HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-06-07-HC-min.pdf THE LEXINGTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION Lexington, Massachusetts 02173 Minutes The Lexington Historical Commission held its June meeting at 7:30 P.M. on Wednesday, June 7, 1978 in the Town Hall. Three members attended : Chairperson Anne Grady, Sara B. Chase, and Elizabeth W. Reinhardt. The first item of business was an interview with Mr. John Orcutt, an architect who is being considered for the vacancy left by the resignation of Richard Morehouse. After de- scribing the duties and activities of theCommission, the attending members discussed with Mr. Orcutt his possible contri- butions to on-going and potential projects of the Commission. The next item under discussion was the possibility of placing preservation restructions on the farm house on the Wilson property. The Meadowlands Association, an ad hoc neighborhood group which recently putchased the Wilson ;d721c)erty, plans to sell the farm house with some surrounding acreage, plus two more house lots, and to sell the rest of the land to the Lexington Conservation Commission. The Historical Commission and the Meadowlands Association hope to work out more specific plans in the future. On a motion by Elizabeth Reinhardt, seanded by Sara Chase, the Commission boted to allocate $25 to subscribe to the expanded services (mainly publications ) now offered to member organizations by the National Trust for Historic Preservation. Another motion made by Reinhardt and seconded by Chase called for investigation of the possibility of travel reimbursement for Chase for her trip to the Historic Building Conservation Seminar at the Institutue of Advanced Architecgural Studies at the Univer- sity of York, England , in September. Discussion of the problem of the nature of the Chairmanship of the Commission, and who will perform those duties in the coming year occupied most of the est of the meeting. Among the possibilities mentioned were : each member to take responsibility for one of the major duties (grant cycle notification, preparation of budget, report for TownReport, etc. ) , split duties between two co-chairpersons, and chairman 's duties tobe shared by all on a rotating basis. It was decided to try the latter. The Battle Green National Register Historic District certificate has arrived , and in order to achieve some publicity, presentation will be discussed with Marge Battin by Anne Grady. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. fl Respectfully submitted , t t_