see if the Town will vote to appropri- appoint other Committees. ate money to defray the necessary expenses of a candidate Article 3. To see if the Town will vote to authorize from the Police Department while attending the National the Town Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, Police Academy conducted by the Federal Bureau of man- toIn- borrow money from time to time in anticipation of the vestigation at Washington, D.C., or act in any other revenue of the financial year beginning January 1, 1947, ner in relation thereto. and to issue a note or notes therefor, payable within one Article 14. To see if the Town will vote to appropri- year and to renew any note or notes as may be given for ate a sum of money for the purchase of a new cruising a period of less than one year in accordance with Section car for the Police Department, or act in any other manner 17, Chapter 44, General Laws. in relation thereto. Article 4. To see if the Town will make the usual Article 15. To see if the Town will vote to appropri- appropriations for Town expenses for the ensuing year, ate funds for the payment of pensions to retired mem- by direct appropriation, by transfer from available funds, bers of the Police and Fire Departments under Chapter or by a combination of the two methods, or act in any 32, General Laws, or act in any other manner in relation other manner in relation thereto. thereto. Article 5. To see if the Town will vote to transfer Article 16. To see if the Town will vote to appropri- unexpended appropriation balances in any of the Accounts ate money for highway maintenance under the authority . to the Excess and Deficiency Account, or act in any other of Chapter 90 of the General Laws, or act in any other manner in relation thereto. manner in relation thereto. Article 6. To see if the Town will vote to authorize Article 17. To see if the Town will vote to raise and the Assessors to use money from available funds toward appropriate a sum of money for the construction of Grove the reduction of the 1946 tax rate, or act in any other Street; said money to be used in conjunction with any manner in relation thereto. money which may be allotted by the State or County, or 0 both, for this purpose; and to be raised by direct appro- Article 31. To see if eral By-laws by to het Towne XXVI mendhGen- priation, by transfer from available funds, or act in any "Section 3. addingNo person shall place theor cause following:be other manner in relation thereto.heplaced any vehicle which shall interfere with the removing SelectmenArticle To see if the Town willo vote to authorcize or plowingof snow, or the removing of ice, in any way of the to where the abutting owner r bituminousyone-halfn- thTown, and the Superintendent of Streets or other offi- thete sidewalksand the abutting pays cer in charge of ways for the time being, for the purpose the cost, and provide funds for said construction by directa of removing or plowing snow, or removing ice, from any appropriation, by transfer mem available, or funds, ortba way, is hereby authorized and empowered to remove, or manercombinationlofa thesettwo methods,.or act in any other cause to be removed to some convenient place, including in manner in relation thereto. such term a public garage, any vehicle interfering with Article 19. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate such work, and the owner of such vehicle shall be liable a sum of money for the purpose of erecting a chain link for the cost of such removal, and the storage charges, if fence, with gates, to enclose building, dump and pipe any, resulting therefrom:' yard at the Public Works Building, or act in-any other Article 32. Toer see if the Town will vote to enlarge the manner in relation thereto. scope of the Road Machinery Fund by crediting to said Article 20. To see if the Town will vote to appropri- fund an amount based on hourly rental for the use of ate a sum of money for the purchase of a new truck motorized equipment of the Public Works Department chassis, equipment and material for the body, for the Fire when used on various projects carried on under the direc- Department, or act in any other manner in relation tion of said Department, the amount of said charge not to thereto. exceed the amount allowed by the State for the use of Article 21. To see if the Town will vote to appropri- similar equipment, or act in any other manner in relation ate a sum of money to cover contingencies and/or ex- thereto. penses incidental to completion and operation of the new Article 33. To see if the Town will vote to authorize Fire Stations such as grading, fire alarm system, furni- the Selectmen to appoint one of its members to the Board ture, furnishings, water system, traffic lights, etc., or act of Appeals, in accordance with G. L. Chapter 41, Section in any other manner in relation thereto. 4A, or act in any other manner in relation thereto. Article 22. To see if the Town swill make supple- Article 34. To see if the Town will vote to accept a mentary construction appropriations to be used in con- baseball score board as a gift from the Lexington Lions junction with money already appropriated for the con- Club, or act in any other manner in relation thereto. struction of either or both the new Central Fire Station l c ti Artie 35. To see if the Town will vote to install and/or the new East Lexington Fire Station and provide for stye Arts in the following unaccepted streets: the payment therefor by direct appropriation, by transfer Leonard Road, Grapevine Avenue, Junction of Sum- from available funds, or by the issue of notes or bonds of mit Avenue and Grandview Avenue. the Town, or by a combination of any of these methods, or Article 36. To see if the -Town will vote to install act in any other manner in relation thereto. street lights in such unaccepted streets as the Selectmen Articleu23. Toe see ifthe Town will vote to apng theri- may determine during the year 1946, or act in any other ate a sum of money to cover the expense of covering manner in relation thereto. " Bedford Street dump with gravel, or act in any other Article 37. To see if the Town will direct the Board manner in relation thereto. of Selectmen to revise the boundaries or the number of Article 24. To see if the Town will vote to appropri- voting precincts in the Town in December, 1946. - ate a sum of money for the purchase of equipment for the Article 38. To see if the Town will accept a legacy Department of Public Works, and provide for payment under the will of Charles Lyman Weld, late of Lexington, therefor by direct appropriation,by transfer from available "for educational purposes or Chapel at Westview Ceme- funds, or by a combination of these methods, or act in any tory". other manner in relation thereto. Article 39. To see if the Town will authorize the Article 25. To see if the Town will vote to appropriso- Article 39. To see if the Town will authorize the ate a sum of money to cover the expense of grading thSelectmen mto sell oo sus and 5conveyetheof land n Hill and Cedar enclosed athletic field, and to provide payment therefor bycomprising direct appropriation, by transfer from available funds, or Stre Article 40. To see if the Town will authorize the Se- act in any other manner in relation thereto. Article 26. To see if the Town will vote to appropti- lectmen to sell and convey the old Adams School lot on the ate a sum of money for the erection of a locker building southwesterly side of Massachusetts Avenue. at the Center Playground, and to provide payment there- Article 41. To see if the Town will authorize the Se- for by direct appropriation, by transfer from available lectmen to arrange or contract for an appraisalof all funds, or act in any other manner in relation thereto. Town Buildings money thetheo ,purposestbe rof fire directinsurance, and ap- Asum 27. To see if the Town wille votew t appropri- proprition or by transfer from available funds or act in any ate a sum of money for bleachers at the new athletic field other manner in relation thereto. at the Center Playground, and to provide payment there- other manner in relation thereto. for by direct appropriation, by transfer from available Article 42. To see if the Town will accept Chapter funds, or act in any other manner in relation thereto. 723 of nhe Acts ts a municipal au lhorizjn thement establishment tafurnishingNisenta Article 28. To see if the Town will vote to appropri- maintenance formation, advice, and pal de assistance to veteranslr of World in- ate a sum of money to cover the cost of installing Rustop War II or vveterans.a cathodic.equipment, including electrical wiring, to stand- Articleorother43. see if the Town will vote to appropri- pria and toy transfer for payment thbler bdirect appro- ate a sum of money for the purpose of carrying out the otheron, by rrn from available funds, or act in any provisions of Chapter 723 of the Acts of 1945, if accepted other manner in relationsethereto. by the Town, and provide for payment therefor by direct Article 29. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate appropriation, bytransfer from available funds, or by a money for the improvement of lowlands and swamps and combination of ese two methods, or act in any other the eradication of mosquitoes under Chapter 252 of the manner in relation thereto. General Laws or far the eradication of mosquitoes by the Article ala To see if the Town will vote to appropri Board of Health of Lexington or appropriate money under ate a rum of money to cover general expenses of the Lex- 44. aof Chap. 252 of the General Laws for the purpose ington Community,Committee on Veterans' Rehabilitation ass set forth in that Section. and Employment, or act in any other manner in relation Article 30. To see if the Town will vote to raise and thereto. appropriate money for the construction of sanitary sewers Article 45. To see if the Town will arrange to cele- plans that part of North Lexington Engineer, shown on uta set of brate the return of men and women who served in or who plans in the with office ofapprovalpTown f Selectmen and authorize the were affiliated or associated with any branch of the armed Treasurer asththe y the ato borrowiaforces of the United States in World War II, and appro- madesuc h sums to may be s necessary to meet anywin accordance appropriation priate money therefor,to be raised by direct appropriation and issue bonds or notes of the Town in accordance r by transfer from available funds. with the law and to use any other available funds that may be raised by taxation or appropriated for that purpose, or the Asorticle 46. To cled Stevens e if the e t on TUta own will vote et,containcmg act in any other manner in relation thereto. about 23.75 acres more or less, for the purpose of disposal land belonging to Warren E. Russell consisting of ap- of refuse, and provide for payment therefor by direct ap- _ proximately one and one-third acres, bounded southerly propriation, by transfer from available funds, or act in by the Munroe Cemetery; westerly by the High School lot; any other manner in relation thereto. northerly by other land of Warren E. Russell; and easterly Article 47. To see if the Town will authorize the by the Boston & Maine Railroad, and provide for the pay- Board of Survey to change the names of certain streets, as ment therefor by the issue of bonds or notes of the Town, provided under 'Sec. 3B of Chap. 85 of the General Laws, by direct appropriation, by transfer from available funds, or act in any other manner in relation thereto. or act in any other manner in relation thereto. Article 48. To see if the Town will authorize the Se- Article 59. To see if the Town will authorize the lectmen to acquire land for a public parking place by pur- School Committee to establish and maintain State-aided chase or by taking by eminent domain and appropriate vocational education in accordance with the provisions of money for the acquisition and construction thereof to be Chapter 74, General Laws, and Acts in amendments there- raised by direct appropriation, by transfer from avail- of and in addition thereto, and provide for the payment able funds, or by the issues of notes or bonds of the town. therefor by direct appropriation, by transfer from avail- Article 49. To see if the Town will vote to establish able funds, or act in any other manner in relation thereto. as a town way or accept the layout as a town way of a Article 60. To see if the Town will authorize the Se- new street between Waltham Street and Muzzey Street as lectmen to purchase or take by eminent domain on behalf laid out by the Selectmen and shown on a certain plan on of the Town, as a site for school purposes, certain land file in the office of the Town Clerk, and will authorize the belonging to the William E. Mulliken Estate, consisting Selectmen to acquire by purchase or by taking by eminent of approximately eight acres, bounded southerly by land domain, any'necessary easement therefor, and will appro- now or formerly of Charles W. and Robert L. Ryder, priate money for the acquisition and construction thereof, Trustees; westerly and northerly by land of the Town of to be raised by direct appropriation, by transfer from Lexington; and easterly by other land of the William E. available funds, or by the issue of notes or bonds of the Mulliken Estate, Chesley M. and Helen C. Dunlap and __ town. Waltham Street, and provide for the payment therefor by Article 50. To see if the Town will authorize the Se- the issue of bonds or notes of the Town, by direct appro- lectmen to acquire for a public parking place by purchase priation, by transfer from available funds; or act in any or by taking by eminent domain, land between Waltham other manner in relation thereto. Street and Muzzey Street, including a passageway there- Article 61. To see if the Town will vote to authorize from to Massachusetts Avenue, in accordance with the the Selectmen, on behalf of the Town, to purchase or take report of the Committee on Parking Facilities appointed by eminent domain as a site for school purposes, fifteen by the Selectmen and will appropriate money for the ac- acres of land,more or less,from Lexington Estates Trust, quisition and construction thereof, to be raised by direct situated on the northwesterly side of Waltham Street more appropriation, by transfer from available funds, or by the particularly bounded and described as follows: northerly ____ issue of notes ar bonds of the town. by land of the Town of Lexington and by land of the Wil- ` Article 51. To see if the Town will vote to establish Liam E.Mulliken Estate; easterly by other lands of Lexing- as a town footway or accept the layout as a town footway ton Estates Trust; northerly again by other lands of Lex- for the use of the public of a passageway between Mass- ington Estates Trust; easterly again by Waltham Street; achusetts Avenue and the proposed parking place between southerly by other lands of Lexington Estates Trust; Waltham Street and Muzzey Street, as laid out by the Se- westerly by other lands of the Town of Lexington and to lectmen and'shown on a certain plan on file in the office provide payment for the same by direct appropriation, of the Town Clerk, and will authorize the Selectmen to by transfer from available funds, or by the issue of bonds acquire by purchase or by taking by eminent domain, any or notes of the Town, payable in accordance with law, or necessary easement for that purpose and will appropriate act in any other manner in relation thereto. money therefor to be raised by direct appropriation, by Article 62. To see if the Town will determine the transfer from available funds, or by the issue of notes or location df a new High School building and will authorize— - bonds of the Town. the Moderator to appoint a committee of seven to obtain Article 52. To see if the Town will recommend to the preliminary plans and estimates for the construction of Selectmen further action, as recommended by the Commit- such building and report not later than the next Annual tee on Parking Facilities appointed by the Selectmen, to, Town Meeting and provide for the payment therefor by widen the northerly side of Muzzey Street between,Mass- direct appropriation, by transfer from available funds, achusetts Avenue and Raymond Street to a depth of six or act in any other manner in relation thereto. feet. Article 63. To see if the Town will determine the Article 53. To see if the Town will authorize the Se- location of a new Elementary School building aad will auth- lectmen to acquire by purchase the land and buildings at orize the Moderator to appoint a committee of seven to ob- the junction of Massachusetts Avenue and Fletcher Av- tain preliminary plans and estimates for the construction of a enue, comprising about 9,480 square feet, more or less, such building and report not later than the next Annual belonging to the estate of or the'heirs of Bridget Leary, Town Meeting and provide for the payment therefor by ___ and provide for the payment therefor by the issue of direct appropriation, by transfer from available funds, bonds or notes of the Town, by direct appropriation, by or act in any other manner in relation thereto. ., transfer from available funds, or act in any other manner Article 64. To see if the Town will vote to increase in relation thereto. the number of members of the School Committee from Article 54. To see if the Town will vote to appropri- three to five in accordance with G. L. Chap. 41, Sections ate money to pay the necessary expenses of School Officers 1 and 2,in the following manner: by electing two members incurred outside the Commonwealth in securing informa- to the School Committee for a term of three years at the tion upon matters in which the Town is interested or Annual Meeting in March 1947 and every third year there- which may tend to improve the service in the School De- after, two members in March 1948 and every third year partment. thereafter, and one member in March 1949 and every third Article 55. To see if the Town will vote to appropri- year thereafter. ` ate a sum to cover the expenses of repairs caused by (Inserted at the request of ten registered voters.) sprinkler damage at the Munroe School and provide for Article 65. To see if the Town will authorize the the same by direct appropriation, by transfer from avail- Moderator to appoint a committee of five to proceed with able funds, or act in any other manner in relation thereto. the erection of an enlarged and improved Cary Memorial Article 56. To see if the Town will vote to appropri- Library Building according to plans submitted by the ate money to pay for connecting the sprinkler systems in said Trustees and recommended by them by completing – the different school buildings directly to the fire alarm said plans and specifications and letting contracts, and boxes or act in any other manner in relation thereto. provide for the payment therefor by issue of bonds or Article 57. To see if the Town will vote to appropri- notes of the Town, by direct appropriation, by transfer ate money for installing emergency lighting systems in from available funds, or act in any other manner in re- the different school buildings where required by law, or lation thereto. act in any other manner in relation thereto. Article 66. To see if the Town will authorize the Article 58. To see if the Town will authorize the Se- Moderator to appoint a committee of five to determine the lectmen to purchase or take by eminent domain on behalf location of a new Cary Memorial Library Building and to of the Town, 'as a site for a school playground, certain prepare plans and specifications for the erection of the same and provide for the payment therefor by the issue of Article 70. To see if the Town will vote to appropri- bonds or notes of the Town, by direct appropriation, by ate a sum of money for photographic work and detail plan- transfer from available funds, or act in any other manner mng of a Pictorial Town Report, or act in any other man- in relation thereto. ner in relation thereto. Article 67. To see if the Town will authorize the Article 71. To see if the Town will appropriate a sum Trustees of the Cary Memorial Library to proceed with of money for the elimmation of dead ends, in the water the plans submitted for the remodelling and improvement system, and provide for payment therefor.by direct appro- of the East Lexington Branch Library Building by ob- priation, by transfer from available funds, or act in any taining complete plans and specifications and contracting other manner in relation thereto. for the construction thereof as recommended by said Article 72. To see if the Town will vote to accept Gen- Trustees and to provide for the payment therefor by the eral Laws of Massachusetts, Chapter 40, Section 9. issue of bonds or notes of the Town, by direct appropria- (Inserted at the request of ten registered voters) tion, by transfer from available funds, or act in any other Article 73. To see if the Town will appropriate the manner in relation thereto. sum of $2,000.00 to be expended under the direction of the Article 68. To see if the Town will accept a gift from Board of Selectmen for the purpose of providing suitable the Lexington Minute Men Inc. of a bronze and stone headquarters for Lexington Post No. 3007 Veterans of memorial tablet commemorating the original Minute Men Foreign Wars of the United States in accordance with whose names shall appear thereon; said tablet to be erected Chapter 40, Section 9, of the General Laws of Massachu- on the Buckman Tavern grounds at a point approximately setts, said sum to be raised by direct appropriation, by opposite the boulder on the Lexington Green marking the transfer from available funds, or act in any other manner line of the Minute Men, or act in any other manner in in relation thereto. relation thereto. (Inserted at the request of ten registered voters) (Inserted at the request of ten registered voters) Article 74. To see if the Town will vote to authorize Article 69. To see if the Town will vote to have the the Selectmen to sell and convey to the Follen Church'So- Moderator appoint a committee of not less than 15 mem- ciety a twenty-foot strip of land on the Adams School hers to investigate and bring in recommendations for a property adjacent to the church property, extending be- War Memorial, the aforesaid committee to include 3 repre- tween the school drive and Barnes Place, for the purpose sentatives each from the following organizations: Veterans of providing sufficient land for erecting a parish house. of Foreign Wars of the U. S., Post 3007, Stanley Hill (Inserted at the request of ten registered voters) Post, American Legion, No. 38, and War Parents of Article 75. To see if the Town will authorize the America, Inc., Chapter No. 1, and the remainder to be transfer of the bequest of the late Franklin F. Raymond appointed at large; the above committee to present its held by the Trustees of Public Trusts to the Trustees of report on or before the next Annual Town Meeting. the Cary Memorial Library, or act in any other manner (Inserted at the request of ten registered voters) in relation thereto. And you are directed to serve this Warrant seven days at least before the time of said meeting as provided in the By-law of the Town. - Hereof fail not, and make due return on this Warrant, with your doings thereon, to the Town Clerk, on or before the time of said meeting. Given under our hands at Lexington, this eleventh day of February, A.D., 1946. A true copy, Attest: ERROL H. LOCKS GEORGE C. SHELDON SELECTMEN John C.Russell, WILLIAM G. POTTER . OF GEORGE W. SARANO LEXINGTON Constable of Lexington. A. EDWARD ROWSE