HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-12-16-HC-min.pdf Lexington Historical Commission Lexington, Massachusetts 02173 MEETING MINUTES - December 16 , 1988 Meeting convened at 7 : 30 PM in Room 111 of Town Office Building. Present were Commission members Gilman, Gubisch, McKenna and Witthoft. Minutes of the previous meeting - November 16 , 1987 - were approved as read. OLD BUSINESS 1 ) Cosgrove/Cutler Farmhouse archaeology - Witthoft reported that the Lexington Council on the Arts declined our request for a $300 emergency archaeology fund. She also received letter from Sinecki of National Park Service regarding events of July 8, 1987 , wherein contractors at Cosgrove site refused to comply with his suggestion for layered stripping of soil to permit exploration. Separately, the MHC reported two archaeology sites were destroyed elsewhere in the state ; Witthoft will contact the MHC to pursue the problem. 2 ) Preservation funding - McKenna spoke with Town Counsel Cohen about setting up revolving funds ; Cohen saw a potential problem with how we might get funding, ande-. .h-0,41 will contact Town Manager to clarify. 3 ) East Lexington National Register District - Gubisch reported that docintation was proceeding slowly, goal for submission to MHC by Preservation Week (May, 1988 ) . 4 ) Publicity/brochure Gubisch received Cary Library solicitation, agreed that format was suitable for Commission publicity flyer informing residents of our function and differences from other local historical groups . Gubisch to lay out rough draft . 5 ) Preservation Matching Grants - McKenna reported that our publicity in Minuteman about MHC funds produced 4 inquiries, and that all 4 applied for grants : Greek Orthodox Church, First Parish Church, Town ( re walls at West Farm) and a 4th couldn 't be recalled at that time. 6 ) State Bill S1285 - McKenna informed her State House contact of our position on this bill which clarifies single parcel historic districts , and Gubisch likewise informed Rep. Doran of our support during an informal meeting . 7 ) 29 Allen Street - Gilman will reserve an article in 1988 warrant to support preservation of this 1750 dwelling; Gubisch to contact Swensons regarding preservation easements . - 2 - 8 ) Commission memberships in other organizations - Gubisch determined that LHC has $200 budget; upon application to Town Manager we can join National Trust , Historic Mass . , Inc. and Bay State Historical League. Gubisch to prepare request, forward to Town Manger. NEW BUSINESS 1 ) 160 Wood Street Barn - Witthoft and Gilman to contact owner Reuven Liebhaber about inspecting structure for which demolition permit has been requested. 2 ) other new business - Witthoft suggested that LHC have a display case in Town Hall, with a "take me" compartment for our eventual brochure. She will pursue matter with Town Manager's office. NEXT MEETING - January 28 , 1988 ADJOURNED - 9 : 00PM Respect_ully submitted, Roland W. Gubisch January 28 , 1988