HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-10-27-HPB-min Meeting Minutes for October 27, 2022 Attendees: Cindy Arens (Sustainable Lexington liaison), Harriet Cohen (Clerk), Jeri Foutter (Chair), Charles Hornig (Planning Board), Paul Linton, Wendy Manz, Sarah Morrison (LexHAB liaison), Bob Pressman, Maureen Rynn (LHA liaison), Melanie Thompson, Betsey Weiss, John Zhao (COA) Absent: Joe Pato (Select Board liaison) Guests: Margaret Heitz, Gretchen Reisig The Housing Partnership Board (HPB) meeting was chaired by Jeri Foutter and minutes were taken by Harriet Cohen. 1. Call to Order: Housing Partnership Board Meeting Ms. Foutter called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm. The roll was called. 2. Article #12: Affordable Housing Trust presentation, discussion, and vote Ms. Reisig provided a presentation on Article #12, Affordable Housing Trust and addressed questions from the HPB. Ms. Weiss moved support of Article 12. Ms. Manz seconded the motion. Voting in favor: Ms. Cohen, Ms. Foutter, Mr. Pressman, Ms. Manz, Mr. Hornig, Mr. Litton, Ms. Weiss, Ms. Thompson Voting against: none Abstaining: none 3. Article #14: LexHAB Reorganization- presentation, discussion, and vote Ms. Morrison provided a presentation on Article #14 and addressed questions from the HPB. Ms. Weiss moved support of the motion. Mr. Linton seconded the motion. Voting in favor: Ms. Cohen, Ms. Foutter, Ms. Manz, Mr. Hornig, Mr. Litton, Ms. Weiss, Ms. Thompson Voting against: none Abstaining: Mr. Pressman 4. MBTA Communities – Charles Hornig and Melanie Thompson Mr. Horning reported on a very successful workshop regarding the MBTA communities program. 80+ participants. The process on developing MBTA communities zoning is ongoing. The goal is to bring an MBTA communities-compliant zoning proposal to Spring Town Meeting. Ms. Thompson noted the high degree of interest and welcomed the opportunity to obtain input from the Town community. Mr. Hornig informed the HPB that the MBTA communities final guidelines are now available. The state now allows up to 20% inclusionary zoning if the Town can affirmatively demonstrate that it is still financially feasible to build housing. The Planning Board’s goal is to take advantage of that change in the guidelines. Much work remains to be done to bring a zoning regulation proposal to Spring Town Meeting. 5. Affordable Housing Resources No update at this meeting. 6. HPB Charge & Membership Ms. Cohen reviewed the discussion at the last HPB meeting re ensuring that the proposed charge is with the Housing Component of LexingtonNext (the Lexington Comprehensive Plan). Ms. Cohen will call meeting of HPB Charge Revision working group volunteers prior to the November HPB meeting. 7. Land Acquisition No update at this meeting 8. Working Group to write HPB accomplishments, 2003-present 9. Board Member Updates Planning Board: As updated in item 4 on this agenda. SPRD: Ms. Weiss reported on the Oct. 12 meeting regarding discussion or payments in lieu of units. Also discussed at the meeting was the use of gross floor area (GFA) versus units. The committee consensus seems to be to use GFA. A slide deck being produced to explain the SPRD. The next SPRD meetings are on Nov. 2 and Nov. 4. There will be a presentation to the Select Board on Nov. 7. The SPRD committee;s goal is to bring an article to Spring Town Meeting. LexHAB: Ms. Morrison reported that she is spending much of her time working on passage of article 14. On behalf of LexHAB she is also collaborating with Ms. Arens, Cambridge Savings Bank (CSB) and the Lexington Chamber of Commerce for an event in early December. At this event, holiday gift bags will be distributed and help will be provided to residents to sign up for sustainable energy solutions and reduced energy bills. CSB has donated $20 gift cards and the Community Endowment Fund of Lexington has provided a grant to help fund this event. Lexington. COA: Mr. Zhao: the COA Senior Services director is stepping down to become the Chief Equity Officer of Lexington. The COA has started a search process for a replacement. One of the COA’s goals is to help Lexington seniors age in place. Invited the executive director of Minuteman Senior Services to present to the COA on the services provided by Minuteman Senior Services. COA will explore the opportunities to collaborate with Minuteman Senior Services and leverage their services. They have 130 staff and 900 volunteers plus 100 contractors. Affordable Housing Trust Study Committee (AHTSC): as described in agenda item 2. Ms. Foutter recognized Ms. Weiss for her hard work on the material prepared by the AHTSC. The chair of the committee will send emails to town meeting members urging passage of Article 12. Ms. Cohen volunteered to make calls in support of Article 12 to Town Meeting Members in precinct 9 and Ms. Thompson volunteered to make calls to precinct 5. Mr. Linton and Ms. Foutter will call precincts to be determined. LHA: Ms. Rynn reported that on Oct. 28, 9:00 am there will be a special board meeting regarding the executive director search. Sustainable Lexington: no update at this meeting. Sustainable Lexington’s current focus is on affordable housing residents. The committee is working in conjunction with LexCAN. 10. New Business No new business. 11. Approve Minutes from September 29, 2022 meeting Ms. Weiss moved approval of the minutes of September 29 and Ms. Manz seconded the motion. Voting in favor: Ms. Cohen, Ms. Foutter, Mr. Pressman, Ms. Manz, Mr. Hornig, Mr. Litton, Ms. Weiss Voting against: none Abstaining: Ms. Thompson 12. Set Next Meeting The next meeting will be Thursday, Dec. 1 at 7:00 by Zoom. 13. Adjournment Ms. Weiss moved adjournment; Ms. Linton seconded the motion. Voting in favor: Ms. Cohen, Ms. Foutter, Mr. Pressman, Ms. Manz, Mr. Hornig, Mr. Litton, Ms. Weiss Voting against: none Abstaining: Ms. Thompson The meeting adjourned at 8:42 pm.