HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-12-12 SB Work Session Packet - Released SELECT BOARD MEETING Monday, December 12, 2022 Conducted by Remote Participation* 6:30 PM AGENDA CONSENT AGENDA 1. Application: One-Day Liquor License - Middlesex Community College Foundation C elebrity F orum F eaturing Kal P enn, 1605 Mas s achus etts Avenue 2. Amendment to One-Day Liquor License - The Anthem Group's Lexington Winter Garden, 1875 Massachusetts Avenue - Date Change 3. Amendment to Entertainment Lic ens e - T he Anthem G ro up's L exingto n Winter Garden, 1875 Massachusetts Avenue - Date Change ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION 1. S elect Board Work S ession 6:30pm • Dis cus s Draft Town Manager P erformanc e Evaluation ADJOURN 1. Anticipated Adjournment 7:30pm T he S elec t B o ard meeting p ac ket is typ ic ally availab le at leas t o ne b us ine s s day in advanc e o f the meeting:http s://lexington.novus agenda.c om/agendapub lic/ Membe�s of the public can view the meetz'ng f�om thei�compute�o�tablet by clicking on the following link at the tz'me of the meetz'ng: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87337306661?pWd=W1RXTC BvKOsrbWZQQkhNWEE3bEJ1dz09 iP ho ne o ne-tap: +19294362866„87337306661# US (New York) +13017158592„87337306661# US (Washington DC) Telephone: +1 929 436 2866 US (New York) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) +1 309 205 3325 US +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) Webinar ID: 873 3730 6661 Passcode: 151452 *An Act Relative to Extending C ertain S tate of Emergency Ac c o mo datio ns:http s://www.mas s.go v/the-o p en-me eting-law T he next regularly s c heduled meeting o f the S elec t B o ard will b e held o n Mo nday, D ec emb er 19, 2022 at 6:3 Op m via remo te p artic ip atio n. Hea�ing Assistance Devices Available on Request �i All agenda time and the o�de�of items a�e approximate and � � ��,,, subject to change. Recarded by LexMedia AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDAITEM TITLE: Application: One-Day Liquor License - Middlesex Community College Foundation Celebrity Forum Featuring Kal Penn, 1605 Massachusetts Avenue PRE E TER• ITEM S N . NUMBER: Jill Hai, S elect Board Chair C.1 S UMMARY: Category:Decision-Making Middlesex Communitv Colle�e Foundation, Inc.: , T he Middles ex C ommunity C o llege F oundation, Inc. has requested a O ne-Day Liquor Lic ens e to s erve b eer, wine and spirits in Battin Hall and the lobby of Cary Memorial Building, 1605 Massachusetts Avenue, for the purp o s e o f the Middles ex C ommunity C o llege F oundation C elebrity F orum featuring Kal P enn on Wednesday, December 14, 2022 from S:OOpm to 10:00pm. T he reque s t has b een reviewed b y the D ep artment o f P ub lic F ac ilitie s with no c o nc erns. T he To Wn Manager has given p ermis s io n fo r there to b e fo o d and drink in B attin Hall. SUGGESTED MOTION: To approve a One-Day Liquor License for the Middlesex Community College Foundation, Inc. to serve beer, wine and spirits in Battin Hall and the lobby of Cary Memorial Building, 1605 Massachusetts Avenue, for the purpo s e o f the Middles ex C ommunity C o llege F oundation C elebrity F orum featuring Kal P enn on Wednesday, December 14, 2022 from S:OOpm to 10:00pm. Move to approve the consent. FOLLOW-UP: S elect Board O ffice DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 12/12/2022 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDAITEM TITLE: Amendment to One-Day Liquor License - The Anthem Group's Lexington Winter Garden, 1875 Massachusetts Avenue - Date Change PRE E TER• ITEM S N . NUMBER: Jill Hai, S elect Board Chair C.2 S UMMARY: Category:Decision-Making The Anthem Groun: The Anthem Group is requesting an amendment to their One-Day Liquor License to change the event date for the beer garden at the Lexington Winter Garden from Saturday, December 3, 2022 to Sunday, December 18, 2022 as the o riginal event was p o s tp o ned due to inc lement weather. T he O ne-D ay L iquor L ic ens e is for the purpose of serving beer and wine in a beer garden within a cordoned off area on the Visitors Center Lawn, 1875 Massachusetts Avenue for the Le�ngton Winter Garden from 12:OOpm to 6:OOpm. All details of the original request, approved on Monday, November 28, 2022, remain the same. T he reque s t has b e en reviewed b y the P o lic e D ep artment, F ire D ep artment, To wn Manager's O ffic e, E c o no mic D evelo p ment O ffic e and D ep artment o f P ub lic Wo rks with no c o nc erns. SUGGESTED MOTION: To ap p ro ve the amendment to the Anthem G ro up's O ne-D ay L iquo r L ic ens e fo r the c hange in event d ate fro m S aturday, Dec emb er 3, 2022 to S unday, Dec emb er 18, 2022 for the purpose of serving beer and wine in a beer garden within a cordoned off area on the Visitors Center Lawn, 1875 Massachusetts Avenue during the Le�ngton Winter Garden from 12:OOpm to 6:OOpm and all other details remaining the same as approved in the original request. Move to approve the consent. FOLLOW-UP: S elect Board O ffice DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 12/12/2022 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDAITEM TITLE: Amendment to Entertainment Lic ens e - T he Anthem Group's Lexington Winter G arden, 18 7 5 Mas s achus etts Avenue - D ate C hange PRE E TER• ITEM S N . NUMBER: Jill Hai, S elect Board Chair C.3 S UMMARY: Category:Decision-Making The Anthem Groun: The Anthem Group is requesting an amendment to their Entertainment License to change the event date for the live band at the Lexington Winter Garden from Saturday, December 3, 2022 to Sunday, December 18, 2022 as the o riginal event was p o s tp o ned due to inc lement weather. T he live mus ic al p erfo rmanc e will take p lac e o n the Vis ito rs C enter Lawn at 18 7 5 Mas s ac hus etts Avenue fro m 12:OOp m to 6:OOp m. All d etails o f the o riginal request, approved on Monday, November 28, 2022, remain the same. SUGGESTED MOTION: To ap p ro ve the amendment to the Anthem G ro up's Entertainment L ic ens e fo r the c hange in event d ate fro m Saturday, December 3, 2022 to Sunday, December 18, 2022 for the purpose of providing a live musical p erfo rmanc e fo r p atro ns o f the L exingto n W inter G ard en event to take p lac e fro m 12:OOp m to 6:OOp m o n the Visitors Center Lawn, 1875 Massachusetts Avenue and all other details remaining the same as approved in the original request. Move to approve the consent. FOLLOW-UP: S elect Board O ffice DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 12/12/2022 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDAITEM TITLE: Select Board Work Session PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: S elect Board & Town Manager Discussion I.1 S UMMARY: Select Board and Town Manager discussion of Draft Town Manager Performance Evaluation documents, including: Town Manager self-evaluation, individual inputs and 360 narrative. SUGGESTED MOTION: No motion at this time FOLLOW-UP: F ollowing dis cus sion, the S elect Board Chair will write a final evaluation which will come back to the S elect Board for a vote. DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 12/12/2022 6:3 Op m ATTACHMENTS: Description Type ���� �-��w]�"��������.��.����� �������:�����:����;������r������,����:�.�,:�:�,:�,��°�,°�; IC������.����� �,��:�,:�, „ �� .������������ ������u��:�� 'w������. II��������:;�������i��.��:��v�'�:�:��1���.���:;� �°�n�� .",�����:�i���l�������:;��i�:�m�� � ���,��,���������;��'��,;���,�°���°��f..� II v�C�f��:i�r��;�����i����� ������,;�<:��� ��c�;���� � a��:..::�,��������.�������i�r�;,,,µ..�..,�:����. IC����������:,������°�"��������m���,��������,������������;�:��� .�����:,����� IC�-.��,���i�� � ����"�"�m:�(�v(���� IC IC�:�Fl��i���c���„���;�;�:�:�����uc�°�� ����.�^A���,������:����� �:��u��;��:��m� ����.�����,� � �,���,� �,(�:�,:�,�w�..,����� ���°������,�(������=����:�������� ���������� I[�-��,������=�� � ��:���� II����,�.R����,���°��������,�,���'�:,������������r,�c�����,�,.�::::,��������;������m���...,����r����;��:��� �:"�:���� II�:;�:���� w-� :a re v:�n �I n a� a q r- s r :.w �. Town of lexington Town Manager Performance Review Policy TOWN MANAGER NAME: SELECT BOARD REVIEWER: REVIEW PERIOD: DATE: POLICY AND PURPOSE: The purpose of this evaluation instrument is to formally evaluate the Town Manager's performance on an annual basis. The document allows the Select Board (Board) to assess the Town Manager's performance in key competency areas and in the accomplishment of goals. Through the evaluation procedure, Board members will recognize strengths, offer positive feedback, and suggest any areas that require corrective action. Individual performance evaluation forms prepared by members of the Board are considered work product/personal documents, and shall not be publicly released. The only document to be released will be an overview document, compiling the scores and comments, prepared by the Executive Clerk to the Board. 2022 REVIEW PROCEDURE: 1. The period of evaluation is April 1, 2022 through September 30, 2022 (2021 review was not delivered until April, 2022 so this is a six month review, to get us back on cycle). 2. The Town Manager will submit a narrative self-evaluation including a report on goal achievement.A copy of that self-evaluation/goal achievement and a blank evaluation form will be distributed to each Board member. 3. Board members will individually complete their evaluation forms and provide them to the Executive Clerk. 4. The Executive Clerk will compile the ratings from individual evaluation forms and develop a document inclusive of all Board member's comments (the "consolidated review"). In each of the competency areas,the Executive Clerk will provide the total number of ratings in each catego ry(E, M, I &N/A). 5. Jill Hai and Joe Pato will conduct individual interviews with members of SMT and any other direct reports of the Town Manager. Information gathered will be aggregated into an anonymized report of themes and trends (the "360 report"). Members may choose to leave questions regarding supervision in the individual evaluations blank pending this report, if they choose. 6. The Executive Clerk will provide the Town Manager with the Consolidated Review at least one week prior to the date at which the document will be publicly discussed. 7. The Consolidated Review and the "360 repor"t will be released for discussion on a public agenda 8. In that public meeting, the Board will discuss the consolidated review and identify areas where there were conflicting or ambiguous comments, including those of less than a majority of inembers.The Board will discuss if these comments are reflective of the Board as a whole.Comments which request a change in behavior or set a specific expectation will be discussed for consensus.The Board will also discuss the 360 Report.Any member of the Board may request adjustments or additions to the review based on the discussion and the documents presented. 9. Following the public discussion, the Chair will edit the Consolidated Review to reflect the Board consensus and discussion regarding the 360 Report and generate the Final Review to be voted by the Board at a December meeting. 10. The Executive Clerk will give the Final Review to the Director of Human Resources, who will place it in the Town Manager's personnel file RATING METHODOLOGY& INSTRUCTIONS This evaluation form contains ten categories of evaluation criteria. Each category contains a statement to describe a behavior standard in that category. For each statement, use the following scale to indicate your rating of the Town Manager's performance. Excellent/Outstanding (E) The Town Manager's work performance is consistently excellent when compared to the standards of the job. Meets Expectations (M) The Town Manager's work performance consistently meets the standards of the position. Improvement Needed (I) The Town Manager's work performance does not consistently meet the standards of the position. No Knowledge (N/A) Not familiar enough to be able to rate this aspect of the Town Manager's performance. Any item left blank will be interpreted as a ranking "M". The evaluation form also contains a provision for entering narrative comments, including an opportunity to enter responses to specific questions and an opportunity to list any comments you believe appropriate and pertinent to the rating period. Please write legibly. Return all pages of the evaluation form. Initial each page. Sign and date the cover page. On the date space of the cover page, enter the date the evaluation form was submitted. All evaluations presented prior to the deadline identified on the cover page will be summarized into a performance evaluation to be presented by the Board to the Town Manager as part of the agenda for the meeting indicated on the cover page. 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� c� o � � � � � � L N � � � � � � O N � � � M N � � � `� � � C6 (a � � O � m +� tlA � � � O v � � U � X 0 � � � w Worki ng Draft Town Ma nager Performa nce Review Na rrative Section Notes for discussion at December 12, 2022 Meeting 1. What would you identify as the manager's strength(s), expressed in terms of the principal results achieved during the rating period? • financial acumen/planning • Large business development prioritization Jim continues to exhibit strong fiscal management for the Town government. The creative and effective Capital Stabilization Framework will significantly benefit the Town in the years to come. The consistency within the operating budget and the lack of overrides is a testament to Jim and the Senior Management Team. The consistent Town Manager's Weekly Update helps to communicate highlights and key events happening with in the municipal government and in Lexington. Jim continues to look at creative solutions to solve the problems we face in Lexington. He consistently seeks advice and guidance from his municipal colleagues and uses his many years of experience to approach our challenges. The Town Manager has implemented a fiscal policy that allocates new commercial property tax revenue from PSDUP projects and new development in the Hartwell Avenue commercial zone to the Capital Stabilization Fund with the goal of mitigating taxpayer impact due to increased capital requirments of the new Police Station and High School projects. This policy is working well and is on track to achieiving its objective. The Town Manager created a Chief Equity Officer position at the Board's request, and has provided the Board with regular updates on the Town's commitment to meeting the diversity goals of the Town. The Town Manager and Town staff have done an excellent job managing the Town's finances. This is a six-month review and understandably not all goals have been accomplished. Nonetheless, good progress is being made on fiscal issues which comprise 4 of the manager's 10 goals. 2. What performance area(s) would you identify as most critical for improvement? • communications • composure when frustrated • time management and delegation • Engagement with citizens Jim should seek to avoid unnecessary controversy by being mindful of the variety of options to move forward on an issue or project. Seeking advice and guidance beyond the Senior Management Team, i.e., Select Board Members, Residents, and other Boards and Committees can provide a wealth of knowledge. After seeking additional input, presenting the available options that have been explored or need to be explored, the Town Manager Name:James Malloy Review Period Date: April-October,2022 Working Draft as of December 8,2022 Worki ng Draft Town Ma nager Performa nce Review Na rrative Section Notes for discussion at December 12, 2022 Meeting positives and negatives of each option, and a recommended option from the Town Manager would greatly benefit the Select Board in our decision-making process. Further, a consistency of analysis and presentation of issues across all departments would be a welcome change and would help to facilitate Board discussion. Residents consistently remark on their desire for online delivery of services and enhanced two-way communication between residents and the Town staff. There has been little progress in implementing online, two-way communication systems that would enhance delivery of services. The Town Manager should figure out a way to implement this long standing Select Board priority goal. Residents and committee members routinely express frustration about the difficulty of finding and accessing important information about the Town's performance on delivering services and progress on strategic initiatives. While there have been some minor improvements in the new town website, it is still difficult to search, and t significant information previously available on the old website is no longer available.There is more improvement needed in this area. The Town Manager continues to propose controversial initiatives before the promised public process has been completed or before developing a consensus among the stakeholders on the best path forward. At times the Board and staff have been surprised by these proposals. Lexington has long retained a staff of highly motivated and competent professionals in whom the Board and the community at large have a high degree of confidence. We look to the Town Manager to keep this team working effectively and to lead by example. A number of performance areas, however, contribute to eroding this confidence and need improvement. Avoiding unnecessary conflict has been identified in the manager's review as an area for improvement in each annual review. This area remains a problem. the community outcry arising from the "provocative" memo on committee reorganization is one example of artificial conflict created by the manager's approach to an issue. The fact that unnecessary conflict has continued to be identified as an area for improvement in every review further compounds the problem and contributes to the sense that the manager does not respond well to constructive criticism and other advice. Preparation for Board meetings and clear communication of issues to the Board is another area of concern. Presentation materials, notably around ARPA funded project proposals, have too often been incomplete on incorrect. Errors in detailed spreadsheets can occur on occasion, but it is disappointing to see the same error appear in materials provided to the Board after the error has been pointed out at a previous meeting. This suggests that the manager is over extended or has not adequately delegated tasks in preparation for the meeting. The manager's visible frustration with Board Members repeatedly pointing out these shortcomings suggests a need to improve composure. The Board expects collaborative engagement on issues that have broad affect on residents or local businesses. Acting unilaterally and without consultation or notice to the Board is problematic. An example of this was the choice to proceed with an employee parking plan that displaced public parking in the center. Town Manager Name:James Malloy Review Period Date: April-October,2022 Working Draft as of December 8,2022 Worki ng Draft Town Ma nager Performa nce Review Na rrative Section Notes for discussion at December 12, 2022 Meeting Areas identified as needing improvement in the ranking matrix follow. It is important to note that these are not all at the same degree of concern, but some simply identify areas that are not operating at the level expected in Lexington, while others outlined above represent more significant concerns. 1. Individual Characteristics Is diligent and thorough in the discharge of duties Exercises good j udgment Displays enthusiasm, cooperation, and willingness to adapt Exhibits composure and attitude appropriate for executive position 2. Professional Skills and Status Demonstrates a willingness to try new ideas proposed by governing body members and/or staff Sets a professional example by handling affairs of the public office in a fair and impartial manner 3. Relations with Elected Members of the Select Board Disseminates complete and accurate information equally to all members in a timely manner Facilitates decision making without usurping authority Responds well to requests, advice, and constructive criticism 4. Policy Execution Implements actions in accordance with the intent of the Board and the goals established by the Board and aligns internal organizational goals with the Board's goals. Understands, supports, and enforces the Town's By-Laws, policies, and regulations 5. Reporting Produces reports that are accurate, comprehensive, concise and written to their intended audience 6. Citizen Relations Demonstrates a dedication to service to the community and its citizens 10. Community Avoids unnecessary controversy 3. What constructive suggestions or assistance can you offer the manager to enhance performance? delegate more to capable staff further develop preparation for board presentations so staff are not underprepared and board are not frustrated Town Manager Name:James Malloy Review Period Date: April-October,2022 Working Draft as of December 8,2022 Worki ng Draft Town Ma nager Performa nce Review Na rrative Section Notes for discussion at December 12, 2022 Meeting The Board would benefit from a more effective and consistent approach to tracking outstanding and ongoing projects/ ideas. We cannot let things get lost indefinitely, and the Select Board needs to know the status of these projects/ ideas so we can effectively communicate with the community. Regarding our roles and reporting structure, the issues here is less about unnecessary administrative action at the Board level, but rather the Select Board not getting an opportunity to provide an opinion on items where we should have been consulted first. The Town Manager would benefit from developing a more collaborative and consultative relationship with the Board. This should include proactively reaching out to Select Board members to discuss strategic initiatives. The Town Manager only occasionally allows Town staff to interact with Select Board members to discuss strategic initiatives. When allowed, these discussions have been quite helpful. Allowing more staff/ Board discussions should be encouraged. The Town Manager would benefit by establishing a similarly consultative and collaborative working relationship between staff and other Town boards and committees, with the goal of maintaining strong professional relationships while reaching consensus and alignment on strategic initiatives. When facing complex financial decisions, the Select Board would benefit from a higher level summary of the material positives and negatives of each option with a clear summary of the recommended option from the Town Manager. The Town Manager should develop a consistent evaluation process across all departments that considers total life cycle cost and benefits of each option after considering how they impact the Town's goals including diversity, equity, and sustainability. The Town Manager could ask all Town staff to develop, track, and regularly report their performance against mutually agreed measurable objectives and key results established with their managers. More effectively engage and delegate tasks to staff. Make sure that the appropriate staff inembers are involved in presentations to the Board and have had adequate notice and time to prepare. 4. What other comments do you have for the manager; e.g., priorities, expectations, goals or objectives for the new rating period? • working relationships need improvement Jim has made improvements to his relationship with the Board members, since our retreats and I look forward to seeing those improvements continue to develop. The Select Board, Town Meeting, and residents have made it clear that they have high expectations that the Town of Lexington will actively and rapidly move forward with diversity, equity, inclusion, systemic racism, and sustainability initiatives with these issues consistently considered at the senior management level. Town Manager Name:James Malloy Review Period Date: April-October,2022 Working Draft as of December 8,2022 Worki ng Draft Town Ma nager Performa nce Review Na rrative Section Notes for discussion at December 12, 2022 Meeting The Town Manager should establish a culture and decision-making processes that institutionalize the consideration of diversity, equity, inclusion, disabilities, systemic racism, and sustainability in all decisions and planning processes, making this a priority for the senior management team. The Town Manager should consider requiring that all Town staff and departments regularly report on their performance towards achieving diversity, equity, inclusion, systemic racism, disability and sustainability goals. 5. Unplanned Actions/Achievements Lexington has recently received indication from the MSBA that funding approval for the construction of a new Lexington High School is imminent. This will likely be the largest capital investment the Town has undertaken in over 60 years. The planning for the new high school must involve all stakeholders in a highly transparent process, incorporating the Town's values of fiscal responsibility, sustainability, diversity, equity, and inclusion to ensure maximum credibility and trust in the Town's leadership. The high school project will have a dramatic impact on almost every department. Each department's plans and goals should reflect that level of importance. 6. Learning and Development Plans • communications with the board, the community, the school dept and the staff all need to be addressed The Town Manager initiated the Anderson-Krieger review of Police Department policies and authorized implementation of those recommendations. The Select Board established a previous Town Manager goal for the Town Manager to conduct a data driven assessment of the performance of the Police Department and incorporate feedback from those efforts into the department's operations. The Select Board has not yet received an update on the results of that initiative. Additional Overall Comments: Communication to the Board • Still is not consistent in terms of how and when information is disseminated to the Full Board (and the SB Office). i.e. sometimes verbal, sometimes separate email, sometimes in the weekly, sometimes to a few members and not all members. Makes it difficult to operate as a team. Town Manager Name:James Malloy Review Period Date: April-October,2022 Worl<ing Draft as of December 8,2022 Worki ng Draft Town Ma nager Performa nce Review Na rrative Section Notes for discussion at December 12, 2022 Meeting • Packet items have been incomplete when the packet is issued which has ranged from incomplete cover sheets (i.e. proofreading not done) to incomplete attachments. This leads to frustration in preparing for and during meetings. • Follow-up on items raised in a SB meeting is sporadic and not consistent. Professional Development: • Unable to rank on this or make suggestions on this as I have no idea of what is done for Professional Development either on an ongoing basis or a one-off. Quarterly updates would be helpful Goals/Vision: • The SB has goals as does the TMgr but it seems we are lacking a shared, articulated vision and roadmap to getting there. Lack of shared vision makes it feel like we are working at odds and not as a team. What are the three top items we are working on together?...as a team? We need to work on team building as a group. Community/Staff connection: • Early on there seemed to be attention and interest paid to the overall community and attending events, that seems to have waned (perhaps due to covid) but this needs to come back. i.e. need to be seen outside the office in the community and in other town buildings more. Several people inside and outside the organization have commented they feel they don't know who the Manager is or if the Manager knows who they are. Town Manager Name:James Malloy Review Period Date: April-October,2022 Working Draft as of December 8,2022 Thank you for taking the time to meet with us. We are providing a few guiding topics for our conversation regarding Jim's review.Additionally,we have included sections of the Town Manager's review which the Select Board must complete (on an Exceeds/Meets/Fails to Meet rating basis) for your information.These are just guide posts, we are looking for your feedback in any area you wish to share. All information will be confidential and will be compiled into a single report, anonymized and presented as themes. In what ways are the behaviors and processes used by the Town Manager contributing to positive or negative feelings about the work environment? Do you feel valued by the Town Manager as a contributor and an employee? Do you feel the Town Manager is invested in you and your success? Does the Town Manager foster positive two way communication? Does the Town Manager provide appropriate/timely response and feedback? Town Mana�er Review Form Sections (to be completed by Select Board): Professional Skills and Status: Demonstrates a capacity for innovation and creativity Anticipates and analyzes problems to develop effective approaches for solvingthem Demonstrates a willingness to try new ideas proposed by governing body members and/or staff Sets a professional example by handling affairs of the public office in a fair and impartial manner Staff i ng Recruits and retains competent personnel for staff positions Applies an appropriate level of supervision to improve any areasof substandard performance Stays accurately informed and appropriately concerned about employee relations Promotes training and development opportunities at all levels of the organization Supervision Encourages department managers to make decisions within their jurisdictions with minimal town manager involvement, yet maintains general control of operations by providing the right amount of communication to staff Instills confidence and promotes initiative in subordinatesthroughsupportive ratherthan restrictive controls for their programs while still monitoring operations at the department level Develops and maintains a friendly and informal relationship with staff and workforce in general, yet maintains the professional dignity of the Town Manager'soffice Sustains or improves staff performance providing appropriate feedback Encourages teamwork, innovation, and effective problem-solving among staff inembers Finally, -What constructive suggestions would you offer(to the Board in its review process or to the Manager directly) -Is there anything else you think would be helpful for us to know? Thankyou foryourtime andyour helponthisand foryourworkforourcommunityeveryday. Jill Hai Joe Pato DRAFT December 8, 2022 Town Manager Performance Review — 360 Narrative Input TOWN MANAGER NAME: James Malloy SELECT BOARD REVIEWERS: Jill Hai and Joe Pato REVI EW PERIOD: DATE:April-October 2022 Introduction This draft is a combined effort by Jill Hai, Select Board Chair, and Select Board Member Joe Pato and is intended as input for a final performance review from the Board as a whole. It is informed by conversations with all members of the senior management team (SMT) and others who report directly to the Town Manager, a review of previous performance reviews, and a review of the 360-review process conducted for the previous review period. In preparation for this review, the Board adjusted the Town Manager evaluation process in the following ways: 1) To gather broader input on Mr. Malloy's management style than was available through the online 360-review process used in the last evaluation, Ms Hai took on the responsibility to conduct interviews with SMT members and others of Mr. Malloy's direct reports. She asked Mr. Pato to assist her in this process. 2) Board members deferred providing ratings on Staffing and Supervision competencies so that these topics can be informed by the findings obtained by Ms Hai and Mr. Pato. 3) To return to a review cycle aligned with Mr. Malloy's employment contract, the review period was reduced to six months. 4) The Board will meet to review the input materials for Mr. Malloy's review to reach consensus on the substance of the review which will then be written by Ms Hai and approved by the Board as a whole. This contrasts with past practice where the Executive Clerk would draft the initial consolidated review based on input from each board member. This document is not a compilation or summary of issues identified in staff interviews. Those interviews resonated with independent observations made by board members Hai and Pato and served simply to reinforce topics previously identified.Appendix A contains Ms Hai's and Mr. Pato's Staffing and Supervision competency ratings based on these staff interviews. Narrative Review The objective of this review is to provide the manager with concrete feedback and to facilitate the development and maintenance of a high-performance professional management team. Section 1.6 of the employment agreement between the Town and Mr. Malloy provides for a Board evaluation of Mr. Malloy's performance in relation to his goals and his general performance of duty. Mr. Malloy has submitted a self-evaluation against the established goals and the board will discuss their evaluation of progress against goals in the review meeting. The two reviewers in this document are in general agreement with the substance of Mr. Malloy's self-evaluation on goal performance and commend that. We will wait for the full Board's discussion on goal performance and that will be reflected in the final review. This document and the key competencies rankings are designed to focus on Mr. Malloy's general performance of duty. DRAFT December 8, 2022 1. What would you identify as the manager's strength(s), expressed in terms of the principal results achieved during the rating period? In general, the manager continues to demonstrate strong performance in financial planning and acumen. We note that he has prioritized large business development, which underlies revenue growth opportunities which are needed to offset anticipated large capital expenses like the upcoming High School project. Staff uniformly reported a strong sense of autonomy in their individual areas which reflects a hands-off management style. 2. What performance area(s) would you identify as most critical for improvement? Lexington has long retained a staff of highly motivated and competent professionals in whom the Board and the community at large have a high degree of confidence. We look to the Town Manager to keep this team working effectively and to lead by example. However, a number of Mr. Malloy's performance areas need improvement to sustain this confidence. Communication The need to improve communication has been highlighted in previous annual reviews and is a fundamental weakness that manifests itself several ways: • Accurate and clear presentation of material to the Board bv Mr. Mallov. Presentation materials _ have too often been incomplete or incorrect. Errors in detailed spreadsheets can occur on occasion, but it is disappointing to see the same error repeated. • Preparation of SMT/staff presenters for Board meetinas. The quality of staff presentations to the Board is inconsistent and appears not to have been previewed by Mr. Malloy or coordinated with adjacent projects or other impacted parties and departments. • Keepina staff alianed with the Board. It appears that staff are not adequately kept apprised of the Board's goals, of actions taken or discussions explored at board meetings, or of upcoming deliberations of the board. • Enablinq staff awareness of adjacent issues. The Board expects Mr. Malloy to coordinate . communication between departments. On a number of occasions during presentations to the Board, members have asked questions that reveal that related projects are unaware of each other—as to timing, scope, or conflicting implications. • Focus and attention to issue at hand. Communication is facilitated through camaraderie and serendipitous conversations.Anecdotal digressions by Mr. Malloy, however, can monopolize discussions and detract from substantive and efficient progress on issues. Further, on occasion, Mr. Malloy seems preoccupied with other tasks and disconnected from the issue at hand, also detracting from efficient progress. Professional Leadership • SMT collaboration and effectiveness appears waning. • Direct interest in and interaction with staff, departments, and committees is inconsistent. This leads to an undercurrent of perceived favoritism. • While several internal hires and promotions have been accomplished, there does not appear to be dedication to mentoring of staff. • Staff would benefit from more direct and constructive regular feedback. DRAFT December 8, 2022 • Most members of SMT report a high degree of autonomy in their departments. While providing for independent staff management is laudable, Mr. Malloy should engage with and ensure the development of each SMT member, for the benefit of the individual SMT member and the Town's succession planning. Conflict and Composure Avoiding unnecessary conflict has been identified as an area for improvement in each annual review. This area remains a problem. The community outcry arising from the "provocative" memo on committee reorganization is one example of artificial conflict created by Mr. Malloy's approach to an issue. The fact that unnecessary conflict has continued to be identified as an area for improvement in every review contributes to the sense that Mr. Malloy does not respond well to constructive criticism and other advice. Mr. Malloy's visible frustration at times has been noticed and commented upon by others, including members of the public. This behavior suggests a need to improve composure. Time Management, Delegation, and Teamwork • Too much of Mr. Malloy's work product appears not to have input or involvement by staff. • Inconsistencies in information presented by Mr. Malloy and staff suggest a lack of coordination. • Expectations for when an item can or will be addressed is often unspecified. o This can lead to frustrated members of the Board and of the public. o This may also contribute to staff stress and excess work. o Setting clear and realistic expectations for the Board, staff, and the public for what can be addressed, and by when, will help. • Follow-through is inconsistent. Engagement with the Board and with the Public • The Board expects collaborative engagement on issues that have broad efFect on residents or local businesses.Acting unilaterally and without consultation or notice to the Board is problematic.An example of this was Mr. Malloy's choice to proceed with an employee parking plan that displaced public parking in the center. • Interactions with the public are inconsistent. Public engagement processes around different projects are often un-or underspecified. Direct interactions with individuals can be brusque and create the impression of distance and lack of empathy. This section may be added after integrating the full board's responses. DRAFT December 8, 2022 3. What constructive suggestions or assistance can you offer the manager to en hance performance? • More effectively engage and delegate tasks to staff. Make sure that the appropriate staff members are involved in presentations to the Board and have had adequate notice and time to prepare. • Create opportunities for staff collaboration —including increased delegation to allow professional development opportunities. • Ensure cross-fertilization and tracking of projects so that all implicated or afFected parties are fully aware and have input opportunities. • Create project tracking visible to staff and Select Board with key project dates included. • Increase visible personal engagement in the community and all town departments. 4. What other comments do you have for the manager; e.g., priorities, expectations, goals or objectives for the new rating period? • Vision and Strateay. We would like Mr. Malloy to provide stronger visioning and strategic planning. The strategic plan for allocation of planned development rezoning PSDUP-based new growth to fund the capital stabilization fund is an excellent example of the type of visioning that the Board has requested. • Preparation of SMT/staff presenters for Board meetinas. Mr. Malloy should be working with stafF so that they have adequate time to be well prepared for a Board meeting and are aware of issues that may affect their area of responsibility. • Enablina staff awareness of adjacent issues and fosterina a team approach. Potential conflicts and synergies should be identified through robust collaboration and communication among staff enabled by Mr. Malloy. • Focus and attention to issue at hand. Model the principle of"be here now." Structure interactions to reduce digressions and limit multi-tasking. Additional suggestions may be added following Board discussion with Mr. Malloy. 5. Unplanned Actions/Achievements 6. Learning and Development Plans To be developed in discussion between Select Board and Mr. Malloy �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� DRAFT December 8, 2022 Appendix A: Staffing and Supervision Ratings submitted by Board members Hai and Pato This evaluation form contains two of the ten categories of the performance evaluation matrix. Each category contains a statement to describe a behavior standard in that category. For each statement, the following ranking is used: Excellent/Outstanding (E) The Town Manager's work performance is consistently excellent when compared to the standards of the job. Meets Expectations (M) The Town Manager's work performance consistently meets the standards of the position. Improvement Needed (I) The Town Manager's work performance does not consistently meet the standards of the position. No Knowledge (N/A) Not familiar enough to be able to rate this aspect of the Town Manager's performance. Rating 7. Staffing Topics M Recruits and retains competent personnel for staff positions N/A Applies an appropriate level of supervision to improve any areas of substandard perFormance I Stays accurately informed and appropriately concerned about employee relations M Ensures professional management of the compensation and benefits plan M Promotes training and development opportunities at all levels of the organization M Conducts labor relations in accordance with law and balances the impacts of employee morale and fiscal responsibility with comparable communities to ensure the Town retains the best staffing possible. Rating 8. Supervision Topics M Encourages department managers to make decisions within their jurisdictions with minimal town manager involvement... I ...yet maintains general control of operations by providing the right amount of communication to staff M/I Instills confidence and promotes initiative in subordinates through supportive rather than restrictive controls for their programs while still monitoring operations at the department level DRAFT December 8, 2022 Rating 8. Supervision Topics M Develops and maintains a friendly and informal relationship with staff and work force in general, yet maintains the professional dignity of the Town Manager's office M Sustains or improves staff performance by evaluating the performance of staff members at least annually, setting goals and objectives for them, periodically assessing their progress, ... I ...and providing appropriate feedback I Encourages teamwork, innovation, and effective problem-solving among staff members I ���'���"� �� � � ��r ,' �� • ��� ���- � Town o L exin ton ��, �� , g �u. �� �� ��'� ���� �� ��. � �r �°° �� Town Manager's Office �� �� �� ,�� � �� � ��� �,�,�W ��� ��� �. �«�"�����u� ��� �.��",����:��a_"���.��,�,'`�"' James J. Malloy, Town Manager Tel: (781) 698-4540 Kelly E. Axtell, Deputy Town Manager Fax: (781) 861-2921 MEMORANDUM TO: Select Board FROM: Jim Malloy, Town Manager DATE: October 3, 2022 RE: Annual Performance Evaluation As we reach another anniversary date, it's time to move forward with the annual performance evaluation. Attached is Appendix B to the last performance evaluation, which I received in late March 2022 so this is an abbreviated evaluation period to get us back on track timing-wise. The following are the goals for the current year as found in Appendix B: l. Fiscal Management - Maintain fiscal discipline in all departments, no operating overrides. As the Boa�d is awa�e, staff has not p�oposed any ope�ating ove��ides and the Town's�nances continue to be excellent. We a�e beginning to see the benefit of a numbe�of initiatives that I have instituted since I sta�ted 4 yea�s ago. FY24 will be the fi�st yea�that we a�e not using f�ee cash �ese�ves to suppo�t the ope�ating budget (phased out ove�S yea�s at$700,DDO pe�yea�, sta�ting at �3.S million). This has �esulted in a �eduction of debt se�vice by utilizing the additional f�ee cash fo�smalle�capital items instead of sho�t-te�m debt issuance. The othe�a�eas that we a�e seeing benefits a�e the phase out of issuing debt fo�the ongoing wate�and sewe�line�eplaceynent and building this into the budget (ove�a 10 yea�pe�iod), while we a�e al�eady beginning to see benefits f�om this change, in seve�al yea�s when 1 DD%of the cost is pa�t of the ope�ating budgets fo�wate�/sewe�, the Town will see between a 17%-20%�eduction fo�the annual cost associated with �eplacing wate�/sewe�lines. P�obably the Ynost sig�ificant item�nancially has been the c�eation of the Capital Stabilization F�amewo�k to offset the cost of the high school. As Ca�olyn Kos�off p�esented at last week s Budget Summit, we a�e al�eady at app�oximately�1.26 million that will be set aside annually, with seve�al la�ge p�ojects just getting sta�ted in the building phase this will continue to g�ow between now and when the high school is built. In all othe��espects, budgeting has continued as it has in the past,p�oviding a level se�vice budget with any additional funds available th�ough the Revenue Allocation Model being split between the School and Municipal side of the Town budget and inc�eases in se�~vices being di�ected th�ough P�og�arn Imp�ovement Requests. 2. Housing - Actively seek development of affordable and accessible housing: • Advance process for linkage fee calculation pending legislative action. 1625 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE•LEXINGTON,MASSACHUSETTS 02420 The Town has two home�ule petitions befo�e the Legislatu�e, H. 4314 c�eates a linkage fee betwee� �esidential housing over 2100 s.f. (single family) o�4200 s.f. (two faYnily) to p�ovide a fund to c�eate affo�dable housing. This bill has made it th�ough the second�eading in the House (on 7/31/22) and was awaiting fu�the�action when the Legislatu�e ended the session this Suynme�, this bill has not yet been conside�ed by the Senate. The second bill, H. 3891 seeks to tie new com�ne�cial development (amount in excess of 30,000 s.f.) to c�eating affo�dable housing. This bill also has made it th�ough the thi�d�eading in the House and second�eading in the Senate (on 6/16/22) and was also awaiting fu�the�action when the Legislatu�e ended the session this Summe�. I p�eviously�eached out to Some�ville since thei� City Code is the model fo�the petitioned a�ticle app�oved by Lexington's Town Meeting a�d confi�rned thei�cha�ge of �10 pe�s.f.fo�the afnount of 30,000 s.f. and how that calculation is conside�ed (i.e. that a 230,000 s.f. building with the��st 30,000 s.f. exernpted = 200,000 x $10 0� $2,000,D00). I'yn not awa�e of othe�subu�ban communities in ou�a�ea with a �esidential fee, but if the same fee was cha�ged fo�a single family home ove�2,100 s.f., using a 4,000 s.f. home, the fee would be 4,DDD—2,100— 1,900 x$10 = �19,000 fee fo�a single farnily ho�ne). Once eithe�of these bills a�e passed, the Boa�d will be asked to conside�these fees as the fee st�uctu�e and/o� whethe�a lesse�fee was mo�e app�op�iate fo�la�ge��esidential (a �S fee pe�s.f. would equal �9,S00 on the sayne scena�io above). • Create zoning proposals for denser and multi-use housing to fulfill MBTA community requirements. As the Boa�d is awa�e, the Land Use Health and Development Depa�t�nent is studying this �ight now and we a�e also utilizing an ea�ma�k to unde�take a study on the potential of an affo�dable housing location in the cente�of Lexington. • Advance housing development corporation. This is o� the Fall Town Meeting wa��ant fo�conside�ation. • Consider housing as a use when evaluating any municipal property acquisition. The�e has been no municipal p�ope�ty acquisition du�ing the evaluatio�pe�iod and with othe� capital p�io�ities, land acquisition is not on the p�io�ity list at this ti�ne. • Elevate the importance of housing policy and creation. Housing is being conside�ed in all discussions on any Town p�ope�ty and affo�dable housing is conside�ed in most zoning discussions happening at this point in time, including discussions �elated to Ha�twell and Bedfo�d St�eet a�eas. • Consolidate/coordinate the many disparate housing initiatives; make actual progress on affordable housing (including compliance with the new MBTA zoning requirements). In July, one of the�ecommendations I Ynade was �elated to the Housing Pa�tne�ship Boa�d to eliyninate this body in connection with the ynodi�cations p�oposed to the LexHab Boa�d, a discussion of whethe�all housing issues should fall unde�one body to st�eamline and p�ovide clea�e�goals and objectives should be discussed and a decision �ega�ding whethe�the Housing Pa�tne�ship Boa�d could be dissolved. This �ecomYne�dation was not suppo�ted by the Select Boa�d and the Town Manage�does not have indepe�dent autho�ity to consolidate%oo�dinate with jnultiple rnembe�s bodies in which the Town Manage�does not appoi�t o�have autho�ity. 3. Board/Manager Relations & Communications: Work with the Board to review and update the framework for effective, efficient and positive Board/Manager relations and Board meetings. Additionally, provide policy leadership and the implementation of long-range goals. • Communications/Noti�cation: what, when, how, why and recommended actions; We should discuss fu�the�to cla�ify what issues this actually applies to and what the Boa�d's p�efe�e�ces a�e on how this info�mation is to l�e communicated to the Boa�d(weekly updates, meeting agenda/Novus, single issue emails o�sepa�ate memo�anda). • Meeting Norms: clear delineation of ineeting protocols/expectations including how items get prioritized, time allotted and when they are placed on a meeting agenda and what is included for backup/presentation. Ensure the Board receives relevant information, including analysis and supporting documents as appropriate, in advance of ineetings. Boa�d Yneeti�g agenda items a�e included in the ineeting agendas if eithe� (a) the Town Manage�o� Town staff need the Boa�d to act timed to be consistent with when it needs to be acted upon; (1�) an outside�equest o�application has been subynitted that�equi�es the Boa�d's action (sometiYnes these a�e time�est�icted); (c) an agenda item is �equested by a Select Boa�d ineYnbe�o� (d) an item �equested by a Boa�d o� Cofnmittee. Gene�ally, we time items fo�when the Boa�d needs to act on them and p�io�itize when meetings sta�t to be app�oxirnately 2 hou�s. On iteYns that ca� wait a meeting to be acted upon o�if the�e is a legal timef�ame in which something needs to be acted upon this may dictate timing and ge�e�ally, the Chai�has�nal say on the tirning. We did have discussions with Jon Wo�tmann on how info�mation was going to be p�esented(bulleted fo�mat) and I've t�ied to follow that since that meeting. • Roles & reporting structure: review how the Board/Manager/Staff roles report and interact; resolving issues at the administrative level to avoid unnecessary action at the Board level. Fo�the ynost pa�t, the Boa�d handles exte�nal matte�s and the Town Manage�handles inte�nal manage�nent and the�e a�e times when inte�nal issues bene�t f�om the Select Boa�d p�oviding thei�opinions. F�om �eviewing the meeting agendas fo�the past yea�, I did not see anything that�equi�ed unnecessa�y action f�om the Boa�d. 4. Fiscal Management -ARPA Planning - Develop a process to allow the Select Board to evaluate and prioritize continued requests for American Rescue Plan Act(ARPA) funding to address ongoing COVID-19 concerns as well as other priorities resulting from the pandemic including guidance/implementation/tracking. • I have been p�oviding the Boa�d with ongoing�epo�ts in both w�itten explanations of�equests and a �epo�t that includes all�equests app�oved to date, aYnou�t the Boa�d app�oved and status of the expenditu�es. As the Boa�d is awa�e f�om the last Select Boa�d meeting, I have been p�oviding unfilte�ed�equests f�om Town staff. As pe�the discussion at that rneeting, I have developed a fo�yn and explained to the SMT me�cbe�s that futu�e�equests will be so�ted as "meets the Select Boa�d's nexus and goals"o� "does not meet the Select Boa�d s nexus and goals". In the nea�te�m I will also begin p�oviding a �ecornmendation on amounts that can be closed out as p�ojects/p�og�ams a�e eithe�coynpleted o�no longe��ecessa�y (i.e. N95 rnasks fo��25,000 that we have not had to use because we�eceived so fnany f�om FEMA). 5. Sustainability- Propose near term actions consistent with the goal of ending town-wide greenhouse gas emissions as soon as possible, but no later than 2035. (Article 4 - Climate Emergency- STM 2020-2) The �esolution states the following in a numbe�of clauses: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL VED, the Town of Lexington decla�es that a climate eYne�gency th�eatens ou�town, �egion, state, nation, civilization, hujnanity and the natu�al wo�ld; BE IT FURTHER RESOL VED, the Town of Lexington commits to a town-wide climate eYne�gency Ynobilization effo�t to combat global wa�ming, which, with app�op�iate financial and�egulato�y assistance f�oYn State and Fede�al autho�ities, would fu�the�the goal of ending town-wide g�ee�house gas emissions as quickly as possible and no late�than 2035; BE IT FURTHER RESOL VED, the Town of Lexington comYnits to educating ou��esidents about the cli�nate erne�gency; BE IT FURTHER RESOL VED, the Town of Lexington unde�sco�es the need fo�full com�nunity pa�ticipation, inclusion, and suppo�t, and�ecognizes that the�esidents of Lexington, community o�ganizations, academic institutions,faith, youth, labo�, business and homeowne�s'associations and g�oups, as well as g�oups focused on envi�onmental,food and economic issues will be integ�al to and in the leade�ship of the jnobilization effo�t; BE IT FURTHER RESOL VED, the Town of Lexington joins a nation-wide call fo�a �egional collabo�ative effo�t focused on t�ansfo�ming ou��egion and�apidly catalyzing a mobilization at all levels of gove�nment to �esto�e a safe climate; and BE IT FURTHER RESOL VED, the Town of Lexington calls on the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, the United States ofAme�ica, and peoples wo�ldwide to initiate a rnobilization effo�t to �eve�se global wa�ming by�esto�ing nea�p�e-indust�ial global ave�age teYnpe�atu�es and g�ee�house gas concentrations, Town of Lexington by immediately halting the developrnent of all new fossil fuel inf�ast�uctu�e, and as quickly as possible phasing out all fossil fuels and the technologies which �ely upon them, ending othe�g�eenhouse gas emissions, and initiating an effo�t to safely d�aw down ca�bon f�om the atjnosphe�e. Th�ough ou�Sustainability Di�ecto�and Sustainable Lexington Cornmittee we have: • 2022:Passed a Ze�o Waste Resolution • 2022:Launched a Climate Action Planning p�ocess to develop a detailed�oadmap to meet the Town's clirnate goals • 2022:Passed a bylaw to phase out gas powe�ed leaf blowe�s • 2022:Exp�essed official inte�est in pa�ticipating in Massachusetts'demo�st�ation p�og�am to ban fossil fuel hookups in new const�uction and rnajo��enovations • 2022:Developing a Ze�o Waste Plan • 2022:Implementing a Building Ene�gy Use Disclosu�e P�og�am that�equi�es buildings ove� 25,D00 squa�e feet to �epo�t thei�annual ene�gy and wate�use to inc�ease t�anspa�ency • 2022:Launching a Lexington HeatS�ca�t P�og�ain to p�ovide f�ee consultations and�esou�ces fo��eside�ts inte�ested in t�ansitioning thei�home to heat puYnps • 2022:Developing an Existing Buildings Ope�ation Policy • 2022:Installing sola�a��ays on 7 additional school buildings • 2022:Initiated a Sustainability e-newslette�that is b�oadly dist�ibuted to bette�educate �esidents As the Boa�d is awa�e, we have also continued to include the I�teg�ated Building Design and Const�uction policy on all town building p�ojects and we have wo�ked to develop a plan fo� the Police Station that will be acceptable to the HDC. 6. Transparency: Develop a reporting/database framework that would keep the Board (to begin with and eventually the Community) up to date on more visible proj ects as they move thru the queue from funding approval to completion so as to have a one stop location where Board members/Staff can look at to get the latest update on proj ects. The Depa�tme�t of Public Facilities al�eady has a webpage that is dedicated to cu��ent/past p�ojects but it isn't updated as often as the Boa�d would p�efe�. I have�equested that Sean Dugan and Mike C�o�in wo�k togethe�to develop a p�ocess fo��egula�ly updating this page . ,, .. , '� � g "� d��^ � ��re � ,��:������ �� ��a�, �°;�������� �°°���������� �. . o �.".���������������,,.:�,��°��������,����������. �.�:���. As t e Boa� is awa�e, t e DPW ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,.._,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,��,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, has had a ve�y inte�active p�esence on the Cente�St�eetscape P�oject � .............t�.........��..��...............:���.�...................�z............. t a � � ���� t���t��� � Batt e G�een St�eetscape P�oject .............�:�.........�"..��...............:���.�.........c��%..:.............� a � tt �� ��� � t���t��� �- � °��;��an t e Lowe St�eet Wate� Line P�oject.............t� �s� .�.�.�@ ��i � � � �� z �� � l �� � �� � ������ � .�� . The�e a�e also othe�majo�p�ojects (ho�izontal p�ojects) that we have at this page ddd ...AAA �1 �-^� m�-� p � � � � .............��.........�::�.:�...............���.°...................��i............. � m � � �✓��� � d���� �.J�� �. � ����d.�• We haven't c�eated a "one-stop"shop because the depa�tments maintain thei�own pages, although we can discuss this as pa�t of this yea�'s evaluation p�ocess and c�eate a link that�efe�s back to these othe�pages if that would bette�meet this goal (as stated above, this is an abb�eviated "yea�" that sta�ted in Ap�il). 7. Diversity, Equity& Inclusion- Develop and implement a comprehensive racial equity plan with public input. Integrate racial equity tools and concepts into routine operations and policy-making. Incorporate the goals of the Systemic Racism Resolution (Article 8— STM 2020-2) into each department's measurable obj ectives and key results. Consider racial and other equity impacts in all decisions and planning processes. Report and make accessible to the public the report(s) on Town staff diversity(expand this survey to include Board/Committee members). With ou�fo�Yne� Chief Equity Office�, we had developed a �acial equity plan, that was developed wo�king with coynmunity g�oups, but not gene�al public input (this has been used as a model fo� othe�comYnunities and was a capstone p�oject in my pa�ticipation with the Kette�ing Foundation's Institute o�Race and Equity). She wo�ked with othe� Chief Equity Of�ce�s on developing a ha�dbook on how comrnunities could sta�t this type of wo�k. As the Boa�d is awa�e, we've gone th�ough a t�ansition in thatposition and we'll begi� this wo�k again when the new ChiefEquily Office�sta�ts in Novernbe�. We we�e having the Chief Equity Of�ce��eview position desc�iptions and policy d�afts with an eye on �acial equity and�eviewing ope�ations in majo�depa�tjnents such as the Police Depa�trnent. We have also p�ovided b�oad t�aining to a numbe�of diffe�ent depa�tments and levels within those depa�tjnents on dive�sity, equity and inclusion and will continue doing so as a no�mal cou�se of business. The �esolution did not state to "inco�po�ate the goals of the Systeynic Racism Resolution (see below, A�ticle 8—STM2020-2) into each depa�tment's measu�al�le ob�ectives and kev�esults. " I would ask that we discuss this fu�the� to get cla�ity on the Boa�d's expectations with this pa�t of the goal. Cu��ently, the Town has Pe�fo�mance Goals and Objectives which �ead: "The Senio�Manage�and his/he�supe�viso�will develop a list of Pe�fo�mance Goals/Objectives to be accornplished du�ing the�eview pe�iod. Assessment of p�og�ess towa�d p�io�yea�goals /objectives will be pa�t of the annual evaluation �eview. Pe�fo�ynance goals/objectives a�e the majo�end�esults fo�which an employee is accountable and a�e du�able benchma�ks f�om which all activities stem. Steps to p�epa�e fo�developing effective pe�fo�mance objectives a�e as follows: • Establish a clea�unde�standing of the position's �esponsibilities,focusing on key duties and �esponsibilities • State what the position is intended to accomplish,focusing on measu�able desi�ed�esults • Relate the Senio�Manage�'s perfo�rnance objectives to the position's �esponsibilities, depa�trnental goals, and o�ganizational objectives • Include planning,p�oject, and developmental objectives" These a�e gene�ally a co�nbination of what is included in the position desc�iption and goals that I set fo�the SMT me�nbe�s du�ing their�eview. As stated above, the Chief Equity Of�ce�had been (and the new one will) wo�king th�ough position desc�iptions with the HR Depa�tment,focusing mostly on those vacant positions that we a�e adve�tising to fill and updating the position desc�iption while the position is vacant to �eflect DEI goals and att�act a b�oade��ange of candidates. As fa�as w�iting them into the annual goals, this has not been done and would not be applicable in a lot of cases. To assist you in you�review, the following is the wo�ding of the A�ticle 8�esolution: a. conside��acial and othe�equity impacts in all decisions and plan�ing p�ocesses in o�de� to wo�k towa�d disynantling systemic �acism and white p�ivilege; b. take action to integ�ate�acial equity tools and concepts into �outine ope�ations and policy- making; c. build capacity to collect, inte�p�et and act on data �elated to inequities,pa�ticula�ly those �elated to health, housing, education,policing, �ep�esentation, and econornic and envi�oninental justice; and d. develop and implernent a comp�ehensive�acial equity plan with public input, to include staff t�ai�ing, hi�ing p�actices, and public education; We also a�e including the full inclusion �esolution f�oYn A�ticle 30 of the 2021 Annual Town Meeting in the�eviews of position desc�iption even though this was not stated in the goal. 8. Communication- Improve/Coordinate/advance Community Communication, including accessibility to all information using all available media, technology platform for resident engagement and web experience for residents. As the Boa�d is awa�e, we have�ecently updated the Town's website and we hold a numbe�of meetings in hyb�id fo�mat o��emote fo�mats so that�esidents have access. In the past, the Boa�d has asked fo�a "See Click Fix It" type of two-way coyvcmunication. As a means of explaining why we don't use See Click Fix o�othe�platfo�ms is because the Town has made a substantial investment (befo�e I sta�ted with Lexington) on a GIS linked wo�ked o�de�systeYn and that system does not co�nrYcunicate with any of the See Click Fix type of p�og�ams. In o�der to make it wo�k, an employee would need to take the data off the See Click Fix p�og�am and hand input it into the mapgeo system to gene�ate a wo�k o�de�and then once the wo�k o�de�was completed, an employee would�eed to take the info�mation f�om the completed wo�k o�de�and hand input it back into the See Click Fix p�og�am so that the �esident o�othe�s that we�e inte�ested in seeing how coYnplaints we�e handled could see when it was �eceived, when a wo�k o�de�was gene�ated, whe� the wo�k was initiated and when it was completed I inqui�e�egula�ly about the status of softwa�e upg�ades that would allow the two systems to wo�k togethe�and am �egula�ly info�med that they a�e wo�king on it and that a solution will be coming out sho�tly. I have not ijnplemented any such p�og�am as it would be labo�intensive, howeve�, if the Boa�d wishes to have such a system in place in the nea�te�m, we can implement it and staff will be di�ected to hand input data on any cornplaints�eceived, but the�e would be objections by staff. If the�e a�e othe�goals that a�e not being met fo��esidents in �elation to this goal, I would app�eciate a fu�the�discussion with the Boa�d to bette�unde�stand what needs to be impleYnented to meet the Boa�d's expectations. 9. Fiscal Growth - Encourage and solicit new commercial development in the Town. As the Boa�d is awa�e, I have wo�ked with a numbe�of p�ope�ty owne�s on the development o� �edevelopment of thei�p�ope�ties as has been �epo�ted as pa�t of the Capital Stabilization F�amewo�k discussion. We now have 8 p�ope�ties that have l�een o�a�e in the p�ocess of �edeveloprnent that a�e eithe�pa�t of a PSDUP o�the�ezoning on Ha�twell. These will add significant tax dolla�s that will offset the tax bu�den the debt se�vice on the new high school will c�eate. I�egula�ly visit new businesses with ou�econoynic development staff and attend the qua�te�ly small business b�eakfast rneetings. I have also wo�ked with a numbe�of businesses di�ectly that have�eached out fo�assistance�elated to the ARPA funds that have been set aside fo� businesses a�d have encou�aged ou�Economic Development Di�ecto�to continue seeking assistance fo�l�usinesses and making va�ious imp�ovements in Town using the ARPA funds as it �elates to business development. 10. Fiscal Management - Continue Fiscal Planning and Fiscal Policy review to prepare for the possibility of a new High School proj ect coming in the near term. As the Boa�d can imagine, this is a constant topic that is discussed and�eviewed as it impacts eve�ything we do. In developing the annual budget, capital plan and�eviewing ou�debt jnanagernent st�ategies, eve�y project that we unde�take is conside�ed in light of the high school p�oject. As stated above and p�eviously, we developed a new Capital Stabilization F�amewo�k to mitigate the costs of the new high school by offsetting a po�tion of the debt se�vice costs. This will continue to be a majo�item that di�ects the timing of all othe�p�ojects fo�the coining 5-10 yea�s and will continue to �equi�e ca�eful planning to ensu�e ou�debt�nanagement does not become all consuming at the cost of quality se�vices. I've t�ied to accomplish this ove�the past few budget cycles and will continue to do so. Other accomplishments over the past six months: • Police Station Debt Authorization and Debt Exclusion—I attended several forums, Lexmedia and wrote an article for the local paper explaining the proj ect and the impact on taxpayers. Both the debt authorization and debt exclusion passed. • Managed the ARPA funding requests and expenditures, including moving the Participatory Budgeting program forward. � Worked diligently on the RFP/sale of the Hosmer House and have continued to work with the purchaser through the HDC, HC, ZBA and Planning Board processes so that the house can be moved in time to allow the Police Station proj ect to move forward on schedule. � Drafted the RFP, worked with the selected consultant and Senior Management Team on the Organizational Assessment and then met with each SMT and Select Board member to discuss their comments related to the Organizational Assessment and am currently finalizing an implementation plan based on the report and all comments received. � Developed a Working Group on the High School/Center Recreation Area land use, which resulted in a better understanding and direction for the School Building Committee that the High School construction would be limited to the land area on the south side of the Vine Brook, preserving all of the Center Recreation Area. � Drafted a memo outlining the legal status of all Committees and provided a recommendation on eliminating Committees and changing the Appointing Authority on a number of Committees to relieve the Select Board of a time-consuming process. Currently drafting a revised memo based on the Select Board's comments (draft provided last week). � Successfully negotiated several labor agreements and have held the line on some that are outstanding based on the union's demands. Even with the outstanding agreements, there have not been any labor issues (morale-wise) as we have kept the negotiations very professional. • Drafted the Small Cell Wireless (SG) Policy the Board adopted in November 2021. • Developed and drafted the Capital Stabilization Framework Policy approved by the Board in November 2021 which includes a plan to offset the cost of the new High School. • Worked with several SMT members and other town staff to creatively retain staff and pivoted in our recruitment process to move faster than the Town historically did in the hiring practice to hire quickly when we have good candidates. During the past year, all Senior and Middle Management positions have been filled more quickly than in the past. • Other Items—Opioid settlement, AMI, Stormwater Enterprise Fund, Battle Green Streetscape, continued participating in Citizen's Academy, participated in a number of community events over the past year, and working with Carol Kowalski on the affordable housing initiatives (via a state funded ARPA earmark). � � � � � p � � � N? •— � 4�f ,w t/? +� � � � 4 � ... !y,�p �C CL Q �► � �n `,�i � � � m � .c c�u � w�► w�► c�r c�r c�r �t w�► �— �, � L1 � � � � � 43 � �,�,,,,�,,, � �L' �+ � �' � � � � � �� � � �� � Q�► +� �►� �, tJ � 4�► tJ� � ,,.r�.,,, �p q�, p� ,� `� � �+4 � �, ,.r,..,► , . � � � ��`— � � � � � � � � � � � �� � � � � �� ="� � .'�' �. ,� �, !� �. , =� tJ� q�► .�. �3 � � � � � � � � � � �, � � �13 � �: �"/7► �"l7► � �= � � � .''� � � ""� � �� �' � � ''� q�j �c.� � � � � � '"�""""�""""" � ��`. .��.. `� �' �3 `� � "�—�' �' �"�"' �` �� ,,,� �37� ,��-�•, '� �CS tJ� ��t,. �,,,,+�' .� �7► � +�' �7► '� -- � � q�► � � � �� ,� Q�► ,.�,.., � ., Q��► � '� � � � � �,�,�,,, ,> .� ,,.� �`� �� .�,.. .�.,� � � � � � � � � � � � � �� � � � � � � � � .� �„ C� � � �—' � � � � � =-� [� Q�► ��;; �� ► � .Q�;� 4�► � �"` �� �.." � q� �t.' � q��► �, �, ,� �, Q��► �q� �t3 � ap � � � "�"""�" � �pj� 9G� q�► ,�` �G �13 �, �► ,�s"�.. � � Q�►� �7� �` �7�s"�„ '� �;' q� '� � �1 �^�r,/ q�► ��;' � �CS �CS '� -- �.. �.. ` tJ� 4�► " � �: =� �,.' `p """."" � :� �3 +p %' � �.' �3 ' � �13 ""�3 '.�"'�"'� �'37 ",�i � tJ� :� �r..► G� � �p .�. � I..L. � � �.. q,� � �: .., ap .� �: -� � �; � ,�;:,�; .�.`"` �` '� �.. � � .� � �... `� Q�► �l�i '�i `� � � t� '� �13 '� �= �' "�` � �` =� � � Q�► . � > � > � ��;` ,,� � =� C) �37� � �" � �t� � �: � �`"''" �Cf � �� C� ap � `� tJ� q� q�► ;u�;,,, ,.r,..,► ;� :u�:.�r �': � ,.r,..,► tJ� � � � ; �:�' � . � � � � � �-�•,�� 4�=�► ,� "� � � � 4��► q��► �.." +� ,��, +�4 H � � � .'� �CS ��`. �`� �37 � �'" � �.. 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V Ca N cn � � t/� — � }' � � N y � � Q � � � � � • � O i � � C6 � � � � � � .o � � L > � � � .� � o a� � � � � � a> >, � � � ov� � � ° o00 0 0 � .>_ �, .N �, � c� � � c� H � C� � � � ._ C� c� � � C� cn � � li � _ � O ca � I ���'���"� �� � � ��r ,' �� . ��� ���- � Town o L exin ton ��, �� , g �u. �� �� ��'� ���� �� ��. � �r �°° �� Town Manager's Office �� �� �� ,�� � �� � ��� �,�,�W ��� ��� �. �«�"�����u� ��� �.��",����:��a_"���.��,�,'`�"' James J. Malloy, Town Manager Tel: (781) 698-4540 Kelly E. Axtell, Deputy Town Manager Fax: (781) 861-2921 MEMORANDUM TO: Select Board FROM: Jim Malloy, Town Manager DATE: December 11, 2022 RE: Comments on Performance Evaluation Thank you for completing the performance evaluation for the current period and for your comments which I will address below. Again, this year, I am disappointed with the overall rating on performance given the successes of the past year. I appreciate the Select Board taking the time on 12/12/22 to specifically discuss the evaluation and generate an aggregated evaluation. The following are my comments on individual comments from each Select Board member(if I misrepresent any comments, it is not intentional, I've tried to assimilate similar comments made by five different individuals and glad to talk these through with the Board): • Board members generally provided high ratings for financial management, for developing the Capital Stabilization Framework to offset as much of the new high school costs as possible and for pursuing and encouraging economic development. I appreciate the Board's comments. • Several Board members commented on unnecessarily creating controversy, with secondary comments related to the memo on Committees and that not accepting comments further exemplifies an inability to accept constructive criticism. I tried to be clear upfront that the memo was meant to provoke a good discussion/debate, which the Board, members of other Boards/Committee and residents did have a good discussion when this was on the Board's agenda. Prior to the discussion, I did speak with Select Board members during our regular meetings and don't recall hearing that I should not move forward with the recommendations (some even suggested consolidating and eliminating additional Boards/Committees). My intent was to take careful notes and then submit a final recommendation to the Select Board that incorporated the various comments made during that meeting. Mark Sandeen was designated to work with me on the follow-up. Mark and I met and discussed the various issues and arrived at a recommendation to re-submit to the Board. However, there were two issues that Mark and I did not agree and we are both drafting comments relative to our positions (these relate to the need for the Police Policy Committee and whether term limits should apply to Chairs or to members). I assume we'11 have a final recommendation to the Select Board in the near future. • There were a number of comments related to time management, delegation and providing the opportunity for staff to present items to the Select Board. I continue to delegate more to our staff and have had them make presentations to the Board on various proj ects, programs or issues the 1625 MAS SACHUSETTS AVENUE•LEXINGTON,MAS SACHUSETTS 02420 Town is involved in. I did review the agendas for 2022 (YTD) and of the 23 7 agenda items, there have been the following: Town Manager Presentations 3 6 (15%) Senior Manager Presentations 53 (22%) Mid Manager Presentations 48 (20%) Select Board Discussions 70 (30%) Other Presentations 62 (26%) (I'm happy to p�ovide this b�eakdown, if the�e's any inte�est...) There are now very few items that I am specifically managing and that most of my efforts are involved in coordinating and providing direction (as most Board members have commented, our staff is excellent and only need a minor amount of direction). There was also a couple of comments related to reviewing staff presentations and providing them adequate time to prepare. I do review most staff presentations, but some are submitted late for various reasons that I do not have the time to review. As with all staff and agenda items, I inquire regularly whether they are ready to be the agenda for specific dates or if they need more time and I generally discuss this with the Chair during our weekly agenda setting meetings. • There were a few comments related to maintaining composure, which I generally do and these comments pointed out some of the issues that have arisen during our discussions related to ARPA. There were also comments regarding incorrect information being presented even after it was pointed out at a previous meeting (which I believe was also related to ARPA). I agree that the ARPA discussions we've had have been frustrating, however, I would also point out that each time the Board asked for the information to be provided in a different format or that different information be presented that I quickly pivoted to present or provide the information in a different format. This included whether I should be filtering or not filtering requests. I take full responsibility for omitting the request from LexHab for $400,000 recently which was an oversight on my part because I had received it several weeks before and it got buried in my ARPA sub- directory by other changes in the spreadsheet and requests from others. There are other items that had been pointed out (for example, the amount that was appropriated for technology in the SBMR and whether it was $40,000 as I had been showing or $60,000 as Select Board members indicated). While the Board voted on the maj ority of the ARPA requests, there was one meeting where some items were not voted on,just a consensus was reached to fund these items, so when I sent my spreadsheet to other staff to confirm the Select Board's votes and amounts, they also did not pick up those items which resulted in the incorrect information being presented (from the Select Board's understanding) in the spreadsheet. My frustration was that the information was incorrect, not with the Board. As a follow-up, by the next meeting, I reviewed all of the minutes and videos of the previous Select Board meetings and included the date/quantum of vote on the spreadsheet for each request. • There are comments that I see as conflicting about delegating to staff and attending more Board/Committee meetings and developing a more collaborative relationship with Boards and Committees. Our staff regularly attend other Board/Committee meetings and update me on the status of various proj ects they have that are before specific Boards/Committees and for the most part, they have great relations with the Boards and Committees they work with. I see this as effectively delegation to staff and that there currently exists a collaborative and consultive relationship between staff, boards and committees. Generally, its unnecessary for me to attend as our staff have the specific expertise in the area they are presenting. That being said, when it is necessary and appropriate for me to attend other Board/Committee meetings to provide input, I do. There are a number of comments that I believe need some clarification, which should be easy to do through a discussion with the Select Board, which include: • Two-way communication—We've discussed this and I thought I had provided clarification of where we are. The new website does have a tab ("How Do I Report...") for residents to provide comments/concern on a variety of topics. We do not have a"See, Click, Fix"type of two-way communication because the systems available are not compatible with the work order and GIS systems the Town has invested in. Both Dave Pinsonneault and Sean Dugan have been following up with a number of different options and it appears that at some point in the future there will be a linkage between communications systems and our work order system/GIS. At this point, we would need to take information from a system like See, Click, Fix and input it into our work order system to create a work order and then at each step for reporting out, someone would need to manually input data from the work order system back into the See, Click Fix system up to closing out when the work order was completed, which would create a duplicate effort. Dave Pinsonneault indicated that this would potentially result in having to add a staff person to track work orders and input the data into two different systems. I have added an agenda iteyn fo�Dave Pinsonneault and Sean Dugan to p�esent this issue to the Select Boa�d on Janua�y 9, 2023 to �espond to any questions the Boa�d rnay have. • There was one comment related to the Board members being able to have more access to staff. This should be clarified whether this is a position of the Board, since it was made clear to me that there has traditionally been a clear distinction between the Select Board and staff(which is the case in most communities) so that staff only receives direction from their direct supervisor. • There was one comment related to DEI and Sustainability and that it should be weaved into all departments and be part of the Town's culture. I believe it has been and that this has been a maj or initiative over the past two years. I believe some discussion among the Select Board would be helpful and perhaps we could have our Sustainability and Resilience Officer and Chief Equity Officer on an agenda in January or February (as time allows) along with the Sustainable Lexington and HRC to discuss various items they are working on. • There was one comment that, "The Select Board had established a previous goal for the Town Manager for the Town Manager to conduct a data driven assessment of the Performance of the Police Department and incorporate feedback from these efforts into the department's operations. The Select Board has not yet received an update on the results of that initiative." This item was #17 out of 29 diffe�ent goals that the Select Boa�d conside�ed. On the Select Boa�d's�ating system (0-10, with the possible SO points if all S Select Boa�d membe�s �ated it as the highest� it�eceived 4 poi�ts f�om 1 Select Boa�d membe�and was not in the 10 goals that the Select Boa�d set for the Towh Manage�. I just want to ensu�e I unde�stand the Select Boa�d's goal setting p�ocess. • There was a comment that communications are inconsistent, that some are verbal, some are email, some are weekly and that some go to a few members which makes it hard to operate as a team. I've tried to provide the Board with consistent communication and timely communication. Generally, for ongoing items, new or maj or initiatives/proj ects and to highlight efforts of staff, I include these items in the weekly update. For items where I'm replying to a resident or to a question from one of the Select Board members (if the question wasn't specific to that Select Board member and is of general interest), I send or forward emails to the full Select Board as an FYI. The only verbal communications are through the regular 1:1 monthly meeting I have with each Select Board member and with the Chair. I do text Select Board members when there is a timely issue that I believe the Select Board members should be aware of(prior to it making news) or if the timeliness is of interest, such as the demolition of the Police Department. The only items that get sent to a subset of the Select Board would be scheduling items which would be sent to the Chair/Vice Chair or items that relate to an issue or proj ect that two Select Board members have been designated to work on and is related specific to that issue. It would be helpful to know f�om the Boa�d if this is acceptable and come to ag�eement that this is the method of communication the Boa�d wants, if the�e is a desi�ed change, I'll make that so that coinynunication is consistently p�ovided in a timely manne�to the Select Boa�d. • There was a comment on whether the Select Board and Town Manager's goals were synced. I've attached both for the Board's review and I do see synergies between them and some differences since the Town Manager's are somewhat more specific to operations. Items that need to be worked on: • Work more with staff on presentations that come before the Board to ensure they are complete and accurate and ready for the Board and spend time to review presentation materials. In discussing this with Jill Hai and Joe Pato last week, I indicated that if something was not ready and I received it on a Thursday, I need the authority to pull it from the agenda, which I believe Jill agreed with (but this should be discussed with the full Board on 12/12/22 and an agreement reached if this is acceptable). Consistent with this item, I will discuss this with the Senior Management Team at our next meeting to ensure expectations are clear. This may ultimately result in some delays for items that come before the Select Board; staff and the Select Board need to understand that this is a possibility. • Improve communications to ensure accuracy. • On items that come before the Select Board to present pros/cons or positives/negatives and then provide a recommendation and any other information from staff that may be relevant (please note, not everything has a pro/con or positive/negative). • There was one suggestion that I provide a quarterly update on any training that I go to. If there is general interest in this, I have no issue about providing the information. I provide an annual update to ICMA to maintain my Credentialed Manager status and would be happy to provide that to the Board if that's helpful. Again, if I misstated any of the Select Board's concern, if there needs to clarification or if I missed an important item, I believe this is best for the discussion on 12/12/22. To delve further into my disappointment in the actual ratings from the Select Board, there are 52 criteria that the Town Manager is rated. There are now 5 categories (the 6th is N/A) if all 5 Select Board rated an E and this was translated into a standard 4-point grading scale (E=4; M=3; M/I =2; I/M=1; and I=0) there would be a potential 1040 for a perfect E on everything. Using this scale, I received 518 points or 50%. A similar review in 2020 was 65% and 2021 was 58%. I believe that the Town as an organization and that as the Town Manager that we've done better than this rating reflects. Thank you for allowing me to provide these comments and for reorganizing the review process to include a public discussion so that all five Board members can collaborate on a final aggregated review document. Town Manager Goals 21-22 Append ix B — Town of Lexi ngton Town Manager Performance Review 2021-2022 Goal Priorities Proposed Town Manager Goals for 2021-22 � Fiscal Management-Maintain fiscal discipline in all departments, no operating overrides. Housing-Actively seek development of affordable and accessible housing: -Advance process for linkage fee calculation pending legislative action -Create zoning proposals for denser and multi-use housing to fulfill MBTA community requirements,-Advance housing development corporation, - Consider housing as a use when evaluating any municipal property acquisition) - elevate the importance of housing policy and creation -Consolidate/coordinate the many disparate housing initiatives; make actual progress on affordable housing (including compliance with the new MBTA zoning requirements) 2 Board/Manager Relations&Communications: Work with the Board to review and update the framework for effective, efficient and positive Board/Manager relations and Board meetings.Additionally, provide policy leadership and the implementation of long- range goals. •Communications/Notification:what, when, how,why and recommended actions; •Meeting Norms:clear delineation of ineeting protocols/expectations including how items get prioritized,time allotted and when they are placed on a meeting agenda and what is included for backup/presentation. Ensure the Board receives relevant information, including analysis and supporting documents as appropriate, in advance of meetings •Roles& reporting structure: review how the Board/Manager/Staff roles report and interact; resolving issues at the administrative level to avoid unnecessary action at the 3 Board level Fiscal Management-ARPA Planning-Develop a process to allow the Select Board to evaluate and prioritize continued requests for American Rescue Plan Act(ARPA) funding to address ongoing COVID-19 concerns as well as other priorities resulting from the pandemic including guidance/implementation/tracking. 4 Sustainability-Propose near term actions consistent with the goal of ending town- wide greenhouse gas emissions as soon as possible, but no later than 2035. (Article 4 5 Climate Emer enc -STM 2020-2 Transparency: Develop a reporting/database framework that would keep the Board (to begin with and eventually the Community) up to date on more visible projects as they move thru the queue from funding approval to completion so as to have a one stop location where Board members/Staff can look at to get the latest update on projects. 6 Diversity, Equity&Inclusion -Develop and implement a comprehensive racial equity plan with public input. Integrate racial equity tools and concepts into routine operations and policy-making. Incorporate the goals of the Systemic Racism Resolution (Article 8- STM 2020-2)into each department's measurable objectives and key results. Consider racial and other equity impacts in all decisions and planning processes. Report and make accessible to the public the report(s)on Town staff diversity(expand this survey to include Board/Committee members). 7 Communication -Improve/Coordinate/advance Community Communication, including accessibility to all information using all available media, technology platform for 8 resident en a ement and web ex erience for residents. 9 Fiscal Growth -Encourage and solicit new commercial development in the Town. Fiscal Management-Continue Fiscal Planning and Fiscal Policy review to prepare for 10 the ossibilit of a new Hi h School ro�ect comin in the near term. / I`� � - uWv'�y°y` f �'M'�;; ° . � ry �� ��y� ,,�yi " , �,,,. �.rc '� i I� ��� ��� p.. .. � . �w� p��ni�irv�m ri�r�a�wu�m�pr �, �, �II ;f � � , I .i .. ��� 1� � ;�� v� � rr qr,p�� ��,(�l�','m�o�Ylruroro ��j �! 1 ����� '���s ;� ��� J '1 ' � f s �� �D, rs ,d � i, , i., i, ,. i, �i , . i" � �^ �, �/ ',m`+a "r�'� ;�GNl�j�„ � �i II iraVl,° Tj`Il , , r ;. �r � ��dr ' ,�nd���.� u.� ��u� "WO-"y�,.. , � �� , II�y � �Y , I��I�IV�""f,d, �10� .. '. .. ..,,� ..' ������°��a� �-��N�� G i �;���o��;! - iiiiil ii Lexington is a visionary and sustainable community that values and respects all people, history, and community assets, by: • Celebrating and fostering our differences in belief, culture, and ability • Creating effective, respectful two-way communication • Continuing opportunities to create and share history • Maintaining and improving our physical assets ������� �����, �� ���������� ���������� 0 o Lexington provides opportunities for all people to participate in community activities and benefit ° from Town services that are affordable, accessible, and responsive, by: • Increasing opportunities for and utilization of safe multimodal transportation • Actively seeking development of affordable and accessible housing • Providing financial opportunities and support to enable lifelong residency ��������� ��� � �����I Lexington delivers quality municipal services, infrastructure, and amenities for all by: • Ensuring the health, safety, and well-being of our community • Balancing the financial impact of existing services and infrastructure with planning for future needs • Valuing and respecting Town staff • Effectively engaging Boards and Committees • Maximizing sustainability and resilience while mitigating negative climate impacts + ++ ������I �� ��� � �����I + � r Lexington is committed to fiscal stewardship, which includes: • Long-term capital and fiscal planning • Responsible financing and debt management • Providing staff and resources necessary to deliver quality services • Ensuring strategic priorities are met ������� �������� �����I ���������� ����������� '�' Lexington supports its thriving local economy by partnering with the private sector to achieve: • Access to a vibrant mix of businesses, services, attractions, and events for all people �� � • Quality jobs in diverse industries • A balanced approach to tax policy for residents and businesses � iiio, %i�i /oo� Oiii� ��iiip ai�, ,iiii //�iaaoi I /0%�ai000i uill��u uill�u, uuiiiuiiii»�111 f f /� /o /� , o, , i /,9 /� %oi�, /// o f I / / / � / / / , //// i /G /// /// //// i� i 1// /// /// a� 1// / / � r � i � � � , , , ., , � , , „ , , , � � � , �� , � � ��� �� �� � , � � � �� � � �� io iia o iii ai i�� / rr iii o i iia r i i� i , iia i � i /// // / / //� (( I // / ' //� // / //� / I // / / // l / ( // III�UII /i / III�Illl / / / IVI lllll / / �/ � ( / / 1 / / / //( � 1 / / // ( i i �� / i / / �/ i / // r � / r / � i„ // ( / / i / // / /i / / I ( 1 � /i„ / / //, / r % l / / i i / � % ,i / i % / //i / � a i % l r / �. 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Ulr�Y il�(?1/��''J� tifv, U1 !I��i 1ia�� V�f, i� �� ,� ,� I'������������ , ip�r�Vr f�>��� 1 / ��� hll �, Ii��Qi�I� inrir� r�mr src� (IIwi�m: ( r �svey ,r�(j, ,,,���;,����I I..��Y,,.! „�.r f�',,,,�1i.I,I„„,f I� 1��W �i��{�, IJ ry I I� �u�h uii. ' ��� ���a � ��� l� l� � � ul�JllGf f !1 1 e,.. I I l� �� ), U iuiD �r��m� i���ae uhv / r��J'� ... . i iNiNiNi. �ruiw yw� r r�r r) rffrJ �e ur�ur, �r f� il�� ��� iii���°Illf IIII�������������iii���°�iiu.� Illl�������w,�� � ��°�����P!!I����P!!I���������'�����°�����IIII���iii���Illl��jim�������liii°��u�������IIII��II".�°�°iii������°Ilk The Town of Lexington, Massachusetts, held a Goals and Objectives Retreat on October 27th, 2021 . The retreat was planned and facilitated by Raftelis. Prior to the retreat, Raftel is sol icited i n put for the Town's strateg ic framework through engagement with the Town's Board and Committee Chairs and the Senior Management Team. Summaries of that information is included as Appendices A and B. • The retreat began with the Select Board and staff introducing themselves and then sharing their expectations for the retreat: ���� This is the first time we're all together, and that's weird,both in that we haven't been, and that we are. We have a lot of goals, and I'd like to see us narrow and reevaluate what's important to us and the community. I'd like to come out of here knowing that,while there are a lot of things that we'd like to do, these are the things we're looking at. ��1� My expectation is that we really focus. This is one of my favorite days,because we can sit back and think big picture. I'm excited. U��� From a staff perspective, I have a lot of concern about burn-out among maybe half of the senior leadership team. I'm worried that we'll lose some if we keep going at the pace we are. We have too many goals; if we could narrow it down, it would be tremendous, 5-10 goals are better than 20-30 goals. We need to have a laser focus on what needs to get done. When the senior leadership team met, we did one word at the end to describe how everyone was feeling. I was really proud of the team,both for their performance,but also for their recognition of what's most important for the Town and the community, not just their individual departments. It feels like we're on a hamster wheel that gets bigger and bigger and faster and faster. Pandemic work is different, in that we've needed to be a lot more responsive and reactive. We've accomplished quite a bit, and there's a lot to be proud of,but here are some caution signs too. The goals last time were really task-oriented, so it would be good to do better with outcomes and articulating where would we like to be. ��1� I'm excited. I love when the Board gets together and has space for free-thinl�ing and brainstorming. Day to day, we have a lot of fires to put out. This is a good opportunity to reset, and to match what the Departments are doing with what the Select Board is focused on. I'm excited to have everyone together and talk through where the Town is going. U��>» Focus on the outcomes you desire. That's pretty high wisdom—what are the outcomes that we desire?With COVID,there's a new playbook,but there will always be things that come up that make us reevaluate what we need to do to get to our desired outcomes. I agree that we can't do 27 things, or even 10 things,but let me balance that with something else. When I liaise, folks don't always feel that the Boards and Committees are heard by the Select Board. Their processes are to have individual and focused goals, so each committee might have eight goals, and we have 87 committees—it's too much. Everyone has their passion, and everyone has real needs. They get disappointed when they don't see their goals appearing as part of what comes out of here. At �iii�u���°���� ���r���°��u���liii�����iiir�� �iii��w�iii�m�°���iii�iii�iiu liii iii�����w����iiir���iiir�°iiu u��iii�m liii°�liii�� ��� iii���°Illf IIII�������������iii���°�iiu.� II � II��°„!��i�llr��� ��°�����P!!I����P!!I���������'�����°�����IIII���iii���Illl��jim�������liii°��u�������IIII��II".�°�°iii������°Ilk the last Goal Setting session, we read letters from the chairs. I don't see that here,but it would be great to know what the Committees are thinking and what they're focused on. ���� I really appreciate that we're all here together. I agree that we really need clarity and to narrow our focus. It would help for me if we had clarity and knew the top three things, and that we use those as a lens. My expectations are clarity, collaboration, vision, and leadership. ��>>> I'm in line with much of what's been said. There's a distinction between priorities and goals. We can set priorities and then help the committees and staff to turn those priorities into action. The parallel—what exactly are we working on?Putting out the fires. When I stopped being a private practice lawyer, I said that I wanted to stop being a fire fighter and instead build something that was fire proof. This is our opportunity to do that. �iii�u���°���� ���r���°��u���liii�����iiir�� �iii��w�iii�m�°���iii�iii�iiu liii iii�����w����iiir���iiir�°�iiu u��iii�m liii°�liii�� ��� iii���°III ����:liii iiu������°�°�iii� IIII�������w���i� ����I!!I�''��'����°��������'������'�����IIII����iii��'�Illl��llli��';"�liii°��u�������IIII�;III'.�°�°iii����w����llk • • • • The Town Manager provided an update on the Town's 14 priorities. The priorities generally link to one of the Town's existing five outcome areas, and are shown in the table below. The status update provided by the Town Manager is included as Appendix C. • • � - . • ' • ���� Develop effective transportation solutions Livability for ALL Ages and Stages �f�f� Review residential zoning for ways to create new housing opportunities and protect the diversity of existing housing stock ��%� Review the charges for all town Committees; modify and update Quality Infrastructure, Amenities, as appropriate to reflect Board priorities and create expanded and Municipal Services opportunities for resident participation ��P Board Liaison Review �r�t� Create a predictable framework for Permitting Process ����t� Engage in a Community Conversation to define what attractive Thriving Local Economy and vibrant would look like for Lexington r�t�� Work with Businesses and Property owners to develop creative and integrated solutions % Limit the rate of property tax increase Town-wide Fiscal Stewardship �% Develop a capital master plan that encompasses all capital items (infrastructure, buildings, etc.) and incorporates the School's Master Plan Community Character %�- Create and communicate a plan for broadening diversity of Town Staff ��% Implement the Sustainable Action Plan and Getting to Net Zero Emissions Plan Other Priorities �% 250t" Celebration ��% Two-way Communication �iii�u�uu�°������ ��'°��u���liii�����iiir�� �iii��w�iii�m�°���iii�iii�iiu liii iii�����w�����iiir�°��iiir�°�iiu u��iiu�liii°�liii�� ��� iii���°Illf IIII�������������iii���°�iiu.� Illl�������w������� ��°�����P!!I����P!!I���������'�����°�����IIII���iii���Illl��jim�������liii°��u�������IIII��II".�°�°iii������°Ilk • The Select Board considered the input provided by the senior leadership team and the Boards and Committees in creating success statements for each of the Town's outcome areas. The success statements are captured below. //// ,� �li r//�� �� ���„� �pai/,�m9 ��u�;mi� �iin �// ����.�.�.�J„�i���� ieivi�ori/ ��DI�Gll�,����-�����//%ll(lr�.. ���,,,,»..,,,,������iiii������lll�iii��������>>,,,,,��i������i����ii���1��;,, �� �,,,f,,,,,,,,�1,J.���������������y�������Il��,,,,��.��-,,,,,�r,��� llll, ��,� (foYmeYly Cornrnunity ChaYacteY) Lexington is a visionary and sustainable community that values and respects all people, history, and community assets,by: ��J� Celebrating and fostering our differences in belief, culture, and ability a�� Creating effective, respectful two-way communication d�� Continuing opportunities to create and share history ���>» Maintaining and improving our physical assets � � �����: � �r��, � o r �DIII«,,�iii��������„1��,��.���i�111��;,,.,,,.,�, �DIIO�„�:..�,��;,«riliil�iiii�������1��,,,�f,,;�a�;,,�.,��1i�iiii�,��i���„ �,f (fo�meYly Livability foY ALL Ages and Stages) Lexington provides opportunities for all people to participate in community activities and benefit from Town services that are affordable, accessible, and responsive,by: ��>>> Increasing opportunities for and utilization of safe multimodal transportation �»> Actively seeking development of affordable and accessible housing �JJ� Providing�nancial opportunities and support to enable lifelong residency � �r1 � ,� �„ ���/'��` � � ��IIII�a��0,���(((�l��������:�� ��,,,,,,,y������„����°���.,,�����'����I��,��,����,,,;���� uU i �o�,��a��, /a� IV� �/Onn���� /O�i����� ����r i 6 //�, nl� (foYmerly Quality InfYastYuctuYe, Amenities, and Munici�al SeYvices) Lexington delivers quality municipal services, infrastructure, and amenities for all by: ���J� Ensuring the health, safety, and well-being of our community U��� Balancing the financial impact of existing services and infrastructure with planning for future needs U��>» Valuing and respecting Town staff �% Effectively engaging Boards and Committees ���>>> Maximizing sustainability and resilience while mitigating negative climate impacts �iii�u���°���� ���r���°��u���liii�����iiir�� �iii��w�iii�m�°���iii�iii�iiu liii iii�����w����iiir���iiir�°�iiu u��iii�m liii°�liii�� ��� iii���°Illf IIII�������������iii���°�iiu.� Illl�������w��� ��°�����P!!I����P!!I���������'�����°�����IIII���iii���Illl��jim�������liii°��u�������IIII��II".�°�°iii������°Ilk , ����li ,��,J� ///�p�� p//m li � �P�//��llllf�r VJl!!� (��: III'�ao///��Of��im��."'a//iioiir�...�������%m�i J��O f�/%%/0//Q u ����OII �,,,�%/��f I �������IIOO��a°��i�P�;,,,,,,,,�a��, �`��� � ,��,�D 01111����,����� 1�II���„ ����Jl��. Lexington is committed to fiscal stewardship, which includes: ���� Long-term capital and fiscal planning ��>>> Responsible�nancing and debt management ��1� Providing staff and resources necessary to deliver quality services ��«� Ensuring strategic priorities are met IU��,,,, „,» u�i,; �iii ���a �mii /U/Ill,.,, �G//�/�,//�,,,,i uii �f,,,,llJ�� � i���//��%,� �j �,,,,UIJJII///�� °rmiii rmiir,�ii.„�„,,�� ��IDDI� ����.�����1������ ������.�,;����������.��������������,,,,,,�� IDDIm��,�������,,,,,����Illltt���� ����111111� ,����„�u��,�����������������������.��������a���� ��,��y, ,� Lexington supports its thriving local economy by partnering with the private sector to achieve: ��1� Access to a vibrant mix of businesses, services, attractions, and events for all people �ll� Quality jobs in diverse industries �»>� A balanced approach to tax policy for residents and businesses �iii�u���°���� ���r���°��u���liii�����iiir�� �iii��w�iii�m�°���iii�iii�iiu liii iii�����w����iiir���iiir�°iiu u��iii�m liii°�liii�� ��� iii���°Illf IIII�������������iii���°�iiu.� II � II��°!���qi��i�ll r�� �������P!!I����P!!I���������'�����°�����IIII���iii���Illl��jim�������liii°��u�������IIII��II".�°�°iii������°Ilk • � • • • Select Board members reflected on the day and considered the eventual transition back to in-person meetings. Discussion included: d�»�� Today's session �:� We made more progress today than on Zoom sessions. ��� We do have a facilitator, we don't have an in-person audience. ���:�� Work sessions have been valuable,but the regular business meetings can continue to be virtual. ��J What should the trigger be to return to fully in-person activities? �::� When we open the meetings to the public and they're in the room—webinars don't build community engagement. �:� When the mask order has been lifted. �� I would rather be together with masks on(the public could come, starting immediately). ��y:� I understand the discomfort,but I would be comfortable in a large room with good ventilation, masks on, and the public welcome. ,::� I'm not comfortable. We're not out of the woods if we're vaccinated. I'm here, I know everyone in the room is vaccinated and wearing masks. I worry about large groups of people where you can't be assured of compliance. �:� I'm comfortable in this room,but not sure I'm comfortable with having a larger group, or being in a different room. ���� Immediate future activities �:� Work sessions �������� In person in December �������� Reevaluate Board meetings returning in person after the first of the year ��� Budget presentations �������� Hybrid �� Boards and Committees �������� Meeting format(in-person vs. virtual)is up to them,but they have to wear a mask. �������� Members will receive a letter from the Chair, clarifying the Select Board's plan. �iii�u���°���� ��������°��u���liii�!��iiir�� �iii��w�iiu��°���iii�iii�iiu liii iii�����w��iiir���iiir�°�iiu u��iii�m liii°�liii�� ��� iii���°Illf IIII�������������iii���°�iiu.� Illl�������w��� ��°�����P!!I����P!!I���������'�����°�����IIII���iii���Illl��jim�������liii°��u�������IIII��II".�°�°iii������°Ilk • Participants were asked to reflect on the retreat and share their parting thoughts. ���>>> This helped. I'm looking forward to absorbing what we've done and seeing the progress reports. ��1� We got two out of the four words that I was focused on, so this was better than I thought that it would be. Giving up the day and making the time was really important. UU�� We focused on continuing the goals without adding a lot more. I think this will help the staff to focus better. U��>» I appreciated the Board tying the buckets to specific tasks that staff will be focusing on. I think that this gave more of a clear direction for staff to have creative ways to move forward. �»> I'm very pleased that we have�ve goals as opposed to 105 goals. I also like the idea that they're more standalone and all at around the same priority. It's an integrated whole. I'm wondering what comes next—we had the last session, and then there was another attempt to create more measurable goals. How do we translate this to something for the staff to use when they bring information back to us?I hear that we'll have quarterly reports,but before that, a "here's how this translates" would be helpful. The broader outlines gives more opportunity for creativity. ��>>> This was great. It's nice that we have five goals and also�ve people who care and want to collaborate to get to the same page on the same issues. I wish all levels of government collaborated at this level. I feel good about what we've accomplished. U»> Thank you. This made a huge difference. I came away feeling like we've made a lot of progress, that we have a plan, and that we can communicate with the staff. Working with the committees will be the next big thing. Are their goals driving us or are our goals driving them?That will be a big question to ask and work on. �iii�u���°���� ���r���°��u���liii�����iiir�� �iii��w�iii�m�°���iii�iii�iiu liii iii�����w����iiir���iiir�°�iiu u��iii�m liii°�liii�� ��� iii���°Illf IIII�������������iii���°�iiu.� Illl�����q������w��'� �������P!!I����P!!I���������'�����°�����IIII���iii���Illl��jim�������liii°��u�������IIII��II".�°�°iii������°Ilk • �iii�u���°���� ��������°��u���liii�!��iiir�� �iii��w�iiu��°���iii�iii�iiu liii iii�����w��iiir���iiir�°�iiu u��iii�m liii°�liii�� � i ��ioai�,, uu��u iiii�� ui���u, uuiiiuii�u���,. i ii iuiiii ii�i� 1 I 1 J f f f f l I ��, r /, %i r r / � �� � ��� � �� � � �� � � � � 1 ��� a „i i i ii o � i ii � iii o� o ��a �0 � �a a �. a � // � �//� �� �i /D � / /%/ � /o %/ ,,./ %/. /i / /% %/ /% l% .I 1 I lI /%/ /. � I 1 ,,./ I 1 //// /i %. /// %/. i /% / //i i /. / //i /% //// //// / / /,/ /� %i // / / // // (r / /� / / i // / / II l�II 11 II l�UII I // � II l�II 11 / / II l�II 11 / // / / ((� i /� / / l / / 1 / / �� / / /� / // ! / // �( /� / i / � / �( � i / / � l / � // // �/ 1 �/ / / � i / / / / / // // l, / � i / � / � 1 ( / / �, � / r / / / / / � /a„ � / / / / / // % / r/ / I r �%// ,J 1 //, % i „ l /J i i a � / i // / /i „ �. / r r f l J ; � l / � � i / , i / / i /��„ � i / � / f / , � i, J � � i / / / � � / �, r / ( � � /I r / / ii � � � / / / / l / / f ��i1 � � / � � / IUllllll� � % f / / f J / � l � � � r � /i / � � � / � �� J / � �,� � � � � r ��� / � ��»���. � r � � � i � � � � � � / � / i ,,, l, � � � l i i � � , � � l % � f � i y � / / � f � �����1� rr ��� � � � r � / / � iuini���! �ii»iui��G, l / iiiuuulll�/!i / % / i / / / / � I / � I % / � %/ / / / I � // / � l I,' / � j! / � l / � / �f � r � � � l � l r , � 1 / , / � � / , � � , � I � , , / � , � �, � rl t l , , � l �� / � f ��� � � �������� ���� / / � ���( / / / � � , / � � � � � � � , t � � , , � , � � � � f � I � � / � � / � ( � , / , � � t / � � � � , � , / , , ( � f � � � � �� , J i, , r � � , 1 � � , � J J � � , � � , � � i J � � � i � � i ,,� ,,� � t � ,, � i ,t � / � f' � , , / i , � �� / r � � , i i � i �� � � i � � � r � i f f / i i i , � � / i � f i � � f � � i i i i � � i � � f i f i � � i � � / i � f i . l i �� i i � i i � � � � i � /r f i , � � � i /, i f � � i � f o / f,� i � / �� �� o , a r �.�,o , � , o � i ///�. f� �, � , i///� o �,� i i i fff� a� ��� o,� o / ��f � i � a�� 0 1 � � � � � � o� o , o�, arr � J/ /� � o, a. o a %� i/ / i i� �� i � � �/ � � ii/� i� ii Ir . � i� � i� �/ »/ �� 1111UJJ1J1111 i� /r�. /��lr ii� ii// II111� /�� %/ 1� II111111 Illlll� �1111 II111� //,. //,. » o/ ii, lf� //,. , ii /!i //,, o/ I%/ /�� ii////�, IIIIIII i0/� ai�� iii% c�i/�� ��/ lll/I %l%� na%� l//lIi l//Oi /%/ �i//%/ �i/� //!� l//lIi ���i� i///r� �i//%/ � i%//// ��/ �iiii/� ���aaij� I�miii//IJI�������uil f»iiu II1111 mi�ll� �irii„��I1�i��. October 12 2021 , iiiiiiii,� iiuuuuuipl�Jrrrr �lj/ �iiaaiaia, %oiooi aaai �llllll����������������e �J((((1%iio��/r ������ ,� ju»111J1 J� � �%%%%%%%i ��� %iaiiii�ar, ri//raa /�� �J,,,,�r ,f���il///�ii�,; � IIJJI,� ����������������, ������������������� �/����r,�%' ��%////////// ��,, ��� iii���°Illf IIII�������������iii���°�iiu.�,,IIII Illl�����q������w,�� � I�����iiir�����������iiir�������iiu�iii��iii�iiu liii°�°°Ilk���w.���w.�����°�iiir�����,�°���liii�IIII�IIII��iii�m IIII iiir�Illf�!�� The Town of Lexington, Massachusetts, held a strategic plan input session for representatives from its Boards and Committees on October 12, 2021 . The session was planned and facilitated by Raftelis. • • • • The session began with participants introducing themselves and then sharing what they believe makes Lexington a Visionary and Sustainable Community. Themes from the responses are highlighted below, with individual thoughts shared as bullets. „�// �a; ✓o, �rli » ,,,! (/II��( .,v'ioioi ��� ������.,.ir, �,,,,,,.i .,.i,mip �,,. ,��mad pl...,,� .,.i iapi /����. �,,,.�i .����;:�;•�iU��.,.�ornl imil „�ip�p��u;ma�. ������ I(��Y,,,,�/�,.,.�..��II�'IIII������ ���y�Illll��u� .G//%� ;; � U�� � i����uII/i l .,�.. 1���I,��� ; �������GIJIIfi, � ��������YfIIIfr� l. Y I � i, , � j� ,,,-�, i � v �,,,�!!! 1,,,,�lrr� �, l„ ��� o o� � i � JJJ � � � � , o �� � �J r 1/,� � � �i i � �/, � i � D,�, � �� �l�.� �� i,� �, „ � /� �� � � � 1111111, �,���� �„«������� ,,,.., ������� �>>�. �,,,,�i� �� ������i��� ,,,�,��������tll� ,,,,,,� JDDI ,,,�������1� ,,,,,,,,,%��,,,,,,,,,,�,,....,�����tt�rl,, ,,,,,,,,,�����o���1� ��,,, 111101� � ������. ���J�� ���,� ���>» High participation from a highly educated and motivated part of the population �% Volunteerism; highly educated population that sees a role for the Town ���>>> Community involvement by all �� Smart people come up with solutions d�� The Town reaches out for input and community involvement d�� Thrives on volunteer participation, committees, milestone celebrations, and diverse participation �,,,,» Smart people and strong volunteer efforts ���� Willingness of leadership to educate the community and the community's willingness to be educated regarding how the Town works; engagement of the citizens ��1� Educated population willing to volunteer,but need to expand participation and diversity as well ��1� Appreciate the advocacy and volunteerism; even when there are disagreements, that never changes ,� ,, u�iai o«�Ir� � �„� o«�li� �ir �iir, �j, � , ,, , ,,, , I , , „ , ,,� � ,„, , ,; .,, , I „ , „ „„„ ,,,,,,,,, .,,,, .,,,, ,� .,,, .,,,, ,..,,,,,. ,,. .,,,, ,�.,.,,, ��... � < ..;, .. ; % .. �.,,,, ��,,,.,,,,, ,,�„ »;,.. ,���i: . 0 .,,,,,i.., Id �����', �� y��f� �, .f� 0, �,, ,�I. . ,�. ��.. �l , lll ,a�r/ll �/ u �/ �ail e� o//%o �/ � � , ( � u �r � u�' „�Jlrrr<</� �ir� „�Jlrrr<< oii �iia �-,� „�, � � � «rrr�i„ � o� aia»„ � r � , iiii � i �,�, 1 ��� ,� � I � � a � �;� f J1 � � ol � r, � � , r � J� , f o� � i , i i l , / i �,� 1 i �, i � �/I� i , �J� � l. I � i � � � � � � l � , �f l,) �� � ir� , 1 � � ir� i� i, r� � � � � � � u„ �, r,,, � i �, /, � a„ �,l 1 /,� � � ����1111111 � ,� ��iiii��� ����������������� ��DDII�,�„�, o��������������������������.,��ii�������� ,� o�� ����������11,��,����� u��� ,iiii��� ����������������������,����������������������(�����������.���� �� ��>>> Town has tried to be ahead of the curve on resilience and sustainability ��1� Interaction around solid waste,hazardous materials, and other topics that make us more sustainable a�� Values sustainability ����� Recent focus on renewable resources has increased level of visibility ���>» Starting to look at how we contribute to climate change ���� Sustainability communication and outreach ��>>> Made good strides(e.g., early participants in Solarize MA, DPW has electri�ed landscaping) ��1� Fierce commitment to resources—cultural,physical, intellectual—high value; commitment to put the money needed to make the resources sustainable ����� Concerted effort to lead in implementing values and putting our money where our mouths are (facilities at netzero, etc.) �iii�u���°���� ��������°��u���liii�!��iiir�� �iii��w�iiu��°���iii�iii�iiu liii iii�����w��iiir���iiir�°�iiu u��iii�m liii°�liii�� ��� iii���°Illf IIII�������������iii���°�iiu.�,,IIII II � II��°!��i�lw��� I�����iiir�����������iiir�������iiu�iii��iii�iiu liii°�°°Ilk���w.���w.�����°�iiir�����,�°���liii�IIII�IIII��iii�m IIII iiir�Illf�!�� ��f� Wonderful community, move towards making it sustainable across the board ,�,,� 1,,, �U«<f �, , �„ „� �,,, /� , „ „ .,, . «,,, . .,,,,, � ,.,. , ., , , ,,, ,,, ,,, ,, ». . «,,, .,, , .. /✓,.l r '��, �0!Illl�� . �o i rr�i . o� , � G/% i. /r //,// � r � .. rUlll,�.� � ; � �r ;i g,o ,i I r i , o� ',��. / , �Ir� U �,��' r�� �� �,,11 �l�r� �iiioaa �Illo, � ; � �"��' �, � „ �,� 1 I � ,/,� �, �1, , ��!, , � � ! 1 �, � � l � �,� 1.,� � � � r,,� � �� � � i �, r r /,I ll i � i � � �� � �� i,�r t i , � � � / �, � �d ,,....,,r����� ,,,,,,,, ,��1����������.���1�yii�ii�����,,,,,,,,,,,;, ,�,,��������»� ,,,,� lDll1 �� �, ,,....,,,����� r�� ,,,,,,,,, ,�r,,,,,,,, ,,,����������lll���������i>>���1� �,,,��1�ii�������� ��,,,, � �����, ,�� ���� Embraces diversity ��� Open community, respect for all ��1� Lexington has grown to be a diverse, progressive community � � , ��u� ��� � , ,� �,o , ,�, �,�����,,,, If�����,.��,������� 1111111 ��i��a�;,,,,,��i�������tla��r���,�„�, ��� Thoughtfulness,patience, and open-mindedness,particularly of the Select Board ��>>> Transparency and visibility of Town management, increased information availability ��1� Outdoor opportunities, open space—would like to see more �`�1 Willingness to support spending for public facilities U��� Have made progress towards affordable housing/options �,,,,» Article 8 passage in the Town Meeting U��>» Openness to new things and doing things in a new way, as a whole �% One of the resources we care for is our history �iii�u���°���� ���r���°��u���liii�����iiir�� �iii��w�iii�m�°���iii�iii�iiu liii iii�����w����iiir���iiir�°iiu u��iii�m liii°�liii�� ��°� iii���Illf Illl������li iu.��°Ilk�������iii�,W IIII IIII�������� Illl��k��°�������iii�����������iiu���'�����iii��iii�°��liii���������',�°�iii�������°�°��liii�IIII�IIII���iii�IIII iii�III��� The objective of the session was to gather input for the Select Board's strategic planning retreat related to the Town's FYasnewoYk foY a VisionaYy and Sustainable Conzsnunity. Participants were asked to comment on what success would like in each of the Town's�ve Outcome Areas, what progress they have seen over the last two years, and what they would like to see the Town do more of in each area in the future. The input is captured in the following graphic and sections. � � �, � ��; .. ;; ,; � I",, ;, 1 ; �.. ;, � ; � �: � ' �;; 4 ` �; , ( o ° , i; 1 r. � „ ! <. „-,..., ,. „...,., I ', r;,,, �:' ; � � „ ;' , i � � ;i , � ��� �M� � ��� ; ��°" �; ; ` ���� .�"" „ , � ,; � � „ „ ; ,; ,,,, ,, _ � „ „ , � �' ' �� i t �, I�, Ni ; � ��, �� � " ° , � � �� � , ; , � � ', � , , �,, , „; ; i , ,, � � ; � ': � � ��� �� „ � � � � „ „ . � , � �; „ , �� � , � � , ; � r , � !; �'� „ , ,� � � ,, , �I; ; �, � ;. � �„ � " „ , , ,, ,;,„ � ,. , , „ ,, , , „ , !� „ � .l � ,,W �� ��� ��,,,; �a , y ,, t „ ,, �;;�,,��;� ���, „�„ �� °,,% ����, ���� '����,���'�""� "� ; � . , � � , ,,, �:;���� �� i� �;� � , , � � �. � ��� � � �., ,:,,� �: , �;�P �, �� >, > , � �;'� >,, ,, „,;',, ; ��i, ,,; „ ;. , i, , ; �,;, %� ,i� , , � �, � ��. , ; , ; i „ , , „,,,,; „ ; ,,,,,; , „, ;;,, „ ,, � ' I ��!� a f, , ° „ , � � „ „,, �i i , < , „ � „ ,. , r;. , , ;,> ,; � , _ 1 7 I "i '.;,..,...,.,< "�I �;, �"� Ji � -:i i , �,,1 ;� �. ,,,, , . - � ,, „ ` : �, , � ; � �� ,, � , � � ,, � �� ; , : � , � � e E � � !' � ; � y , � � � i i ,� ,i ` I `; i �i % ,, , , „�� I � , �„ � �,,,, ,,, ��,>� r,; „ � � ;' , - � "� �� � ' �' � ' � �,` ;� ' i � � ,,�,: , �,,,, �� �i�� °, , �, „ � �� � � �� �� ,,, �, , , �� , �� �, � ; �� ��� ��, , � - � � � ' � ��� ; � �, k „ � �� ,,;.. „ µ�� � �I , � � �� � �'�I� '„;,,., �"�.,,.,, r.. � '-' ,.,. ; u,.. � � i�w �� ; J i� � �, � '�� ' , ` ��I � � ° . � , ���� � 'r„i, ,, „ u i w I Y i �d� � � x�, „„I,. 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'�.,, � �4%� ��� Nl� 7,�����w� , r� �'� ` ������,�'��.� � '�A��'.��� ������I�!�,�,�,�� �� �U �� '�;, �� �, �� ���; � ,�������y���� ����. ,�. ,� .��,. �. i „ �» - �������°�����C�� �ii� �rr�1Jr �rli ,�;: „�II , � »�, „�,,,,,,,�� »,,,� ,,,,,,,,, », ,,,.,,,, � ,,,, ,� �� „», ,,, ,,,,,,U ,,,� ,,,�-„�I � .,,, U� �� � ;�i � �� ��Gi �r G !� ,�!l��a�F oi, � �iiiai�� U�„� J ii �Jll�,�',.,,��, ,; ��,11 �� ���p �,, � �i �r,,,,,,,,�� � �;,,,,,,,,%� �„��� ,,,,,, �iiom� v,,, ��� l, ,n ,,,�11 �iii�oi o� I �, � 1 � � o� �� � �.� U � � � � Il �, i � i� r � �� �� 1� r� i 0� �� � � � 1 �� � � ! l,� � �„ � (� G o IDD�a «;�ii� Gr l,,�,��JJJJ�����II���Il�iii� ��,,,: UJJJJI ,,JJI�����II� /, �l(����ODI ,IDD�, ,, / ��Irro.p,,,a„a, ,,,,,,,,,I� �l ,,,,1��iiii�!!!!�!!, ,,,,,�� Yf �l��i,,,1;,,,,�, r„va,o ,,,,,,,u,,`/ � � ,,����� �,�.�1� �„�, Success in this area is: ����� Working actively on community programming and engagement from the time that children come into the school system through later stages of life—we see, identify, and address needs to ensure opportunities for all and have Town services that support a person's whole lifespan �� Safe transportation options ���:�� Walkable open space and a walkable/bikeable community �:�:�� More shared use paths that walkers and bike riders can use and feel safe �iii�u�uu�°��,��� ��'°��u���liii�����iiir�� �iii��w�iiu��°���iii�iii�iiu liii iii�m������w������iiir��iiu iiir����iii�iiu�liii°�liii�� ��� iii���°Illf IIII�������������iii���°�iiu.�,,,IIII Illl�������w������� I�����iiir�����������iiir�������iiu�iii��iii�iiu liii°�°°Ilk���w.���w.�����°�iiir�����,�°���liii�IIII�IIII��iii�m IIII iiir�Illf�!�� ,:� Streets where you can bike safely(Especially for trips of two miles or fewer)— interconnected safe routes �:.� Useful public transportation, lower reliance on personal automobiles �:� More local public transportation ��� There's a place in Lexington for all ages and stages to live � � Accessible and affordable housing for people with varying income levels ,::�� People wanting to be life-long residents; trend is changing—families come when they have school-aged children and then downsize, so�nding ways to retain those residents long-term �:.� Housing diversity U��>» Full accessibility and inclusion in physical structure, programs,policies, etc. ��� A rich cultural event calendar, with a healthy local retail/restaurant environment - . . . . - . . . - . � . . . . . . . . . - . � Transportation �� More sidewalks ��� More local public transportation �r�� Diversity ����:, Identify barriers to diversity and gather information -:� Emphasis on reaching out to folks with neurodiverse needs; increase programmatic inclusion ���� Communication �:�� Mix of technology and face-to-face engagement (and support for the tech) ������ Virtual engagement— increased -��� Can't totally depend on the internet for participation and inclusion communication — not accessible for everyone �t����>>� Increase in the number of bicycle ��1�� Analyze demand for folks living in the Town and safety programs for children and address needs adults. ���� Identify what makes people want to stay here %�� Increase activities for 25-35 age range to be engaging for this age group ���:� Housing and support for a more diverse set of people ���,,,�t� Straighten out issues in the schools with unfair and disparate suspension rates r�tt�� Revitalize the center for retail, restaurants, and cultural venues. �:� More vibrant Town center �:, More offerings downtown -:� Restaurants open later -:� Outdoor seating �iii�u���°���� ���r���°��u���liii�����iiir�� �iii��w�iii�m�°���iii�iii�iiu liii iii�����w����iiir���iiir�°�iiu u��iii�m liii°�liii�� ��� iii���°Illf IIII�������������iii���°�iiu.�,,IIII Illl�������w��� I�����iiir�����������iiir�������iiu�iii��iii�iiu liii°�°°Ilk���w.���w.�����°�iiir�����,�°���liii�IIII�IIII��iii�m IIII iiir�Illf�!�� , , , �,, �rrrrr� , ,, ,,,,, �i Yoa,; , , ir �, �p �I� �/� .,, I „ » „« , „ ,,,,, „, , „ , � „,,, „ , � , ,,, „ „ „ ,� ,,, , ,,, „,�, » ,,,,, „,� .��n, ,. i. '�., � r, ; J f 9, . ,� Jr , %.1 . 1/� i i/✓�i . r / . i , . / , I. . .. , .G�6 �. , . ,�J� . ,�✓� � '�. '�; , ,� , , „/�/. . . . � �9�, , . ;���..;; ; , , .U, (�I� ,. .. . . � � ; �, . /% , .�// . .��/! . .�/r, �/ � , . . ,���/1 .�� ` �// �0!!i �(Rr� '�llll�,� i J ,,, �„� �„ i� , G// la �i �J� 1 r , iooi 11 U Oi�o, �r � � i , �; � � G ' � � � 1 � �J � � � � � � � � � � � , J // � I � 1 r � � 1 � � � o � � , � , o � � � 1 � � � � � � � � � � � , 1 � � �� ,, , � � �� � � � � , � �,, , � � � ,�, � , � � i o �� � , � ( , � , , o , �� ,� , 1 ( � ,� � 1 ,, , , , � , r�, ,� � , l f,�. , r, � � �„ , , . �,� , , � ,,„ � � ,, � ,, � f , � ��,,��IIIII�ii� � , �OII,I �iiii��itl�/��iiii ,y� , � r�� �,l,� ,, � �1�iiii ,, ,, �,,,�iiii�������t, ,, �iiii����rllll��� 111111� „ ,, ,y��iii����� , 1 � llllll�� �r��ii�����ii� ,, rllll��� �f„�III011. ��� �„��� �� ��u � ��r� �� ���� � �� �,,��� ,�� ,y ,��w ,� �u�� ,� �� �� ����� ,� w� �� �„� �,,,, � .� ���I001��. �,��� �� iaiirrrf��'��''�Jll�,°�����Urr� ������yi�i��'�llrn:�„'riio� IVi�,,,,,,,,�/�����,,,,,�!!!!� �������IIII��i/��,,,,i�%/�„f Iu,,,�11 Success in this area is: ���>>> Continuing to evaluate the feasibility of capital proj ects and guarding against policies and designs that are cookie cutter copies of what other communities have done U»> Ensuring that we don't sacri�ce good aspects that make Lexington great ���� A Town that offers almost everything that anyone would want d�»�� New facilities �:� New high school f��� New police station ��1� Using the Board of Health as a starting point for local regulation and to lead policy change at the state level Progress over the last two years: ' . . , . - . , . - . ' . . . . . . . . . -. %�- Be more proactive rather than reactive %�� Streetscape improvements �;::� Make the streetscape welcoming to ���,�J�� Pleasant/Maple intersection work people of all abilities �� Lexington is moving to make Parker Meadow �;:� Center Streetscape should have accessible addressed the Mass Ave/Woburn St �fl» Strong stormwater regulations for projects intersection disaster that impact more than an acre of land %�- Need to make sure we're making the right ������ More playgrounds are now accessible investments in schools—can't delay �t�����f� Visitor Center open investment ���„�>>� The Streetscape project has made the Center �f�f� Maintain healthy trees more accessible and pedestrian friendly then ����J� Deal with global warming, resiliency, what we had in place before the project began addressing high levels of rainfall/stormwater �fJ» Adding staff to make it practical for the Town r�fJ� Green space is becoming more important to see and address a full range of challenges. ��, Need to do better with cost/benefit evaluations �fff� More Sunday and late/night transit options �f�f� Streamline sidewalk processes II��� U�� �ii, �an ///// „� ir ,��i.��..,�°�����-, j9�.'�/f„JJJ1�� , ii�.,.:,,,�1 �!/!��o„� ,,, � /,,,�l�ll'/////,,,���ou �r����i.�,eiu�i pml..d��ir��',� DDDI rllll,,,�����,�iiii�",�,,rlllll� ��, �iiiil�iiii��i�,a�,,v,,,,,,,,,,,, 1����,,���;,���,,,�,��,,,,��,,l���ll� IIIIII� �,;�,,,,,,���f���������rt J,.���iiii����������1��� �� U� Success in this area is: ����� Increasing the potential for economic growth(increasing entrepreneurship) d�»�� Growth in the commercial center �iii�u���°���� ���r���°��u���liii�����iiir�� �iii��w�iii�m�°���iii�iii�iiu liii iii�����w����iiir���iiir�°iiu u��iii�m liii°�liii�� ��� iii���°Illf IIII�������������iii���°�iiu.�,,IIII II � II��°!��i�lwr�� I�����iiir�����������iiir�������iiu�iii��iii�iiu liii°�°°Ilk���w.���w.�����°�iiir�����,�°���liii�IIII�IIII��iii�m IIII iiir�Illf�!�� ,:� Revitalized center shops �:� More diverse business of all sorts �:.� Bike parking in the center �:� Increased foot traffic, parking, zoning—increase first-floor space,better mix of businesses.; rethink what the commercial area needs to look like and what the Town can do to support ��1� Celebrating the progress that we've made ��J� Focusing on a balance between residents and tourists a�� Denser housing near primary transportation arteries d�� Increased restaurant variety - . . . . - . . . - . � . . . . . . . . . -. %�� Full rehashing of zoning, rents, and taxes to assist in attracting new businesses that support the diverse town >>�- Assess what's right for the neighborhoods, commercial center, and other places around the Town %�- Additional transportation options for late hours and weekends �fff� Capitalize on cultural tourists; start with those in Lexington and move out in concentric circles to the 50 mile mark. ��r,Jff� Increase affordable housing downtown II��� ��� a/� ��.. !l'�1///1/ u i �uiUj�/ //�p�P y� u i �Q. p�,,, � .,,,,�,. ��va ��j /� iv,,,,f. �,,,,p, r� r� �/ /I,,,, ��; %� ,,,,f. �n Jmo omo� » , „1,/,,,-, �G Ulllll 1-„; %%//////%O1J (%"'Y!U%/''„�";,' (l((f� �'� �/��� ;� � r���Jllllr� i /' � ���llll�" ���� � ���, i uuuuum / ll/%jllj o J � y/%, ����/,, ��; »I�///'��G / ;� 11'', � �'/% ��" e ���11' "�D � �%%/((�li II�I ����DDD� ��� ����iiii��������� ����iii���.,��ia�,�«w��o �OD�� ���ii�������o�„m����1�III01� ��.������u �„��� ������.��� �,��1������������.�������ii��. �ww� ���I001���. Success in this area is: ��� Preventing delays in investment in infrastructure that lead to higher costs later ����� Police station ,:,� School buildings ,:�:� Human infrastructure, including the costs of delayed investment in people(staff and students) ���� D ealing with existing large capital proj ects and preparing for future proj ects �� Townwide capital master planning �� Unused revenue has gone to stabilization funds—trying to balance needs and tax relief, economic diversity ,:,� Anticipating the high costs of capital proj ects �`�J Enhancing commercial centers,which could play a huge role in helping to balance commercial and residential needs ����� Enabling zoning to encourage building U��>» Increased economic growth opportunity �iii�u���°���� ���r���°��u���liii�����iiir�� �iii��w�iii�m�°���iii�iii�iiu liii iii�����w����iiir���iiir�°�iiu u��iii�m liii°�liii�� ��� iii���°Illf IIII�������������iii���°�iiu.�,,IIII Illl�������w��� I�����iiir�����������iiir�������iiu�iii��iii�iiu liii°�°°Ilk���w.���w.�����°�iiir�����,�°���liii�IIII�IIII��iii�m IIII iiir�Illf�!�� ,:� The Town primarily focuses on growing the tax revenue through development. The Tourism Committee has created a valuable additional avenue. However,these are just two legs of what should be a multi-leg stool. U��>» Sufficient funding for schools and students - . . . . - . . . - . � . . . . . . . . . -. �fff� Town-wide capital plan ���„�>>� AAA rated community; excellent progress f���- Zero-based budget every several years �����„/�,,,,,� ,mo�mai ,,mi�mJ! » �ii UlllJl, ���'�/ ��/,,,�'�,��rr r(((� 'rr(I!l111 4/ �,,,,��/ /%%,,,,��ll+r',nG//,//i %,1„,,,,,��J,,.,,���������<<���,,���������i��������la�,,,,,,�������.�llll��ii�,,����»,,.�����,,,,,,, �, G,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,01011���»�,,,,,,,�il,,������ U,,�o�,,,�;,,.,,,.,����„„���,,,,,,,,,,�����i, v,,, Success in this area is: ����� Additional signs in and around Town, which have been improved and are great U��>» The combination of community members who create and maintain the character and the physical assets ���>>> Well-maintained signs and places ��1� Considering all people; who stays and who goes?Who invests?How do we uplift our Town? �11 Building on good foundations,uplifting our history and stories UU�� Having each resident do their part(e.g., cleaning sidewalks/drains for snow, debris next to their house, respecting diversity of transportation needs) U��>» Being a place where everyone feels they can be their honest whole selves and still be a part of the community �»> Valuing each others' opinions and beliefs even when we disagree �JJ� Welcoming new people into the community �iii�u���°���� ���r���°��u���liii�����iiir�� �iii��w�iii�m�°���iii�iii�iiu liii iii�����w����iiir���iiir�°iiu u��iii�m liii°�liii�� ��� iii���°Illf IIII�������������iii���°�iiu.�,,IIII II II��°!��i�lw��'�� I�����iiir�����������iiir�������iiu�iii��iii�iiu liii°�°°Ilk���w.���w.�����°�iiir�����,�°���liii�IIII�IIII��iii�m IIII iiir�Illf�!�� ' • • . • - • . • - . ` • • • . • • • • . -. >>�- Two-way co m m u n i cati o n �;� Town-to-resident communication should focus on disseminating information and keep people abreast %�- Work to get higher participation rates, rather than just a vocal minority �f�f� Clarify the path to bring issues to the Town; residents don't always know the pathways or receive feedback/uniform response (ticketing f��� Uplifting our 300+years of history is the goal systems) of the new tourism logo "Make history in fJJ Reduce the work that's occurring in siloes Lexington." %�, Bring back See-Click-Fix ��r„J� Increased access to the government and ���, Pay attention to the character of the areas of community via technology and Zoom Town that are not in or right near the center- r�ff�� Communicating out has improved, but East Lexington and the Bedford and Waltham communicating still requires you to know sides of town, among others someone or know the right person to call �����rf� Make sure to focus on the big picture �:� Preserving some of our smaller Capes is not just about affordable housing, it's also about keeping green space and sustainability �f�f� Look for ways to be where people are comfortable �� School committee meetings rotated within different schools �iii�u���°���� ���r���°��u���liii�����iiir�� �iii��w�iii�m�°���iii�iii�iiu liii iii�����w����iiir���iiir�°�iiu u��iii�m liii°�liii�� ��� iii��°�°�IIII�������������iii�m��°�iiu.�,,IIII II �;����i�l'„,���i� ��I�����iiir����������iiir�������iiu�iii��iii�iiu liii°�°Ilk���w.���w.�����°�iiir�����,�°���liii�IIII�IIII��iii�m IIII iiir�Illf�!�� • Participants were asked to reflect on the session and share their parting thoughts. � I�uw�����i��I W�II����I���IIIIJiV�,,,,. 1 �IIII�IIW� ���I�m I��I�� �I� �� � ������I������������u����I����e�''���Y� �� ��'������� ; ; � ����,������������'� ��i��� m�, ��� ���������a����� � ; �����°��iii�������������ic�������� � ���������' 0 � � ��������w��f���������������������������a��k°���� ��� � �nr,oW uWmuv':i'Mr I�'�Y�wvv��m����S^��I I'"W��M��'�I�www���'V��lo9 uuuu�N��u��rvi�����M V�/Y,��µ�V M�,%","�i"���;�"0fw;wrvµlll�'� r� �� r�i� i�ImI�,w"*N �������� IIII�� V���I�o� �. ���i ��v�� � W � Ill�yrv�w� �iii�u���°���� ,���°��u���liii�!���iiir�� �iii��w�iiu��°���iii�iii�iiu liii iii�m����w�����iiir�°��iiir�°�iiu u��iiu�liii°�liii�� ��� iii���°Illf IIII�������������iii���°�iiu.� Illl�����q������w��°,� �������P!!I����P!!I���������'�����°�����IIII���iii���Illl��jim�������liii°��u�������IIII��II".�°�°iii������°Ilk • �iii�u���°���� ��������°��u���liii�!��iiir�� �iii��w�iiu��°���iii�iii�iiu liii iii�����w��iiir���iiir�°�iiu u��iii�m liii°�liii�� � o�iiia�; uill�u, Il �;, uuiiiu»i�i ii»»iiuii �i0000�, uill�u, uuiiiuiii�ll� �- /„ � i /i�, // / � � � � � � � , � , � � �� � � �� � �� ��� � � � � � �� � � � � � � � � r � � � � � � i� � � � � � �� i � ia, i iii � a i i i ia, a i � ia � o ri l iai ii io i ii ii i� ii ia ai iai ai i i iai i ia io i i i i iai i� i i ri i iii i ia i �i iii � ii ii iii i i i ii ii i f iii � aa i ri / i ii �- i i i � r iifl iiii i� i � � iifl iiii � ,i iifl»ii �� i ��i i � // � �� / �/ / � / , / l � �/ / / //� 1 � /� r � �( / I / / � �( ,/ /i // / / / / i �/ /, i �/ 1 / �/ �/ / r / // t / � i / / / / i / /i / / / / ' / / / /r / / / / / / � / / /, f / � % / / / % � r/ �l / % i / i % / r 1 � / i % � �, � % � � i � � / � � i � / J / / / / ( / � �i 1 �/ �/ �/ �i 1 �/ /i,, / / � / / / 1 � r r / / r i / � / / / ( �� / � // 4' / � / / / 1 / / ( // / l / I / l / , J l / / / / / � , � % % / / � / J % %/ % � / / % � / / � I� / r / ( / / / I1� / � � / IUllllll /,. / � � / / � � ,/ � � l, f � � , � � � f % f r f 11 � ,�� i � ,�� ��r ���,: � � ,f ��r l � � , � � »»»>>���� � ,� �»>��»>l�if ��»>����/�> »>��»��ll�i � � ,� ���»>����i� � , , � � � i � � f � f � f r � ��� � �� ��������� �� � ���� � � � � ��� f� i l f f � 1 r � ,� � r 1 , I , � / � � � � � � � � � �. � � � � � � < < � � � / � � r � � � t , �� � , � � � , � , � � � , , � � � , i � : � i � � , � � � , I � ,, , � � � I � � � �� � � � � � � , , � � ( � � � ( , r � � � � , ,� � � � � , � � � � � � r � � ,, � � ,, � � / i / l / 1 i i „ i i „/ � , � / � � i i � , , � 1 , � f , , , , �, tf , , , �,f , � � � , , 1 , , , � �l f , , , , � , �f , „ � �f , , ,� , , r li i ,-� /� i i � � i r t i r � �� f f �� � , � �.� i � � � r � � i � r � � �� , � � � r � � i r � � r � � f i l � � / l� �f � � � � � � r � � J � r� � l//� ol � a // /� � i�� iiil a� � � o% � � o� // /� � � 11 � /�f � a/ ni� a. )/„ o�� ai �II1111 i� �� ii./, II1111 i�,. ii� o� II111111 II1111� ai II1111 li, o� ii./, ��11111 II1111 f r� �i, ii// 1i, i/ »� i// i�i,, IIIIIII ///llll� ri///% ai�� ��� ���"�ii�liiai//� ��D%/ ii//%/ ��o ii//%/ iii 1111111� i/� ii� l�/c a��%% �»///iaiii//�� ai/� oii/ ���aaij� I4liii//IJI�������uil f»iiu II1111 mi�ll� �irii„��1�i��. October 20 2021 , iiiiiiii,� iiuuuuuipl�Jrrrr �lj/ �iiaaiaia, %oiooi aaai �llllll����������������e �J((((1%iio��/r ������ ,� ju»111J1 J� � �%%%%%%%i ��� %iaiiii�ar, ri//raa /�� �J,,,,�r ,f���il///�ii�,; � IIJJI,� ����������������, ������������������� �/����r,�%' ��%////////// ��,, ��� iii���°Illf IIII�������������iii���°�iiu.�,,IIII Illl�������w,�� � �������w,iiir�liii��iiir IIII ����iiir���������iiu�iii���iii�m°�° �,��w.���iiir��iiu��°�iii���°���liii�°m IIII�IIII���iiir�IIII iiir�Illf�!�� The Town of Lexington, Massachusetts, held a strategic plan input session for the Senior Management Team on October 20, 2021 . The session was planned and facilitated by Raftelis. The pandemic has required local governments to ensure continuity of services for their community in unprecedented circumstances. Participants were asked to reflect on the last 18 months and share what they are most proud of with regard to their department's performance. Responses included the following: ��>>> Leadership of the team during COVID. We pulled off a virtual Town Meeting several times, and organizationally, everyone has stepped up to help. We had more than enough people to pull it off and make it successful. U��� We showed up every day to do our stuff, much of which was done in person. The team was selfless and put their personal health at risk to take care of the rest of us. U��>» I'm proud to be part of the organization. Being in a learning role, I enjoy being in a room with people who look to make government more effective and efficient—we are leaders in DEI and sustainability, and we're always looking for opportunities for innovation and change. ��1� I'm proud that we were able to change from a paper-based process for open enrollment to paperless. U��� We constantly pivoted during the pandemic to meet the communities' expectations at a very high level and continue to do a great j ob. We had no complaints during shut down;people here would complain if it were warranted. �% I'm proud that the Town created the DEI position; the position is being supported and we are excited to push this forward. ��1� The staff at Library changed our service model multiple times. It took a village to think through how to do this without a building; thanks to facilities for their support during that process. UU�� The way we supported the community, including financial assistance, connecting volunteers and resources to those in need, moving things to a virtual environment, and supporting vaccination. U��>» The Health Office worked through a tumultuous time without a Health Director. We brought in new staff constantly to help the community respond to COVID; completed almost all of the tasks the Select Board had in its goals for the department;had two key staff who were onboarded remotely; moved three major Town initiatives forward; and increased diversity of staff in the department. UU�� Despite the uncertainty of last year, the Town moved forward with hiring the Sustainability Director and sustainability/climate resiliency have not been deprioritized despite other emerging priorities. People see the importance of these issues with what is happening around the world. ��>>> I'm proud of the level of interdepartmental coordination that happened during the pandemic— the departmental responsiveness was impressive in addressing mandates and working together to meet the ever-changing demands. We did what needed to be done to reach vulnerable populations, and we have so many examples of success in pushing information out to the community. �iii�u���°���� ���r���°��u���liii�����iiir�� �iii��w�iii�m�°���iii�iii�iiu liii iii�����w����iiir���iiir�°�iiu u��iii�m liii°�liii�� ��� iii���°Illf IIII�������������iii���°�iiu.�,,IIII II � II��°!��i�lw��� �������w,iiir�liii��iiir IIII ����iiir���������iiu�iii���iii�m°�° �,��w.���iiir��iiu��°�iii���°���liii�°m IIII�IIII���iiir�IIII iiir�Illf�!�� ��f� The SMT Leadership team members leaned on each other, and staff did what had to be done, even with fewer staff! Recreation learned how creative they really are! With indoor facilities closed and outdoor facilities in high demand, things changed daily. We pulled off small scale in person programming, opened and closed facilities as needed, implemented a capital program (including Point of Sale), and the virtual senior recreation program happened. We're reaching people in new ways and prioritized our critical needs for the community based on location and need. ��J� The DPW response provided essential services throughout the pandemic and showed up every day to ensure operations happened. One big thing is the streetscape project being underway in the downtown. There was a lot of departmental interaction and very little negative feedback; we have an outstanding communication team. I'm proud to have taken the needs of residents and businesses into consideration. ��>>> The Police Department showed up every day and things changed daily in how we responded to the community and provided services. We worked well together and collaborated with other departments to make sure the work got done. It's been a challenging environment for policing and I'm proud of how our department has responded. Staff understood the importance of the changes, and we've been reaccredited and have updated our policies and procedures. U��>» We had to show up in person every day to support the public and other departments. We made sure people got paid, bills got paid, and we responded to the public.Now we're responding to all the federal funding opportunities, including FEMA and CARES Act, and now ARPA. The team has done a fabulous j ob pulling together the necessary documentation, keeping up with deadlines, and receiving our reimbursements. U��� I'm proud of the department and crews who were dealing with this before we even knew what it was. People came to work—no extraneous sick calls—and did their part. I'm proud of the way the Town and Management responded to things in a quick and timely manner and pivoted when things didn't go as planned. The fund recovery that Finance was able to do was critical. ��>>> Not only did we do three Town Meetings virtually, we implemented! This Town moves fast, nothing has stopped, and we have continued to do EVEN MORE during the pandemic. Stop, go, decide what to do, and then we got it done! U��� We are public servants who have proudly served this community while simultaneously dealing with the pandemic on a personal level. �iii�u���°���� ���r���°��u���liii�����iiir�� �iii��w�iii�m�°���iii�iii�iiu liii iii�����w����iiir���iiir�°iiu u��iii�m liii°�liii�� ��� iii���°Illf IIII�������������iii���°�iiu.�,,IIII II II��°!��i�lw��� �������w,iiir�liii��iiir IIII ����iiir���������iiu�iii���iii�m°�° �,��w.���iiir��iiu��°�iii���°���liii�°m IIII�IIII���iiir�IIII iiir�Illf�!�� • • • • ,�� a�o„ �i ,.,,,,,� ii �/1 �� DI 'of!{��,.,�,�„» ����i��� ������i u��/�1����,,. ( ��� „ ���� �� „�%��"� ,m»/ii0 �-���Illlr ����� ���/;��„�IIIli:����!�///////%�. IID�I�„////°P(((Irr.,IO�I N1;;///G,,,,,������/;m�11111.�11111�II!l�Ir�1�7777111r!!!/,`f �f,,,////'�' �///�;m��lll1�.�����/;m"°�/lllm,,,.ar%/,/II�IU�11111��IIII�Y//�!�;,nrc,ml ,� �((�(f�IO�OI "°�/O,in,o,//,�OIO�,��I��� ��a�� The Town has five key outcome areas: ���>» Livability for ALL Ages and Stages ��>>> �uality Infrastructure, Amenities, and Municipal Services �»> Thriving Local Economy �ll� Town-Wide Fiscal Stewardship a�� Community Character Participants were first asked to reflect on how implementation of activities within the outcome areas has gone over the last two years, and to consider whether anything is missing from the existing outcome areas. Discussion included: �� From an implementation standpoint, there is tension between valuing community engagement and respecting the professionalism and expertise of the Town staff. �:�:� We have professional staff with expertise in their individual disciplines, and it would be great for the Town to recognize that and allow them to do the work without additional committees. It creates a challenge to actually move forward and do the work when so many Boards, Committees, and working groups must be created and coordinated. ��:�:�� The SMT receives a lot of direction without a chance to implement. It's not sustainable and there's some concern about burnout with the SMT. ,:�� The goals seemed more heavily focused in certain departments, so the impact was not evenly distributed. ������ We need to coordinate timeframes for implementation. The Town Staff hasn't had the opportunity to workplan things, so we're always catching up and could be more coordinated. ��� What's missing? �:,� Sustainability is also a worl�load factor and needs to be considered beyond environmental sustainability. �::� Our equity work doesn't fall cleanly within the categories. „ , ��� ����, ��(((���((((��011,����� i�al�, �,,,,,,,,�����(����( ���,>�f>U»�,��r���«���,,,,,,,"�1,,,,,,`� „ �� � ° , JJl�i,����i��III �IIIIII�V �.�II�III V!!!!f��p��a�a�� �,��J�i/llll�rh��ao�o/a�i�„�.r���i�M�@,�N��/G` Participants reviewed the input provided by the Boards and Committees leadership and worked to capture the concepts that define success for each of the five outcome areas. Livability for ALL Ages and Stages �,,,,» Livability is different for everyone. �iii�u���°���� ���r���°��u���liii�����iiir�� �iii��w�iii�m�°���iii�iii�iiu liii iii�����w����iiir���iiir�°iiu u��iii�m liii°�liii�� ��� iii���°Illf IIII�������������iii���°�iiu.�,,,IIII Illl�������w������� �������w,iiir�liii��iiir IIII ����iiir���������iiu�iii���iii�m°�° �,��w.���iiir��iiu��°�iii���°���liii�°m IIII�IIII���iiir�IIII iiir�Illf�!�� ��f� The Town's role is to provide opportunities for people to engage in programs, services, and facilities that are affordable and accessible and that are responsive to their personal needs and interests. U��>» This outcome area should incorporate housing accessibility and should be flexible enough to encompass those who visit and work in Lexington. Quality Infrastructure, Amenities, and Municipal Services U»> Infrastructure, amenities, and services should be inclusive for all people, regardless of age, race, ability, gender, orientation, etc. �,,,,» Our approach needs to be flexible, to balance the maintenance needs of existing infrastructure with the future community needs for new infrastructure. ��>>> The Town needs to consider resiliency and adaptability and be proactive in planning for climate and community changes. Thriving Local Economy �,,,,» A thriving local economy includes a good mix of businesses and attractions/events that provide varied services to people, a stable tax rate, and quality jobs for all skill levels. �% A vibrant economy contributes to the Town's sustainability, incorporates existing efforts(e.g., the downtown streetscape plan), and builds opportunities for a diverse mix of local businesses. ��1� This includes accessible(transportation and ADA)opportunities and continued open dialogue between the Town and our local businesses. UU�� Housing and mixed-use development in the downtown area may improve vibrancy and the local economy. Town-Wide Fiscal Stewardship ��1� The Town provides timely and prudent investment and stewardship of�scal resources to minimize delays and cost increases. U��� Fiscal stewardship involves continuing to find innovative approaches to financing and new, diverse revenue opportunities, while ensuring staff and resource availability to execute projects. U��>» Communication of goals and resources allows for focus on long-term planning and strategic prioritization. Community Character U»> Suggested Title Change: Community Fabric/Spirit ���� Lexington is a community that values and respects all people, its history, and its physical assets by creating ongoing opportunities to share our history; maintaining and improving our physical assets; creating two-way communication channels; and celebrating and fostering our differences in belief, culture, and ability. ��1� The Town proactively addresses and improves historic policies to build the future community and delivers equitable programs and services. �iii�u���°���� ���r���°��u���liii�����iiir�� �iii��w�iii�m�°���iii�iii�iiu liii iii�����w����iiir���iiir�°�iiu u��iii�m liii°�liii�� ��� iii���°Illf IIII�������������iii���°�iiu.�,,IIII Illl�������w��� �������w,iiir�liii��iiir IIII ����iiir���������iiu�iii���iii�m°�° �,��w.���iiir��iiu��°�iii���°���liii�°m IIII�IIII���iiir�IIII iiir�Illf�!�� • • • • Participants were asked to comment on the progress that has been made over the last two years, and what possibilities they see for each area in the future. The input is captured in the following table. - . . . . - . . . - . - . . Livability for ALL Ages and Stages �� Full-time position for Therapeutic Recreation ���- New housing opportunities Specialist �fl» Focused on alternate modes of transit— programming around biking, walking, etc. ������ Age friendly assessment �t����� Hired a Chief Equity Officer to apply an equity lens to our work Quality Infrastructure, Amenities, and Municipal Services U��� Implementation of integrated design ���>>� New funding model for Recreation ��� ADA improvements in the park system Operations and Tourism Services ��� Moving forward on 25% design for Bedford St. % Climate resilience to new infrastructure and and Hartwell Ave. amenities d���� Center Streetscape ��� Renovations v. reconstruction ��% Sustainable financing of water and sewer ��% Recognize human limitations of Town Staff infrastructure ���>> Athletic feasibility study ���� Outdoor dining, in response to public interest ���>>� Stormwater utility ��� Introduction of 20-year capital plan ����� New website ��� Continued collaboration of transportation safety group ���1�� Comprehensive Plan Update Thriving Local Economy ��,�� Center Streetscape r�tt� Tying economic development to our financial �tl» Hartwell Rezoning stability and capital stabilization ������ Outdoor dining ttt Green Business Certification ������ East Lexington Local Rapid Recovery Study %��� MWBE Attraction ����� Potential to become a center for life sciences �r�t� Cultural District (more of an amenity/attraction than a tax base issue) r�tt� Using Federal Funding to support affordable housing and local businesses ttt Attracting businesses that attract a range of ages and interests �iii�u���°���� ���r���°��u���liii�����iiir�� �iii��w�iii�m�°���iii�iii�iiu liii iii�����w����iiir���iiir�°�iiu u��iii�m liii°�liii�� ��� iii���°Illf IIII�������������iii���°�iiu.�,,IIII II � II��°!��i�lwr�� �������w,iiir�liii��iiir IIII ����iiir���������iiu�iii���iii�m°�° �,��w.���iiir��iiu��°�iii���°���liii�°m IIII�IIII���iiir�IIII iiir�Illf�!�� ' • • . • - • . • - , ' • • Town-wide Fiscal Stewardship ��� Improved debt financing planning ���>> ARPA funding U��� Tying commercial development to ���>>� Reducing debt financing infrastructure needs UU��� Organizational Assessment could pose ��� Maximized application of CARES Act and possibilities FEMA Funds during pandemic d���� Built Reserves ��% Maintained AAA Bond Rating ��� Updating fiscal policies Community Character ������ Hired Chief Equity Officer—shifted our work ttt Implementing the Comprehensive Plan with all ages to focus energy on diversity work update (ongoing) ����� Continuing to diversify our workforce and �t����>>� Hired Sustainability Director board and committee membership to reflect �t�� Supporting the Celebrations Committee the community ��,�� Town Meeting adaptation ��r�ttt� Innovative placemaking—build on the pride t�,�� Proactively assessed our policing policies and in our history to integrate the old and new procedures to address perceived concerns of r�t�� Bridging Town and School to be one national policing—currently implementing 32 Lexington, one community and enhance recommendations service delivery �t����>>� Across Lexington Trail Network �rlr� Continue to provide opportunities and r�tl�� Completion of the Center Recreation Complex funding to support cultural events—celebrate diversity, etc. r�ff� Across Lexington Trail Network— more segments! %��f Equity audit to check on our processes! �iii�u���°���� ���r���°��u���liii�����iiir�� �iii��w�iii�m�°���iii�iii�iiu liii iii�����w����iiir���iiir�°�iiu u��iii�m liii°�liii�� �� iii���°Illf IIII�������������iii���°�iiu.�,,IIII II ���illl'41'r� �i„ �������w,iiir�liii��iiir IIII ����iiir���������iiu�iii���iii�m°�° �,��w.���iiir��iiu���°�iiir�����,�°���liii�IIII�IIII���iii�IIII iiir�Illf�!�� • Participants were asked to reflect and share how they felt at the conclusion of the session. The word cloud below captures the feedback. ���o�������N�r �u������������,,�������� �. � � � ���� � ��, ..I' .,. � �, I�i�lilll@� .. uuimu:- uuummrvr�� �9'N�6!�r. ' % �I,i,IVI� I�, '�0 I� �1mIIIV� ���1 i�� ll�lluuu � 1 �, ��' ou ' �� �piuouuuu urR� i�mm�� I� „ � , .� � . ,� 5�, . �VI����G ..- ���V�i" "m�� iimini�J���:. � i ,IIVW�� ..�iu .�� qlll�,. iI� �.,.... .,.. ..... .� , �,. . .. .,.� .-��.,.. , I �, ��i�y,lri�." � 'Umm� ` i *.,� �yum�.N�i�i � ��NW�'� m@Ii.W�� � ,.. � �.,; ,, ,„,; .. . �¢ '. �I�liq . . . _: , ,;: ,... ,�: , ' ,. ., , , , .. ; �' .. . U� .. ,;., „ .., " „ ... I I, , ,,, ���. I I' , � ., ... . .I I�ii' '� '�''f . , � I{ . _. ..��.Y ....� ... I iN �II�'��I�uum6 �� ���piV' i��. ,.I uumi i��� �lih V �uui � _ 0111 �u i � � ��IM ; oiiiii u � V � i ��, � I s �u �uw� �i�m�iyi � � �� � � �ou��om�om�om�om „o,m��r � ��I�� ����r, �iiir u���°���� ��°��u���liii�!���iiir�� �iiir���iiu��°Illf�°�iii�iii�iiu liii iii�m������w��°��iiir��iiu iiir�°���iii�iiu�liii°�liii�� ��� iii���°Illf IIII�������������iii���°�iiu.� Illl�;������w,�� ���� �������P!!I����P!!I���������'�����°�����IIII���iii���Illl��jim�������liii°��u�������IIII��II".�°�°iii������°Ilk • �iii�u���°���� ��������°��u���liii�!��iiir�� �iii��w�iiu��°���iii�iii�iiu liii iii�����w��iiir���iiir�°�iiu u��iii�m liii°�liii�� Select Board Goals January 2020—December 2021 Goals Approved February 3, 2020 Status Update -August 10, 2020/August 24, 2020 Status Update#2—September/October 2021 BOARD GOALS: • 2020—Assign one Board member as lead for each priority area; Agree on baseline performance/ customer satisfaction measures for priority areas below • 2021—Set improvement targets and expected results TOP PRIORITIES THRI VING LOCAL ECONOMY CREATE A PREDICTABLE FRAMEWORK FOR PERMITTING PROCESSES (CHAMPION—JILL HAI) • Redesign the Business Resource Guide to provide a more detailed explanation of the permitting process—the measurable goal will be an updated Business Resource Guide,this is to be undertaken by the Economic Development Office to be completed by Fall 2020. o Select Board Member Update 8/10/20: New Director of Economic Development, Sandhya lyer, was hired and began work in May. The Economic Development office created and maintained many supports for local business throughout pandemic and has created quick permitting process for outdoor space utilization. Ongoing work with Center Committee and Economic Development committee. o Land Use, Health & Development Department (LUHD) Update 8/10/2020: New Economic Development Director started May 11, 2020. The Business Guide is under review and changes are planned. Changes to web pages are also planned to signal to the life sciences industry that Lexington is prepared to facilitate permitting. c� � 1 1 i 1 i i i i 1 i i C 1 � 1 C 1 / 1 � � 1 1 � � 1 1 1 1 / 1 � 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 � 1 � � � ' 1 ' 1 � 1 � 1 1" ' 1 � 1 � 1 1 - 1 1 1 '1 1 1 1 � 1 1 1 '1 � 1 1 1 � � �" 1 1 '1 � 1 � ' 1 1 1 1 1 • Ensure businesses understand the Town's coordinated effort of all permitting departments through the Design Review Team (DRT). Promote the "one-stop" shop for all pre-permitting review to ensure that permitting processes go smoothly and that by the time an applicant is before a Board or Committee that all staff have commented on plans and that the plans meet the Town's requirements. The measurable goal is that outlines of ineetings of the DRT are to be forwarded to the Town Manager and that a report will be developed outlining the number of days from initial contact to the Town to completion for the past 3 years will be developed and updated regularly to indicate the effectiveness of the DRT process,to be undertaken by the Planning Office.The initial report will be due July 2020. o LUHD Update 8/10/2020: 1. The Assistant Town Manager for Development received approval to add the duty of single-point-of-contact for permit sequencing to the ED Director job description. The ED Director is in progress on learning Lexington's zoning and permitting, and the ED Coordinator is also supporting business permitting.This now makes clear to businesses and Town staff that this position acts as permit "concierge," and advises on sequencing with review boards, in concert with relevant staff. The ED Director has been trained on ViewPoint Cloud; 2. DRT is promoted to prospective commercial developers and new businesses to advise and coordinate on the most efficient path to permitting. i i i 1 � • Training for all Development/Permitting Boards—Training programs will be offered to these Boards through the Citizen Planning Collaborative and/or other programs and will be ongoing through the next two years.This will be undertaken by the Planning Department and a record kept of each Board member's training. The measurable goal is that written notification of training opportunities will be made and recorded. This will be initiated January 1, 2020. o LUHD Update 8/10/2020: Planning Board members Richard Canale and Bob Peters attended the Citizen PlannerTrainingCollaborativeworkshopthisyear.TheZoningAdministrator notified the ZBA of the CPTC training opportunity, and they registered, but the pandemic caused a cancellation of live workshops. Even still, ZBA members Ralph Clifford (Chair), members Jeanne Krieger, Nyles Barnert, Norman Cohen, and alternate member James Osten participated in the Stormwater Management Webinar. Mr. Osten also took a workshop on Variances and Special Permits. c� i i i 1 i i ill i � ENGAGE IN A COMMUNITY CONVERSATION TO DEFINE WHAT ATTRACTIVE AND VIBRANT WOULD LOOK LIKE FOR LEXINGTON (CHAMPION—JOE PATO) • This will be part of the ongoing comprehensive plan update with at least one specific facilitated community conversation to define what "attractive" and "vibrant" means in relation to Lexington. This will be undertaken by the Planning Department and incorporated into the final report on the Comprehensive Plan with the measurable goal to complete the Comprehensive Plan no later than December 31, 2020. o Town Manager Update 8/10/2020: The Planning Department has continued to move forward with the comprehensive plan and we are anticipating that the Planning Staff and Assistant Town Manager for Development will present an update at a joint meeting of the Select Board and Planning Board in September 2020. o LUHD Update 8/10/2020: This was understood by the LUHD Department to be conceived by the Select Board as a live public gathering. Guidance is sought on whether a Zoom webinar is now acceptable.The Select Board and the Planning Board will receive an updated timeline for the draft Comprehensive Plan at a joint meeting with the Planning Board intended for September 2020.The Department also understands the Select Board considers the scope to include all commercial areas in Lexington, not just Lexington Center. c� li 1 r � i i i i � WORK WITH BUSINESSES AND PROPERTY OWNERS TO DEVELOP CREA TI VE AND 1 NTEGRA TED SOL UTIONS (CHAMPIONS—SUZIE BARRY, MARK SANDEEN,JILL HA1&JOE PATO) Continue meetings with both small Iocal businesses and larger, corporate businesses Local Business Owners (Champion -Suzie Barry) � Small business meetings will commence on a quarterly basis (starting with the first quarter of 2020), where these have been irregularly scheduled over the past year.This will be one venue to have discussions with local businesses over a variety of topics, including the impact of the Center Streetscape Project.The measurable goal will be improved communications from 4 quarterly meetings by December 2020. These meetings will be scheduled through the Economic Development Office who will attend these meetings,the Select Board will designate two members as well as the Town Manager or his designee to attend these meetings. The measurable goal is that 4 quarterly meetings are held to improve communications. o Select Board Member Update 8/10/20: I have been in touch with a few participants from the small business owners group that started meeting on an occasional basis after the Town Manager's arrival in October 2018 and went on hiatus in the fall of 2019 with seasonal business needs, loss of the Economic Development Director and then continued to be on hiatus with the pandemic. They are interested in restarting meetings again in a remote manner and are interested in meeting the new Economic Development Director. Short term goals: Set up a meeting for some time in the next month or so and at that meeting lay out a projected schedule of future meetings and potential topics. Determine the second member of the Select Board to be added to this group. o LUHD Update 8/10/2020: She is meeting business owners and planning a more formal program of ineetings however the focus of activities has been on supporting the smaller businesses during the pandemic. COVID 19 having the maximum impact on the small businesses, the Economic Development Office has been working closely with them to understand their unique needs to stay afloat in this market. Starting with a streamlined outdoor permitting process for outdoor seating for restaurants and some retailers adding outdoor pick-up services the ED office has constantly been providing information about different state and federal funding support options to businesses.The ED Office has been working with the Lexington Retailers Association and the Chamber of Commerce to provide tailored resources to small business owners such as organizing a webinar with state representatives and developing promotion and marketing for some of the businesses.The ED Office has also secured funding through the Community Development Block Grant program to support micro-enterprises (5 or fewer employees) in Lexington. c� - � 11 i � i , � i1 , 1 � i 1 - ili i 1 i � ' i 1 m i ml i 11 i i 11 i 11 i i 1 i 1 i � i i i 1 i i i � i / � � � ' i ii 1 � 1 1 i i � i �� a � 1 1 � ' i i � i i 1 1 r� � i i 1 � i i 1 � � � i i �1 1 1 � m � � i i 11 1 i � , i � i i � i i i i 1 i 11 1 i i i 1 � il � - i i i � 11 i m i 1 i � i i i r� 1 i 1 � 1 � - i i � i 11 i � i i i , t � r� ��� � i�t 1 i c r � itti Ii� �i � t f t � �i �� i lt I it r ts� T � II �i �� ti i�s�e I r c � � � Large Business Outreach (Champion -Mark Sandeen) � The outreach program with larger businesses will continue through 2020 with the plan to hold at least six meetings with large businesses during 2020 targeted to businesses that may be growing, lease renewals or other indicators.This will be coordinated through the Economic Development and Town Manager's offices. With one of these meetings being a joint meeting with the Center Businesses group.The measurable goal is that a minimum of 6 meetings are held with the larger business owners in Lexington. o Select Board Member Update 8/10/2020:The Town Economic Development office has organized two well-attended meetings with the business community in the last year. Secretary Kennealy spoke at both events. One event was hosted on Hartwell Avenue and one in Lexington Ce nte r. o Town Manager Update 8/10/2020:These were expected to start in the first quarter of 2020 but haven't due to the inability to hold in person meetings. It would be difficult to arrange a zoom meeting with the right people, but it would probably be very helpful right now to make the effort. I'm happy to work with Suzie and Mark and our other staff to identify the appropriate people to invite and schedule a zoom meeting to hear from businesses.This may be helpful as we move forward into the Fall. If this is what the Board wishes to pursue, we will work to arrange a meeting prior to the end of August with the businesses that are identified. o LUHD Update 8/10/2020: The ED Director has had communication with the commercial developments and large businesses such as Revolution Labs (1050 Waltham), Takeda,The Richmond Group (4 Maguire) and Lincoln Properties (91 Hartwell). She is working with state agencies such as MassEcon as well as Middlesex 3 Coalition to promote commercial properties that are lab-ready and a premier location for growing life sciences companies.The ED Director also promoted Lexington's Commercial space in the New England Real Estate Journal featuring the region: https://reader.mediawiremobile.com/NEREJ/issues/206193/viewer?page=22 c� - , 1 1 r � i / ii i i i � 1 �i i i i � i 11 i 1 � Center Businesses (Champion -Jill Hai) • A quarterly meeting will be established in 2020 specifically with businesses in the Center Business District through the Center Committee to discuss the impacts of the Center Streetscape Project and to work around as many issues as possible to ensure the project goes smoothly.The project is slated for construction to begin in the Spring of 2021,therefore starting the first quarter of 2020 a meeting will be initiated through the Economic Development, Public Works Department and Public Information Officer,who will be responsible to communicate with businesses to ensure an effective two-way communication before and during the project to minimize complaints and to establish an effective complaint resolution program during construction. The measurable goals will be that 4 meetings are held and that a two-way complaint/complaint resolution program is developed. o Select Board Member Update 8/10/2020: New ED Dir has begun relationship building with Center Committee and Chamber to establish the meetings and communication pathways discussed o Town Manager Update 8/10/2020: Dave Pinsonneault is on the agenda for August 24, 2020 to provide an update to the Select Board on the status of the Center Streetscape project and a letter is going out in early August providing an update to the businesses.Again,this was slated for some initial meetings in the first quarter of 2020 but due to the pandemic this has not occurred.The project is still on track and a notice has gone out to the businesses in the center. I would recommend that a meeting be scheduled during the third quarter of 2020 to have a discussion with the center businesses and Jill can be involved in those discussions/meetings. o LUHD Update 8/10/2020: The Economic Development office has been working closely with the Center Committee to understand the needs of the Center Businesses.The ED office has developed several resources such as a list and information of all the businesses currently open and also developed a Map with all the different business categories in the Center as well as East Lexington. The ED Coordinator also developed signage and posters for businesses as part of the reopening strategy.The ED Office also assisted the Engineering and DPW to secure grant funding through MassDOT to promote outdoor dining and retail to help with revitalization post- COVID 19.The Assistant Town Manager for Development and the Planning staff have experience communicating with and assisting businesses through roadway reconstruction projects in other communities. We are prepared to support the ED director and DPW in this communication before and during construction. c� - � 1 / i 1 1 i i i � li i i � 1 i i 1 i c� i i 1 � ► r i i 1 � t r �i � � �tr° �ti t � t r� i tt , �i� i�� � r� � il ` i i 1 � Small Business Tax Exemption Program (Champion -Joe Pato) • Through the Town's Finance Department, data will be accumulated during the first three quarters of 2020 to develop an impact statement and to identify the number of businesses that would be able to participate in a Small Business Tax Exemption program.The Finance Department will make contact with all businesses identified as eligible based upon their property valuation and will identify the number of employees to establish a list of potential businesses and further develop an impact to all other commercial businesses should the Town offer a Small Business Exemption.The measurable goal is the development of the report for the Board's consideration.The timeframe will be to ensure a final report is provided to the Select Board one month prior to the FY21 tax rate setting hearings. o Select Board Member Update 8/24/2020: Initiated discussions with Land Use, Health & Development Department and Finance Department to take raw data from the state and analyze how many businesses would actually benefit from this exemption. Brookline studied this exemption in 2010 and recommended proposing changes to MGL Chapter 59§51 "to address the inequities created by the limitations of the current qualifying criteria and to be more useful to the Town of Brookline as a tax policy tool to promote and support small business development." Looking into if any of the proposed changes could be meaningful for Lexington via a home-rule petition. o Town Manager Update 8/10/2020: This is predicated on the size (number of employees) of certain businesses and the Finance Department was going to be accumulating data through the first three quarters of 2020 to determine whether there was a need to pursue this exemption. I will follow up with Carolyn Kosnoff,Assistant Town Manager for Finance to provide an update. o LUHD Update 8/10/2020: Although not a task for the Land Use Health & Development Department,this goal could help small businesses open and/or remain in Lexington. c� � 1 / � � i i , i % 1 i - i il i i i il i i i I liil 1 1 i ri i 11 Ii � r 1 i i � LIVABILITY DEVELOP EFFECTIVE TRANSPORTATION SOLUTIONS (CHAMPION—MARK SANDEEN) • The Transportation Manager will continue to work with others in the neighboring communities to identify opportunities to cooperate and develop a broader use of the Town's transportation services. � ili i i i i i 1 i li i i 1 i � i � i i 1 � r i � i i i ri ii 1 i 1 i i il� i ii r i i i� � i � , • The Transportation Manager will review and identify opportunities to provide first mile/last mile service during the morning and evening rush hours to connect local businesses with other public transportation options using the Lexpress or Rev bus services. ii i i i i i i i i i , 11 i 1 ri 1 i 1 � 1 � i li i � 1 i 11 ii i � � 1 �� � '� 1 �1 �i 1 i 1 ci i � i 1 i i r �, r i 1 i � i i 1 i � ii 11 � - f i � i i i 1 1 i i s i il 1 � � i i iii i i 1 i i i Ii i i i 1 i �i i i � i i � • The Transportation Manager will work with the MBTA on potential new bus routes to provide improved services for residents seeking public transportation. � The measurable goal for the above three bullets is to see increased usage (not a defined percentage as this will be a multi-year goal seeking to increase public transportation usage) during 2020 and to provide a recommendation on alternative routes that would link Lexpress or other public transportation services to regional train services available in nearby communities. c� � i i�l i � i � i ill i , r i 1 i � i i � i 1 1 i i i i �� i i i , � 11 1 i li i 1 i � c ��i s�� T Tr � rt ti �i� 1� t itt � �t �i� � � � i�is i � i� � i t r � �t r c t r� il t r r t� 11 tr � r�t �i 1 � �ti i� c° 11 r c � r� � � i� �� f� i� �t t t til t r t r il li s� �� i L i � � t t � r� t�c 1 � c t � � it ill � � � � c� 1 t t � fi r � il ti .s, r t r�t 1 l i 1 t r 1 i � • During 2020, the Transportation Manager working with the Town Engineer and Public Works Department will identify potential locations for a protected bike lane trial in Town. The measurable goal will be to include a recommendation whether a protected bike lane is possible/advisable. The measurable goal will be that public meetings will be held and a recommendation made to the Select Board in a timely manner so that any costs could be included for the FY22 budget. o Select Board Member Update 8/10/2020:The Town's Lexpress service celebrated its 40th anniversary this year.The Transportation Manager has revised schedules and fees to encourage ridership once service resumes. Many of the goals outlined in this section have been delayed due to the coronavirus crisis. The Transportation Manager has not yet provided a recommendation on potential protected bike lane trial locations. o Town Manager Update 8/10/2020:This goal came to a halt with the pandemic and the shuttering of the Town's Lexpress bus service. Some of the goals have made progress as far as developing new routes and continuing to work with other communities.The first mile/last mile goal was discussed briefly in the last Select Board meeting and still a major issue for businesses to get their employees from the train stations to work locations in Lexington and should continue to be pursued. The measurable goal is not possible in 2020 as the service has not been operating for S months. In regard to the protected bike lane, Melissa Interess, Human Services Director has been asked to provide an update on the status of this work and whether it will be completed in time to coincide with the FY22 budget development. Depending on the pandemic and how long it lasts and long-term impact on the Town's finances when combined with other priorities,this may need to be postponed until the FY23 budget process. � 1 1 � � 1 , 1 ' 1 ' 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 � 1 �` 1 1 �° � 1 �° � REVIEW RESIDENTIAL ZONING FOR WAYS TO CREATE NEW HOUSING OPPORTUNITIES AND PROTECT THE DIVERSITY OF EXISTING HOUSING STOCK (Champion—Jill Hai) • The Select Board have already had an introductory presentation on Chapter 40R and 40S development. The Board will schedule a secondary discussion on these options during the first quarter of 2020 with the measurable goal of having a position developed during the second quarter with the goal of having any action required of Town Meeting included in a Fall 2020 Town Meeting wa rra nt. o LUHD Update 8/10/2020: The Land Use Health & Development Department staff(Dept. Head) has 40R experience and is prepared to assist along with other staff.This effort would not be ready for the Fall 2020 Special Town Meeting. � � 1 / i 1 � 1 i i i 1 i li i 1 i i 1 i 1 i 1� � , i � i 1 i 1 i i� r i i 1 i i i Ii i ili � i i � • The Select Board will work with the Planning Department, Community Preservation Committee, Housing Partnership, LexHab, Housing Authority and others to review existing affordable housing stock, improvements that may be needed and to develop a plan to fund improvements.The Board will hold an initial meeting during the first quarter, develop a working group of these Committees to identify opportunities and the Town Manager will identify appropriate staff to assist in this review. The working group will work throughout 2020 and identify funding opportunities and/or needs and will present to the Select Board an interim report in the Fall of 2020 to obtain feedback and then provide recommendations to the Board in December 2020 for any action needed by the Town at Annual Town Meeting 2021. The measurable goal will be to have an improvement plan agreed upon by January 2021 with funding recommendations for the 2021 Annual Town Meeting. o Select Board Member Update 8/10/2020: SPRD continued to meet regularly through the summer and will going forward (3rd Tuesday each month, 8am). Zoning Consultant has brought a large range of zoning alternatives other communities have used to broaden housing diversity. Documents are posted to SPRD committee page and work is shifting to drafting new options for Lexington, based on these models and our needs. o Town Manager update 8/10/2020:Jill Hai has been working with Carol Kowalski on this issue and I will include Carol's written update to the Board when it's received.The Town has not created a working group consisting of the various housing interests during 2020.There has been some discussion about the future of LexHab and how this could be transformed in the future. Once the Board discusses this goal,the creation of a working group could be added on the August 24 agenda to move this item forward. o LUHD Update 8/10/2020: The Board may wish to consider starting this once the SPRD Ad-Hoc Committee completes its work. That Committee's knowledge and engagement is on the continuum of this goal. � � � � � l i� 1 ' 1 1 � � 1 � 1 ' � C� ` 1 �' 1 1 � ' 1 1 � � � 1 � � 1 1 � � 1 � 1 1 , 1 1 1 � � � I 1 � 1 1 % 1 ' 1 1 1 � �" 1 � � 1 � 1 � 1 �° 1 C) 1 '1 1 1 / 1 ' 1 ' � � HIGH PRIORITIES QUALITY INFRASTRUCTURE,AMENITIES AND MUNICIPAL SERVICES REVIEW THE CHARGES FOR ALL TOWN COMMITTEES;MODIFYAND UPDATE AS APPROPRIATE TO REFLECT BOARD PRIORITIES AND CREATE EXPANDED OPPORTUNITIES FOR RESIDENT PARTICIPATION. (CHAMPIONS—JOE PATO&SUZIE BARRY) EXECUTION: Town Committee Review(Joe Pato) • During the first half of 2020, the Board will designate a Select Board member to work with the Management Fellow to identify the legal basis of all Town Committees and whether the Committees are mandated by law, mandated by some other law the Town has adopted or optional.Those Committees that are identified as optional,will be reviewed to determine the ongoing necessity of the Committee.The charge for all Committees, both mandated and optional will be reviewed to determine if they continue to be appropriate and/or whether an updated charge is advisable and will provide a recommendation to the Board for consideration by December 2020.The measurable goal will be for the Select Board to approve new Committee charges by June 2021. BOARD GOAL: 2020—Complete review and update of all committee charges to rationalize functions and expand appeal for broader resident participation. 2021—Attract 15% new participants to town committees o Select Board Member Update 8/24/2020: Committee inventory completed with linkage to establishing authority. Committee charge analysis has been delayed by 6 months. o Town Manager Update 8/10/2020: Joe Pato and Doug Lucente were working on this item and I will leave this to them to provide an update. One of the goals was to ensure new participants (15%was the goal). On the Town Manager appointments, we specifically advertised all of them as being open appointments, which did not make some long time members happy. We have reviewed the Town Manager appointments and of the 27 appointments I've made this year, 20 were reappointments and 7 are new appointments (26%) relative to the 15%goal (TM appointments only). o LUHD Update 8/10/2020: Land Use, Health & Development Department staff would like to assist in this review for the many committees supported by the Department. c� 1 i i 1 i i i i i i , i o i i i i °�� Board Liaison Review(Suzie Barry) � The Board will commence a discussion on the role of Board Liaison to various Committees and establish protocols for the Board Liaisons.This discussion will commence in January 2020 and will conclude by June 2021. The Chair of the Board will review other community's liaison roles and develop a protocol for discussion with the full Board no later than May of 2020. The measurable goal is that protocols will be established by June 2021. o Select Board Member Update 8/10/2020: Currently gathering information already in use by other Towns for review and reviewing draft information written by former Select Board member Michelle Ciccolo regarding this topic. Goals: Have preliminary discussion with full Select Board to gather information regarding how they see the role, challenges and opportunities. Schedule for SB meeting by end of September 2020; Survey Board and Committee Chairs regarding their understanding of the role and their interaction with their liaison.Aim for survey result by end of October 2020; Hold an additional discussion with the full Select Board in November 2020 to review survey results and gather additional feedback; Draft and review protocol including ongoing review and feedback of draft with full Select Board December 2020-February 2021; Present final protocol for review and approval by full Select Board March-May 2021. o Town Manager Update 8/10/2020: I was not involved in this review and will defer to Suzie Barry's comments on updates.The schedule was to complete this by June 2021. c� - m 1 1 r� i i 1 l i i i 1 � II r� i i � i li i i li i r i i i � i i �i i i 1 i i i 1 � i 1 � � i / i � COMMUNI TY CHARACTER CREATE AND COMMUNICATE A PLAN FOR BROADENING DIVERSITY OF TOWN STAFF (CHAMPION—JILL HAI) • The Town Manager and HR Director will identify additional resources to advertise and promote job openings and will continue the employee survey that was undertaken in 2019 to measure and identify whether there are improvements or lessening diversity.The measurable goal will be a continuing annual report back in Fall 2020 on employee demographics and outreach efforts. � The Select Board through the activities listed above relative to reviewing the charge of all Committees and seeking to provide additional opportunities for residents (that may not have previously been involved)will require that all vacancies, and those seats with incumbents who's terms are expiring,whether the Committee is appointed by the Select Board or Town Manager to be advertised in local papers, on Town bulletin boards and the Town's website with a copy of the opportunity emailed to all those previous attendees of the Citizen's Academy to seek to diversify Committee membership. This will be undertaken with the reappointments starting January 2021 and the measurable goal will be advertising all expiring terms for Committee appointments. o Town Manager Update 8/10/2020: The Town Manager and HR Director were to identify additional goals and a continuing report back in the Fall of 2020 on town employee demographics. The Town has placed ads nationally in professional websites that include diverse membership including ELGL(Engaging Local Government Leaders,which is a diverse professional association of middle managers in local government), MassachusettsDiversity.com, MMA and websites specific to the position (i.e. Massachusetts Environmental Health for our Health Agent position). We have also used the Bay State Banner(an African American newspaper) and EI Mundo (a Latino American newspaper among others and will continue to do so. The most recent recruitment for police officers was provided to ABCL with a request that they distribute it widely. The employee demographic study will be initiated in September 2020 and will be reported to the Board with a comparison with 2019. c� i i 1 1 i i i � i iri i i i i , i i il i ill i � i i � i i i i i i � i i i ii 1 ii ii ill i ii i i i � 1 m � 5 � 1 t �` � �' C 1� � t � 1 1� fl�° �' S � l� 1" � .S t �" � � t � lC1 G 1 t � TOWN-WIDE FISCAL STEWARDSHIP (CHAMPION—DO UG L UCENTE) • Limit the rate of property tax increase.The Town will endeavor to not have a Proposition 2 % override and communication to residents on town finances and taxes will be developed.The measurable goal is that the Town Manager and Finance Department will develop easy to understand informational pieces during 2020 and will work with the Public Information Officer to communicate to residents through Town Meeting, a community conversation, online, mail and/or LexMedia. o Select Board Member Update 8/10/2020: Need to set up a meeting to review the format to be used for an easy to understand communication piece to the community before Fall Town Meeting and before the Police Station project is presented to the community. o Town Manager Update 8/10/2020: We have not anticipated a need for a Proposition 2%z override.An informational piece as discussed in the goals has not occurred, but can be done as part of the Fall Town Meeting process to explain how we're balancing the budget and explaining the tax rate. c� i i 1 i i i 11 i 1 il i r� � � i i i � i1i 1 i i � r i i i i i i 1 � il i i i i i �� i i i 1 i � • Review home rule petition opportunities to address the issue of tax deferrals and the timing of when interest begins after the property owner(s) passes away and the estate is required to pay the deferred taxes.The measurable goal is that the Board will consider adding to the 2020 Annual Town Meeting warrant, an article that will seek a home rule petition to allow the Town of Lexington to set the timing and interest rate for the deferred taxes for the residential tax deferral. o Select Board Member Update 8/10/2020:This was successfully completed at the 2020 Annual Town Meeting. o Town Manager Update 8/10/2020: This was on the Annual Town Meeting warrant and the home rule petition has been submitted to the legislature. With the pandemic schedule and other associated issues of the legislature, I do not anticipate this will be taken up for consideration until the next session and would anticipate it being considered in the Spring of 2021. c� i i i i , � � Take action on the residential exemption study committee recommendations, including development of a means-tested and/or age-based residential exemption—The Board will charge a new Residential Exemption Study Committee in 2020 to take up this issue and make a recommendation by January 2021 at which time the Ad Hoc Committee will sunset. o Select Board Member Update 8/10/2020: Next step is for the Select Board to create the charge for the proposed study committee and appoint members. This will be on an agenda during a September 2020 meeting with a proposed draft for the Board to review. o Town Manager Update 8/10/2020: The residential exemption study committee has not been created and I anticipate it would be difficult to provide a recommendation by Jan 2021 even if it is created in the near future. I would recommend this goal deadline be extended. c� i i i i � DEVELOP A CAPI TAL MASTER PLAN THAT ENCOMPASSES ALL CAPI TAL I TEMS (INFRASTRUCTURE, BUILDINGS, ETC.)AND INCORPORATES THE SCHOOL'S MASTER PLAN (CHAMPION—JOE PATO) • The Town Manager,Assistant Town Manager for Finance, Director of Public Facilities and Director of Public Works will provide an estimated cost for inclusion for items costing over$500,000 in the 2021 Annual Town Meeting warrant. The measurable goal is to develop a full cost report in time to inform the FY23 budget process (Fall of 2021). o Town Manager Update 8/10/2020: This is in the FY21 Capital Plan, but with many of the capital items and PIRs are waiting until the Town Manager and Finance staff make a recommendation on how to move forward with the FY21 budget. An update is planned for August 24 and a summit with the School Committee, Select Board,Appropriation Committee and Capital Expenditures Committee is planned for September 10.Within the next few weeks, we'll have a better idea of the PIRs and capital projects that can move forward and an update on this can be provided at that time. c� - i i r� � 1 i i i i ifi i i , � i i 1 il i i 1 � il i � � e i � i 1 i i 1 i 11 1 1 1 i i ili i i � � � � The Town Manager and Finance Department will draft a comprehensive debt management plan in the form of guidelines to be presented to the Select Board prior to September 2020 and incorporated into the FY22 budget process.The measurable goal will be an agreement between the Select Board,Appropriation Committee, Capital Expenditure Committee and School Committee by the second budget summit of the FY22 budget process. o Town Manager Update 8/10/2020: This has been worked on but is behind schedule, but we will continue to endeavor to provide it by the second budget summit. We are meeting with the school administration every other week to ensure a smooth budget process for FY22. 0 1 i 1 ili i i i i i � � � i � 1 � i t t � � , 1 i c°i 1 i � i� ill � � �i ci 1 r i r i 1 � r � i � 1 � r � r 1� OTHER PRIORITIES The following items were listed under"other priorities" and will be worked on to move them forward, but without the top and high priority detail. These include: IMPLEMENT THE SUSTAINABLE ACTION PLAN AND GETTING TO NET ZERO EMISSIONS PLAN (CHAMPION—MARK SANDEEN) • The Town is in the process of hiring a Sustainability Director and has developed an Integrated Building Design and Construction Policy to provide direction for Town building projects. The measurable goal will be following the hiring of a Sustainability Director, an implementation road map of the Sustainable Action Plan and Getting to Net Zero Emissions Plan will be developed with priorities for implementation and any costs associated with the implementation of plan elements estimated,this will be undertaken within one year of the Sustainability Director's hire date and will be done under the direction of the Sustainability Director and Sustainable Lexington in consultation with the Town Manager and Select Board. o Select Board Member Update 8/10/2020:The Town has hired a Sustainability Director.The Sustainability Director has met with Sustainable Lexington to understand that committee's recommendations regarding implementation priorities for the Sustainable Action Plan and the Getting to Net Zero Emissions plan for the next year. o Town Manager Update 8/10/2020: We have hired the Sustainability Director who started this Spring (remotely) and has jumped right into these projects with the Sustainable Lexington Committee. o i l i il i i il i i i1 i i i li i Ii � i i i i i i i i 1 � i � i � i ili i � i 1 i i r 1 1 ii i li i 1 11 il r� � � i� t 1 � t t r t r is� r s� r► 1 1 �t��c ti � s �t t 1 t � et�i ic� i 1 i , 1� � r� � �i � e it 1 �t i �� 11 r� 1 � �� � 1 t � i r� t i t � t � � r�� t � i�l i �t 11 � �t ir� ilit i� c°t r �� i r i it t Ii t cfi 1 t ��is� t 1� i i i it� t z r 1 1 � 1 i r�fi � � i� � � t 11 ci 1 ti � 250TH CELEBRATION (CHAMPION—SUZIE BARRY) • The Select Board will create and appoint a Committee in 2020 to oversee and plan activities for the 250th anniversary of the Battle of Lexington and the Board will also coordinate with surrounding communities, other partners and the State on collaborative opportunities.The measurable goal will be the creation of the Committee and planning efforts being coordinated with other area communities, other partners and the State. o Select Board Member Update 8/10/2020:The Select Board approved the charge for the Semiquincentennial Commission (Lex250) at the January 13, 2020 Select Board Meeting. Mr. Lucente & Ms. Barry were working on the application for membership on the Commission and the plan for recruitment of inembers when the pandemic hit and efforts were paused. As a side note an informal group of a Select Board representative from Lexington, Concord, Lincoln, Bedford &Arlington along with the Director of Minute Man National Park and a representative from Hanscom Air Force Base was formed and met twice prior to the pandemic to begin conversations surrounding the communication and coordination of any events being planned in the Battle Road area for 2025. This group intends to start meeting again informally in the coming weeks by remote participation.This group is also monitoring events being planned at the State and National level as well. Goals: Revisit the application to see if any updates are necessary and restart the recruitment process to staff the Commission. Aim for a first meeting of the Commission by April of 2021. c� - 1 � i i i 1 � i i i 1 il , � � � 1 i 1 i i is� i i i 1 i i i m i i 1 ` i i 1 � � i � i � 1 1 ri i � i i 1 i� i i i i i � i r , i i i � 1 1, 1 i i i 1 i r m 1 , 1 i 1 1 ii ' i � 1 i� 1 i i i 1 i � i � li i i � 1 1 ' i i i i I i 1 1 i i i �1 i 1 li i � i 1 i r i 1 i m TWO-WAY COMMUNICATION (CHAMPION—DO UG L UCENTE) • The Town Manager will work with the Board during 2020 to better define what is intended for two- way communication tools and will work with the Public Information Officer to review existing online platforms and a non-online option and will implement (subject to budget appropriation) a plan to improve communications between residents and Town Departments. The measurable goal will be the development of a communication plan with cost estimates in time to be included in the FY22 budget. o Select Board Member Update 8/10/2020:The FY21 Budget included a new Town website. The staff is currently in the process of getting feedback from various vendors.The IT department has been working with PIO on this process. By next fiscal year's budget development, staff plans to have explored options available by vendors to integrate a two way communication option such as "See, Click, Fix" or other similar application. o Select Board Member Update 8/24/2020:Vision 20/20 Committee has approved Enhancing Communication in Lexington (ECiL) subcommittee report "Best Practices for Municipal Communications" for submission to the Select Board in September. This report identifies Best Practices which the ECiL Committee believes, if implemented, will help improve communication in Lexington. Throughout this report the term "communication" refers to the bi-directional exchange of information between the Town of Lexington and residents and/or people working in the Town. o Town Manager Update 8/10/2020: While we haven't defined what is intended by two-way communication,we have been fully utilizing the PIO position and there has been tremendous positive feedback that I've received related to the flow of information coming from the Town. We have not developed a formal communications plan for the FY22 budget, but this still may be possible. � - c� � 1 i f i i i i i - i i i 1 � i i i 1 i 1 i i i i i i i 1 ` i 1 i- �s� i i , 1 1 1 1 i 1 ii i i 1 , i11 i i 1 i� 1 � c� i � i i � i i i � i i11 i i 11 i � 1 ill i ` i i 1 � i 1 � m o i 1 i , � i i i i i li i 1 �� � i ` � ` � i i , i i 1 �� i ` 1 ' r ` � i i � 1 i i 1 �� � i ` 1 ' ` ' i i i � i r i i i i � c� � i 11 i i � ' � i i i i i 1 i � i 1 � , i i i i 1 i i i � � i i i i i i i 1 i m i i i i 1 i i il i i 1 i � i i � �11 i r i � i ili �