Lexington, Massachusetts 02173
Room G-15 December 12
Lexington Town Office Building 7 : 30 PM
Voting members present : Anne Grady, Chair; Sara Chase ; Dick
Morehouse; Elizabeth Reinhardt.
Guests : None.
Meeting was called to order at 7 : 40 by Anne Grady, Chair.
Members agreed that materials of general interest received Circulation
by Anne Grady from the Massachusetts Historical Commission, of materials
National Trust, Bay State Historical League and other
preservation agencies ought to be collected and circulated
monthly. Materials will go from Anne Grady to Donna Brown,
to Sara Chase to Dick Morehouse to Elizabeth Reinhardt, to
be returned to the Chair at the monthly meeting .
After some discussion on the value of the activities and Bay State
notices of the Bay State Historical League because of their Historical
interest in publications , local history and meetings it League.
was voted unanimously that the commission become a member Membership
organization. Moved, Reinhardt ; seconded, Morehouse .
Voted to proceed with nomination of East Lexington railroad East Lexing-
station to the National Register because of its interest as to Railroad
a very early commuter station in the Boston area, and because Station
of the significant impact of the railroad on town develop-
ment. Until vandalized in the summer of 1976 the building
was substantially unaltered from the 1850s . Moved,Reinhardt ;
seconded, Chase . Unanimous .
Voted to pay Theatre Camera for photographic processing and Photographic
supplies : $12 . 80 for 32"x5" black and white prints for the Costs
Battle Green Historic District inventory, $6 . 90 for five
rolls of 36 exposure, 35mm Plus-x film to continue photo-
graphic coverage of the inventory. Also voted to reimburse
Elizabeth Reinhardt $4. 50 for three 5"x7" prints submitted
for the commission' s entry in the Town Report . Moved, Chase ;
seconded, Morehouse; Unanimous .
Mrs , Reinhardt proposed that weekly meetings with volunteers Inventory
helping with the inventory begin in January,. Purpose of Volunteers '
meetings to bring inventory forms to completion by transcrib- Meeting
ing maps , ehecing names of owners , assigning deed research
Lexington, Massachusetts 02173
December 12 , Minutes - 2
if necessary. Meetings to be held Wednesdays , 1 : 00 - 4: 00PM
at 10 Eliot Road.
Dick Morehouse will continue working on the Moon Hill inventory.
Anne Grady will present Bob Hilton, director of the Lexington National
libraries with a certificate of acceptance of the Stone Building Register
to the National Register. Elizabeth Reinhardt will photo- Certifi-
graph the ceremony for a picture in the Minute Man, cate.
Discussion about the proposed -publication of the inventory Publicatic
followed. Sources for possible models include lists in Bay of
State Historical League newsletter, the National Trust' s region- Inventory
al office' s library of recently published town histories , and
the Cambridge Historical Commission' s five volumes .
Among topics the commission felt such a publication
ought to cover were the use of pattern books in building design,
the impact of the railroad, special neighborhood characteristics ,
sources and development of Lexington' s architecture, a chrono-
logical survey of Lexington' s development, and a section on the
contribution of agriculture and market gardening.
The audience for such a publication may be those
interested in local or architectural history within the town and
tourists . Distribution through a local agency suchas the
Historical Society was discussed.
Comparison with the way other towns financed such.
publications suggested that advance subscription and donation
might be the best , , although some towns such as Natick have
voted town funds for similar projects .
Dick Morehouse said that Robert Howard of Casco Realty has bought House at
80 Waltham Street and is trying to get a variance from the 80 Walth�
Board of Appeals which will permit him to use the building for
business purposes . Morehouse is redesigning the facade to make
it a more agreeable contribution to the street. It was
agreed that Grady, Chase and Reinhardt would go through the
building on January 20 , to see if it had significant arch-
itectural merit.
Sara Chase pointed out that it is the obligation of the Preservatic
Commission to prepare a preservation plan. It was decided Plan
to invite Ken Briggs , town planner, to the next commission
The next meeting will be February 17th.
Meeting adjourned at 9 : 35 .
Respectfully submitted,
Elizabeth Reinhardt for
Donna Brown, Secretary