HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-11-28 SB Packet - Released SELECT BOARD MEETING Monday, November 28, 2022 Conducted by Remote Participation* 6:30 PM AGENDA PUBLIC COMMENTS Public comments are allowed for up to 10 minutes at the beginning of each meeting. Each speaker is limited to 2 minutes for comment. Members of the Board will neither comment nor respond, other than to ask questions of clarification. Speakers are encouraged to notify the Select Board's Office at 781-698- 4 5 8 0 if they wish to speak during public comment to assist the Chair in managing meeting times. SELECT BOARD MEMBER CONCERNS AND LIAISON REPORTS 1. Select Board Member Concerns and Liaison Reports TOWN MANAGER REPORT 1. Town Manager Weekly Update CONSENT AGENDA 1. Select Board Committee Appointments 2. Approve One-Day Liquor License Applications 3. Approve Entertainment L is ens e Ap p lic atio n 4. Approve Liquor License Amendment- Change of Manager- C HF P the Hangar, LLC d/b/a Revolution Hall, 3 Maguire Road 5. Approve Select Board Meeting Minutes 6. Approve Amendments to Greenways Corridor Committee Charge ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION 1. Public Hearing- Flammable Fuel S to rage - 10 Maguire Road 6:40p m 2. Public Hearing- Flammable Fuel Storage - 1050 Waltham Street 6:45pm 3. Approve Historic Preservation Restriction- 75 Outlook Drive 6:50pm 4. Discuss and Approve Final Design of Battle Green Streetscape Project 6:55pm 5. Discuss and Approve Pleasant Street/Watertown Street Roundabout Project 7:10pm 6. Establish 2023 Annual Town Meeting and Annual Town Election Dates 7:25pm 7. Approve FY2023 Tax Classification Options 7:35pm 8. Approve F Y2023 Water and Sewer Rates 7:45pm 9. Request to Approve 10%Administrative Charge for Police Details 7:5 0p m 10. Discuss Potential Community C harette on Lexington Center Revitalization 7:5 5p m 11. P res entation- Town O rganizational As s es sment P roject Imp lementation 8:1 Opm 12. Review Pending American Rescue Plan Act(ARPA) Proposals 8:25pm 13. Discuss Future Meeting Dates 8:45pm ADJOURN 1. Anticipated Adjournment 8:50pm The Select Board meeting packet is typ is ally available at least one business day in advance of the meeting:https://Iexington.novusagenda.com/agendapubRc/ Members of the public can view the meeting from their computer or tablet by clicking on the following link at the time of the meeting: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83429234179?pwd=T G 80UXR4S ONgO GdtQkwxb Go2UjF RZz09 iP ho ne one-tap: +13092053325„83429234179# US +13126266799„83429234179# US (Chicago) Telephone: +1 309 205 3325 US +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 646 9313860 US +1 929 436 2866 US (New York) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) Webinar ID: 834 2923 4179 Passcode:479859 *An Act Relative to Extending Certain State of Emergency Ac c o mo datio ns:https://www.mass.gov/the-open-meeting-law The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Select Board will be held on Monday, December 5, 2022 at 6:3 Op m via remote participation. Hearing Assistance Devices Available on Request All agenda time and the order of items are approximate and Leyfqedil"a subject to change. Recorded by LexMedia AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Select Board Member Concerns and Liaison Reports PRESENTER:TER• ITEM S NUMBER: Select Board Members LR.1 SUMMARY: Please see the attached Select Board Correspondence Secretary Report and the attached Select Board Member Concerns and Liaison Reports for the November 28, 2022 meeting. Under this item, Select Board Members can also comment on any additional points, reports and c o nc erns. SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 11/2 8/2022 ATTACHMENTS: Description Type Select Board :.)nc en'ls an.c: L.,aison Reports,,,,, o vet-1ber 28,2022 13aac-,kup Material Correspondence Secretary Report— November 28, 2022 Joe Pato: • Date: 11/4-8 Topic: Noise Committee—messages from 5 interested parties Disposition: Received additional comments addressing value of retaining a noise committee from 5 correspondents. The Board discussed the question at its 11/7 meeting and decided to take no action at this time. Board members Lucente and Sandeen were informally asked to explore options for how to proceed. • Date: 11/12 Topic: Dangerous tree report Disposition: Information transmitted to the DPW and contact information for direct reports shared with correspondent. • Date: 11/14 Topic: Questions for Munroe Center renovations proposal Disposition: Presentation received at the Board's meeting on 11/14. E-mail arrived after board meeting; proponent's contact information shared with correspondent for follow-up. Select Board Concerns and liaison Reports— November 28, 2022 Mark Sandeen: Affordable Housing Trust Study Committee • The Affordable Housing Trust Study Committee voted to recommend that the Select Board submit a 2023 Annual Town Meeting warrant article to transfer the funds in the Affordable Housing Capital Stabilization Fund to the Affordable Housing Trust and to dissolve the Affordable Housing Capital Stabilization Fund. The Affordable Housing Trust Study Committee has submitted a request for$1.5 million prefunding for the Affordable Housing Trust from the Community Preservation Committee. Community Preservation Committee • The Community Preservation Committee has received funding requests for 7 historic resource projects totaling approximately$4.5 million, 5 recreation projects totaling approximately$3 million, 3 community housing projects totaling about$2.25 million, 2 open space projects totaling approximately$1.6 million, and an administrative budget request of$150,000. The match this year is expected to be 31.5%. The Committee expects to make final recommendations on December 18tn School Master Planning Advisory Committee • The School Master Planning Committee has been considering several options for the future location of the Central Administration staff. Options under consideration include moving to the new Lexington High School, moving to 173 Bedford Street, moving to commercially leased office space, and remaining in the current location. MMA Policy Committee Presentation from DOER • The new residential Stretch Energy code will be effective on January 1, 2023.The new commercial Stretch Energy code will be effective on July 1, 2023. DOER recommends that all municipal building officials take the Stretch Energy Code training being offered by Mass Save in December. https://www.masssave.com/en/learn/partners/energy-code-training-and-events DOER expects that the training will prepare building department staff to administer either the Stretch Energy code or the opt-in Specialized Stretch Energy code. DOER will provide municipalities with draft Town Meeting warrant article language for adopting the opt-in Specialized Stretch Energy code in December. AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Town Manager Weekly Update PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: Jim Malloy, Town Manager TM.1 SUMMARY: Attached please find the following weekly updates: * 11/11/22 * 11/18/22 There was no weekly update for 11-25-22 due to the Thanksgiving Holiday. SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 11/28/2022 ATTACHMENTS: Description Type F) We ekly tJPdate I I I 1„2,2. (.1wer Merno r u. Town of Lexington Town Manager's Office James J. Malloy, Town Manager Tel: (781) 698-4540 Kelly E. Axtell, Deputy Town Manager Fax: (781) 861-2921 MEMORANDUM TO: Select Board FROM: Jim Malloy, Town Manager DATE: November 10, 2022 RE: Weekly Update The following is an update of activities for the week ending November 11, 2022: Various Administrative Issues: • Barring any unforeseen issues, the Hosmer House should be moved over the weekend. It is planned to be moved on Sunday morning at 7 AM (If anyone wants to see a house moving down the street)! • We have several earmarks from the Legislature that we are working on which include: o $75,000 for electric landscape equipment—we have signed the necessary state contracts and the funds are available, we are arranging a community(the landscaper community) engagement event after the holidays (in early January)to see how we could best help them with these funds. There were approximately 50 landscapers that were involved during the Noise Advisory Committee meetings, which would equate to approximately$1500 per landscaper, so we want to make sure that any assistance provides the most benefit. o $75,000 for a two-year pilot for a community-based unarmed 911 mental health emergency response team in the Police Department. We have signed all of the paperwork with the state and the funds are available. The Police Chief and Human Services Director have been discussing paths forward and we have contacted Representative Ciccolo to ascertain whether there was a specific intent in the earmark to ensure we meet the goals of this earmark. o $200,000 for a feasibility and design study for the construction of affordable housing units in Lexington—these funds are an earmark from the State's ARPA funds and are available for use. The Land Use, Health and Development Department has issued an RFP for consulting services which closes on 11-10-22 and we anticipate moving forward shortly thereafter. o $20000 (NEW!) for special events through the Economic Development Department—we were notified of this earmark just this week. We will be reaching out to the appropriate state agency to get the necessary paperwork and contract to execute. The Economic Development Department has been notified and will begin planning events throughout the remainder of this year. • Attached please find a revised memo on the organizational assessment. After further discussion, I believe we can implement moving the Health Department out of Land Use Health and Development in FY24 and that the issue of the Transportation Department and the LexPress bus service requires greater specific review that is time limited through an Ad Hoc Committee to 1625 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE•LEXINGTON,MASSACHUSETTS 02420 determine the future of LexPress (as outlined in the attached memo). There are some other additional minor changes. This was originally scheduled to come before the Select Board on 11/14 but due to other higher priority items needing to be on the agenda for 11/14, this item has been moved to 11/28. Cary Library: • The Library now has a second StoryWalk at Parker Meadow which will feature children's picture books with themes of nature. This was a collaboration with Karen Mullins in Conservation, and Dave Pinsonneault in DPW. We were especially grateful to be able to partner at Parker Meadow which is a full accessible trail. • November is Native American Heritage Month and the Cary Library planned several programs to celebrate the history and culture of indigenous peoples. o Wampanoag Crafts— a hands-on experience (ages 5 and up). Saturday, November 12 from 1:00—4:00 in the Large Meeting Room (flyer attached) o An Evening with the Wampanoag Singers and Dancers (all ages). Wednesday, November 30 at 6:00 p.m. in the Large Meeting Room (flyer attached) • Cary Library staff members Michelle Techler and Nicole Vandeyar have partnered with NECN on a monthly segment called.......................... w rs. Each month, they present a book for children, teens, and adults curated around a specific theme. This month, they selected books by Native and Indigenous authors. • Our Science Cafe series continues with Making the Long Dream of Fusion Energy a Reality Now with MIT professor Dennis Whyte, Director of the Plasma Science and Fusion Center. This event is being offered as a h. bra vest, on Tuesday, November 15 at 7:30 p.m. • Our Literary Cafe series continues with Hank Phillippi Ryan who will be in conversation with Lexington author, Marj an Kamali to talk about her newest novel,Her Perfect Life. This event will take place on Thursday, November 171h at 7:30 p.m. in the Living Room. Public Facilities: • The construction camera is up and running for the Police Station project : ht s: .s s r s st s. c e23846.H8Z. Excavation work or the New Police Station began this week. The remaining roofing abatement will continue over the next two weeks followed by demolition of the station. • The Westview project continues to make progress. Steel and the roof decking is complete. The slab for the administration side is complete and the garage will be complete next week. Next week the interior stud installation work will begin, followed by insulation and the exterior vapor barrier. Land Use Health and Development: • 12-18 Hartwell Avenue Project—The application from Great Land Realty Partners for a new 6- story life science lab building with retail space in the front of the building and a 5-level parking garage has been scheduled for a public hearing. Material may be viewed at: . The public hearing with the Planning Board will open on Wednesday,November 16 at 6:00 pm on Zoom. Innovation & Technology: • IT and the Health Department had its kick-off meeting this week to implement a paperless Health Inspections Application. • Staff members from Land Use, Health and Development worked with IT to support Town Meeting Members at Battin Hall for enhanced technical support in this Falls Special Town Meeting r u. Town of Lexington Town Manager's Office James J. Malloy, Town Manager Tel: (781) 698-4540 Kelly E. Axtell, Deputy Town Manager Fax: (781) 861-2921 MEMORANDUM TO: Select Board FROM: Jim Malloy, Town Manager DATE: 11/10/22 RE: Organizational Assessment Implementation CC: Senior Management Team I appreciate the input from the Select Board and Senior Management Team on the Raftelis Report and Recommendations. The following are the items that I am intending to implement, not implement and the timeline for each: Implement in FY23: • Re-title the IT Director to "Assistant Director—Technology Infrastructure". Reason: It is confusing to have an Innovation and Technology (IT) Director and a similarly title position of IT Director. This goes back to the former IT Director(Tom Case) having the title of Chief Information Officer and then having an IT Director. • Have the Administrative Assistant in the IT Department report to the Innovation & Technology Director. • Eliminate the Webmaster position and move the website functionality under the Director of Communications and Special Projects. Implement as part of the FY24 Budget: • In the Human Resources Department, upgrade the Administrative Assistant position that was part- time to full-time and from temporary to permanent. Reasoning: As the Raftelis Report points out, given the municipal side of the Town's overall staffing level and the additional work that is required to also meet the school department's needs, the Human Resources Department is understaffed. • In the Human Resources Department add a position of"Benefits Assistant" to the Benefits Coordinator. Reason: As one person, the Benefits Coordinator processes benefits for 449 Municipal staff and 1,163 School Department staff. This has led to the Human Resources Director filling in and providing assistance to the Benefits Coordinator, which in turn takes her time away from providing direction and assistance to various departments. While this is a high priority, it will be assessed as part of the FY24 budget process and based on financial constraints may need to be pushed to FY25. 1625 MAS SACHUSETTS AVENUE•LEXINGTON,MAS SACHUSETTS 02420 • Continue seeking methods of automating services such as Employee Self-Service (ESS) to reduce repetitive tasks and workload. Reasoning: Employees have greater flexibility if they are able to manage their own benefits and at some point in the future we may find that we can downsize by a person in the HR Department if efficiencies are gained. • Move the Health Department out of the Land Use Health and Development Department and establish a new Health Department with the Director of Public Health serving on the Senior Management Team. Maintain the physical space the Health Department currently occupies as it provides proximity to other permitting departments. Reasoning: During the pandemic, it became apparent the Director of Public Health should be reporting directly to the Town Manager to improve communications between the Town Manager, Director of Public Health and Board of Health. • Change the name of the Land Use Health and Development Office to "Land Use Housing and Development Department"to better reflect the ongoing focus of the department. Implement as part of the FY25 Budget: • Study the Transportation Program for the Town—I am recommending the Select Board create an Ad Hoc Study Committee that will be charged with reviewing whether the LexPress Service is a financially viable service and how it may be modified. That the charge includes making a recommendation in a timely manner to be included in the FY25 budget process (12-month timeline, starting in 2022). According to the FY24 Budget submission, Lexpress Fares/Costs for the past 4 years are as follows: Transportation Fare Department Fiscal Year Revenue Expense FY21 Actual $ 91506 $ 694,168 FY22 Actual $ 16,010 $ 547,831 FY23 Budget $ 301000 $ 7871826 FY24 Budget $ 301000 $ 93 7,672 At this subsidy level, there needs to be a study with a review that ranges from eliminating the service as not being financially viable on one end of the spectrum to continuing the service but not charging for it at the other end of the spectrum (the $30,000 doesn't offset enough to make any difference and a free bus service may increase ridership). The discussion should also include variations in between these two ends of the spectrum and whether this remains a contracted service or should become an in-house service (similar to the discussions with the Liberty Ride). Discussions on where the Transportation Department/Manager should be and whether it moves from the Human Services Department to the Land Use Housing and Development Department would follow this study. • Add an Administrative Assistant to the Town Manager's Office. Reason: The Town Manager's Office has added three new disciplines (Communications, Equity and Sustainability) and positions in the Town Manager's Office. There is one Office Manager who answers phones, coordinates the office, orders supplies, etc. with a shortage of coverage, which requires other staff to take on these responsibilities when they should be focused on their areas of responsibility. In the "Parking Lot" for future consideration: • Eliminate the use of the Assistant Town Manager title for the Assistant Town Manager for Finance and Assistant Town Manager for Land Use, Health and Development and rename these positions Finance Director and Community Development Director. Reasoning: Both incumbents indicated they were attracted by the position at the time they were hired and that they perceived the title change as a position downgrade. This recommendation should be revisited as incumbents retire and/or separate from Town employment. • Should the item above be implemented, then create a new Assistant Town Manager position to oversee Human Resources, Sustainability and Resilience Officer, Director of Communications/Special Project, Innovation and Technology, Chief Equity Officer and Management Analyst. Reasoning: While this may not be the appropriate time to make this change, the span of control for the Town Manager and Deputy Town Manager is fairly wide and with other changes this may be appropriate to reconsider at a later date. • Create a Housing Officer position within the new Land Use Housing and Development Department. Reason: With the changes proposed for LexHab, I believe the Town needs to reassess having a separate Housing Officer or whether we should have LexHab2 (or whatever the agency will be called) as the main partner with a focus on housing, instead of having 2 different agencies working on the same issues. Depending on that reassessment, this may be a future need for the Town. • In the Facilities Department— at this time, to not change the reporting structure so that the Director would only report to the Town Manager. The School Superintendent indicated her position that it was important to maintain the dual reporting structure at least through the construction of the new High School at which time, this could be reassessed as to whether it made sense to change the reporting structure. • Streamline Boards/Committee to reduce the workload created by Board/Committee-related work for many departments. Reason: This is already being discussed through a different process and a separate memo with recommendations has been drafted. This has been on the Board's "to do" list for some time and may be checked off once the Board determines the appropriate actions (even if that is taking no action). This may be reassessed at a future date. Do not intend to implement: • Combine Select Board/Town Manager staff under the Town Manager and consider referring to the office as the "Administration Office". Reason: There was opposition from staff and Select Board and there were questionable efficiencies to be gained. • Create a Transportation Division within the current Land Use Health and Development. Reason: The Assistant Town Planner is not necessarily a transportation planner, although that is one of her specialties and combining transportation (as in roadway, multi-mode)planning vs. transportation services are two different areas of Town services and oversight of transportation services. See also, recommendation under FY25. • Amend the Town's Special Acts to remove the title of Comptroller or change the Appointing Authority to the Town Manager. Reason: The Select Board made it clear they appreciate the check and balance of having the Select Board appoint a Comptroller. • Have the Public Facilities Department (vertical) responsible for all town structures and Public Works Department responsible for all non-structure facilities (horizontal). Reason: At this time, a number of different responsibilities have been transferred between the DPW and DPF to the point that I believe it has reached its peak efficiency. I look forward to discussing these proposed changes with the Select Board in the coming weeks. In the interim, should you have any questions, concerns or comments, please do not hesitate to let me know. Thanks. tr A,I M/I VA All /gp jas, j// j, F/ j j A/I /IF M, f S/ iff A p V IF/ 1 3111 JE OFF ItJ/ ip AdF, 0, J 3 jf 11 31/1", AF, IF A/11 j jJ/ / JAM"I'll, ap, if I POF A mep, IF, j "I IF F j ff,Jff OVER, A /Ir V A 0, M g r1k J A F /o/F Z 4/, If I/F 0111, S. All JJ, OFF N JAIII I'ma WR 0 F Al f I/Our 11/1 IF F1 F A j AIN t J/ r Ji a F A a A FA F IF AV lal go/ jg/g?/////// �F �§�Ik j�, 0 JOIN gpp ii, A j p, A/I '210 "ARCIW®R F 01 F/I ov, po", A ,IF RIMP1111, J/0/1 F, I!, j Is J/11 F of F� Y, Ail ),555 j j F i f % v, fill 10/0" r 0/0" 101 agg" j,, r, �,,/I I/ M A A F Ie Aff Oil jif, A a g J, JI 'T d "OF jpep MIFF A J, J Of� J/ ort/o KOVF­�I� J do All 41/1 /A fill IJ/ V/ /d/o/ of of/o/ M, J11 A 0 j P,11 OF", Koo J o IPP/ (Opp-, IN/ A lip lA, lo A 011 A PI 0) j F' A 0, gvfp�, F� 'I', "V!,Z/// R a j, J/` p m 4 F, A/ OF �//®r, r1l lJOPF, A OFF A A jil op p j I!/F/ A I J/0 0111 P11 j 011 1� g AM ////j/�imoi) o". P/P /1011 Or A 0 W,ir MON A 5, 10 A Of///r 'A A' Ole qp/ pry), J/0 0� J, F OA Pr ygp"o/PI/1"', rr A R ply, Zol 01 /p/1 IfIF g/o,/,/ iij 0 J/ yo ij f //1 01 lf� 0", io do eor Al o _d 0 r,,, 000 00 A 'off OF il®r r Ji"0 1/00 NO b/d A A ON #F/ A' 7 A J1 Rip OFF Am A o o A/I ON N I /P J, j g vo Al /�A ,01, 0 Town of Lexington Town Manager's Office James J. Malloy, Town Manager Tel: (781) 698-4540 Kelly E. Axtell, Deputy Town Manager Fax: (781) 861-2921 MEMORANDUM TO: Select Board FROM: Jim Malloy, Town Manager DATE: November 18, 2022 RE: Weekly Update The following is an update of activities for the week ending November 18, 2022: Various Administrative Issues: • The Police Chief and I met this week to discuss timing to return to normal parking enforcement and agreed that January 1, 2023 was an appropriate time and will be placing this on the agenda for 12/5/22 for Board discussion and to ascertain whether the Board agrees. • This week, we had an internal meeting on the outdoor dining areas in Lexington Center. As the Board is aware, the Town charged businesses for the use of the sidewalks up until the pandemic started and as a means to help the businesses, the Town temporarily stopped charging. As there are maintenance costs associated with the Center area, we've taken a look at this again and will need to provide notice to businesses for the 2023 season. When we were charging (through 2019) we charged between $78 and $98 per seat (Bertucci's paid $3900 for 40 seats and Peets paid $465 for 6 seats) and it was indexed roughly to inflation. We will be looking to place this on the agenda for a Select Board discussion on 12/5/22 to ascertain whether the Select Board agrees that we should begin charging again. Human Services: • Please join us in congratulating Michelle Kelleher, who was recently promoted into the role of Senior Services Director! Michelle has spent more than 6 years in Human Services, first as Transportation Assistant and most recently as Senior Services Program Coordinator. Michelle is an asset to our team and we are excited to have her grow with us! • Early this year, the Select Board approved ARPA funds for use on food insecurity in Lexington. In the coming week, all Lexington households will receive a letter that contains local food insecurity resources as well as information on the Wegmans gift card program we created using some of the ARPA funding. The program will have income-based eligibility, with automatic approvals for certain situations. Stay tuned for updates as we roll out this program. 1625 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE e LEXINGTON,MASSACHUSETTS 02420 Fire Department: LGBTQIA+ First Responder training—First responders (Fire Police and Dispatchers) are tasked with interacting with all people. Members of the LGBTQIA+ community, specifically trans or gender non-binary individuals make up a vulnerable patient population and are often overlooked or misunderstood by first responders and healthcare providers. This training was aimed to provide an introduction to LGBTQIA+terminology, how it relates to our work as first responders and some best practices for interacting with the LGBTQIA+ community in the performance of our duties. Firefighters, police officers and dispatchers will leave this training better prepared to interact with the diverse population the Town serves. This training has been provided to half of the Fire, Police, Dispatchers and office staff this week with the remainder of the staff to receive this training during first two weeks of December. Land Use Health and Development: Zoning for MBTA Communities—The Planning Board is continuing to work towards a zoning amendment proposal to permit multi-family housing. The Planning Board is holding public work sessions at each of their regularly scheduled meetings. Public participation is welcome and encouraged. The Planning Board's next meeting is the evening of Wednesday, December 7 Ih on Zoom. Please visit for more information www..Lexingjgp��������� and subscribe to ......................................................................................................................... Planning Board Agenda notifications to learn about opportunities for public input. AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Select Board Committee Appointments PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: Jill Hai, S elec t B o ard C hair C.1 SUMMARY: Category:Decision-Making Appointments: The Select Board is being asked to appoint members, as identified on the fist attached to this meeting packet (Select Board Committee Appointments -November 28, 2022), to fill vacancies on the following committees: Economic Development Advisory Committee Greenways Corridor Committee Lexington Bicycle Advisory Committee Lexington Council for the Arts Lexington Human Rights Committee S emiquincentennial Commission(Lex250) - LP S Representative Sustainable Lexington Committee Tax Deferral and Exemption Study Committee Tourism Committee Town Celebrations Subcommittee Transportation Advisory Committee Vision for Lexington Committee SUGGESTED MOTION: To appoint the committee members with terms as indicated in the attached list(Select Board Committee Appointments -November 28, 2022). Move to approve the consent. FOLLOW-UP: Select Board Office DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGEND& 11/28/2022 ATTACHMENTS: Description Type F) Select.Board,(..(..)rTm-n.iIA,,ee A]j,,)]j,)ointYnents NoverrIlIer 28,202 2 Ri,ckUP IVIlaterial F) 2022,1 (..)nornic I)eveloprnent Advisory Cornrmttee Aplflication S.Ang Backup Material D 202.2.aonornic I.Development,A.dvisory(I..)rnirrut-tee A.-plflication. JI.Walkelin. [.3,,ickuj,,)Vlaterial F) 202.2,(keenways(A)rridor(.,omrf�ttee Application. Y G.)ng Backup Material F) 20?.,,' 1 i.,,xington Bicycle Advisory(I.mr.i.ittee Ap]jflication S.I lews 13cackUp IVIlaterial F) 2022,1 A.,,xington(.-I)-uncil f(..)r the Arts Application C L.a-ch Bankup Material F) 20221 t,,xington.C.I.)un.cil fior the Afts Application. E XU 1.3,,ickuj,,)Vlaterial F) 2( 1 L�xington Ifilrykan.Right's Cornmittee Application A..k1bal flackup Material F) 2()?.,,' 1 i.,,xington Human Rigfifs Committee Application S.Jaranifflo 1.3cackup IVIlaterial F) 2022,Serniquincentermial �..)rnrnission(I ex.250) I PS Rep.Application I Backup Material ...I FILIn.dley F) 202.2.Sus tain able Li,�xiin.gtlon.CommitteeA.pplication. A—Joynt BackLIP material F) 202.2,'"Fax.Deferral and I!xerrlption Study C..oryirnitlee Application .1.M11L]II-P.11Y 1.3ackup Material F) 2022,"Tourism Application VIL R�Cl i M.)rd Backup Material F) 202,2'Fourisrr. A.pplication. G Dels ro u leaux 1.-kickup VII.,,ilerial D 2022170 tills M(A')rYm.,Yftt,e-e-Application K Rarrumathan BvickLIP material F) 202.2,'"1.'own(-..�elebrafion.s Subcommittee Application. 1). 13ackup Material F) 2022,"T'ranspottation Advisory(.,�..)rmiiittee Aj,,.)plkat,ion VIL Anden,;en 11,ickup Material F) 202,2'FranspoAafion.Advisory U)rm-riittee A.pplication J.Schwary....., 1.-kickup VII.,,ilerial F) 202.2.Vis ion for-.Li�,,xiin.gtlon.Cornrnittee A.pplication. M.C."Ohen. BackLIP material E E E _0 _0 _0 0 z 0L CL CL x x x LU 4-J b-0 4-J u u Ln m Ln Ln m m m m m m m Ln Ln M r4 r-4 ('44 r4 r-4 CN r4 r-J W r-4 rq rq r--J rq rq rq rq 0 0 0 0 0 C) 0 0 4-J 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 r-4 r-4 r*.4 (N (N c*.4 (1414 r-j c r-J (-4 fN r-J (N r-4 r-4 C`4 0 so o o o o o o 0 0 o, o, o, o 0 r-4 0 0 0 m m m m m m m m CL m m m m m m m m x E E E E E E E E 0 E E E E E E E E uj c w w w w ai w a) Q) 0 0 +-j +-j +-j +-j +-j =3 +-j +-j +-j E 0- 0- CD- 0- 0- 0- CL CD- 0- 0- 0- CD- CL 0- CL C- w w w w w w w w w w w w w Qj c) w Ln LA Ln Ln Ln ul Ln LA Ln On Ln LA Ln Ln Ln Ln E o u c r-4 0 CL 4- 0 0 Ln 0 0 tn 0 0 Ln tn 0 (A Ln V) w w w w w w w w Qj 0) Qj 0) (U 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. >� >. >- >- >- m r�4 m m m 0 x m 0 a 0 M -0 u to C: bZ =3 Q) u x 4-J "0 CL Co CL 0 m Qj Ln -I c " = = -a 0 < l) o (i) -j -,-- " C: C: u (D 4-J 0 :3 0 < > 75, CD 4-J 0 E z 0 0 Ln Ln.U LA. (A Ln Q) Qj Qj Q) Qj Qj Ln CL E Qj Qj Qj Qj m Qj Qj Qj Qj w Q) W E E E -sZ -r, 4-j 4-1 E 0 0 u Qj Qj Q.) o 4-j V) Cc Cc Qj Qj Qj C3) W Q) Z Z 4-1 4-1 4-j 4-1 m 0 C) 4-1 4-1 4-1 0 QJ W QJ 4- LM �::b :::b 4-1 :::b Qj c '-- " QJ 4-j 4(-,j +'-'j 0 Q Q z Z ?3 Qj -Q 0 0 --1 4- 4-1 4-1 +.j +.j 4�j +.j 4-1 tn .z W, Q) - .(n .(10 C3 Q 4-j C) 0 Q) t, S S S u Q Qj Qj Q) Qj Qj Q) Qj :3 C) C) 0 C) uj Lw �D Z --i --i --i I Ln Cc APPLICATION FOR BOARD OR COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP Applicants are encouraged to also include a letter of interest or current resume along with their submission of this application. Economic Development Advisory Committee Board/Committee Name (one application per Committee): X Would you like your application kept on file for up to one year? Yes: No: Full Name: Samuel Ang Sam Nickname: Preferred Title: 44 Paul Revere Road Lexington 02421 Home Address: City: zip: Length of Residence in Lexington (note: ZBA requirement is a minimum of 8 years): 1 year Occupation: Global Access Lead, Takeda Pharmaceuticals 40 Landsdowne St Cambridge 02139 Work Address: City: Z* Phone: Home: Cell: Email: Primary: Secondary: Special Training and/or Qualifications: 16+ years business experience as global strategic advisor in global multinational pharmaceutical companies. 7 year professional experience as legal counsel to Singapore government on procurement contracts and inteiriational agreernents with gavel nriler it's. Served in various public committees including Economic Review Committee Remaking Singapore, Ministry of Community Development Feedback Unit, and as president Qf 22,000 member student union of National University of Singapore. Also served since 2006 as industry advisor to Singapore Economic Development Board to promote growth of biomedical industry development for business and job opportunities. What is your interest in this Committee? As Lexington resident, I hope to help build the long-term economic development of our town and community. As a biopharma pro essional, I hope to contribute my experience and insights towards development of Lexington growth in high-tech and life sciences. How did you hear about the Committee? Citizen's Academy(Sept-Nov) X Have you recently attended any meetings of the Committee? Yes: No: X Have you confirmed your availability to attend the Committee's meetings? Yes: No: (For questions regarding the meeting schedule.,please contact the Board/Committee via the Town website.) X Do you currently serve on another Board/Committee? Yes: No: Mtonma. ov or ma e I " Email:selectboard(WeAr, ..................... nLa na...............r tonma ggy g ........................................................ If Yes, please list Board/Committee Name(s): If Yes, please list date of most recent Conflict of Interest Law Training*: Signature: Sa�ir-mjd� Airig Date: Oct 21, 2022 *If currently serving on another BoardlCommittee,please attach a copy ofyour State Conflict of Interest Law Online Training Certificate, which can be obtainedfrom the Town Clerk's Office. Email:selecAboard( I e xJ n.gjgnM,�or man ag..Q.E.(. tpn.mg%Lv Statement of Interest to serve on Lexington Economic Development Advisory Committee Dear Sir/Mclm, I am a Lexington resident interested to support Economic Development Advisory Committee purpose and objectives to promote balanced, long-term economic development that enhances the character of our Lexington community. In this, please consider my application to serve on Select Board-appointed EDAC to participate in important work to develop and recommend programs on economic development, promote business in Lexington and educate fellow taxpayers about economic development issues. If I may have opportunity to serve on EDAC, I hope to contribute from my professional business experience as strategic advisor on business cases and market access plans in global pharmaceutical companies, as former legal advisor to Singapore government, and as industry advisor to Singapore Economic Development Board to promote bio-medical industry development and sustainable economic growth. I appreciate your consideration of my resume below. Professional experience Business 2006-current: Global strategic advisor at five of the top 15 global multinational pharmaceutical companies:Takeda 2021-current Amgen 2015-21. Abbott Laboratorie S 2012-15, Pfizer 2009-12; Eli Lilly 2006-09 Responsibilities include: • Review business cases for go-to-market pricing proposals and market access plans. • Partner on commercial assessment of targets for in-licensing and acquisition deals valued between $250 million to$15 billion. • Partner on global clinical development to incorporate market access requirements within R&D and lifecycle planning. • Lead global research and analytics on pricing and access strategy for pipeline and in- market products. • Support country teams to develop market access plans for in-market products. Lega I 1998-2005: Legal counsel advising on contracts and international agreements ranging from procurement contracts with international companies to strategic memorandum of understanding between governments. Service experience 2005-current: Industry advisor to Singapore Economic Development Board to promote bio-medical industry development towards sustainable economic growth for business and job opportunities. 2002: Appointed member of Remaking Singapore Committee led by the Minister of State for National Development to complement the work of the Economic Review of Committee of Singapore. 2001: Elected President of the National University of Singapore Students Union to represent 22,000 undergraduate students. Appointed Chairperson of NUS chapter of the national Feedback Unit under the Ministry of Community Development. Education 2005-2006 Harvard University Master in Public Administration,John F. Kennedy School of Government • Chair for East Asia and Southeast Asia Caucuses. • Co-Chair for Harvard Business School Asia Business Conference. 2003-2005 University of London Imperial College Master in Business Administration (Distinction) • Business School scholarship award. Distinction thesis, article published by Law Society. • Best MBA student award. 1998-2002 National University of Singapore Law LLB (Honors) • Merit scholarship award. Gifted Education. • Led team to win 1st place in Europe's top international law moot competition. • Student Union President for 22,000 students. Professional • Solicitor of England and Wales, United Kingdom • Advocate & Solicitor Supreme Court of Singapore, Singapore • Toastmasters International., USA Languages • English -fluent • Chinese/ Mandarin—intermediate Having reviewed the past two years of EDAC meeting minutes from 2021 to 2022, 1 am up to speed at a high level and aware of topics discussed at EDAC, and hope for an opportunity to support EDAC work. Thank you for your consideration of my letter of interest. Sincerely, Samuel Ang 44 Paul Revere Road "PLICATION FOR BOARD OR CONU411717EE MEEMBERSEEM Applicants are encouraged to also include a letter of interest or current resume along u4th their submission of this application. Board/Committee Name(one application per Committee): -e Would you like your application kept on file for up to one year? Yes: No: Full Name: 03-0004:k0ty) bjkt44r- klodc-tt:*\ Nickname: PrefeffedTitle: %tWA Home Address: t n 4wo K Te,Vol," City: I.W-XI 46h —zip: 021flo Length of Residence in Lexington(note: ZBA requirement is a minimum of8 years): e,4ff 5 Occupation: aA Work Address: JC_)�t 5;e4c*I t3Lve) city: E;d*0>4PI zip: 0 2 C(o Phone: Home: Cell: Email: Primary: Secondary.- Special Training and/or Qualifications: LA6M What is your'interest in this Committee.? !%*A lee, 44a t(36^ How did you hear about the Committee? wcxv- r14 CvAL , Have you recently attended any meetings of the Committee? Yes: No: Have you confirmed your availability to attend the Committee's meetings? Yes: ve' No: (For questions regarding the meeting schedule,please contact the BoardlCommittee via the Town website) Do you currently serve on another Board/Committee? Yes: V/ No: If Yes,please list Board/Committee Names : 41VI t4o�.Oj C"KA a If Yes,please list date of most recent Conflict of Interest Law Training*: 7 1 zo z 7 Signature: L - Date: ICE Z{ *If currently ruing on another.BoardlCommittee,please attach a copy of your State Conflict lict of Interest Law Online Training Certificate,which can be obtained from the Town Clerk's Office. e Email: r) ¢rM mangy Q ,r a ; s October 21, 2022 Select Board Economic Development Advisory Committee 1625 Massachusetts Avenue Lexington, MA 02420 To whom It May Concern, I am writing to confirm my interest in joining the Economic Development Advisory Committee (EDAC)and provide some of my qualifications that I believe will lead me to add great value to the Committee. As a member of the Lexington Center Committee, I get frequent updates from the Economic Development office from Sand hya lyer and Casey Hagerty on the state of economic development in Lexington, with a specific focus on the economic activities that occur in and around the Town Center. I believe that this position gives me good visibility into the economic affairs of the Town, and that by sitting on both the Lexington Center Committee and the EDAC that I can serve as a liaison between the two committees and help develop coalitions for various economic initiatives. Recently Bridger McCaw made a presentation the Lexington Center Committee which sparked some great debate and discussion at the meeting, and I feel that by serving on the EDAC I can assist Mr. McCaw and other EDAC members as they petition to the Lexington Center Committee to get support for various EDAC: initiatives. In addition to my active role on the Lexington Center Committee, I have a strong professional background in finance and economics. I earned an MBA from Kellogg School of Management,where I majored in Finance and Accounting, and I am currently a Partner at PricewaterhouseCoopers, one of the largest professional accounting firms in the world. I Ip I �� II I, tr f d believe that this professional experience will help bring strong perspectives and capabilities to the EDAC, which in turn serves the Select Board and the Citizens of Lexington. I would like to thank you for your consideration of my application, and I look forward to the potential to serve on the EDAC in the future. Please know that---even if I am not selected for the EDAC at this time—I do plan to start attending the EDAC meetings now that I am aware of the strong ties between the EDAC's work and my role as a member of the Lexington Center Committee. Warm regards, pie t' In;Wakelin 17 Linmoor Ter Lexington, MA 02420 ++II I 2f20/22,10:33 AM Certificate Aft law linjil,Pwl rf 0 t tet W, 'a 0 S s com I©n lid ti Conflictof Int tv"nab Ott" x Member a Lexi*naton Center Committee Lexington In. joulint tttttt on 2/20/2022 P , PA APPLICATION FOR BOARD OR COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP Applicants are encouraged to also include a letter of interest or current resume along with their submission of this application. Board/Committee Name (one application per Committee): Greenways Corridor Committee Would you like your application kept on file for up to one year? Yes: yesNo: Full Name: Yifang Gong Nickname: Preferred Title: 23 Rawson Ave Lexington 02420 Home Address: City: Zip: Length of Residence in Lexington (note: ZBA requirement is a minimum of 8 years): 20 Occupation: engineer 23 Rawson Ave Lexington 02420 Work Address: City: Zip: Phone: Home: Cell: Email: Primary: Secondary: Special Training and/or Qualifications: 20 year's residence, years engineering experiences, serving two years in TCC. overall, I am a problem solver. What is your interest in this Committee? like to serve the town, make Lexington more friendly to people and environment. � How did you hear about the Committee? Lexington website Have you recently attended any meetings of the Committee? Yes: yesNo: Have you confirmed your availability to attend the Committee's meetings? Yes: yesNo: (For questions regarding the meeting schedule,please contact the Board/Committee via the Town website.) Do you currently serve on another Board/Committee? Yes: yesNo: Email: oioo l oar io u��.toroma. _v or ma a...... io uro .!..! ......, o If Yes, please list Board/Committee Name(s): TCC If Yes, please list date of most recent Conflict of Interest Law Training*: 6/24/2021 . Yifang Gong Digitally signed by Yifang Gong , 11/8/2022 Signature: Date:2022.11.08 16:17:19-05 00 Date: *If currently serving on another Board/Committee,please attach a copy of your State Conflict of Interest Law Online Training Certificate, which can be obtained from the Town Clerk's Office. Email:sele tboard( I un gtonrna.gov or fnana le un a oar l u V ro � r a F i' i i f ✓ t' J f f i G r, 11 «r li r I i i ,. illl Nl IN��rtl hd"Nxr!!/.(l(Ir(fff�l"(fF111R"nl"II(Ilf Dill YH�nLNmHrrcfi��fiAr9�l�rnIm�6V;�nbnWtiM�lY4 i�afauwiart�lfern"rv"�"(!my.WSDlNrrn11m111rn11Nmnl[ifilml tl'm)91)SIfYI���➢»ri1v��v�rN��Y1� Y Y�ll��v����rvrm��� nnrrriYNV�uu�'mVf11�4�w eM�vNnr'rrmu�v NFrvvuuSlN�u�v�������rvreltib L'nu w�v�N�a��f�i rlNiT�RiMr/rM 6n4�vX!Mnof III II��Vnrc������uAvuuufJvrc vf�.9�r�)Jlniri�MYHren HnIDO�w"J101�uf�u:!fA14�YNrenl pl f�01!wrcm�tnWk,M�1(u Yl�rrrrLL'Ir�allGiur��Nmmo�u�Yrvnn�r�fi(�I�IK�"�r�fr���r l(rrvY�rr�//rlr✓lri�"""m"m"m"a�u"i(I iRtl�f��a,��"r��r (�ll�t Ir (frr"rr(%N�fRlnu�i�4�a�C�fr"rRr�(r �. f � W (fertt"f t rate O e t o n j f� 0 V I°`k Confli* ct of Interest Law 1 °I Pt"fang (DongJ ry 11 t f member f r Town Celebrations Subcommittee Town of Lexington 05 rom leteb the Conflict of lntere.5t RaW ym' rvry r online training program on i i , tl 6/24/2021 laiiiiri i�Mr�n«Id�rt'llirarn»»» r�i�umlr nrn miinvi.l r, rin,mrvinr»nrrinllHlwir»lilirnl,.n i vl im wli+ii ni�aull¢rmiaiu..i rllilivae..lri isiii mianr»rl vi I love..:�oi ullma,�rruuivin i.rrrrrrrolav v...�nlv�o »y evtaa�rrrr��✓r�Frrru lu,.v ri�iml nvuritvnnu ni ni nrurnup�mr 1111iio.�ir niirr��,il�e,r,�a��u i,rl r�aa�rl�i�>'vaaime ,. Y b h, ll II Pp 1 r APPLICATION FOR BOARD OR COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP Applicants are encouraged to also include a letter of interest or current resume along with them submission of this application. Bicycle Advisory Committee Board/Committee Name (one application per Committee): X Would you like your application kept on file for up to one year? Yes: No: S Full Name: Sarah Hews Nickname: Preferred Title: Home Address: 40 Vaille Ave City: Lexington Zip: 02421 Length of Residence in Lexington(note: ZBA requirement is a minimum of 8 years): 1 year, 2 months Occupation: Internal Consultant at Ab Initio Software Work Address: 201 Spring Street city: Lexington Zip: 02421 Phone: Home: Cell: Email: Primary: Secondary: Special Training and/or Qualifications: have a PhD in Applied Mathematics with a focus on modeling and systems thinking. I have taught in elite colleges, in the Bard Prison Initiative, and in the Bard Microcollege Holyoke (for young women whose education was interrupted due to having children). I'm able to work collaboratively, listen, tackle challenging problems, and communicate effectively. My recent transition from academia to the computer software industry demonstrates an ability and willingness to dive in to new experiences and learn what is needed to tackle the relevant problems. What is your interest in this Committee? We moved to Lexington because of the transportation options and proximity to my job (in Lexington). Our goals were for our whole family, including our two girls 9 and 11) to be able to bike or walk everywhere and eliminate the need to drive. We were excited about the bike paths, the Lexpress Bus, and sidewalks. Alternative transportation, including biking options, are especially pressing right now given the importance of increasing housing without increasing traffic) and to mitigate climate change. I'd like to meet people in the community and work hard to increase the opportunities for biking throughout Lexington. � How did you hear about the Committee? Through the website. � Have you recently attended any meetings of the Committee. Yes: No: Not yet X Have you confirmed your availability to attend the Committee's meetings? Yes: No: (For questions regarding the meeting schedule,please contact the Board/Committee via the Town website.) X Do you currently serve on another Board/Committee? Yes: No: Email:sell ct1boar,, 11 xu_i �oimma,, ov or main oir .Ile iin toinirna,, ov If Yes, please list Board/Committee Name(s): If Yes, please list date of most recent Conflict of Interest Law Training*: �— Signature. Date. 10/16/2022 *If currently serving on another Board/Committee,please attach a copy of your State Conflict of Interest Law Online Training Certificate, which can be obtained from the Town Clerk's Office. Email: ll c-fib it . _Iloxuin���oir�ma,.c ov or irnainageir .Ile iin toirnma,, ov �MII' IIIIIIIIVVVmI Illluuuum lnl*tl*o Internal Consultant at Ab I 1 40 Vaille Ave, Lexington MA 02421 ,,rill°..I� r„ 1 I ��n Applied Mathematician with 12 years of experience as a faculty member at small liberal arts colleges (tenured at Hampshire College) who recently transitioned to a computer software company to work as an internal consultant. Modeler, systems thinker, and a problem solver with wide ranges of interests and experiences including developing curriculum and teaching at the Bard Prison Initiative, as the Director of the Five College Biomathematics Program, and as a member of the Hampshire College Board of Trustees Finance committee. Author/co-author of 13 publications in the fields of mathematical biology and curriculum development. �m f e s s�'I o a X �ii c e Internal Consultant, Ab Initio Software, Lexington, MA Jun 2021 - present Visiting Faculty Member, Amherst College, Amherst, MA Jul 2019 - Jun 2021 Associate Professor, Hampshire College, Amherst, MA Jul 2018 - Jun 2021 Assistant Professor, Hampshire College, Amherst, MA Jul 2011 - Jun 2018 Postdoctoral Fellow in Biomathematics, Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, PA Aug 2009 - Jun 2011 Research Assistant, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM May 2006 -Aug 2006 1 Il III,,,„j, «�;�„'fll, (([�»,�I,,,.II PhD, Applied Mathematics, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ Sep 2005 - Aug 2009 B.S., Mathematics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI Aug 2001 - Aug 2005 or uuuuuw 01 /r /rai m. I Add //�i� iu�iur.Uuwq "ipp r�iii�,.Ir».'bl.(p;� �u ii�,rr�,lrri�uvI.nail. �j/l rr�� Illiv Ir»'bl.Fr°u;41iu iu++'II r� r�nrl 'o/" ���nnn/l� ++,�««<%a �jrf I ll f//i f rrr��l/� nnn/l� dull�l�++,�inr. Igmm!w'I llE %/�fo, w �i0�,. »nnlQ u��r r� Ipiaima i IN�uudN��ivn�nn O'Ilvoi r�iva u�1G��v�m Ull brmuum Urmuunr I�Ily iar6% lid. Director, Five College Mathematical Biosciences Program Et Certificate, Amherst, MA Sep 2017 - Jun 2021 Curriculum Consultant 8t Faculty Member, Bard Prison Initiative, Red Hook, NY May 2018 -May 2021 Faculty Member, Bard Microcollege Holyoke, Holyoke, MA Aug 2017 - Jun 2019 Board of Trustees Finance Committee, Hampshire College, Amherst, MA Sep 2016 - Jun 2018 Co-Principle Investigator, NSF, UBM-Institutional-Collaborative Research: Four College Jul 2011 - Jun 2016 Biomathematics Consortium APPLICATION FOR BOARD OR COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP Applicants are encouraged to also include a letter of interest or current resume along with their submission of this application. Board/Committee Name (one application per Committee): Lexington Council for the Arts X Would you like your application kept on file for up to one year? Yes: No: Full Name: Claudia Lach Nickname: Preferred Title: 40 Ledgelawn Ave Lexington 02420 Home Address: City: Zip: 27 Length of Residence in Lexington (note: ZBA requirement is a minimum of 8 years): Occupation: OD Consultant same as above Work Address: City: Zip: Phone: Home: Cell: Email: Primary: Secondary: Special Training and/or Qualifications: BA in Education and Art history. MA in museum Studies, MS in Management What is your interest in this Committee? Contribute to a vibrant art scene in town. Interest in the visual and performing arts. How did you hear about the Committee? I joined many years ago but after a year I had to withdraw because of . X Have you recently attended any meetings of the Committee? Yes: No: X Have you confirmed your availability to attend the Committee's meetings? Yes: No: (For questions regarding the meeting schedule,please contact the Board/Committee via the Town website.) X Do you currently serve on another Board/Committee? Yes: No: Email: oioo l oar io u��.toroma. _v or ma a...... io uro .!..! ......, o If Yes, please list Board/Committee Name(s): If Yes, please list date of most recent Conflict of Interest Law Training*: • � D' !tally signed by Claudia Lach S 1gnature. C I a U d I e 0/7/22 :2022.10.07 15:35:36-04 00 Date. *If currently serving on another Board/Committee,please attach a copy of your State Conflict of Interest Law Online Training Certificate, which can be obtained from the Town Clerk's Office. Email:selectboard( g e xJng°onm�or r ang ...E.(. un ... ......, oar CH `rRAININC �(7I��UI.Tih £'laraty, Mativatlon Urtd Resarlts Claudia Lach, Principal OD Consultant, Facilitator, Trainer, and Leadership Coach Summary of Qualifications Claudia works with organizations, individuals,teams, and networks to identify and generate the necessary change to achieve desired outcomes and impact. She founded Lach Training&Consulting in 2000, after more than 15 years of experience in education, nonprofit management,and higher- education administration to focus on strategic planning, leadership development,group facilitation, diversity,equity&inclusion,and teambuilding. She is a native of Argentina and former Assistant Dean of the International Business School at Brandeis University. Rich experience in diverse nonprofit and public field including: • Social/Human service • Health care • Community organizing • Higher education • Immigrant groups • After School programs • Foundations/Philanthropic organizations • Legal Services • Housing/Community Development • Human rights advocacy Work History 2000- Present Principal and Founder. Lach Training&Consulting, Lexington, MA Organizational Development consultant,facilitator,trainer,and executive coach. 2007-2021 Executive/Leadership Coach. Korn Ferry International. 2010- 2017 Adjunct Faculty. Boston University—School of Management and School of Public Health Courses: The Dynamics of Leading Organizations, Organizational Behavior in Health Care 1997- 2000 Assistant Dean for Administration and Student Services. International Business School. Brandeis University,Waltham, MA 1993- 1997 Associate Director of Admissions. Middlesex Community College. Bedford/Lowell, MA 1990- 1993 Coordinator Life-Long Learning Program. Northern Essex Community College. Haverhill, MA 1986- 1989 Community Education Specialist. Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. Boston, MA I , I�wr Avenue,,&Consulting �C Ledge �42{1 www.Lachbc.eom 1 CH `rRAININC �(7I��UI.Tih £'laraty, Mativatlon Urtd Resarlts Education • M.S. in Management. Lesley University. Cambridge, MA • M.A. in Museum Studies.The City College of the City University of New York. New York, NY • B.A. in Education and Art History. Haifa University. Haifa, Israel Special Skills/Experiences • Foreign languages: Native Spanish speaker,fluent in Hebrew. • Instructor. Middlesex Community College. Business& Industry Programs, Lowell, MA. Designed and taught courses on managerial &supervisory skills,teamwork, leadership, diversity, intercultural communication,effective communication,and conflict resolution. (2001-2006) • Completed thirty-six hours of mediation training in accordance with M.G.L. ch. 233 23C with Mediation Works Incorporated, Boston, MA • Volunteer Mediator. Somerville District Court. Somerville, MA. (2005-2007) • Coaching Certification Program,Invite Change 2009-2010 • Evaluation course work at the Evaluator's Institute,Washington DC • Trained in Future Search • Certified to administer the MBTI • Trained in The Art of Transformational Consulting and member of ATC • Member of Nonprofit Consultants Network • Member of the Boston Facilitators Roundtable/OD Network • Member of Alliance for Nonprofit Management ILach'Training&Consultin 40 Led lawn Avenue, Lexington MA 0242{] www.Lachbc.eom 2 APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT FOR BOARD/COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP Board/Committee of Interest: 1,Lexington Council Of Arts 2 3. 4. Would you consider another Committee: already in the Oth@I" two For how long should we keep your application on file? as long as I stay in Lexington Full Name: Elizabeth Xu Nickname: E I s i e Preferred Title (please circle) Mr./Ms./Mrs./Other: Elsie is fine, or Dr.Xu Home Address: 25 Baskin Rd Zlp. 02421 Length of Residence in Lexington: 15 years Occupation: Software engineering Work Address: infosys (WFH) Phone: Home Work Fax Cell E-mail: Primary: _ Secondary: If you currently serve on a Board or Committee, please identify: Special Training, Interests, Qualifications: computer related skills; Traditional Chinese culture;arts and history Have you been asked by a Committee to become a member? yes How did you hear about the Committee? CAA L Please attach a current resume, if possible. Add any comments below or on a separate page. Signature: ate: 5/2022 APPLICATION FOR BOARD OR COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP Applicants are encouraged to also include a letter of interest or current resume along with their submission of this application. Human Rights Committee Board/Committee Name (one application per Committee): Would you like your application kept on file for up to one year? Yes: yesNo: Full Name: Amber Iqbal Nickname: Preferred Title: Mrs. Home Address: 49 Courtyard Place City: Lexington Zip: 02420 Length of Residence in Lexington (note: ZBA requirement is a minimum of 8 years): since 2011 Occupation: Artist, Entrepreneur same Work Address: City: Zip: Phone: Home: Cell: Email: Primary: Secondary: Special Training and/or Qualifications: have been involved with the LHRC in various initiatives for a number of years. I was a panelist for their inaguaral No Hate November program and also helped with the kids programing. I have also participated in the organizing team for the MLK Community Conversation on Race and also have been a table facilitator. I also participated In Race Amity Day as a video contributor. always been available to participate in any town initiatives, such as the recent Lex250 kick off. What is your interest in this Committee? am interested in this committee because I believe in celebrating our shared values even as we celebrate the rich diversity of this town_ I have been fortunate to work with many neonle across many initiatives but more importantly, is my willingness to listen to the perspectives of others. In the vears that I have loved here on I-exonaton. I have fed the 1-HRC moaramsbut I also appreciate the work that they do in moving all of us forward. Lexington is truly a wonderful place. How did you hear about the Committee? I have been associated with the LHRC since at least 2019 . x-- I wa- Have you recently attended any meetings of the Committee? Yes: No: p � Yes Have you confirmed your availability to attend the Committees meetings? Yes: No: (For questions regarding the meeting schedule,please contact the Board/Committee via the Town website.) x Do you currently serve on another Board/Committee? Yes: No: Email: olo tll oar c loxur-� . .:.. ....., oar or many g[ to urs �or�ma o� If Yes, please list Board/Committee Name(s): N/A If Yes, please list date of most recent Conflict of Interest Law Training*: No Signature: Date: *If currently serving on another Board/Committee,please attach a copy of your State Conflict of Interest Law Online Training Certificate, which can be obtained from the Town Clerk's Office. Email: olootl oar (.9...u..n .n.M......, oy or nana ..... to urn .!..0 ....., oar APPLICATION FOR BOARD OR COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP Applicants are encouraged to also include a letter of interest or current resume along,with, their submission of this' application. Board/Committee Name(one application per Committee L u MAW 1Z k _1 Would you like your application kept on file for up to one year.? Yes.- No: Full Name: q,, (11vnJor Nickname: Preferred Title: Home Address: rn City: . 0 # a V101 zip: QQ Length of Residence in Lexm' gton(note.- ZBA requirement is a minimum of 8 years): Occupation: Work Address.- City-0 zo eAti e A5, Ma4:�e,r- M a I It, U2, e- ip 14J Phone: Home: Cell. Email: Primary-. ondary: Special Training a Qualifications: 9L 7nw Pt M eti 14-n, Pr rivAr4 What is your interest in this Committee? Niev.4 i5y�d�okretlw Oork on D If 3+0(e.45 a \1 nar i vi Le- 04n �)Iei In CA M Ps 15 0 A r_..?"e_ t215 tol J U Way',R r-P Is J#Lm, in jw i6 N ee.4-1 n a CA V e el S e4 e7p, 7 A AD. o�A M MA ee%tior ()A 4 C, e- CXAd I AQk1CP.CA M 04 C644v� How did you hear about the Committee? 7o w ni e,+t no 1� Have you recently attended any meetings oft e Committee'.? Yes.- X No Have you confirmed your availability to attend the Committee's meet* Yes:s? No- M9 - x (For questions regarding the meeting schedule, please contact the Boar dlCommittee via the Town website.) Do you currently serve on another Board/Committee? Yes: Email: gn,�g aje!,,L�2� ,nEjaA2y or.mc-2 EQ_L jLq If Yes, please list Board/Committee a e s :If +M �, O ill � , Yes, s list ,a o s r is Interest r Date IV p I Vp'w7 *If currently serving on another BoardlCommittee,please attach a copy ofyour State Conflict mares Law Online Training Certificate, h can be obtainedfroin the Town Clerks Office. y p Email-selectbopLgI&IP APPLICATION FOR BOARD OR COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP Applicants are encouraged to also include a letter of interest or current resume along with their submission of this application. Board/Committee Name (one application per Committee): _Semiquincentennial Commission (Lex250)_ Would you like your application kept on file for up to one year? Yes: No: x Full Name: Jane Hundley Nickname: None Preferred Title: Ms. Home Address: 12 Vaille Ave City: Lexington Zip: 02421_ Length of Residence in Lexington (note:ZBA requirement is a minimum of 8 years): 15 years Occupation: 6-8 Social Studies Department Head Lexington Public Schools Work Address: 146 Maple St City: Lexington Zip: _02420 Phone: Home: Cell: _]jjjjjjjjjjjV Email: Primary: _Personal: Secondary: Work: (use this address for the committee communications please) Special Training and/or Qualifications: I have been the middle school Social Studies department head for seven years after completing many years as the K-5 Social Studies curriculum coordinator. I have a broad historical knowledge from early American history to a degree in African Studies. I served on Lexington's 300 Anniversary Committee as the liaison for LPS. What is your interest in this Committee? I am interested in facilitating the connection between the public schools and the Lex250 Committee with the goal of paving a way for authentic student and staff engagement. How did you hear about the Committee? I learned about the committee at an informational event. Have you recently attended any meetings of the Committee? Yes: X No: Have you confirmed your availability to attend the Committee's meetings? Yes: X No: (For questions regarding the meeting schedule,please contact the Board/Committee via the Town website.) Do you currently serve on another Board/Committee? Yes: No: X If Yes, please list Board/Committee Name(s): If Yes, please list date of most recent Conflict of Interest Law Training*: Signature: X��� Date: _October 31, 2022 *If currently serving on another Board/Committee,please attach a copy of your State Conflict of Interest Law Online Training Certificate, which can be obtained from the Town Clerk's Office. E ma i 1: JANE D. HUNDLEY ADMINISTRATION AND TEACHING SKILLS • Supervise and evaluate new and veteran teachers. • Teach professional development courses in social studies, instructional strategies, and technology. • Evaluate, provide recommendations for, and design K-12 curriculum with a team of teachers and administrators in accordance with local, state, and national standards. • Research potential curriculum materials for purchase and facilitate the creation of district created materials. • Create and teach model lessons K-8. • Design and evaluate pilot programs as part of district-wide initiatives. • Communicate curriculum issues to community members through newsletters, blog entries, and presentations. • Collaborate with universities, history associations, content providers, and school district personnel to provide meaningful and timely professional development. • Facilitate meetings and field trips with local historical societies, teachers, and students. • Write and administer local and federal grants, including a United States Department of Education Teaching American History grant. CAREER EXPERIENCE F7- Dates Title Location August 2016-Present Social Studies Department Head, 6-8 Lexington Public Schools August 2010-2016 Social Studies Curriculum Coordinator, K-5 Lexington Public Schools August 2007—July 2010 Social Studies Curriculum Coordinator, K-8 Burlington Public Schools August 2000- July 2007 Social Studies Curriculum Specialist, K-8 Sudbury Public Schools August 1996- June 2000 Fourth Grade Teacher Sudbury Public Schools September 1995 -June 1996 Special Education Assistant Newton Public Schools July 1991 - October 1993 Peace Corps Volunteer Mali,West Africa EDUCATION and CERTIFICATIONS Lesley College, Cambridge, MA M.Ed., 1996 University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS B.A.African Studies, 1991 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education • Elementary Education (grades 1-6) • History (grades 5-8) • Supervisor/Director History SEMINARS, COURSES, and WORKSHOPS TAUGHT Primary Source: Watertown, MA: 2007-2016 Workshop Title: From Gandhi to Ganesha: Teaching Children about Indian Religion and Ideas Bay Path College: Burlington, MA Campus: Adjunct Faculty 2008-2010 Course Title: Introduction to Geography (undergraduate course Fall, 2008, 2009, and Spring 2010) Pathways to China: Burlington Public Schools: Faculty and Study Tour Chaperone 2008-2009 Course Title: $10,000 per Family x 1 Million People = The Chinese Middle Class Clark University's Teacher Center for Global Studies: Daily Life in West Africa Boston University's African Studies Outreach Center: Cotton-omits: Farming in Mali CURRICULUM UNITS AUTHORED Kindergarten: Mapping Your World First Grade: Ghana Today; Boston: Mapping the Modern Urban Environment Second Grade: Mexico: Today and Yesterday; India: People and Places Third Grade: Colonial Sudbury Fourth Grade:Ancient River Valley Civilizations; United States Regional Geography Fifth Grade: Using Primary Source Documents to Understand the American Revolution Seventh and Eighth Grades: Model United Nations-Food Security and Ocean Conservation SELECTED PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT International • Butterflies and Bees in the Indian Himalayas: Participant EarthWatch Expedition April 2016 • Chalo India! Study Tour Coordinator: Primary Source July 2011 • Fulbright-Hays Study Tour Participant: India: July and August 2009 • Pathways to China Study Tour Faculty and Chaperone: China: April 2009 Curriculum • Cracking India: Fiction and History (Teachers As Scholars) • China Awareness Seminar: Geography and Culture (Primary Source) • Latin America Studies for Teachers (Harvard University Extension School) • America: Origins to 1800 (Primary Source) • New England and the Nation From the Revolution to Reconstruction (Primary Source) • Ancient River Valley Civilizations: China, Nile River Valley, and Mesopotamia (Primary Source) Leadership and Instruction • Making Student Thinking Visible (Research for Better Teaching) • Teacher Evaluation that Works (Bill Ribas and Associates) • Curriculum Mapping (Heidi Hayes Jacobs) • Understanding by Design (McTighe and Wiggins) • Skillful Teacher (Research for Better Teaching 2 JANE D. HUNDLEY APPLICATION FOR BOARD OR COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP Applicants are encouraged to also include a letter of interest or current resume along with them submission of this application. Sustainable Lexington Board/Committee Name (one application per Committee): X Would you like your application kept on file for up to one year? Yes: No: Full Name: Andrew Joynt Nickname: Andy Preferred Title: Mr. 4 Grove St. Lexington 02420 Home Address: City: Zip: Length of Residence in Lexington(note: ZBA requirement is a minimum of 8 years): 1 year Occupation: Head of Energy Infrastructure at Fitch Ratings (most recent, resigned Nov. 2021) 300 W. 57th St. (remote employee) New York 10019 Work Address: City: Zip: Phone: Home: Cell: Email: Primary: Secondary: Special Training and/or Qualifications: have 10 years of experience working in energy infrastructure at my most recent employer, Fitch Ratings, which provides independent credit ratings and risk analysis. I have deep experience in the role of debt financing in support of the energy transition. This work includes lany-terin cash flow madeling based on an evaluation of the risks inherent in the construction of newly developed renewable energy projects, power purchase agreements, and asset operation. I am well-qualified to help the committee evaluate the effectiveness of sustainability programs and weigh the risks and opportunities of future in-town renewable development projects such as rooftop solar and battery storage. What is your interest in this Committee? As a relatively new Lexington resident, I have been impressed at the level of civic engagement in the community. I've been seeking out a way in which I could positively contribute to the town. Working on the Sustainable Lexington Committee seems like an ideal opportunity to make a long-lasting impact on the community far into the future. The committee's work solidly aligns with my personal interest in building a sustainable future and with my professional background and skill set. Select board member Mark Sandeen How did you hear about the Committee? X Have you recently attended any meetings of the Committee? Yes: No: X Have you confirmed your availability to attend the Committee's meetings? Yes: No: (For questions regarding the meeting schedule,please contact the Board/Committee via the Town website.) X Do you currently serve on another Board/Committee? Yes: No: Email:sell tl ;Ir,, 11 xu_i �oimma,, ov or irn.ai�, oir _lloxiiin toinirna,, ov If Yes, please list Board/Committee Name(s): If Yes, please list date of most recent Conflict of Interest Law Training*: Signature: Date: *If currently serving 4nelanother Bo Committee,please attach a copy of your State Conflict of Interest Law Online Training Certificate, which can be obtained from the Town Clerk's Office. Email: Il b t . mor rnanaer Iloxi in toinirna, ovi i ig Andrew o n Senior Director, Energy Infrastructure Project Finance Greater e ( Boston Summary Andy has more than 10 years of experience in credit risk and • financial analysis in the infrastructure sector. He most recently served as Senior Director and head of North American Energy • Infrastructure at Fitch Ratings. In this role, he managed a team of analysts performing credit risk analysis on a diverse portfolio of energy infrastructure project financings. Andy has deep expertise in the role of debt financing in the energy transition and is a frequent panelist and moderator at industry events covering renewables, energy storage, hydrogen, and carbon capture technologies. Andy's expertise in the broader infrastructure sector extends to public private partnerships, sports and entertainment arenas, digital infrastructure, and transportation. He is also experienced in energy infrastructure financing in Latin America (primarily Brazil, Mexico, and Chile), Europe, and Asia-Pacific. Andy previously spent three years in San Francisco where he helped to build the firm's presence on the West Coast. Prior to Fitch, Andy served as a Real Estate Economist at Property & Portfolio Research (now CoStar Group), forecasting the performance of commercial real estate markets, principally as the lead economist for the New York metropolitan area. Andy is a graduate of Vanderbilt University, where he majored in Economics and Sociology with a minor in Spanish. Andy currently resides in Lexington, Massachusetts with his wife Alona and two sons. Andy is an avid birdwatcher and always makes room in his luggage for a pair of binoculars. He also enjoys running, biking, hiking, ultimate frisbee, and disc golf. Experience Fitch Ratings Page 1 of 3 1O years 8months Senior Director April 2O1Q - November 2O21 (2 years 8months) Greaker New York City Area Head of North America Energy Infrastructure. Managed e team ofanalysts providing credit risk analysis on a portfolio of ratings assigned to energy and industrial infrastructure projects, including ao|er, vvind, hvdro, battery storage, hydrogen, carbon capture, gas-fired, coal-fired, biomass, waste-to-energy, transmission, pipeline, and liquefied natural gas (LN<3). People/Team Management: e||ooste resources to monitor credit portfz|io, produce research, and pursue larger group initiatives, ensure consistency and quality of work within my team and across subgroups within my department. Project Management: oversee ratings process from pre-engagement through completion of credit ano|yaia, deploy relevant analytical team. guide junior analytical staff through credit concepts, myaterna/regu|otory, external communication. Director FGbrU@ry2O15 -Apri| 2019 (4ye@r8 3 months) Lod credit analysis of infrastructure project financings, principally in the energy and sports sectors. Developed expertise in debt financing of energy assets, including renewable resource forecasting, asset operations issues, contract monetization, managing construction risk, special purpose vehicles and bankruptcy-remote otructuring, refinance rimh, utility systems ownership, merchant power, and portfolio asset management. Led the analysis of major U.S. pnofeasione| sports |eogueendteomonedit financing facilities, stadium/arena infrastructure project finanoaandpub|ic partnerships. Developed Fitch's global peer public speaking initiative, awarded runner-up in Fitoh'a annual Analytical Contribution & Excellence program. Associate Director April 2011 - February 2015 (3 years 11 months) Property & Portfolio Research Real Estate Economist Oecennber2OO5 - OGCennbe[2OOQ (4 years 1 month) Interpreted wide array of economic and financial data to assess the current performance and forecast the outlook of various commercial real estate Page 2of3 markets. Presented trends and aggregated data to clients (investment banks, REITS, private equity, and pension funds). Secured new global business from foreign prospects in Europe through presentations in sales meetings and customized analysis on the Manhattan office market. Provided commentary to numerous national and real estate publications, including the New York Times, LA Times, and the Wall Street Journal. Led a bi-weekly presentation skills meeting and mentored new research analysts. Internship at Fitch Ratings IT Technician June 2004 -August 2004 (3 months) Internship at US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Associate June 2003 -August 2003 (3 months) Internship at Merrill Lynch Account Associate June 2002 -August 2002 (3 months) Education Vanderbilt University Bachelor of Arts, Economics and Sociology • (2001 - 2005) Page 3 of 3 APPLICATION FOR BOARD OR COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP Applicants are encouraged to also include a letter of interest or current resume along with their submission of this application. Board/Committee Name (one application per Committee): Tax Deferral & Exemption Stud Committee Would you like your application kept on file for up to one year? Yes: X No: Full Name: Jane Z. Murphy Nickname: Preferred Title: —Ms. Home Address: 20 Robinson Road City: _Lexington Zip 02420 Length of Residence in Lexington (note: ZBA requirement is a minimum of 8 years): _46 years Occupation: Adjunct Professor of Education Work Address: See Attached Resume City: Zip: Phone: Home: 10000- Cell: --0000- Email: Primary: MONOMER_- Secondary: Special Training and/or Qualifications: I believe that I am a good listener who can appreciate various points of view and work with committee members to surface solutions that reflect a group consensus. During my career in public education and now continuing that work in the public and private higher education realm, I have chaired and/or been part of a wide variety of committees and study groups. I really enjoy the process of being part of a working group and the exchange of ideas. I feel I could contribute to this process for the town and I would like to"give back"for what the town has done for me as a resident for the last 46 years. What is your interest in this Committee? My husband and I are seniors, and I want to explore the issues that the committee may be dealing with going forward as they relate to our age group. How did you hear about the Committee? I received an email from the town, and I had actually spoken to Joseph Pato from the Select Board earlier this year regarding getting involved to perhaps study these issues. Have you recently attended any meetings of the Committee? Yes: No: —X Have you confirmed your availability to attend the Committee's meetings? Yes: —X No: (For questions regarding the meeting schedule,please contact the Board/Committee via the Town website.) Do you currently serve on another Board/Committee? Yes: No: —X— Email: Il .t.1 , it . Ilo iiir� poi ma,, o�or i ,ir. oir .Ile iiir�c�toinir�a,, o� If Yes, please list Board/Committee Name(s): If Yes, please list date of most recent Conflict of Interest Law Training*: Signature: Jane Z. Murphy Date: _10/8/2022 *If currently serving on another Board/Committee,please attach a copy of your State Conflict of Interest Law Online Training Certificate, which can be obtained from the Town Clerk's Office. JANE Z. MURPHY 20 ROBINSON ROAD LEXINGTON MA 02420 Phone: Mobile: Fax: E-mail: 2006 - Present Adjunct Professor • American International College, Springfield, MA - School of Education XCP Graduate Program-SLPP - School Administration Courses Taught: EDU 5601—Introduction to School Leadership and Management for the 21 St Century EDC 5602—Practical Applications in Planning for School Leaders EDU 5612—Educational Organizations, Leadership and Institutional Change Process EDU 6630— Supervision and Evaluation of Instruction EDU 5624—Curriculum Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation • Supervisor of Practicum Experience and Field Based Research candidates for SLPP Program • Member of the ongoing advisory group for the AIC XCP Program • Member of the American International College Working Group to facilitate the writing of the XCP Graduate Program for Preparing School Administrators to address the most current Professional Standards for Administrators from the MA DESE Adjunct Professor • Middlesex Community College, —Bedford & Lowell, MA • Early Childhood Education Department Educational/Instructional Consultant • Class Measures, 100 Tower Park Drive, Suite A, Woburn, MA 01801 • Facilitate activities of teachers to obtain initial licensure with the State of Massachusetts 2020—2022 Program Supervisor—Adjunct Professor • Endicott College—Beverly, MA • School of Education Graduate Program 2006-2010 • Mentor Coordinator—Millbury Public Schools—Millbury, MA • Guardian Ad Litem—Educational Advocacy—Lowell Juvenile Court, Lowell, MA 2002- 2006 -WOBURN PUBLIC SCHOOLS, WOBURN, MA Principal—Goodyear Elementary School • Administered all aspects of school life with population of 240 students, grade K-5, and 40 faculty/staff • Conducted evaluations for Goodyear faculty and staff including providing feedback and support to the faculty and staff • Collaborated with parents, families, and community members in the successful management of the school • Prepared and administered the Goodyear School Budget 2002 - 2006 • Worked with Woburn Public Schools Administrative Team to facilitate the operation of a quality school system • Participated as a presenter in the Woburn Public Schools' Annual Parent Academy and New Teachers' Orientation Program • Participated as a "lesson study" facilitator for the Woburn Public Schools' "March to Success"MCAS Preparation Program 1999—2002 - MALDEN PUBLIC SCHOOLS, MALDEN, MA Magnet Program Focus Teacher/Curricula Developer • Participated as a member of the Malden Curriculum Leadership Team that includes but is not limited to the establishment of a 5 year curricula development plan for Malden Public Schools • Served as member of the Malden Public Schools Professional Development Committee to plan, execute and evaluate professional development for Malden Public Schools faculty and staff • Worked on the Linden School Leadership Team K-4, 5-7 facilitating a grant with the New England Small Schools Network(NESSN) and the Linden School • Developed curricula in theme areas of Communications and Humanities • Chairperson of the Linden School Program Design Team • Collaborated with administration, faculty, staff, community members, volunteers, and parents to plan, implement and administer programs to promote school themes and impact student achievement • Developed promotional materials to advance school themes • Assisted and supported the Linden School Gifted Education Program as part of the Schoolwide Enrichment Model • Developed successful grant proposals to support Linden School Gifted Education Program and Schoolwide Enrichment Model • Planned, implemented and administered K-7 Enrichment Clusters as part of SEM 1999-2002 • Collaborated with consultants to implement, support and sustain gifted education as part of SEM • Coordinated efforts among students, faculty and consultants to develop the Linden School Electronic Yearbook and Literary Magazine 2000-2002 • Developed, with consultants, Theme Curriculum document to reflect the school themes of Communications and Humanities • Participated in the development of Project Based Units in the Malden,Medford,Everett School Systems / Tufts University Teach Y2K Grant 1999-2000 and served as support teacher to Malden, Medford, Everett School Systems/Tufts University TEACH 21 C Grant 2000 - 2001 • Collaborated with administration and fellow mentor teachers to plan and implement the New Teacher Orientation Program for the Malden Public Schools • Served as a mentor teacher for the Malden Public Schools 1998-2002 • Designed and presented workshops in MCAS Strategies, technology, gifted education and science entitled: Malden: Literacy Magazine and Electronic Yearbook MA Superintendents' Technology Conference, Sturbridge, MA - Oct. 2001 Instituting a Gifted Program in a Magnet School University of Connecticut - Confratute 2000 Enrichment Clusters and Beyond University of Connecticut— Confratute 2001 Enrichment Clusters: Differentiated, Interest-Based Learning, Assessment through Exhibition CCE/NESNN Spring Forum 2002 1968 — 1999 - MALDEN PUBLIC SCHOOLS, MALDEN, MA Classroom Teacher • Responsible for the instruction and assessment of all elementary curricula at grade levels K-6 • Collaborated with faculty and staff to plan and implement curricula integration. • Served as chairperson of Linden School Recess Committee to investigate, design and present comprehensive recess plan for the Linden School • Served as pilot teacher for Malden Public Schools' Language Arts Assessment Project • Designed science assessment materials as a member of the Malden Public Schools' Science Assessment Team PROFESSIONAL TRAINING EXPERIENCE: 1974—2005 WEIGHT WATCHERS OF MA & RHODE ISLAND Leader/Lecturer • Design and lead weekly motivational workshops around goal setting, self-awareness and self- development • Support groups of adults and children in weight management, • nutrition, behavior modification, and exercise issues on a weekly basis • Provide one-on-one and small group counseling in weight related issues • Train potential Weight Watcher leaders/lecturers in weight management issues, group dynamics and business practices EDUCATION: 2000 Salem State College— Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study(C.A.G.S.) in Educational Leadership—Highest Honors Action Research Topic: Will Individual, Goal Sharing Conferences Improve Reading Comprehension? 1973 Boston State College—Master of Education in Guidance and Counseling 1968 Boston State College—Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: Critical Friends Group Training for Looking at Students Work- National School Reform Faculty Facilitators-CES/NESSN- Center for Collaborative Education- Boston-2002 Participant in Confratute Conference and Institute—University of Connecticut, Neag Center for Gifted Education— 1999, 2000, 2001 Ongoing Health/Wellness/Motivational Workshops—Weight Watchers PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATION: Salem State University—Friends of Education Board Member—2013 - Present CERTIFICATIONS: Commonwealth of Massachusetts # 91946 Mepid# 52553251 Supervisor/Director [All Levels] Principal/Assistant Principal [Pre K-6] Elementary Education [K-8] State Of New York Nursery, Kindergarten, Grades 1-6 APPLICATION FOR BOARD OR COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP Applicants are encouraged to also include a letter of interest or current resume along with their submission of this application. Tourism Committe Board/Committee Name (one application per Committee): x Would you like your application kept on file for up to one year? Yes: No: Melissa Robbins Clifford Full Name: N/A Mrs Nickname: Preferred Title: 136 Gallooupes point rd Swampscott 01907 Home Address: City: Zip: N/A Length of Residence in Lexington (note: ZBA requirement is a minimum of 8 years): Occupation: 30 years being owner of a sales and marketing firm + Consultant/Buyer for the Crafty Yankee 1838 Massachussets Ave Lexington 02420 Work Address: City: lm Zi Phone: Home: Cell: Email: Primary: Secondary: _ Special Training and/or Qualifications: 30 yrs owning a sales and marketing firm and a retail location has helped in understanding what people want out of the products that they buy, but has also fostered a unique prospective into how the town would like to be percived by the number of tourists that come through every year. What is your interest in this Committee? My interest in this committe stems from promoting the retail locations to the number of different visitors that the town recives. With my position I aim to provide a greater experience for all guests and retailers to continue providing the best representation of our town. How did you hear about the Committee? Carol Ward-Executive Director of Lexington Historic Society . x Have you recently attended any meetings of the Committee? Yes: No: x Have you confirmed your availability to attend the Committee's meetings? Yes: No: (For questions regarding the meeting schedule,please contact the Board/Committee via the Town website.) x Do you currently serve on another Board/Committee? Yes: No: Email: oioo l oar io u��.toroma. _v or ma a...... io uro .!..! ......, o If Yes, please list Board/Committee Name(s): N/A If Yes, please list date of most recent Conflict of Interest Law Training*: N/A Signature: ac Date: 10/25/22 *If currently serving on another Board/Committee,please attach a copy of your State Conflict of Interest Law Online Training Certificate, which can be obtained from the Town Clerk's Office. Email: olo tl oar ( I u..ngtonma ov or mana ..... to urn .!..0 ....., oar APPLICATION FOR BOARD OR COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP Applicants are encouraged to also include a letter of interest or current resume along with their submission of this application. Tourism Committee Board/Committee Name (one application per Committee): Y Would you like your application kept on file for up to one year? Yes: No: Full Name: Gardy Desrouleaux Nickname: Preferred Title: 86 Milton Waltham 02453 Home Address: City: Zip: Length of Residence in Lexington (note: ZBA requirement is a minimum of 8 years): Occupation: Owner& Manging Partner of Craft Food Halls 3 Maguire Rd, Lexington 02421 Work Address: City: Zip: Phone: Home: Cell: Email: Primary: Secondary: Special Training and/or Qualifications: Chamber of Commerce Director for Lexington and Waltham, MA and business owner, mentor for various organizations. What is your interest in this Committee? My interest in the Tourism Committee is to promote Lexington tourims through the proposal of innovative innitiatives that highlight Lexington's unique travel and hospitality cultue. My aim is to support committee members by providing thoughts and recommendations on ways to enhance communication,visi i ity an awareness of our unique and extraordinary town. Carol Ward How did you hear about the Committee? X Have you recently attended any meetings of the Committee? Yes: No: X Have you confirmed your availability to attend the Committee's meetings? Yes: No: (For questions regarding the meeting schedule,please contact the Board/Committee via the Town website.) X Do you currently serve on another Board/Committee? Yes: No: Email: oioo l oar io u��.toroma. _v or ma a...... io uro .!..! ......, o If Yes, please list Board/Committee Name(s): Lexington and Waltham Chamber of Commerce If Yes, please list date of most recent Conflict of Interest Law Training*-. 10/04/2022 Signature: Date: 10/04/2022 ������� *If currently serving on another Board/Committee,please attach a copy of your State Conflict of Interest Law Online Training Certificate, which can be obtained from the Town Clerk's Office. Email:selectboard'Mexinr tonmino or mana or _lo ingtonmao ov 10/5/22, 10:32 AM r f I �Jp r r r 0 �.r IIIIIIN0I NI(M1N����mNrtia(Idllldl��(lrG,rKP,lTi�flI�uf�F'.�GduuttrtrR�JJ2nrr�W'rrirmlID��ri9mm�DDDEunwmrmlii111ll61\�I�GNiTIDOnc141un�rm�0�litiil�Wre6m�u�fWw�LNirlrr kFmu�li6Viaraualnm(Inv�rrM�v��WWv�iV1mMP,"[�����Wm➢u9ululYUYlibl,Alfi➢Au➢uv�uu�YU➢N)YluVi➢ii74Nbr�nrrmmDUlmnlllUUIDvaii➢i)ruriAummYw;YN�@�ulvmlluvr��(rb!MIY,fsml������0uma�fl'N➢u�vNil/uou�uuNWV�����������n�vuvri(i';livt^�N�,VP(IuwnrcrQatu4d�R�WdI�IW����Oulot\r�vuflwuu�u4�,Vurltil�mou@nvnra01Dlll1lllll1IDvi9lViYlY lIDllrNl,vIDID,vifv!4lAJ'Arr�ririYi»iJl/iuuAYx711N»llll»llv0u9N�YfIG,�o�1(4u�mcv/�!fM1o�u4kR8i�ro1\it�SN1U�r//dire!'M11ul�wurm�l�ul�V1o6v1iupu�rRiOS Yirl uWbuluuuri1�1ri11�1mr:Nu,�nunuv�lw mtv d�dlfrrrr r rrrlPl��lJ «rrFrrr rrrrr�ifiID�NI��NINed t��ui�6llrmrc��X�f�k r�r�� rr"ri,inrlJ r�lr,rlrlf Rllr/ill�frR rrRra�rf��f��alfed✓n9��l�vuen��Rf�fl(( �r,i f, l i`t r ;1 ate o Com etionr „ -am, I, ic -w x Con, t Of .'Interest "La 9 r� `J f J f � a DesrouCeaux J f r Director Lexington Chamber of Commerce 1 ✓ Lexington, MA f 1 lf a has com feted d w Conjuct of qnt-erest- Law , " / l ine trainin Ngram on f / 10151 2ns"ll W ., WAN" r a F f ,.. � ,.., ,'urrro ,,,,� «��r«rrao�iara✓oiiram i�✓�»r✓iir rrr✓rrri✓oiimoiiiiiir roirrrmumir✓rni�✓rn�rnn»inivori»mi nnurnimw nr9m or,rm��im»r iy�rnv,wrnv,»vri;mri�irci,r iaaraiiauiu,iiv�r.o�viini�»✓rrdm�»✓�ruiiw�u,;�r��r vur�ix,�✓,oir�iimorrotrrrrrranii�»»��r»rr»r»v�»»>m�nvim✓eravmrnirrra unv,ym,rriviarr rrrriiiiiir«ainn,riw�nr✓»>rr✓,ri,�xrio�iic,+✓yayy�rr✓�v,si,mrmmri rr r rmmiw,<r�r�✓✓✓rvvrr,u,r�i>rn,viyin�yi»rein,niruivwmnyn»y✓iroiu�r r✓i„r r.e arr«ri irrrirrrariiirorn�»uew irir✓.. r, t:. rlrruir.. ,w.,,�„ ,,,.r,,,,uw��,w,� rr,� rri pi.���r�%r�rr,.rr,rr�rrriyiiiriarr r�.n�. i�a ,m�ri��ri.»miW�»��� .ii .n r»nrrmi ir��iiir.wi»trm ,��r rar...�r�nYit�r»ry iirr�aer���,r,imn iriarrim�. ��� r�r�a�rrr�rrr,srsa,irr� rv�✓r,mrnr,.i.rr.nmv>>rr i...rr rrmii�rr.�. r�,u�iii��rir.i,rrorr,�rriirrrr✓irrr r�,ii.utiiiyia�t� I r �y e, I, �� , , I � r , about:blank Page 1 of 1 ill IC"" urr.,, ���W Y,w�...�� `�® �,� "" ���ul ,; ,: :VY VI Y' 'I �"� W,,.,vi I„m„'��,II W vu uw WII IIII®,i;,rlf� ig ���� �,,'fr IW'w'ffi y!'! rf, r! 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IIJ 61 ...............116 ............_'o S j,,� ........... ... .......... ie 4r,,,,,Lr r"re.,tt it, I III 'C ho oa'j", t,h a i e"" 0 1"'1"r�St'j'a te it st, to"A''i,tee ii,If III I)for'l,wu. I�I "jill, 7h T I "� 0 O'fIr or", , I X _1'1111"'! h r 1"ej,?"r e "To"I""(1, '�"?g 0, p fifi� I'Vio,ik Ir box, bfo'�,0IIII1 d ...........m APPLICATION FOR BOARD OR COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP Applicants are encouraged to also include a letter of interest or current resume along with their submission of this application. Town Celebrations Subcommittee Board/Committee Name (one application per Committee): X Would you like your application kept on file for up to one year? Yes: No: David Grabel Full Name: Mr. Nickname: Preferred Title: 125 Reed St. Lexington 02421 Home Address: City: Zip: Length of Residence in Lexington (note: ZBA requirement is a minimum of 8 years): 44 years Agile Coach 125 Reed St. Lexington 02421 Work Address: City: Zi Phone: Home: Cell: Email: Primary: Secondary: Special Training and/or Qualifications: have a long career in Engineering leadership, facilitation, project management and coaching (see my profile on Linked In: https://www.Iinkedin.com/in/davidgrabel/). I developed these skills through a combination of classroom training, reading, mentoring, and hands-on practice. I have organized events foi a non-poiril.Ulydilization -Agile New England. I was co-lead foi Pkyile Games 2018. 1 was also on the planning commitee for a track at several national conferences for the Agile Alliance. What is your interest in this Committee? Town celebrations is part of what makes Lexington a very pecial place. I have lived here for over 40 years and want to help continue that tradition and help make them even better. I am looking for opportunities to apply y skills in organizing events to keep up the town's traditions. � How did you hear about the Committee? email from Lexington x Have you recently attended any meetings of the Committee? Yes: No: x Have you confirmed your availability to attend the Committee's meetings? Yes: No: (For questions regarding the meeting schedule,please contact the Board/Committee via the Town website.) x Do you currently serve on another Board/Committee? Yes: No: Email: oioo l oar io u��.toroma. _v or ma a...... io uro .!..! ......, o If Yes, please list Board/Committee Name(s): If Yes, please list date of most recent Conflict of Interest Law Training*: David Digitally signed by:David Grabel IN CN-David Grabel C=US bate:Grabel Ab' 2022.10.21 14:11:21-05'00' 10/21/2022 Signature: Date. *If currently serving on another Board/Committee,please attach a copy of your State Conflict of Interest Law Online Training Certificate, which can be obtained from the Town Clerk's Office. Email:selecAb oar d( I e xJ n.gjgnM,�or man ag..Q.E.(. tpn.mg%Lv APPLICATION FOR BOARD OR COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP Applicants are encouraged to also include a letter of interest or current resume along with their submission of this application. Transportation Adivsory Committee Board/Committee Name (one application per Committee): x Would you like your application kept on file for up to one year? Yes: No: Mark Andersen Full Name: Nickname: Preferred Title: 2400 Massachusetts Avenue Lexington 02421 Home Address: City: Zip: 25 Length of Residence in Lexington (note: ZBA requirement is a minimum of 8 years): Data Scientist Occupation: home Work Address: City: Zip: Phone: Home: Cell: Email: Primary: Secondary: Special Training and/or Qualifications: Public policy experience, Ph.D. political science, previous chair of Res Exemption Study Committee. What is your interest in this Committee? Improve access to/from Boston; and to/from schools (including Minuteman). Collaboration with other towns, and the MBTA. If others are excited to join this committee and can contribute, please feel free to give them the opportunity; I will not feel slighted and no shortage of obligations. email How did you hear about the Committee? x Have you recently attended any meetings of the Committee? Yes: No: x Have you confirmed your availability to attend the Committee's meetings? Yes: No: (For questions regarding the meeting schedule,please contact the Board/Committee via the Town website.) x Do you currently serve on another Board/Committee? Yes: No: Email: oioo l oar io u��.toroma. _v or ma a...... io uro .!..! ......, o IUuuwiuuuuuuuwi� I y 'lllllllllllll � ......................... � u �lllllllll�l�lllpllllllllllll r O IIIIIIIIIIIIII O ` N oU ��hum on 4�4 4 3 !Illlllpuuiuui .� Ca $ Fo i� lit w IIIIII � C b IIIII ,n, , I�II�IIIIIIIIIIIII' z y v � 3 po o � a E U � � ,IIIIIIIII�I o Y � v y IIIIIIII - N �.fi .y ,v � •v IIII � Illllumlumiii °� a �, y N ?0 3 y APPLICATION FOR BOARD OR COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP Applicants are encouraged to also include a letter of interest or current resume along with their submission of this application. Transportation Advisory Committee Board/Committee Name (one application per Committee): x Would you like your application kept on file for up to one year? Yes: No: Full Name: Jonathan Schwarz Nickname: Jon Preferred Title: Mr Home Address: 20 Percy Rd City: Lexington Zip: 02421 Length of Residence in Lexington (note: ZBA requirement is a minimum of 8 years): 3 yrs Occupation: Software Engineer Work Address: City: Zip: Phone: Home: Cell: Email: Primary: Secondary: Special Training and/or Qualifications: Several decades of experience with alternative commutes (bike, bus, light rail), as well as a committed year round biker for fun and utility, including biking our children to their respective schools What is your interest in this Committee? hope to bring my passion for alternative modes of transportation and my background in enaineerina to help serve the town improve multi-modal and alternative transportation for all � How did you hear about the Committee? Town email x Have you recently attended any meetings of the Committee? Yes: No: x Have you confirmed your availability to attend the Committee's meetings? Yes: No: (For questions regarding the meeting schedule,please contact the Board/Committee via the Town website.) x Do you currently serve on another Board/Committee? Yes: No: Email: olootll oar c loxur-� .t.:.. ....., oar or many g[ to urs tor�ma o� If Yes, please list Board/Committee Name(s): If Yes, please list date of most recent Conflict of Interest Law Training*: Signature: Date: 10/6/22 *If currently serving on another Board/Committee,please attach a copy of your State Conflict of Interest Law Online Training Certificate, which can be obtained from the Town Clerk's Office. Email:solo(-Aboar I e xJ .g.! .n.M......, oy or Mana ...E.(. rn .!2.0 ....., oar JONATHAN SCHWARZ 20 PERCY RD, LEXINGTON, MA 02421 Education Yale University, 2002-2006 BS, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Winner of the Franz B. Tuteur Memorial Prize in Electrical Engineering Work Experience Get Rex, Inc, 2021-present, Founding Engineer Twitter, 2015-2021, Senior Software Engineer • Notifications, software engineer and tech lead • Explore, software engineer and tech lead • Moments, software engineer Black Pixel, 2011-2015, Staff Developer, Lead (iOS/Mac) Microsoft Corporation, 2006-2011, Software Development Engineer II, Macintosh BU Volunteer Positions Lexington United Soccer Club, 2020-present, head and assistant coach for multiple teams New England Youth Cycling, 2021-present, coach Maria Hastings Elementary School, 2021-present, library volunteer Maria Hastings PTO, 2021-present, Bike Train founder First Lego League, 2022-present, team mentor APPLICATION FOR BOARD OR COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP Applicants are encouraged to also include a letter of interest or current resume along with,their submission of is application. Vision for Lexington Board/Cammittee Name(one application per Committee): X Would you like your application kept on file for up to one year? Yes.- No.- Madan A.0.Cohen Full Name: Nickname: Preferred Title.- 8 Plymouth Road Lexington 024211 Home Address: City, zip.., - since 1979 Length of Residence in Lexington(note:ZBA requirementis a minimum of 8 years).- Director,CenterfGr Social Research Occupation: same,as above Work Address,-. Cif 4Zip: Phone.- Home. Cell. Email: Primary.- Secondary: Special Training and/or Qualificat ions: 11 served on s roll commlittees yin Tbwn,chai'rib,g many of them. I worked wilth LIPS lin unumber of capacifies, including chairing the SocliallStudlies Citizens,Advisory an holding leadership positilons un PTA and Schooll M f6d 11WCOA ldFffiffiany yedrs-71 have 665N n-wide surveys in 20,112,20,1177,and M22'afidl,,, canducted the,men tall health nele,ds,assessment for Human Services. As a former member of 2,01,20, 1 cha'Credl the 4 1 4 1 1 V 111w1w de Iniq I Task Fefee en Feiffli GeRstfuetive GeFnmtj,n11,'ft.y,Dhseetifse;was,the ee eFea4eF of the GlOzensAea wnls, sewed on %^%A'w 4 4 11JF 01 w committees on Demiogiraphi'c Change and Milan Comimunitiles,and Enhancilng Communication In Lexington. What is your interest in this Conm-tit tee l? I served on the 20/20 Committee for,s rA years, liked working on the important proJects undertaken by.that committee, and wouid kke to r the group.to continue working.on prpjectsl of relevance to the Town. Text I am a former,member., How did you,hear about the Committee 9 X Have you recently attended any eetings of the Committee? Yes-. No X Have you confirmed your availability to attend the Committee's ineetings? Yes.- No-. (For questions regarding the meeting schedule,please contact the,BoardlCommittee via the Tovm website), X Do you currently serve on another Board/Conunittee? Yes: No.- Emit selIeetbo i dO I t 0, ar J�qxfin .P,n1n"uagirjy,or irriana r@')I,p nri,a,g py If Yes,please list Board/Conunittee Name(s): If Yes,please list date of most recent Conflict of Interest Law Training*.- I am unable to attach a signature in the box provided, However,I can print my narne here: M�arian A.,O.Cohen October'T,2022, Signature. Date. *If currently serving on another BoardlCommittee,please,attach a copy ofyour State Conflict of Interest & 0 Law Online Training Certificate, which can be obtaing4from the Tows ,Clerk's Office. AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approve One-Day Liquor License Applications PRESENTER:TER• ITEM S NUMBER: Jill Hai, S elect Board Chair C.2 SUMMARY: Category:Decision-Making Lexington Chamber of Commerce: The Lexington Chamber of Commerce has requested a One-Day Liquor License to serve beer, wine and spirits in Battin Hall and the lobby of Cary Memorial Building, 1605 Massachusetts Avenue, for the purpose of their Annual Meeting and Party on Wednesday, November 30, 2022 from 6:00pm to 10:00pm. The request has been reviewed by the Department of Public Facilities with no c o nc erns. The Town Manager has given permission for there to be food and drink in Battin Hall. The Anthem Group: The Anthem Group has requested a One-Day Liquor License for the purpose of serving beer and wine in a beer garden within a cordoned off area on the Visitors Center Lawn, 1875 Massachusetts Avenue for the Lexington Winter Garden event on Saturday, December 3, 2022 from 12:00pm to 6:00pm. The request has been reviewed by the Police Department, Fire Department, Town Manager's Office, Economic Development Office and Department of Public Works with no concerns. SUGGESTED MOTION: To approve a One-Day Liquor License for the Lexington Chamber of Commerce to serve beer, wine and spirits in Battin Hall and the lobby of Cary Memorial Building, 1605 Massachusetts Avenue, for the purpose of their Annual Meeting and Party on Wednesday, November 30, 2022 from 6:00pm to 10:00pm. To approve a One-Day Liquor License for the Anthem Group for the purpose of serving beer and wine in a beer garden within a cordoned off area on the Visitors Center Lawn, 1875 Massachusetts Avenue during the Lexington Winter Garden event on Saturday, December 3, 2022 from 12:00pm to 6:00pm. Move to approve the consent. FOLLOW-UP: Select Board Office DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 11/28/2022 ATTACHMENTS: Description Type F) 20,' 1 txington Winter Garden.Beer("ll.rden I k.wation R,,i.(..,,kup IVIlaterial F) 2022 1 k,,xington.Winter Garden.13eer Girden.Proceduivs fbr-Serving Alcohol 13ackul,')Vlaterial II �IIIIIIII� IO�Ip, I �� III I III Till..��IY��1�91�(III�II���+loll i IIII� III uuii(l II ul II uuuuuuull9!!PI II ;� ;�� / III W II II�Illli II�� I I� I VI I II� �, II .. I 1 I ( II`�IIIIIII I I I, I r I,.I l t I I I��lw�l id"•>. I�ilil�� II�iiVi IIIII II � / I m hr, lul,�,r,u IIII / I 1. ( t;! 1 r f Lexington Winter Garden—Procedures for Serving Alcohol. This event will take place on Saturday, December 3, 2022 from 12pm—6pm on the Lexington Visitor Center Lawn. The Anthem-operated beer garden will be open and solely serve beer, wine and nonalcoholic beverages during the hours of 12pm—6pm.The lawn area on the Lexington visitor center will be cordoned off with temporary fencing. At the entrance,Anthem will provide at least two TIP certified staff members. One staff member will primarily be focused on checking IDs and identifying intoxicated behavior.The second Anthem staff member will be responsible for supporting"wristbanding" 21+guests as well as "floating" around the beer garden, collecting trash and keeping an eye on general behavior of the guests. All servers and bartenders will also be TIPS certified and operate one primary cash bar location.All alcoholic drink prices will range from $6.00 -$12.00. Nonalcoholic drink prices will range from $2.00 - $6.00. Our Anthem team will collaborate with existing local New England breweries with which existing relationships exist (e.g. Lone Pine, Bentwater Brewing, Winter Hill, etc.). Beer will be served in cans and wine will be poured (restaurant 5oz pour) in crystal cut 7oz glasses. Trash/recycling will be provided by the Anthem team as well. Guests will not be permitted to leave the perimeter with their alcoholic beverage. There will be multiple food trucks set up within the event space location for guests to purchase as well. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to Shelby Elwell at or at AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approve Entertainment License Application PRESENTER:TER• ITEM S NUMBER: Jill Hai, S elect Board Chair C.3 SUMMARY: Category:Decision-Making The Anthem Group has submitted an application requesting approval for an Entertainment License for the purpose of a live band during the Lexington Winter Garden event on Saturday, December 3, 2022. The live musical performance will take place on the Visitors Center Lawn at 1875 Massachusetts Avenue from 12:00p m to 6:00p m. SUGGESTED MOTION: To approve an Entertainment License for the Anthem Group for the purpose of providing a live musical performance for patrons of the Lexington Winter Garden event to take place on Saturday, December 3, 2022 from 12:00pm to 6:00pm on the Visitors Center Lawn, 1875 Massachusetts Avenue. Move to approve the consent. FOLLOW-UP: Select Board Office DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 11/2 8/2022 ATTACHMENTS: Description Type F) 'Fhe Anthern.('soup Map of I 4.,�xington Winter(",krden.I ive Rand,I ocat'loll. Material fi.)r I�'jiteftainnlient I kense II �IIIIIIII� IO�Ip, I �� III I III Till..��IY��1�91�(III�II���+loll i IIII� III uuii(l II ul II uuuuuuull9!!PI II ;� ;�� / III W II II�Illli II�� I I� I VI I II� �, II .. I 1 I ( II`�IIIIIII I I I, I r I,.I l t I I I��lw�l id"•>. I�ilil�� II�iiVi IIIII II � / I m hr, lul,�,r,u IIII / I 1. ( t;! 1 r f AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approve Liquor License Amendment - Change of Manager - C HF P the Hangar, LLC d/b/a Revolution Hall, 3 Maguire Road PRESENTER:TER• ITEM S NUMBER: Jill Hai, Select Board Chair C.4 SUMMARY: Category:Decision-Making CHFP The Hangar, LLC d/b/a Revolution Hall has submitted all the necessary paperwork requesting approval for a Change of Manager on their All-Alcohol Common Victualler Liquor License. The proposed manager, Matthew Oliva, submitted a current Alcohol Awareness Training C ertific ate. The required CORI check has been completed. SUGGESTED MOTION: To approve the C HF P The Hangar, LLC d/b/a Revolution Hall amendment application for a Change of Manager naming Matthew Oliva as Manager and upon ABCC approval, issue an updated 2022 Liquor License to C HF P The Hangar, LLC d/b/a Revolution Hall, located at 3 Maguire Road reflecting this Change of Manager. Move to approve the consent. FOLLOW-UP: Select Board Office DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 11/2 8/2022 ATTACHMENTS: Description Type F) Cl 117PIhe 1.langar,I I k',d/b/a Revolution I lall,I Jq uor I icense Change of I.-kad<.up Materical VIlanagerAmendiT.ent apl,'flication. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission 95 Fourth Street,Suite 3, Chelsea, MA 02150-2358 www.mass.govlabcc AMENDMENT-Change of Manager Change of License Manager 1. BUSINESS ENTITY INFORMATION Entity Name Municipality ABCC License Number ICFHP The Hangar LLC LEXINGTON 105179-RS-0612 2.APPLICATION CONTACT The application contact is the person who should be contacted with any questions regarding this application. Name Title Email Phone Melissa Ferriman Manager melissaocraftfoodhalls.com 17-838-6712 3A. MANAGER INFORMATION The individual that has been appointed to manage and control of the licensed business and premises. Proposed Manager Name Matthew Oliva Date of Birth SSN Residential Address 171 Squire Lane Tewksbury,MA 01876 Email m.oliva@craffoodhalls.com Phone Please indicate how many hours per week Last-Approved License Manager 0 you intend to be on the licensed premises Nicholas P.Arone 3B.CITIZENSHIP BACKGROUND INFORMATION Are you a U.S.Citizen?* Co Yes C No *Manager must be U.S.citizen If yes,attach one of the following as proof of citizenship US Passport,Voter's Certificate,Birth Certificate or Naturalization Papers. Have you ever been convicted of a state,federal,or military crime? C Yes (*' No If yes,fill out the table below and attach an affidavit providing the details of any and all convictions.Attach additional pages, if necessary, utilizing the format below. Date Municipality Charge Disposition 3C EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION Please provide your employment history.Attach additional pages, if necessary, utilizing the format below. Start Date End Date Position Employer Supervisor Name 4/8/21 Present Director of Beverage Craft Food Halls Melissa Ferriman 3D.PRIOR DISCIPLINARY ACTION Have you held a beneficial or financial interest in,or been the manager of,a license to sell alcoholic beverages that was subject to disciplinary action? C Yes Co No If yes,please fill out the table.Attach additional pages,if necessary,utilizing the format below. Date of Action Name of License State City Reason for suspension,revocation or cancellation hereby swear under the pains and penalties of peyry Mot the information I have provided in this application is true and accurate: Manager's Signature Date 10/31/22 APPLICANT'S STATEMENT Matthew w Oliva the: sole proprietor; partner; F]corporate principal; LLCALP manager Authorized Signatory of ICFHP The Hangar LLC Name of the Entity/Corporation hereby submit this application (hereinafter the "Application"),to the local licensing authority(the"LLA") and the Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission (the "ABCC"and together with the LLA collectively the"Licensing Authorities")for approval. I do hereby declare under the pains and penalties of perjury that I have personal knowledge of the information submitted in the Application, and as such affirm that all statements and representations therein are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I further submit the following to be true and accurate: (1) 1 understand that each representation in this Application is material to the Licensing Authorities'decision on the Application and that the Licensing Authorities will rely on each and every answer in the Application and accompanying documents in reaching its decision; (2) 1 state that the location and description of the proposed licensed premises are in compliance with state and local laws and regulations; (3) 1 understand that while the Application is pending, I must notify the Licensing Authorities of any change in the information submitted therein. I understand that failure to give such notice to the Licensing Authorities may result in disapproval of the Application; (4) 1 understand that upon approval of the Application, I must notify the Licensing Authorities of any change in the ownership as approved by the Licensing Authorities. I understand that failure to give such notice to the Licensing Authorities may result in sanctions including revocation of any license for which this Application is submitted; (5) 1 understand that the licensee will be bound by the statements and representations made in the Application, including, but not limited to the identity of persons with an ownership or financial interest in the license; (6) 1 understand that all statements and representations made become conditions of the license; (7) 1 understand that any physical alterations to or changes to the size of the area used for the sale, delivery,storage,or consumption of alcoholic beverages, must be reported to the Licensing Authorities and may require the prior approval of the Licensing Authorities; (8) 1 understand that the licensee's failure to operate the licensed premises in accordance with the statements and representations made in the Application may result in sanctions, including the revocation of any license for which the Application was submitted;and (9) 1 understand that any false statement or misrepresentation will constitute cause for disapproval of the Application or sanctions including revocation of any license for which this Application is submitted. (10) 1 confirm that the applicant corporation and each individual listed in the ownership section of the application is in good standing with the Massachusetts Department of Revenue and has complied with all laws of the Commonwealth relating to taxes, reporting of employees nd contractors,and withholding and remitting of child support. Gate: 0/31/22 Da 1 Signature: L Title: Director of Beverage ENTITY VOTE The Board of Directors or LLC Managers of CFHp The Hangar Entity Name duly voted to apply to the Licensing Authority of Lexington and the City/Town Commonwealth of Massachusetts Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission on 110/31/22 Date of Meeting For the following transactions (Check all that apply): Change of Manager [� Other "VOTED:To authorize Matthew Oliva Name of Person to sign the application submitted and to execute on the Entity's behalf, any necessary papers and do all things required to have the application granted." "VOTED:To appoint Matthew Oliva Name of Liquor License Manager as its manager of record, and hereby grant him or her with full authority and control of the premises described in the license and authority and control of the conduct of all business therein as the licensee itself could in any way have and exercise if it were a natural person residing in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts." A true copy attest, For Corporations ONLY A true copy attest, Corporate Officer/LLC Manager Signature Corporation Clerk's Signature (Print Name) (Print Name) AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approve Select Board Meeting Minutes PRESENTER:TER• ITEM S NUMBER: Jill Hai, S elect Board Chair C.5 SUMMARY: Category:Decision-Making The Select Board is being asked to approve the meeting minutes of: • September 29, 2022 F Y2024 Budget Summit I - Fiscal Guidelines • October 24, 2022 Select Board • October 27, 2022 F Y2024 Budget Summit II • November 1, 2022 Select Board SUGGESTED MOTION: To approve and release the Select Board meeting minutes of: • September 29, 2022 FY2024 Budget Summit I - Fiscal Guidelines • October 24, 2022 Select Board • October 27, 2022 F Y2024 Budget Summit 11 • November 1, 2022 Select Board Move to approve the consent. FOLLOW-UP: Select Board O ffic e DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 11/28/2022 ATTACHMENTS: Description Type F) DRAIT"T 102A.202.....2 Select Board 1.3ackup Material F) DIRAIT`17 11012022 Select Board 1.31ackup Material IJI. .... B RA.F 17 1(2-12,02.2 BudgetSurrwrit 11 F3a(,,,,kup Vl[aterial SELECT BOARD MEETING October 24, 2022 A remote participation meeting of the Lexington Select Board was called to order at 6:15 p.m. on Monday, October 24, 2022 via hybrid meeting services. Ms. Hai, Chair; Mr. Lucente; Vice Chair, Mr. Pato, Ms. Barry, and Mr. Sandeen were present, as well as Mr. Malloy, Town Manager; Ms. Axtell, Deputy Town Manager; and Ms. Katzenback, Executive Clerk. EXECUTIVE SESSION 1. Exemption 3: Discuss Strategy with Respect to Collective Bargaining-Lexington Municipal Management Association (LMMA); Public Safety Dispatchers Union; Fire Union(IAF Local#1491) Ms. Barry recused herself from this item. Upon a motion duly made and seconded,by roll call,the Select Board voted 4-0 to enter Executive Session under Exemption 3: to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining-Public Safety Dispatcher Union; Custodian Union; Police Superior Officers Union, and to reconvene in Open Session following. It was declared an Open Meeting discussion on this item may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining position of the Town. The Board reconvened Public Session at 6:33 p.m. Ms. Barry retook her seat on the Board. PUBLIC COMMENTS None at this time. SELECT BOARD MEMBER CONCERNS AND LIAISON REPORTS 1. Select Board Member Concerns and Liaison Reports In response to a question from Ms. Hai, Mr. Malloy explained that AdPro is putting together a quote for outfitting a number of rooms in Town buildings for hybrid meetings. This should be submitted by the end of the week. Ms. Barry suggested an appreciation event for those contractors and subcontractors involved in the Center Streetscape project. Mr. Sandeen noted that he would like to schedule a field trip for the Board to view the project site. DOCUMENTS: Correspondence Secretary Report-October 24,2022 TOWN MANAGER REPORT 1. Town Manager Weekly Update DOCUMENTS: 10-14-22 Update, 10-21-22 Update CONSENT AGENDA In response to a question from Mr. Sandeen regarding a letter received from a resident dealing with the 1050 Waltham Street easement, Mr. Malloy explained that the easement document was reviewed by both the Town's Engineering and Planning Departments, as well as Town Counsel, and it complies with the MOU. 1. Approve Submission of 2022 Boston Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO)Municipal Election Ballot To approve for the Chair of the Select Board to complete and submit a ballot casting a vote in the 2022 Boston Metropolitan Planning Organization(MPO) election on behalf of the Select Board. DOCUMENTS: Boston MPO 2022 Municipal Election Ballot Email 2. Accept Fund Terms-Diane Higgins Scholarship Fund and Pat Flynn Youth Fund To accept the terms of the Diane Higgins Scholarship Fund, which will be managed by the Trustees of Public Trusts. To accept the terms of the Pat Flynn Youth Fund,which will be managed by the Trustees of Public Trusts. DOCUMENTS: Diane Higgins Scholarship Fund Terms, Pat Flynn Youth Fund Terms 3. Approve Select Board Meeting Minutes To approve and release the Select Board meeting minutes of: September 6, 2022, September 12, 2022 and September 19, 2022. DOCUMENTS: DRAFT 09062022 Select Board, DRAFT 09122022 Select Board,DRAFT 09192022 Select Board 4. Accept and Sign Easement—1050 Waltham Street To approve the right-of-way easement document at 1050 Waltham Street as attached and authorizing the Town Manager to execute said right-of-way document. DOCUMENTS: Memo, Easement, Exhibit A 5. Approve One-Day Liquor License To approve a One-Day Liquor License for the Anthem Group for the purpose of serving beer and wine in a beer garden within a cordoned off area on the Visitors Center Lawn, 1875 Massachusetts Avenue during Lexington Pumpkin Fest on Sunday, October 30,2022 from 12:OOpm to 4:OOpm. DOCUMENTS: 2022 Lexington Pumpkin Fest Beer Garden Location Map, 2022 Lexington Pumpkin Fest Beer Garden Procedures for Serving Alcohol VOTE: Upon a motion duly made and seconded,by roll call,the Select Board voted 5-0 to approve the Consent Agenda. ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION 1. Grant of Location for Eversource—10 Maguire Road Ms. Hai opened the hearing at 6:43pm. Joanne Callender, Right of Way Agent, explained that Eversource is proposing to install approximately 59' of conduit into McGuire Road,to provide service to 10 McGuire Building 3. In response to a question from Mr. Sandeen, it was noted that a report showing the schedule for other companies to transfer from the double poles will be provided to the Town. Mr. Sandeen requested a report from the Town as to when the Town's utilities will be moved from the poles. Mr. Sandeen also requested that a previous work area used by Eversource at 10 McGuire Road needs to be reseeded. Ms. Hai closed the public hearing at 6:49pm. VOTE: Upon a motion duly made and seconded,by roll call,the Select Board voted 5-0 to approve a Grant of Location to NSTAR ELECTRIC COMPANY D/B/A EVERSOURCE ENERGY to construct, and a location for, such a line of conduits with the necessary wires and cables therein, said conduits to be located, substantially as shown on the plan made by T. Thibault dated September 22, 2022 and filed herewith,under the following public way or ways of Lexington: Maguire Road- Southwesterly from manhole MH23 845, approximately 210 feet east of Westview Street, install approximately 11 feet of conduit. Southwesterly from pole 399/2, approximately 130 feet east of Westview Street, install approximately 48 feet of conduit. DOCUMENTS: Eversource Grant of location Request-WO 754612 10 Maguire Road 2. Grant of Location for Eversource—7 Harrington Road Ms. Hai opened this hearing at 6:51pm. Ms. Callender explained that the Unitarian Church would like to upgrade their elevator and install a new HVAC system. In doing so, the Church needs to upgrade the conduit. Eversource is proposing to install approximately 416' of conduit into Harrington Road, along with 30' into Bedford Street. Ms. Barry requested that the Town examine a large dip in the road in the immediate vicinity of where this conduit is proposed to be installed. Mr. Sandeen requested that Eversource provide similar report information for the double poles in this area as Eversource agreed to provide in the previous grant of location. He also requested that the double poles be removed prior to the Town's 250'Anniversary Celebration in 2025. Ms. Hai closed this hearing at 6:57pm. Dawn McKenna, 9 Hancock Street, asked if any equipment will be placed on the pole proposed in front of the Masonic Temple. Ms. Callender stated that she is unsure. Ms. McKenna asked that the Board make approval contingent on Eversource returning to a future meeting, if equipment is in fact proposed on the pole, as line of sight is already difficult at this intersection. It was noted that no work is proposed on the poles in this area. Ms. McKenna also requested that, as part of the Battle Green Streetscape project,the Town look into having the two remaining telephone poles in this area removed. VOTE: Upon a motion duly made and seconded,by roll call,the Select Board voted 5-0 to approve a Grant of Location to NSTAR ELECTRIC COMPANY D/B/A EVERSOURCE ENERGY to construct, and a location for, such a line of conduits with the necessary wires and cables therein, said conduits to be located, substantially as shown on the plan made by T. Thibault dated July 15,2022 and filed herewith, under the following public way or ways of Lexington: Harrington Road-Northeasterly from manhole MH7428, at Massachusetts Ave, install 416±feet of conduit. Bedford Street-Southwesterly from manhole MH7343 at Harrington Road, install 30± feet of conduit. DOCUMENTS: Grant of Location Petition- 7 Harrington Road 3. Sign State Election Warrant VOTE: Upon a motion duly made and seconded,by roll call,the Select Board voted 5-0 to approve and sign the November 8, 2022 State Election Warrant. DOCUMENTS: November 2022 State Election Warrant 4. Special Town Meeting 2022-3 • Presentation- STM 2022-3 Article 5: Appropriate for Center Playground Bathrooms and Maintenance Buildings Melissa Battite, Director of Recreation&Community Programs, stated that the Center Recreation Complex bathrooms and maintenance building request is for$400,000. In the efforts to go out to bid on this project,there were five bidders that all came back over bid. Thus,the project is now requesting an additional$400,000 to make this project whole, in order to move forward and ideally mobilize during the late winter or early spring of 2023. Mike Cronin, Dir. of Public Facilities, explained that numerous options to reduce the scope of the project were considered,but do not seem appropriate at this time. He explained that the three middle bids were averaged, coming in at roughly$944,000. In response to a question from Mr. Sandeen regarding what the total appropriation would be after appropriating an additional$400,000,Mr. Cronin stated that this would be $1,080,000. This total amount would include a contingency and some soft costs. Ms. Barry noted that the Board received an email from a resident wondering if the Town should take a new look at this project and consider the current bathroom building as a storage building for DPW and athletics and look to build a smaller bathroom elsewhere on the site. Mr. Cronin noted that the existing building could be used as storage,but this would still require significant amounts of building work and investment. If a new spot could be found on the grounds, the Town would have to trench for electrical, new sewer lines, sanitary lines, and potable water. He believes this would likely cost more than the current proposal and delay the project for at least another year. Ms. Battite noted that this project was in the five-year Capital Plan and was introduced after the 2017 ADA Facility assessment. The Commission on Disabilities rated this as the number one facility that needed to be updated. The building has seen just under 10 vandalisms this year. She believes that the longer this project is put off, the more expensive it will be. Bridger McGaw, Precinct 6 Town Meeting Member, stated that the publicly available information on this project could also include some of the memos and conversations regarding the ADA accessibility. There were previously five or six different proposals for substantially cheaper buildings. The question regarding storage is still open. The world has changed in the past five years and is now in a recession. The project is possible,but the Town should take advantage of this moment to put the information in a better context for people to process. • Select Board Article Presenters,Discussion and Positions Ms. Hai noted that both finance committees are in unanimous support of Article 5. Board members agreed that they were in favor of supporting this project,with regret for the increased price. Mr. Pato stated that he would like to remain a wait at this time. Ms. Hai presented her positions on the warrant articles. Article 2: in favor Article 3: in favor Article 4: in favor Article 5: in favor Article 6: in favor Article 7: in favor Article 8: in favor Article 9: in favor Article 10: in favor Article 11: in favor Article 12: in favor Article 13: in favor Article 14: in favor Mr. Sandeen noted that he is in favor of Article 11. Ms. Kosnoff explained how Article 11 is proposed to be funded. She explained that she was able to reduce the short-term borrowing expense that was budgeted in shared expenses for FY23. That freed up tax levy money to apply to this project so that it is fully funded with cash and there will be no borrowing required. The short-term borrowing reduction is listed in Article 4. Both Articles will need to pass to make this project happen. DOCUMENTS: Art 2 motion-unpaid bills, Art 3 Motion Stabilization funds,Art 4 Motion amend budgets, Presentation Art 5 Supplemental CPA request,Art 5 Motion-Center Rec bathrooms,Art 6 motion-authorized cap improve, Art 7 Motion opeb, Art 8 Motion 250', Art 9 motion opioid, Art 10 motion domestic hot water heater,Art 11 motion center sidewalk extension,Art 14 Revised motion (added language to section 2), STM 2022-3 Positions Chart 5. Update on Pleasant Street Roundabout Ross Morrow, Assistant Town Engineer, explained that, as part of the Engineering Department's annual roadway resurfacing projects, one of which includes Pleasant Street,the Department is considering this intersection for reconstruction. At a peak hour,this intersection will handle about 1,500 vehicles. Throughout the day,there are approximately 9,000 vehicles that pass through. Sight distances are a major factor that limit how safe this intersection can be. The road itself also has some geometry issues. Various options were explored for this intersection, including a roundabout. The current proposal looks to fit the roundabout within current pavement limits. There are no plans to take any properties or easements at this time. There is an existing crosswalk proposed to be kept as part of the project. At this time there is no plan to add a sidewalk on the Watertown Street side.VHB's analysis for the roundabout found that, during the peak hour,there will be approximately a five-car que. This will cause a bit of a delay,though not much more of one than there is currently. He noted that crashes in this area do seem to be increasing a bit over time, as there were approximately 10-11 crashes seven years ago, and 15 crashes approximately five years ago. The intention is to include some safety improvements in the project. The Town is working directly with any abutters that will be impacted by the proposed roundabout. In response to a question from Ms. Hai regarding bike lanes, Mr. Morrow stated that the project does propose to add bike lanes from this location north on Pleasant Street to Mass Ave. The roundabout will likely contain sharrows for bicyclists,but he would like to discuss this further with the Bicycle Advisory Committee. In response to a question from Ms. Barry regarding extensiveness of outreach,Mr. Morrow stated that fliers were sent to all addresses on file for Pleasant Street and Watertown Street, almost up to Route 2. Ms. Barry noted that Jim Wilson,Wilson Farm, indicated that there is quite a bit of tractor trailer traffic that uses the intersection currently; she asked that this be examined. She also requested that access for a new nearby development be examined as well. In response to a question from Mr. Pato regarding if construction of the roundabout is already anticipated in the cost of reconstructing Pleasant Street, Mr. Morrow stated that parts of the project will be an additional expense. The reconstruction of the intersection is included. This may be eligible for Chapter 90 funds. Mr. Sandeen suggested that Town staff provide information that would show where this intersection is on the Towns' priority list of problem intersections, when presenting this item to the public. Laurel Carpenter, 94 Pleasant Street, noted how chaotic the intersection can be in terms of potential crashes in the area. She also stated that she does not feel comfortable riding her bicycle through the intersection unless she is on the sidewalk. She envisions being more comfortable riding through a roundabout at this location. Mr. Pressman stated that the Planning Board has approved a future development at this site,which will feed twelve units of housing out of a single road. Mr. Morrow stated that this driveway will be accommodated in the plan. DOCUMENTS: Presentation 6. FY2023 Water and Sewer Rates—Continuation of Hearing Ms. Hai opened this hearing at 8:03pm. Carolyn Kosnoff, Assistant Town Manager for Finance, explained that the Town Manager,the DPW Director, and Water and Sewer staff, met with several representatives from Hanscom Air Force Base. There are two separate meters on the Base,billed the same rate, and the same department is responsible for paying both bills. It was determined last week that one of the meters was not working properly, and that meter was replaced. Hanscom did not feel that their water usage had dropped to the level that the Town's metering data was recording. The Base does have several of their own meters at various points throughout both the base and Lincoln Labs, where they are collecting their own data. Hanscom will collect all of their own metering data and send it over to the Town for comparison with its data. She requested that the Board continue this hearing to November 7', in order to receive this data. In response to a question from Mr. Lucente, Ms. Kosnoff explained that there is no hard deadline to set the water and sewer rates. Data for this will need to be included when setting the tax rate for FY23. VOTE: Upon a motion duly made and seconded,by roll call,the Select Board voted 5-0 at 8:09pm to continue the water and sewer rate hearing until Monday,November 7, 2022 at 7pm. 7. Discussion of Additional Funding Requests Under American Rescue Plan Act(ARPA) Mr. Malloy explained that there are five additional ARPA requests as follows: $500,000 for additional business assistance $1,164,900 for Air Quality Monitoring Systems (for discussion/options) $40,000 for respirator protection $500,000 for the Affordable Housing Trust $57,202 for a bus shelter at Emery Park Additionally, some projects are now complete and the N95 masks and Rapid Test Kits can be closed out. Mr. Pato stated that he would like to make sure the available funds are inclusive of items previously approved by the Board, such as the East Lexington bike path improvements, $400,000, and the hybrid solution touch monitors $20,000. Ms. Barry noted that some of the ARPA funds balances are a month old. While she is supportive of small business assistance, she would like a better report on what has been done with these funds. Ms. Hai agreed that the Board previously discussed a big picture overview of where it wanted to spend these funds. However, she does not feel that the Board has been making decisions in that big picture way. rl"The Board has talked consistently about wanting to make real differences in affordable housing. There are now some opportunities to do so, and she wants to make sure those opportunities are retained. Ms. Barry stated that she is confused by the request for air quality monitoring systems, as it does not seem to be supported by the Superintendent of Schools. Mr. Malloy noted that this was a request of the Select Board but is not supported by himself,the Superintendent, or the Public Facilities Director. Mr. Pato stated that his surprise is that the memo from the School Department stated that they are already doing the monitoring. He,thus, would not have expected the proposal to include those rooms and buildings. He would have expected a proposal addressing the Board's request. He asked if a Board member should step in to marshal this process under its goals. Mr. Sandeen noted that there is a sense of urgency on making the decision regarding the Affordable Housing Trust, as the Affordable Housing Trust will be proposed to be prefunded if it is created by Town Meeting. Ms. Hai stated that she does not believe this needs to be acted on until the actual entity is created. In response to a question from Ms. Hai regarding the air quality monitoring system breakdown for buildings, Mr. Cronin stated that the proposal is for an all-inclusive, all building system. The reason for that is because the proposal is for a public-facing dashboard, as opposed to the current system which does internal monitoring only. Ms. Barry stated that she is not comfortable voting on any of the items this evening, as she does not feel a full packet was presented to the Board or public. In response to a question from Mr. Lucente, Mr. Cronin stated that the current air quality monitoring systems are very similar on the Town side and the school side. Both have CO2 monitoring systems that report back to the BMS,which then trigger alarms and work orders. The current systems do not have the ability to publicly broadcast any information. That is a benefit of the proposed system. Mr. Lucente questioned the value in this if the system is currently being monitored. Mr. Pato stated that, in previous conversations,the Board was not told that there is continuous monitoring of the existing system. Mr. Cronin stated that the existing system is very cumbersome and accessing the data is very difficult. The system is not technically being constantly monitored. In response to a question from Mr. Sandeen,Mr. Cronin explained that custodians sample every single space in Town buildings, occupied or not, every Wednesday. This takes them roughly between an hour and two hours,per custodian. Each building has a number of custodians in it. Mr. Sandeen stated that he cannot support purchasing a system that gathers information but does not include a way for Town staff to meaningfully interact with that information. Ms. Hai stated that she would like to see where additional requests for funding fit in the Board's goals. She would also like to see what has already been spent on projects within the different goals. Mr. Malloy noted that the Board previously requested unfiltered information on these requests,but now he is hearing the request for a different process. Each time, the Board seems to request this information in a different way, making the process very difficult for both him and senior staff. Mr. Pato,Mr. Lucente, and Mr. Sandeen offered to volunteer to help champion this process on behalf of the Board. The Board agreed to discuss a volunteer for this item before its next meeting. Ms. McKenna noted that the Liberty Ride trolley, and restoration of funding to the Liberty Ride and Visitor Center Revolving Funds, are not currently included on the list for consideration. VOTE: Upon a motion duly made and seconded,by roll call,the Select Board voted 5-0 to close out the rapid test kits for$2,137 and the N95 masks for$25,000 and modify the remaining balance of$28,000 from the Community COVID Testing Event to the Community COVID Vaccination Event. DOCUMENTS: Memo on ARPA Requests,Additional Bus Shelter Proposals, Additional Bus Shelter Proposals, MemofromDr.Hackett ADJOURN VOTE: Upon a motion duly made and seconded,by roll call,the Select Board voted 5-0 to adjourn the meeting at 9:22pm. A true record; Attest: Kristan Patenaude Recording Secretary SELECT BOARD MEETING November 1, 2022 A remote participation meeting of the Lexington Select Board was called to order at 6:03 p.m. on Tuesday, November 1, 2022 via hybrid meeting services. Ms. Hai, Chair; Mr. Lucente; Vice Chair, Mr. Pato, Ms. Barry, and Mr. Sandeen were present, as well as Mr. Malloy, Town Manager; Ms. Axtell, Deputy Town Manager; and Ms. Katzenback, Executive Clerk. Ms. Hai stated that the meeting was being conducted via Zoom as posted, with the agenda on the Town's website. EXECUTIVE SESSION 1. Exemption 6: To Consider the Purchase,Exchange,Lease or Value of Real Property Upon a motion duly made and seconded,by roll call,the Select Board voted 5-0 at 6:06 p.m. to enter Executive Session under Exemption: To Consider the Purchase, Exchange, Lease or Value of Real Property, and to reconvene in Open Session following. Ms. Hai stated An Open Meeting discussion on this item may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining position of the Town. The Board reconvened Public Session at 6:25 p.m. ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION 1. Appoint Sustainable Lexington Committee Member to the School Building Committee for the Lexington High School Project Mr. Sandeen presented a comparison of the membership and responsibilities of the Integrated Building Design and Construction Policy stakeholder group and the MSBA School Building Committee for the purposes of determining if a Sustainable Lexington Committee Member should be appointed to the School Building Committee for the Lexington High School Project He reported that the co-chairs of the Permanent Building Committee (PBC)both agreed that a Sustainable Lexington Committee member should be appointed as a member of the School Building Committee and that the stakeholder group meetings should be integrated with the School Building Committee meetings. The PBC co-chairs support the recommendation to appoint Daniel Voss as the Sustainable Lexington Committee member to the School Building Committee. Mr. Sandeen noted the Sustainable Lexington Committee voted unanimously to recommend that Daniel Voss be the Sustainable Lexington Committee member appointed to the School Building Committee for the Lexington High School project. VOTE: Upon a motion duly made and seconded,by roll call,the Select Board voted 5-0 to appoint Sustainable Lexington Committee member Daniel Voss to the School Building Committee for the Lexington High School project, and further to amend the School Building Committee membership as appropriate and send the revision to the MSBA. 2. Special Town Meeting 2022-3 • Revised Motion- STM 2022-3 Article 3: Establish,Amend,Dissolve and Appropriate To and From Specified Stabilization Funds The Board tabled discussion on this motion to later in the meeting. • Revised Motion- STM 2022-3 Article 12: Creation of Housing Trust Mr. Sandeen explained that,under Section 132-6 Section A of this Article,there have been three changes to this motion. Two of these changes were reflected to the Board on October 21'. Section 132-6, now seeks to establish a threshold for prior approval of the Select Board before making purchases of real estate to exceed the average sale price of a single-family home in the Town of Lexington as determined by the Assessor's Office. Item 20 was amended to state that the Town will be compensated for services, instead of Town employees. The most recent change to the same item added the words `or designee' to the phrase `as such services are requested by the Trustees to the Town Manager and authorized by the Town Manager or designee.' In response to a question from Bob Pressman, 22 Locust Ave., Mr. Sandeen noted that the word `home' does appear to be missing in Section A of the article. This will be fixed as a scrivener's error. The Board stated that they were still all in favor of this Article. Mr. Pato noted that he was previously a wait on the restrooms at Center playfield article but has since changed to being in favor. • Revised Motion- STM 2022-3 Article 3: Establish,Amend,Dissolve and Appropriate To and From Specified Stabilization Funds Ms. Kosnoff explained that there is one change to Article Three Section D,regarding the funding to be appropriated into the Capital Stabilization Fund. The amount has been increased to $2,735,392. This extra amount is still from the tax levy and is based on a revised new growth number. This is due to the addition of 36,000 s.f. at Takeda Pharmaceuticals. Additionally, the TIF exemption percentage drops from 15%to 10% in FY23, meaning that 5%of their property value is no longer exempt. • Select Board Article Discussion and Positions This item was previously discussed. DOCUMENTS: Art 3 Revised motion 10.28.22, Art 12 Revised Motion 10.28, Art 12 Revised Motion. 10.28 (redlined), STM 2022-3 Select Board Position Working Document ADJOURN VOTE: Upon a motion duly made and seconded,by roll call,the Select Board voted 5-0 to ad j ourn the meeting at 6:41pm. A true record; Attest: Kristan Patenaude Recording Secretary Budget Summit I Select Board, School Committee, Appropriation Committee Capital Expenditures Committee September 29, 2022 The remote participation Budget Summit I meeting was called to order by Select Board Chair Jill Hai at 7:02 p.m. on Thursday, September 29, 2022 via hybrid meeting services. Present for the Select Board(SB): Ms. Hai, Chair; Mr. Lucente,Vice Chair; Mr. Pato; Ms. Barry; and Mr. Sandeen as well as Mr. Malloy, Town Manager; Ms. Axtell, Deputy Town Manager; Ms. Katzenback, Executive Clerk. Present for the School Committee (SC): Ms. Cuthbertson, Chair; Ms. Jay; Ms. Lenihan; Ms. Sawhney, Vice Chair; Mr. Bokun; Dr. Hackett, Superintendent of Schools; and Mr. Coelho,Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Operations. Present for the Appropriation Committee (AC): Mr. Padaki, Vice Chair; Mr. Ahuja; Mr. Bartenstein; Mr. Levine; Mr. Michelson,Mr. Osborne; Ms. Yan. Present for the Capital Expenditures Committee (CEC): Mr. Lamb, Chair; Mr. Kanter,Vice Chair and Clerk; Mr. Cole; Ms. Rhodes; Ms. Beebee; Mr. Boudett [8:1 1pm]. Also present: Ms. Kosnoff,Assistant Town Manager for Finance; Ms. Lebrecque, Town Budget Officer Ms. Hai stated that the meeting was being conducted via Zoom as posted,with the agenda on the Town's website. Public comments were not taken during the meeting. ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION Ms. Jay noted that she recuses herself from all discussions relating to the high school project. 1. FY2024 Budget Summit I-Fiscal Guidelines • Fiscal Indicators Ms. Kosnoff stated that there are 16 fiscal indicators being examined: Revenues, State Aid, Revenues Related to Economic Growth, Property Tax Revenues,Uncollected Property Taxes, Expenditures per Department, Retirement Participants, Employee Benefits,Personnel Costs, Pension Liability, OPEB Liability, Debt Service, Projected Exempt Debt Service, Long-Term Debt, Reserves and Fund Balance and School Enrollment. Ms. Kosnoff explained that revenues in actual dollars are continuing to trend in the right direction and are still growing fairly steadily. However,when the inflation rate is applied,this is stagnating the Town's revenues. Inflation is having a negative impact on revenue growth, or the total net operating revenues. A decrease in net operating revenue and constant dollars is considered a warning indicator. This indicator was rated between favorable and marginal. Regarding State Aid, Ms. Kosnoff explained that this is the second largest category of revenue each year, with the Town seeing $16.4M in State Aid for FY22. In order to protect itself,the Town has a contingency plan for reductions in State Aid. Since 2006, the Town has been funding reserves capable of offsetting cyclical downturns in State Aid and Local Receipts. This indicator is rated as marginal. She noted that for FY23,the State had a huge surplus. A good amount of that surplus will be returned to taxpayers. The Governor also signed a bill to increase the projected State Aid of$30/student to $60/student. This will be reflected in the FY23 revenue. In terms of Revenues Related to Economic Growth, all categories of the Town's levy growth are growing. This indicator is favored between favorable and marginal. Ms. Kosnoff explained that,regarding Property Taxes,the Town continues to have strong new growth. It also continues to collect an extremely high percentage of outstanding taxes, with current data showing a 99%+range on property tax collections. Regarding Expenditures per Department,the volatility of this item is a bit unsettling. It is rated as marginal. Increasing operating expenditures can indicate that the cost of providing services is exceeding the Town's ability to pay. Increasing expenditures may also indicate that the demographics of the Town are changing,requiring increased spending in related services. The significant decrease in FY2022 is driven by the change in constant dollars,which signifies an increase in inflation. For the Personnel Costs indicator,Ms. Kosnoff explained that this item has remained very flat, meaning that personnel expenses are not growing at a different rate than inflation. For the most part, this means that personnel costs are not becoming disproportionate to the rest of the expenses in the budget. This item is considered favorable. Regarding Employee benefits,this item is also considered favorable. She noted that several of the Town's collective bargaining contracts have either expired or will expire this year. There is likely to be pressure when renegotiating those contracts, given the current inflation rate. Retirement participants is noted as a marginal indicator. If the number of active participants and retirees continues to increase, this could place pressure on the health insurance budget. The Pension Liability trend is noted to be unfavorable. This is not a good trend and will need to be addressed. Both the increase in liability and the drop-off in the percent funded, are due to the most recent actuarial valuation. OPEB Liability is also listed as unfavorable. Since 2011, Lexington has made consistent contributions towards its Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB) liability,primarily consisting of retiree healthcare premiums. In long-term financial planning,the Town begins funding this obligation more aggressively once the pension obligation has been fully funded. Ms. Kosnoff noted that the Debt Service indicator is listed as favorable. Debt payments are projected to increase;however, the impact on the taxpayer is reduced as a result of the approval of debt service mitigation by Town Meeting. Debt service exceeding 10% of operating revenues is a warning indicator. The Town is currently under 7%. Regarding Exempt Debt Service,this is an item which will need to be updated and have a funding plan outlined at a future summit meeting. It is currently listed as marginal/favorable. Long-term Debt is considered to be a favorable indicator. The Town does not want to see its debt exceed 10% of its assessed valuation. Currently the Town's rating for this is under 2%. For the Reserves and Fund Balance indicator is listed as marginal/favorable. The Government Finance Officers Association(GFOA)recommends an undesignated fund balance of 2 months of operating revenues (16.67%). The Town's assets for this fund have been steady,but it has not been contributing to them. These have only been growing through interest earnings. Finally, the School Enrollment indicator, shows that, after years of steady enrollment,Lexington Public Schools experienced marked increases from 2010-2017, only to taper off in 2018 and 2019. The declines in 2020 to 2022 are outliers due to the pandemic and are trending back up. Increases in enrollment translate into a need for additional teachers and support staff, as well as additional classrooms and expanded school buildings. The Town has taken steps to plan for sudden or unexpected growth by building up fiscal reserves. This item is listed as marginal/favorable. Mr. Michelson(AC)noted that the Bedford Street Motel will be redeveloped into a Life Sciences Complex. He suggested presenting an estimated comparison of the property tax and personal property tax in hotel/motel tax that was generated prior to the redevelopment and after the post-redevelopment. In response to a question from Mr. Padaki (AC),Ms. Kosnoff stated that it is unclear how much of the fluctuation in total operating expenditures was due to supply chain issues. This likely hit capital projects harder than operating expenditures. The Boards thanked the team and staff for putting together a comprehensive report. • FY2022 Year-End Operating Results Ms. Kosnoff noted that FY22 ended on June 30, 2022 and the books were just recently officially closed. The numbers being reported are still considered preliminary at this time. Regarding revenues,property taxes were fairly high, and State Aid was received over the projected amount. For Other Excise tax, almost 175%was collected of what was projected. The Departmental School item came in at almost$1 M over projected, entirely due to Medicaid reimbursements. In the Miscellaneous Non-recurring Revenue category,the Town saw energy rebates through its energy improvements. The Town spent 96.27% of the encumbered FY22 budget. Free cash is estimated to come in around$12.8M. In response to a question from Mr. Michelson(AC),Ms. Kosnoff explained that a high percentage of the $4.3M in unused funds for shared expenses came from health benefits. These were assumed a bit high and came in well under that. In terms of new levy growth for FY23, Ms. Kosnoff explained that$2.75M has been assumed for the budget. However, currently this is tracking at approximately$6M. This is a permanent part of the tax levy and will be helpful when building next year's budget. Of this new levy growth,the $2.2M from residential growth has remained steady and consistent. The industrial and commercial growth is approximately$2.22M,with$1.2M of that related to the project at 1050 Waltham Street. Personal property growth is estimated at$1.8M,with almost$1.1 M of this related to Takeda. In response to a question from Mr. Pato (SB)regarding if the personal property growth from Takeda is a re characterization of existing property or acquisition of new personal property, Ms. Kosnoff explained that it is likely a bit of both. Mr. Michelson(AC)noted that within the next five years, $1.1 M of this taxable value will fall upon the residents of the Town, as opposed to being personal property or staying within commercial growth. In response to a question from Mr. Kanter(CEC)regarding if the personal property amount has residential growth as available current cash, Ms. Kosnoff stated that this will be taxable in FY23 and something that the Town will be looking to appropriate at fall Town Meeting. • FY2024 Fiscal Guideline Considerations Ms. Kosnoff explained that,regarding pension,the Lexington Retirement Fund is for all Town employees, and all non-teaching school employees. All of the teachers in the Lexington School System are part of the Mass Teachers Retirement System and not the Town's pension system. All other administrative and support staff are part of the pension funds. OPEB, Other Post Employment Benefits, apply to anyone who retires from the Town to allow them to receive health benefits through the Town's plan, with the Town continuing to pay for a percentage of those costs. There is a large liability for the Town from these two items. Liability has been steadily growing for the retirement fund,partially because the Town continues to add staff. Some of the volatility in the percent funded is caused by new actuaries during new evaluations. A full actuarial valuation is done every two years for both the pension and the OPEB. Fortunately,pension assets are also continuing to increase. The funded ratio in Lexington is 76.6%. One of the big factors which impacted the percent funding was that the Retirement Board elected to drop the discount rate for the pension fund. This amount is reflective of what the investment returns are estimated to be. This amount was previously at 7.5% and, in the FY21 valuation, the Board elected to drop it to 7.25%. PERAC,the oversight agency for the retirement fund,has indicated that 7.5%is not within its acceptable assumptions anymore. The group is looking to drop the rate of return, as they do not believe it to be realistic in the long-term. Lexington is in line with many surrounding communities, which have also dropped this rate. The Retirement Board is likely to consider dropping this amount again at some point in the future. Ms. Kosnoff explained that the Town is required by the year 2024 to fully fund its pension. PERAC requires to Town to submit a funding schedule each year, showing how it will get to the fully funded percentage. For FY23, as part of the operating budget,the Town appropriated$8.25M to its pension fund. For FY24,this amount will be increased to $9M. Every two years,the Retirement Board receives a new valuation and updates this funding schedule. It is estimated that this fund should be fully funded somewhere in FY30, with the current funding schedule. At that time,the Town would have approximately $9M-$10M in the budget that would no longer need to go toward the pension fund. She does not believe that the Town should drag out this funding schedule as bond rating agencies do not look favorably on this. She is concerned that liability for this item will continue to increase and believes it will be important to fully fund this item as soon as possible. Staff will likely work with the actuary to create some additional, alternate funding schedules. In response to a question from Mr. Kanter(CEC)regarding how the actuary was chosen,Ms. Kosnoff explained that the Retirement Board issued a request for proposals. It reviewed a number of evaluation criteria. There were several respondents to the RFP, and this was the one selected. Mr. Kanter stated that he has some concern that the Town has not been increasing the yearly contribution to achieve the freedom of these funds. He is happy to hear that there will be further consideration of this item. Ms. Kosnoff noted that the same actuary is currently being used for the OPEB valuation. It is likely a longer-term RFP for the OPEB valuation will be sought in the future. For FY21,there was a large increase in the total liability of the OPEB Fund, and a decrease in the percentage funded. The Board elected to take a much more aggressive approach to the discount rate and went straight from 7.5% down to 6.75%. She does not believe that there will be further jumps in the discount rate on this particular fund. The liability of this fund has also significantly increased. The Town has accumulated a lot in investment earnings for this fund,particularly$4.8M of investment earnings in FY21. However,FY22 saw a loss for earnings in that fund. The projected balance of this fund for FY23 is $25M. Part of this fund has been funded from the tax levy,but another portion has been funded through the Health Claims Trust Fund. The Health Claims Trust Fund is almost depleted at this point, as there is only$230,000 left in it for FY24. Once it is closed, if the Town wants to continue to maintain funding this item at $1.8M each year,the balance will have to come from the tax levy. There is a potential to use some of the new growth funding from Takeda to cover this item. • Update on Federal Grant Funds (FEMA, CARES &ARPA) Ms. Kosnoff explained that the Town's direct allocation from the Cares Act,through the State, was $2.979M. The Town spent 98.7% of the allocation and had to turn back approximately$30,000. The Town also submitted$632,000 of FEMA applications. This was done through six separate applications. Four of them have been, approved and paid. Two applications are pending,with one having been approved, and awaiting funding. One final item is waiting for approval: this deals with the school's pooled testing expenses. She does not anticipate an issue with approval of this final item. The Town spent $3.57M on health and public safety items related to the pandemic. Regarding ARPA funds,Ms. Kosnoff explained that the State dispersed$9.9M to the Town through the Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund(CLFRF). These funds have to be committed by the end of calendar year 2024. This means that there needs to be a contract and project in the works. The Town then has an additional two years to finish the project and pay the final bills. Some of this funding has been allocated toward economic development and vitality, DPW projects, and the participatory budget pilot program. This leads to approximately$3.5M of projects funded thus far. This is approximately one third of the total funding available through ARPA for the Town. She explained that when the federal government originally issued these funds,there were strict criteria as to what they could be used for. Since then, the federal government has said that any municipality receiving an allocation of less than $1OM, could count the entire allocation as lost revenue. Since then, the federal government has actually encouraged any community with an allocation of$10M or less,to automatically count the entire amount of the allocation as lost revenue. Once allocated, his funding can still be spent on any of the eligible categories. Some of the other categories that can be used for funding are to provide premium pay to essential workers, and investing in water, sewer, and broadband infrastructure. She noted that ARPA funds cannot be used to make a direct allocation into the pension fund. The funds also cannot be placed into a Trust Fund or General Stabilization or Specified Stabilization Fund. It also cannot be used to reduce the tax rate, for legal issues, or for debt service. Ms. Kosnoff explained that ARPA funds are considered a federal grant and federal grants do not need to go to Town Meeting. These funds are released at the discretion of the Select Board. The Select Board has been reviewing all of the requests for ARPA funds that have come through Town staff and they are the ones that ultimately make the decision to approve a recommended project. ARPA funds are meant to support immediate economic stabilization. These could also be allocated to aid disadvantaged communities. She would not recommend using these funds to hire new permanent staff or implement ongoing programs. • Special Town Meeting 2022-3 Articles Ms. Axtell reviewed the proposed Special Town Meeting 2022-3 Articles. In response to a question from Mr. Kanter(CEC),Ms.Axtell stated that she believes motions for individual items will likely be drafted within the next couple of weeks. Ms. Hai (SB)noted that Special Town Meeting 2022-3 will be opened on November 1, 2022 and that November 2 and 3,2022 will be held as possible additional dates. • Establish Date: FY2024 Budget Summit II Ms. Kosnoff explained that Budget Summit II is proposed for October 27, 2022. Budget summit III is proposed for November 16, 2022. The Select Board budget hearings are proposed for November 30, 2022, December 1, 2022 and December 6, 2022. The planned White Book Summit is on January 19, 2023. DOCUMENTS: Financial Indicators Presentation-FY2024, FY2024 Summit I Presentation, STM 2022- 3Article list ADJOURN Upon a motion duly made and seconded,the Select Board voted 5-0 by roll call to adjourn the meeting at 9:04 p.m. The other committees followed suit. A true record; Attest: Kristan Patenaude Recording Secretary Budget Summit II Select Board, School Committee, Appropriation Committee Capital Expenditures Committee October 27, 2022 The remote participation Budget Summit II meeting was called to order by Select Board Chair Jill Hai at 7:02 p.m. on Thursday, October 27, 2022 via hybrid meeting services. Present for the Select Board(SB): Ms. Hai, Chair; Mr. Lucente,Vice Chair; Mr. Pato; Ms. Barry; and Mr. Sandeen as well as Mr. Malloy, Town Manager; Ms. Axtell, Deputy Town Manager; Ms. Katzenback, Executive Clerk. Present for the School Committee (SC): Ms. Cuthbertson, Chair; Ms. Jay; Ms. Lenihan; Ms. Sawhney, Vice Chair; Mr. Freeman; Dr. Hackett, Superintendent of Schools; and Ms. Reinholm,Assistant Director of Finance for Lexington Public Schools. Present for the Appropriation Committee (AC): Mr. Parker, Chair; Mr. Padaki, Vice Chair; Mr. Ahuja; Mr. Bartenstein; Mr. Levine; Mr. Michelson, Ms. Yan; Mr. Osborne [7:10 arrival]. Present for the Capital Expenditures Committee (CEC): Mr. Lamb, Chair; Mr. Kanter,Vice Chair and Clerk; Mr. Cole; Ms. Rhodes; Ms. Beebee; Mr. Boudett [8:10 arrival, 8:32 departure]. Also present: Ms. Kosnoff,Assistant Town Manager for Finance; Ms. Lebrecque, Town Budget Officer Ms. Hai stated that the meeting was being conducted via Zoom as posted,with the agenda on the Town's website. Public comments were not taken during the meeting. ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION Ms. Jay(SC)noted that she will be recusing herself from all discussions relating to the high school project. 1. FY2024 Budget Summit II • School Enrollment Projections and FY2024 Budget Drivers Dr. Hackett, Superintendent of Schools,reviewed the FY22 financial sustainability. She explained that there was approximately$6.6M worth of turnbacks for FY22. There was an unexpended allocation of $2.5M and an unexpended circuit breaker from FY21 of approximately$2.6M. There was a Medicaid reimbursement of approximately$954,000, and homeless student transportation reimbursements of an additional$160,000. Regarding the budget overview for FY24,the projected operating budget is approximately$13 3.5M. For ARPA funds, approximately$1.5M is still available. Dr. Hackett stated that the FY24 budgetary drivers include special education,union contract negotiations, Chapter 70 impacts,traditional budget driver and the lingering impacts of the pandemic. The Operational Services Division has an anticipated 14%tuition increase. There are three types of private school tuitions, out of state,private day, and collaboratives. Totaling up these tuitions leads to approximately$15M. With the projected increases of approximately$2,037,862,this could lead to a total of$17.9M. Dr. Hackett stated that,regarding special education enrollment,there are approximately 60 students overall. These needs have significantly increased from previous years. As of the October 1 St enrollment date,the total enrollment number is 6,845, which is up 55 from last year. Much of this increase occurred at the high school level. The Lexington High School enrollment is well over the building's planned operating capacity. Mr. Kanter(CEC) asked if there is a factor in the budgeting for training for staff to deal with children coming back into the schools after the pandemic. Dr. Hackett explained that many educators have had to learn the past years' curriculum and a lot of cross training has occurred. Mr. Cole(CEC)noted that additional support may be needed in the schools, if there seems to be a significant number of high schoolers moving from the district. Dr. Hackett explained that she will be meeting with the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education next Wednesday to find out more about that information and data. Dr. Hackett stated that the projected FY24 budget shows a total percentage change of 4.16%. The total approved budget for FY23 was approximately$128M, and so for FY24 is estimated at$133M. Anticipated increases for bargaining units are factored into these projections. In response to a question from Mr. Bartenstein(AC),Dr. Hackett stated that nearby communities are also receiving more students, although it is unclear if those communities are receiving students from in-state or from out of the country. There has been a large influx of international students from China specifically. In response to a question from Mr. Sandeen(SB),Dr. Hackett stated that the district has a total of 925 special education students this year,which equates to 13.5% of the student population. Historically, the percent of special education students enrolled has remained consistent at approximately 13%. • Preliminary FY2024 Revenue Estimates Ms. Kosnoff reviewed the revenue projections for FY24. The total property tax levy,which is by far the most significant part of the Town's revenue, is going up by$8.4M, or approximately 3.9%. This is based off a per student increase of$30/student, which is the projection that has been used for the past couple of years. There is a 1.2% increase projected for State Aid,which is mostly Chapter 70. Available Funds is projected to decrease by approximately$3.2M, or 17%. This is primarily due to free cash. Regarding Revenue Offsets, each year$400,000 is set aside to handle bad winter weather. Enterprise Receipts, which is a transfer from the Enterprise Funds to cover some shared services is projected to go up approximately 2.9%. Overall,the total General Fund Operating Revenues are projected,when taking into account the negative free cash amount,to increase approximately$5.7M or 2.17%. Ms. Kosnoff explained that the tax levy is mostly increasing due to additional commercial development in Town.New Growth is estimated at$3M; this will not be dedicated elsewhere. This amount is projected to increase over past years, mostly due to residential growth. In response to a question from Mr. Bartenstein(AC),Ms. Kosnoff explained that it will be staff s recommendation at Town Meeting to dedicate that new growth revenue into the Capital Stabilization Fund. Personal Growth amounts will also need to be appropriated to the Pension Fund;this will occur through the Operating Budget Warrant Article. Ms. Kosnoff reviewed the local receipts. She noted that this is one area which was impacted by the pandemic. There seems to be a lingering impact on the motor vehicle excise tax. Regarding Other Excise tax items, the Hotel/Motel tax is estimated to be approximately 70% of prepandemic levels. Jet fuel is back up. Mr. Kanter(CEC) asked about gas permits and the potential for Town buildings off using gas in the future. Ms. Kosnoff stated that this could be further explored. The Town is encouraging large commercial developments to be as green as possible. Regarding Available Funds, Ms. Kosnoff explained that the Free Cash estimate is $14.25M. The Health Claims Trust Fund has dropped down from$750,000 to $230,000. FY24 is the last year that this money will be available. The PEG Access Fund has been experiencing lower revenues. It is expected that, at some point within the next five years,that revenue and fund balance is going to be very much dwindled, if not completely run out. • Preliminary FY2024 Revenue Allocation Model and Set-Asides Ms. Kosnoff explained that the Town's overall revenue projection so far for FY24,was $270,000,702. From this, all of the expenses that are considered shared between the Town and the School Department are removed. The Minuteman budget is anticipated to increase by approximately 15% from last year. The Contributory Retirement, line item which covers all Town employees and non-teaching staff in the School Department, is estimated at$10,087,000, which is reflective of the existing pension funding schedule. Debt service is proposed to be reduced from last year by approximately$1 M. The Facilities Department budget has an increase of over 12% compared to the prior year. The most significant portion of that is due to increased energy costs. After reviewing all of the proposed set-aside amounts,the projected surplus revenue amount is $5.297M. This will be allocated in the same way it has been in previous years,with 26% going to the Town, and 74%going to the schools. This will essentially give the Town an extra $1.377M to allocate for new programs and additional costs in the budget, and the School Department an extra$3,92M. These are 3.1% increases over the prior year. In order to cover expected costs and increases in the budget,the Town likely needs to find an extra $1.8M, either through additional revenues and/or shaving off shared expenses. In response to a question from Mr. Kanter(CEC)regarding the proposed$1 M reinstatement to the Special Education Stabilization Fund, Ms. Kosnoff explained that one option would be to appropriate $500,000 of free cash back into the School's budget for FY24. She will work with the School Department for potential options for this item. In response to a question from Mr. Pato (SB),Ms. Kosnoff explained that the personal property new growth is wrapped into the Contributory Retirement line. Ms. Kosnoff reviewed the revenue set-asides for designated expenses. She noted that it will be important to continue to increase cash capital, due to current interest rates. In response to a question from Ms. Cuthbertson(SC)regarding if any of the smaller one-time funds could potentially be eligible for ARPA funding,Ms. Kosnoff stated that ARPA funds could be dedicated to capital items. This is at the discretion of the Select Board. • FY2023 Budget Update for Special Town Meeting 2022-3 Ms. Kosnoff explained that she and the assessors have finalized the reports to the Department of Revenue. The last item associated with those reports is preparing the TIF agreement updates at Takeda. The assessors reviewed the property and found that there was 36,000 new square feet added at 400 Shire Way. As part of the 20-year tax agreement with this property,now that this agreement is in its 15'year, the Town is allowed to capture some of that market growth. This has added another$699,000 to the new growth estimates for the year. This will be proposed to be placed into the Capital Stabilization Fund at Special Town Meeting. Ms. Sawhney(SC) suggested that the circuit breaker for the School Department could be placed into the Special Education Stabilization Fund. Ms. Kosnoff agreed that this could be up for discussion. Ms. Sawhney(SC) also suggested that the Minuteman Tech be more involved throughout the budgeting process, in order to have a deeper discussion regarding their projected budget. • Confirm Date: FY2024 Budget Summit III Ms. Kosnoff stated that Special Town Meeting 2022-3 will start on November 1,2022. Budget Summit III meeting is proposed to be on November 16, 2022. FY2024 Budget presentations with the Select Board from the municipal departments are scheduled for November 30, 2022,December 1, 2022 and December 61 2022. It is anticipated for the White Books to be available in January 2023. DOCUMENTS: Presentation-LPS Enrollment Budget Drivers, Presentation-FY2024 Budget Summit II ADJOURN Upon a motion duly made and seconded,the Select Board voted 5-0 by roll call to adjourn the meeting at 9:01 p.m. The other committees followed suit. A true record; Attest: Kristan Patenaude Recording Secretary AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approve Amendments to Greenways Corridor Committee Charge PRESENTER:TER• ITEM S NUMBER: Jill Hai, S elect Board Chair C.6 SUMMARY: Category:Decision-Making The Greenways Corridor Committee has requested that the following changes be made to the charge as outlined in the attached redlined version: • Change "Board of S electmen" to "S elect Board" • Change the number of members from "7-9" to "9" • Update meeting times • Update Description, Deliverables and Criteria for Membership • Add Non-Voting Members • Add and specify Staff Support and Ex-Officio Liaisons SUGGESTED MOTION: To amend the Greenways Corridor Committee charge by making the following changes as proposed: • Change "Board of S electmen" to "S elect Board" • Change the number of members from "7-9" to "9" • Update meeting times • Update Description, Deliverables and Criteria for Membership • Add Non-Voting Members • Add and specify Staff Support and Ex-Officio Liaisons Move to approve the consent. FOLLOW-UP: Select Board Office DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 11/28/2022 ATTACHMENTS: Description Type F) A.rrvn.ded Greenways Cbrrwritfee Redfined 13ackup Material F) Arne n.ded(.]reenways(Axyrnittee(71i.arge g Backup MIlateilal R I I .............. .......... 3 .......... Cl(.�o r Ido.IIIIV' al C'oin In I"(Ave 3`14 PlA citiday; Members: 9 IllelvIlict,11, Appointed S6,ed,Bolill�lt,cl Length of Term: Meeting'fiffle 141111 rpes:Fit,�sl, Ili 6, P 1,1,1 esclll�llIIIIII' ililAlll The Greenways Corridor Committee is charged with actively planning, i ti i.,.11 t i ....and t!i 3�:1 ���I di t!1 h e 1,Tpedestrian,bicycle and other greenw vary ysy�corridors k g.o w��t i IIlI��� .A.�����I����III(.� S,, ��w � IIII '��`=�:��:!.:'��. ..'�.;fl', �....�4„"lu m�.�III.��.�.�',,�1.Ill..,,m....�ill W',...S�� e l u„,i....� iu �'!li�:�.�� III�.,.�...�����.1 '�W IIII ������.."'ii s,'J<:� t �� , i ��l 1 ar��m l °°,,',l� ICI III ;....IF�� t1; m �:s,� ���� ...linking Town Conservation Recreation,,,,and other open space parcels l of ii . �:4h to regional trail systems and open space in neighboring communities. eIIIIIII iiiIiI eIIIIII a,1:Ie s 1:1, In pursuit of th!ese dWi s....,t!jd.. eSPOR � .. .. � ..�:.(�III I i l(�:(�l ill � ���:������( :shall:.. III (�D N a � I �.. II;I ::. � � : �r .Work(ac I i 1III I with Town D ep artments B oards and Committees,...I'll �����:(��....��l��nnm�lIl gAl apj�)r(.'v%ra����.. �=.3 Maintain contacts with t iI i12j g 1 lh 9[i[ m 1��11:11 k!'J p��L regional planning authorities and civic groups ot!i:l! nee l o l -1 ri ti o I : III�I��111��� s i����l =��m .�;��I�,�' � �t Ilu 1 ,,...recommen A�::�� i q i(i II ..e funding requests to Town( 4.e i m 4! F 1 r;1Y be..Ri!ai l able th Fo��agh. I� �� � ,.... ....regional,state...-.� ..: �-IIIII �n.. nongovernmental organizations and private sources��!S ti - . 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I I� ��m .. ... g... .... g.... ! llp�� .... .... ... .... ! ,.... rycotigii i i�i Appointments should be made to ensure broad community representation.,,,,,,,,,Membership should include representatives from groups such as the Conservation Stewards,Citizens for Lexington Conservation,andII of Lexington Bikeways 1!!ie� i 1III1.:N ��I11E...alq i Ni.1 .....'�������,:j���u `Non-Voting :Provision for the Mpointmentthe Select Board,at the request of the GCC Chair,for up to 3 Non-Voting Members,for a term not to exceed 3 years for former members of the committee,including thosey no longer residei LexinRton,and others,to provideinstitutional 1 1 pursuit of its mission.I Commented[SP1]:Paragraph reviewed and replaced by • GCC Chair on 11/18/2022. sLkiAge r XIL ..........................................L ................................................................................................................1...........................................................................%.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................,...................�.............................................%.........%1........................................,.,..................................................... Si,afl*S III IIIIII iiiiii „ IIIIII I 1 . iiiii iiiiii„1 I tl IIIIII.. l ml m„ IIu III t 1 .ul iiiii s .. .. ...l I i... , . sa �m ml j I � � � �ar Y 4 � �dl�����i t c 1y ��� ... .. ....� °°lei .... '. '" �" �.�gigii1�e III �' iiiip�s. r l uw. a member of this Committee,appointees are required to: I� ..III:............ Acknowledge receipt of the Summary of the Conflict of Interest Statute. Further,to continue to serve on the Committee the member must acknowledge annually receipt of the Summary of the Conflict of Interest Statute. Said summary will be provided by and acknowledged to the Town Clerk. Provide evidence to the Town Clerk that the appointee has completed the on-line training requirement required by the Conflict of Interest statute. Further,to continue to serve on the Committee,the member must acknowledge every two years completion of the on-line training requirement. Ref.:At its meeting on January 31,2011,the Selectmen adopted the charge and designated all appointed members of the Greenways Corridor Committee as Special Municipal Employees. Committee Charge Greenways Corridor Committee Members: 9 members Appointed By: Select Board Length of Term: 3 years Meeting Times: First Thursdays, 4:30— 6 pm Description: The Greenways Corridor Committee is charged with actively planning, installing and maintaining pedestrian, bicycle and other greenways corridors known as ACROSS (Accessing Conservation, Recreation, Open Space, Schools and Streets) Lexington, The Rick Abrams Memorial Trail Network for the purpose of linking Town Conservation, Recreation, and other open space parcels as well as connections to regional trail systems and open space in neighboring communities. Deliverables: In pursuit of its charge, the Greenways Corridor Committee shall: 1. Obtain, install and maintain appropriate route signage. 2. Work actively with Town Departments, Boards and Committees in route planning and approvals. 3. Maintain contacts with neighboring municipal authorities, regional planning authorities and civic groups as needed. 4. Identify, recommend and initiate funding requests to Town, regional, state, nongovernmental organizations and private sources. 5. Promote access to and use of the network through various publicity and marketing endeavors including the design and publication of map brochures and digital mapping applications. 6. Pursue public educational and advocacy efforts and activities to advance both walking and bike riding for transportation as well as recreation to decrease the amount of driving done by residents. Criteria for Membership: Members should have a commitment to the importance to the community of developing off-road pedestrian and bicycle corridors as well as the environmental benefits of preserving greenway corridor connections between disparate conservation parcels and other public open space. Members should also have an interest in advancing both walking and bike riding for transportation and advocating for a more walkable and bikeable community. Appointments should be made to ensure broad community representation. Membership should include representatives from groups such as the Conservation Stewards, Citizens for Lexington Conservation, and the Friends of Lexington Bikeways/Bike Lexington. Non-Voting Members: Provision for the appointment by the Select Board, at the request of the GCC Chair, for up to 3 Non-Voting Members, for a term not to exceed 3 years for former members of the committee, including those who may no longer reside in Lexington, and others, to provide skills and institutional memory to the committee in pursuit of its mission. Staff Support as appropriate from the following Departments: Conservation, Recreation, Department of Public Works, Planning, GIS Mapping, Transportation Safety Group Ex-Officio Liaisons (non-voting): Select Board, Conservation Commission, Planning Board, Recreation Committee, Bicycle Advisory Committee Member Requirements: As a member of this Committee, appointees are required to: 1. Acknowledge receipt of the Summary of the Conflict of Interest Statute. Further, to continue to serve on the Committee the member must acknowledge annually receipt of the Summary of the Conflict of Interest Statute. Said summary will be provided by and acknowledged to the Town Clerk. 2. Provide evidence to the Town Clerk that the appointee has completed the on-line training requirement required by the Conflict of Interest statute. Further, to continue to serve on the Committee, the member must acknowledge every two years completion of the on-line training requirement. Ref.: At its meeting on January 31,2011,the Selectmen adopted the charge and designated all appointed members of the Greenways Corridor Committee as Special Municipal Employees. AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Public Hearing- Flammable Fuel Storage - 10 Maguire Road PRESENTER:TER• ITEM S NUMBER: Darren Germain, E as tern Propane I.1 SUMMARY: Category: Hearing/Decision-Making Darren Germain, E as tern Propane, on behalf of S R E Flag L L C, will be at the meeting to answer any questions regarding the request for a Flammable Fuel S to rage License at 10 Maguire Road, P arc el 8 5-15. The application was reviewed by Fire, Building, Health and Conservation department staff who had no objections to the application. A representative from the Lexington Fire Department will be in attendance at the meeting to answer any questions regarding the attached application. This license request is for the temporary usage of above ground storage tanks (AST) for approximately 9 months, after which time, the AST will be removed from the property and the License will then be revoked as it will no longer be needed for flammable storage on the property. As required, the hearing notice was published in the Minuteman Newspaper and the app lic ant sent the notice to abutters. SUGGESTED MOTION: Motion to (approve/not approve) a Flammable Fuel Storage License for SRE Flag LLC for the storage, operation and maintenance of flammable and combustible s to rage at 10 Maguire Road, P arc e l 8 5-15 as presented. FOLLOW-UP: Select Board Office/Clerk's O ffic e DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 11/28/2022 6:40pm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type E) 1 I larm-natfle Fuel Storage I icenseapplication 10 IvIlaguire,Road 1.3cacILIf.)Material F) I ocation fi-..)r ten,-)orary Above Gfoi.md Storage T'an ks 1.3ackup Material GIS Coordinates C;r Z--! LAT. License Mac is General Law, Chapter 148 §13 FP-2 License Number (Rev.05-2009) ;New License d Amended License After notice and hearing,and in accordance with Chapter 148 of the Mass.General Laws, a license is hereby ranted to use the land herein describe for the purposes described. Location of Land: 10 Maguire Road Number,Strcqfand Assessor's Map and Parcel ID Owner of Land: SRE Flag LLC. Address of Land Owner: 980 N. Michigan Ave. Suite 1700 Chicago, IL 60611 Flammable and Combustible Liquids,Flammable Gases and Solids Complete this section for the storage of flammable and combustible liquids,solids,and gases.All tanks and containers are considered full for the purposes of licensing and permitting. (Attach additional pages if necessary.) PRODUCT NAME CLASS MAXIMUM UNITS CONTAINER QUANTITY gal.,lbs, UST,AST,IBC,, AV*%L cubic feet drums 1,10vaN M T- 4 er-OPV4.� LP- as (Complete this section for the storage of LP-gas or propane) ❖ Maximum quantity(in gallons)of LP-gas to be stored in aboveground containers: List izes and capacities of all aboveground containers used for storage Oho G—rfi+LJ,-o AJ -A ST- ❖ Maximum quantity(in gallons)of LP-gas to be stored in underground containers: A0000, 1100 List sizes and capacities of all underground containers used for storage epi Total aggregate quantity of all LP-gas to be stored: Fireworks (Complete this section for the storage of fireworks) + Maximum amount(in pounds)of Class 1.3G: v* Maximum amount(in pounds)of Class 1AG: #*e Maximum amount(in pounds)of Class 1.4: Total aggregate quantity of all classes of fireworks to be stored: THIS LICENSE OR A CERTIFIED COPY THEREOF MUST BE CONSPICIOUSLY POSTED ON THE LAND FOR WHICH IT IS GRANTED. Explosives (Complete this section for the storage of explosives) ❖ Maximum amount(in pounds)of Class 1.1: Number of magazines used for storage: ❖ Maximum amount(in pounds)of Class 1.2: Number of magazines used for storage: ❖ Maximum amount(in pounds)of Class 1.3: Number of magazines used for storage: ❖ Maximum amount(in pounds)of Class 1.4: Number of magazines used for storage: ❖ Maximum amount(in pounds)of Class 1.5: Number of magazines used for storage: ❖ Maximum amount(in pounds)of Class 1.6: Number of magazines used for storage: Licensing Authorit Use: This license is granted upon the condition that the licensed activity will comply with all applicable laws, codes, rules and regulations, including but not limited to Massachusetts General Law,Chapter 148, and the Massachusetts Fire Code(527 CMR)as amended. The license holder may not store materials in an amount exceeding the capacities herein specified unless and until any amended license has been granted. ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS: A40f&-AJ54eF` r7 44 sl� Ci tOAJ7YS. Signature of Licensing Authority Title Date THIS LICENSE OR A CERTIFIED COPY THEREOF MUST BE CONSPICIOUSLY POSTED ON THE LAID FOR WHICH IT 1S GRANTED. FP-2(Rev.05!2009) Pagc 2 ,100#11111 111111'�'�11,�,� � I I a I 11,A - , a I a I 1 14 , ,,,,1�,--,-f6,1h ',Y/",/,x",,,� r'g,l,�,IK, #�"I'p;y"'fl ��ffi �,,i... 1), , ,I I I 1 I if ,,k,,,������,1",e�l�ll�l,',Vl,��"'A�row 4 �..........jglr,--,�,��........,Ii,��.......p,� M1`"`f.'/",',p,/�, '�17, / ll"A/1) , If , , , 01, I I I I 1 1 1! / ,;,,-......�-......�.........fA��',,l �,, I, , , grOti ��l Ir'"I , I / - /" , �,I'I,I �,,,," Ij!'�////"�"/,:"F"Ih"7�,��f-Am", ,/ A-Y' ."/ "I'll 'j" Y'v I 1 1117 1 1 1 u�"W-Wo , I I� I I I I 1 I, C'n,.....1.... ... 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'--///l1 I -11��Iffl,, ,"kil , , , , , / ',it A --.1-1 11-1-11,1, , '"111041)I flipl,w......�W,6...�...� I �",I""),411. - ",-'I'll � 16 1...f"',e,gg,fp,'I,�W-"'�WIA....��............�............O)"i I I,'I, , �",........ '1061. , 1';'1111 na".00........(i �, l, .('-,;,i, , RM .........y/10ill" /N/V -,,,-"-.'�')Z,�'ffl VIRUAlilla, , MMM AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Public Hearing- Flammable Fuel Storage - 1050 Waltham Street PRESENTER: ITEM Teri Ford Director of Greatland NUMBER: Realty Partners; Dina Lloyd, Safety I.2 P artners Inc. SUMMARY: Category: Hearing/Decision-Making Teri F ord, Greatland Realty P artners, and Dina Lloyd, S afety P artners Inc. will b e at the meeting to answer any questions regarding the request for a Flammable Fuel Storage License at 1050 Waltham Street, Parcel 5- 14. The application was reviewed by Fire, Building, Health and Conservation department staff who had no objections to the application. A representative from the Lexington Fire Department will be in attendance at the meeting to answer any questions regarding the attached application. As required, the hearing notice was published in the Minuteman Newspaper and the app lic ant sent the notice to abutters. SUGGESTED MOTION: Motion to (approve/not approve) a Flammable Fuel Storage License for Revolution Labs Owner LLC for the storage, operation and maintenance of flammable and combustible storage at 1050 Waltham Street, Parcel 5-14 as presented. FOLLOW-UP: Select Board Office/Clerk's O ffic e DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 11/28/2022 6:45pm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type I I D larni.,irxilble Fuel Storage I icense application. 1.3dack.up Matefial G— GIS Coordinates -�-L\ `} LEXINGTON LAT. License LONG. Massachusetts General Law, Chapter 148 §13 FP-002 License Number (Rev. 1.1.201 s) p New License J Amended License After notice and hearing, and in accordance with Chapter 148 of the Mass. General Laws, a license is hereby granted to use the land herein described for the purposes described. Location of Land: 1050 Waltham Street: Assessor's Map 05; Parcel I D 5-14 Number,Street and Assessor's Map and Parcel ID Owner of Land: Revolution Labs Owner LLC Address of Land Owner: 1 Federal Street, #1810, Boston, MA 02110 Flammable and Combustible Liquids, Flammable Gases and Solids Complete this section for the storage of flammable and combustible liquids, solids, and gases.All tanks and containers are considered full for the purposes of licensing and permitting. (Attach additional pages if necessary) PRODUCT NAME CLASS MAXIMUM UNITS CONTAINER QUANTITY gal.,lbs, UST,AST,IBC, cubic feet drums Flammable Liquids 1 9100 gallons (Above is for Class 1 b-8800 gallons of gasoline in parked cars&for Class 1 a/1 b/1 c-300 gallons of Tenant stored Flammable liquids) LP- as (Complete this section for the storage of LP-gas or propane) ❖ Maximum quantity(in gallons)of LP-gas to be stored in aboveground containers: List sizes and capacities of all aboveground containers used for storage ❖ Maximum quantity(in gallons)of LP-gas to be stored in underground containers: List sizes and capacities of all underground containers used for storage Total aggregate quantity of all LP-gas to be stored: Fireworks (Complete this section for the storage of fireworks) •'• Maximum amount(in pounds)of Class 1.3G: ❖ Maximum amount(in pounds)of Class 1AG: ❖ Maximum amount(in pounds)of Class 1.4: Total aggregate quantity of all classes of fireworks to be stored: THIS LICENSE OR A CERTIFIED COPY THEREOF MUST BE CONSPICIOUSLY POSTED ON THE LAND FOR WHICH IT IS GRANTED. Explosives (Complete this section for the storage of explosives) ❖ Maximum amount(in pounds)of Class 1.1: Number of magazines used for storage: ❖ Maximum amount(in pounds)of Class 1.2: Number of magazines used for storage: ❖ Maximum amount(in pounds)of Class 1.3: Number of magazines used for storage: ❖ Maximum amount(in pounds)of Class 1.4: Number of magazines used for storage: ❖ Maximum amount(in pounds)of Class 1.5: Number of magazines used for storage: ❖ Maximum amount(in pounds)of Class 1.6: Number of magazines used for storage: Licensing Authority Use: This license is granted upon the condition that the licensed activity will comply with all applicable laws, codes, rules and regulations, including but not limited to Massachusetts General Law, Chapter 148, and the Massachusetts Fire Code (527 CMR 1.00) as amended. The license holder may not store materials in an amount exceeding the capacities herein specified unless and until any amended license has been granted. ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS: Signature of Licensing Authority Title Date THIS LICENSE OR A CERTIFIED COPY THEREOF MUST BE CONSPICIOUSLY POSTED ON THE LAND FOR WHICH IT IS GRANTED. FP-002(Rev. 1.1.2015) Page 2 cn op w o W Z Z 0 0 � � o � U a o 0Cl) 0 U') LL =C a� � O � o � H p Q J � Z m (1) Z Q N .� HQ a LLI O F- �ti W V) � 0 WIJ O w 4-7o O v o � o � � U) asF- Q �� � = �aa � z � oN o = oo Za -0 o = N 2U� JQ � �c � �'oa N a (n QO� � � fl �� °o W � � ` ) co Z O Q o crn Z Cl) � oo L� a. 0 � ZJ � M0 WW � oy L oti J Z � n � o � Dao o w2� oo o � > � Q � o � a U � U> Ko� Cfl N m Cfl N � 2iQ L� Z AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approve Historic Preservation Restriction- 75 Outlook Drive PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: Marilyn F eno llo s a, Historical Commission I.3 SUMMARY: Category:Decision-Making This Historic Preservation Restriction(HPR) is a condition of the Planning Board's approval of a special permit to subdivide and develop this property. The HP R requires the Town, acting through the Historical Commission, to review future interior and exterior changes to the house, barn, and site. This agreement will be recorded at the Registry of Deeds, and is intended to preserve the public's interest in the historic preservation of the property in perpetuity under the terms of the applicable statute, M G L C h. 184 Section 32. The Lexington Historical Commission accepted the form of the Historic Preservation Agreement at their November 16, 2022 meeting. The Massachusetts Historical Commission(MHC)will also approve/sign this Restriction and have reviewed the content. Acceptance and approval by the Select Board is required by the MHC prior to MHC's approval and signature. SUGGESTED MOTION: Move to approve and accept the Historic Preservation Agreement between the Town of Lexington and Alpha Echo 75 Outlook LLC, shown as "Proposed Lot A" on that certain Subdivision Plan titled "75 Outlook Drive, Property Rights Plan of Land Located in Lexington, Massachusetts (Middlesex County) P rep ared for Alph Echo — 75 Outlook, LLC"dated February 25, 2022, revised to May 23, 2022, prepared by Patriot Engineering, Lexington, Massachusetts and recorded in the Middlesex South Registry of Deeds as Plan# 539 of 2022, containing 2 8,064 square feet, more or less, pursuant to said Plan, and further to authorize the Town Manager to sign the agreement. FOLLOW-UP: Lexington Historical Commission DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 11/28/2022 6:50pm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type F) '75 Outlook Drive R-e.servation Restriction. I klickup Material F) 75 Outlook Dnve Photos Backup MIlateilal PRESERVATION RESTRICTION GREEMENT Between THE TOWN of L XIN To And ALPHA ECHO 75 OUTLOOK LLC THIS PRESERVATION RESTRICTION("Restriction") is made on 20225, by and between ALPHA ECHO 75 OUTLOOK, LLC, a Massachusetts Limited Liability Company,with a mailing address of 30 Whipple Road, Lexington,MA 02420,its successors and assigns ("Grantor"), and the TOWN OF L XII GT 1 , a government body and a political subdivision ofthe Commonwealth of Massachusetts, acting by and through its istoriCal Commission pursuant to M.G.L. c. 40 sec. 8D, with a mailing address of 1625 Massachusetts Avenue,Lexington,Massachusetts 02420(the"Town"). WITNESS T : WHEREAS,Grantor is owner In fee simple of certain real property and the improvements thereon located at 75 Outlook Drive in the Town of Lexington,Middlesex County,Massachusetts (hereinafter the"Premises")described on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein, and shown as "`Proposed Lot A'"on that certain Subdivision Plan titled "75 Outlook Drive, Property Rights Plan of Land Located In Lexington,Massachusetts Middlesex County)Prepared for Alph Echo—75 Outlook, LLC"dated February 25,2022, revised to May 23,2022,prepared by Patriot Engineering, Lexington, Massachusetts and recorded in the Middlesex South Registry of Deed (the "Re is ") as Plan # 539 of 2022, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit (the "Subdivision Plan'), being a portion of the property conveyed to Grantor by deed from Pawl L. and Barbara S.Shafer to Grantor dated May 1 ,2021 and recorded in the Registry in Book 7784 , Page 85; WHEREAS, the Premises are improved with that certain two and one half 2-1 2) story building originally constructed in 1910 in the Colonial Revival Style and designed by Willard D. Brown ,,known as the George&Effie Briggs Douse(hereinafter the" ")and associated barn (hereinafter the "' aam".) (House and Barg collectively, the "Euildin and contain significant landscape features (the "Land c i 5) as shown on that certain Site Construction Plan dated November 15, 2021 prepared by Patriot Engineering, a copy of which attached hereto as Exhibit C(the"Site Construction Plan"); The main block of the House faces northwest,standing two-and-a-half stones high on a stone foundation, is surmounted by three chimneys, and is sheathed in clapboard siding notable for the absence of corner boards. A gambrel roof covered in asphalt shingles includes four dormers with 6-over-6 windows capped by pediments on the northwest slope. The goof has projecting eaves with short rafters on both the northwest and southeast elevations. 1 The northwest elevation of the main block has a three-bay fenestration plan with a central entry flanked by two 2-over-9 paned sidelights and sheltered by a partially enclosed pergola supported by fluted Doric columns.The entry door consists of six panels,with the top two filled with bullseye glass. A porch light hangs above the doorway. The enclosed northeast and southwest sides of projecting entrance pergola contain small multi-pane windows.Tint story fenestration on the northwest elevation includes a small, -over-i sash window is found on the first floor north of the entry,and a tripartite window with a simple surround south of the entry,with a central -over--1 sash window flanked by windows with 6-over-1 sash. On the second stoat,the central bay has an 8-over-1 window,and the side bags have paired windows with 6-over-I sash. piazza extends from the southwest elevation of the main block. The piazza is capped with a flat roof and simple cornice supported by Ronan Doric columns. The spaces between the columns contain craftsman style gridded lattice panels. Ribbon windows of four -over-1 sash windows illuminate the northwest and southeast elevations of'the piazza, which is open on its southwest end. A brick exterior chimney rises up the center of the southwest elevation of the main block, flanked on the second story by 6-over-I sash windows with simple surrounds.A cornice extends from either side of the chimney,which on the gambrel face is flanked by smaller 6-over-l sash windows. A two-and- -halftor wing set on a stone foundation extends from the main block on the northeast elevation. It is capped with a gambrel roof with a simple cornice, and is sheathed in clapboard siding.The wing is slightly recessed from the main block along the southeast elevation, and its roofline is slightly lower than that of the main block. Single dormers with -over-I sash and capped her pediments are set on both the northwest and southeast slopes of the roof. The first-floor northwest elevation of the wing contains a 6- over-1 sash window and a tripartite window comprised of smaller 6-over-I sash. The second floor contains two of 6-over-i sash windows. The northeast elevation to the wing consists of a three-bay plan on the first story with a side entrance door at the left bay with a Might of stairs leading to the doorway.The center bay consists of a smaller -over-1 sash window. Below the window is a small shed with a single entrance.The right bay consists f a standard 6-over-i double hung sash window.The second story follows a two-bay plan with 6-over-1 sash windows at each bar. A cornice separates the second story windows, from a twin window centered in the gable end of the wing. The southeast elevation of the wing consists of an irregular two-bay plan. A large tripartite winder can be found at the first bay with 6rover-1 sash windows. Adjacent to the left is a smaller -over-1 sash window. The two bags on the second story have 6-over-l sash windows set at different heights. A brick second chimney extends from the wing"s southeast roof slope, abutting the northeast gambrel face of the main block. The southeast elevation of the main block has a three-bay plan with an open porch in the central bay. A set of stairs leads to the porch that shelters a center entry flanked by full length 1 o-light sidelights. Tripartite windows illuminate the left and right bags on the first story. The tripartite windows have simple surrounds and -over-1 central window 2 flanked by 6-over-I windows.On the second story,the central bay extends above the porch supported by short rafters and simple brackets. This porch bay has a ribbon window consisting ver4 fixed pane end windows booending three pairs of 2-over-4 double leaf windows. The sides of this porch bay also have -oven-4 fixed pane windows. The porch bay has a simple cornice and shed roof with a skylight. The flanking bags on the second story each contain two -over-l sash windows. A shed downer on southeast roof slope of the roof has four -over-1 sash windows, each capped by a pediment, and smaller,offset,double-leafed window between the third and fourth bays.A smaller central Chimney extends from the southeast slope of the roof lust above the dormer. Adjacent to the House to the northeast is a detached one-and- -half story Barn(aka garage) sheathed in clapboard siding,with a simple cornice and asphalt shingled gambrel roof. A small, off-center cupola caps the roo l e. A pair of sled dormers with -over-1 sash windows mark the southwest roof slope, and an extended shed dormer with four - over-l windows is on the northeast slope. The southeast elevation has a doorway and single over-l double hung sash window on the first story. A single -over-I sash window is set ire the gab]e. The southwest elevation has three -over-1 sash windows and a pair of 2-over-2 fixed windows. The northeast elevation has four -over-I double hung sash windows. The northwest elevation of the Barn facing the driveway has the main vehicle entry upped by a simple cornice with a center loft opening above in the gable, flanked by small,three-light elevated windows in a Palladian-style arrangement that is capped with a classical style surround with keystone. A hoist beam projects from the gambrel face of the Barn above the arched opening. The Landscaping on the Premises is marked by a series of pine trees flanking the driveway and screening the Buildings from the street; WHEREAS, the Buildings and Premises are included in the Inventory of Historic and Archaeological Assets of the Commonwealth, are historically significant for their architecture, associations, and/or archaeology, and qualify for the protections of perpetual preservation restrictions under M.G.L. Chapter 14, §§31, 32 and herein # cr the""Act"); WHEREAS, a special permit has been granted to Grantor under Section 6.9 of the Town Zoning Bylaw, "Special Permit Residential Development",which special permit is dated April 6, 2022 and recorded with the Registry in Book 80557,Page 4 ,a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit , and requires as a condition the recording of this Restriction; WHEREAS, the preservation values of the Buildings and Premises are documented in series of reports, drawings and photographs (hereinafter, the `"Baseline Documentation") incorporated herein by reference, which Baseline Documentation the parties agree provides an accurate representation of the Buildings and Premises as of the date of this Restriction; WHEREAS,the Baseline Documentation consists of the following Exhibits A,B,C,D and , all attached hereto and incorporated herein; Legal Property Description (Exhibit A), Subdivision Plan (Exhibit ) , Site Construction Plan(Exhibit Q,Massachusetts Inventory Form , dated July 2000, prepared by Lisa Mausolf(Exhibit I ; eleven l 1 Photographs of Premises taken May,2021 (Exhibit ;and WHEREAS,the Town is interested in the preservation and conservation ofsites,buildings, and objects of local, state and national significance in the Town and is authorized to accept and hold preservation restdctions as defined under the Act; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants and agreements set forth herein, Grantor does hereby irrevocably gram and convey unto the Town this Restriction, which shall apply in perpetuity to the Premises subject to the ten-ns hereof. l. Pulpose. It is the purpose of this Restriction to protect the preservation of the historically significant Buildings, Landscaping and Premises by ensuring that the exterior architectural, historic, and cultural features of the Buildings, Landscaping and Premises will b retained and maintained forever substantially in heir current condition for preservation purposes and to prevent any use or change to the exterior of the Buildings that will materially impair or interfere with the preservation values of the Buildings and Premises. Grantor specifically agrees to retain the gees on the Premises identified as"to be protected"on the Site Construction Plan. 2. Grantor's Covenant to Maintain. Pursuant to the requirements of this restriction, including without limitation,Section 4 hereof,Grantor agrees at a]I tunes to maintain the exterior of the Buildings in at least the same structural condition and stag of repair as that existing on the date of this Restriction as modified in accordance with the Modification Plan, as hereinafter defined, in accordance with all applicable local, state and federal lags, rules, bylaws and regulations(collectively,"L al guir ents"),which include,without limitation,Yhe Secretary of the Interior's Standardsfor the Treatment offfisto4cProperties with Guldelinesfor Preserving, Rehabilitating, Restoring and Reconstructing Historic Buildings (36 C.F.R. 67 and , as they may be amended from time to time (the "Se re 's Standards"). Grantor shall maintain the exterior of the Buildings in goad repair and condition including, without limitation, conducting routine inspections not less than annually and repairing as needed all building components including, without limitation, brick masonry, metal grilles, railings and fences, roofing, dormers and fleshings,gutters and downspouts,all woodwork including cornices,doors,windows,trim and spandrel panels, glass, paint and caulking, The Town does not assume any obligation for maintaining,repairing or admini t r*ng the Buildings. 3. Prohibited Activities. Except as provided in Section 9, demolition, removal or razing of the Buildings or any portion thereof is expressly forbidden. In addition, the following activities arc also expressly forbidden: a The dumping of ashes,trash, rubbish,or any ether unsightly or offensive materials is prohibited on the Premises, except as reasonably required on a temporary basis for Proper maintenance and repair of the Buildings and the Premises; (b) No camping accommodations, mobile homes, or cell towers shall he erected or placed on the Premises. Any other building structures shall be constructed in accordance with all applicable laws, including,without limitation,zoning by-laws; 4 (c) No above ground utility transmission lines,except those reasonably necessary for the Building,may be created on the Premises, subject to utility easements already recorded;and (d) No barrier shall be constructed,erected or allowed to grow on the Premises which would impair the visibility from the street of the Premiss or the Building without the prior written approval of the Town, to be meted or withheld in its sole and absolute discretion. . Conditional li t Requiring,Aooroval of the Town. (a) Except as otherwise provided in this Section 4, changes to the exterior (including fenestration and trim)of the Building, including without limitation, any change to the footprint, size, massing, appearance, materials, ridgeline, windows, doors, exterior clad M* g, foundation, roof, chimneys, exposed heating, ventilating or air conditioning equipment, or other decorative or structural exterior features of the Buildings or any elements attached thereto,and any permanent substantial topographic changes to the Premises including solar arrays are expressly forbidden on, over or under the Premises without the prior express written approval of the Town, which may be withheld or conditioned in the Town's sole and absolute discretion. Notwithstanding the immediately foregoing sentence, alterations listed as "Minor" to the Restriction Guidelines attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit H are considered part of ordinary maintenance and repair and may be made to the Buildings and the Premises without the Town's approval. In addition,the erection of any exte al signs or external advertisements on the Buildings or the Premises shall be subject to all zoningby-laws now or hereafter existing. (b) Should Grantor wish to exercise the conditional rights set out or referred to in Section a above,Grantor shall submit to the Town, for the Town's approval,five 5 copies of a written request that includes a description of the proposed activity(including without limitation plans, specifications and designs where approprlate)with reasonable specificity and timetable for the proposed activity sufficient to permit the Town to monitor such activity, within sixty o days of the Towns receipt of any such request for approval hereunder,the Torn shall certify in writing that i it approves the plan or request,or H it disapproves the plan or request as submitted, in which case the Town shall provldc Grantor with written suggestions for mod ification or a written explanation for the Towns disapproval. Any failure by the Town to act within slay days of receipt of Grantor's submission or resubmission of plans or requests (or such additional time as mutually agreed to by the parties) shall be deemed to constitute approval by the Town of the plan or request as submitted and to permit Grantor to undertake the proposed activity in accordance with the plan or request submitted,so long as the request sets forth the provisions of this Section relating to deemed approval after the passage of time,and provided that nothing herein shall be construed to permit Grantor to undertake any of the activities prohibited hereunder. 5. Conditional Rights Reguiring A. royal of the Massachusetts Historical Commission. The conduct of archaeological activities, including without limitation survey, excavation and artifact retrieval, may occur on the Premises only following the submission of are archaeological field investigation plan prepared by Grantor and approved in writing by the Town 5 and the State Archaeologist of the Massachusetts Historical Commission 1 .G.L. c. 9, § 27C and 950 C.M.R. 0.00 . . Standards for Review. The Torn shall apply the Secretary's Standards whenever exercising any authority,right or privilege created by this Restriction. If the Secretary's Standards are revoked, then the most recent version of the Secretary's Standards, as the case may be, skull apply to this Restriction as if such version,ion had not been revoked unless the revoked Secr t r " Standards are replaced by successor standards, in which event such successor standards shall apply. . Qrantor's Reserved Rights Not Reguiring A2proval of Town. Subject at all tines to the tens and provisions of Sections 3 and 4 of this Restriction,this Restriction does not prohibit, and does not require the Town's approval of, the following rights, uses, and activities of or by Grantor on,over,or under the Premises: (a) the right to engage in all those activities and uses that are permitted by all applicable laws, codes and regulations and are not otherwise inconsistent with the terms and provisions of this Restriction; (b) the aright to maintain and repair the Buildings strictly in accordance with the Secretary's Standards; (c) the right to make changes of any kind to the interior of the Buildings that do not affect i the structural integrity of the Buildings and ii the characteristics that contribute to the architectural,archaeological,or historical integrity of the exterior of the Buildings;and (d) the right to make the approved alterations as shown on the plan entitled"Douse l Restoration",prepared by Alpha Echo Design and Development and dated August ,202 i,a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit F (the"Modification Plan"). g. Casualty Damage r Destruction. In the event that the Buildings or any part thereof shall be damaged or destroyed by fire or other casualty,Grantor shall promptly notify the Town to writing (but in no event later than fourteen 1 days after such casualty), such notification including what, if any,emergency work has been completed. No repairs or reconstruction of any type other than temporary emergency work to prevent further damage to the Buildings or to protect public safety shall be undertaken by Grantor without the Town's prior written approval. Within sixty o days of the date of damage or destruction, if required by the Town,mentor at Grantor"s expense shall submit to the Town a written report prepared by a qualified restoration architect and an engineer acceptable to the Town,which report shall include the following a are assessment of the nature and extent of the damage to the exterior and interior of the Buildings-, (b) a determination of'the feasibility of the repair and restoration of the exterior of the Buildings or the damaged or destroyed exterior portions thereon; and 6 (c) a detailed description of the repair and restoration work necessary to return the exterior of the Buildings to the condition existing as of the date of this Restriction as modified in accordance with the Modification Plan. 9. Review AfterCasuafty Damme or Destruction. (a) If,after reviewing the report required in Section 8 and assessing the availability of insurance proceeds after satisfaction of any mortgagee's/lender's claims under Section 11, Grantor and the Town agree that the purpose of this Restriction will be served by such restoration/reconstruction, Grantor and the Town shall establish schedule under which Grantor shad complete the restoration/reconstruction o the Building in accordance with plans and specifications consented to by the parties to at least the total of the casualty insurance proceeds available to the Grantor. (b) If,after reviewing the report and assessing the availability of the insurance proceeds after satisfaction of any mortgagee"s lender's claims under Section 9, Grantor and the Town agree that restoration/reconstruction of the Property and/or the Building is impractical or impossible,or agree that the purpose of this Restriction would not be served by such restoration/reconstruction,Grantor may,, with the prior written consent of the Town,alter,demolish,remove or raze the Building and/or construct new improvements on the Property. In such event, Grantor and the Town may agree to seek to extinguish this Restriction in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and Section 1 hereof. (c) If,after reviewing the rcport and assessing the availability of insurance proceeds, Grantor and the Town are unable to agree that the purpose of this Restriction will or will not be served by such restoration/reconstruction,the matter may he referred by either party to binding arbitration and settled in accordance with the Commonwealth of M s chusetts arbitration statute then in effect,and all other applicable laws,rules,and regulations. 10. Tom. Grantor shall pay immediately,when first due and owing,all general taxes, special takes, special assessments, water charges, server service charges, and other charges that may become a lien on the Premises. 11. Insurance. From and after the date of this Restriction, Grantor shall keep the Buildings insured by an insurance company rated "A" or better by A.M. Best for the full replacement value against loss from the perils common l r insured under standard fire and extended coverage policies and comprehensive general liability insurance against claims for personal injury, death and property damage, which policy shall be endorsed to include the Town as an additional insured. Premises damage insurance shall include change in condition and building ordinance coverage, in form and amount sufficient to fully replace the damaged Buildings without cost or expense to Grantor or contribution or coinsurance#Torn Grantor except for a standard deductible. Grantor shall deliver~to the Town upon the execution and recording hereof, certificates of such insurance coverage naming the Town as loss payee and additional insured and requiring not less than thirty days' prior written notice to the Town before expiration or termination of any such policy. Grantor shall provide to the Town replacement certificates of insurance satisfying the terms and conditions of this Section 1 l at least fifteen 1 days prior to the expiration or termination of any such policy or as otherwise required by the (Town. Notwithstanding the foregoing, whenever the Premises is encumbered with a mortgage, nothing contained in this paragraph shall jeopardize the prior claim, if any,of the mortgagee to such insurance proceeds. 12. Condemnation. 1f all or any part of the Premises is taken under the power of eminent domain by a public authority or is otherwise acquired by such authority through a purchase in l ieu of a taking, Grantor may commence appropriate proceedings at the time of such taking to recover the fui I value of Grantor's interest in the Premises,subject to such taking and all incidental and direct damages resulting therefrom. 13. Extinguishment. Grantor and the Town hereby recognise that circumstances may arise that may make impossible the continued ownership or use of the Buildings in a manner consistent with the purpose of this Restriction and necessitate extinguishment of the Restriction. Such circumstances may include,but are not limited to,partial or total destruction of the Buildings resulting from casualty. Extinguishment must he the result of a judicial proceeding in a court of competent jurisdiction and shall meet the requirements of the Act for extinguishment. In the event of any sale of all or a portion of the Property or of any other property received in connection with are exchange or involuntary conversion of the Property),the proceeds of such sale shall be paid to Grantor. 14. written Notice. Any notice which either Grantor or the Town may desire to give or be required to give to the other party shall be in writing and shall be delivered by overnight courier postage prepaid,registered or certified mail with return receipt requested,or hand delivery as follows: To the Town: Chair, Lexington Historical Commission Town of Lexington 1625 Massachusetts Avenue Lexington, MA 02420 With copies to: Town Manager Town of Lexington 1625 Massachusetts Avenue Lexington,MA 02420 And to: Anderson&Kreiger LLP o Milli Street,21s'Floor Boston,MA 02109 Attn: Lexington Town Counsel To Grantor; ALPHA ECHO 75 OUTL O& LLC 30 Whipple Road Lexington,NIA 02420 Each party may change its address set forth herein by written notice to the other party given pursuant to this section. 15. Inse�ction. The Town shall be permitted at reasonable times and upon reasonable notice to Grantor to enter on and inspect the Premises and the Buildings t0 determine whether Grantor'is in compliance with the terms of this Restriction, 16. Town's Remedies. The Town may, following prior written notice to Grantor, institute suits to enjoin any violation of the terms of this Restriction by ex parle, temporary, preliminary or permanent injunction, including without limitation prohibitory and/or mandatory injunctive relief,and to rewire the restoration of the exterior of the Buildings to the condition and appearance required under this Restriction. The Town shall also have available all legal and other equitable remedies to enforce Grantor's obligations hereunder. In the event any civil action 'i commenced and Grantor is found to have violated any of Grantor's obligations or is otherwise liable under this Restriction,Grantor shall reimburse the Town for any costs or expenses incurred in connection with the Town's enforcement of the term of this Restriction, including without limitation all reasonable court costs, and attorney, architectural, engineering and expert witness fees. 17. tuns with the Lard. Grantor intends, declares and covenants on behalf of itself and its successors and assigns i that this Restriction and the covenants, agreements and restrictions contained herein shall be and are covenants running with the land, encumbering the Premises for the term of this Restriction, and are binding upon Grantor's successors in title, ii are. not merely personal covenants of Grantor, and iii shall bind Grantor, its successors and assigns and inure to the benefit of the Town and its successors and assigns for the term of the Restriction. 18. Pll o�u_e. Grantor agrees that the Town may provide and maintain a plague on the Premises, which plaque shall not exceed 6 inches by 24 inches in size, giving notice of the significance of the Buildings and the existence of the Restriction. The plaque and its placement upon the Premises are subject to the written approval by grantor prior to installation,such approval not to be unreasonably withheld. 19. Title;Authority. Grantor hereby represents,covenants and warrants as follows: (a) motor is a duly organized, lawfully existing limited liability company in good standing under the laws of Massachusetts and Grantor's execution of this Restriction has been authorized by all requisite action on the part of grantor. (b) The execution and performance of this Restriction by Grantor i will not violate any Provision of law, rule or regulation or any order of any court or other agency or governmental body,and ii will not violate any provision of any indenture,agreement,mortgage, mortgage note, or other instrument to which Grantor is a party or by which it or the Premises is bound,and iii will not result in the creation or imposition of any prohibited encumbrance of any nature. (c) Grantor represents and warrants to the Town that the Property is not subject o any mortgages, liens,or leases prior in right to this Restriction. Grantor agrees not to eater into or permit other mortgages, liens or leases affecting the Property prig in right to this Restriction. (d) Grantor shall timely pay all contractors and/or laborers performing work or providing materials for the Buildings or the Premises so not to cause or permit any liens, including without limitation mechanics' or materialrnens' liens, to be recorded against the Premises. Any such liens recorded against the Premises shall be removed by Grantor or bonded over within thirty days thereafter. o. Submissions and Notices to the Town.Any submission or notice required under this Restriction to be made to the Town shall be made in writing to the Town Historical Commission and Town ManageTas set forth in Section 14. if the flown does not respond to any such submission or notice within the timeframes prescribed above, it shall be deemed approved. 21. Assignment. The Town may, at its discretion without prior notice to Grantor, convey, assign or transfer this Restriction to a unit of federal, Mate or local government or to local,state or national charitable corporation or trust qualified under the Act,whose purposes,inter al ,include the preservation of buildings or sites of historical significance,provided that any such conveyance,assignment or transfer requires that the purpose for which the Restriction was granted will continue to be carried out. 2. l- c- r n Effective Dom. Grantor shall do and perform at its own cost all acts Necessary for the prompt recording or filing of this Restriction in the Registry,and shall transmit evidence of such recording or filing,including the date and instrument number and book and page or registration number of this Restriction, to the Town. Grantor and the Town intend that the restrictions arising under this Restriction shall take effect on the day and year that this instrument is recorded at the Registry. 23. Amendment. This Restriction may only be amended by mutual agreement of the Grantor and the Town, acting by and through its Historical Commission, in a written instrument recorded in the Registry,provided that no amendment shall be made that will advtarsely affect the qualification of the Restriction or the status of the Town under the law of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Any such amendment shall be consistent with the protection of the preservation values of the Buildings and the Premises and the purpose of this Restriction;triction; shall not affect its perpetual duration; shall not permit any private inurement to any person or entity; and shall not adversely impact the overall architectural and historic values protected by this Restriction. Any such amendment shall be effective when the requirements of the Act with respect to amendments have been met and the amendment is recorded with the Registry. Nothing in this paragraph shall l r * Grantor r the Town t agree t any amendment r t consult or negotiate regarding any amendment. . Entire A eeee...t. This restriction reflects the entire agreement between the parties. Any prior or simultaneous correspondence, understandings, agreements, and representations are null and void upon execution hereof, unless set out in this Restriction, 2 . Goveming Laver. This Restriction shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. 26. Invalidity Particular Provisions. If any teas or provision of this Restriction, or the application thereof to any person or circumstance shall, to any extent, be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Restriction, or the application of such term or provision to persons or circumstances other than those as to which it is held invalid or unenforceable,shall not be affected thereby, and each tern and provision of this Restriction shall be valid and be enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law. 7. Counter arts.This Restriction may be executed in several counterparts and by each party on a separate counterpart,each of which when so executed and delivered shall be an original, but all of which together shall constitute one instrument. [Remainder ofpage intentionally left blank] ll Executed under seal as of the date first written above. GRANTOR: ALPHA ECHO 75 OUTLOOK,LLC A53?. "'E-�ardo Alvarez,Manager COMMONWEALTH of MASSACHUSETTS COUNTY OF n this�day o 2' 02�,be 'ore one,the undersigned notary public,personally appeared Eduardo Alvarez,proved to one through satisfactory evidence of identification,which was personal knowledge,to be the person whose name is signed on the preceding or attached document and acknowledged to me that he signed it voluntarily for its Mated purpose as Manager of ALPHA ECHO 75 OUTLOOK,, LLC. au i1q, Notary Public: Alit .t) AACCaq>e My Commission Expires: -- ���� �*err#**� 0 � •* #, l � , TP'. 46 u ACCEPTANCEof RESTRICTION The Histories Commission of the Town of Lexington, Massachusetts,pursuant t M.G.L. c. 40 Section 1 ,hereby accepts the foregoing Preservation Restriction with ALPHA ECHO 75 OUTLOOK,LLC,as grantor,and the Town of Lexington,as grantee,with the Lexington Historical Commission as its agent. Town of Lexington By its Historical Commission By: Nanne: Susan Bennett Title: Chair,duly authorized COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUS TTS Middlesex, ss. n this day oVi?Ymhe(2022, before rune, the undersigned notary public, personally appeared Susan Bennet#, Chair of the Lexington Historical Commission, who proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification,which was personal knowledge,that she was the person whose name is signed on the preceding documcnt and acknowledged ledged t rde tit she signed it voluntarily and for its stated purpose, as Chair of the Lexington Historical C ��'°° ion. Noty Public My commission e . ires: � �6 � � LI A MAGI E Notary Public amrnonwoaith of ftmowhusaft y Commission Expires J* 28,r 2028 13 CERTIFICATE OF 'COTE OF THE LEXfNOTDN HISTORICAL COMMISSION his is t certi that at a meeting of the Lexington Historical Commission duly held n theday f 022,the Historical Commission voted as follows: VOTED: To approve the Preservation restriction Agreement between ALPHA ECHO 75 O r"' LOOT ,LL B as grantor,and the TOWN OF LEXINGTON,acting by and through its Historical Commission,as grantee, substantially in the form presented at the Ik - 2022 meeting of the Historical Commission, with final changes to be approved by the Chair of the Historical Commission in her reasonable discretion in consultation with town counsel; and VOTED: To authorize the Chair of the Historical Commission to execute and accept said Preservation restriction Agreement on behalf of the Historical Commission. ry d ldeete Town C er 2022 COMMONWEALTH OF MASS CHUSETTS Middlesex,SS. n this day of 2022, before rye, the undersigned notary public, personally appeare Mary de Alderete,Town Clerk of the Town of Lexington,who proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification, h w personal knowledge, that she was the person whose name is signed on the preceding do ent and acknowledged to me that she signed it voluntarily and for its stated purpose. ry PU My ccrnrni ion expires: Notary Public ' C, rnmonwealth of Maumhus6ft my commission spires January St 2029 14 APPROVAL AND ACCEPTANCE OF RESIRICTION At a meeting duly held on - ,2022,,the Select Board of the Town ofLexington voted to approve and accept the foregoing Preservation Restriction with ALPHA ECHO 75 OUTLOOK, LLC, as motor, and the TOWN OF LEXINGTON, as grantee, with the Lexington Historical Commission as its agent, and also to find that said Restriction is In the public interest, in accordance with M.G.L. c. 40 Section 8D. Town of Lexington By its Select Board y. Name:Jaynes Malloy Title:Town Manager,duly authorized COMMONWEALTH MASSACHUSETTS Middlesex,,s . n this day of -- 2022, before me, the undersigned notary public, personally appeared Jaynes Malloy,Town Manager of the Town of Lexington,who proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification, which was personal knowledge, that he was the person whosc name is sign d on the preceding document and acknowledged to me that he signed it voluntarily and for its stated purpose,as Tory Manager of the Town of Lexington. Notary Pubfle My commission expires: CERTIFICATE OF VOTE OF THE L XINGT N SELECT BOARD To whoa it May Concern: As Executive Clerk to the Lexington Select Board, I certify the following: At its duly called and publicly posted meeting of 2022, [bar roll call] the Lexington Select Board voted II - I to approve and accept the foregoing Preservation Restriction with ALPHA ECHO 75 OUTLOOK,L C,as grantor,and the Historical Commission ofthe Town f Lington,as grantee,and also certify that at said meeting the Select Board made a finding that said Restriction is in the public interest, in accordance with M. .L e.40 Section gl . Kim Kat enback Executive Clerk m...................M,.,.m,m, ,,m w�N�o 2022 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Middlesex,ss. n this day of 2022, before nee, the undersigned notary public, personally appeared Kim Katzenback, Executive Clerk of the Select Board of the Town of Lexington,who proved to nee through satisfactory evidence of identification,which was personal knowledge, that she was the person whose name Is signed on the preceding document and acknowledged to roe that she signed it voluntarily and for its stated purpose,as Executive Clerk of the Select Board of the Town of Lexington. Notary Public My Commission expires: llll APPROVAL BY THE M&S..SACHUSETTS ISM' iC COMMISSION The undersigned hereby certifies that the foregoing preservation restrictions have been approved pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 194, Section 32. By: Marne: Brona Simon Title: Executive Director and Clerk, Massachusetts Historical Commission COMMONWEALTH OF MASSA.CHUSETTS COUNTY OF n this day of_.. o , before tree,the undersigned notary public,personally appeared l ro a Simon, proved to nee through satisfactory evidence of identification, which was personal knowledge, to be the person whose name is signed on the preceding or attached document and acknowledged to me that s/he signed it voluntarily for its stated purpose, as Executive Director and Clerk ofthe Massachusetts Historical Commission. Notary Public: My Commission Expires; EX IT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PREMISES Land with the improvements thereon located at 75 Outlook Drive in the Town of Lexington, Middlesex County, Massachusetts,and shown as"Proposed Lot A"on that certain Subdivision Plan titled'1175 Outlook Drive,Property Rights Plan of Land Located in Lexington, Massachusetts(Middlesex County) Prepared for Alph Echo—75 Outlook,LLC"dated February 25,2022,revised to May 23,2022,prepared by Patriot Engineering,Lexington, Massachusetts and recorded in the Middlesex South Registry ofDeeds as Plan#539 of 2022, containing 28,064 square feed more or less,pursuant to said Plan. EXHIBIT B SUBD1VISiON PLAN Phan 539 of 2022 [See attached] 19 Irr�'%�nrir IV r >riirirm oirr.rir r///rriiir rriii iitr-.e rrrr "..rr i rr rar..r, r", _� o r rrr r�orr�rr iir�niiiii„r„r rrrr.r,..oiir�ririrr iiim rr..rn ro�. l.. r rrr, -r","r rrrrr r.""rr rrr rr. r, r r.=i.o„rr,.,r�im.oiimor.,m. r ir.ra roiiiioi irrrrrrr.rmr irrr i I rir �iri"r iron rrii rrniinra�.ioi!i ormi r-nii rirrJ..rr.rnr r,ar rr r"roo o���iaior�ien,�r„i ran ro.on r.rrr,rrr.oi roiri/i�rrr r�i�rir r/ioiir rmimrii r i r�o r Ir r r r r r r d v I rnic v It I 1 M� �'�u 1I �i !I ,'Iw ?°,i "' Flu" a Kati I � I" ° n y I��V,1 I� I a�.9tl 116�' �� ��;. , ��P�46��" �re,''PW�I",�h IubW4lob�� A �m''I�III �W�U�I��P n k �I P IU..MUW'h IIW 16��N 9'�Io P� W I ' mpg n° m 'n law I Wa� �I r, �� ,� IIIII ull IIIII 1100ri Va ij we IN p �r m o r 'I sae I li�rl III11, „�'Ib<a �m 4h �a� J/III I.III, III ; ., ✓" a p r (, IV IIIII 11 III 'III'IIII tlr "de° , il� ��- I�' baNN 61 ilnl low IV a IN u° � I %, 'u 'm C 111 III Illy'ulll'Inu I1 1ii, I INC U III IIII M pr 9 n oEA .'is 'III 'W a I �D ji u mlp & gym, "III,IIII III lily tr INNW IN '°°41 x mm q r� RIN u. ml IIII I I,p J,10, PW I I III�� III "a I� ICI' �I I� dillla'W P l °° I l ,°a Nlaff 'u n % ury pp N, ref dl' VI ti I �x h �n i � oa� I tlb I� Idu""1' II w �''lillli,f(I�rr W ,fig ���il', IIII;III',��',I"ll', Ip. % Im ITV III ^� U'16 m I� I� I Ilh '� m. � 00 NJ$aD" t. m a. 10 I m1 � I IW III Lmw I 'IIW W lit . a� IN I .a ma, Ana I II,W &0 INN W lit WON I IV It ro to Imo. I Im � I� III aAjqj� I °am uIIV N. Ua i�IP Inl'm� IIIPIII ��� rII II I� II It 010 II 'I W S&ii,"ou rr yoL lot dP°'nlil' IIIII'V 7� P "'co- tl®i m'' prom P °Ili' NO uuu � as � IOW �° „mn '��I'�W"° 'nr„ ��. ;;'�I�, '�u �Imp I � Ilha,�. IW" °°°m In m �-�� °"°°" Ito �I'"� aka��wt��'�� .��� � ��d I gipp' IIIII !'°IUI, „��la'a°°��'�'���" U � mh " � re� Nz ° 14 �UI II P m 'I � �II'WIgo ' dly u ly' It out! � ,; y, 111,it lug ° AN, 71� IV in re � � ��" 'D i� �w IIIIII � ......... ti IIII II Id• � � III III ill I Po m.I'I o�� gill ore„ ib ' TZ m, a Up Up I w�° �Parc idU'g � r� o VINI loll "'P I �ry du.. i I� i R m I� IP u EXHIBIT C SITE CONSTRUCTION PLAT [See Attached] W OHM ffd7V 02374dow 77 MUM xn3vmv pow-M IWO 2 RUT La ROMYSM WaWAM27 0 7T77am 0 POW Air 4ffjzwaw iff"IWOMM Nrld NOMDO&MOL ffulnoulsua JLofujLvd ZAMT M00=0 9z kill lid ................ IL Fli, I 1 fi Ili, 0 1 4 i 0 1 of. r/o, 11111 fib ti p! bo Is ib larl I I I I t I- oil cat 1�k me d WON I low fit tv Ix 10 e eL Sr fit ZIP gill 22 EXHIBIT MASSA HUS T'TS HISTORICAL COMNUSSION INVENTORY FORM (See Attached] I�ooqp 13, m ultn"bieir UlSillirlS,lQuallild ilki"ela,11(s) Form M[lauf1bilier IN P. I I II(DIlL BI F. 9 41 illif"41119,lik IDEAll DY11 1� m ........... I eximixtian, lip riiiapliwin F n, I I IF Irge) Fai )i lip 11 )K . . ............. 'A If,— lip nivic 71' A II .Ild 117"Ill J 15 roil 111: 11IRM11110", 111173,CiD 11194- Elffie,Bl��Iggvs Ffioitilspe; al as"a, P� 1, Fill 11 IF R Ins;P IF Fie im 'Ir� III Pr ,w IF A Lillsts o-Itl � ol ni q p pp�� pp� p� � p Arlichl[cliry@ II Inb R" ppil lip 1111 r P I),110 i d c,'Ipa lbaairid P III J I I I I I I I ....I I....I......I min -hin R i C)�124N I q ,-V:O4PAAPw -.-Foiod,i,,,o 11113 IkIp"Ph'�Mit sl 1, g I'lle pplipllipp�l I VI h "lillip Ali , , ."I I % IF, lolo di JIF"_im loodoo ��"PI°nL 00 III ^Ih9n III" III i hl VIlip Poll ii bill 1[010' j 11 do i if.I,p 1!1V 0 oop 10110 ql� 4�#, 0 ,11 1 Aq, oi 110 P IF PI oN I pol I" I' III IF, 'I I IN d' odi k ,I I Jr., plp N, pit IsFu 11N,1 010 1 0 %- IN,OL I wid IF -Ap VI o a I VIO'I o 1-Ii,-,,h I��i:I,,I I F ol WICtl 1`11i,OF, IF IN ;l',I ,",11,1 j,, I i I pi 11 FI dol si'N. ".111"i �0, IF A, p$j�,I 1 0 IN ol pill I F or, 16 OF III, ill 1 1 ,6 4 ;iii I F; 16 lli�I,1) painag 011,lip p I ,,Ili ilp oil I JFII oll"ll;ol F1 po.,fi qmdL,FW lF LL��J I or Is. Ir Nip J ill pl F,iirI F �Jjjil I, I oil '01 �olrch I poll NI I I 0,10IFF Sill' 'lip IWIF I dol 11 NFI P Ol I A IF OV �Lq,INto "I'll , , r II IV,��I 11114 NIP, 00 IN IF, J I %] III I I P 1 ill �III pl, Inw Ito-FooIry F.F.,00 l IF IT po Fl,I'd la 11111111 oa II % it tj le lip VII ha 11,Z21 lip pid, F6 I,it .F -p i-�rjj� Fpq 5,111 pi 1; Noop(l ill"ll F0OfI5IIpppiI#J1I I)IVI Ii,Ii I�1,-11 111, Njis FFAak ze I NI Flip,im ll�; iN p' 0 lap I Ni, PIII�IIIIIIIIN d FI Or IF 11l 41"1 I< lip f",p ii IF di dr ,ilp�p lip ji�ll pp,"',pi dll'ID`110`11P,111(nt F/0 IPAOJ L 4 1� III lip, is'"tl YJH. II i Vn jl� 17111.1l lic.a 1�2o,11101]h c-Iltnailltvu I, Ulan l' I; IIII i�ll� ;nnl�,"nl� Iian a bi id Nd lol ir,a BUILDING `III (lllll�i "n Ir 1 M RIVI III a„I o m, ) nu,� d': �I .,,�I I Il,,, nulll��I "1,n, T d���nalP ���I ; III o I IVII' I ,n m „III IIII,I m �il " i II I,a of('I III' I'�I IIII J,?,, Imw If IIIII°Id l-P III �ll 111 11j,,/ I I III,�I Idln it �IIPI' �dd ' Ill dl�'rllh "�" "�Id IIIIII r� �""�III!'� '�'dll,.��Crijul,II Id� llll' IIII Idl ail Constructed � � ���� lu� . uu � � I. '� W P'N, I.„��t in "the I, ��,��� Oaks �� ���, ,s ml �"Y�pp' l o e n°IIw��dll'I�' ., 1 a�uG ll�i 111, J VI) �the, �I I,nlll��� ���d� ..m'r u��� �. �I ln' �"r I14w��IMdfui�^�� � �� ��I I�,� �i �i� u �'IIII' milli, '� 'wN" �alw�" � all " jpu xk all IIII designed '��m Wi °' dl°1 nd ue up�ry W III nµ u�� ,aa�1l'�,,. development ' ��I.Wu illlu 41 ��I 1, ar ItlINu � m It ''u'� � �IIII,,, '" u'"W� 1-+'ll�rd �r I,it tlllis one ''���his s I'll �i� l� I :Colonial, ine���� ��� �� P uIP �"' N^���� �� aIP' " �° ull��� ^y III' I�� ��„p� ����I��� �m� �� a �� !u'I 6 amul� I���I����. �I ���� �I,wi.I�IW'!Att-uu�,�ll"�-"ul ���I�Imj o�l olo I Revival 11� i t II � .I � ins enc evident i „ �e I� ,� , o II , I,��lay un uo- ",i aP i�Ilia ill °���d���Illlie °� ����� �� a�� nn mr Ili �� ����Ll��III � ���lui '-'I i�� mp' "xH' I I'�l�� I.. p I. h' �, meet����� ell ling Iss the „ells � � "' o � I � The. mI„� a house useblock, 30 li 'bays and wI a k-e p o" wi side n�ur&lf a,,livmg m�Ill� •r N�� ln ig.i m two-bays Ilr nµ � set , r� �� �, with IIII°'��„ � ,� �� l� , �� °`I, pd aur�;zz ��l, tit ° On dtie a In liouse block d , ."i e� jecti i ,� ca-vwhichare ,I rat'� short amllll � ors i ertte entry IIII w m „� lse e s ur fl,3e door,i. � e con tams�� '�� °�I I���I �� ,,,, �. upper'�, �I � � �„�� �: � re �' „ IIII Paries sin mn. Ilmnnl i e entrance;is ulll'a'� at fially enclosedof sui,;)ported by 11uted colutrin.s. F to ot'i consists o' I " " i om l" I ' �risea x of i � au u 1 „ w �,W n as 6lll11 o' III11 monw trom the front ' n Is " � n �� along 1p g 'ml front o1 c piazzaI III o, m Continuous dl " and � levy ion s� e mi leftopen,. A, r r e in e is lenrident in.d°ie griddedn . u-t panel etvv u and „,�,, ,,, �. � gym, nl'' °. �� � �� I�� �n ' I I �� corner� �, � � I� ..��„I ay % :J iie coluni s an �i,� e bear eifi i �I dl m " cent' ' 3h WW o' d s I f I held W t egarage � � a I gI � � L , I �' �� "Y oars to togs Ia o'iIs incrIcam ftt the P, beeti moved close l the house ,,,. neId. It no t rests, Clad) w,,"foundation. I II iore is a ' ���� �� "� aoor I. ��� W �nont I"NN ••..Poo door w I.... i �n� Imuast, ..I'" l log ne,ally "' al;! ,i IIIII IIIII,��..Icd@I '„ wl illll�' 1iISTI I III" I u�� Ip�n I'.III p,�, ��� � ,el ,I� II'� se „d ul l buI 1 Ids a d � IIII IIII'P' III I ll ep °„ P I�e Il i ill III WIIIIR Ilm IIII' III II�µl °III I III dll�l , CIO' MIII"III''ll III I yll l' um ., 1 llm�I m' I dp 'III'�. IIII Illf III' '� M I� awuu " yl u� Po� ,,, ')I "� ,r°I III ", rig, � so ate '�, in, 11 k ��� .,,, 1`1III''���I� '� ��. � ��,µ �I �' ', " "' I�,,,I�I��, ;,I �I � �� G,; �' �I W m �I�' III IIII uu���,wml,uu �, s wIII�s III " � Illen inn m a I l v III r by ItIve, '.o i year oI IIIII m- cil I� n °fully I ��i all "� " Ili i �IIIIIIII� �'i ��' � ��� �� l i IiWN °1 � m n�� III. °1� n� I I� �� Ills�Im '�I mn ' a li. ilm' lot. .d I � I first y. � �In III' pr Ili W ��� �'s gned �flM 'm IIII Willard � W �II�� X'' n 'I � �',Ilf;;�l„ffi � m ulU, I, �� IIII „I� l � itl subdivision. Briggs n� the,president o" nnllll 'I Iw ill, n Brig Brigp Wnily n�,,, i o m ld tom e you n � ,, �, 19401s. n ��l '� and ��„�i .' I' �"° fh-ian �' '�" � a' to 993 �� it was �I t1le p resent, '�" llV u� dw�� Intl � Q°"�l"m��� Y w 0.alr� fair mi I„�� IIII un V' In aY li IIII W III41Ili c,ul m� Pik P Vr l' � f r th ,rhe aks pment was utged by xrt.hur H n, a pe, II I ���� � I � w� I. ��and n" � III � Commission �d Boston,br�term years n ,I�� c n one`IIIII° o m i�, ,�boulevards. I I��II� ,s n r „o was tll4 nmll���fll,,,uu I o �111 ,I n lµIIII' n� Lex IP alll'r m e I" e , vari,c w dates. I"e �tom o m is NW'n fPoh � .'uINWr'dates, APP c ' n�„� � ""n ��, ml° ���� lo!;��' i U`�r l ��„ l I� ,,,,m �"�� �Places. � ��,� „� ��"'µ mm pu�, 1,�,. l lll��I I Ill' P'"�' � � list n atlo �I.:111 . � I�� ��i �o1� , � laces. d1j �IIIIk: I�'11�In� II �lu II I llllll 25 Massachusetts Historicat Commission �iII����iQ �, �4"��:'°�" i� '��"��illn'�I i�°° '220 Morrissey Boulevard Boston, Massachusetts 02125 ]Liaxin Area(s) pn)i'I�,I�''°,I� InilC ry National Register of k Places Croitena Statement Checkll that ly- ED Individually eligible Eligible in a historic district Contributing ,, historic i m Potential f ic district Criteria- A Li Criteriai ratio : A B u E Statement of Significance by: Lisa MaUSOlf - `e Georgen Effie ,rigg u 75 Outlook rig nie is criterion C for individual listing g n the National Register a -N promirmit Uxington architect. The house and associated The house is also novable as the dcsign of Willard Bro\m a carriag(,;,, use display a high lex-el of integrity of location,design, scaing,materials,\vorluiianship,feeling and association I i JI(I 1 4 111;11111;VV III,1 11 11 11 q1I JI 11 �' ��i,ii][", Property Addriess, R 11"S11IoI,I"1 rw Le.xi ngton 175 Oufloak'Dnlvem Ix D111 Area o, :N 111 I N 1.1�09 2 V P illmw, @ d�.�. _ wn I, if �,,,Jjp `V�,M�11111 "A I h I �,,,,6 W/'U,61 ........I I ........I............. ................. ............ You '"777tZ ra; A r I JI JI, or J, r..,Iur '14 V TI xf iMk M, .............I Aj W, 'TO w It IF nrD I. � wew v dr e �>','`� ��fr� r,^rma�� A !„' � rt I Vr h fi m III T Z! F � IO N 1 IF i "1 nLv lf A .i , . F1, QSA) 1 .) I,(i . , M to JW it r ):II F olf lo EXHIBIT L BASELINE PHOTOGRAPHS PHS OF BUILDINGS AND PREMISES Photo#1.Northeast and Northwest Elevations of Bari and Northeast and Northwest Elevations of House. May,2021 Photo#2,Northwest Elevation of House. May,2021 Photo# .Northwest and Southwest Elevations of House. May,2021. Photo# .Northwest and Southwest Elevations of House. May,2021. Photo# . Southwest and Southeast Elevations of House and Southwest Elevation of Barn. May, 2021. Photo#6. Southeast elevation of House.May, 2021. Photo V. Southeast Elevation of House and Southwest Elevations of Barn.May,2021. Photo# . Southeast Elevation of House and Southeast Elevations of Barn. Photo .Northeast and Southeast Elevations of Barn. May,2021. Photo#10. Northeast Elevation of Barn.May,2021. Photo#11.Northeast Elevation of Barn and Northeast Elevation of House.May,, 21. 2 it fli qiY �4 I �r I� lD r ri r �htiy,��ea �r IIIIIIj�� JF rr )Ifp rl!05 o R Ilfwr��ut^ IPs�"' 1 wn ..r� raYl �1MuV'�plrfit f��A r�r^U'. �i r��J�'a/ ., u'DJr✓R�,�0(p�'y r 'w a i '�e, �,,,��., r»�s�� ri/ N' 1�w� �li✓ ra H 1�� /r r l��� � 4 �p1avf�uG r%%flyo ra O/I ° �j� 111 r4crOwilGI��JIY��If��r�l��i. (q'l(sywul( �v ikr�!um.�JJ�ii(1�PIr llNk ���, / e�iuw fl rr p miuuuvtt'.. roiwr, � ai"iild'„rl �Gi it �" f�I�9�i�ia/iU J l�J iofr luu i�iWl� i,u✓ii�r ANY iu(if�iV r✓ r�N�r y"�i� j`�(fI °rr rrm r�rvnx r w�� p�VV�R�rrdrN''"p'f�im a%J Grr%trl�Unii�jrr�/ w rr r��Jr%rrlloi rigf udJ ri uy r�, w,%�lv� nVElv��"✓Iii(lrrl� r r�r// o no Gi r(�YY, m HJr r S r i r lr r Y("If U or If 1�1!` r«�Twa rrirr�rr�rrlllmlrr ivil1r% muN��r`�u �lrrll w✓w i��/��(��lu�i f/�:r �1ri�J,///r {{ f ma J�f�rir�f i� hlr�/r�,�r Y�r fdiilVi �r>3��1✓r��1l�aiN�V'�i"mU➢rtf�r Di r��%l tl""wi it����Fa ii r afr - � r� .wv>�/jrr�ur uPr'�Al�".: >!fl / w�( VyJ°,NY��,Ur�������I�%��}��"�a�ri G���ro�r�%/y%I ,, F e,;, ✓rq/,,;,;. �';,ri r'r'r�,, �, r ikA%ir.r � o����"✓� 1l�h�r 1 pi mr "�o r Ilrr '(a i%a u r r�rrfpii r Mr y '�,� r✓ir%%rr? ^u% �% r r�r rrr /r r �. i «q w jow wry'P �D�� ui rt����Vv��q�AI���� �l�f r'� i� �➢ � �� ,,, f�i J � �%r 1, ,�V�nyIII �i✓�r�u ' �i( �i(N�� « r�^if / rf�1w rj r�.y , �(>>�`VUU f����i(9'""'.,,�rv���I J✓�o I,/Av ��r rrUf�lY',�; ��i��w%�i�III YI�r/�II�l ' frl ti o p 1 i r ° (lf � N � f 1 w r, i 1 r r Y � I r f f y' `f e If r G %u f r4 .I r alphodesign development omr« rir rU n'��f'i/rW IUr«rr prr,,, a i 4 r',°/r r r rr I yari it f H✓p !��Vr ''i Irk'(,, I� j i r1 l r, I?r ara, / rG rr eel w�j I l r uiy �«�? f«,,, 1 ///,✓, I fair� ,�;,;1 rlr l`r<✓Hyrc;r r%,�„�1�11Jr lllllr ��,',;IY�'�<,,; ," i rllf,'�ilf�� 1„��r J ;� ���� r„" ii Y i Yr,) I + (Iw{lrJ la IY Y UrG' ` Nf'/, 'qD✓,Jr w lr m1 � rr a it /Urr... rilrpr�J o f n '��.%f Or 6 lJf j4r i; i 4 ul r Ar + «s rl Dy ✓dill hi 1.4 Ill j rrP � Yi w, r���j�i�j IIIII m r�b6bgg r�rJ f� r ✓" r � rr/✓/ r J Y 9 uM .�.rD, trr girl/r,�� ��✓if'r Nr�lr6 P�l�rV!�J,Jr Y%�Ii��1Y 7�D;N�iir��,,,�i.�e�/(;>r�,��,D 1y I � ,,I,. pH�'i��i,., i t ✓ :I o (r DY i r r U r 1 r UI /) � �Y,�f���`��/r��✓ y J �`� If /I l �� r//itnpp rflfiU i N f v %r V r r�I�((tl ri 1� I➢ /a'� @ IGyyl �r ri Mr I T fJf iG riyi «F�, l..«G�r��l rrJr� mill YiVf�riv,i IU yi1; .. )� a 1 1 � r I rii«rl �✓v f f��`Dft�ildlif�Jj 1,y1Jff Il" iff�}y plf pa�rl%rb1ir� ,rYJ DI r J� rf ,,fi�rII D I✓I� �ho�11°rr ,r /" v Q16'114 l �f f�lr��i�1O��rUrrim Irhyf',Pl; o � IfI /9 �P re' Vi V f ,IlJ/f�lfr d r oo Ir u r I � 1 'F «I � % r jf llll�rir I/ft �l rrw i I Il 1 //r�It D i ri I1 r it it r�r I%��l`r ri r�j f✓,�Jv f 1 r 1' i % /Ir'�i%r rr«oiIrGr r fllf I I I! r r 1 / G 'j if r 6 j,, 9 f r r di OAP N r «�rr r�rrDii%ir�dJ�r tw� « 1 rA( r r r � {Y��v� W':i � G l�r as✓ � iiiwA 1!r y rr r r"r ii l r a¢! r i bl I o/i r j � b�w � �6f/�rrrrr/�frrrt�l��/ Ur ry /fir 1✓r r rr 9 i I rrro �r r rdl r rr�rr r D«� . '� ��rh'�D✓?1�i�rlroli%1���� Ur�,ri, '�iofi%l�f/d� r `rri D 1!!i r r r%i'✓r r/ „ i UV I i wr U Irrr �/fr%r�«rw�r�rrj�� h� j� «i6�(liYll i 'r �rr r✓G rah I iO4�NDi(f4lyYl�l� �r�/"rr /� � r„! l AP b I( uri 9 � tl1 ✓ '' i�/�/ III �� D'I"i I v r r T« Y r r1N r 1 i r r I A r r r ++ rr f /�ir61 /'D✓� � r r �r rr 1 r r�Ur�// hllfr� r�r✓ �i��t r r r ruunl �/I� ' b!� y�i& /91�r�/r91�/�NJ bl divl f N df «�✓///�y�� � �i I « r: lr� vri f(,, ➢�s li�� Plr" lr � 'Jb u �Ifmk �r rr M IR 4 I� r r ✓,m�r¢ir� r f u�{�r I r�� �rr�», I r,,,, , I y ✓n« r "r /�r r��o � i u i °oupfD� �u, r,rW ;N�re1101� rf vul� L D J Ihl ruirrlr�i p . 6; � �� "fir, ✓�a '�'" iulmu� N (I A u f 1, 1 ri�1!Nr f alphade ign development (, m U I Fl 1, l i T lu, r y I' V f r ly 9i1 I � III 'N/,J�II '.�I�frr ..�/ e- �`' J111 p °I iuu dy y ! O; w I I dN ( 1 p J N a/ I f Zvi li j1 r/° 4 9 r(rr� f 1 �rVro ld� �� �'JIOIU" Y'MINNIM 0' CIO. r" f ,i rx r�l�l✓i� „blif�.,, a lime' " rrf%ov P ��iG J ror 1MINN,-r lr r 11 a t , A f F ��lG �;/6 i i I,iia✓, r;' �/r��� i/'� I lr�IIli,rr ' r���1 I�,' ( Ju//�/u I����/�li'f�i,„� it /���� li�'• ,�, ���r„ 9 1 r Jf/� Ulu ✓� r k � y r r 1/a/ � / ,,,�rtraai I ill Ikn n`lod nm,o� �r yl i i.di i 11 iII rI 19 rq y f�. r 1, Iu R Uia r iL �N il fy'l i f if �IIIV � fR 4, r�i/� �u1 �, i�myf .s r arrJ/rLf,Y� la ,d „�y r�Vytr i i �,�✓ r �� � l y� r� / ��U i a Jr I �l���JJaYb%w✓rJJO�x�PI/�/i�,,,! ��wlt4����,/ 11 �� rIV� , ' u i Wvu 1 p r r%1 Y v,I�r D�/ui�i'h✓JJ,i f�r �Id ami y / r, 'G9M �,, ( xuu 1, � m,II`�f� � ���;�� rn� I. r u i,. v }��i;; ,,iY'0�x'..x�,r� i Ili� ;➢f� °i fi I q; � ,tea, ��`)kl // �--J�i�% �' r u J�.�� '..�, .9. �u�l^il, sr�. w I y mW..,rrrm u,ll+ r w WW r„ II u� 1 l m� Id ;..�� n, �imN, r m�u JJJJJ)uVJ miuvwuu�xiv)'Ivum�u fi�i<�II Ji' I N.N,'1 IIN�!I; N �, m✓i im„ ggymuw�r � iyr J���';`- � �r���[ �,u11r,) 'li� wwu•„�, , UPS/,IIII«„�.<%„�, � i"umff„ Ili✓�i H/+-' (f( Y rrr� � / � �- III �"rw� Ilri u�ul �/yl hra/ri//�Ixi a y,� ",�f, 'Y/IJ ^yy revfwyfiy ��'i k 'r� i J�r✓�J/� i� l V r'�°��� my� � J '' � V �41,,, r„;IJJ I ra uVl r �� / JI rN� �� ✓NwW l 1, 1 m I r �n V a , JAI I Ilf1 a J� r /rl riJ� '. Olyrir,rli�mlli U�r nr�, x�1+pNW xJJab u j r ml �j"rl➢ya /Ili ,';/ r. iu i 1 A 'A"ll yjlth iM r ,uz, 11 r � r J(✓i w r1 �l Il II r ,e„ r a l ViYWlyl, f of lk�r ���urr m lam N r�fl I � ;� 'lli�gglrut � o�rtf II IflU alpho design&development 6,,, Im'"'f' Y ,,. flWuwel�iRffi(" 1�l 1 JII. m 0 W y, (w�i glall r II I Y 1; a I.�W,✓�I�i��y� I F,, I�,�. i I � � I (�Y 9 L d II / X f u I r��IIII I U�f 1 I J Il fa � e;l 1 IA III -L 4r n 4 r V d II it n I� gipp' WW,� tv " m wA a 5C IIII `II N^1 u III i 1� w fly f rF r/ ,ry( pIII �"WW � III r I / IN �m,< �mealy ,It i r Ww t; /i � f al Ili vl f+ �y Y Iv,f f�� � I�r/ / Ili r o rl a o ma�mi � p d r II lylm�i 1 I I U,�i ri,i�I♦`.r r 1 � U r rP ti•) ,1�III!�(J�///yy�, J u�llr/ i�,/r� r wi U u IIIIIIIIII - i a � S N. sou # I ` � mJ /i ly n Jlf r;, 111t, r /i r i I�r�r����. } ,. 6J rNllttl� , W u I fl n i II `y�lyU Ilmma ulWadr{l���fl y �. N `.�r% ,7,IylllYfi°)PA, LL �Yi N P`III I.If ' iQl II Iv „j m�u,,e ylllllll� olofl NA iul pp I � 1 ayl' II t Ia 1 me �IIII P r � E J� 1 rf�f� �u IIIII ri 411m��' �ul f I m If Y r IF�° p apl w IWaI"IVIW kVY P G ry ,lu , 1 alpha design&deveiopment ",w ryll m r a. Irr A r f e I + v n 1J ii�i�r a } III''' il6a n ri d r Pa �, r + iyN y N r p I u � 6� w+Nryw ry 1,l 1�'� � � �' •, �i�v mw avrr�" % i�r is �"J` + ium1� ,;,iiiii� (�f',1//l„%ri �✓U i rU 1 i i'� rn' �'�"iii,m�w a ' � war f�. V oar � g � I � ORS N12cM, Gj / i f,I r I ji fit d%i �wW�wr�9 i 0i G y a 11 rJ ii�u r w w di r�ry a, i Y, iv ............. to to f old ,ire w� IF u�F r 'I r Y I' iM b,IIIIII�� rtVrr Dli �d�P �I , lip , i7 r' Pr Jldfig', zrr r + + 1 C�r YJu N Y r� uU nm, IIGM1 �" irN r I r �i i ry Iw + ipp ninhei design&development 33 f f i r a0 a �IP / r�l v , r r rua r lF l / r� lips' �IV i 2 r a , r; / uill� 60 �I �rr�j /d f,l� )� � f e✓, P ,ii✓ ��N I,r J/n I: II r /e i 1 u f� r far r I,«r i I� ui I � I f I �, I J/r Idl y«, ��� �/�y✓����'r��' {� ({ f' � I I F f a, l I�IiVy�ill iyl�I, „r`/rot'«'r r rj�a r j/��/1)%/r�'✓i�.r�r%/�J ,o /// 8 l W ��f��YroRfJq�a ry ((` II� iiif i'i��� I II IU/r f1, �%r/�i%�r/r✓r%f Syr r i1 {`�) �o ��II���d/✓%r/�r/i/uQCrf//�,�1:^i/l�u ra'/�IIVJ�III(r�„� r jj d ��, r/',�,. I a a y iiiii yu, i � r r, �y�dr INS. F x� Ns r L mo ✓ r o �� r � u lyyr A��u I r� r�I� r 1. I :III iN,i✓p ���` I�u 1^(� � u" I�arraf«Nlr7 o r ��f n°1lVjfmir I ;a t a r r-. III« a VU « aim i rl�l« /% l M OF, w y d r Jrf� 1 NW p�i "III ij j i 1���riM«i:N�����>("��!I%i��t'P�... i II I... ,,,,� 1'r u�✓,��� Ir w,4 If lria �`am li u fir(, �✓(«,�� � l lip � �y a��r «rid/✓1f��I I "r,�nJ«j���Jij�'�'�%n/f rN, a,,, �j� � o / All r �' fr,lsri(r�ri er!v�rli 142.,'r%irr l�%(1{. fni, wra;,,,ay AI "'' alpha '�/1design evel t rr' ��r➢P1�G� rc���'1�n�'u��l�'r j v��rroga�ydJ ^„ vl l/y a pr f7r ��j/�Yfll �v/J�✓%�/1/ ����ill✓j/y n /•. �J�ill fill/�f��///�{'l�fff�/y ✓ i� °a, ,✓/I���Ijf/lll'��1�/Jr�f i i I rr��I f✓ a r' 'i �//J ' / a '� 'k,, !� irl� r wr,i�:� �✓/ �//1 /✓r ��/ /JII�✓/�l/r,r r r/ �/ I II Yid "" � � r�V/N✓D/llJi �7i�'u/iY✓,�/l��ai�il%�J f w ��/r%�rri0yirr/r/ ✓/ r �// � +✓G r r� r ✓/ � I t 7w7m, YGY �it/✓rlG✓r '+ 'llil I• �I u Wwwi ��r�P I umuM°''I'NIYIn�e,.,r,: CY ` � I V 1, IT of as/ U;, lil yy u o, 41 WAIT I U k Jld'6 IIV v ,111Wv,, "ffMdW'elu�l,"JV 1Y J r, f��� °� �f J r i fmirr�I�liHw(ww un� l Al u u Big If 1 "D � �,I �'�rt➢iml�"� l� If" l u i �l elf r w" / oo fY Mir Y B w avdF,fl a yM'IaIU �Nal � fki� u �6 V9 °add 6646 0111, y m m iu G, u�ef Bpi i vuu i� „`"j1Yr1�N k.' vao� f �rz 4 it ,�r" ,,,� 35 alphadesign development „pjr 1 I z i 9 A, MIff, i i o f�✓i/i ii r Q� II N r V I �Y � r y� /// � � I f/ l i% �... Dr/// i�� i ���y�� /��d✓ /ref / �� c� �/ �,v � y � r r r �rw�l r �1 i� i �e� r i� �V � IY�/,r� u /I➢��f��/11' � V� n�i, �tfr�” I u II srl i/i I i '. l;. r'Jl rr',i i J r r�r 5 1, Jlfi rl / ) ',m� p' �/✓''�� r v� r'i a a e UI , V 1 �fl/y 'fl NUJ t y �IJIl T 9 4 ull fmj gr �� n� ,r � r/m'�1�:i,-,rJ�,„,;,;,'�,,,:�r °i', a �„U„v v`-' �! r 4, ii,'� ✓! y�.�, r r r ion r��� i.. ��� ,yii(r ii��io//�; i i 1�r v 1➢"r ,y l r'r,i i � i� 1 � �,r , �! � �r'�%l%„ �i�tr` %„ e�° l,i✓��;„r(i ���;,J�J s",rr� ��l,r,.;.% Jl ,`�l l r" ✓� '�r� „� / ,r I r"'^P 71 ��� /b, i i r'q�,r`li;i�¢.� H"y irl i,/„ � ✓,r��, ;m , „��i' Y;l��� �;�� -��.. a Jrry 1161 rmm 36 (Apha design &development I�1'i� M,�. ��l,i f i "%�IJ/��S✓�i iD! ������i�! € % ��'���I,� �� I � Imp ^ir':. v a It. 1 u YD r lr y , ilu n�ll s vIr it All a w y0 5v mri �r u Urr o e I orr �r u 1 r, l vlp n / 1 ul p, J� ere.III ul I 0 r IIa I � u U I V { I m I I I II�.v l IIII II l i f, fi � 'r YIy(ff / trrf�in�Iif Ji G r,a f r � r' /17 (aP�r�� • 7k 7r(lj �aml J + ✓, r of°�, iu 0 /�ru ;i� �N h• �uII� y r�; M ���� nl� I. ���,IIIIII r e,a„ rn Imv�l ion ;NI�� r u �r n' r e y" ' r h Ili ' lyll7 r i I r K l I r � � rump„ ti I n I r!rr- rr I I, z' a" w lihi �7lll y6:: II Ir ulfil� � l I {ry�l�r� >�lull �o au, I II I r 1 �l I � r 1 7 l� IX r, a 4 lY' N I r ^ i uml� Y I r r 111� I ulrl " I nde§i,:-- g &development G H I'u w v W IIII � I Y ,j iyr / III ` N L,I V �l(4I wM w �u4. l / I! r //�IIR/r I P r✓f i /1 u f,',< �;,� .owl,x Jwn1�"✓��m 9>rn�111�I�f«r/e%� I ^ w/ w„ lr,,;�N, / �r ri r //I�///)/,,,t%•�lr/!f J� ��i J� r �, j r.� w"�+rGm oy. 1r �,� rw' rJ 1/r r w;y �r/rR/r%i1/�n �,!�� rn'rfV DUI „„ 1, „ � „,,oaf�„w,;c� i���'��/IH� /r��� /f jl�%f %��, �^,��„<w.^wn � �ri.� , ��/Sf/ / C /�%�1/%�i i �Arai ii rrj A(/,,,,,:, � Rrrrw.�.� rliinn�fi (l i i r i ri wr/i/ o i ri 1r ' /or Poll 1I / 7/rri'�J!p/r`r//w rrrr�///;✓%r i/i%//%��+i�/U G�iia l� r i /1�1r i rr 1-► uil;, IAV i�" -Jew l// r r�/ rid f Jl rii�i°%iNlr lau �1 d � IIY � P it r , y * tr J/ G rr m �r w s ll yr ail s moi f f � rrr w rw I I � � IIImUIY�II �m n w �p J „ rJ,,,ru/I f wi,i ww m taiv��"..wvo�� ��'✓I ij�l fl m`/j� / p., f l wi « v61 a f. 1 vw m ( wW �«Rr I� aim ! ',hYls ,i4�iir r � r , w f c/ ri if", O �Y U' r � u r OF r w Pw J w i rirr 1 v, Al,A", L uuu alpha design&development r r I f%�oc Y/;r� ,✓r�;9 r� ; J, V r r0 mr1JJOf�Hy/ rr //iJr i o ,"/fir rr/i„f/��4aft'Jw r�f i�J' i�N� iky uy,.iu lu h °�,�n �/ � �r°r ,ulv<c�'l✓r / fig/Illy� �y rJ if jij pr/ 1, olrN lJ /r r • V p„ rF` %r d r ,u' nw r rrr, ��m_ � I r / r ,FlW 60 u r a4r� I r I u „rr t r r r/ rr^➢'yrrr, III moouiiiw�oCr, iu � rt Ow k6l y p r }� ()/�rv�/�i�%/vi�/ir/fiir�/rr�Nm; �4'P�'�N'11•�/ Nr I / IF 41 12. 02 r i A, w PO' ti r f trr�R I 41, i 4 rf, D � r riaii/� 1 sir whi f r/ � J V/„li wP�;, ���'+ /J�/%ra f�J ✓��1�,�»,1»J��/ rfl� r Q i baui Y� r �o� r/w ,1,{:r,„�,,���:a� ;��r�J/f✓,i r r� 0 p �i�r' , Vw),r 0 „yi /dr/try RNoi o Gr� r °^/ iyii °r a , rr�7� N / r ✓ ouarWuimm�uwrtimmnw�79�r y/ w> w �� //// G(J w! ✓PJ r if rJi r Q/i r la m I W r mia ;y dk 7yf6is JI + mEIWV�� III„ { m�yjw„ IIVf r U a WV tl r a, Jf 70 , MVP w r < s IV➢XI(i ;V' L of r w 1! r' i v i �1 i ��w w u� mCI'r n i y�. W� riv i✓Wul r rrr ,A„ v um V n j� r /fi br r a 4 Y alphadesign &development 9 EXHIBIT F APPROVED MODIFICATIQN PLAN ELEVATIONS FOR BUILDINGS [See Attached] 40 ,undo iir..KK,,, o ,i„,rr;,,,a xucirarrN tv'n r,,ri ,";rr�rWurwuw,«r✓:uuuu ;muarrr�arun^ ���� ii i... a T nmm»>"n, »;;.iimiaiindwmAvri m"�,riiiii ,iciimoic.«d�rd uw.,"e OOOOO�IOOId00100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000110000000000000000001�nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnmm� o 0 nAa000@OtlalOn00000001atl1O00000000000000000000001onO1O000000000000100000010nOnOOlO�001nn000 OOOOOOonOl0000000000000lO000nO0010 9000000000000000tlO000nOOloll0000000lloo In0 III OnOn Ono II tl 9P nl9nl altl In91P 9�000OtlI0000000nmmnn9000000nn000000000000000000000000000gpgpgpp00000101000tl01000tl�tlI00tlppp0lpp�pppppppppppppppppOqpppppppppppppppppq, Ipppppppppppgpp00pppOppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp�pp000110000000tl�000�p�p10�90P�00��IP�IM00000POgpp00tlI000000000pppgpppppppppppppll00000000001001�tlI00000tl�0000tl001tlI00000q^^^^ it t naa mr II011 I tlfnni�� I 'OWA dpl pgll dIPMo ICI Ito w l 14 i 1 ,II Iln.... 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"'h^ Illnn�ln Ar�'n �nr nn I n,�d,nn������ '° �nn,tt nlrvn��n, I'� II o JJ nn�^f�l n", II��1��41 pOn,ltt�amlaaall9lll fmidl�lo IOQP�9P ^'d " o�n9�� on iraow �mur'iw nIP noon non r" nn^^^nnnnn I I I I ; dw00Him NY ^n dM1�Ian OOollyd ^`I�I^I�I^I'm " v Im1 I"I 'Nfw"OP 9�WW5' "JIL'" d I a n O otinnnnnl6d �f< do nnno"ri ��oolaaoodlro�ouonnool P d" I^� d �p�oornrnA�q I'n,I Inns r u 9 n h1(nl ^ al m hw ti nn n �� n l A IIw�hMn ,I ro n m!pI� I� � ".n'�",f I°� d',I d" nq na n I "Ins" r I d I, I II IIII t �„I 0���r^^^la d„I'i,dll �I n "I"�I" I^I^d "f f ^m� ���" �,W I n Olnn I I nnI nn Il n.d�. II P' �f' I"' II '�I'I oo rrnnnnnnnnnnnn non I I '� I ry�Pnml6nnnnnnn n non IIA nor I,I'� ^n I f r•I'n I r n O�A!m'r 'ry "a' '' III„io, nomod Innnon Ipp a�oAnn" ,orlll III ^^^^^ �' ^ III " nnn�n ' n a I Ilpnnlll � �;Mal �I' I I IIII w, I^^^nd ^ "^I^ nn ^ '1 ��colhl onlll ( 1nnmm�nn nnnnnn f Inrnnldollry nnR, �nl `:.... Innnnnnnnnnmmn nnnonnd"no nnnl �nl"Ian o ^^nnq frg III'm101�ha00N'100pp" � �- l�pplll�l"null' III I I df� �� p,no nnnnnmm�nnnnnnno n � ^��� � lA dll III µ„ ^ a�ln o lfn, P m f,I."I n 1 I, ^I n aar IIII Ir I I ,",I f "I^ ,A "^nnllnnn �11 I I Inn ^nnnl�nnnn��f nnn�� �� I I � "fllmn^^�^^ I�I�'" ^," ono. oo "^I n� col% ul. I� I°',� nnnnnnnn^mnn n Innn 'Ina P mn br IPII�1 �II II IIO"IlPllh I"' hn h1, Ifi' m I I �II 6 Inhlnn� I IIII I� I h dual��' �I n n�� I I ^ i I I'�I� III I I d� vl I�nn noon nn r^neon nn� la,n 11 �^�I, �., � I ^^n� .r "^f I, P� Ipltl� n�' f rlr 'a I. nn^d I. II'. ^^"Inn III I' rz In,III"op, nnI d n NN�, ,�IM wll r. Inn ^ ndY"nl Nn 1� "" n IIII '� I In rnl n"^tl AA�mtl^ I^^n nn � �„ ��^^�I' I nnnnn I !I I nm^� I I`I �I ^nl^r',' nnI I" nrd r nn Nn� Igmlllu col o �I �nn iIMnP''IgII��V II���4 III Ino^p "" 4": ^new mnmonn�nnnnn n� " RAP, W 9� 9 ,no nn r wnnorm^" I nm nn III �olnA�nnu W M% � 'Pln I�nnn�n a nn I' pi tl IOaAonmh mnni000r I o "I I", I P"T,^^ ^^I"^ .d "h I I "K� �I""1-" ����P� I I r ?n'I III Ord��I (IIII III u, I �,.I„"I n I I 1 P all I I I 1 f�,, I I' I I^ ��' I n I' �� I UI n f h r,n1� I Ann nrn'^��nl I� � I I 'I� fi I.."I"^"I n I n I I'I ,p � ao I�� ��I' " , " I I"I �,�II^�"�nll Itl.AQ10^ non III, non^",nnnnm�,nwA A m� II �� Oar".9P9 d!II, ° ^rvlrvnnn nand Ih'nl Ifnlllm^III II II 11 ^�;���r^I nnlrv�nnnnn� II�I1�pI^1 ^I r^I I�h� IP' Idol"" I� ru�n,nn � II 1 11 I„nlI IIII"Itl Inn �,e loop nnnnoo aonm no mnhhl IIIIIP fF n "� IIIIpIIII IIIIpII IIIIpIIIIIIIIp' nnI"^^ I, 10 f n,lnnnnn nnnnlwnoo n III Id d Inn.,d d�ln d I I I. a ��^^ I I^�Inl ^ nn� I non Ir III 1 r of nnornnnnnnnn"� " n III nnI nnnnn ^ ono P I^r III nn wn IIn n nn�nnnnlnnnnnnnnnnn d � rill o nnI and,n nd nonoAoo r n,nnl "^n""nn'I�P" n ° .,�n ^•I e � h,� nr^ I nl f� I I �rvnnnn,n,�,nnnn� fad SIG l anion^nnlmnln^nn f� I I "I nA' ,n„dlw 'III I III I' � pp nn Aonn gal' n nA ,x ✓' f ��nn 1G non I^ I ;doll �'. .n1 Inn ^ �"� "^ r"II nl nd � I dP"I I� a�l I �"9r�°�I� , ,h nh �,J„nn n u � I non dll I' ^ r�l I nor I o IIII ho""n Inal^ n,Al,^^ � ono �I nn". e ^^ ^n a n I ^ n,n r"o, �n,I I�inn^^nn^^non I^^^^^n^noon I ^'n, I f ^ n��a 1 nl n � � non m Iry n l P I ,I�p�Illr � nnnnn��nn�nnn�^I' n 11 I" r�r' if Ifn f' n^nmm�nn�f^nn� �I �IIII� In I,nn IIr"In� p p AN n dd8°"lala a�000�err�mnrwr�'m i ooa��tla000r ilowil,air„ir Ion .,rc,l r r III ^� ^IT, rOw �� n' 'Ill111511p, li n,,,,d III"U ! .J N^'d ^to nIn a�.a ro i�,mla°IIn IIII � II6111nVGn^IIaI,J a.", °I" If^^^all^Ifn "r^ .rn II ���Iln�f a�E�f nl � m I i^ I" ^nnnr ^�"n�m^ ""e ImAnntt'q". I r ^^Ilu 'Apl I,^ am ,.n n n poor'III no n,1 n P"",'n n r Ihall,w I� IIIIII 9III ^ nn I�. n1.Inn" ono nnnl �nl"^^ n I, nn I. �om�dr. d@oon l n,�l G f IY�I'I '�I'n o a or � w nnI h"" ArI, "I� �ol�ql nrn°� 'Ircl n^,noon IIII ���:"��a^�f O�'"1 1 nnI m,l mmw doom roodq „� r l" "r'^nl' ��am�o r�� IIII nnIr IIIIp .�"" ^^^ Inn III, nn[`d] I I `lu ",m�mnl n^nnno �'I^ II IIrwol^nr^^�� ' I mn pn, �^ nn^ono^^nn 1 i'A ��n n,I'd nn n al nllln^ r p m n1 IIII 91 , wn 'n wl of o' I.' „P f I I. ^nl 41A „A I' ^^^non nn^, I^',nn�^� fil ��IO�"�"""9III I �II�,'� r,. I� I I'I�'�, ''I I'�� ', P nn f nnnnnunn nn nn I I � a 91 i I nn^Innnnn I II�11��^I�'^I�lal^�1p IIn I^a" °I IIII Ihul nn' 91 Innnn r e.n.... H ^ ,IIII II nnI ^^^^^^^^^^^. I. Inn r nr ^ - j d did, ;'n' IIII I'n„ IIII n rnnon IIII^� ".I 11^, ^I r i"^I^n^^ Inn^n I"^^""^„ moomm'nnAoonn mmAom nwrm I li n � � � nl Ind � npnAn �II�°r�llln I L I 11 I I I'.I I I I ",�n�.I a n pnnnn n 1 1 I�I�I Il�n^^Ina""I f� nllllnld� IIII I olVnnnn „nn �� Inn^ nnnnn nlllll nn� to nn f�I.Ilf "'� nl mnnnnn n An ^ ^ f ?,V Iryl,n �., IIVI r nnlm lhoaAo r m q non o�! 10 �,.r nIn IP udh�nl "n Itlnnnw 'I� P^",Id I"' 441 6, I I I I IIn ,nl r i' o�l II �I''I nnonw^ �I IIII"a rl �I„^�'I',I^ ^�' , mnnnnn, � ^ ^^^ 9 r ^ " n, ,,,, �n,n ,- III .I nnn,nnwnnnnnn� oomao-"�In,o I .I ,"�'II6^�^1,"I�nn�^,nn IIII^1l,nlI ,n„ Inno� n Aom upAon nMnn n,nn^In nnI ^o p u u III al IIII n f!v J�f: Id na nh"n III r^�'ni ^ n nnIp Inwf nn' nnm Ian In o�„� I; IIVI 911 pn I' IIII IIVI' li 'II n�In III "^""Inn I(R ilr ^^^nn ^�. .^^, n"� n I"p � 9ttmun,lu II I I JJ IP I � "���^^".^^^,. ^, Bill � I � ^, ,^, ,^ ,^ .� naI I I I I �I� � I^��,n �III III^alr ,�0" A' �,f li "� "" " O�l ,mmvlx dd�p �II� fr �, Aw 1on90 .ylp pnnnn nn n �mm�nmmnnnnnnn ""'"4 r�""91'n III I� II�IIIIII' I 'I ^" doll Ip'PI01 N �I�� "NII9h^AII j„ dl IIn�,.n. ,dlf I n�n���f��� II 1: �I m I,nnnnnnn�nn� nrnnnlll 11 F o�lll d�IPnn i In p II'I I I I{ IIIIII,Alrmn I^ 9 I,Inn'In"f'r� 'nj l�n",I I�^ nnI al^^ 0 la"'"'o ry I^ 'I h I I n^ ^ �hn�n�Iol n n h nnno I n, �Ilnn inn f n",Innnnn h�l a Im�I IIr p � h nnI �II^ "^�: a f^^ i Al".I 9 I.I p I. �e a �... I„ f' ^IIII "h� I III nn nll � I Ir, I 'I I n n I nnI � fir n�a III,f ,III f r^ nll" "iI I^ Y I� 1 fi fir,f O�I �I �f I�IAiIn,nnnlN K'. p hn pUnnnn r III ^ 11 "'n no la's l 01 IIIIII 1 ",�P^non " Ir "� ^^^�n r n n^^^^^ n oI J InnnlNn IIF hl In I�q, III AOnannnn,n,'?InP�a'nad��� wa P�n l 1 Aoonn"n o 91�„nnnrl" nondllln, n�N to >�ItlO� I,�r ,.�d n In "' e11 r^� "nnno nnnnn U h��IP"�I m, ol if nn"'any j f�I"n all fd�Pllwl IIII li, 1 ^N f nr "r n nnnnn nor^�l' �I��I 11 mold^nonl nlp�ln��nmOV "„alll„111nn1 l,w ^or. �IIP� IIIIII I�,""n IIIIII ,d u IIII III n^ �'I. rd f ,nnnnnnnnnnn^ rn, nnI Jp nwonnn Pn^,nnI ^d inn"^�00 n^�d p I^��"III �r ^IIVI r ^� "n ^I ^o ,nn��f r"^U.III m"non^ p I. �l""a6 I O 9 r 9 n^non "od"I",n I �I'III III I In I "n nn�Gnn"nnnnnnnnn^�91i�n I^I^,n"I i mm o1 I1 a r "^Inn IIIIp 091'i„ 1 I I 1 p ^, p -,,,,, V � p IIII' "Idj I �iII ."IIVI^nn^^^n,nnno Arn n , ", In pnna^ Ip Hi Organ"n� '"�� I`I� In I r I ^^��� n I'"1 old f I�mnl^ � I I �e Ia n^I n I^I" en f� v � r�9 qI��'�'nI � III I IIr I1 In nl I,a n�1 I ' �II If I II r'p'" 11 �� �I III IIdIP„ r'i d,... 1 m n nn inn n"^al^� 'and InOr attflm ^ ^nn ��� PIOPgp',ml^ I wk%dn ors; nnnnn^"nrn "^n".^^^^^^^,.�^ nnI n ,n��i <I^IIn nnn,n .Ilnlll^^^,�I', "^^a pp pp�II f p pI III ono,n^" d o�n ^ndlll�,n^Inrnon,^�I,mn„�nnn�^m."nnA�l dhu �m fo nn1 a.nlQh9 nn,"'"pp '°1 III I I� l I Igg.�,d nlm �nnn� �d�� IIII inn^mm o1anlh,9III d ^^ 1 I.n T Olol^,nn, � �.In�, uC"�u I OOp I� Im, � I I '"I,"n,n, I an nhrc I I I pp � tlp �I IIO�aI ���I' "nn�ll',"nn^non-nn,n^"nn IIII""nnlll,,.�,dl�.�^non�,"IOr"'�"�'�r " ^^allll^^,ry� I` Nininll III .III h nnnA" IttoJ, m 1 10� I I CID, I, P J�n�a I nil�aa� ^n I nn"� B�Ormd II�V I I�� lalppAoa- n nl I�j° pill �11 f� IL drctttttt P9aOlOtl00000 a00000000mmilm OOOmmommilim 00ummo00000l I000000MHHHH 'I� III II Oii"dOo In� ,IIII n^n,Id"nnnnnnn^",nrn.nn"nnnnn.................. fl ................................... m.... r el�auxrea m oo„n noon a dl laa �^I,II III�IIII �I� iOngRn�IO I .n f I Idly I I r I nn,nman I��f li 'I" IVulaO�" I�I I tl III �n Ip-O naa � e r I 1 'umIIIN Il�h^ I�n1" dol n Cul �mml� ^nn,^^ l f I ^„ I" IAnnml�lA I Illp dMgMi, I f���lf: I n�u ICI r��� Innnd n��II�II�V Ian I a I I I In�� If e Ili I 3 j OOItl000a10000011 00101011 al0al00 IIOOOOOOOOOOaolll o00 �011 Oaol001tlaotla000 a000tl0001tl01tloa10000000011000000000000000000aa000aaaaaaP01tl000000001101010001tl0111011ooll0000000000000000000mnnnnlotl000m00000000000000000000001000011aoll000 0000000000000000110000000000 000 00000000 oom00000 0 0 00 6m......00d0 � an� gld0 d0 as o a000aaoo a0000000000000lonmlmms�moonooaoaoominnm....Imaao aaaoaaooa m......ma00000aoamoommoomoao�a00000lowuw 0000d'...."dooam0000gmol00000a0000000000000a000000000000ml00000000a000000000000000000000000000000gp0000............pgp mlgpmmomommompo�0000pppppp00000lm000000llooama000tl II ,n,n^^^^^^^^n,,,n^,nnnnnnnnn"nnnnnnnnn,non^,.,n,nn"—,n"_,n,.nnnnnnnnnn,nnnnn,n^�^�,n^,^,r^"nnnnnnrnnnnn,non^nn^^.nr"^^^^^^"nn^n^^nn^^^^^^^^^^^,n^^nn,^n,^n^^^,"^,n,.^,n^^^^^^^^^^^^,n,^^^^nn^,n^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^�,^.^^^„^^,^,"^^^^^^^^^^"nr^^non,^^^^^^nn,^^^^n^^^^^^^,"^^^n,^^^^nn^^n^^^^^^"r^^nr^n^^^^^noon^"n^"nnnnnnnn,nnnnnnnnn,�„n^m�,noon,^^^�,H,m^^�^^^^^^^^^m,^m^^^^^^�,^^�^^�^^^^^^^^�^.^^^^^^n,^^^^^n^n,..^,^^"r ��,,,.���"nn..-.�„,^noon,nnnnnnn"nnnnnnn^^^^^nn^^"non,nnnnn,^,non^,nnnnnnnnnn^,n^,n^^^,nn^^^^"r^"Inn^^,n^„^^^^^^n^non^n"nn^"nrn,n^nrn^^^^^^"nnnnnnn,�nnn^^mn,m^.ten..nnnnnnnnnn^,nnno,^^nn^^,nn^nn",nn^"nn^"noon n m I a iqm PKIL d � II � ll,, I��I, 'il�,y� I '��p�n Y�r I r Ily, q 1,i, I "Y� au �- V � III 1 I i, u @ k Ix�mwaw�� I �u m � ��PIII 1 � 1, 1 FIGn eF I. I I I m' ,I IV it m m ,mom II�Ir Ifl gill I� �w � II VI�b lawlog iM191N �¢ J�'m'I 'I lir p III. N'r m I ilgt�„ IIII II rl � 'IYI till 'Illlm L, �I'll'llllffi',' VIOL II II 11 d I i I II........ lli2t I J .I I I @ I "m mom,@ u m rr I gym„ I ,a I I ow I�u tv �Inu�� Ifni IIIIu� lui°or,'�°, Ilvlu�� '�mll ull" � I At ootism PI Pal �aumrin I Imti4n�14��, III I II Ify`� '° III imf.eM Immoomp II p I� �I I I ° I a ,ter I it V r I I I° I I I,I I I I r li I i ,W i II ICI I I II I I � I I ICI I� I 'ICI I II I I II' I i I II d IV6 I I a I�I III III I h III it I it III i 'I I I I I I I I � I j' y� a I II III I I I i' III i! 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' . 'vA--.k"-0 W[ %W 4+"�rrtw DECISION OF THE LWNGTON PLAMING BOARD PERMIT Srm Smsmw Rmmum DF Iwo AND STREET ADEQUACY DEUMNATION FOR TRUE COPY AfTE,".'I OECJSON GRANT n ApRit k 2022 � .��+►��� ;general Mau 9a Property Address:75 Outlook Ddve TOWN CLERK Assessor's Information,,-,Map 41.,Lot t District:One-Family Dwelling Information . - -- s ■ ci ■ Permit Street Adequacy■ sit pursuantto § 135-6.9 and 135-9.4 of the Zoning Bylaw, i.3, Accessory Structure Apartment Determination, pur5uant to § pursuant . .7 Date application(s) i r 1: Project Conta!ft n Applicant and PropertV Owner Name:Alpha Echo 75 Outlook i.L Project Contact:Eduardo Alvarez Civil Engineer:Michael Novak,No.50696, try , i Land Survevor:Matthew Lowry,,No.49825, RJ O'Connell&Associates..Inc. Landscape rJeffrey A.Thoma,No.1 778,J Thoma Land Design!,Audios Public Hearinig Information Date legal ad was published in the Minuteman Newspaper:December 3-3,2021 and January 6.2022 Date f opening lip hearing:JanuM 19,2022 Dates of continuediMarch All Planning Boardt lip hearings were heldi via , pursuant to the Governoes Marchi r r suspending certain rovisi s of the Open MeetingLa M.G.L. ,,c. 20 of t r extending the remote provisions ntil July 15,2022. The Planning Boardatcepted publiccomyFl is via . Site sit' e Developttent Specialit 75 Outlook Wive -April 61,2022 Page I f 12 Sk:8M7 Pg:4W ECE1 VED 2821 APR 42 *00 I WN ERK EUNWH MAIM PLW APPROVAL INFORMATION L E X IN G TON 11A Plan set Wed "S Outlook Drive (Asters Map 41 Lot 49A) Site Sensitive Development Plan Set' prepared by Patriot Engineering, Lexington, Massachusetts, prepared for Alpha Echo 75 Outlook LLC, dated November 15,2021,revised to February 25,2022 consisting of 12 sheets. PROJECr DffalPnON The proposed development will subdMde the 2.1-acre lot into four distinct lots. As 1te-sensitive development, the existIng house and detached garage will be preserved and three additional single- family homes Will be added In a manner that will not detract or compromise the historic home. Three of the houses v4ll be accessed by a common driveway in the same general location as the existing driveway. In addition,much of the existing vegetation will be maintained and preserved. PUBLK H9A-RIM The Lexington Planning Board opened the public heading for the project located at 75 Outlook Drive on January 19, 2022. After hearing testmony., the Board continued the public heading to March 2, 2022, On March 2, 2022., the public hearing was opened and continued to March 16.. 2022 without testimony. On March 16., 2022 the Planning Board opened the continued hearing and after hearing further testimony voted to close the public hearing. Elm Avftmk During the course of the public heading procm, the Planning Board took under advisement all information received ftom various municipal departments;comments made by members of the public; in addition to Information submitted by the Appkant. The Planning Board arrived at this Decision based on the Special Residential Development Zoning BVIaws and makes the following flndings specifically for the project at 75 Outlook Drive. A. Pro per-tyJ11storic Pre;&Lyatlon apA.N@1Shborbqqd ra-C-- The proposed Site Sensitive ha -&Lerlstla. Development includes four lots each to be Improved with one single-family dweinns unit. This is consistent with the surrounding residential uses on simillar-sized iots. On August 18, 2021, the Historical Commission held a public hearing on the request for a building demolition permit for 75 hook Drive and voted to impose a one-year demolit1w delay expiring on August 18, 2022. On February 16,2022,the Historical Commission held a public hearing and approved the request for a partial building demolffion permit and modification to the structure at 75 Outlook Wive.The existing historic house and the detached garage containing the accessm structure apartment will be preserved with minor exterior changes as approved by the Historical Commission. The owner has agreed to place a preservation restriction on the property, to be accepted by the Lexington Historical Commission,to ensure that the ex6ting house,garage,and their setting is appropriately preserved. B. Building,DIsposftion. The proposed dwellings are generally sited In a manner similar to the abutting neighborhood, C. Traffic WA2grking The Planning Board reviewed the existing conditions of the road as part of this special permit and the street adequacy determination. The proposed development u es Site Sensittve Development Special Permft 75 Outlook Drfve"-April 6,,2022 r es Page 2 of 3L2 7- 0 47 ■ o R;;CEI VED ry # 1021 AN 12 AND 42 TOWN CLERK LEXINGTON MA the + ; i development.ng veway and curb cut to access three of the four houses In the One Driveadditional curb cut off of Outlook ; utilityLot B. The Appficant has proposed access and Drive,common dfiveway by all of the residents of the development.The Applicant has also agreed to implement required roadway improvements to Outlook an unaccepted street, for the endre length of the subject property's frontage. The Planning Board has determined that Outlook Drive afong the ftontage Is not currently of adequate grade and construction but vinill be upon completion of the proposed Improvements. The Applicant will request that the Town install,signage along that same secflon of Outlook D ve to discourage speeding along the newly improved roadway. 1 IY. i f � • i # * Dwel■■■■ * The pfopa&W development complies i the provisions of § The submitted proof plan depicts four (4) i b building lots. The proposed development includes four(4)dMinct lots each Improved i th one single-family ®® detached garage on proposed lot A. The proposed p Ject complies maximum µµ Gross Floor Area requirements in§ t1 as follows: Lot Proof Plan lot • ze Proof Plan allowed SSD proposed SSD proposed GFA per 2 lot size GFA i # i I. N 1 15.0500 Sf 7,,030 sf 28,,064 sf � 9.131 Sf Accessory Principal& E. StormWA&.3n4an ,v"rnmentgl Impact: The proposed development meets the Town's standards and requirements with respect to stormwater management. Stormwater management fadlitim' s to handle run off from the Impervious surfaces and structures an the three lots accessed by the common driveway will be directed to a subsurface infiftration system located within access and utility easement A on proposed Lot A. A separate stormwater �II N Infikration be protected through the establishment of several on that lot.The existing environmentally sensifive natural areas and landscaping on the s1te will F . r u o Page I.,Front Elevations,,dated August 6.,2021 o Page 2:Lett and Right E e a for ,dated August 6.,202 4 o Page :Back Elevations.,dated August 6,2021 o Page+44 Back Elevations,dated August 6,,2021 . Histork Commission del ion,dated February: ,2022 S. Draft De ara on of Briggs Hill Covenant and ResUidions crf Homeowners Association . Stormwater report,prepared for Alpha Echo 75 outlook,LLC,,Lexington,,i assa huset . Prepared by Patriot Englneerft Lexington Masses usetts,dated November 15,revised February 2 ,2022 o.Applicants response letter to Planning Board Comments,dated February 25,22 L Staff Memo to the planning Board,,dated January 12,2022,revised to March 14,2022 Ga fWkA Or- 4r TR E�AE Site ens Development a e aI Permit Outlook Drive—April , 022 TOWN CLERK Page 12 of 12 LEvJ GToN,mA IM,01111WW�,a IP u ���r • # C I D i i 2122 APR 12 AND 42 TOWN CLERK LEXINGTON HA F. gommon, k ti,tle : Utilities will be provided to all of the lots through proposed amass and utility easements along,the common drNeway and across Lot 8 in order to connect to outlook Drive. A pika t has agreed to establish a Hone owner's Association that will be responsible for the maintenance of the common drive and its inftstructure such as drainage snow management,and trash removal. G. Visual q a ; Mucha as of the exist , mature landscape will be preserved on thesite surrounding the homes along the buffers at the entrance to the new drive and behind lots D. Adequate native plantings will be added to the site after construdIon to replace what was removed during site development. The Applicant has also agreed to indude appmpriate existing landscape features as part of a Preservation Readchon on the property y to ensure that the historic house and its setting are not compromised by the new construction. W.NDEI.O.NS OF AMQVAL The Planning Board finds that the Application and Site Plans submitted by the Applicant comply with all applicable ptrovfsions of Lexington's Zoning Bylaw and applicable regulations, relevant to this review,, except those valued by the Planning Board during the public review of the project. Accordingly, the Planning Board►otes to approve the plan subject to the following conditions: At §Ineral„ftggns. 1. This approval is filmited to four(4) dwellings and one (1)accessory structure apartment not to exceed L000 square feet within the detached garap on Lot A as shown on the site plan entitled '75 outlook Drive (Assessors Flap +41 Lot 49A) Site Sensitive Development Plan Sets' prepared by Patriot Engineering, Lexington, Massachusetts,chusetts, prepared for Alpha Echo 75 Outlook LL ',dated November t ,2021, revised to February 25,2022,e ept that the height of the new buildings may deviate from the approved elevatl ns as necemry to limit hammering and or other techniques to eliminate ledge. .. Applicant shall update the plan set' S Outlook Drive(Assessors Map 41 Lot 4 ►)Site Sensitive Development plan Set"prepared by Patriot Engineering last revised February sheet S of 12 tied Site Construction plan to include a notation In the gross floor area chart de#ailin 8 the GFA for the principal dwelling,the garage apartment,and the rest of the garage. The final reed plan set shall be submitt to the Planning Department. o material corrections, additions, substitutions, alterartie ns, or any changes sham be made in any plans, proposals,and supporting documents approved and endorsed by the Planning Bogard without the prior written approval of the Planning Board, or their designee.Any request for a rnatertal modification of this approval shall be made in writing to the Planning Department for review and approval by the Planning Board.,or their de ipee and shall Include a description of the proposed modtfication, reasons the modification is necessary, and any supporting documentation. Upon receipt of such a request, the Planning, Department may, In the first Instance, decide In writing authoftng a minor modification to the site Mans, or the Planning Director may refer the utter to the Planning Board, which may consider and approve minor modifications at a regularly scheduled Planning board public meeting.in the event the Planning Site Sensitive Development Special Pare 75 Outlook Drive-,-April fir,2022 -4 Page 4 of 12 W f 1 M?APR 12 AH 0 43 !w TOWN CUMq LEXINGTON Board determim the change is major In nature (e.g., resulting in material charges, newly Identified impacts,etc.),the'darning'Board shall consider the modification at a noticed public hearrin& 4. In the event that the permit is not exercised or substantial use thereof has not commenced within three ) yews of the date of recording, except for good cause as determined by the Planning Board,the permit shall be deemed null and void. S. Before Jht Mprt of a ► c- . The Applicant shall record this Decision with any exhibit(s)at the Middlesex South Registry of Deeds prior to the comme6cement of authorized site activity and shall submit proof of recording to the Plannft office.Failure to record this Decision prior to the cornrnencement of authorized site aaMty may result In rescission of this Decision. . The Property Rights and Dimensional Standards Plan(Sheet 4 of the approved plan set),shall be revised to include street name and horse numbers, and locations of bounds demarcating the "no build' open space and then endorsed by the Planning Board and recorded at the youth Middlesex Registry of Deeds. A.m iar copy of the recorded plans bearing the date of recording and the boob and page number shall be delivered to the Planning Department before any building permits are issued. . Applicant is responsible for coardin ting address assignments. "Effie Place has been approved by public safely and the Planning Board. Any new narnes rust be reviewed by both public safety and the Planning Board. g. Before endorsement of the Property Rights and Dimensional Standards Plan, the Planning Board must receive a performance guarantee,in accordance with the provWons of . .5 f the Zoning Bylaw, to secure the construction of the common drive and the installation of utility and services. Said form of guarantee may be varied from time to time by the Applicant subject to agreement on the adequacy and the amount of said guarantee by the Board. . A minimum of fourteen,,,, ( ) des prior to the commencing construction the Applicant or designee shall contact the Planning Department ice to schedule a pre-con trucHon meeting. 10.At the pre-construction meeting, the project team shall provide the name, address, and emergency contact telephone number of the individual or individuals who shall be responsible for all activities can site and who can be reached twenty-four ) hours a day, semen days a week In the event project management changes, all new contact Information shall be submitted to the Planning Board within 4 twenty-four hours. 11.The provisions of Chapter,1 (Tree Bylaw)apply to this project as no waivers were requested. Applicant is responsible for filing a tree removal permit with the Tree Warden. The existing trees and vegetation to remain shall be protected in the field from damage during construc wn according to the Town#s tree bylaw. The limits of work and trees to be removed and trees to be Preserved shall be Ilea dy identified in the field. H!8gdS 5 trygure: Site Sen0tive Development Special Penult 75 WWI(Drive-April 6, Page 5 of 1 5w i/ RECEIVED vl �; 2022 AP, R.. TOWN K 12.The final executed historic restrictive o "• KA executed y P ner and the Lexington Historical COMMisslon and Proof of recorded at the South Middlesex Registry Deeds sell be submitted to the Pla nning Office and Building ice. Do 149re fte of the ft llddjn . -PeMLie . .The Applicant shall draft a Homeowner's Assoelation Operations and maintenance( & !)Plan and submit such to the Planning office for Prefimi arty review as to form and content. The O&M Plan shall at a minimurn include the Association's resp rn ibilitles In perpetuity, w ith respect to: . Maintenance Of all StOrmwater management facl11ties,roadways,trash and waste removal,snow removal,preservation f the existing trees,and ether infrastructure Improvements; b. Enforcement of the*no build''areas vAth access and utill ea i l t easements and�► �ndl�r�dul cots-,and c. Maintenance of the landscaping In accordance with the landscape plan.,which shall be mended to include only plants that are native to iddlesex"County per The Vascular Plans of Massachusetts;A.Count Checklist,latest editions, d. A clear description of the no�cie r sect-tons of Lofts A,S,C and D where existing trees will remain and are not to be deared by the new homeowners. These sections are delineated by the"Proposed Filtermir and the"Proposed of 1Jl1or ' on sheet of 12 of the Plan Set dated Feb % 2022.These sections most also be delineated on the ground In a permanent fashion. Removal of dead and unhealthy trees are allowed frorn these sections by agreement of the NOA and the Lexington Tree Warden. The HOA agreement must make the new homeowners aware of this condfflon. 9. A.copy of this Decision shall be kept on the Site in a location that Ls highly visible and accessible during construction. 0. All construction activities relative to this decision shall comply In all respects to all applicable ZGnina [bylaw, Planning ftard Zoning Regulations, and other munIcipal requirements unless specifically waived by a vote of the Planning Board and recorded in writing. 11. Any work inn the roadway on the pr0Per y of 7S Outlook Drive right-of way am y util work Is subject to the Department of Public Works Rules and Regulations. Agents of the Planning 80ard shall have the right, with prior notice to Applicant, to enter the site and to ther all information, measurements, t� to� � graphs, or other materials needed to ensure compliance with this approval.Agents of the Planning Surd entering onto the site for these purposes come with all safer shah rules, regulations and directives of the Applicant and the Applicant's contractors. Site Sensitive Development Special permit -4 75 utfook Drive—April g,2022 Page 6 of 12 S .8007 P f 4 RECEIVED M2 APR,,,l k AN 10:4 3 TO CLERK 12. No equipment ors-site shall he started and allowed to warm up prior MWAST Howed construction hours or hours outlined in the Lexington NcAse Control Bylaw. No vehicles are t W, ,arrive at the construction Site before the designated construction hours, which Includes no vehide parkln& standing or idling on adjacent public or private streeh,Oversized delivers of construction materials shall occur before or after peak traffic hours. 13. The limits of dearing of land or grading for the Installation of any Improvements relative to the protect., Indudinz but not limited to the driveways, st r wat r management sum* an utilities,shall be the li ft of the grading shown on the site plans. Friar to any clearing of the lard, the li ft of such deaMring and grading as shown on the approved plan shall be dearly aced in the field and shall remain in place,until the completion of the project construction. 14. The Applkant shall perform daily deanup of construction debris,including soil on sets within two-hundred o yards from the entrance of the site driveways caused by construction relative to the project. 15. All storm water and erosion control management shall he checked prior to the start and finish of each woftay. 16. The ApplIcant shall check all stor water features prior to and at the end of each construcCon day. In the event a multiple day storm event occurs,the project ect manager shall check on the tormwater features to ensure they are functioning properiV and have not exceeded their capacity,Any repairs,adjustments,or defidendes shall be made Immediately. � 17. The ppllcan r,shall provide appropriate erosion control methods such as silt fences and straw wattle/organic hessian %bric hump filled with impost sand the stockpiles In case of e storm event,in addition to the temporary dust control requirements. 18. The use of hay hales shall he prohibited on-site. 19. The Applicant shall he responsible for ensuring that runoff and eroded material does not urn r o � o Outlook Drive. . The Applicant shall comply with the Stormwater Management plan,prepared for Alpha Echo 75 Outlook, LL , Lexington, Massachusetts,, Prepared by Patriot EnOneerin& Lexington Massachusetts,dated November 15,,2022.,revised to February 25,2022. 21. All utilffles shad employ energy efficient deices and techniques in accordance with the state Building Code. . All utilities will be located underground.Overhead electric and telecommunications services will he extended underground to service the project. . when blasting is required,the Applicant shall comply w h the Massachusetts Comprehensive lre Code:527 CIMR 1.00 seq and any related Town bylaws. 4. No parking or standing of construction vehicles is permitted on Outlook Drive, F, Ply e r a fl pRE!M e ofa Site sensitive Development Special Permit Outlook Drive—April 61 2022 XM `age T of t 52 80557 # R E CE1,V ED M?PR 12 M 43 TOW CLERK PriorLE 25. uesf in an �#� � g occupancy permit for the last of the three new homes to be constructed, the Applicant is responsible for completing the road reconstruction for Outtook Drive as required by the Street Adequacy Determination. Reconstruction work shall be consistent with the rev1sed Street Adequacy Determination plan entitled 175 Outlook Dave Street Aid +equac Determination plan Located in Lexington, Massachusetts'•, prepared by Michael Novak of Patriot Engineering,date November 15,,2021 and revised on January , 2022, All work shall he to the TowWs engineering department standards. Applicant shall coordinate vAth the Engineering Departments and obtain any necessary per nits prior to any roadway construction. 26. The Applicant shall work with the Town to take the steps necessary for the flown to accept the portion of Outlook Drive -in front of 75 OutfookDrive, if the Engineering Division n determines road acceptance Is appropriate. 7. All deeds and easements shall be prepared for review and approval�� the Town, The deeds must include a spec reference to this special permit as well as a narrative and/or diagram,as necessary,to explain the preservation restrictions and/or limit of work areas.Upon approval b the Town, the applicant shall file the appropriate deeds and easements with Middlesex south District Registry of Dees or Middlesex South Registry District of the Land Court. proof of such recording shall be provided to the Planning Department, which includes the date of rec rd*m g• along with the book and page number of executed legal documents. 28. The Applicant shall establish a Homeowner's ssociation or Trust,recorded with the Middlesex mouthWct Registry of Dees, which shall be approved as to form and content by both the Planning Board and Town Counsel, for the purposes of the operation and maintenance in perpetufty of the roadway, st r water and drainage infiltration stem, trash and waste removal, infrastructure and street lights, and snowplowing,, in addi an to aerated improvements. 29. The Applicant shall provide the following performance guarantees for the Project. a. Upon completion of the project and pdar to the request for a Certiftate of Occupancy, the Applicant shalt provide the Planning Board with an "As wilt Plan" stamped by a profes zonal Engineer registered In the Commonwealth of Massachusetts cerflfving that all Improvements are completed in accordance with the approved Site plans In a form acceptable to the Lexington Engineering Division. b. The as-built plan shall be submitted In both hand copy and electmnic formats PDF and AutoCAD) to the Lexington Engineedng Division for certification.The AutoCAD file must conform to the current fonn of the Mass GIS Standard for Digital Plan SubnMsslon to l unic1palities or other standard requested by the Lexington Engineering Division. The plan shall Include,but not he limited to,site utiiit �rrrprorvement and Ve-in dimenslons to all pipes and connection points. The as-built infiormati n shall• be delivered t Planning Division a Minimum of fire business etas ire advance of the Applicant w seeking a certificate of Occupancy sign-off to a o time r the �ovvrr U Engineer,g , r designee to eview and approve the wbmined Information. The Applicant shall also Site Sensitive Development Special Permit S Outlook Drive—April 6.2022 � Page 8 of 1 53 k:SMY ; R RECEIVED �' APR 12 AN10:43 TOW14'CLERIK LEMINGTON submit a statement cert`�ng that all conditions of approval of this d ciston have been met and site improvements are complete. 0, Prior to the Issuance of the first Certificate of Occupancy for the Project, the Applicant shall install permanent bounds,monuments,or markers that have been physically installed by a Land Surveyor registered In the Commanweafth of Massachusetts and reviewed by the Department artment of Public Works. Said Lard Surveyor registered in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts shall provide a written summary regarding the installation of all permanent bounds, monuments,or markers, along with a site plan s o ving the exact location of each permanent bound, monument, or marker.The permanent bounds and monuments shall be installed according to the Pianning Boards Subdivision Regulations. H. &qlfta aNWLc-1nfraqmgNM 31. The Applicant or Homeowners Assodation/Tru t small remain responsible for the plowing o snorer in the driveway,trash and recyding removal,the maintenance of the common driveway, Infrastructure within or under the proposed roadway, and all surface and subsurface stone drains and infrastructure through,or under the roadway. . The proposed roadway within the property of 75 Outlook Drive.. shown on the plans as, Effie Place.,sham remain private In perpetuity. Tra"Sar.a gggggn . The Applicant shall provide a "Stop' sign at the intersection of 75 Outlook Drive and the property of 75 Outlook Drive, Such sign shall he located appwropriateiy to allow for vehicles exiting the site to stop and see vehicles from all directions. Qff:9EWftMnL2RM . The paving of front lawns for additional off-street parking shall not be permitted.The only off- street part ng pmvided and awilowed for the residential units is the garage and the driveway leading to the garage. n dLtree 5. All ground utility equipment shall be screened with landscaping, fendn& and other visually appealing materials. Efforts stall be made to buffer noise and decrease the visual impacts of such infrastructure. 36, Snow storage shall not obstruct sight lines to preserve public safety or interfere with site circulation. Snow storage shall be on the Applicant's property and not In the Outlook Drive right-o -way. CW TT Site Sensitive Development Special P'ertnit f� 75 Outlook Drive—April 6,2022 Purge 9 of 12 TOWN CLERK LEXINGTON.MA 54 z S #8M •493 ��as...��.ee aim u Jpr ' • µu ,yr " uw J, AR ■ CORDOF � n 4d[6,2022,the Plaming Band vied nurnbw )In bvor,none 0 ��and nme )In bsterfflon to grunt an apprmW w1th conditions for the Definitive Residerdial,Sft Sensfflve dal Permit Residential Development Appl won and Street Adequacy Determinat rn for the prWrty at pe al Pei+m t—Site Sensftive Development Charles Hornig,-fires Robert Peters-fires m o ee Creech-yes + 0 Michael Schanbacher-yes 0 n 0 Melanie Thompson—yes zM Xx �c~ Signature of tt Chair: A,,i� I __ EXHIBLU fiat gMchgg unigg The Applicant has filed with the Planning Board various plans and reports required under the requirements of the Lexington Zoning Bylaws and Planning Board Zoning Regulations.During the review process,the Applicant and its professional consultants also submitted revislons to plans in response to requests by the Planning Board and by the various municipal departments that reviewed the Project. AH of these plans,reports feports and correspondence are contained in the Planning Board's files and are hereby incorporated into this Decision by reference. 3. Form B—General Application for Approval of a Plan for Development for the property known a 75 Outlook Drive,dated November mber 15,2021,0 and sU ped In with the Town Clwk on December 6, 021 . Form G-CE Designees Ceni cate{C'Mil Engineer,Michael Novak,,t4o.50696,,dated November 15, 1 Form G-LA Designees Certificate Landscape Architect,I ot1 77,dated November 15,202 1 4. Plan set titled"7S Outlook[give(Assessors Map 41 Lot 4 A Site Sensttive Development plan Set"'prepay by Patriot Engineering,Lexington,Ma a hus+e ts,prepared for Alpha Echo 7 floor LLC,dated November 15,2021,revised to February 25,2022 o Page 1:titled"Cover Sheer prepared for Alpha Eao 75 Outlook,LL ,prepared b Patriot n ineerin&signed and stamped by Michael J.Novak,,Civil No.50696,and Iso Site Sensitive Development Special Permit 7 Outlookgive—April 6, o 0 _ Page of i r w� µ Ail prepared by Thoma .and Design Studios,stamped and signed byJeffrey A.Thoma, Landscape Archited No,1377,dated November 1.5,2021,revised to February 25,,2022 o Page :titled"Record Conditions Plan"prepared for Alpha mho 75 Outlook,LLC, prepared by gJ UConnell&Associates,INC.,stamped and siped by Matthew Lowry, Land Surveyor No.49825 Civil,dated July 13,2021 o Page I titled"Site Analysis Plan"prepared for Alpha Echo 7S Outlook LLC,prepared by Patriot Engineeiing,stamped and steed by Michael J.Novak,Civil NO-50696.,dated November A,2021.,revised to February 25,2022 co Page :tied"Prop"Rights Plan"'prepared for Alpha Echo 75 Outlook,LLC,prepared by Patriot Engineerin&dated November 15,2021,revised to February 25,2022 0 Paige 5:titled `Site Construction Plan" prepared for Alpha Echo 75 Outlook,,LLC, prepared Patriot Engineering,stamped and signed by Michael I Novak,CMI No.SW96, dated November 1.5,2021,rid to February 2 , 022 o Page :tided"Site Utility Plan"'prepared for Alpha Echo 75 Outlook,LLC,prepared by Patriot Engineerin&stamped and signed by Michael J.Novak,,Civil No.50696,,gated November 15,2021,,revised to February 25,2022 o Page 7:titled"Landscape Pfianting Plan"prepared for Alphas Echo 75 Outlook,LLC, prepared by J Thoma Land Design Studios,stamped and signed by Jeffrey A.Thorna, Landscape Architect No.1377,dated November 15,2021,r reprised to February 25,,2022 o Page g;titled'Tree Protection&removal Plan"prepared for Alpha Echo 75 Outlook, LLC,prepared by.i Thoma Lard Desigo Studios,stamped and signed by Jeffrey A.Thorma, Landscape Architect No.1. 77,dated November 15,2021,revised to February 25,2022 o Page :titled"Site Detalk"prepared for Alpha Echo 75 Outlook, LLC,prepared b prepared by Patriot Engineering,Lexington,Massachusetts,stamped and signed by Michael 1.Novak.,Civil o. o69 ,dated November 15,2021 o Page 10 titled "Site i taft"prepared for Alphas Echo 75 Outlook,LLC,prepared by Patriot i=ngineerin&Lexington,Massachusetts,stamped and signed by Michael J.Novak, Civil No.50696,dated November 15,2021 o page 11:titled''Site Details"prepared for Alpha Echo 75 Outlook,LLC,prepared by Patriot Engineering,Lexington,Massachusetts,stamped and signed by Michael J.Novak, Civil No-50696,dated November 15,2021 o Page 12:tined*'Geometric Proof Plan'prepared for Alpha Echo 75 Outlook, LLC, prepared by Patriot Engineering,Lexington,,Massachusetts,stamped and signed b Michael J.Novak CMI NOD- Mg,dated November 15,2021 S. Model House Elevation Plans tined"Briggs Estate Cul-de Sae 75 Outlook Drive,Lexington,, Massachusetts 02421 a Page :Front Elevations,dated November 30,2021 Page :Right Elevations,dated November 30,2021 ..� o Page :Back Elevations,dated November 30.2021 , t oPaige 4:Left Elevations,dated November 30 ZZE ,.,�. in . Historic Home Elevation Plans titled"Briggs Hill Reuse IA'75 Outlook Drive �e�a% 4101 ot Massachusetts 02421 i fte Sensitive Devefoprinent Special Permit p � 75 Outlook D&e—April Or 2022 Page 11 of 11 z I M EX MIT RESTRICTION GUIDELINES The purpose of the Restriction Guidelines 1s to clarify Section 4 of the terms of the Restriction, which addresses exterior alterations to the Buildings. Alterations of a minor nature,which are part of ordinary maintenance and repair, do not require the consent of the Town. In an effort to explain what constitutes a minor alteration,the following list has been developed.This is not a comprehensive list,and it is provided for illustrative purposes only. It is only a sampling of some of the more common alterations which may be contemplated by building owners. In the event of a conflict between these Guidelines and the Restriction, the Restriction shall control. PAIN' Minor. Hand scraping and repainting of non-decorative and non-significant surfaces as part of periodic maintenance. Mir. Painting or fully stripping decorative surfaces or distinctive stylistic features including murals, stenciling, ornamental woodwork, stoner masonry, decorative or significant original stucco or plaster. WINDOWS AND DOORS MM* r. Regular maintenance including caulking, painting and necessary regla ing. Repair or in kind replacement of existing individual decayed window parts. � I ajar. Wholesale replacement of units-3P 'charge In fenestration or materials; alteration of profile or setback of windows. The addition of storm windows is also considered a major change; however,with notification it is commonly acceptable. EXTERIOR Minor. Spot repair of existing cladding and roofing including in-kind replacement of clapboards, shingles, slates, etc. Major. Large-scale repair or replacement of cladding or roofing. Charge involving inappropriate removal or addition of materials or budding elements i.e., removal of chimneys or cornice detailing; installation of architectural detail which does not have a historical basis); altering or demolishing building additions; spot r poinfing of masonry. Structural stabilization of the property is also considered a major alteration. LANDSCAPE/OUTBUILDINGS Igor. Routine maintenance of outbuildings and landscape including lawn mowing, ping,planting,painting,and repair. Maw. Moving or subdividing buildings or proper; altering of property; altering or removing significant landscape features such as gardens, vistas, walks,s, plantings, galls, fences;ground disturbance affecting archaeological resources. HEATINGWR C NDIT TONING CT ICAL PLI< MBING SYSTEMS Minor. Repair ofexisting systems. Major. Installing or upgrading systems which will result In major exterior appearance changes i.e. exterior ducts, piping, ventilators, HVAC units); the removal of substantial quantities oforiginal materials in the course of construction. Changes classified as major alterations are not necessarily unacceptable. Cinder the Restriction, such changes must be reviewed by the Town and their impact on the historic integrity of the property assessed. F r ! f R z� r rye, ,o u �r i r i r f u i ff, r "A /oi/ r�/O,d A�l�l�irD HIUi ril���y 31���f ri�I f 1 ri � ��k fvryS�91rGl1'E4k�VI U`ayEf'�9�r�t �1r}!1' r r 9 / r upu0 1 I i V}I�' P 'I v I .r I u IIVki � G Y� h / R r� 1�rl o APE i L f i vdd a " d iuw alp e F �k Vl l+l Vfj u r �� ua If 'u �" a W„ ,,Ve u � r r vU 71� �� a f Iu ., ', 0 IW u y ` °+ ti a. 101tip fir ,f _ If u "I 1 -p v �MIW gq � 'j� � r~,,),' ov. id�")"I�� '1 Holy u�!nvNV jl"WIY'.. M1 . c •1. ��� ,.,,; � � i � ��-,^� �rry A#W r u. 4p a N iU uti f 6, INa l�1�1iNr an� V o ry,V� I r u�"•7,�-,Y, a o,�i. ro u pJ, Imo' V I'� T � r � � �tr �� UU���� �F �4o ➢ � � � Oplj� ,; 't � 9 uuq, I it f I.,. 1 ^V N if 1 rdiler oi �V s VUCO, Y !g U I. 1 n� 'ad,m f ",�Nd9� �4"iiN aµ,l,., ll., eu .ld� {� !S N Ifl, 9 d W 0 i vu v.� i�� u�' ^, ".M Ip WI �P ry r �y V `., Y �r� ,w, b��' 4� Y'�'Sv v i� � """w^'�'„u' o �'r r� � ' ""'u+•'^" R Y Ol AN fi if ly m r � v r ldrfry " �,w IN Tu p IV 1-17 IIII uw,`'�mr f 17, r ks IVV �v D G ➢i� old 11, s dIllNd ,,0 e<N III G�N o," �,v 1�1M'" uNV4 �p °U�w p, VW Nq4 IW a"ryo I, hW ��111,� V �rf' AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Discuss and Approve Final Design of Battle Green Streetscape Project PRESENTER:TER• ITEM S NUMBER: John Livsey, Town Engineer I.4 SUMMARY: Category:Decision-Making The Engineering Department has fully developed the concept plans and engaged a number of stakeholders (see timeline in presentation) and incorporated and provided full recommendations on the layout, lighting, etc. The Town Engineer will present the project for final approval. Timing is critical at this point to finalize design and get the project out to bid and constructed in time for 2025. SUGGESTED MOTION: Move to approve the Battle Green Streetscape project as presented. FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 11/28/2022 6:55pm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type W W J Q i2LM H u LU O cc U O U i LU 4maj J � � O 0 � LU = s u o Lr) LU V � o LM w C) � s o � L :III I 0 I r Ir I ,, III I,I�� I ulll�witil III w o I I a I >I �i � �Illji I III. 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A 7/6 //All 300 All' Y I p I I` iglu li IIII I I!I�!IIIII+'� �' U r" I uli, m 14,E �I y` i III:, Il IIi li UI I 1 I{ p I Q f V � 1 r, IIVG III �r� CII��I��14 r II IIIIIIII � „ IY I,I II YI �V�Vi,��l IIII iIIIIIIIIII, � V" fj ail , r 1 s � I I I �5 r �V k V i91 "IIIIIII 4 f I I 1141IIIII '^pV P I � I l j r 1 � j I I, I pl �lu• i I a, h Y I p I I` I II, I IIII I Ill�ililil+'� �' U r" i uli, m 14,E y` III:, Il I�� r li UI I 1 I{ p I Q f 1 r II �t'f V `II h n�II�I I ; I IIIIIII � II IIIIIIII � „ Inl,i YI I���uIY8111� i 000ml„ �I� IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII �iq, I � �1 i�i IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Y'I�IV. �I p fj �II. LU MLM MM E J IIIIIIIIIIIIIY I NoEN4, I" I r' o � , i I� p 4� I I I I y DIY, I III I, I h s Town of Lexington Department of Public Works P'1 -' Engineering Division John R. Livsey, P.E., Town Engineer Tel: (781) 274-8305 Ross Morrow, P.E., Assistant Town Engineer Fax: (781) 274-8323 MEMORANDUM TO: Select Board Office FROM: John Livsey, Town Engineer DATE: November 23 2022 RE: ' Response to guidelines for information in presentations to Select Board o Agenda Item/Title Battle Green Streetscape Improvements o Whether a Vote of the Select Board is being requested,whether this is an update on a previous item or if it is for informational purposes only and what you need from the Select Board (directional guidance, approval, etc). A vote to approve the project as developed and allow the Engineering Division to complete the design and bid the project for construction is requested. Alternatives for lighting layout will be provided and a vote on the alternative that shall be in the final design shall be voted on as well. o A summary explanation of what is being presented including costs and funding source, plan for public outreach, impact on department work/goals and any alignment with the Select Board goals. A sumrna explanation of what is being presented We anticipate this as the final presentation of the proposed Battle Green project. The design has evolved based on feedback from numerous Boards and Committees and we believe the plan before the Select Board strikes the best balance of the opinions we have received, the Battle Green Master Plan, and good engineering design practices. costs and efunding source The funding for the construction was approved at the 2022 Annual Town Meeting. 210 BEDFORD STREET•LEXINGTON,MASSACHUSETTS 02420 plan for public outreach �e The public outreach that was performed is outlined in the presentation. impact on department woLk/foals and any alignment with the Select Board This is in concert with the goals of the DPW Engineering Divisions goals of improved accessibility, improved safety and proper replacement schedules of aging infrastructure. The impact on work for the Department is significant as it is an intensive construction project that will have numerous challenges. Staff will be challenged with coordinating the construction of this work while balancing the numerous other projects in town that are either in construction, going to construction, or going through the project development phases. It is our understanding that it is a goal of the Select Board(although may not be formally written) to have this project completed prior to the 250th Anniversary and therefore the schedule has been pursued accordingly. o Timeline summary Timeline to date has been provided in the presentation. Bidding is scheduled for Late January to allow proper time to construct in advance of the 250th Anniversary of the Battle of Lexington. Timing is critical as supply chain issue will likely result in some materials not becoming available until late summer 2023. o For items where action of the Board is being requested, a statement of the implications of taking the action vs. not taking the action. If approval is granted then we can keep the bid schedule allowing completion per the timeframe described above. If approval is not granted or delayed we would recommend that the project be postponed to be constructed post 250th Anniversary as we would otherwise risk the project not being fully completed in advance of the anniversary. Thank you AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Discuss and Approve Pleasant Street/Watertown Street Roundabout Project PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: Ross Morrow,Assistant Town Engineer I.5 SUMMARY: Category:Decision-Making Ross Morrow,Assistant Town Engineer will present options for a proposed roundabout to be located at the Pleasant Street/Watertown Street area. Engineering is looking for Board support of the roundabout plan so that they can move forward to finalize design and to go into construction. SUGGESTED MOTION: Move to approve the roundabout design on the Pleasant Street& Watertown Street intersection as presented. FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 11/28/2022 7:10pm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type 4m==J o) tA a� Vl v> > Q) p O L oc z 000> 0 4=m=J I� WIN MEMEMEMEMEMEMEEM i r J 0 a �� i y � IIIV�ullul x I 'I� III 11111111111PIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Iri`i"" IiJI� u p �uyululVuu�u VVVVV W' m III � uuuuuum er, �6 I illy IIII ��,� �liii�N, � IIIIIIIII �� ouVtl ����IIIIIV Ili uu�`"'y��IVI�liillllllllll��llll II IIIIIIII iiiiuu iuuuuuuuu 4 f J Q1� J ' N � I I � r if t f �e F I, J d 1111111111111111 711111111111111111 E IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II II EJA iLn 00 0 1111111111111111 C11111111111111 r\j LVA r\j IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II uo IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1Illlllllllllllwl IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1,1111,71,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,1111, IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1111111111110111111111111 0 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII CID HE--........ D 0 4-1 M U r\j Q) .......... 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LexinQrton ° Department of Public Works Engineering Division John R. Livsey, P.E., Town Engineer Tel: (781) 274-8305 Ross Morrow, P.E., Assistant Town Engineer Fax: (781) 274-8323 MEMORANDUM TO: Select Board Office FROM: Ross Morrow, P.E., Assistant Town Engineer DATE: November 23, 2022 RE: Response to guidelines for information to provide in presentations to Select Board o Agenda Item/Title Pleasant Street at Watertown Street Intersection Improvements o Whether a Vote of the Select Board is being requested, whether this is an update on a previous item or if it is for informational purposes only and what you need from the Select Board (directional guidance, approval, etc). A vote to approve the intersection improvements and allow the Engineering Division to complete the design and bid the project for construction is requested. Alternatives for the intersection layout have been provided and a vote on the alternative that shall be in the final design shall be voted on as well. o A summary explanation of what is being presented including costs and funding source, plan for public outreach, impact on department work/goals and any alignment with the Select Board goals. A summate explanation of what is being presented We anticipate this as the final presentation of the proposed Pleasant St. at Watertown St. intersection improvements. The presentation includes three options for the reconstruction of the intersection: roundabout (preferred), "T" intersection, and maintain the current"triangle" geometry. costs and funding source The Pleasant St. roadway reconstruction will be performed under the annual Street Improvement Program. The program funding includes approximately $2,600,000 of Town Capital funds, supplemented with approximately $950,000 of Chapter 90 funds. The intersection improvements will be included with these funding sources. The 210 BEDFORD STREET*LEXINGTON,MASSACHUSETTS 02420 roundabout option will add approximately$300,000 to the cost of reconstructing Pleasant St. plan for public outreach e Public outreach began with TSG's inclusion of the intersection study at their meeting. Earlier this fall, the Engineering Division performed a neighborhood mailing to solicit feedback. The concepts were presented to the Select Board in October. To date, the majority of responses received has been in favor of installing the roundabout. The three houses directly abutting the intersection were directly contacted, and will continue to be coordinated with to ensure any impacts to property access, etc., are mitigated to the extent practicable. impact on department work/goals and any alignment with the Select Board goals. As part of the town wide roadway maintenance program, the Engineering Division will be reconstructing Pleasant St. between Massachusetts Ave. and the State Highway Layout—Route 2 westbound on-ramp. This roadway has been on the list for several years, but due to various conflicts the work has been delayed until the 2023 construction season. This intersection has been identified through multiple channels as a safety issue. Through the Vision Zero process it was also identified as an intersection with one of the highest crash rates that has not had recent improvements or is not currently under evaluation. With the roadway scheduled for reconstruction, it is necessary for any improvements within the project limits to be completed as part of the work. After the roadway work is complete, Pleasant St. will be under a "no work" moratorium for five years. If no safety improvements are included at this time, we feel it will be a significant missed opportunity to address a location that has been identified as dangerous by both the residents and staff alike. o Timeline summary The intersection improvements are at concept level currently. If a vote to include improvements is reached, final design will begin immediately. The project is scheduled for bidding this spring, with construction following in the summer of 2023. o For items where action of the Board is being requested, a statement of the implications of taking the action vs. not taking the action. If approval is granted then improvements to the intersection will be included in the Pleasant St. reconstruction. If approval is not granted or delayed no intersection improvements will be included in the project, and the current"triangle" geometry will be maintained. Thank you AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Establish 2023 Annual Town Meeting and Annual Town Election Dates PRESENTER:TER• ITEM S NUMBER: Kelly Axtell, Deputy Town Manager I.6 SUMMARY: Category:Decision-Making To establish dates for the 2023 Annual Town Election and 2023 Annual Town Meeting. The suggested date are: • Friday, December 16, 2022:due date for Citizens Petition and separate draft motions for the 2023 Annual Town Meeting Warrant • Monday, March 6, 2023:Annual Town Election • Monday, March 20, 2023: Opening Session of the 2023 Annual Town Meeting. The draft warrant will be available for Select Board review for the meeting on January 17, 2023. The final warrant will need to be voted and signed by the Select Board on January 23, 2023. SUGGESTED MOTION: Move to open the 2023 Annual Town Meeting Warrant for submission of Citizen Petitions through F rid ay, December 16, 2022 at 1 p m. Move to establish Monday, March 6, 2023 as the date for the 2023 Annual Town Election. Move to establish Monday, March 20, 2023 as the date for the opening session of the 2023 Annual Town Meeting. FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 11/28/2022 7:25pm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type F) C,,,.,dendarATVI and I ection 202.3 M ckuj,,-)Material TOWN OF LEXINGTON: 2023 ELECTION CALENDAR DATE AND TIME EVENT FRIDAY DECEMBER 16, 2022 4:00 PM Warrant Closure Deadline (voted by Select Board) FRIDAY FEBRUARY 24, 2023 5:00 PM Last Day to Register to Vote in the Town Election MONDAY FEBRUARY 27, 2023 DEADLINE: WARRANT POSTING MONDAY FEBRUARY 27, 2023 5:00 PM DEADLINE:Application for Vote by Mail/Absentee Ballot FRIDAY MARCH 3, 2023 5:00 PM DEADLINE:Application for In-Person Absentee Ballot MONDAY MARCH 6, 2023 ANNUAL TOWN ELECTION (voted by Select Board) Hours 7AM-8PM MONDAY MARCH 20, 2023 ANNUAL TOWN MEETING (voted by Select Board) 2023 CANDIDATE DEADLINES DATE AND TIME EVENT MONDAY JANUARY 9, 2023 5:00 PM DEADLINE: Incumbent Town Meeting Members File with Town Clerk WEDNESDAY JANUARY 11, 2023 5:00 PM DEADLINE: New Candidates—Obtain Blank Nomination Paperwork—All Offices FRIDAY JANUARY 13, 2023 5:00 PM DEADLINE: Submit Signed Nomination Papers to Board of Registrars/Town Clerk for Certification WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 1, 2023 5:00 PM DEADLINE: Last Day/Time for Candidates to Withdraw or Object Candidate Nomination paperwork available: Tuesday, December 6, 2022 TIMELINE INFORMATION FOR ATM MARCH 20, 2023 DATE AND TIME EVENT TUESDAY NOVEMBER 29, 2022 Citizen petition paperwork can be picked up at Town Clerk's Office, 1st floor of the Town Office Building, along with timeline due dates. Citizen's guide and contact info: hops://www.lexin�tonma.�ov/571/ Creating-Citizen-Petitions. FRIDAY DECEMBER 16, 2022 Citizens petitions are due. Please return to the Select Board office on the 2"d floor of the Town office 1:00 PM building (10 signatures for ATM), along with DRAFT AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approve FY2023 Tax Classification Options PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: Carolyn Kosnoff,Assistant Town Manager for F inane e I.7 SUMMARY Category:Decision-Making A vote is requested for this agenda item. This is the second meeting of the Select Board to establish the fiscal year 2023 tax rate. On November 14, 2022, the Assistant Town Manager for Finance and the Board of Assessors presented information to the Select Board on classification options that will determine the Fiscal Year 2023 tax rate. On that date the Board also held a hearing to take public comment on the four classification options. Today's meeting is for the Board to vote the four classification options that will determine the FY2023 tax rate. These four items are described in the memorandum from the Board of Assessors to the Select Board in the attached Fiscal Year 2023 Tax Classification Packet. The four votes are to: • Establish a tax shift factor between 1.00 and 1.75 (see Exhibit A of the classification packet); • Determine whether to adopt the Open Space Discount(the Town has no property classified as Open Space); • Determine whether to adopt the Residential Exemption and, if so, the percentage(up to 35 percent); • Determine whether to adopt the Small Commercial Exemption, and if so, the percentage (up to 10 percent); SUGGESTED MOTION: Move to establish a residential factor of (plus additional decimals or rounding as needed)to result in a tax shift of (see Exhibit A of the classification packet); . Move not to adopt the Open Space Discount; . Move to (adopt)/(not adopt)the Residential Exemption(and, if so, the percentage, up to 35 percent); . Move to (adopt)/(not adopt) the Small Commercial Exemption, and if so, the percentage(up to 10 percent). FOLLOW-UP: Finance staff will submit the Tax Rate Recap for approval to the Department of Revenue. FY2023 third quarter actual tax bills will be issued by January 1st. DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 11/28/2022 7:35pm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type F) I!'xh ib it A Roundingl N.tended Bh ib it .,Y? T x.Ow-,ificatk.m.Pacl<et v2 C ver VIler........... Town of Lexington-Tax Classification Packet EXHIBIT A: ALTERNATIVE TAX RATE SCENARIOS FOR FY2023 FY2022 to FY2023 Change in Levy Limit and Values FY2022 FY2023 %CHANGE FY 2022 Levy Limit(A) $ 204,256,773 N/A Maximum Allowable Levy Limit $ 218,204,764 $ 231,429,017 6.06% FY 2022 Excluded Debt(B) $ 13,947,991 N/A Tax Levy (FY22 as actual,and FY 2022 Maximum Allowable Levy FY23 as Levy Limit(TBD) $ 218,176,732 $ 231,429,017 6.07% Limit(A)+(B) $ 218,204,764 N/A Residential Valuation $ 12,224,559,111 $ 13,645,487,139 11.62% Plus:Amended New Growth $ - 0.00% Comm+Indl*+PP Valuation $ 1,820,375,860 $ 2,099,699,600 15.34% Plus:Prop 2 1/2 Increment ° $ 5,106,419 2.34/°(FY 22 Levy Limit(A)x 2.5%) Total Valuation $ 14,044,934,971 $ 15,745,186,739 12.11% Plus:New Growth Increment $ 6,856,879 3.14% Residential Tax Rate $ 13.80 T.B.D. T.B.D. Plus:Override $ - 0.00% Comm/Indl/PP Tax Rate Plus:Debt Exclusion Increment $ 27.18 T.B.D. T.B.D. (Increases vs.FY 2022) $ 1,260,955 0.58% FY2023 Maximum Allowable Levy *Industrial valuation is adjusted for TIF agreements Limit $ 231,429,017 6.06% FACTOR %SHARE OF LEVY TAX LEVY TAX RATE %LEVY CHANGE: C-I-P RESID C-I-P RES C-I-P RESID C-I-P RESID C-I-P RESID COMMENTS 1.000 1.000 13.3% 86.7% $ 30,862,220 $ 200,566,797 $14.70 $14.70 -37.6% 18.9% SINGLE TAX RATE 1.050 0.992 14.0% 86.0% $ 32,405,331 $ 199,023,686 $15.43 $14.59 -34.5% 18.0% 1.100 0.985 14.7% 85.3% $ 33,948,442 $ 197,480,575 $16.17 $14.47 -31.4% 17.1% 1.150 0.977 15.3% 84.7% $ 35,491,553 $ 195,937,464 $16.90 $14.36 -28.3% 16.1% 1.200 0.969 16.0% 84.0% $ 37,034,664 $ 194,394,353 $17.64 $14.25 -25.1% 15.2% 1.250 0.962 16.7% 83.3% $ 38,577,775 $ 192,851,242 $18.37 $14.13 -22.0% 14.3% 1.300 0.954 17.3% 82.7% $ 40,120,886 $ 191,308,131 $19.11 $14.02 -18.9% 13.4% 1.350 0.946 18.0% 82.0% $ 41,663,997 $ 189,765,020 $19.84 $13.91 -15.8% 12.5% 1.400 0.938 18.7% 81.3% $ 43,207,108 $ 188,221,909 $20.58 $13.79 -12.7% 11.6% 1.450 0.931 19.3% 80.7% $ 44,750,219 $ 186,678,798 $21.31 $13.68 -9.6% 10.7% 1.500 0.923 20.0% 80.0% $ 46,293,330 $ 185,135,687 $22.05 $13.57 -6.4% 9.7% 1.550 0.915 20.7% 79.3% $ 47,836,441 $ 183,592,576 $22.78 $13.45 -3.3% 8.8% 1.560 0.914 20.8% 79.2% $ 48,145,063 $ 183,283,954 $22.93 $13.43 -2.7% 8.6% 1.570 0.912 20.9% 79.1% $ 48,453,685 $ 182,975,332 $23.08 $13.41 -2.1% 8.5% 1.580 0.911 21.1% 78.9% $ 48,762,307 $ 182,666,710 $23.22 $13.39 -1.4% 8.3% 1.590 0.909 21.2% 78.8% $ 49,070,930 $ 182,358,088 $23.37 $13.36 -0.8% 8.1% 1.600 0.908 21.3% 78.7% $ 49,379,552 $ 182,049,465 $23.52 $13.34 -0.2% 7.9% 1.60 Factor Option 1.610 0.906 21.5% 78.5% $ 49,688,174 $ 181,740,843 $23.66 $13.32 0.4% 7.7% 1.620 0.905 21.6% 78.4% $ 49,996,796 $ 181,432,221 $23.81 $13.30 1.0% 7.5% 1.630 0.903 21.7% 78.3% $ 50,305,418 $ 181,123,599 $23.96 $13.27 1.7% 7.4% 1.640 0.902 21.9% 78.1% $ 50,614,041 $ 180,814,977 $24.11 $13.25 2.3% 7.2% 1.650 0.900 22.0% 78.0% $ 50,922,663 $ 180,506,354 $24.25 $13.23 2.9% 7.0% 1.65 Factor Option 1.660 0.898 22.1% 77.9% $ 51,231,285 $ 180,197,732 $24.40 $13.21 3.5% 6.8% 1.670 0.897 22.3% 77.7% $ 51,539,907 $ 179,889,110 $24.55 $13.18 4.2% 6.6% 1.680 0.895 22.4% 77.6% $ 51,848,529 $ 179,580,488 $24.69 $13.16 4.8% 6.5% 1.690 0.894 22.5% 77.5% $ 52,157,152 $ 179,271,866 $24.84 $13.14 5.4% 6.3% 1.700 0.892 22.7% 77.3% $ 52,465,774 $ 178,963,243 $24.99 $13.12 6.0% 6.1% 1.70 Factor Option 1.710 0.891 22.8% 77.2% $ 52,774,396 $ 178,654,621 $25.13 $13.09 6.7% 5.9% 1.720 0.889 22.9% 77.1% $ 53,083,018 $ 178,345,999 $25.28 $13.07 7.3% 5.7% 1.730 0.888 23.1% 76.9% $ 53,391,640 $ 178,037,377 $25.43 $13.05 7.9% 5.5% 1.740 0.886132 23.2% 76.8% $ 53,700,263 $ 177,728,755 $25.58 $13.02 8.5% 5.4% 1.750 0.884594 23.3% 76.7% $ 54,008,885 $ 177,420,132 $25.72 $13.00 9.2% 5.2% FY 23 MAX SHIFT Prior Yr:FY22> $27.18 $13.80 *Proposition 2.5 potential increment is calculated from the previous year's levy limit before adding excluded debt. FY23 Classification Packet CJK 11.9.2022 Page 4 11/28/2022 TOWW OF 1XX Pi(iToiq Fiscal Year 2023 Property Tax Classification Data Packet vs M�RN�ti a " �y m a APRIL l9TN LEXIN G't 0� Prepared FOR: Lexington Select Board Prepared by: Lexington Assessors Office Members of the Board Chairman, Gregory A. Johnson Member, Edmund C. Grant Member, Casimir R. Groblewski Contributing Staff Carolyn Kosnoff, Asst. Town Manager for Finance Robert F. Lent, Director of Assessing Michael Golden, Asst. Director of Assessing Property Tax Classification Hearing November 14, 2022 M M0 To: Lexington Select Board From: Lexington Board of Assessors Subject: FY 2023 Lexington Property Tax Classification Meeting Date: November 14, 2022 This memo is intended to provide the Select Board with the necessary information to conduct a Public Hearing and Informational Session on the tax classification options available under Massachusetts General Laws. The classification amendment requires the Lexington Select Board to consider four (4) selections with respect to the setting the FY2023 Lexington tax rate. The decision of the Select Board for each alternative must be submitted to the DOR on MA State form LA-5. The four (4) selections are: 1. Selection of a residential factor 2. Selection of a discount for Open Space 3. Residential exemption 4. Small commercial property exemption 1. Selection of a residential rate factor. (Class 1: Residential; Class 2: Open Space; Class 3: Commercial; Class 4: Industrial, etc.) The Lexington Select Board may choose to adopt a residential rate factor, which will increase the tax rate applied to the commercial, industrial, and personal property (C-I-P) classes, by a factor (multiplier) of up to a maximum of: 1.750. Adopting such a factor will shift a larger portion of the overall Lexington tax levy to the commercial, industrial, personal property classes (CIP), thereby reducing the portion of the tax levy borne by the owners of residential property. Attached Exhibit A & Exhibit B demonstrate the effect that several possible "factor" choices will have by identifying the tax levy percentage borne by each class of properties through the resulting tax rates. Some 108 of the 351 communities in Massachusetts have adopted this process of tax classification. 2. Selection of a discount for Open Space. Massachusetts General Law Chapter 59 Sec. 2A defines Class 2 Open Space as: "..land which is not otherwise classified and which is not taxable under provisions of chapters 61, 61 A, or 61 B, or taxable under a permanent conservation restriction, and which land is not held for the production of income but is maintained in an open or natural condition and which contributes significantly to the benefit and enjoyment of the public." The Lexington Select Board may choose to adopt an exemption, discounting the assessed value of Open Space to a maximum of 25% for any property that is classified as Open Space. The Board of Assessors has not identified any property in Lexington that meets the definition of Open Space according to the statute, therefore adopting/not adopting this exemption will have no impact on the town's tax classification. FY2023 Lexington Tax Classification Packet Page 1 To: Lexington Select Board From: Lexington Board of Assessors Subject: FY 2023 Lexington Property Tax Classification Meeting Date: November 14, 2022 3. Residential exemption. The Lexington Select Board may choose to adopt a maximum exemption of up to 35% (prior to FY2016 the maximum was 20%). If adopted, this tax relief would apply only to the principal residence of taxpayers (owner-occupied and primary domicile). If this exemption were adopted, the residential properties that are assessed at a value below the "break- even valuation" point would realize a reduction in taxes while the residential properties assessed at a value above the "break-even valuation" point must pay additional taxes to compensate. See attached Exhibit G for a hypothetical application of the residential exemption. The funding for this exemption/tax relief for qualified applicants would be borne amongst the other properties of the within the same Residential classification. Non-owner-occupied properties (in particular, apartment buildings and vacant land)would experience a substantial increase in taxes. [Note: "The Residential classification" includes over 10,000 parcels: single family dwellings, two & three family dwellings, vacant land, multi-dwelling parcels, residential condos, and apartment buildings.] According to Mass.gov statistics, sixteen (16) communities in the Commonwealth of MA (typically those with a substantial base of residential rental units) have decided to offer the residential exemption: Barnstable, Boston, Brookline, Cambridge, Chelsea, Everett, Malden, Nantucket, Provincetown, Somerset, Somerville, Tisbury, Truro, Waltham, Watertown, and Wellfleet. In early 2018 the Select Board formed an Ad Hoc Residential Exemption Policy Study Committee to examine if adopting a residential exemption would serve the interests of the Lexington community. In their final report delivered to the Select Board in April 2019, the Committee advised that adopting the Massachusetts local option residential exemption was not recommended. The committee suggested other courses of action for tax relief, such as promoting existing programs for tax deferrals, exemptions and credits, as well as exploring special legislation for means tested or other age-based tax exemptions. 4. Small commercial exemption. The Lexington Select Board may choose to adopt a small commercial exemption of up to 10% of the property valuation for commercial (not industrial) property that meets the requirements of the law. To qualify, eligible businesses must have occupied the property as of January 1st, and must have had no more than ten (10) employees (as certified by Mass Dept. of Employment & Training) during the previous calendar year, and the parcel reviewed must have an assessed valuation of less than $1,000,000 during the Fiscal Year. While the applicant does not have to be the owner of the property to be eligible, all occupants of the commercial portion of the property must meet the qualifications of this exemption. The funding for this exemption/tax relief for qualified applicants would be borne by the other properties of the same Commercial-Industrial-Personal Property (C-1-P) classification, resulting in an overall increase of the C-I-P tax rate. FY 2023 Lexington Tax Classification Packet Page 2 To: Lexington Select Board From: Lexington Board of Assessors Subject: FY 2023 Lexington Property Tax Classification Meeting Date: November 14, 2022 According to Mass.gov statistics, fifteen (15) communities in the Commonwealth of MA have decided to offer the small commercial exemption: Auburn, Avon, Bellingham, Berlin, Braintree, Chelmsford, Dartmouth, Erving, New Ashford, North Attleboro, Seekonk, Somerset, Swampscott, Westford, and Wrentham. In 2020 Town Staff complied data on small businesses with fewer than 10 employees and compared that list to commercial parcels with values less than $1,000,000. This analysis concluded that fewer than 10 parcels would qualify for this exemption. In FY2023 there are 110 commercial properties (including commercial condos) in Lexington that have a value under$1,000,000 (with only 63 of these having greater than 1,500 sf of floor area). Town Staff are manually comparing this list with data provided by the Department of Unemployment to identify what properties have less than 10 employees, but do not expect the results to vary materially from the review performed in 2020. FY 2023 Lexington Tax Classification Packet Page 3 Town of Lexington-Tax Classification Packet EXHIBIT A: ALTERNATIVE TAX RATE SCENARIOS FOR FY2023 ChangeFY2022 to FY2023 in Levy Limit and Values FY 2022 Levy Limit(A) FY2022 FY2023 %CHANGE $ 204,256,773 N/A Maximum Allowable Levy Limit $ 218,204,764 $ 231,429,017 6.06% FY 2022 Excluded Debt(B) $ 13,947,991 N/A Tax Levy (FY22 as actual,and $ 218 FY 2022 Maximum Allowable Levy $ 218,204,764 NIA FY23 as Levy Limit(TBD) ,176,732 $ 231,429,017 6.07% Limit(A)+(B) Residential Valuation $ 12,224,559,111 $ 13,645,487,139 11.62% Plus:Amended New Growth $ - 0.00% Prop 2 1/2 Increme nt ent Comm+Indl*+PP Valuation $ 1,820,375,860 $ 2,099,699,600 15.34% Plus: Levy Limit(A)x ent $ 5,106,419 2.34% (FYTotal Valuation $ 14,044,934,971 $ 15,745,186,739 12.11% Plus:New Growth Increment $ 6,856,879 3.14% Residential Tax Rate $ 13.80 T.B.D. T.B.D. Plus:Override $ - 0.00% Comm/Indl/PP Tax Rate $ 27.18 T.B.D. T.B.D. Plus:Debt Exclusion Increment(Increases vs.FY 2022) $ 1,260,955 0.58% FY2023 Maximum Allowable Levy *Industrial valuation is adjusted for TIF agreements Limit $ 231,429,017 6.06% FACTOR %SHARE OF LEVY TAX LEVY TAX RATE %LEVY CHANGE: C-I-P RESID C-I-P RES C-I-P RESID C-I-P RESID C-I-P RESID COMMENTS 1.000 1.000 13.3% 86.7% $ 30,862,220 $ 200,566,797 $14.70 $14.70 -37.6% 18.9% SINGLE TAX RATE 1.050 0.992 14.0% 86.0% $ 32,405,331 $ 199,023,686 $15.43 $14.59 -3 .5% 18.0% 1.100 0.985 14.7% 85.3% $ 33,948,442 $ 197,480,575 $16.17 $14.47 -31.4% 17.1% 1.150 0.977 15.3% 84.7% $ 35,491,553 $ 195,937,464 $16.90 $14.36 -28.3% 16.1% 1.200 0.969 16.0% 84.0% $ 37,034,664 $ 194,394,353 $17.64 $14.25 -25.1% 15.2% 1.250 0.962 16.7% 83.3% $ 38,577,775 $ 192,851,242 $18.37 $14.13 -22.0% 14.3% 1.300 0.954 17.3% 82.7% $ 40,120,886 $ 191,308,131 $19.11 $14.02 -18.9% 13.4% 1.350 0.946 18.0% 82.0% $ 41,663,997 $ 189,765,020 $19.84 $13.91 -15.8% 12.5% 1.400 0.938 18.7% 81.3% $ 43,207,108 $ 188,221,909 $20.58 $13.79 -12.7% 11.6% 1.450 0.931 19.3% 80.7% $ 44,750,219 $ 186,678,798 $21.31 $13.68 -9.6% 10.7% 1.500 0.923 20.0% 80.0% $ 46,293,330 $ 185,135,687 $22.05 $13.57 -6.4% 9.7% 1.550 0.915 20.7% 79.3% $ 47,836,441 $ 183,592,576 $22.78 $13.45 -3.3% 8.8% 1.560 0.914 20.8% 79.2% $ 48,145,063 $ 183,283,954 $22.93 $13.43 -2.7% 8.6% 1.570 0.912 20.9% 79.1% $ 48,453,685 $ 182,975,332 $23.08 $13.41 -2.1% 8.5% 1.580 0.911 21.1% 78.9% $ 48,762,307 $ 182,666,710 $23.22 $13.39 -1. % 8.3% 1.590 0.909 21.2% 78.8% $ 49,070,930 $ 182,358,088 $23.37 $13.36 -0.8% 8.1% 1.600 0.908 21.3% 78.7% $ 49,379,552 $ 182,049,465 $23.52 $13.34 -0.2% 7.9% 1.60 Factor Option 1.610 0.906 21.5% 78.5% $ 49,688,174 $ 181,740,843 $23.66 $13.32 0.4% 7.7% 1.620 0.905 21.6% 78.4% $ 49,996,796 $ 181,432,221 $23.81 $13.30 1.0% 7.5% 1.630 0.903 21.7% 78.3% $ 50,305,418 $ 181,123,599 $23.96 $13.27 1.7% 7.4% 1.640 0.902 21.9% 78.1% $ 50,614,041 $ 180,814,977 $24.11 $13.25 2.3% 7.2% 1.650 0.900 22.0% 78.0% $ 50,922,663 $ 180,506,354 $24.25 $13.23 2.9% 7.0% 1.65 Factor Option 1.660 0.898 22.1% 77.9% $ 51,231,285 $ 180,197,732 $24.40 $13.21 3.5% 6.8% 1.670 0.897 22.3% 77.7% $ 51,539,907 $ 179,889,110 $24.55 $13.18 4.2% 6.6% 1.680 0.895 22.4% 77.6% $ 51,848,529 $ 179,580,488 $24.69 $13.16 4.8% 6.5% 1.690 0.894 22.5% 77.5% $ 52,157,152 $ 179,271,866 $24.84 $13.14 5.4% 6.3% 1.700 0.892 22.7% 77.3% $ 52,465,774 $ 178,963,243 $24.99 $13.12 6.0% 6.1% 1.70 Factor Option 1.710 0.891 22.8% 77.2% $ 52,774,396 $ 178,654,621 $25.13 $13.09 6.7% 5.9% 1.720 0.889 22.9% 77.1% $ 53,083,018 $ 178,345,999 $25.28 $13.07 7.3% 5.7% 1.730 0.888 23.1% 76.9% $ 53,391,640 $ 178,037,377 $25.43 $13.05 7.9% 5.5% 1.740 0.886 23.2% 76.8% $ 53,700,263 $ 177,728,755 $25.58 $13.02 8.5% 5.4% F1.750 0.885 23.3% 76.7% $ 54,008,885 $ 177,420,132 $25.72 $13.00 9.2% 5.2% FY 23 MAX SHIFT Prior Yr:FY22> $27.18 $13.80 *Proposition 2.5 potential increment is calculated from the previous year's levy limit before adding excluded debt. FY23 Classification Packet CJK 11.9.2022 Page 4 11/13/2022 N N O N O r r a p O O O O N O O O oo T O O O O O O O LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LO 0 O + V ti ti LO CO CO 1` 00 00 f` f` 1` ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti m L V Q r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r 0 LL Q 3 L \ \ \ \ \ \ \ �� o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 �► W N LO 00 O CM r C`7 d) O O r r ;I- M f` f` I` ti M 0-) 0o O LO I� m V♦ J N M Cfl C6 L6 M r O O r N r N N N N r O O O 6 O O N � L c N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N r r N N N a � ♦ J V � W N J O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -00, � Q 00 U') N N 00 O N N LO ;I- O (D 00 r � 00 Cfl ;I- co ':I- � CDM M M CO CO CO 4 N N r r N M N N M M M N M M r r r r IT-- r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r 1 O V � E o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ O Ln N O I` O I` r O r O O CO CD I` CO CO CO M I` r N O U) CO m mw J J f` CD LC) I- Cyi 4 CD 00 O O 00 00 0o f� f` 1` ti CD CA CA O O O M' f` Q a ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti o0 0o ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti o0 00 Coo r� r` H O W cLa m �i W A co o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 J \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ i IL a O N LO 00 00 N � CO 00 LO CO O N O CO (D (D N � CO 1` CO M O 1' L = � f` CO M M c5 6 ti ti � ti CD o0 I � ti CD CD CO I` 00 00 00 00 00 00 f` to V 00 00 0000 0000 00 00 0000 M 00 00 00 0000 0000 00 0000 00 0000 00 co L m O O CD O O O O CD O CD (D O CD O O O O O U') O (D U') ti r Q) �O � cn C9 (fl O O LO Co co co co 00 U-) cor O N (9 LO a) 00 r (9 r O co I` M (� r N N L() LO O CO U) U) M r (D r co f` co O Cfl co LC) O O co O 1` LL (� r. r. 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LL ff3 2 LL 6`> ® LL Efl LL ER ® O LL f� LL Cl) Cf> > co U x _0 LLI cu a�'i - R cn ca o o c� ;F 3 a c� m m ca '~ O N ��' p U C) Cl) U M N M Ln M m Co M O (b OD > U M O Co M LO Cb M CO N O M C`) U M CS) (V to fB N M (A o N M o N M M o O N ti LO 00 O N CO Lt)LO LO cDo O N M LO N o C� LO cn X � O Lf) c O Cb to Ci oc oM) (ll O CL`o L() M Co a O C, C~o CO C O— � Co U O I-LO NLo Ln O O 00 w L[.Lr Ln c " a) N C 7 M C a N M M N r O N � (A r a) N Ln r N LO Lo > N ti N O N J LS 6F}r } CO r N Lo r ® r N M OD r N a) r N o0 1� p ti 00 p LL Ef3 69 fh Cn LL O) b4 Ef3 LL 6g co ® od LL 61�Ef> ® LL EfJ 61) ® "O O LL 6Mq Ef?Ef? ® ® LL M r 6 t)61)- C > a) Ef> 64 64 — cf> F V J 6) O Q C� Q c U U) o D 3 Z E a) U L O O Rf M LO O O M p �+ M p M O ® m Ln O ® M(0 C]O)M o >, M M O O o M O p N M �' M O y N O Co N N L`\° N M Lo N (o \° O N Lo N CO o`er N ti CD� ti N N (fl O ~ M o N Co� P- M o` N O -ti M\° O O Co o O 00 o O L`°« O P* O O M O 00 o _ 0 N m �M �r� N co �co N N ti � N � �� ti M N LO �� LL"M N LL j w It Ln 0) N � �� �Pw N � w�� 00 C7 r ti ti r Eq r Cfl r N Lf) M r N co ® >- 00 r N� } r N 00 ® ® >- O r N O ti LL E!?Ff>69 LL fF}69> U LL 64 MCf> ® ® LL E!3 LL H? ® U LL Ef>Ef> LL M �? U \ L Cn Efl f!? Cn o Z n n n n A A n RLRLL<! L L L A A A � ... _0 O O O O C) OD 3 P- 3 O L WL) U M m U M N U M N o M LO ti ° M co ti Lo ° M Cl) CD M m L o r Cl i N M Cl) w O Cl) � LO 00 O LO � � Ur LO O � O N M Lf)m � � N LC)LC) � o J _ Ln N Ln 0\° N o0 Ln N co N Ln N O oo N "Ln N o N Ln N Ln N � o Ln N C0 \ CA O N CO O M N M a) N M O CON o O O ' .4 L[) 3 N L o � N Ln � N L` 4 O N E Co N CEO" (� 3 " " M ^ M N C>)r N O >> O (b o C C M r ti ti p- d? N co r N LD r a) r N LC) r a) op r N r aJ " r N 00 N Lo r. Z LL 69t9k Z LL yp0 tl>Ef3 Z LL ® ® z LPL 61) co64 ® ® z LPL Ef> ® ® Z LL 613- Ef>Ef> ® ® Z LL N LL O to O O 69 O 61> O 6r> o O 69 O 3 C C Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z C) N N N N O N N N N i p U Q Q i U CS).7 Q Q Z N � i N LV a) N , a•Q N L�p ..'Q.Q`a\o } N a.ry LO •Q•Q N a N .a.Q N '`o o.Q.Q o U N Np .Q.Q N 00 o .� .�o s O co co co c� s) c� co co cy c� c� M co c� cc)N cts cts0 00 cts m p — O — o o > } N it O _ M CN r,�a o > -\ O C> o M N C> o L CC> ° i N � iZ SZ O N CO �� SZ tZ 0 N N C.O �.... Q tZ N w-� C1 Q �N �,,,.� it Q �N M �,,,.CAI SZ it 0 �N C�j �p O-O-O O co a N o ........ p ca > o �—. co co cn �- c� co c� c� c CV) CO M� U) c6 ca N M Co co co rF) C�3 M N O zz zz zz `' zz zz ° zz -� z z odd v a� o Z0 a) a) N N= 0 a) a) CO CO L 0 a) a) N N= 0 a) a) N N= 0 a) N N co L 0 a) a) N N= 0 a)a) N N= C` O a) M (O (O LL LL O �O. m CO CO LL LL O �O. n CO CO LL LL O �O. R (6 (O LL LL O m (O N LL LL O m (O (O LL LL O m (O CO LL LL o O L 3 LL > N N C) � (O LL > N N 0) O LL LL N N (O LL >> N N (O LL LL N N O (O LL >> N N 0) (O LL > N N C) > w � m U .- U)� >->- 5 Q U ,-voi )->- �U .- � } U w � }} � U w � >->- � U w U)� >- >- Q Cn LL LL o C s Cn in LL LL o m C s Cn Cn LL LL o Q C s Cn in LL LL o C s Cn Cn LL LL o C s U) Cn LL LL o C s w Cn LL LL o m Mm y o � ate) a�i o � a�i a�i y o � aa)) a�i O =o a a�i a�i o a0. a3i a�i o a a�i a�i o 0.0. aa)) a�i L � W aa)i Q 3 3 M a Y Q M a fl Q M a Q 3 M Qo 3 M ° Q 3 3 M ° Q 3 3 M � cLa O m Ef>C a) a) N a m ff}C a) a) N O m b4 C a) a) N O m d4 C a) a) N m U> C a) a) N -C m U>C a) a) N m E-C a) a) N r O C_ O } s LL O O LL O O LL O LL 0 } LL O } LL O } LxC Q CO CO LL O CXC Q- CO CO LL O O CXp Q (O CO LL O t� a) LL O K a) LL CT K a) LL O x a) LL a) > a) N > a) O> Q-a) C� (� > lC Sz a) (� C� .a > Ca SZ O CO CO > Ca SZ O CO CO to O > 0 a) a) z O -0 a) N cu � N N N O � N N � N N U -0 N N . O CO - a) L X W Q CO (O_ O CO_ CO_ O CO_ C O Cp_ _ _ _ L N N �_ N N N N L h • _ N .. ° x— 3 ° x 3 x 3 x 3 a x 3 w x 3 Lo w x 3 p 0 o t3 0 a m o a c m o o cts o o 0 Co x x ;_; m x x ° m m x x ° 'm m x x ° x x x ° N COm x x ° E co m x x a Q cl, x m m . LO �( m m N LO �( m m . N �C CO CO U(O CO CO tO N �C O CO CO ~�C CO O ]C4 M 10 � M • N CO �� N H F-F N !0 F-F 3 � CO P P 3 �--�0) o N M d o N i0 a) o N is 4) ��`` a) c N (U G) t a) N N O N N a) N > N • O V a) N O 8) N •--• c • CZ d LL a) LL a) LL a) LL LL • G d LL N d LL a) N J Q > a� a) > o f > o > o o o f > a)y U E > a) v N N W Q w Q _� W 3 � Q (n Q (n U U) Q a U) Q C o o w m (n .. m � Q rn a cn J ro U) N (O m Q (O Q J Q O J Q (O • Q tO L V a � > > • o Q � LLI �Q ai O U) o . �co o� a co c a co c • Y M c � �M c V L M c I L 0 O Q c CO N c N N c N N c C N c N c O N c _ O 15 o • o m o O 3 Y J . LL UI Y W c a) W • Cl) LL co Q) y CO . ° °°' .. ° ar y o s: • o y o U ° ° ° o U) U) co U co N H LL Town of Lexington-Tax Classification Packet EXHIBIT E: TAX FACTORS AND TAX RATES = AMONG COMMUNITIES w/ COMPARABLE C/I/P VOLUME in MA, AND vs. CONTIGUOUS COMMUNITIES COMPARABLE "COMMERCIAL VALUE" COMMUNITIES FY2022 FY2021 FY2022 State Comm-Ind1-Pers RESIDENTIAL C-I-P RATE RESIDENTIAL C-I-P RATE Rank MUNICIPALITY ASS'D C-1-P RATE/K RATE/K SHIFT RATE/K RATE/K SHIFT 1 Boston $65,925,933,610 $10.67 $24.55 1.750 $10.88 $24.98 1.750 2 Cambridge $28,834,891,962 $5.85 $11.85 1.510 $5.92 $11.23 1.451 3 Waltham $5,285,059,830 $11.32 $23.08 1.749 $11.14 $22.88 1.749 4 Worcester $4,075,634,568 $16.28 $36.20 1.732 $15.21 $33.33 1.725 5 Newton $3,275,468,155 $10.76 $20.12 1.719 $10.52 $19.95 1.748 State XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX Rank 21 Plymouth $1,997,570,334 $16.60 $16.60 1.000 $15.43 $15.43 1.000 22 Billerica $1,972,984,542 $13.00 $28.89 1.750 $12.64 $28.78 1.750 23 Nantucket $1,925,759,492 $3.63 $6.20 1.699 $3.74 $6.40 1.699 24 Natick $1,914,821,156 $13.61 $13.61 1.000 $13.34 $13.34 1.000 25 Lexington $1,82093751860 $14.39 $27.97 1.750 $13.80 $27.18 1.750 26 Braintree $11743,970,048 $9.95 $21.84 1.750 $9.95 $21.63 1.750 27 Wellesley $1,678,792,000 $11.75 $11.75 1.000 $11.68 $11.68 1.000 28 Peabody $1,676,899,636 $14.50 $29.64 1.750 $10.10 $21.14 1.750 29 Andover $1,671,808,277 $15.29 $28.09 1.590 $14.60 $29.29 1.710 The EIGHT (8) CONTIGUOUS COMMUNITIES to LEXINGTON FY2022 FY2021 FY2022 State Comm-Ind1-Pers RESIDENTIAL C-I-P RATE RESIDENTIAL C-I-P RATE Rank MUNICIPALITY ASS'D C-1-P RATE RATE SHIFT RATE RATE SHIFT 3 Waltham $5,285,059,830 $11.32 $23.08 1.749 $11.14 $22.88 1.749 6 Burlington $2,986,330,419 $9,95 $25.84 1.601 $9.95 $26.64 1.632 10 Woburn $27463,963,996 $9.33 $22.86 1.750 $9.34 $22.77 1.750 25 Lexington $1,82013751860 $14.39 $27.97 1.750 $13.80 $27.18 1.750 58 Bedford $8841423,923 $13.53 $29.72 1.750 $13.58 $29.93 1.750 79 Arlington $660,555,742 $11.34 $11.34 1.000 $11.42 $11.42 1.000 107 Belmont $467,778,029 $11.54 $11.54 1.000 $11.56 $11.56 1.000 133 Winchester $3637210,429 $12.83 $12.24 1.000 $12.51 $11.89 1.000 253 Lincoln $78,656,783 $15.52 $20.42 1.301 $14.93 $20.77 1.371 FY23 Classification Packet_CJK_11.9.2022 Page 9 11/9/2022 a 19 ofo o o N O Gs O 2 N o U ~ > 06 a� N 2 to If) 0) 0) 4M Co to I%- co Up co Co to oA co (m r%_ CIA 0) Co (5) co r%_ t­ to H M p o > a� W N M as to J `� Q � Q � > II o W L � a a + _ W ' � U cn E: CL Up CN Q o L O a a) U M O N L •v U = 4 a_ N O 4_0 cn Q CD Q M CD In Up Q I- cl a Q CA 0 Q C) C) In 0 Q Q at a In m Q Q Q M Q Q w Q (.0 a CD Q Q Up Q CC 0 Q v Q Q CA Q Q L) W Q U) O CC) Z o x N > a� o ON �_ aD �X v L > . 6 o Q Uo O L a LO N a cnCoco cco O =CD H0. 0 .. LL o = vs N O cm C6 U Lu T_ cn � � �I CD > ow 4.0 O c� J � N � � v y U 0 N Q _ o `� N c: o 4.0 M _ .N 0 N 000 U •� N �_ •V •= C6 O •a � _ U L.L EXHIBIT G: IMPACT ANALYSIS of residential tax: the property possible adoption of a RESIDENTIAL EXEMPTION RESIDENTIAL EXEMPTION WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2023 INFORMATION TOTAL RESIDENTIAL (ASS'D)OVERALL VALUE $13,645,487,139 TOTAL# RESID. PARCELS 10,929 (Includes over 500 unbuildable(mostly small) parcels of land.) AVG. RESIDENTIAL PARCEL $11248,557.70 EXEMPTION Percentage>> (Up to a 35% "Max" Resid Exemption is allowed by MGL) EXEMPTION $AMOUNT $249,712 EST.#OF EXEMPT(Principal Resid.) PARCELS 9,265 Town estimate: #of non-owner occupied parcels >>> 1,664 TOTAL VALUE MADE EXEMPT by this clause $27313,577,424 RESID. RATE (Calc'd, but not yet voted upon) $13.00 (<Note: This Rate is from Exhibit A.) TOTAL RESID. REVENUE "redirected" (tax dollars) $177,420,132 NEW RESID. OVERALL ASSESSED VALUE $11,331,909,715 NEW (Derived by formula) RESID. RATE $15.66 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) EXEMPTED PRELIMINARY ANNUAL ASSESSED NET Taxation Taxation EXAMPLES OF TAX RATE @ PROPERTY VALUE @ 20% ASSESSED DERIVED TAX NET TAX $Change %Change ASSESSED VALUE 1.75 SHIFT TAX BILL EXEMPTION VALUE 1 RATE BILL (g-c) (h/c) $400,000 $13.00 $57 201 $249,712 $150,288 $15.66 $2,353 - -54.76% $500,000 $13.00 $6,501 $249,712 $250,288 $15.66 $3,919 -$2,582 -39.72% $600,000 $13.00 $7,801 $249,712 $350,288 $15.66 $5,484 -$2,317 -29.70% $700,000 $13.00 $9,101 $249,712 $450,288 $15.66 $7,050 -$2,051 -22.54% $1,000,000 $13.00 $13,002 $249,712 $750,288 $15.66 $111 747 - 1, % $1,100,000 $13.00 $14,302 $249,712 $850,288 $15.66 $13,313 - % $17 200,000 $13.00 $15,603 $249,712 $950,288 $15.66 $14,878 - % $1,300,000 $13.00 $16,903 $249,712 $11 050,288 $15.66 $16,444 - % $1,400,000 $13.00 $18,203 $249,712 $1,150,288 $15.66 $18,010 - -1® % $114 72 799 $13.00 $19y 150 $249,712 $1,223,088 $15.66 $19,150 $0 0.00% $1,500,000 $13.00 $19,503 $249,712 $1,250,288 $15.66 $19,575 $72 0.37% $1,600,000 $13.00 $20,803 $249,712 $1,350,288 $15.66 $211141 $338 1.62% $17 700,000 $13.00 $22,104 $249,712 $11 450,288 $15.66 $221 707 $603 2.73% $2,000,000 $13.00 $26,004 $249,712 $11 750,288 $15.66 $271404 $15 399 5.38% $2,500,000 $13.00 $32,505 $249,712 $2,250,288 $15.66 $35,232 $2,727 8.39% $3,000,000 $13.00 $395 006 $249,712 $23 750,288 $15.66 $43,060 $4,054 10.39% $5,000,000 $13.00 $65,011 $249,712 $43 750,288 $15.66 $74,374 $9,363 14.40% Resid. Exemption, per MGL, may not reduce taxable value of property to less than 10 percent of its full and fair cash value. "BREAK-EVEN ASSESSED VALUE; NO TAX IMPACT. VY472J99 FY23 Classification Packet_CJ K_11.9.2022 Page 11 11/9/2022 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approve FY2023 Water and Sewer Rates PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: Carolyn Ko sno ff,Assistant Town Manager for Finance I.8 SUMMARY: Category:Decision-Making A vote is requested for this agenda item. This is the final meeting on proposed FY2023 water/estate rates. The Select Board opened a public hearing on the proposed rates on Monday, October 3rd which was continued to Monday, November 7th and Monday, November 14th. On November 14th, the Board reviewed the updated FY2023 water and wastewater budgets as adopted at the Special Town Meeting 2022-3, revised estimates of FY2023 water and wastewater consumption/usage projections; and proposed FY2023 water and wastewater rates. Tonight's agenda item is for the purpose of setting FY2023 water/wastewater rates. The proposed rates are on slide 2 of the attached presentation and represent an combined increase $39.90 or 4.2% for the average Lexington household. These rates remain the same as presented on November 14th. SUGGESTED MOTION: Move to approve proposed FY2023 water and wastewater rates shown on page 2 of the attached presentation. FOLLOW-UP: New rates will be effective for the Fall 2022 billing period, and bills will be mailed in early December. DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 11/28/2022 7:45pm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type F) Water,&I...Was tewater I�ates Presentation un LEX I N T 10. ,01 Me ir9° W N 4� O O ;..4 a) PM4 =Ni MCD T' T O' z z z z 0 O en V ko ko 110 o �o N o 0 0 N N L N p O � � a � a a a lit v a ui Z M Z Z Z N ul o 0 � � � � o 0 CDM a I I IIIIII � i IIIIIIIII LM CDM L� m co N r,,, M 0o r p N � a � a a a .. m •- M 00 N Z M Z Z Z � a O O O O M 144- 00 Lo � o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 � C� C� � Lo I� m . 00 00 m O M O M M Z O O m 00 00 V L ow p m 00 co co 110 o a 1- IM O CD CD CD O M ce � � � J& J& � � � A M M O a N Lo � 00 I` to cD Lo Lo N L Ln N O O I*-% O r%-, O 09- 61-> 61-> 69- Nr-... ,--1 'q- -i- N O M M Q lq- r O O M r< 00 M Z OC iA- -U+ -U+ -U+ -U+ -U+ -U+ iA- O O O O M Lo O O oc i rii °'�illllllllll �/ ui N 00 ,-� N M — cn — .� �, M CM O 00 O ca � ra m M C'7 C'7 N N N N a--J .vC:L ca O Ov = 64% {9} {f} Vf aj 14 J •ca L co N 0 O O O O O fu N N N N _ 4-' I.�L I.�L I.�L I.�L 4 1713 LEX INGTON a � 4 0 �p sx>n+s rnmetsMw� ""� xt9t y �A W W M ltl `-, V �^� W 4-, V E O 0 L E ~ O O O O O O O O O O O O O co co 00 00 CO L 00 M M p 0 0 0 0 0 I* I� O O 00 00 - O „�l��� O O i oo O (D O � w ti M N O Nt N cow E cocD cD N N O O CO O O 00 I` � O I` O� 00 p► O Q � 00 � CO � O� N � N N N ::I- � � II��, Lo M ;-.4 CF) L. ■O 61!)- ta ta talka.ta ta.ta ta.ta ta.ca ta.ka t� a. N N ta O O O O O O O M O O O Nzl- 0 0 >- ,, O N N CO CO N Nt (D O 00 00 co O N Q O O O . .., M ql�t co Lo N M ti ti I` O M o0 O C6 I` O O O) O 1'*M N M N Lo M � N I-- CD 00 Lo O � 00 0 O O 00 I` CO Lo 0 � � � N N N p O � Lo ., .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ., r p O O co 00 6C} 6,!)_ 6,), } {f} E 6,9- 6,} {f} {f} u1 O O O O O O O I` O O O N � 0 0 O O O to � cD O cD 00 O (D 00 N 00 Lo Ill- 00 cDCD i 0 Lo r t co Co :t ti I` 00 O 00 N co mi Lo b 00 00 O O I*,.- N C O I,-- M M I**-- r M M C) M N N O M M M O (D O M 00 00 00 Q' (0 00 P"-- O O O O O O O (D O O O O) O O O r. O O O -Rt 00 CO CO O mt 'tt O N CD O I� CD CD CO Qjjj�l m Lo CD CD -in. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O � � co � � CO � co co co (D 1` Lo a a oc (Dui����� L6 N 00 � 1` CO � 1` Lo � N O 00 CO � co O m M !, c0 m to CO CO Lo Lo LoU') Lo LM / „mr (A- 649- 6 Q 011011111 III M N O M M I` (D L M N O M M N O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL ........n 09L I ERIC LEXINGTON a 4 �p sx+s rnmetst{w ""� r, zt9t 7�b'I— AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Request to Approve 10%Administrative Charge for Police Details PRESENTER:TER• ITEM S NUMBER: Jim Malloy, Town Manager I.9 SUMMARY: Category:Decision-Making As discussed during the Police Contract negotiations, there is an administrative fee added to extra duty details. State Law provides that the State and local governments may charge up to 10% administrative fee for details to cover the cost of scheduling, billing and collecting. Lexington charges 7.0%. The Police C hie f has surveyed all area communities and all communities (and the State) are charging 10%. Staff recommends increasing the police extra duty detail administrative fee to 10%. Due to many details already having been scheduled, this increase should only apply to newly requested details. SUGGESTED MOTION: Move to increase the Police Extra Duty Detail Administrative Fee for all newly requested (after 11/28) details to 10%. FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 11/28/2022 7:50pm AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Discuss Potential Community C harette on Lexington Center Revitalization PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: Doug Lucente, Select Board Vice- Chair I.10 SUMMARY: Category: Brainstorming Proposal to Discuss - The Select Board will discuss the idea of having a facilitated Community C harette, or a similar public engagement workshop to give stakeholders and community members an opportunity to discuss the vitality of the Center Business District. Potential stakeholders would inc lud e the members of the Economic D eve to p ment Advisory Committee, the Center Committee, the To uris m Committee, the Planning Board, the Historic District Commission, business owners, property owners, Town staff, and members of the Lexington community. A Community C harette could also serve as an opportunity to educate the community on what has recently been accomplished and what is currently planned for a more vibrant center. Mr. Malloy and Select Board Member Doug Lucente discussed the concept of a Community C harette, and Mr. Malloy has used a professional facilitator in the past that specializes in this topic. If the board is interested in this idea, the Board will also discuss ideas for proposed outreach and the next steps. T he ratio nale fo r the C o mmunity C harette: 1) Economic Development Advisory Committee Feedback- On September 9, 2022, the EDAC passed a motion(see attached motion#3)that the Town should take steps urgently to address the loss and turnover of businesses in the center. The EDAC recommended that the Select Board host a summit involving all the relevant stakeholders in an effort to improve the vibrancy of the center. 2) Lexington Center Committee- On October 13, 2022, the Center Committee also discussed the topic of the c enter's vitalization, and their consensus was that we should move forward with the concept of a summit or Charente to discuss this topic. 3)2022 Town-wide Survey- The results of the 2022 Town-wide Survey by the Vision for L exingto n Committee ind is ate that there is more we can do in having a vibrant center. SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 11/28/2022 7:55pm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type F) ['�I)A.0 Motions ftorri.9/29/202.2. CA)v er VIlerno EDAC 9/29 APPROVED MOTIONS (and some notes) From: Bridger McGaw Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2022 5:00 PM To: Joe Pato; Doug Lucente Cc: Charlie Minasian; Lawrence P. Smith; Adrienne Ortyl; Carol Kowalski; Charles Hornig; Charlie Minasian; David M. Pronchick; Frederick DeAngelis; John J. McWeeney; Lrm Murray; Casey Hagerty; Sheila Page; Sandhya lyer Subject: Re: EDAC 9/29 APPROVED MOTIONS (and some notes) The Economic Development Advisory Committee approved 3 actions at their monthly meeting on September 29: Motion 1: (September 9, 2022; Passed 4-0-1) Mr. McCaw moved and Ms. Murray seconded that"The Economic Development Advisory Committee supports the re-development of 12 Hartwell Avenue as proposed by Greatland to include first floor retail, a goal of 98%electric-power use; garage-mounted solar canopies, to meet Greatland's and the Town of Lexington's intention to activate and redevelop the Hartwell Corridor in line with the community's vision. (McGaw, Murray, Minassian, Ortyl in the affirmative; DeAngelis abstained) Motion 2: (September 9, 2022; Passed 5-0-0) Mr. McGaw moved and seconded by the Chair that"In support of the 25% Design Plan for Hartwell Corridor, the Economic Development Advisory Committee advises the Select Board to prioritize further investigation efforts on building a new road to Hartwell Avenue from Rt. 128, that housing be an approved use as part of any mixed-use Commercial redevelopment effort in the corridor, and that further Transportation Management Demand Management analysis of best practices in shuttle bus operations needs to be explored. - Discussion about this motion covered that there are other organizations like the Association for Commuter Transportation, other communities outside of Massachusetts, OR other major property owners (i.e. Alexandria Real Estate or Boston Properties)who should be part of providing insight on how shuttle operations will be needed. Unbuckling parking costs is not really going to solve anything while the MBTA - On creating a new road, the Town composting site or the bike path, or the swamp, or use of eminent domain should be better understood. - Regarding housing, the discussion felt this was an acceptable use because achieving `vibrancy'would mean having more people in the corridor outside of work hours to use any retail and community amenities. Motion 3: (September 9, 2022; Passed 4-0-1) Mr. McGaw moved and seconded by Ms. Murray: To take steps urgently to address the loss and turnover of businesses in Lexington Center and pending future losses, and in light of the taxpayers investment of$10M in streetscape improvements, the Economic Development Advisory Committee advises the Select Board to take action to host a summit involving all the relevant stakeholders, including Town staff, committees, landlords, tenants, and business groups to develop unity of effort around improving the vibrancy of the Center. Discussion of this motion by the EDAC with other attendees focused on additional ideas that could be included in development of solutions: - Recent concerns by residents expressed on the"Mavens Facebook page" about pending closure of our movie theater, La Dolda, others. - Use of Tax abatements, rate changes or credits to landlords and/or tenants or actions requiring Town Meeting action - Building beautification requirements for landlords -Town Staff volunteered to develop reports and insights they have from tenant exit interviews of departing businesses and other landlord and round table conversations -Alignment with Comprehensive Plan findings around what"vibrancy" means to residents in this area- Incentives for recruiting specific types of businesses or functions - Improved communications to residents about current state of small business in the area and importance of shopping locally AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Presentation- Town Organizational Assessment Project Implementation PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: Jim Malloy, Town Manager I.11 SUMMARY: Category: Informing Attached please fmd the memorandum that was previously provided to the Select Board and Senior Management Team regarding the Raftelis Organization Assessment. The memo has been divided into the following categories: • Items to be implemented in FY23 • Items to be implemented in FY24 • Items to be implemented in FY25 • Items to put in a"parking lot" for future consideration • Items not recommended for implementation Given the FY24 budget issues, some items may need to move to FY25, which has been discussed with the impacted Senior Manager. SUGGESTED MOTION: No action required at this time. As budgets are presented, items will be implemented as part of the Program Improvement Request Process (where there are costs associated with implementation). FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 11/28/2022 8:1 Opm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type F) Organization.al Assessarnt Memo C"bver Mera.) r u. Town of Lexington Town Manager's Office James J. Malloy, Town Manager Tel: (781) 698-4540 Kelly E. Axtell, Deputy Town Manager Fax: (781) 861-2921 MEMORANDUM TO: Select Board FROM: Jim Malloy, Town Manager DATE: 11/10/22 RE: Organizational Assessment Implementation CC: Senior Management Team I appreciate the input from the Select Board and Senior Management Team on the Raftelis Report and Recommendations. The following are the items that I am intending to implement, not implement and the timeline for each: Implement in FY23: • Re-title the IT Director to "Assistant Director—Technology Infrastructure". Reason: It is confusing to have an Innovation and Technology (IT) Director and a similarly title position of IT Director. This goes back to the former IT Director(Tom Case) having the title of Chief Information Officer and then having an IT Director. • Have the Administrative Assistant in the IT Department report to the Innovation & Technology Director. • Eliminate the Webmaster position and move the website functionality under the Director of Communications and Special Projects. Implement as part of the FY24 Budget: • In the Human Resources Department, upgrade the Administrative Assistant position that was part- time to full-time and from temporary to permanent. Reasoning: As the Raftelis Report points out, given the municipal side of the Town's overall staffing level and the additional work that is required to also meet the school department's needs, the Human Resources Department is understaffed. • In the Human Resources Department add a position of"Benefits Assistant" to the Benefits Coordinator. Reason: As one person, the Benefits Coordinator processes benefits for 449 Municipal staff and 1,163 School Department staff. This has led to the Human Resources Director filling in and providing assistance to the Benefits Coordinator, which in turn takes her time away from providing direction and assistance to various departments. While this is a high priority, it will be assessed as part of the FY24 budget process and based on financial constraints may need to be pushed to FY25. 1625 MAS SACHUSETTS AVENUE•LEXINGTON,MAS SACHUSETTS 02420 • Continue seeking methods of automating services such as Employee Self-Service (ESS) to reduce repetitive tasks and workload. Reasoning: Employees have greater flexibility if they are able to manage their own benefits and at some point in the future we may find that we can downsize by a person in the HR Department if efficiencies are gained. • Move the Health Department out of the Land Use Health and Development Department and establish a new Health Department with the Director of Public Health serving on the Senior Management Team. Maintain the physical space the Health Department currently occupies as it provides proximity to other permitting departments. Reasoning: During the pandemic, it became apparent the Director of Public Health should be reporting directly to the Town Manager to improve communications between the Town Manager, Director of Public Health and Board of Health. • Change the name of the Land Use Health and Development Office to "Land Use Housing and Development Department"to better reflect the ongoing focus of the department. Implement as part of the FY25 Budget: • Study the Transportation Program for the Town—I am recommending the Select Board create an Ad Hoc Study Committee that will be charged with reviewing whether the LexPress Service is a financially viable service and how it may be modified. That the charge includes making a recommendation in a timely manner to be included in the FY25 budget process (12-month timeline, starting in 2022). According to the FY24 Budget submission, Lexpress Fares/Costs for the past 4 years are as follows: Transportation Fare Department Fiscal Year Revenue Expense FY21 Actual $ 91506 $ 694,168 FY22 Actual $ 16,010 $ 547,831 FY23 Budget $ 301000 $ 7871826 FY24 Budget $ 301000 $ 93 7,672 At this subsidy level, there needs to be a study with a review that ranges from eliminating the service as not being financially viable on one end of the spectrum to continuing the service but not charging for it at the other end of the spectrum (the $30,000 doesn't offset enough to make any difference and a free bus service may increase ridership). The discussion should also include variations in between these two ends of the spectrum and whether this remains a contracted service or should become an in-house service (similar to the discussions with the Liberty Ride). Discussions on where the Transportation Department/Manager should be and whether it moves from the Human Services Department to the Land Use Housing and Development Department would follow this study. • Add an Administrative Assistant to the Town Manager's Office. Reason: The Town Manager's Office has added three new disciplines (Communications, Equity and Sustainability) and positions in the Town Manager's Office. There is one Office Manager who answers phones, coordinates the office, orders supplies, etc. with a shortage of coverage, which requires other staff to take on these responsibilities when they should be focused on their areas of responsibility. In the "Parking Lot" for future consideration: • Eliminate the use of the Assistant Town Manager title for the Assistant Town Manager for Finance and Assistant Town Manager for Land Use, Health and Development and rename these positions Finance Director and Community Development Director. Reasoning: Both incumbents indicated they were attracted by the position at the time they were hired and that they perceived the title change as a position downgrade. This recommendation should be revisited as incumbents retire and/or separate from Town employment. • Should the item above be implemented, then create a new Assistant Town Manager position to oversee Human Resources, Sustainability and Resilience Officer, Director of Communications/Special Project, Innovation and Technology, Chief Equity Officer and Management Analyst. Reasoning: While this may not be the appropriate time to make this change, the span of control for the Town Manager and Deputy Town Manager is fairly wide and with other changes this may be appropriate to reconsider at a later date. • Create a Housing Officer position within the new Land Use Housing and Development Department. Reason: With the changes proposed for LexHab, I believe the Town needs to reassess having a separate Housing Officer or whether we should have LexHab2 (or whatever the agency will be called) as the main partner with a focus on housing, instead of having 2 different agencies working on the same issues. Depending on that reassessment, this may be a future need for the Town. • In the Facilities Department— at this time, to not change the reporting structure so that the Director would only report to the Town Manager. The School Superintendent indicated her position that it was important to maintain the dual reporting structure at least through the construction of the new High School at which time, this could be reassessed as to whether it made sense to change the reporting structure. • Streamline Boards/Committee to reduce the workload created by Board/Committee-related work for many departments. Reason: This is already being discussed through a different process and a separate memo with recommendations has been drafted. This has been on the Board's "to do" list for some time and may be checked off once the Board determines the appropriate actions (even if that is taking no action). This may be reassessed at a future date. Do not intend to implement: • Combine Select Board/Town Manager staff under the Town Manager and consider referring to the office as the "Administration Office". Reason: There was opposition from staff and Select Board and there were questionable efficiencies to be gained. • Create a Transportation Division within the current Land Use Health and Development. Reason: The Assistant Town Planner is not necessarily a transportation planner, although that is one of her specialties and combining transportation (as in roadway, multi-mode)planning vs. transportation services are two different areas of Town services and oversight of transportation services. See also, recommendation under FY25. • Amend the Town's Special Acts to remove the title of Comptroller or change the Appointing Authority to the Town Manager. Reason: The Select Board made it clear they appreciate the check and balance of having the Select Board appoint a Comptroller. • Have the Public Facilities Department (vertical) responsible for all town structures and Public Works Department responsible for all non-structure facilities (horizontal). Reason: At this time, a number of different responsibilities have been transferred between the DPW and DPF to the point that I believe it has reached its peak efficiency. I look forward to discussing these proposed changes with the Select Board in the coming weeks. In the interim, should you have any questions, concerns or comments, please do not hesitate to let me know. Thanks. AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Review Pending American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Proposals PRESENTER:TER• ITEM S NUMBER: Jim Malloy, Town Manager I.12 SUMMARY: Category:Decision-Making Attached please find the remaining ARPA requests until next quarter. The Board had asked to have these come back before the Board for discussion/decision. These include the earlier request from the Economic Development Department related to the Electric Trolley and a new request from the Recreation Department. Additionally, attached is an opinion from Town Counsel on information that had previously been relayed to the Select Board related to setting aside funds for a future use such as affordable housing. SUGGESTED MOTION: Move to approve the following ARPA requests (name project and dollar amount). FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 11/28/2022 8:25pm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type D I egal Opiniotl Mllerno G -0 >o 0 o O o �n- a °U' CU N O O o o N cc N � >O . • O O O� �- > L C O .v} N O N � � Z Q v c6 W > N O O O O O O O O F— p O O O O O O O O •� O O O O O O O O O cn . . . . . Q i 0 E O O N O O� Ln O O LU H E ca m O N a Q Lu Q U Q T O O O r-A O O O O a o Ln Ln Ln c1r) Ln Ln Ln Ln C7 � Z 5 Z -0 N N cV cV N N N N LL QJ N N N N N N N N Q O O r-A 00 O a Q N N 00 \ N N N Q r-A r-I Q Q m V) V) a ap co co E a) N a) O ca = 2 O O p �' z u O a� L a — OU a V) X > i 0 O'OU O U L .�E O O c6 a)O -W - m cc ++ _ — ,•U V) U cn O +, : o U O a L }' cn L (ULL On p � V) +-+ N O Q) � a) N C — i S � Q N aA � .N .� c J I m ai U tiou co ai coU O O U � O U 0 cn O O 4-J ate+ *' �C �C: a a) a) (Ii =$ � E E E E E E E QL � Q. 0- i E E o 0 0 0 0 m O O � N N ate-+ V) V)V) U U U U U + +-I +� +j �E E E E E E aJ E OJ O O O O O O O o O o U oC I U = I w w w w w G i O N 0 N > N H Q O N 0 N 00 > a"' N z 0 N 0 Ln Lr) O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 lD O 0 . . . . . . . 0 Ln 0 Ln Ln 3 OLn 0 r-I r-I r*4 N N lD M Q a Ln r-I M N O CL to tn- -tn _cn- -Ln -Ln -(n -cn- -n- O ca 0 0 O O O r-I O 0 Ln c Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln (V a--' N cV N N N N N 00 0 :3 0 0 O 00 to r-I Qr\-I DC r-I r-I r-I Ln 4-0 m 0 a-J V) L H bA .7 0 2 ca 0 aA Q co16 aA V) E 0 0 0 � Ln 'n - 0 +, o o fu }, + CL N — 0 c6 cn N i 0 V) V) O c! 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Cr- DC Or. = DC V) t Ill �� M tA Oa CL in uj CL omuuuuuio u i 'i e i i `^Clolp@6u11 @il@III@IxVuuoi nn IIII I I / 1 % p�uMdBgNp k(�Yl �auY}u:. :, % VII�wuIU AMU up IM@� apuow O w� I� ��wxa x�nl,o� nl,o� je ..........I J u III u u u u u Increasing Inclusion Through Technology Name of Project: Project Cost: $4,0 0 0 Department: Recreation and Community Programs Cost Basis: -I pad with Wi Fi($330) -Communication Technology($20) -I pad Accessories($50) Each Ipad would cost$400.To meet the needs of our summer recreational programs 10 Ipads would be needed. The(pads would then be used throughout the school year in a variety of programs that take place during the out of school time,evenings, weekends and during the day at the Community Center. Please describe the project: Inclusion Aides who work with individuals with disabilities will use the IPads to better support and include participants in programs and in the community. The Ipads will be used as a communication tool, inclusion tool, behavior management tool and a tool for evaluation. The Ipads will have augmentive communication apps to allow participants who are non-verbal or have difficulty communicating to have a voice and engage with their peers and the program staff. The Ipads will also be equipped with apps that support the participant within the program such as interactive visual schedules, first then charts, task completion lists and emotion identification cards to assist with behavior management and introduce identies to emotions and provide tools to return to baseline. The Ipads will allow inclusiuon aides to take notes and complete evaluations on the participants success to update inclusion plans and continue providing the best level of support possible. Please describe how this meets the Select Board's Nexus with COVID Pandemic: This project meets the Select Board's Nexus with COVID Pandemic because it affects community members public health and resiliency within the community. During the pandemic, many individuals with disabilities not only faced social isolation but regressed socially, physically, spiritually and emotionally and are now seeking Recreational programming and services to become re-integrated into the community and work on physical, social and emotional skills. Post pandemic, there has been a large increase for incusion services and a notable increase in participation for individuals who require higher levels of support. Many of these individuals are non-verbal, have mobilility limitations and/or high cognitive deficits post pandemic and we want to support them as best as posssible. The Ipads would create a bridge for accessibility, socialization, participation and engagement. When individuals make meaningful connections to their peers and community it greatly benefits their mental and physical health and resiliency to future crisis. Date Submitted to the Town Manager: 11 .9.2022 Submitted By: Melissa Battite/Kate DeAngelis w 0 h W W m � llll�iu�� J Qa O z a llllu� � Q z cj) oc oc LU cn �N Q DC a� /� p�N) LV (� � U E M •— L V — � .� > L cz O m o- co s � � V V � ._ 'O'D C: C L co cn E C: c� oC a � J J •— L s s co ONEEME E 0 s Ocz � cn cz .— � C: cn b0„p • Ocz LOP V '— a� o a, C s > O 4-J O 4 4-J 0 �' — o � o 0- o o 4� cd u cz m a) CL O ) cn m cz 0- 4mJ O 0 4-1 V) V > O O O � mm buQ Q U arr, it arr, w > o � o 0 O 0 N � o Ln w Z m 6pt 609- 609- wC) � N C� tC ✓ � EPr EA C L.L � Ln L O a � 0�0. N LL LL r 00 upi w �n N N t � d} E!} E1} m � � C J � N o N M cl**4 4-) 4-) CL (R**4 3 c v v a c 4"J L u L O C***4 � � LL y N � L y L. 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L � .� 3 � 4� L. � � � -v— w M u 0 ._ 0 w *E L. — a� cj F • W u S. 0 c: ' S. � c� F N Lu cn N w oC I I O O ,1 O i i r iry 11 j'�/� %//� /ir l /°�"'ri, r (! ✓ r /%//� if I�I I Iry lit, CI kl; f � �jV y iirN �;ao�✓�h��fffl/�/� ; I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIP�`I� I lo, �14�u1 'y r�� �v ' 1 JDI�I 'b� ✓ / U'�! � l IIII�%// ��� �v r, i r i r n m I I �r I Y , ur �il V I�Odd011,,,, � m u IIII I II ru ram, is ���o � '/,/ a rf Ild j�/// �Ii'ti�I i I�����'ll` IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII �// ,/, I 'i IIIIIIIIIIIII James Malloy From: Carolyn Kosnoff Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2022 12:29 PM To: James Malloy; Kelly Axtell; Carol Kowalski Subject: FW:ARPA/SLFRF Funds Analysis Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged FYI—see AK's opinion below on seeding the Affordable Housing Trust with ARPA funds. My take is the same—setting funds aside into a Reserve Fund is a prohibited use. We can spend ARPA funds on housing, but it would need to actually be spent by 12/31/2026—it cannot just sit in the fund. I would be very uncomfortable making that transfer if there was not some immediate determined use for it. Carolyn Kosnoff Assistant Town Manager for Finance Town of Lexington 1625 Massachusetts Avenue Lexington, MA 02420 781.698.4622 Please note E'ffect'ive 1/1/19, the Town Office Bijilding wlilfl be open ti"111 7 p.rn.. oni "I't'ji.elsdays arJ wii]111 &�Iose It wil] 11')e n o c hari ge o f'hoims Mor��ida,ys, Wednesdays and 1"hti�.rsda,ys (clloslil i�g at at I pin. on F"ridillys. 4-03 0 [).�m..) (When writing or responding please understand that the Secretary of State has determined that emails are a public record and,therefore, may not be kept confidential.) From:James Malloy Sent:Tuesday, August 23, 2022 4:29 AM To: Kristen Gagalis<kgagalis@andersonkreiger.com> Cc: Carolyn Kosnoff<ckosnoff@lexingtonma.gov>; Mina S. Makarious<mina@andersonkreiger.com> Subject: Re: ARPA/SLFRF Funds Analysis Thanks! Sent from my Wad On Aug 22, 2022, at 7:06 PM, Kristen Gagalis <kgagallskandersonkreiger.com>wrote: respond UUSE CAUTION: This email came from outside the Town of Lexington. Do not click links, open attachments or S to the email unless you recognize the sender,you are expecting the communication and you know the is safe. Jim and Carolyn, You asked us to look into whether ARPA State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (SLFRF)funds could be used to provide seed money for the Affordable Housing Trust that the Town is considering creating. The short answer is, unfortunately, probably not. Although all SLFRF guidance highlights the leeway that local governments have in using SLFRF funds to support affordable housing, such leeway does not seem to include putting money in a trust where the ultimate use of the funds may be some time far into the future. Affordable Housing in FAQs The short version of the SLFRF FAQs addresses affordable housing in section 2.14, or pages 10-13 Ili.........,it.......... The list of eligible affordable-housing uses of SLFRF funds does not list placing funds in a trust, but since this list is explicitly non-exhaustive, that does not necessarily provide a determinative answer. However, these FAQs do explicitly say that"other affordable housing projects, beyond those eligible under the presumptions described above, may also be eligible uses of SLFRF funds under the final rule if they are related and are reasonably proportional to addressing the negative economic impacts of the pandemic and otherwise meet the final rule's requirements" (emphasis added). Thus, we must still address the question of whether placement in a trust by the applicable deadlines complies with the final rule. "Liquidated" or"Expended" by 12/31/26 Under SLFRF guidelines, all funds that a recipient (the Town) or subrecipient (i.e., an entity that receives a subaward from the Town) receives under SLFRF must be used to pay a cost"incurred" between March 37 2021 and December 31, 2024, and must be expended or liquidated by December 31, 2026. Interestingly, the statute does define the term "Incurred" Title 31 Subtitle A Part 35 Subpart A § 35.5 (b) as follows: "Costs incurred. A cost shall be considered to have been incurred for purposes of paragraph (a) of this section if the recipient has incurred an obligation with respect to such cost by December 31, 2024." However, the neither the statute nor the guidelines or FAQs define the term "liquidated" or "expended," (both of which are used interchangeably to describe the 2026 deadline.) Even if putting funds in a Trust counts as expending those funds, the applicable costs must still be incurred by December 31, 2024, as stated above. Thus, it seems as though the only way to abide by both the 2024 incurment and the 2026 expenditure deadlines, while still putting the funds in a Trust, would be to begin projects before the end of 2024 that would be paid for with debt service funded by the Trust. Unfortunately, debt service is explicitly excluded under the final rule: "For all recipients, funds may not be used for debt service" Final Rule, pg 10. [31 CFR Part 35 RI N 1505-AC77]. Trust= Expenditure Elsewhere It is also worth noting that elsewhere in the final rule, putting the money in a Trust is an allowable expenditure. For example, "[u]nder the interim final rule, a recipient may use funds to make deposits into its account of the Unemployment Trust Fund established under section 904 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. § 1104) up to the level needed to restore the pre-pandemic balance of such account as of January 277 2020 or to pay back advances received under Title XII of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. § 1321) for the payment of benefits between January 27, 2020 and May 17, 2021. These costs support the solvency of the unemployment insurance system and, ultimately, unemployment insurance benefits provided to unemployed workers during the pandemic... In the final rule, Treasury is maintaining the inclusion of this eligible use category. Because unemployment insurance trust funds directly fund benefits to unemployed workers, maintaining the solvency of the trust fund is critical to the continued provision of assistance to unemployed workers. Further, funds deposited into the trust fund must be used as assistance to unemployed workers, an eligible use of SLFRF funds." Final Rule, pg 118. [31 CFR Part 35 505-AC77 III //III..............ii i..................tier...............................u.iii / t iii/iii RIN III li,,,,,.Ili Ili li,,,,,,iii iii Ili u ........................................ However, elsewhere in the rule, other types of long-term funds are not eligible expenditures. For example, "a recipient... may not use funds for deposit into any pension fund."Title 31 Subtitle A Part 35 Subpart A 35.7 Pensions III...............:'//....................................................................iir...... / u iiriir....,iiat/tii u btiiit iii.., u Ih iii... p...... Arguably, the types of expenses that would be incurred by a Housing Trust, like those incurred by an unemployment insurance fund, would be almost perfectly aligned with SLFRF's purposes. Thus, one could possibly make an argument that deposit into a housing trust is equivalent to deposit in an 2 unemployment trust. However, as previously discussed, since the Trust did not exist pre-pandemic, it would be difficult to argue that deposits into the Trust would be needed "to restore the pre-pandemic balance" of the account. Subrecipient v. Beneficiary One last possible route to use SLFRF funds for a housing trust would be classifying the Trust as a "beneficiary" rather than a "subrecipient" of the funds. This distinction matters because a subrecipient is "subject to subrecipient monitoring and reporting requirements,"whereas a beneficiary is not subject to those requirements. Final Rule pg. 210. In order for the Trust to be considered a beneficiary, the Town's rationale for providing the funds to the Trust would have to be"for the purpose of directly benefitting"the Trust"as a result of experiencing a... negative economic impact of the pandemic." In other words, the Trust could only be considered a beneficiary if it had taken a financial hit due to COVID-19 between January, 2021 and December 31, 2024 (the dates between which COVID- related impacts would have to have been incurred). Given that the Trust does not yet exist, the Town cannot show that the Trust's balance was impacted by COVID. However, were the Town instead to put the money into LexHab as it currently exists, it could potentially make the argument that LexHab is a beneficiary rather than a subrecipient and thereby make it not subject to the same monitoring and reporting requirements. However, this would be a fact-based analysis and would require more information about the particulars of LexHab's finances, especially during the pandemic Best, Kristen ANDERSON Kristen Gagalis (she/her) T: 617.621.6594 KREIGER C. 617.543.6105 Anderson & Kreiger LLP 150 Milk Street 121 st Floor I Boston, MA 02109 privileged. The information is for the use of the intended recipient only. If you are not the intended recipient, note that any disclosure, copying, distribution or other use of the contents of this message is P Please consider the environment before printing this This electronic message contains information from the law firm of Anderson & Kreiger LLP which may be I IWAIF/AIU/dldlffPlP/U///4/U/NAIUIU/U//l!//UlUlffulU/U//l4/U/NIIWAIF/AIU/dldlffPlP/U///4/U/NAIUIU/U//l!//UlUlffulU/U//l4/U/NIIWAIF/AIU/dldlffPlP/U///4/U/NAIUIU/U//l!//UlUlffulU/U//l4/U/NIIWAIF/AIU/dldlffPlP/U///4/U/NAIUIU/U//l!//UlUlffulU/U//l4/U/NIIWAIF/AIU/dldlffPlP/U///4/U/NAIUIU/U//l!//UlUlffulU/U//l4/U/NIIWAIF/AIU/dldlffPlP/U///4/U/NAIUIU/U//l!//UlUlffulU/U//l4/U/NIIWAIF/AIU/dldlffPlP/U///4/U/NAIUIU/U//l!//UlUlffulU/U//l4/U/NIIWAIF/AIU/dldlffPlP/U///4/U/NAIUIU/U//l!//UlUlffulU/U//l4/U/NIIWAIF/AIU/dldlffPlP/U///4/U/NAIUIU/U//l!//UlUlffulU/U//l4/U/NIIWAIF/AIU/dldlffPlP/U///4/U/NAIUIU/U//l!//UlUlffulU/U//l4/U/NIIWAIF/AIU/dldlffPlP/U///4/U/NAIUIU/U//l!//UlUlffulU/U//l4/U/NIIWAIF/AIU/dldlffPlP/U///4/U/NAIUIU/U//l!//UlUlffulU/U//l4/U/NIIWAIF/AIU/dldlffPlP/U///4/U/NAIUIU/U//l!//UlUlffulU/U//l4/U/NIIWAIF/AIU/dldlffPlP/U///4/U/NAIUIU/U//l!//UlUlffulU/U//l4/U/NIIWAIF/AIU/dldlffPlP/U///4/U/NAIUIU/U//l!//UlUlffulU/U//l4/U/NIIWAIF/AIU/dldlffPlP/U///4/U/NAIUIU/U//l!//UlUlffulU/U//l4/U/NIIWAIF/AIU/dldlffPlP/U///4/U/NAIUIU/U//l!//UlUlffulU/U//l4/U/NIIWAIF/AIU/dldlffPlP/U///4/U/4I11U1�e When writing or responding,please be aware that the Massachusetts Secretary of State has determined that most email is a public record and, therefore, may not be kept confidential. 3 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Discuss Future Meeting Dates PRESENTER:TER• ITEM S NUMBER: Jill Hai, S elect Board Chair I.13 SUMMARY: Category:Discussion and Decision-Making Attached please find a proposed 2023 Select Board meeting schedule. The Board is being asked to review dates and provide any suggested edits to proposed dates/times. This calendar is to serve as a p lac eho lder for intended 2023 meetings. SUGGESTED MOTION: n/a FOLLOW-UP: Proposed 2023 Select Board meeting schedule will be listed on Select Board Webpage on the Town Website. DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 11/28/2022 8:45pm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type tv 0 LLI u z w 0 C Lr) LLI 94- 0 0 LU LL LLI > j= I ro ru ro ro _0 m tio c LL 4-j V) Ln 0- 0- :3 u to Ln o C) M M 0L 0- -0 UJ C: ci > LL- 4-J E :3>- -0 L- 0 ro E ci 4-1 cu > W -17- 0 0 0 U 0 z 2 Ct < CL cmL 2 cr- > u z r-I k.0 o �o 0 Ln rl- m rll- m m K:I- Izi- Ln rll% K:j- Ln m 0 rA r14 m Ln U) r-i r-i r--1 (N C%4 cu _0 u > > > > u C: 0 < < < 2 cl ai V) U) (1) _0 r-I 00 Lr) r*4 (3) Ln r14 (3) (o (10 m 0 r-I N NNr-I r14 m Zt 00 r-I 00 U') Lr) U.� r-I rNi rsi U. r-I r-I r14 um r-I 00 r-I r14 N 0 r�- m qt r-i r-Im 0 C4 r1 r�-4 F- Mr-i r--I N Mr-I r-J r-400 .j CA M Ln CT) ILD C'14 M (10 CY) w M 0 r�- LA -x r-I r-i r-I r-4 LLI r14 r%i u r-I 00 Lr) Lr) r1i 01) r1i 0) w L) co r1i 00 r-i r,4 rJ LLI r-i r-I r4 7C3 0 N qt 00 Ln U) T-4 rlN r-I N r-4 m 4, 0 �D rn 0 ro 0 rl_ 0 r-- R:I- (-4 0) r-I r14 r1r) Q0 r-I r4 r4 r-I r14 m 70 m M U) 0 0 �t r-I 00 Ln r-I 00 Lr) N a) 00 Lr) 0- co r-I r-I Nr-I r4 rlJ r-i 0 Qtko -Fu -0 4-0 0 m L) 0 N q;T LL II 00 U. 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F.�i n r-i r14 M r-I r4 M r-i r-i rq LLI FL u N1.0 CD r-i 00 N 0) R* oo Ln m m MCS1 (A rl 00 r4 M r-i 00 N rLr)-I N NrN r4 rl eq E 11 0 CN 2023 Proposed Select Board Meeting Dates* SELECT BOARD MEETINGS TIME MEETING TYPE Mon,Jan 9,2023 6:30 p.m. Select Board Work Session or Joint Meeting 0 4/61//U/1 Thu,Jan 19,2023 7:00 p.m. Placeholder-Budget Summit Iv White Book Mon,Jan 23,2023 6:30 p.m. Regular Select Board Meeting Mon,Feb 6,2023 6:30 p0 L 1 1 IN 171 .m. Regular Select Board Meeting mag// ///*ORrN /F 4 i �r MA / /O R1L O04 / MR Mon,Feb 27,2023 6:30 p.m. Regular Select Board Meeting Wed, Mar 8,2023 6:30 p.m. Regular Select Board Meeting 14 Aim L OW OW C 4/41) 1/1 00 4*494 W" Mon,Mar 20,2023 6:00 p.m. Select Board Meeting prior to ATM Session Wed,Mar 22,2023 6:00 p.m. Select Board Meeting prier to ATM Session Mon,Mar 27,2023 6:00 p.m, Select Board Meting prior to ATM Session Wed,Mar 29,2023 6:00 p.m. Select Board Meeting prior to ATM Session Mon,Apr 3,2023 6:00 p.m. Select Board Meeting prior to ATM Session Mon,Apr 10,2023 6:00 p.m. Select Board Meeting prior to ATM Session Wed,Apr 12,2023 6:00 p.m. Select Board Meeting prior to ATM Session Mon,Apr 24,2023 6:30 p.m. Regular Select Board Meeting Mon,May 8,2023 6:30 p.m. Regular Select Board Meeting #00 14 4 R4 / WE/ / AA� OR/ A* 'A Mon,May 22,2023 6:30 p.m. Regular Select Board Meeting Mon,Jun 5,2023 6:30 p.m. Regular Select Board Meeting i 4 41 0 r MAX/E/l/i 4C A A*/A/i//,Mw * , ,4* Tue.,Jun 20,2023 6:30 p.m. Regular Select Board Meeting Mon,Jul 10,2023 6:30 p.m. Regular Select Board Meeting Mon,Jul 24,2023 6:30 p.m. Regular Select Board Meeting Mon,Aug 7,2023 6:30 p.m. Regular Select Board Meeting Mon,Aug 21,2023 6:30 p.m. Regular Select Board Meeting Tue.,Sep 5,2023 6:30 p.m. Regular Select Board Meeting *1/4 A/0014 422 1010=/ 0 04 ''M 0/1 A Mon,Sep 18,2023 6:30 p.m. Regular Select Board Meeting Thu,Sep 28,2023 7:00 p.m. Placeholder-Budget Summit I Mon,Oct 2,2023 6:30 p.m. Regular Select Board Meeting Thu,Oct 26,2023 7:00 p.m. Placeholder-Budget Summit III 11* goo*#004 Mon,Oct 23,2023 6:30 p.m. Regular Select Board Meeting Mon,Nov 6,2023 6:30 p.m. Regular Select Board Meeting /.. OF , isON 1/4/1 WA/? / < mom , Rw000 Thu,Nov 16,2023 7:00 p.m. Placeholder-Budget Summit III Fri,Nov 17,2023 6:30 p.m. Regular Select Board Meeting Wed,Nov 29,2023 1:00 p.m Placeholder-Depart Budget Presentation Thu,Nov 30,2023 1:00 p.m Placeholder-Depart Budget Presentation Mon,Dec 4,2023 6:30 p.m. Regular Select Board Meeting Tue,Dec 5,2023 4:00 p.m. Placeholder-Depart Budget Presentation "44igl a, op" NRM* 1 O/0 01 9 9 1 10*0 wi� 0 /( No 0 00 1 AR Mon,Dec 18,2023 6:30 p.m. Regular Select Board Meeting 11/22/2022 *Schedule is subject to change, Public Meeting Calendar serves as official posting of Select Board Meeting dates/agendas