Lexington, Massachusetts 02173
Room G 5 January 16, 1978
Lexington Town Office Building 7:45 PM
Voting Memebers Present: Anne Grady, Chair; Richard Morehouse, Sara Chase,
Elizabeth Reinhardt
Guests, Mr and Mrs. Snyder, new owners of Sanderson House
SANDERSON Discussion with Snyders of present condition of Sanderson
HOUSE House, necessary repairs, possible changes. Commission
members generally suggested using Hancock-Clarke House
as model for exterior changes - eg. replacing exterior
shingles with clapboard, changing present 2 over 2 windows
with 6 over 6. Repair and reshingle roof.
Ms. Chase recommended contacting the Energy Bank re insulation,
energy conserving rehabilitation.
Suggested phasing of work: concentrate on stabilization in
first phase, ie structure, foundation, basement, chimneys.
Recommended Strawbery Banke and Old Deerfield as possible
research sources, SPNEA for analysis of paint, other technical
Promised Snyders advice and assistance before District com-
mission meeting in March.
HANCOCK SCHOOL Consensus of commission was that such restrictions were necessary
PRESERVATION to protect school until it becomes part of Battle Green Historic
RESTRICTIONS District. Commission worked on recommendation for holder of
preservation restriction to avoid possible horrors of car-shed,
awnings, balconies, changes in window-size and shape, and
to provide conservation restriction on land. Unclear what
present zoning status of land was. Ms. Grady said she would
call Iris Wheation of Planning Board.
COMMUNITY Jeff Shaw has said Lexington may not be eligible for grant.
DEVELOPMENT Ms. Grady reported that Norma Bogen will investigate and
BLOCK report to commission at next meeting.
FUTURE NEWS Commission still feels need for better publicity, higher
RELEASES visiblity in town affairs.
Suggested future news stories included article on presentation
ofpreservation books to Library, brief biographies on each
member of commission, reports on possible ceremonies for
presentation of certificate of acceptance to National Register
for Sherburne House, Battle Green Historic District.
Ms. Reinhardt mentioned ceremony planned by Church of Jesus
LHC - Jan. 16, 1978 2
Christ, Latter Day Saints and letter from Albert Fisher
inviting LHC to presentation of certificate in April.
MASSACHUSETTS Ms. Grady read letter from Mass. Film Bureau asking for
FILM BUREAU information on possible historic and picturesque sites in
town which could serve as film locations. Consensus was that
Bureau might be interested in Dick Morehouse's Bicentennial
BAY STATE Ms. Grady announced that Ms. Reinhardt has been appointed
HISTORICAL representative for the Lexington Historical Society to Bay
LEAGUE State Historical League. She will also report on meetings
to LHC.
MOON HILL As final National Register application project Ms. Grady
NATIONAL suggested commission nominate Moon Hill. Morehouse raised
REGISTER possible objection that residents feared exposure of publicity.
Ms. Reinhardt mentioned that there was only minimal publicity
about other National Register properties in town. Owners
of those properties have neither objected nor suffered, suggest
there is little for Moon Hill to fear