HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-05-05-HC-min.pdf THE LEXINGTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION Lexington, Massachusetts 02173 MEETING May 5, 1980 7:30 p.m. Town Office Building, Room 111 Present: Anne Grady(Chair) , Sara Chose, Robe F-llick Other - Rich: rd. LLton Lexington Historical Society Council 1:embers : Altbca Dyer, Jornne Gschwendtner, filbur J-cuith Historic Districts CimNission: John Packard, :inda RichrdMorehouse Lexington : intitem-,n : Bob Jeltsch, reporter PRE7I'RV=011 I:TEK hhhRD Rich r , Laton accepted this year's Excellence in Preervation for the - orl: which he 'nd his wife Dorothy have completed on their home rt 53 Hancock Street, The LHC noted. that the installation of solar panels was com) tible with the historical and architectural ch' racter of t is houre, and in addition to the bertific te, presented Mr. Laton with a copy of Joan Hebber 's boot How Old is your House? MIL.LROOJ VAL= PIHHR The L indicated in a letter to Francis J. iloocroft the g-neral approval of the plan ?recanted on 2,pril 17. Information of the final 6ec'im of the :wwer in the area of 14 Hancock Street was requested, as crc notification in the event that any o.rcheoloJical sites are un- covered or any situations -rise which ml ht affect Lexin :ton historic properties . SU= :;77T.R1 Search for , summer intern to work on the Inventory continues since the funds will he available from toe Town. Resumes of H:nry Taves md 5- 11y nelson core read . 0t ]er re .ubLes will be solicited from 7-o-ton Uhivr,?rcity , Urlivsr ,it7 of 7=ont , the hrtion 'l :rust , the Ti toned a Commission. Sarah : e , aae rady , md Bebe Fr2alick will interview Henry T' ves on Dy 15. 1:77W GO_ ITT -SIPH 7'F'11:EqP. - ne Grady hcs read thru the Lexinr,;ton T- lent Bank and hc s recommended the Ippo nt nt o initin G-Llm n to replce Lonl", Eo en whose term expires in June, 1980. . IiI3'207„IcLL OkTSSI0H The LIla hc.s no pl ns for Lippliotion since the survey will be completed cad -Lace no 01'1 r aatchin rant projects are anticipated. RTD CR033 BUILDING Town Y.---nLger Robert Hutchinson has assured. the LH; of support for the project. 7ilbur Jaquith greed to look into the position of the Housinc; LutLority req rcinq local control , nd autority , T5 the question Was r- ied in relation to ince of state -nde.,deral funds. MITI-';G May 5, 1980 page 2 THE LEXINGTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION Lexington, Massachusetts 02173 Possible uses of. r :taiation procedures were discussed as follows : Office for the To,In 171121 yees _recILt Union - the question -rose ° s to the amount of rent paid in the p- st by the Red ,ross Nixed use for house ncl barn zoning restrictions were questioned Restoration for ousiug by a source such as a bank or public group Restoration by r, vc: tional srhoo1 )ro ited c,uestions on super- vision and control of actual construction , nd the Building Commistionerts re ulntons Use by the Lexington Historical 9ociety as a working museum for children - question as to ordinary maintenance vs. extra- ordin ry expenses Commercial possibilities such as tea room or shop comuitible with those oreseotly in Lexington A memorial to Reverend Handley T"-le repair costs were raised no, the oust ncemothers ' estimate was cited only as a quick walk through estimate. Te need to present a proper and convincing -1-3uTa,:nt to Town Nesting r-ised the --pects of the visu' l rpperrrnce of the -reif the hou-e were to be demolished or repl' ced, the fact th-t there are not so many old houses in Lexington, nd the tourist v-10.e of the house. Lr:'rry -ihipo7e will be r -kea to reserrch the history of the cu e. 'Ihe question rro-,..q, s to just t the Town ::seting legally needs to aporove. T Next meeting lv:ay ,220 1980. Bebe E07,1, ick