Lexington, Massachusetts 02173
Room G-15 May 10, 1976
Lexington Town Office .Building 7:30 P.M.
Voting Members Present Chairman, Elizabeth Reinhardt, Richard
Morehouse, Anne Grady, Donna Brown.
Guests Elizabeth and Bob Southeimer, 63 Hancock St
Janet Hathaway, 66 North St., Mardi Brooke, 26 Hancock St. , Lawrence
Whipple, Thomas J. Hotzbog, 5 Hancock Ave. , Sidney & Georgia Williams,
196 Follen Road, Martin Gilman, 56 Bloomfield St. , Bebe Fallick, 4
Diehl Rd., Wilbur Jaquith, Roland Ereeley,
Mrs. Reinhardt gave a brief description of what the Commission is doing
and what our responsibilities are. We are interested in finding any
interested persons for help in the preservation aspect. Several of those
present indicated such an interest.
Mr. Jaquith Followed with a description of the duties of the Historic
Districts Commission.
It was suggested by Mr. Greeley that we look into the possibilities of
Preservation Easements. This could protect the exterior of many buildings EASEMENTS
in which we may take an interest.
There were questions concerning the tax practices of the town in regard
to work done to preserve a structure and the increase in taxes that may
occur. We should see if there could be some advantage applied to prop- TAX POLICY
erties that are kept in repair and are of some Historical significance .
The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 P.M. Executive Session 9 :00 P.M.
Mrs Reinhardt advised that Mr. Thomas Taylor has resigned effective at once.
We will ask for another appointment by the Town Manager. We will send REPLACE
our recomendations to Mr. O,Connell as soon as we have an opportunity to MR. TAYLOR
find some qualified and interested person.
Donna Brown, Secretary