Lexington, Massachusetts 02173
Room G 19 September 26, 1977
Lexington Town Office Building 7:30 PM
Voting Members Present: Anne Grady, Chair; Sara Chase, Norma Bogen,
Elizabeth Reinhardt
Guests: None
The meeting was called to order at 7:45 by Anne Grady.
HANCOCK Sara Chase reported on developments in the Committee on School
SCHOOL Building Reuse. It is likely that the Hancock School will be
sold to an as yet unnamed developer. The probable future use
will be for housing. The Committee has unanimously accepted
the idea of preservation restrictions to run with the deed,
such restrictions to be held and administered 'by the Town, '
i.e. presumably by the Historical Commission as the town's
preservation agency.
Ms. Chase presented a letter from Keith Butters to the Reuse
Committee which questioned the role and powers of the Hist-
orical Commission. Ms. Grady and Ms. Chase have replied with
a letter clarifying statutory responsibilities of the Commission,
Ms. Grady has consulted Norman Cohen, Town Counsel, on a
change in the Battle Green Historic District legislation which
would extend the boundaries of the District to include all of
Belfry Hill and the Hancock School lot to Forest Street.
Ms. Chase recommended a complete analysis of the physical
properties of the Hancock School, including original paint
analysis, mortar analysis for proper repointing, as well
as a photographic and documentary history of the building.
Application for a National Trust consultant's grant was
ASSOCIATION The Commission will request funds from the Town Manager to
OF reimburse Ms. Chase either in part or in full for expenses
PRESERVATION in attending the annual meeting of the Association for Pres-
TECHNOLOGY ervation Technology, held in Cleveland, Ohio, September 28-
October 1. Anticipated total cost will be $305.30. Ms. Bogen
made the motion that the request be made, Ms. Reinhardt
seconded, passed unanimously, Ms. Chase abstaining.
SERIES Ms. Reinhardt's proposal to the Museum of Our National Heritage
to give a series of classes on architectural history and
preservation strategies for volunteers was briefly discussed.
The Commission members expressed a willingness to have the
Commission sponsor the series. However, Ms. Reinhardt
pointed out that this would involve a possible conflict of
interest in which case whe would feel obligated to resign
from the Commission. She will propose to the Lexington
Historical Society that it sponsor the series instead.
INVENTORY It was proposed that a YES student from the High School be
hired to help with transfer of maps from orignal field copies
of the inventory forms to the finished typed copies. Chase
moved, Grady seconded, unanimously accepted.
GIFT OF The Commission's gift of a number of volumes on historic
BOOKS preservation and architectural history was discussed. Originally
planned to be taken from the FY '77 budget, the order was
filled so slowly by the National Trust that billing will have
to be. appled to FY '78's budget.
PUBLICITY The publication of a flyer explaining duties and differences
of the Historical Commission, Historic Districts Commission,
and the Historical Society was discussed. Ms. Bogen suggested
use of an attractive, serious format to enhance the respecta-
bility of the Commission's image. Ms. Grady will ask the
Minuteman Vocational High School for a price quote.
BUDGET FY '79 It was decided after discussion that no capital budget request
will be made for publication of the inventory. The Commission
will instead seek advance subscription, donations and gifts.
The Massachusetts Historical Commission should be approached
for advice in funding a publication.
The budget request will ask for funds to cover cost of the
public relations flyer as well as color sheds for an education-
al out-reach program for the schools.
TOWN Text of the Town Report's entry on the Historical Commission
REPORT will include a definition of the Commission's responsibilities,
work accomplished in the last year.
HISTORICAL Ms. Grady read a letter from the sponsors of an Historical
MUSEUM OF Museum of New England to be established in the Charlestown
NEW ENGLAND Navy Yard by 1980, which will emphasize maritime history. The
Commission agreed to send a letter of support.
WILSON FARM Ms. Grady circulated a letter written by her to Ruth Doran,
executrix of the Wilson Farm off Fern Street, expressing
the wish that the building and barn be preserved in some form,
if possible, in any future development.
EAST The possiblity of using Community Development Block Grant
LEXINGTON funds to assist in rehabilitating East Lexington's housing
was discussed. Ms. Bogen pointed out that criteria for the
grant emphasize low and moderate housing needs and elimination
of blight. No previous application from Lexington has included
a rehabilitation request. Ms. Bogen pointed out that the
Ipswich Historical Commission administers a CD block grant which
has created low/moderate income housing from some of the town's
earliest houses. Other suggested models were Sudbury's
rehablitation program using CD money and Jamaica Plains HOusing
Improvement Project.
Ms. Bogen will provide the Commission with information on
requirements, procedures and criteria for application and
administration of CD Block Grant funds. It was agreed that other
agencis in the Town which should be involved included the Town
Manager's office, the Housing Authority, the Historic Districts
Commission and the Planning Board. Possible money available
could be as much as $100,000. One potential problem would be
increased assessments once a building was rehablitated.
NATIONAL The Massachusetts Historical Commission's monthly newsletter
REGISTER has announced that Federally guarenteed loans will be available
DISTRICT to homeowners in National Register districts. Anne Grady will
LOANS see that the information reaches owners in the Battle Green
MONUMENT The problem of a sloution for the present illegibility of the •
MARKER marker on the 1799 Battle Green monument was once again discussed.
Anne Grady proposed that a plaque with the monument's inscription
be displayed by the monument which should be left in its present
condition. The original 1799 slate, now in possession of the
Historical Society could be displayed either in. Cary Library or
at the Hancock Clarke House„ Both the Historic Districts
Commission and the Historical Society will have to be contacted
with the proposal.--
The meeting adjourned at 9:45. Next meeting will be Tuesday,
October 25, at 7:30.